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- Welcome to "Let the Quran Speak."
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We're looking at
misunderstood Quranic verses,
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and with me today is Dr. Shabir.
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Dr. Shabir, welcome to
"Let the Quran Speak."
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- Pleasure to be on.
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- Dr. Shabir, the first we're looking at
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is from chapter nine.
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We moved on to chapter nine,
and it's the first verse.
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It says, Freedom from obligation
is proclaimed from Allah
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and His Messenger towards
those of the idolaters
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with whom you made a treaty.
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So this verse seems to be saying,
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you're free from whatever obligation
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or treaty that you made, right?
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So the background of
this is that the Prophet,
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peace be upon him,
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had entered into a treaty
with the non-Muslims.
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And we should be more specific,
like the pagans of Arabia,
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polytheists, mushrikun
as the Quran calls them.
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And a treaty by definition would mean
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that we don't attack
you, you don't attack us.
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Somebody may ally with us,
somebody may ally with you.
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Our allies would not attack
your allies and so on.
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Those are simple terms of treaty.
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Today, we live in a situation,
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in which we largely go
about our daily lives,
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and we don't worry about another country
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invading or attacking us.
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This is a result of treaties
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that have been signed a long time ago by,
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the four founding fathers of our nations.
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And the treaties are not in our minds.
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Like we don't go about
our daily lives saying,
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"Oh, we're living under a treaty now."
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We just take it for granted.
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But that was not so in
the time of the Prophet,
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peace be upon him,
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it was either you had a treaty
or didn't have a treaty.
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And if you had a treaty, you
are safe from being attacked
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by the people who are
in the treaty with you.
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But if you didn't have a
treaty, you are open game.
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Somebody may attack you
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because you don't have a treaty with them.
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So when a treaty is signed,
that means both sides can relax.
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We are safe from each other.
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But once one party breaks the treaty,
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then the other side could be open game.
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So what's happening here
is that in Surah 9:1,
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the non-Muslims had broken their treaty.
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And so the Muslims now are proclaiming
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through a revelation from God,
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that the Muslims also are acknowledging
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and warning them that we know
that you have done something
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that's against the
stipulation of the treaty.
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So you have broken the treaty
and we are also declaring
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that we are free from any
obligation towards that treaty,
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unless, of course, you want to
come back in and renegotiate
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and reestablish the treaty again,
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make amends for what you have done wrong,
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and let's patch it up and move on.
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So this verse is saying, (speaks Arabic),
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God and his Messenger are
hereby declaring themselves
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immune from or free of
responsibility towards those
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with whom previously
we had made the treaty,
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specifically the polytheists, mushrikun.
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To explain this verse,
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like I've spoken about the background,
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so one might say what,
"You're making this all up."
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But it's there in the passages.
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Some commentators have cited
and linked to a Surah 8:58.
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That's the surah that
just came before this one.
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And the two Surahs are
so closely connected
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in terms of meaning and themes,
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that some companions of the
Prophet, peace be upon him,
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apparently thought that
there were all one surah.
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And this might explain why the Basmala,
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the phrase (speaks Arabic) is not written
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at the beginning of the
ninth chapter of the Quran.
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So looking at Surah 8:58, we read there
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that if you fear khiana, or
treachery from any of them,
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(speaks Arabic), then
throw back their treaty,
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so you're all on equal terms now,
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or throw back to them
their treaties in fairness,
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that if you fear that they're treacherous.
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So the commentators say, or
some commentators say that
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that is the situation here.
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They have acted treacherous,
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and now the Prophet
Muhammad, peace be upon him,
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is throwing back the treaty at them.
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But we don't even have
to go to a another surah.
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Within this surah itself,
just a few verses later
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in verse number four,
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we are dealing with verse number one here,
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so three verses later,
verse number four says,
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(Dr. Shabir speaks Arabic)
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Except those with whom,
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those polytheists with
whom you have made a treaty
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and they have not violated their treaty,
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(speaks Arabic) they they
have not reduced anything
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of the stipulations that
they were to abide by.
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(speaks Arabic), so you should
then complete the covenant
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up to the specified term.
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So that means this is a declaration that
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with those who have broken their treaty,
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we are also free of obligation,
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but those who have not
broken their treaty,
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we are still in a covenantal
relationship with them.
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And it continues, other verses as well,
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Like verse number seven, (speaks Arabic)
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as long as they are remaining firm
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in their agreement with you,
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you also remain firm in your
agreement with them, and so on.
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- So, what's the misunderstanding, doctor?
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- So the misunderstanding
actually is that so many
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of the classical commentators
say that by this verse,
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God is declaring that we
are now not going to enter
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into any treaty with
the polytheists of Becca
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and whatever treaties they have
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will be now limited to four months.
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And we're not, you know,
if any is longer than that,
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some if commentators said, will continue
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to the end of the stipulated
term, but some said no.
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Well, even those are now gonna
be reduced to four months.
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And they have made the
verse appear to be something
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that is calling towards violence.
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Whereas of course the the verse is saying,
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the treaty is already broken,
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it's not here calling for the Prophet
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or Muslims to break any treaties,
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but it's rather just announcing
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that the other side has
acted treacherously,
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they have broken their stipulations,
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and therefore we are
also free of obligation.
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But if they want, they
can come back to terms.
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If they repent, well, then
we can go back to terms
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and enter into a new covenant.
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- Interesting verse, Dr. Shabir.
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Interesting set of verses because
there are a number of them
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that come after this verse
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that relate to the same subject matter.
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- Exactly.
- All right.
06:49 - 06:50
And we'll be exploring those soon.
06:52 - 06:54
- [Together] Assalamualaikum!
06:54 - 06:56
- Welcome to Muslim Media Hub,
06:56 - 06:58
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06:58 - 07:00
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07:00 - 07:03
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07:03 - 07:06
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07:06 - 07:07
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07:07 - 07:10
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07:10 - 07:12
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07:12 - 07:14
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07:14 - 07:17
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07:22 - 07:23
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07:25 - 07:28
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07:28 - 07:29
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07:29 - 07:31
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07:31 - 07:34
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07:34 - 07:36
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07:36 - 07:39
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07:42 - 07:46
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07:46 - 07:47
07:47 - 07:48
- Assalamualaikum.