00:03 - 00:09

attention PR business owner now he is

00:06 - 00:11

already 2024 where do you think all your

00:09 - 00:13

customer will be do you know that most

00:11 - 00:15

of the customers are already online

00:13 - 00:17

making all sorts of purchases this

00:15 - 00:20

include printing services the golden

00:17 - 00:23

question now is are you also online no

00:20 - 00:25

not yet don't worry the good news is you

00:23 - 00:27

are not alone so why are you not online

00:25 - 00:30

in the first place many posters told me

00:27 - 00:33

that they have three major leg number

00:30 - 00:36

one lck of capital number two lck of

00:33 - 00:38

knowledge and number three lck of

00:36 - 00:40

resources and we're still some even told

00:38 - 00:43

me that they don't have time to go

00:40 - 00:45

online let me tell you if you don't have

00:43 - 00:49

customer then you have all the time that

00:45 - 00:52

youi so don't worry price C is here to

00:49 - 00:55

solve all the problems for you one stone

00:52 - 00:58

can kill all your birs free free your

00:55 - 01:01

hair only the air and the sunlight are

00:58 - 01:03

free okay seriously now I am also a

01:01 - 01:05

print shop owner in Singapore called

01:03 - 01:07

Express print if you read about my

01:05 - 01:10

history you have seen how I won from two

01:07 - 01:13

table to 14 shops making it the largest

01:10 - 01:15

print shop chain and at 2014 we will

01:13 - 01:18

also awarded the Platinum star achiever

01:15 - 01:20

award and so how do I do it I actually

01:18 - 01:23

rely on software to automate and run my

01:20 - 01:25

print business now I have redeveloped

01:23 - 01:28

the software into a commercial version

01:25 - 01:32

so that any printing company can use our

01:28 - 01:34

software to a to make their business N I

01:32 - 01:37

know your concern you're worried about

01:34 - 01:39

the cost the knowledge and the resources

01:37 - 01:42

right so don't worry it is going to be

01:39 - 01:44

super affordable through a subscription

01:42 - 01:46

and I guarantee you that it's simple to

01:44 - 01:48

learn and you will be very easy to

01:46 - 01:50

implement into your PR business and this

01:48 - 01:53

is what will happen when you first

01:50 - 01:55

subscribe we will give you a domain and

01:53 - 01:57

install the entire system into the

01:55 - 01:59

server and once this is done all you

01:57 - 02:02

need to do is to start inputting your

01:59 - 02:05

costing such as material printing cost

02:02 - 02:07

etc etc and all this can be done in the

02:05 - 02:10

few minutes and boom price C can

02:07 - 02:13

formulate your selling price based on

02:10 - 02:15

all your inputs now okay so let me show

02:13 - 02:17

you it is not going to be difficult in

02:15 - 02:19

just a few crate we are able to set up

02:17 - 02:21

the product and come up with a product

02:19 - 02:22

easily now first of all when our

02:21 - 02:24

software have been installed in your

02:22 - 02:26

system this is what you will see in

02:24 - 02:28

order to generate a code we need to have

02:26 - 02:32

four Heavenly King number one you need

02:28 - 02:36

to know the material cost the printing

02:32 - 02:38

sizes the print cost and the quantity so

02:36 - 02:41

we these four things right it will not

02:38 - 02:43

be possible for you or your customer to

02:41 - 02:46

generate any costing now let me go into

02:43 - 02:48

each of the component individually to

02:46 - 02:50

show you how are we going to do it

02:48 - 02:51

easily step by step all right so click

02:50 - 02:54

on the top right hand corner add

02:51 - 02:56

material first of all we need to select

02:54 - 02:59

what is it for all you need to do is to

02:56 - 03:02

put in a code okay any of your SKU

02:59 - 03:03

material code up to 8 digit and for the

03:02 - 03:07

name put in the name that you want

03:03 - 03:10

customer to identify for example aut 200

03:07 - 03:13

g okay now you need to select the

03:10 - 03:15

measurement unit and then we need to set

03:13 - 03:17

up the maximum print area if you are

03:15 - 03:19

using a digital printing machine most

03:17 - 03:23

probably the size of the print area will

03:19 - 03:26

be 310 mm by 450 mm The Next Step you

03:23 - 03:29

need to do is to set up the per sheet

03:26 - 03:30

price assuming that this is uh 20 cents

03:29 - 03:32

per sheet so I just need to put in 20

03:30 - 03:34

cent and that's it I have done for the

03:32 - 03:36

material now let's move on to the next

03:34 - 03:38

component that is the printing sizes

03:36 - 03:41

same on the top right hand corner at

03:38 - 03:44

printing size and select what is it for

03:41 - 03:47

so I will give in a code I put in the

03:44 - 03:49

size all right and I put in demo okay

03:47 - 03:52

this description is actually for my own

03:49 - 03:54

view viewing the measurement unit when

03:52 - 03:57

you set up a new size right we have

03:54 - 03:59

already give you some of the sizes that

03:57 - 04:02

are commonly ordered by the customer you

03:59 - 04:04

can of course remove it or add more size

04:02 - 04:06

over here we can actually put in custom

04:04 - 04:09

size do you want customer to enter their

04:06 - 04:12

own size if yes you just need to click

04:09 - 04:14

if no then you can just leave it this

04:12 - 04:17

way let me just save as active and there

04:14 - 04:19

you go it's done so this is how we set

04:17 - 04:21

up our printing C again top right hand

04:19 - 04:23

corner select this for loose sheet so

04:21 - 04:25

over here you can go by sheet and then

04:23 - 04:28

by a single drop down and all we need to

04:25 - 04:30

do is to enter in the different type of

04:28 - 04:32

printing that you are off offering to

04:30 - 04:35

your customer so I just do this as an

04:32 - 04:36

example we just save it over here all

04:35 - 04:38

right it's done so what is the last

04:36 - 04:41

Heavenly thinging that we need to do

04:38 - 04:43

quantity so over here in the quantity

04:41 - 04:45

same we set up the new one now there is

04:43 - 04:48

two type of quantity that we can set up

04:45 - 04:49

over here one is called the minan Max

04:48 - 04:52

and the other one is called the custom

04:49 - 04:53

plus increment so how do we do minan Max

04:52 - 04:55

means that what is the minimum that the

04:53 - 04:57

customer can Brint and what is the

04:55 - 04:59

maximum that you allow the customer to

04:57 - 05:01

order now why don't I just go into cust

04:59 - 05:03

plus increment so sometime when people

05:01 - 05:06

order business card we want them to

05:03 - 05:09

order in 100 200 300 right this is what

05:06 - 05:12

we can do so we put in 100 at the start

05:09 - 05:14

and in multiple of 100 ending at for

05:12 - 05:17

example 2,000 this is what the customer

05:14 - 05:19

can choose but in case if you want to

05:17 - 05:21

allow them to print just one piece for

05:19 - 05:24

sample you can put in the custom

05:21 - 05:27

quantity here as one and you realize

05:24 - 05:30

that the one is on top already and I

05:27 - 05:32

going to save save it so you see it is

05:30 - 05:34

so easy for us to create the four basic

05:32 - 05:37

components that make up of a printing

05:34 - 05:39

cost now let us put all this component

05:37 - 05:41

into a product and see how price C can

05:39 - 05:44

works is Magic first of all go to the

05:41 - 05:47

product add a new product again the

05:44 - 05:49

source and of course the code now there

05:47 - 05:51

is four arric over here these are the

05:49 - 05:53

four main thing that you need to put in

05:51 - 05:54

so we can just add the add button and

05:53 - 05:56

then you can select the material that

05:54 - 05:58

you have created earlier on so just now

05:56 - 06:01

I have created this 200 g okay let me

05:58 - 06:03

the do the size for you this is the size

06:01 - 06:05

that I have created is it and of course

06:03 - 06:08

I can add in the printing color which is

06:05 - 06:10

the side front and both and last but not

06:08 - 06:13

least that is the quantity that I have

06:10 - 06:16

selected ear on one and then 100 so let

06:13 - 06:18

us see some of the basic calculation

06:16 - 06:20

over in the price calculator you see

06:18 - 06:21

that it's a material price over here

06:20 - 06:23

that is actually your cost price and

06:21 - 06:25

then your print color what is your

06:23 - 06:28

printing cost over in the additional

06:25 - 06:31

information you can actually see how

06:28 - 06:34

many imposition can this size be fixed

06:31 - 06:36

onto this aut size that we have

06:34 - 06:40

specified earlier on okay last but not

06:36 - 06:43

least you will need 113 sheets of paper

06:40 - 06:45

in order to complete this order for you

06:43 - 06:47

is it good let me just show you another

06:45 - 06:48

tips if you want to add more material

06:47 - 06:51

just he in the material or select the

06:48 - 06:53

material over here you will appear is it

06:51 - 06:55

if I want my customer to upload the file

06:53 - 06:58

what should I do come over to file

06:55 - 07:00

upload just select the file storage and

06:58 - 07:02

this is what the customer will see and

07:00 - 07:05

this is where they can upload their file

07:02 - 07:07

to you how about production teline you

07:05 - 07:10

can just select like for example notice

07:07 - 07:13

that the price is 5650 yeah and using a

07:10 - 07:16

normal product timeline what happen if

07:13 - 07:19

they want it faster as we choose

07:16 - 07:21

guarantee ah the price increased then

07:19 - 07:24

there's a $50 SE charge because of the

07:21 - 07:26

guaranteed dat so this is very useful to

07:24 - 07:28

printing company especially to your

07:26 - 07:30

customer service when quoting their

07:28 - 07:33

customers how about out Services you can

07:30 - 07:36

set up many type of outward Services I

07:33 - 07:39

can choose you see either not required

07:36 - 07:41

or email proof of course we can have

07:39 - 07:43

many options it depend on how you set up

07:41 - 07:46

the whole entire thing if you have ke

07:43 - 07:49

all the cost as in real cost R you need

07:46 - 07:51

to add in profit margin so let me just

07:49 - 07:54

show you if I set up this margin you

07:51 - 07:56

will automatically add the percentage

07:54 - 07:58

here so how do this thing work simply go

07:56 - 08:00

to profit margin and this is the margin

07:58 - 08:04

that I have selected so it's quite

08:00 - 08:06

simple like uh 50 and Below how much you

08:04 - 08:07

want to add so on and so forth so this

08:06 - 08:10

is how you can set up different profit

08:07 - 08:12

margin for different product let me just

08:10 - 08:14

show you a complete product how will you

08:12 - 08:16

look like I just show you probably a

08:14 - 08:19


08:16 - 08:21

sticker you see this is the complete way

08:19 - 08:23

printing size printing cost quantity I

08:21 - 08:25

even add in different touch shape

08:23 - 08:28

different uh product timeline artwork

08:25 - 08:30

file storage remarks this is how we can

08:28 - 08:33

generate so this is how simple it is for

08:30 - 08:36

us to stack up the entire pricing

08:33 - 08:38

structure so when this is all done the

08:36 - 08:41

front end will show something like this

08:38 - 08:41

K still sticker over

08:42 - 08:47

here this is what we have just selected

08:44 - 08:50

ear on night you will happen onto the

08:47 - 08:53

front end simple how long do I actually

08:50 - 08:56

spend probably less than 5 minutes and

08:53 - 08:58

this is a oneoff effort so let price C

08:56 - 09:01

handle your pricing strategy and then

08:58 - 09:04

you can sell easily to all your customer

09:01 - 09:07

online now let me tell you four reasons

09:04 - 09:10

why price car will be an essential tools

09:07 - 09:12

to your print business firstly price car

09:10 - 09:14

can easily automate your entire sales

09:12 - 09:17

process working day and night for you

09:14 - 09:19

helping you to increase sales and reduce

09:17 - 09:22

your cost you no longer need a sales

09:19 - 09:24

person to handle the sales after all a

09:22 - 09:27

software will be more reliable than a

09:24 - 09:29

human right and secondly price car is

09:27 - 09:31

designed to be simple and easy to use

09:29 - 09:34

like what I have shown you earlier on

09:31 - 09:36

you can easily set up many products to a

09:34 - 09:39

few Creeks even for your customer they

09:36 - 09:42

can easily generate the pr pricing and

09:39 - 09:45

praise order themselves no longer need

09:42 - 09:47

to wait for you to revert the pricing

09:45 - 09:49

and thirdly price car provides most of

09:47 - 09:52

the things that you will need to start

09:49 - 09:54

or even transform into a mega online PR

09:52 - 09:57

business this all in-one solution even

09:54 - 09:59

comes with a professional e-commerce

09:57 - 10:02

website that is specifically tailored

09:59 - 10:04

for your print business and lastly in

10:02 - 10:07

this generation can you really afford to

10:04 - 10:09

be lagging behind today customers will

10:07 - 10:12

want the fastest and most convenient way

10:09 - 10:13

to order print price count not only

10:12 - 10:16

helps your customer to generate

10:13 - 10:18

quotations and pra and order it will

10:16 - 10:21

also help you to collect payment and

10:18 - 10:24

issue invoices no more worries on bed

10:21 - 10:26

debts and you can be cash rich now price

10:24 - 10:29

car is developed by printers for

10:26 - 10:31

printers there is you give price car a

10:29 - 10:34

try today and transform from a

10:31 - 10:37

traditional PR business into an online

10:34 - 10:39

PR Empire don't hesitate anymore and

10:37 - 10:42

risk losing your customers to your

10:39 - 10:44

competitors all you need now is just a

10:42 - 10:47

decision and price c will take care of

10:44 - 10:50

the rest still not convinced contact us

10:47 - 10:53

now for a personalized demo

10:50 - 10:53


# Transform Your Print Business: Embrace the Online Revolution with PriceC

In 2024, it's crucial for print business owners to recognize where their customers are heading. The majority are already online, making purchases, including printing services. This article delves into why transitioning your printing business online is essential in this digital age with PriceC—an innovative solution designed to automate your operations efficiently. Embrace the convenience and benefits of online services, ensuring your business keeps pace with changes in consumer behavior.

## Understanding the Shift to Online Services

As consumers increasingly turn to digital platforms for their purchases, it's vital for print businesses to follow suit. A staggering number of customers are now accustomed to browsing, selecting, and purchasing print services online. With online shopping offering unparalleled convenience, lacks in this area could be detrimental to your business. 

### Why Aren't You Online Yet?

Common barriers prevent many print shops from establishing an online presence:

- **Lack of Capital:** Many owners fear the initial investment required to develop an online platform.
- **Lack of Knowledge:** The technology and processes might seem daunting, leading to hesitation in embracing online solutions. 
- **Lack of Resources:** Limited staff and time can hinder efforts to shift online.

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that without customers, time is abundant. 

## Introducing PriceC: Your Solution to Going Digital

Fortunately, this is where PriceC comes into play. As someone who transformed a small print shop in Singapore into the largest print chain, I understand these challenges firsthand. My journey involved using software to streamline and automate processes. This inspired the development of PriceC—an affordable, simple-to-use software solution designed to elevate your print business online.

### Seamless Setup Process 

One of the standout features of PriceC is its user-friendly setup. Simply subscribe, and you will receive your own domain along with a complete installation of the system on your server. Inputting your costs—like material and printing costs—takes only minutes, enabling the software to calculate your prices accurately.

### Creating Your Initial Product

Setting up products is straightforward. Here’s a quick overview of how to launch your first product using PriceC:

1. **Input Basic Material Info:** Enter SKU codes and material descriptions, define measurement units, and set the maximum print area.
2. **Define Printing Sizes:** Add various printing sizes and decide if you want customers to specify custom dimensions.
3. **Establish Quantity Parameters:** Configure minimum and maximum quantities, or create custom quantities to suit customer needs.

4. **Combine Components into Products:** Link the materials, print sizes, and quantities to create a well-defined product offer. 

This intuitive process ensures you can set up your offerings in under five minutes with a single entry.

## Advantages of Utilizing PriceC 

The beauty of PriceC lies in its ability to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction:

1. **Automation of Sales Processes:** The software works continuously to drive sales and handle customer requests, minimizing the need for manual intervention.
2. **Ease of Use:** Its intuitive design allows you and your customers to generate quotes and place orders seamlessly, eliminating waiting times. 

3. **Comprehensive Functions:** PriceC comes with essential features needed to run an online print business, including a professional e-commerce site tailored specifically for the printing industry. 

4. **Competitive Edge:** In a market where customers expect speed and convenience, PriceC helps you keep up with consumer demands, automate payments, and enhance cash flow.

## Embracing the Future: Become an Online Print Powerhouse 

Transitioning your print shop online with PriceC positions you to meet the evolving demands of your customers. Not only will you enhance your operational efficiency, but you'll also ensure your business thrives in an increasingly digital market. 

With a commitment to simplicity and effectiveness, PriceC was developed by printers for printers. Don't risk falling behind in this fast-paced landscape—take the leap and transform your print business today. 

### Call to Action

Are you ready to revolutionize your print business? Get in touch now for a personalized demo of PriceC. Don’t let hesitation keep you from capturing the attention of countless customers eager for online print services. The easier path to success is just a decision away.