00:00 - 00:04
was that one hous made and that person
00:02 - 00:07
went to the toilet and left their po so
00:04 - 00:09
I went to his bag and took the the brush
00:12 - 00:20
brush even if reactions I think it's
00:15 - 00:20
will give them power see that okay
00:23 - 00:34
now do not show any relation to
00:36 - 00:41
guys there's a serious game of
00:38 - 00:44
manipulation going on in that house if
00:41 - 00:46
you have noticed if you've seen it your
00:44 - 00:48
eyes are very sharp but if you haven't
00:46 - 00:50
don't worry I've got you covered I'm
00:48 - 00:53
going to spill it all on this video If I
00:50 - 00:55
do not spill it all if there's anything
00:53 - 00:58
I miss trust me to share during our live
00:55 - 01:00
conversation today by the ways um our
00:58 - 01:03
live conversation Community gather in
01:00 - 01:05
will be happening today by 300 p.m. W so
01:03 - 01:07
please make sure you join make sure you
01:05 - 01:09
join I want to interact with all of you
01:07 - 01:11
look forward to seeing all of you all
01:09 - 01:12
right and um yeah we're going to get
01:11 - 01:15
into this video I will tell you all
01:12 - 01:17
about it there's a lot of dramatic
01:15 - 01:19
things that happened last night guys at
01:17 - 01:22
some point I was just I was exhausted
01:22 - 01:28
like it's not even up to a week yet it
01:25 - 01:31
is not even up to a week yet the moo is
01:28 - 01:34
burning it's even getting get to my head
01:31 - 01:36
but ladies and gentlemen I am referring
01:34 - 01:41
to um the drama that happened between
01:36 - 01:45
Mar no not matter Mandy Haagen um KB and
01:41 - 01:48
inuko it almost blew up into a like into
01:45 - 01:51
a huge alteration but it didn't get up
01:48 - 01:53
to that um there was a game that was
01:51 - 01:54
played with listen we don't judge by the
01:53 - 01:55
housemate yeah we're going to talk about
01:54 - 01:57
that one and there was something that
01:55 - 02:00
happened in between I would tell you all
01:57 - 02:03
about it and then late at night
02:00 - 02:07
late at night
02:03 - 02:08
Ashley decided to to shed some tears
02:08 - 02:13
something that was not even an issue
02:11 - 02:16
we're going to talk about all of that on
02:13 - 02:17
this video so please watch till the end
02:16 - 02:20
and of course let me know your thoughts
02:17 - 02:22
in the comment section below all right
02:20 - 02:24
um yeah you all especially welcome to my
02:22 - 02:26
channel my name is Gloria Elijah this is
02:24 - 02:29
Frankly Speaking with Gloria Elijah and
02:26 - 02:32
I am the girl with the tea guys let's
02:29 - 02:34
just quickly dive right into the video
02:32 - 02:37
okay I'm going to take you from the top
02:34 - 02:41
now the whole of yesterday bunny be and
02:37 - 02:43
her friends nsuku Mata and then a couple
02:41 - 02:46
of other people too um there was muzi as
02:43 - 02:48
well there was one or two other people
02:46 - 02:51
they were they were having conversations
02:48 - 02:53
they were complaining about how um they
02:51 - 02:56
because they are always talking and not
02:53 - 03:00
really playing games um they tend to
02:56 - 03:02
talk more about outside which is a game
03:00 - 03:03
the rule book yeah in the rule book
03:02 - 03:05
housemates are not supposed to talk
03:03 - 03:06
about things in the outside world
03:05 - 03:09
they're not supposed to mention certain
03:06 - 03:11
brands they are not supposed to mention
03:09 - 03:14
places or you know it's like they're
03:11 - 03:16
giving free promotion yesterday morning
03:14 - 03:18
biggy has sent a message via the head of
03:16 - 03:19
house to warn them so Bonny b and her
03:18 - 03:21
friends they were wacking their brains
03:19 - 03:23
about what to do what do we do what do
03:21 - 03:25
we do to spice up things in the house so
03:23 - 03:26
that everybody will have fun now because
03:25 - 03:28
she knows that everybody in the house
03:26 - 03:32
already have this negative perception
03:28 - 03:34
about her the decided to play a game in
03:32 - 03:36
the name of big brother because they
03:34 - 03:38
knew that that was the only way the
03:36 - 03:40
whole house would participate because
03:38 - 03:43
already the house is divided there are
03:40 - 03:45
people that are on this side the other
03:43 - 03:48
side the house is divided everybody has
03:45 - 03:50
got their own Camp yes so they decided
03:48 - 03:52
to play hide and seek yeah using big
03:50 - 03:54
brother's name so they tried it and it
03:52 - 03:57
worked because everybody rushed into the
03:54 - 03:59
house from the garden and they had fun
03:57 - 04:01
you know they enjoyed it and later on
03:59 - 04:03
they had I think after the hide and seek
04:01 - 04:05
session they had opened up that oh
04:03 - 04:06
actually it wasn't big brother we just
04:05 - 04:08
want everybody to do something different
04:06 - 04:10
you know some people were excited about
04:08 - 04:13
it some people were offended about it
04:10 - 04:16
you know maybe because Bonny be and her
04:13 - 04:19
friends organized the game now that had
04:16 - 04:21
happened they had gone ahead had the
04:19 - 04:23
arena games and then later on Bonny
04:21 - 04:24
wanted them to play games again because
04:23 - 04:27
people are still cooked up in their
04:24 - 04:30
little little Corners with their clicks
04:27 - 04:31
having conversations and you know people
04:30 - 04:33
talk too much you don't even know when
04:31 - 04:36
you say certain things and then boom you
04:33 - 04:37
go against the rule book so out of that
04:36 - 04:40
fear of they should not break the rules
04:37 - 04:42
of big big brother's house by talking
04:40 - 04:44
too much they should keep playing games
04:42 - 04:47
they were still discussing it in the in
04:44 - 04:48
the garden so they wanted to play a game
04:47 - 04:51
outside we were talking about kissing
04:48 - 04:53
games and you know ladies showing your
04:51 - 04:55
interest in a guy and whatnot whatnot
04:53 - 04:56
and um they tried to get some people
04:55 - 04:58
from inside the house but it did not
04:56 - 05:02
really work so they were just outside
04:58 - 05:05
and so Mandy and um KB had joined Bonnie
05:02 - 05:08
and some other people outside there was
05:05 - 05:10
a b outside as well um Yanda had joined
05:10 - 05:16
and um Mandy was in a way saying that
05:14 - 05:18
okay this game they want to play nsuku
05:16 - 05:21
should do it you know do it and show us
05:18 - 05:22
and nsuku kind of flared up like no no
05:21 - 05:24
no no you just arrived don't tell us
05:22 - 05:26
what to do we are giving the
05:24 - 05:29
instructions so tried to listen to it
05:26 - 05:30
and Mandy flred up and the way she flred
05:29 - 05:32
up you can tell
05:30 - 05:34
that she did not necessarily come to
05:32 - 05:35
want to come and really play the game
05:34 - 05:38
you know she just wanted to come and see
05:35 - 05:40
what are these people doing so she fled
05:38 - 05:42
up kb2 fled up you know and they got
05:40 - 05:45
angry they went back into the house and
05:42 - 05:50
they went to go and spread the gist
05:45 - 05:51
to um Nate swis Cali because those ones
05:50 - 05:53
they have their own click Tyrone is
05:51 - 05:55
there they want to go and Report more
05:53 - 05:56
like reporting they went to report to
05:55 - 05:57
those ones that I see what happened we
05:56 - 05:59
want to go and play with the people
05:57 - 06:03
outside and they shed us away they say
05:59 - 06:06
we sh off in fact the way KB retold that
06:03 - 06:09
incident she overly
06:06 - 06:12
exaggerated and here's the
06:09 - 06:15
thing they K did not have any issues
06:12 - 06:18
with bunny be there it was in suu but
06:15 - 06:19
because Nuku is Bonny B's friend these
06:18 - 06:21
other people already gave like some sort
06:19 - 06:25
of Silent judgment that and that is how
06:21 - 06:28
they behave so they refused to go
06:25 - 06:31
outside to go play any kind of games um
06:28 - 06:33
Bunny and friends were putting up
06:31 - 06:34
together yes now Mata was inside the
06:33 - 06:39
house and she was seeing what was going
06:34 - 06:41
on and she was talking to Mandy that why
06:39 - 06:43
come like is it necessary when one
06:41 - 06:45
person has issues with one person and
06:43 - 06:47
then people blow it all up and make it a
06:45 - 06:49
general issue it doesn't make sense it's
06:47 - 06:51
not fair you know learn to fight your
06:49 - 06:54
own battles but Mandy was still you know
06:51 - 06:55
she was still blowing hot and whatnot
06:54 - 06:56
and bnny be was already in the kitchen
06:55 - 06:58
at that point in time trying to make
06:56 - 07:01
food for muzi so she was trying to talk
06:58 - 07:03
to Mandy but Mandy was not having it you
07:01 - 07:05
know and Mandy was sounding very
07:03 - 07:07
defensive you know kind of attacking
07:05 - 07:09
bunny be's character and bunny be was
07:07 - 07:12
like no but why is it that most of the
07:09 - 07:14
time in this house when there's an issue
07:12 - 07:15
with other people you people don't
07:14 - 07:18
really say much or people try to defend
07:15 - 07:20
one over the other person but when bunny
07:18 - 07:21
be is involved it's like all the females
07:20 - 07:23
in the house like people just gang up
07:21 - 07:25
and you want to attack me because you
07:23 - 07:27
already have this negative perception
07:25 - 07:28
about me that that is bullying and then
07:27 - 07:30
everybody in the like ah how is he
07:28 - 07:33
bullying how is bullying so guys the old
07:30 - 07:35
thing was chaotic it's just like okay
07:33 - 07:37
they they have this scapegoat who
07:35 - 07:39
obviously made herself the scape goat so
07:37 - 07:41
now she has to be at the brunt of being
07:39 - 07:42
the scapegoat they decided that they
07:41 - 07:44
wanted to play a game we listen we don't
07:42 - 07:46
judge you know and so they tried to
07:44 - 07:48
Rally everybody and everybody joined
07:46 - 07:51
everybody Google did not play Savage and
07:48 - 07:54
KB they were quarreling Savage obviously
07:51 - 07:57
it seems like the guy wants to S his um
07:54 - 07:58
wild oat tonight during the party so he
07:57 - 07:59
kind of looked for a very ridiculous
07:58 - 08:02
excuse to call
07:59 - 08:04
with KB KB was begging trying to explain
08:02 - 08:06
herself Savage was like no go and
08:04 - 08:09
console um Cali that you were consoling
08:06 - 08:10
you know he was acting mad like oh how
08:09 - 08:11
can you have a boyfriend in the house
08:10 - 08:14
and you're going to go and consult on
08:11 - 08:15
another guy that was crying why why why
08:14 - 08:17
so he was just it was just a ridiculous
08:15 - 08:19
drama guys I don't even want to dwell on
08:17 - 08:24
it yes but they were quarreling so they
08:19 - 08:25
were not part of the game umu mzi they
08:24 - 08:27
were not part of the game but every
08:25 - 08:30
other housemates they were playing the
08:27 - 08:32
game now quickly
08:30 - 08:34
about that we listen we don't judge Guys
08:32 - 08:36
these housemates they have
08:34 - 08:39
lived they have lived everything
08:36 - 08:42
everybody was saying it was crazy it was
08:39 - 08:45
wild but two things that was said during
08:42 - 08:49
that game caught my attention the first
08:45 - 08:53
one is by P she said she's a virgin at
08:49 - 08:57
31 yep she said she's a virgin now there
08:53 - 08:59
was alsoini inini disgusted me last
08:57 - 09:02
night ladies and gentlemen I almost lost
08:59 - 09:04
my mind mind so when he got to our turn
09:02 - 09:07
during the first round of the relasing
09:04 - 09:10
we don't judge guys even even thinking
09:07 - 09:12
about it right now and me being about to
09:10 - 09:14
open my mouth to say it I I feel so
09:12 - 09:18
repulsed right
09:14 - 09:20
now but I'm going to say it so inini
09:18 - 09:23
said that on a particular day during
09:20 - 09:26
this week in the house in this big
09:23 - 09:29
brother's house yeah currently she had
09:26 - 09:31
wanted to use the toilet yeah and then
09:29 - 09:34
somebody had just done number two and
09:31 - 09:37
the person had just walked out without
09:34 - 09:40
flushing so she got really upset and
09:37 - 09:43
irritated and what did she do she went
09:40 - 09:44
took the person's toothbrush ladies and
09:43 - 09:45
gentlemen toothbrush that they put
09:44 - 09:48
inside the mouth and brush the teeth and
09:45 - 09:50
the tongue and the mouth all the crises
09:48 - 09:53
she went took it and then she used it to
09:50 - 09:58
go and wash that
09:53 - 09:58
toilet and then put it back
10:11 - 10:17
obviously all the housemates were
10:14 - 10:20
shocked they they were they were shocked
10:17 - 10:22
guys I was I was shocked see I was
10:20 - 10:24
shocked shock if there's another word
10:22 - 10:25
for shocked that was what I was the
10:24 - 10:29
elevated version of shocked I was that
10:25 - 10:33
thing because I'm like what the [ __ ]
10:29 - 10:33
what the actual
10:33 - 10:38
[ __ ] if somebody did not use the toilet
10:36 - 10:40
maybe that is some if somebody did not
10:38 - 10:43
flush the toilet after doing number two
10:40 - 10:45
maybe that is a bad habit that they
10:43 - 10:48
brought from their own homes to Big
10:45 - 10:50
Brother's house so why didn't you call
10:48 - 10:54
them to come and
10:50 - 10:57
flush I mean they could have been other
10:54 - 11:00
ways to Revenge right I'm sure I'm not a
11:00 - 11:04
come there could have been other ways to
11:02 - 11:06
execute revenge on that person maybe the
11:04 - 11:08
person was leaving and the person left
11:06 - 11:10
if you had called the person come you
11:08 - 11:13
didn't flush your number two come and
11:10 - 11:15
flush if the person had been like f you
11:13 - 11:19
I don't want to do it well you could
11:15 - 11:22
decide to Revenge using another method
11:19 - 11:24
other than using the person's toothbrush
11:22 - 11:27
and washing the toilet except inini is
11:24 - 11:30
lying now inini looks too normal like
11:27 - 11:32
she looks too normal to do that because
11:30 - 11:37
I was shocked I was looking at thisy
11:32 - 11:40
like nah nah this is evil pure evil evil
11:37 - 11:42
pure evil and you know the house like
11:40 - 11:44
it's a lie she was like if you know you
11:42 - 11:46
know meaning she had told somebody else
11:44 - 11:50
and you know because almost all the
11:46 - 11:52
housemates are there none of them like
11:50 - 11:54
none of them raised up their hand to say
11:52 - 11:56
oh my God I was the one so no so it was
11:54 - 11:58
making me think that could it be bonbe
11:56 - 12:02
and friends that you know this thing
11:58 - 12:02
happened to because
12:02 - 12:09
guys what do you think because this is
12:06 - 12:11
madness this is madness you know what
12:09 - 12:12
guys we're going to talk more about this
12:11 - 12:15
during the live conversation anyways
12:12 - 12:17
moving on moving on onto the last gist
12:15 - 12:22
of the night this one is all about
12:17 - 12:23
Ashley oo so after the arena games big
12:22 - 12:25
brother had played music for the
12:23 - 12:28
housemate so the house was
12:25 - 12:31
Lively um Ashley was moving around she
12:28 - 12:33
had gone to speak to Ezra in the laundry
12:31 - 12:35
area was asking him questions could not
12:33 - 12:38
really hear what she was asking him
12:35 - 12:41
because the music was a bit loud
12:38 - 12:42
afterwards she had gone to speak to BK
12:41 - 12:45
now her conversation with BK I could
12:42 - 12:46
hear FS of it she was asking BK oh did
12:45 - 12:48
she see anything about me did you hear
12:46 - 12:50
anything did you hear anything and B was
12:48 - 12:52
like no I did not hear anything but I
12:50 - 12:53
will keep my ears to the ground if I
12:52 - 12:56
hear anything I'll will let you know and
12:53 - 12:58
you know she was sneaky about it she was
12:56 - 13:01
like you know the way she does you know
12:58 - 13:03
like she wants to do something so she
13:01 - 13:07
was going around it's like she
13:03 - 13:08
was and then the game had been played
13:07 - 13:11
and then later
13:08 - 13:14
on um when most of the housemates had
13:11 - 13:16
gone to bed she and shini they were
13:14 - 13:18
cooking like they were cooking they were
13:16 - 13:21
plotting different pranks they wanted to
13:18 - 13:24
execute in the house and the people at
13:21 - 13:27
the brunt of the prank is bunny be and
13:24 - 13:29
unuku I think at some point they also
13:27 - 13:33
generalized it so
13:29 - 13:35
um inini was talking about uh guys can't
13:33 - 13:36
even remember what was but both of them
13:35 - 13:40
they were talking about oh packing a lot
13:36 - 13:41
of salt inside the rice um Ashley was
13:40 - 13:42
saying that that was what she wanted to
13:41 - 13:44
do when somebody was cooking I don't
13:42 - 13:45
know who was cooking at the point at at
13:44 - 13:47
that time so she wanted to pack a lot of
13:45 - 13:49
salt but she was only able to put in
13:47 - 13:50
small salt and then they were talking
13:49 - 13:52
about oh they should pack all the plates
13:50 - 13:53
all the utensils and hide in the garden
13:52 - 13:56
in fact they were just talking about
13:53 - 13:58
different crazy pranks that wanted to do
13:56 - 14:00
right and they were quite excited about
13:58 - 14:01
it and wanted to hide somebody's wig in
14:00 - 14:03
fact most of the prank that they wanted
14:01 - 14:07
to do they wanted to do it directed at
14:03 - 14:10
Bonny be anduku in she all of a sudden
14:07 - 14:13
had a beef against bunny be according to
14:10 - 14:15
her she heard oh that's that um small
14:13 - 14:18
girl so she was like I was wondering is
14:15 - 14:21
he me is he me or could it be because
14:18 - 14:24
this I you know so it was just crazy but
14:21 - 14:27
you could see that Ashley was probably
14:24 - 14:30
impressed that umini played that toilet
14:27 - 14:31
prank against the person that not flush
14:30 - 14:33
and she got really excited that oh she
14:31 - 14:35
had gotten an accomplice for all of her
14:33 - 14:39
sick pranks that she wanted to do in the
14:35 - 14:42
house so they kept on kiving kiving and
14:39 - 14:47
plotting and um what's his name now
14:42 - 14:49
sweet G came there was was it UA or muzi
14:47 - 14:54
mu came and before we knew it the
14:49 - 14:58
conversation turned and Ashley was
14:54 - 15:01
crying so now it became a conversation
14:58 - 15:03
of Bonny be is beefing her because she
15:03 - 15:10
gou and Bonny b on the other hand was
15:07 - 15:13
explaining her own issue with Ashley and
15:10 - 15:16
how the whole house perceives her to her
15:13 - 15:18
friend unuku and I think muzi first
15:16 - 15:21
before muy came out because mu wanted to
15:18 - 15:22
hear Ashley's own side of the story so
15:21 - 15:25
Ashley was saying that and then Ashley
15:22 - 15:26
was like when bunny be is cooking bunny
15:25 - 15:29
be knows that she doesn't eat certain
15:26 - 15:30
things so bunny be always Cooks what she
15:29 - 15:32
does not like that she was she doesn't
15:30 - 15:34
eat Bonny be's food she doesn't like
15:32 - 15:35
whatever the Girl Cooks that anytime
15:34 - 15:37
Bonny be cook she's not going to be
15:35 - 15:39
eating and then she broke down in tears
15:37 - 15:42
so basically what she was complaining
15:39 - 15:46
about was that bnny be does not cater to
15:42 - 15:48
her own food diet or our own meal diet
15:46 - 15:52
or whatever that Bon um is being
15:48 - 15:55
malicious about it now sweet Gula is
15:52 - 15:58
upset so they now change it into a
15:55 - 16:01
situation of bonbe has monopolized the
15:58 - 16:05
kitchen and nobody else can get access
16:01 - 16:07
into the kitchen and um he is powerless
16:05 - 16:09
against Bonny be he needs to whole house
16:07 - 16:12
to stand up against her and then Ashley
16:09 - 16:15
was crying so the conversation okay Cali
16:12 - 16:16
was there as well so the whole
16:15 - 16:20
conversation now became a thing of how
16:16 - 16:22
to protect Ashley from bunny be and how
16:20 - 16:24
to provide food for bunny be and shini
16:22 - 16:26
was talking the most she carried the own
16:24 - 16:28
matter on her head um Sali too carried
16:26 - 16:29
the own matter on his head that oh what
16:28 - 16:31
I don't like is is when people do
16:29 - 16:33
something and they say this is how I am
16:31 - 16:34
that that's [ __ ] that's hor [ __ ]
16:33 - 16:37
that that's is what Bonny b is doing
16:34 - 16:40
it's wrong so he was speaking the most
16:37 - 16:43
as well you know dragging bunny be and
16:40 - 16:45
I'm looking at this guy I'm like dude on
16:43 - 16:47
Tuesday you had your diary session and
16:45 - 16:49
you told big brother that you are
16:47 - 16:51
grateful to bunny be for bringing you
16:49 - 16:53
into the house and you're in the house
16:51 - 16:54
because of bnny be because Bonny b
16:53 - 16:56
brought you into the house the whole
16:54 - 16:58
house hates her the whole Africa hates
16:56 - 17:01
her possibly you know so you're going to
16:58 - 17:02
do anything for Bonny be because it is
17:01 - 17:06
because of her that you're living your
17:02 - 17:08
dream so dude where is this malicious
17:06 - 17:10
you know Spirit coming from towards bnny
17:08 - 17:13
be all of a sudden where is it coming
17:10 - 17:15
from so that conversation went on and on
17:13 - 17:17
and on and they were advising Ashley
17:15 - 17:19
that oh when it's morning cook your own
17:17 - 17:22
food Dam the consequences cook your own
17:19 - 17:24
food d da and that was what he agreed to
17:22 - 17:26
do now fast forward to this morning when
17:24 - 17:30
the housemate woke
17:26 - 17:32
up mzy got bless his soul he went
17:30 - 17:34
straight to Bonny because he's friends
17:32 - 17:35
with bonbe he went to Bonny to say oh
17:34 - 17:37
Bon what is this issue I'm hearing
17:35 - 17:39
between you and Ashley that you don't
17:37 - 17:42
give her food you don't cat her to her
17:39 - 17:44
diet needs what is this issue so Bon was
17:42 - 17:46
shocked and you know she explained
17:44 - 17:47
herself that I don't understand that
17:46 - 17:50
when she and Ashley were on talking
17:47 - 17:54
terms um and she would be cooking she
17:50 - 17:56
had asked Ashley she and um um shile she
17:54 - 17:58
they had asked Ashley that Ashley most
17:56 - 17:59
of the things you want to eat is not in
17:58 - 18:01
this house what what do you want so that
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we can cook it for you because they have
18:01 - 18:04
limited supplies in the house the
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actually I said oh don't worry I'm going
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to take care of myself I know what I
18:05 - 18:11
like eating I will cook what I want to
18:07 - 18:14
eat so muzi was not convinced thankfully
18:11 - 18:16
um cile was coming from the bedroom
18:14 - 18:17
Bonnie called her to come and a in front
18:16 - 18:20
of everybody that was in the kitchen
18:17 - 18:23
there was Mata there there was um uand
18:20 - 18:26
there and she had asked that please oh
18:23 - 18:28
Ashley said XYZ and Sheil debunked
18:26 - 18:32
everything that said no that's not true
18:28 - 18:34
that she and Bonny be even she herself
18:32 - 18:36
had asked Ashley directly that Ashley
18:34 - 18:38
the things you like eating is not in
18:36 - 18:41
this house so this is what we have these
18:38 - 18:44
are the available Food Supplies so we
18:41 - 18:46
cook this for everybody because this is
18:44 - 18:48
what they eat so you now what do you
18:46 - 18:50
want us to cook for you look at she said
18:48 - 18:51
she opened the fridge she asked Ashley
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Ashley this is what is in the fridge
18:51 - 18:54
what do you want us to cook for you so
18:53 - 18:57
that we can cook it for you and asley
18:54 - 18:59
said nobody should worry about her that
18:57 - 19:01
she knows what she likes to eat and will
18:59 - 19:04
cook what she likes to
19:01 - 19:07
eat ladies and
19:04 - 19:09
gentlemen I was shocked I was shocked
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because in my head I'm like oh my God
19:10 - 19:15
played well played because she just
19:15 - 19:20
manipulated all of those people that
19:17 - 19:24
were consoling her last night she lied
19:20 - 19:27
to them obviously she victimized herself
19:24 - 19:29
and deled Bonny be she made it look like
19:27 - 19:30
Bonny be was deliberately starving her
19:29 - 19:33
in the house whereas she was the one
19:30 - 19:35
that said that anybody that is cooking
19:33 - 19:37
should not bother about her because the
19:35 - 19:39
things that she likes to eat is not in
19:37 - 19:41
the house all those spaghetti all those
19:39 - 19:44
type of food biggy did not provide it
19:41 - 19:47
for them so why what was the point of
19:44 - 19:49
lying anyways ladies and gentlemen it's
19:47 - 19:50
all a game right I'm going to stop
19:49 - 19:52
talking here right now cuz I would love
19:50 - 19:53
to hear your thoughts in the comment
19:52 - 19:55
section below you know but then there
19:53 - 19:57
was one thing I tweeted that in Big
19:55 - 19:59
Brother's house always always have a
19:57 - 20:00
weakness because in imagine if Bon B did
20:00 - 20:05
weakness The Narrative will continue
20:03 - 20:09
that she's evil she's eating food too
20:05 - 20:09
blah blah blah it's kitchen
20:09 - 20:13
Monopoly but ladies and gentlemen let me
20:12 - 20:14
know your thoughts in the comment
20:13 - 20:18
section below we will discuss the Rest
20:14 - 20:22
by 3 p.m. W today thanks for watching
20:18 - 20:22
and have an amazing day bye