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have you been noticing those smile lines
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creeping in if they're starting to bug
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you stick around because I'm diving into
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the best ways to improve
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them I'm Dr Sam Ellis and I'm a
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board-certified medical and cosmetic
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dermatologist in Northern California and
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I'm here to help you understand your
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skin and find products and procedures
00:21 - 00:24
that work for you so if that sounds good
00:22 - 00:26
give this video a thumbs up and don't
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forget to subscribe so first of all what
00:26 - 00:30
are smile lines they have a lot of
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different names we call them Nas labial
00:30 - 00:34
folds or Milo laal folds in the
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Dermatology office but they are
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essentially the folds or creases that
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extend from the base of your nose down
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towards the corners of your mouth I
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really wanted to address this topic of
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smile lines or nasal labial folds
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because it's one of the most common
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things that comes up in my cosmetic
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consultations with patients and it's one
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of the first things that comes up even
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for my patients who are in their 30s and
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40s one of the earliest signs of aging
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that they start to not love about their
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face is these lines and usually those
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lines aren't particularly deep at that
01:01 - 01:06
point but it's the first thing that
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makes a person go o i don't love these
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changes that are happening with my face
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and I think before we dive into the ways
01:10 - 01:13
that we actually treat them or improve
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their appearance it's really important
01:13 - 01:17
to understand what causes them because
01:15 - 01:19
if you don't understand the cause it's
01:17 - 01:21
very hard to find a solution so these
01:19 - 01:23
lines have a wide variety of causes a
01:21 - 01:25
lot of people refer to them as smile
01:23 - 01:27
lines because when you smile you can see
01:25 - 01:29
where you're creating a crease and as
01:27 - 01:31
you smile over your lifetime that's
01:29 - 01:33
that's going to etch that into the skin
01:31 - 01:36
more and we see these lines kind of
01:33 - 01:38
Advance into a full-on fold as time goes
01:36 - 01:40
on for several different reasons aside
01:38 - 01:42
from the repeated muscle movement of
01:40 - 01:44
smiling you also have the issue of
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gravity and the dissent of the facial
01:44 - 01:49
tissues over time unfortunately your
01:47 - 01:52
skin loses elasticity and becomes more
01:49 - 01:54
LAX and as it starts to fall those lines
01:52 - 01:56
get emphasized The Descent in facial
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tissues and the overall change in
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someone's facial shape is very much a
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Hallmark of getting older when you look
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at people who look youthful or you can
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easily identify that person as looking
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young they often have more volume in the
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top half of their face But as time goes
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on those tissues begin to fall and we
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begin to accumulate more fullness in the
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lower part of our face you'll notice
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jowling along the jawline and those
02:16 - 02:20
nasal laal folds getting much worse but
02:18 - 02:22
in addition to that volume shift we also
02:20 - 02:24
have a little bit of volume loss in this
02:22 - 02:26
area and I see this in women much more
02:24 - 02:28
than men but as women we lose bone
02:26 - 02:31
density as we get older and we actually
02:28 - 02:33
lose volume of bone in our skull or in
02:31 - 02:35
our face and when that happens the
02:33 - 02:36
maxillary bone which is this bone that
02:35 - 02:39
kind of extends here and gives you a
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cheekbone starts to shrink down and when
02:39 - 02:43
you lose that volume there it actually
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loses support at the base of the nose
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and your nose starts to fall kind of
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back into your face which can really
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emphasize those lines also with regards
02:48 - 02:54
to shifts in volume if you lose weight
02:51 - 02:56
you often will notice an emphasizing of
02:54 - 02:58
those smile lines because fat in the
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face acts as a support structure and
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when you lose that fat lines become
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emphasized I happen to be seeing a lot
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more of this these days in the OIC era a
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lot of my patients are losing weight and
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losing large amounts of weight and one
03:08 - 03:12
of their biggest complaints is how much
03:10 - 03:14
older their face looks and specifically
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how much more their smile lines have
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become emphasized and then of course
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aside from the volume component of your
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smile lines there's a genetic component
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so how your face ages is very much
03:22 - 03:26
determined by your genetics and some
03:24 - 03:27
people are more prone to developing
03:26 - 03:28
smile lines than other people and of
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course I would be remiss as a
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dermatologist without talking about the
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quality of your skin contributing to
03:32 - 03:35
those lines as the skin ages it's going
03:34 - 03:37
to thin out a little bit it's going to
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become more dehydrated and that's going
03:37 - 03:41
to make you prone to having those lines
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settle in and things that can emphasize
03:41 - 03:46
that or expedite that process are UV
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radiation and smoking another important
03:46 - 03:49
cause of these smile lines is something
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that a lot of people don't think about
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but when I point it out to them in
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clinic they're like oh that makes so
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much sense and that is Sid sleeping the
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reason for that is when you sleep on
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your side you kind of smash your face
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into a pillow and if you naturally have
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a crease forming at your nasal labial
04:02 - 04:06
fold or along your smile line that is
04:04 - 04:07
where your skin is naturally going to
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collapse on itself and it's going to
04:07 - 04:10
emphasize that line while you sleep and
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when you think about it I mean depending
04:10 - 04:15
on how much sleep you get that's six
04:12 - 04:16
plus hours of just etching in that line
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every single night all right so we know
04:16 - 04:20
all the various causes of these lines
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but what can we actually do to improve
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them let's first talk about things you
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can do at home and I would say these
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atome interventions are really there to
04:26 - 04:31
help with the skin quality so rather
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than fixing really deep smile lines the
04:31 - 04:35
atome interventions are more there to
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improve the quality of the skin so it's
04:35 - 04:38
less prone to creasing I'm not sure I do
04:37 - 04:40
a video on here where I don't sing the
04:38 - 04:42
Praises of sun protection and topical
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retinoids but those are the two Holy
04:42 - 04:46
Grail things that you can do for your
04:44 - 04:49
skin to keep it as Supple and Youthful
04:46 - 04:51
as possible and the more collagen you
04:49 - 04:52
have in your skin anywhere on your face
04:51 - 04:55
but particularly in this sort of like
04:52 - 04:56
cheek upper lip Junction the less prone
04:55 - 04:58
it is going to be to creasing and
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folding over time in terms of at home
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devices I think there a couple things
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you can think about using one is an at
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home red light LED mask now of course
05:04 - 05:07
you can do red light treatments in the
05:05 - 05:09
office as well but just the convenience
05:07 - 05:11
of having this at home can be really
05:09 - 05:12
nice I have a whole video dedicated to
05:11 - 05:13
the benefits of red light so you can
05:12 - 05:16
check that out but essentially we are
05:13 - 05:18
using red light and near infrared light
05:16 - 05:19
to stimulate collagen synthesis within
05:18 - 05:21
the skin I've also had patients over the
05:19 - 05:23
years who have really found benefit
05:21 - 05:25
using at home devices like the new face
05:23 - 05:26
or other microcurrent devices to get
05:25 - 05:28
some modest tightening around their
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cheeks and jawline and anytime you are
05:28 - 05:32
working to sort of like lift and tighten
05:30 - 05:34
the cheeks it's going to alleviate those
05:32 - 05:36
folds because remember it's due to
05:34 - 05:37
dissent of the tissue I always remind
05:36 - 05:39
people if you are investing in these at
05:37 - 05:40
home tools you have to know thyself and
05:39 - 05:42
whether or not you're actually going to
05:40 - 05:44
keep up with it but two you need to keep
05:42 - 05:46
up with it in order to keep those
05:44 - 05:48
results because they are modest results
05:46 - 05:50
these are not super powerful devices and
05:48 - 05:52
so it's about little incremental
05:50 - 05:54
improvements every single day also for
05:52 - 05:56
these smile lines I actually think this
05:54 - 05:58
is a place where gacha or other forms of
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facial massage can be helpful because
05:58 - 06:03
facial massage can help redistribute
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fluid in the face if you're someone who
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tends to be quite puffy that constant
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fluid buildup in the face can weigh the
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face down and start to emphasize those
06:09 - 06:13
lines and so by kind of moving that
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fluid up and out on a regular basis you
06:13 - 06:16
can improve your smile lines now this
06:15 - 06:18
isn't going to be dramatic you're not
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going to get rid of an entire fold doing
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this but small improvements is the name
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of the game when it comes to at home
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treatments also anytime you are
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massaging or lifting up a line you're
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sort of preventing it from creasing
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because people will be bothered by two
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different things remember the fold
06:31 - 06:34
itself but also the little crease that
06:32 - 06:37
gets etched into the skin and by
06:34 - 06:38
stretching and moving that skin up and
06:37 - 06:40
away and out of the crease you can
06:38 - 06:42
improve that speaking of those creases
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another thing that can be really helpful
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and is only going to be practical for
06:44 - 06:48
some of you is learning to sleep on your
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back and I say this as a full-on side
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sleeper I've never been able to sleep on
06:50 - 06:53
my back but if you're someone who can
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train yourself to do it it really does
06:53 - 06:57
help with how your face ages not just at
06:56 - 06:59
your smile lines but it can help with
06:57 - 07:01
chest creases neck creases there are a
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lot of benefits now if you can't sleep
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on your back and these lines really bug
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you another thing you can think about
07:04 - 07:09
doing is wearing silicone patches along
07:07 - 07:11
your smile lines when you sleep silicone
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patches essentially act as a support
07:11 - 07:15
mechanism for your skin so that when you
07:13 - 07:17
are side Ling your skin doesn't want to
07:15 - 07:20
fold or crease in on itself now there
07:17 - 07:21
are brands that make specific face
07:20 - 07:23
shaped silicone patches or ones that are
07:21 - 07:25
meant for your neck or chest you can
07:23 - 07:27
totally use those usually I recommend to
07:25 - 07:28
my patients just some type of silicone
07:27 - 07:30
tape that you can get on Amazon I'll
07:28 - 07:31
link it in the description box now I
07:30 - 07:33
don't want you obsessing about things
07:31 - 07:35
that you can do at home something I say
07:33 - 07:37
to my patients all the time is do your
07:35 - 07:39
best but live your life and if you are
07:37 - 07:41
constantly at home trying to figure out
07:39 - 07:44
ways to like Smooth out your face or fix
07:41 - 07:45
your lines or not age that's kind of a
07:44 - 07:47
miserable existence but now I want to
07:45 - 07:49
Pivot and talk about things you can do
07:47 - 07:51
in the office to improve these smile
07:49 - 07:53
lines because that's often what people
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are coming in for right away I want to
07:53 - 07:58
address the topic of using Botox in the
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smile lines every single day in clinic I
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have a patient ask me and this is not
07:59 - 08:03
their fault this is just you know people
08:01 - 08:05
don't know this stuff they ask if they
08:03 - 08:07
can use botox to fix their smile lines
08:05 - 08:09
but the reason that doesn't work is
08:07 - 08:11
Botox is an injectable that relaxes
08:09 - 08:15
muscles so when we think about why this
08:11 - 08:17
line exists it's because we smile if I
08:15 - 08:19
were to inject Botox to prevent you from
08:17 - 08:21
smiling you would not love the way you
08:19 - 08:23
looked it would look like you're having
08:21 - 08:24
a stroke on both sides of your brain so
08:23 - 08:26
yeah by far in away the easiest way to
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not emphasize those lines is to never
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smile but that's not really a practical
08:29 - 08:32
solution and sometimes I think people
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bring up Botox but what they really mean
08:32 - 08:37
is filler so some type of injectable
08:34 - 08:39
that takes up space or volumizes the
08:37 - 08:41
tissue to sort of plump that area and I
08:39 - 08:43
want to caution about this as well
08:41 - 08:46
filler absolutely has a place in
08:43 - 08:48
correcting nasolabial folds or smile
08:46 - 08:50
lines but it needs to be done so
08:48 - 08:52
conservatively and the reason for this
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remember is that the primary cause of
08:52 - 08:56
these smile lines or nasal labial folds
08:54 - 08:59
is dissent of the facial tissue it's not
08:56 - 09:01
really due to a lack of volume in that f
08:59 - 09:02
fold so when I'm doing some type of
09:01 - 09:05
cosmetic correction to someone's face
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it's so important that we are only
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adding volume back in where volume is
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lost or where volume is missing patients
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always say well can you just like fill
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this up with filler oh yeah I sure could
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with a few syringes of filler I can make
09:15 - 09:19
your smile lines completely disappear
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but when we step back and look at your
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face as a whole will you actually look
09:21 - 09:25
better for it and this is something I
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talked to my cosmetic patients about all
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the time any cosmetic intervention that
09:27 - 09:31
you're doing whether it's Botox fillers
09:28 - 09:33
laser tightening devices you have to
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think about how it's going to affect the
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entire face we don't treat features we
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treat faces if you just go in and put
09:38 - 09:42
filler so something that takes up space
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along those lines very quickly you can
09:42 - 09:47
start to look puffy some people will
09:44 - 09:48
describe this look as Simeon or apik and
09:47 - 09:50
there are no patients who come into my
09:48 - 09:52
office and say Dr Ellis make me look
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like a monkey and this educational point
09:52 - 09:55
is something I always explain to my
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patients because I think they are very
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hopeful that they can just puff that
09:57 - 10:01
line out and it's so important that my
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patients don't look weird I think they
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come to me because they understand that
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I have a very natural aesthetic and
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they're never going to look done and one
10:07 - 10:11
of the quickest ways to look done is to
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start volumizing lines and folds all
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over your face these nasolabial folds or
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smile lines are a symptom of something
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greater of the dissent of the tissue and
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if you are not addressing that greater
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problem and you are just treating the
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symptom you're not going to get where
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you want to go now I do want to say like
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filler absolutely has a place to be put
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along those folds but there's a
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technique and a way that I do it so that
10:30 - 10:34
someone continues to look natural and
10:32 - 10:36
normal so it's not about completely
10:34 - 10:39
eliminating creases or Shadows from the
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face but just lessening how harsh they
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are now over the years there's been a
10:40 - 10:43
lot of content put out on social media
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about well okay if you're not putting
10:43 - 10:47
filler in the nasolabial folds or the
10:45 - 10:49
smile lines should you put it in the
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cheeks to lift the tissue up you have to
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have an injector with such a Discerning
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Eye to decide if you are the right
10:53 - 10:57
candidate for that in my experience
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filler does not do a good job of
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actually lifting up tissues but can
10:59 - 11:03
create the illusion of lifting the
11:01 - 11:05
tissues if placed properly but this
11:03 - 11:07
should really only be done in people who
11:05 - 11:09
have a flatter cheek or a less prominent
11:07 - 11:11
cheekbone sometimes I have a woman with
11:09 - 11:13
nice beautiful full cheeks a high
11:11 - 11:15
cheekbone and she goes can you just put
11:13 - 11:17
filler here to lift this up if I do that
11:15 - 11:19
you will just have alien or feline
11:17 - 11:21
looking cheeks and it's not going to
11:19 - 11:22
help your folds at all however if you
11:21 - 11:24
are someone that has lost volume
11:22 - 11:26
throughout your face maybe you've gone
11:24 - 11:28
on a rapid weight loss Journey maybe
11:26 - 11:30
you've just aged and lost volume in your
11:28 - 11:32
face replace ing volume elsewhere in
11:30 - 11:34
your face can bring more balance to it
11:32 - 11:36
and it really makes those nasolabial
11:34 - 11:38
folds or smile lines less obvious and
11:36 - 11:39
less prominent so when I'm volumizing
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other parts of the face I'm talking
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temples cheeks right in front of the ear
11:42 - 11:46
here there are so many places you can
11:44 - 11:47
utilize volume strategically to make
11:46 - 11:49
those smile lines less noticeable
11:47 - 11:51
without directly injecting the folds and
11:49 - 11:52
if I do that to someone and you step
11:51 - 11:54
back and you look at their face and you
11:52 - 11:56
look right at their smile lines their
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smile lines are actually not better but
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because we've balanced the rest of their
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facial features those smile lines are
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less prominent and they're not a
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distractor or a detractor on their face
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it's so important to see an injector
12:05 - 12:10
who's experienced but also thoughtful in
12:08 - 12:11
the way they are utilizing volumization
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to make you look better and if you have
12:11 - 12:15
any questions about filler in general or
12:13 - 12:16
filler in the smile lines definitely let
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me know in the comments aside from
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traditional hyaluronic acid based
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fillers like resellin or juviderm that
12:20 - 12:23
might be used throughout the face and
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specifically in the smile lines another
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thing I like to do is use Sculptra which
12:25 - 12:29
is a bios stimulatory filler in that
12:27 - 12:30
area I have an entire video dedicated to
12:29 - 12:32
Sculptra so if you want to know all the
12:30 - 12:33
details about this injectable I
12:32 - 12:35
encourage you to check that out but
12:33 - 12:38
Sculptra helps stimulate collagen in the
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Skin So for all of my patients but
12:38 - 12:43
particularly my younger patients maybe
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ones who are in their 30s early 40s who
12:43 - 12:48
are just starting to see that line start
12:45 - 12:49
I often will use Sculptra in the fold
12:48 - 12:51
and also kind of throughout the face to
12:49 - 12:53
help give their skin a little bit of a
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collagen boost so that it is less prone
12:53 - 12:57
to falling and sinking over time and
12:55 - 12:59
this not only helps with the smile lines
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but can also help prevent some of the
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other lines and creases in sagging that
13:01 - 13:04
they will inevitably see as time goes on
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ultimately I would say filler is
13:04 - 13:08
probably the best tool in our toolbox to
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help lessen those lines but there are
13:08 - 13:11
certainly other things we can do in
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office to improve the lines so I'll talk
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about those next especially when it
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comes to the quality of the skin and
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early signs of that smile line getting
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etched in resurfacing procedures to help
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build collagen in the skin can be quite
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helpful laser resurfacing micro needling
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anything that we are doing to help build
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collagen in the area can help lessen
13:27 - 13:30
that smile line as well as lines
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throughout the face now these types of
13:30 - 13:34
procedures again are really just working
13:32 - 13:36
in The Superficial tissues in that top
13:34 - 13:39
layer of skin so they are not good at
13:36 - 13:41
helping with deep lines or folds but it
13:39 - 13:43
is not uncommon for people to come in
13:41 - 13:45
and say well Dr Ellis what about radi
13:43 - 13:48
frequency micro needling I've heard of
13:45 - 13:50
Morpheus 8 or profound or Penza and they
13:48 - 13:53
have told me that that really lifts and
13:50 - 13:55
tightens the skin well not so fast in my
13:53 - 13:56
hands and honestly when I speak to my
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Dermatology colleagues across the
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country like not many of us have seen
13:58 - 14:02
much extreme tightening from radio
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frequency micro needling I have one in
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my office I think it's amazing for
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refining the pores and helping with acne
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scarring and helping with texture but it
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will not lift and tighten the skin I
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have never seen it do that these
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companies do an incredibly good job at
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marketing radio frequency micro needling
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as sort of filling that Niche because
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everyone is really desperate for
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something that lifts and tightens
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because there's not much out there that
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does that but it just really doesn't do
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it well and I have had so many patients
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come into my office who have spent
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thousands and thousands and thousands of
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dollars at outside offices doing radio
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frequency micro needling hoping it will
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lift and tighten their jowls their
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marionet lines their nasolabial folds
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and they've really seen no significant
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benefit so I do think radio frequency
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Micron needling has a place in
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Rejuvenation of the skin but it's not
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really going to be the thing that
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changes your smile lines or the folds in
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your face significantly now on the other
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hand I do think skin tightening devices
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like softwave o therapy Thermage do have
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a small place when it comes to the
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Improvement of these lines I find that
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the best candidates for this type of
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tissue tightening are people who have
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excessive volume in the face so it's not
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the skinny little faces they're having a
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tiny little line it's people who have
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heavy jows bigger cheeks that are
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weighing down their face and creating
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those lines because with some of these
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tightening devices you can actually get
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some local fat reduction if you pick
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your settings I know people get worried
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about using these tightening devices and
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it causing atrophy or dying off of the
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fat but when done strategically in
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places where you sort of have excess or
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irregular distribution of the fat it can
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really help with the Improvement of the
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smile lines as well as the gels but by
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Far and Away the thing that is going to
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give you the best benefit in your smile
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lines is something that actually lifts
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the tissue because another thing a lot
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of patients do when they're coming in
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and talking to me about their smile
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lines is they do this they put their
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hands at the periphery of their face and
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they pull back and their smile lines
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kind of disappear and they go I just I
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just want that well unfortunately in
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dermatology we don't have a ton that's
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going to do that amount of significant
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lifting and tightening that is multiple
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millim me of lift if not over a
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centimeter and nothing has been shown to
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do that threads are something that are
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marketed as having the ability to lift
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the tissue and you do see it do that
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however in my experience and over the
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years watching people get threads and
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then come into my clinic you get a very
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temporary lift from threads so you might
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look amazing for a few weeks but
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patients end up disappointed because
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their skin eventually and inevitably
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sags back down quite quickly and this
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would be fine if threads cost a few
16:25 - 16:28
hundred and weren't particularly
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invasive but getting threads is actually
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actually kind of a big deal and it's
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usually quite expensive and it ends up
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just not feeling worth it to so many
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people ultimately the best way to get
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rid of your smile lines is to get a
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surgical face lift and this is something
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that no one really wants to hear me say
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I know you come to a dermatologist's
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channel to be told about the
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non-invasive things that can help and
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I've done that but the reality is
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because smile lines are so much driven
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by dissent of the tissue eventually the
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only way to fix them is to pull the
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tissue back up where it started and if
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there were amazing alternatives to
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facelifts that did exactly what a
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facelift did and improved the skin and
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the shape of the face the way a facelift
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does facelifts wouldn't exist but there
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is nothing that Rivals what a facelift
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can do and so ultimately if your smile
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lines really bug you but I wouldn't just
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do it for the smile lines if you're also
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noticing lines around the face here
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you're noticing jowling you feel like
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your neck is sagging that's where
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surgical interventions are really going
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to do the most and a facelift certainly
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doesn't last forever but of all the
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interventions I've talked about it
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certainly has the longest lasting effect
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because you're really taking that
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displaced volume and replacing it where
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it needs to go and so many patients end
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up in my office too and they're like
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look Dr El I'm never getting a facelift
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and that's that's completely fine like
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getting a facelift is not just like a
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normal thing that everyone goes and does
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or can afford or wants to take on that
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risk and like I said there are many
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other things we can do to improve these
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lines but there is nothing that's going
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to give you the same result as a
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facelift I hope this video has helped
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you and provided you some guidance when
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it comes to smile lines if you liked it
17:57 - 17:59
please give it a thumbs up and don't
17:58 - 18:01
forget to subscribe subscribe to the
17:59 - 18:02
channel I'm so curious if any of you
18:01 - 18:04
have tried things to help your smile
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lines and what has worked for you so
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please share in the comments I'll catch
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you next time thank you so much for