00:03 - 00:09
attention PR business owner now he is
00:06 - 00:11
already 2024 where do you think all your
00:09 - 00:13
customer will be do you know that most
00:11 - 00:15
of the customers are already online
00:13 - 00:17
making all sorts of purchases this
00:15 - 00:20
include printing services the golden
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question now is are you also online no
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not yet don't worry the good news is you
00:23 - 00:27
are not alone so why are you not online
00:25 - 00:30
in the first place many posters told me
00:27 - 00:33
that they have three major leg number
00:30 - 00:36
one lck of capital number two lck of
00:33 - 00:38
knowledge and number three lck of
00:36 - 00:40
resources and we're still some even told
00:38 - 00:43
me that they don't have time to go
00:40 - 00:45
online let me tell you if you don't have
00:43 - 00:49
customer then you have all the time that
00:45 - 00:52
youi so don't worry price C is here to
00:49 - 00:55
solve all the problems for you one stone
00:52 - 00:58
can kill all your birs free free your
00:55 - 01:01
hair only the air and the sunlight are
00:58 - 01:03
free okay seriously now I am also a
01:01 - 01:05
print shop owner in Singapore called
01:03 - 01:07
Express print if you read about my
01:05 - 01:10
history you have seen how I won from two
01:07 - 01:13
table to 14 shops making it the largest
01:10 - 01:15
print shop chain and at 2014 we will
01:13 - 01:18
also awarded the Platinum star achiever
01:15 - 01:20
award and so how do I do it I actually
01:18 - 01:23
rely on software to automate and run my
01:20 - 01:25
print business now I have redeveloped
01:23 - 01:28
the software into a commercial version
01:25 - 01:32
so that any printing company can use our
01:28 - 01:34
software to a to make their business N I
01:32 - 01:37
know your concern you're worried about
01:34 - 01:39
the cost the knowledge and the resources
01:37 - 01:42
right so don't worry it is going to be
01:39 - 01:44
super affordable through a subscription
01:42 - 01:46
and I guarantee you that it's simple to
01:44 - 01:48
learn and you will be very easy to
01:46 - 01:50
implement into your PR business and this
01:48 - 01:53
is what will happen when you first
01:50 - 01:55
subscribe we will give you a domain and
01:53 - 01:57
install the entire system into the
01:55 - 01:59
server and once this is done all you
01:57 - 02:02
need to do is to start inputting your
01:59 - 02:05
costing such as material printing cost
02:02 - 02:07
etc etc and all this can be done in the
02:05 - 02:10
few minutes and boom price C can
02:07 - 02:13
formulate your selling price based on
02:10 - 02:15
all your inputs now okay so let me show
02:13 - 02:17
you it is not going to be difficult in
02:15 - 02:19
just a few crate we are able to set up
02:17 - 02:21
the product and come up with a product
02:19 - 02:22
easily now first of all when our
02:21 - 02:24
software have been installed in your
02:22 - 02:26
system this is what you will see in
02:24 - 02:28
order to generate a code we need to have
02:26 - 02:32
four Heavenly King number one you need
02:28 - 02:36
to know the material cost the printing
02:32 - 02:38
sizes the print cost and the quantity so
02:36 - 02:41
we these four things right it will not
02:38 - 02:43
be possible for you or your customer to
02:41 - 02:46
generate any costing now let me go into
02:43 - 02:48
each of the component individually to
02:46 - 02:50
show you how are we going to do it
02:48 - 02:51
easily step by step all right so click
02:50 - 02:54
on the top right hand corner add
02:51 - 02:56
material first of all we need to select
02:54 - 02:59
what is it for all you need to do is to
02:56 - 03:02
put in a code okay any of your SKU
02:59 - 03:03
material code up to 8 digit and for the
03:02 - 03:07
name put in the name that you want
03:03 - 03:10
customer to identify for example aut 200
03:07 - 03:13
g okay now you need to select the
03:10 - 03:15
measurement unit and then we need to set
03:13 - 03:17
up the maximum print area if you are
03:15 - 03:19
using a digital printing machine most
03:17 - 03:23
probably the size of the print area will
03:19 - 03:26
be 310 mm by 450 mm The Next Step you
03:23 - 03:29
need to do is to set up the per sheet
03:26 - 03:30
price assuming that this is uh 20 cents
03:29 - 03:32
per sheet so I just need to put in 20
03:30 - 03:34
cent and that's it I have done for the
03:32 - 03:36
material now let's move on to the next
03:34 - 03:38
component that is the printing sizes
03:36 - 03:41
same on the top right hand corner at
03:38 - 03:44
printing size and select what is it for
03:41 - 03:47
so I will give in a code I put in the
03:44 - 03:49
size all right and I put in demo okay
03:47 - 03:52
this description is actually for my own
03:49 - 03:54
view viewing the measurement unit when
03:52 - 03:57
you set up a new size right we have
03:54 - 03:59
already give you some of the sizes that
03:57 - 04:02
are commonly ordered by the customer you
03:59 - 04:04
can of course remove it or add more size
04:02 - 04:06
over here we can actually put in custom
04:04 - 04:09
size do you want customer to enter their
04:06 - 04:12
own size if yes you just need to click
04:09 - 04:14
if no then you can just leave it this
04:12 - 04:17
way let me just save as active and there
04:14 - 04:19
you go it's done so this is how we set
04:17 - 04:21
up our printing C again top right hand
04:19 - 04:23
corner select this for loose sheet so
04:21 - 04:25
over here you can go by sheet and then
04:23 - 04:28
by a single drop down and all we need to
04:25 - 04:30
do is to enter in the different type of
04:28 - 04:32
printing that you are off offering to
04:30 - 04:35
your customer so I just do this as an
04:32 - 04:36
example we just save it over here all
04:35 - 04:38
right it's done so what is the last
04:36 - 04:41
Heavenly thinging that we need to do
04:38 - 04:43
quantity so over here in the quantity
04:41 - 04:45
same we set up the new one now there is
04:43 - 04:48
two type of quantity that we can set up
04:45 - 04:49
over here one is called the minan Max
04:48 - 04:52
and the other one is called the custom
04:49 - 04:53
plus increment so how do we do minan Max
04:52 - 04:55
means that what is the minimum that the
04:53 - 04:57
customer can Brint and what is the
04:55 - 04:59
maximum that you allow the customer to
04:57 - 05:01
order now why don't I just go into cust
04:59 - 05:03
plus increment so sometime when people
05:01 - 05:06
order business card we want them to
05:03 - 05:09
order in 100 200 300 right this is what
05:06 - 05:12
we can do so we put in 100 at the start
05:09 - 05:14
and in multiple of 100 ending at for
05:12 - 05:17
example 2,000 this is what the customer
05:14 - 05:19
can choose but in case if you want to
05:17 - 05:21
allow them to print just one piece for
05:19 - 05:24
sample you can put in the custom
05:21 - 05:27
quantity here as one and you realize
05:24 - 05:30
that the one is on top already and I
05:27 - 05:32
going to save save it so you see it is
05:30 - 05:34
so easy for us to create the four basic
05:32 - 05:37
components that make up of a printing
05:34 - 05:39
cost now let us put all this component
05:37 - 05:41
into a product and see how price C can
05:39 - 05:44
works is Magic first of all go to the
05:41 - 05:47
product add a new product again the
05:44 - 05:49
source and of course the code now there
05:47 - 05:51
is four arric over here these are the
05:49 - 05:53
four main thing that you need to put in
05:51 - 05:54
so we can just add the add button and
05:53 - 05:56
then you can select the material that
05:54 - 05:58
you have created earlier on so just now
05:56 - 06:01
I have created this 200 g okay let me
05:58 - 06:03
the do the size for you this is the size
06:01 - 06:05
that I have created is it and of course
06:03 - 06:08
I can add in the printing color which is
06:05 - 06:10
the side front and both and last but not
06:08 - 06:13
least that is the quantity that I have
06:10 - 06:16
selected ear on one and then 100 so let
06:13 - 06:18
us see some of the basic calculation
06:16 - 06:20
over in the price calculator you see
06:18 - 06:21
that it's a material price over here
06:20 - 06:23
that is actually your cost price and
06:21 - 06:25
then your print color what is your
06:23 - 06:28
printing cost over in the additional
06:25 - 06:31
information you can actually see how
06:28 - 06:34
many imposition can this size be fixed
06:31 - 06:36
onto this aut size that we have
06:34 - 06:40
specified earlier on okay last but not
06:36 - 06:43
least you will need 113 sheets of paper
06:40 - 06:45
in order to complete this order for you
06:43 - 06:47
is it good let me just show you another
06:45 - 06:48
tips if you want to add more material
06:47 - 06:51
just he in the material or select the
06:48 - 06:53
material over here you will appear is it
06:51 - 06:55
if I want my customer to upload the file
06:53 - 06:58
what should I do come over to file
06:55 - 07:00
upload just select the file storage and
06:58 - 07:02
this is what the customer will see and
07:00 - 07:05
this is where they can upload their file
07:02 - 07:07
to you how about production teline you
07:05 - 07:10
can just select like for example notice
07:07 - 07:13
that the price is 5650 yeah and using a
07:10 - 07:16
normal product timeline what happen if
07:13 - 07:19
they want it faster as we choose
07:16 - 07:21
guarantee ah the price increased then
07:19 - 07:24
there's a $50 SE charge because of the
07:21 - 07:26
guaranteed dat so this is very useful to
07:24 - 07:28
printing company especially to your
07:26 - 07:30
customer service when quoting their
07:28 - 07:33
customers how about out Services you can
07:30 - 07:36
set up many type of outward Services I
07:33 - 07:39
can choose you see either not required
07:36 - 07:41
or email proof of course we can have
07:39 - 07:43
many options it depend on how you set up
07:41 - 07:46
the whole entire thing if you have ke
07:43 - 07:49
all the cost as in real cost R you need
07:46 - 07:51
to add in profit margin so let me just
07:49 - 07:54
show you if I set up this margin you
07:51 - 07:56
will automatically add the percentage
07:54 - 07:58
here so how do this thing work simply go
07:56 - 08:00
to profit margin and this is the margin
07:58 - 08:04
that I have selected so it's quite
08:00 - 08:06
simple like uh 50 and Below how much you
08:04 - 08:07
want to add so on and so forth so this
08:06 - 08:10
is how you can set up different profit
08:07 - 08:12
margin for different product let me just
08:10 - 08:14
show you a complete product how will you
08:12 - 08:16
look like I just show you probably a
08:16 - 08:21
sticker you see this is the complete way
08:19 - 08:23
printing size printing cost quantity I
08:21 - 08:25
even add in different touch shape
08:23 - 08:28
different uh product timeline artwork
08:25 - 08:30
file storage remarks this is how we can
08:28 - 08:33
generate so this is how simple it is for
08:30 - 08:36
us to stack up the entire pricing
08:33 - 08:38
structure so when this is all done the
08:36 - 08:41
front end will show something like this
08:38 - 08:41
K still sticker over
08:42 - 08:47
here this is what we have just selected
08:44 - 08:50
ear on night you will happen onto the
08:47 - 08:53
front end simple how long do I actually
08:50 - 08:56
spend probably less than 5 minutes and
08:53 - 08:58
this is a oneoff effort so let price C
08:56 - 09:01
handle your pricing strategy and then
08:58 - 09:04
you can sell easily to all your customer
09:01 - 09:07
online now let me tell you four reasons
09:04 - 09:10
why price car will be an essential tools
09:07 - 09:12
to your print business firstly price car
09:10 - 09:14
can easily automate your entire sales
09:12 - 09:17
process working day and night for you
09:14 - 09:19
helping you to increase sales and reduce
09:17 - 09:22
your cost you no longer need a sales
09:19 - 09:24
person to handle the sales after all a
09:22 - 09:27
software will be more reliable than a
09:24 - 09:29
human right and secondly price car is
09:27 - 09:31
designed to be simple and easy to use
09:29 - 09:34
like what I have shown you earlier on
09:31 - 09:36
you can easily set up many products to a
09:34 - 09:39
few Creeks even for your customer they
09:36 - 09:42
can easily generate the pr pricing and
09:39 - 09:45
praise order themselves no longer need
09:42 - 09:47
to wait for you to revert the pricing
09:45 - 09:49
and thirdly price car provides most of
09:47 - 09:52
the things that you will need to start
09:49 - 09:54
or even transform into a mega online PR
09:52 - 09:57
business this all in-one solution even
09:54 - 09:59
comes with a professional e-commerce
09:57 - 10:02
website that is specifically tailored
09:59 - 10:04
for your print business and lastly in
10:02 - 10:07
this generation can you really afford to
10:04 - 10:09
be lagging behind today customers will
10:07 - 10:12
want the fastest and most convenient way
10:09 - 10:13
to order print price count not only
10:12 - 10:16
helps your customer to generate
10:13 - 10:18
quotations and pra and order it will
10:16 - 10:21
also help you to collect payment and
10:18 - 10:24
issue invoices no more worries on bed
10:21 - 10:26
debts and you can be cash rich now price
10:24 - 10:29
car is developed by printers for
10:26 - 10:31
printers there is you give price car a
10:29 - 10:34
try today and transform from a
10:31 - 10:37
traditional PR business into an online
10:34 - 10:39
PR Empire don't hesitate anymore and
10:37 - 10:42
risk losing your customers to your
10:39 - 10:44
competitors all you need now is just a
10:42 - 10:47
decision and price c will take care of
10:44 - 10:50
the rest still not convinced contact us
10:47 - 10:53
now for a personalized demo