00:00 - 00:02


00:00 - 00:06

I found the best new AI tools of the

00:02 - 00:09

year like AI that generates as you draw

00:06 - 00:11

AI that makes any image come to life and

00:09 - 00:13

even AI that turns your voice into a

00:11 - 00:15


00:13 - 00:18

instrument it's mind-blowing what you

00:15 - 00:20

can do with all this new AI so let me

00:18 - 00:20

blow your

00:21 - 00:26

mind so straight up the bat you can use

00:23 - 00:28

all these AI tools on a phone a computer

00:26 - 00:30

or even a tablet so just pick one and

00:28 - 00:34

for the first AI tool tool head on over

00:30 - 00:36

to leonard. a once inside the website

00:34 - 00:38

it's super easy to start using just by

00:36 - 00:40

tapping on launch app and on the left

00:38 - 00:42

hand side they have this new real-time

00:40 - 00:44

canvas tool basically how it works is

00:42 - 00:47

the Box on the left is a canvas where

00:44 - 00:49

you can draw what you'd like the AI to

00:47 - 00:51

generate and don't worry your artwork

00:49 - 00:54

can be pretty bad but here's where it

00:51 - 00:57

gets mindblowing because now I can type

00:54 - 01:00

in what I'd like to see and as I type

00:57 - 01:04

the AI will generate the artwork work

01:00 - 01:06

straight away which is crazy then you

01:04 - 01:08

can even pick the exact art style you'd

01:06 - 01:11

like it in whether that's cinematic

01:08 - 01:13

photographic fantasy art a sketch or

01:11 - 01:15

dynamic art there are so many different

01:13 - 01:17

options to choose from then there's even

01:15 - 01:20

this instant refine option which once

01:17 - 01:22

you press it makes your artwork look 10

01:20 - 01:25

times better but what is even crazier

01:22 - 01:27

about Leonardo is under image generation

01:25 - 01:29

if you go ahead and type in the prompt

01:27 - 01:31

box to generate an image like a portrait

01:29 - 01:33

of metal robots in the Victorian era

01:31 - 01:35

wearing a crown and trees in the

01:33 - 01:36

background not only will it generate

01:35 - 01:38

some incredible options but once you

01:36 - 01:41

hover over it you'll see this new option

01:38 - 01:43

to generate motion video you can adjust

01:41 - 01:45

the strength of how much motion you'd

01:43 - 01:47

like to see in the video and once you're

01:45 - 01:49

happy just click generate and in a

01:47 - 01:52

couple of seconds it produces this

01:49 - 01:54

incredible moving AI generation that

01:52 - 01:56

looks so realistic and is pretty high

01:54 - 01:58

quality this is just so much fun and you

01:56 - 02:01

can get stuck in it for

01:58 - 02:03


02:01 - 02:06

so imagine you had a paintbrush that

02:03 - 02:09

could magically make pictures come alive

02:06 - 02:12

well you can actually do that using this

02:09 - 02:13

AI tool called Runway ml.com which I

02:12 - 02:15

have actually shown before but it's

02:13 - 02:16

gotten some cool new features so once

02:15 - 02:19

you've logged in using your Google

02:16 - 02:20

account if you select this text to video

02:19 - 02:23

option you'll find this brand new tool

02:20 - 02:25

called motion brush all you got to do is

02:23 - 02:26

drag and drop in any photo or picture

02:25 - 02:29

you have or like I got this picture of a

02:26 - 02:31

bird then what you do is paint over the

02:29 - 02:33

areas your like to bring to life so I

02:31 - 02:35

wanted the entire bird to move so I

02:33 - 02:37

painted over the whole thing but you

02:35 - 02:39

could do the background instead if you

02:37 - 02:41

wanted now all you do is actually adjust

02:39 - 02:43

the motion by using these sliders you

02:41 - 02:45

can move them left or right up and down

02:43 - 02:48

and even zoom in and out but once you're

02:45 - 02:50

all done just click save then click

02:48 - 02:52

generate and in a few minutes your photo

02:50 - 02:55

will literally come to life which is

02:52 - 02:57

just so freaking cool and this works on

02:55 - 02:59

pretty much any picture just use the

02:57 - 03:01

brush on whatever it is you'd like to

02:59 - 03:03

animate and let the AI do its magic I

03:01 - 03:06

also noticed this works really well with

03:03 - 03:08

elements like fire and water it looks

03:06 - 03:10

incredible with animals and really

03:08 - 03:13

understands their movement plus you can

03:10 - 03:16

even use selfies which is just crazy to

03:13 - 03:19

me and almost any landscape looks

03:16 - 03:22

incredible so basically just go mad and

03:19 - 03:22

see how far you can push

03:22 - 03:28

it so this next app is something totally

03:25 - 03:30

new to the AI world it's called hey Jen

03:28 - 03:31

and it's been blowing people's minds

03:30 - 03:33

it's actually totally free to try out

03:31 - 03:35

and all you got to do is log in again

03:33 - 03:38

using your Google account then head over

03:35 - 03:39

to the video translate section over here

03:38 - 03:42

now you just got to take a video of

03:39 - 03:44

yourself talking it could be around 30

03:42 - 03:46

seconds or if you want you can make it

03:44 - 03:48

even longer but then it's time to take

03:46 - 03:51

that video and drag and drop it into

03:48 - 03:53

this upload box then what you can do is

03:51 - 03:55

from this list of languages you can

03:53 - 03:57

choose something like French for example

03:55 - 03:59

and if you click on translate it'll then

03:57 - 04:02

take that video and automatically

03:59 - 04:05

translated for

04:02 - 04:05


04:09 - 04:16

you and because it has over 29 different

04:12 - 04:16

languages including all the popular

04:24 - 04:29

ones I mean this opens up so many

04:27 - 04:30

possibilities from people all over the

04:29 - 04:33

world to better understand each other

04:30 - 04:35

but also just imagine that one day this

04:33 - 04:38

gets so good that people talking to you

04:35 - 04:42

will instantly be translated through

04:38 - 04:42

your glasses that would be

04:43 - 04:47

insane okay so this next AI tool is one

04:45 - 04:51

of the coolest things I have ever seen

04:47 - 04:54

and it's called music fy. LOL and trust

04:51 - 04:55

me the LOL must stand for laugh out loud

04:54 - 04:57

because of what you do using this tool

04:55 - 04:59

once you've loaded it up click on get

04:57 - 05:01

started and in the corner over here just

04:59 - 05:03

make sure you log in using your Google

05:01 - 05:05

account and don't worry it's totally

05:03 - 05:07

free to use then once you've logged in

05:05 - 05:09

all you got to do is change to

05:07 - 05:11

instrumentals and over here select the

05:09 - 05:13

instrument you'd like to use like

05:11 - 05:15

electric guitar and then this is where

05:13 - 05:17

things get really funny you'll have to

05:15 - 05:19

press record and please don't laugh but

05:17 - 05:23

then you'll need to literally make a

05:19 - 05:23

sound like a guitar something like

05:28 - 05:33

this then once you're done just click

05:31 - 05:35

remix and the AI will turn your voice

05:33 - 05:38

into something like

05:35 - 05:38


05:39 - 05:45

this which sounds so cool and you can

05:42 - 05:45

also add some rhythm

05:45 - 05:52

guitar or throw in a little

05:49 - 05:55

base and even add some Harmony guitar

05:52 - 05:55


05:56 - 06:00

cords and when you're all done and add

05:58 - 06:08

that together you get

06:00 - 06:11


06:08 - 06:15

this which I mean all this without any

06:11 - 06:21

instruments just Ai and your

06:15 - 06:21

voice but it gets even better than

06:21 - 06:26

this so AI voices have been around for a

06:24 - 06:29

while now but 11 Labs has come up with

06:26 - 06:31

something that is totally changing the

06:29 - 06:33

AI voice game just sign into it using

06:31 - 06:35

your Google account and again this one

06:33 - 06:37

is free to start using and once you're

06:35 - 06:39

in you'll see this brand new speech to

06:37 - 06:41

speech option once You' selected it you

06:39 - 06:44

can then pick from one of 11 lab's

06:41 - 06:46

pre-made voices like Giovani for example

06:44 - 06:48

then what you do once you've picked a

06:46 - 06:50

voice is click on this record button and

06:48 - 06:52

basically say whatever it is you'd like

06:50 - 06:54

into the microphone using expression and

06:52 - 06:57

when you're done recording just click on

06:54 - 06:59

generate the AI will then take your

06:57 - 07:02

voice and in just a few seconds

06:59 - 07:04

transform it into the voice that you

07:02 - 07:08

picked so if you wanted

07:04 - 07:12

to you could sound like a distinguished

07:08 - 07:15

gentleman or like an animated character

07:12 - 07:18

with a bit of a squeaky voice or like

07:15 - 07:19

someone who Whispers because they afraid

07:18 - 07:22

of the

07:19 - 07:24

shouting and because you can also train

07:22 - 07:26

11 Labs voices to sound like any other

07:24 - 07:28

character you'd like your options are

07:26 - 07:31

pretty much Limitless like one day just

07:28 - 07:32

imagine you can upgrade your voice to a

07:31 - 07:35

totally different one with just the

07:32 - 07:38

click of a button I mean talk about

07:35 - 07:38


07:39 - 07:44

stuff now this next AI tool is

07:42 - 07:47

absolutely hilarious and within Chrome

07:44 - 07:49

all you got to search for is Miss gif.

07:47 - 07:51

apppp once you're in the site as you

07:49 - 07:53

scroll down you'll see a list of super

07:51 - 07:55

popular gifts or if you don't like any

07:53 - 07:57

of the options you can also search for

07:55 - 07:59

your own one like black widow for

07:57 - 08:00

example which of course will bring up a

07:59 - 08:02

whole bunch of different options but

08:00 - 08:04

once you found the gift you like just

08:02 - 08:06

hit on the browse button under it and

08:04 - 08:08

here look for a photo of yourself or

08:06 - 08:10

better yet choose one of a friend and

08:08 - 08:13

once you found it tap on let's face swap

08:10 - 08:15

and then check this out after a few

08:13 - 08:17

seconds the AI will generate this

08:15 - 08:20

hilarious face swap GIF which let's not

08:17 - 08:22

lie does such a damn good job at making

08:20 - 08:24

it look real and the crazy thing is is

08:22 - 08:26

that all of this is absolutely free once

08:24 - 08:28

you've signed in you pretty much get

08:26 - 08:30

unlimited Generations which is honestly

08:28 - 08:32

kind of perfect for sending to your

08:30 - 08:34

friends as a joke I guarantee if you

08:32 - 08:37

send them a face swap GIF of yourself

08:34 - 08:37

you'll get a pretty crazy

08:38 - 08:43

response so by now we should all know

08:41 - 08:46

about chat GPT and how it kickstarted

08:43 - 08:48

the AI Revolution but it's had a massive

08:46 - 08:51

update where you can now make your own

08:48 - 08:53

AI with it specifically an entire AI

08:51 - 08:56

clone of yourself to do this you'll need

08:53 - 08:57

to go inside the new explore section

08:56 - 09:00

where right at the top over here you'll

08:57 - 09:02

see this create a GP PT option once you

09:00 - 09:04

click on it a new window will open and

09:02 - 09:06

this is where all the magic happens

09:04 - 09:07

you'll see that you have two text boxes

09:06 - 09:09

on either side of the screen and the

09:07 - 09:12

text box on the left is where you create

09:09 - 09:14

your AI by giving it parameters that

09:12 - 09:16

teach it what you would like it to do

09:14 - 09:18

and the text box to the right is where

09:16 - 09:21

you can now literally start testing the

09:18 - 09:23

AI as you create it so what I decided to

09:21 - 09:25

do was actually make an AI clone of

09:23 - 09:28

Myself by giving it a picture of how I

09:25 - 09:30

look calling it haes teaching it how I

09:28 - 09:33

write and talk what music I like to

09:30 - 09:36

listen to what my job is and all that

09:33 - 09:39

jazz and now I can use this AI clone to

09:36 - 09:41

do pretty much anything for me like

09:39 - 09:43

answer my emails all I got to do is just

09:41 - 09:46

copy and paste an email and in just a

09:43 - 09:48

few seconds she'll whip up a response to

09:46 - 09:50

it based on how I would reply so not

09:48 - 09:52

only can you use this for creating like

09:50 - 09:54

a second brain but there are so many

09:52 - 09:56

other unlimited options you can do with

09:54 - 09:57

this and I just love how it even signs

09:56 - 10:00

off like me but what's literally

09:57 - 10:02

mindblowing about this is that you can

10:00 - 10:05

keep teaching it more and more so that

10:02 - 10:09

it makes a better clone which is so

10:05 - 10:09

scary but also kind of

10:09 - 10:14

cool so AI clones of yourself are

10:12 - 10:17

definitely cool but if you head on over

10:14 - 10:20

to roomi.com with this tool you can

10:17 - 10:22

actually use AI to redecorate your

10:20 - 10:24

entire house to start using it all you

10:22 - 10:26

got to do is log in using your Google

10:24 - 10:27

account and once you're in it'll take

10:26 - 10:30

you to this page where instead of

10:27 - 10:33

generating a new AI room just select

10:30 - 10:35

restyle Now using this upload box over

10:33 - 10:36

here you can either select a picture

10:35 - 10:39

from your gallery or actually take a

10:36 - 10:40

picture of your Lounge kitchen bathroom

10:39 - 10:42

and once you've uploaded your room you

10:40 - 10:45

can then scroll down to Styles and pick

10:42 - 10:47

exactly what design style you'd like you

10:45 - 10:49

have a whole bunch of different ones to

10:47 - 10:52

choose from like rustic or Victorian

10:49 - 10:53

even psychedelic or post-apocalyptic to

10:52 - 10:55

see how your room would look like if it

10:53 - 10:57

was completely run down but then once

10:55 - 10:59

you've chosen a style you can then also

10:57 - 11:01

choose a color palette for for your

10:59 - 11:02

redesign and if you scroll down a bit

11:01 - 11:04

more you'll see a few other options you

11:02 - 11:07

can play around with but then just click

11:04 - 11:09

on the restyle image button and in just

11:07 - 11:11

a few seconds it'll completely transform

11:09 - 11:14

your room based on the different styles

11:11 - 11:16

and colors you chose it'll change the

11:14 - 11:20

paint color of your walls the design

11:16 - 11:22

colors Furniture decor and it's just

11:20 - 11:23

such a cool way to get ideas on how to

11:22 - 11:26

style your

11:23 - 11:29


11:26 - 11:33

space now this AI tool is called my

11:29 - 11:35

lens. a and it combines Ai and history

11:33 - 11:37

to make a really sick AI tool it's super

11:35 - 11:39

simple to use all you got to do is ask

11:37 - 11:42

it for the history of anything like

11:39 - 11:44

YouTube for example then just click on

11:42 - 11:46

the create timeline button and it'll

11:44 - 11:49

start creating a timeline for you of

11:46 - 11:50

YouTube's entire history and pretty much

11:49 - 11:52

everything that happened to make it what

11:50 - 11:55

it is today you can do this with just

11:52 - 11:58

about anything like Twitter for example

11:55 - 12:00

Samsung or Apple and it'll always narrow

11:58 - 12:02

down the most important historical

12:00 - 12:04

points for you and if you ever wanted to

12:02 - 12:06

save these timelines you can just click

12:04 - 12:09

on this download button over here which

12:06 - 12:12

honestly is just so Nifty and if you're

12:09 - 12:14

wondering about how accurate it is well

12:12 - 12:17

I asked it to give me a timeline of the

12:14 - 12:19

hailes World YouTube channel and somehow

12:17 - 12:24

it did actually manage to do a pretty

12:19 - 12:24

accurate job and safe to say I was

12:24 - 12:29

impressed now on to what's possibly the

12:27 - 12:31

coolest AI tool I've used a while it's

12:29 - 12:33

totally free and again you can use this

12:31 - 12:35

on clipd drop. CO's website which I've

12:33 - 12:38

talked about before but you'll find

12:35 - 12:39

something brand new in it called swap

12:38 - 12:42

how it works is you just need to drag

12:39 - 12:44

and drop any image into this box like

12:42 - 12:47

the Mona Lisa for example then clip

12:44 - 12:50

drops AI will detect any faces in the

12:47 - 12:51

picture like Mona Lisa's face but then

12:50 - 12:54

to replace it just click on the blue

12:51 - 12:56

circle and go ahead and select a picture

12:54 - 12:58

of yourself or even better you could use

12:56 - 13:00

a picture of a friend the clip drop AI

12:58 - 13:02

will then quickly learn your face and

13:00 - 13:05

your expression while also learning the

13:02 - 13:07

style and design of the main picture's

13:05 - 13:10

face and in a few seconds it'll combine

13:07 - 13:12

both perfectly to replace the face in

13:10 - 13:14

the picture with your own this literally

13:12 - 13:17

blew my mind with just how well it

13:14 - 13:19

worked and I tested it on a couple of

13:17 - 13:23

different things like paintings and A to

13:19 - 13:25

B and it did such a good job every

13:23 - 13:27

single time you can also use these

13:25 - 13:29

arrows over here to quickly generate a

13:27 - 13:31

few different options of how your face

13:29 - 13:33

looks which is also really handy and can

13:31 - 13:35

give you a completely different result

13:33 - 13:38

every time honestly it's going to be an

13:35 - 13:41

insane year for AI there are so many new

13:38 - 13:43

AI tools being released so make sure you

13:41 - 13:46

stick around for those but I'll see you

13:43 - 13:46

guys in the next one

13:51 - 13:54


Unleashing the Power of AI: Transforming Your Creative World

In the world of technology, AI tools have taken center stage, offering a plethora of innovative ways to enhance creativity and productivity. From AI that generates art based on your input to AI that turns your voice into a musical instrument, the possibilities seem endless. Let's delve into some of the best new AI tools of the year and explore how they can revolutionize the way we create.

Leonardo: Redefining Artistic Expression with AI

One of the standout AI tools is Leonardo, a platform that boasts a real-time canvas tool where you can unleash your creativity. By simply typing in your desired artwork, Leonardo's AI works its magic to generate stunning visuals in various art styles. The ability to refine and even generate motion videos from the created images adds a new dimension to artistic expression.

Runway ML: Bringing Images to Life with Motion Brush

Runway ML introduces the groundbreaking Motion Brush feature, allowing users to animate images effortlessly. By painting over specific areas of an image, such as a bird in flight, and adjusting motion parameters, users can witness their static images come alive in a captivating manner.

Hey Jen: Bridging Language Barriers through Video Translation

Hey Jen offers a unique video translation feature that transcends language barriers. By uploading a video and selecting a target language, users can instantly generate translated videos, fostering global communication and understanding with ease.

Musicfy.LOL: Transforming Voice into Musical Magic

With Musicfy.LOL, users can explore the fun side of AI by turning their voice into musical compositions. By selecting instruments and utilizing voice inputs, the AI creates melodious tunes that can be further enhanced with additional musical elements, offering a hilarious yet creative musical experience.

11 Labs: Redefining Voice Alteration with AI

11 Labs introduces a groundbreaking Speech-to-Speech feature that allows users to transform their voice into various personas. From distinguished voices to animated characters, the AI enables users to customize their voice output, opening up a world of creative possibilities.

Missgif: Creating Hilarious Face Swaps with AI

Missgif provides a laughter-inducing experience with its intuitive face swap GIF generator. By combining popular GIFs with personalized images, users can create humorous face swap animations that are ideal for sharing with friends and adding a touch of comedy to conversations.

Chat GPT: Crafting Personalized AI Clones for Enhanced Productivity

Chat GPT offers a unique opportunity to create personalized AI clones that mimic your behavior and responses. By training the AI with specific parameters, users can delegate tasks such as email responses to their AI clone, streamlining daily activities and enhancing efficiency.

Roomi: Redefining Interior Design with AI

Roomi revolutionizes interior design by allowing users to restyle their living spaces virtually. By uploading room images and selecting design styles and color palettes, users can visualize diverse redesign options, offering inspiration for transforming their living spaces.

MyLens.a: Exploring Historical Timelines with AI Integration

MyLens.a combines AI and historical data to create interactive timelines of various subjects. By simply inputting a topic and clicking "create timeline," users can explore key historical events in a visually engaging format, making history accessible and engaging.

ClipDrop: Experiencing Seamless Face Replacement in Images

ClipDrop introduces the innovative Swap feature, enabling users to seamlessly replace faces in images with their own. By leveraging AI to blend faces with precision, users can create whimsical and realistic face swap images that add a touch of humor to visual content.

In the ever-evolving landscape of AI tools, creativity knows no bounds. Explore these innovative AI applications to unlock new realms of artistic expression and productivity, paving the way for a future where technology and creativity harmoniously coexist.

The journey into the realm of AI creativity is bound to be exhilarating and full of surprises, offering endless possibilities for innovation and self-expression. Embrace the AI revolution and let your imagination soar to new heights with these cutting-edge tools.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together and witness the magic that AI can bring to our creative endeavors. Embrace the future of AI-powered creativity and redefine the way you engage with technology and artistry.