00:01 - 00:06

well hi everyone and welcome to coffee

00:04 - 00:10

with Craig I'm Craig Hamilton Parker uh

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I'm a psychic medium and um my job is to

00:10 - 00:15

help to see the future talk about the

00:12 - 00:17

future what's happening share our ideas

00:15 - 00:19

in the comments and see if we can get a

00:17 - 00:21

spiritual grip upon what's going on in

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this somewhat troubled World well I'm

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doing this one on the 10th of December

00:24 - 00:30

um just as there's been the Syrian

00:27 - 00:32

Revolution and I'm going to talk about

00:30 - 00:36

that talk about a few other things share

00:32 - 00:39

a few ideas with you and um take it from

00:36 - 00:41

there and we'll talk about all you know

00:39 - 00:43

if you're new to the channel do please

00:41 - 00:45

always give this a thumbs up and join it

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because you'll get we'll get new updates

00:45 - 00:51

all the time uh on this channel which we

00:48 - 00:54

call coffee with Craig so welcome to

00:51 - 00:54

coffee with Craig

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01:47 - 01:51

well hi again and I'm going to share

01:49 - 01:52

with you a few of my thoughts about

01:51 - 01:54

what's happening with Syria and the

01:52 - 01:56

Middle East in general um and I've

01:54 - 01:58

already done this quite a number of

01:56 - 02:00

times on the channel of course but also

01:58 - 02:02

to share with you some of my thoughts a

02:00 - 02:04

little bit later on I think about um

02:02 - 02:06

where the world's going and will we

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really reach a golden age and and will

02:06 - 02:10

it be in our lifetimes which we talked

02:08 - 02:11

about that before on this channel and

02:10 - 02:14

I'm going to talk about it a little bit

02:11 - 02:18

towards the end but here we are now

02:14 - 02:21

today with Syria uh being um going

02:18 - 02:24

through a major Revolution and that

02:21 - 02:27

Dreadful man Assad being pulled from

02:24 - 02:29

Power shoved off to Russia um wouldn't

02:27 - 02:30

want him in our household would we I

02:29 - 02:34

mean I it's not going to look good on

02:30 - 02:36

Putin all of this but I did talk about

02:34 - 02:38

something kind of like this before um if

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you look at back at some of my other

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videos um I said I was talking about the

02:42 - 02:45

predictions for the presidency of the

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02:45 - 02:51

States and in one of the videos I said

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at the end of um Joe Biden's uh

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presidency I saw an unexpected and new

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event in the Middle East and this is

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kind of it I think this is unexpected

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it's new it's completely come left

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filled everybody's been taken by

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surprise with it and perhaps that's what

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I was seeing I was getting lots of

03:11 - 03:16

strange images actually almost

03:13 - 03:18

Armageddon like images um when I was

03:16 - 03:20

having a dream one evening and I saw the

03:18 - 03:21

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and

03:20 - 03:24

don't worry about I don't feel that's

03:21 - 03:25

going to happen but I I I I kind of

03:24 - 03:26

symbolic about something's going to

03:25 - 03:28

happen there's going to be some rumbles

03:26 - 03:29

here there's something happening I felt

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they were run they were running

03:29 - 03:33

underground actually so I don't know if

03:31 - 03:35

there's also some connection with

03:33 - 03:37

earthquakes uh with this as well yet to

03:35 - 03:39

come there might be something like that

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in fact actually just before we gone to

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Syria thing I one of the other

03:40 - 03:44

predictions I made is that there's going

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to be um a major earthquake around both

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sides of the Pacific Rim as it were and

03:47 - 03:53

I noticed last week there was a both a

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um an erupt not eruption but a an

03:53 - 03:59

earthquake in uh Alaska and one of my uh

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clients from um Taiwan wrong me to say

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that just had seismic activity there in

04:01 - 04:05

Taiwan as well which makes me wonder if

04:04 - 04:07

this is something that's happening

04:05 - 04:09

around the world I get the feeling we're

04:07 - 04:12

going to have a period ahead of a lot of

04:09 - 04:14

um a lot of earthquakes uh coming up in

04:12 - 04:18

the in the uh in the near future and

04:14 - 04:22

certainly through 20125 anyway back back

04:18 - 04:23

to Syria um yeah like I did say about um

04:22 - 04:25

you that there'll be something

04:23 - 04:26

unexpected at the end of Joe Biden's

04:25 - 04:28

presidency and also when I've been

04:26 - 04:30

talking recently about what was

04:28 - 04:34

happening with um

04:30 - 04:37

Israel and Lebanon I said I saw Israel

04:34 - 04:40

moving into that um buffer zone that

04:37 - 04:43

they've got between the Goan Heights and

04:40 - 04:45

Syria and and that's happened exactly as

04:43 - 04:47

I said and I think that came to mind

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because I've been to that spot I've

04:47 - 04:52

stood on that spot I've stood on the

04:48 - 04:53

very Point um where the what the that's

04:52 - 04:56

happening at the moment and S and

04:53 - 04:58

Israel's moved in and I get a feeling

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they might not move out again I get a

04:58 - 05:03

feeling my I'm sensing that they're

05:00 - 05:05

going to stay there H and um Israel

05:03 - 05:07

might even push a little bit further and

05:05 - 05:10

have a new buffer zone ahead of that

05:07 - 05:13

taking more territory off

05:10 - 05:17

Syria um and of course they're hitting

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the Syrian arms now I mean from from

05:17 - 05:24

netanyahu's point of view he's seen all

05:21 - 05:27

these airplanes undefeat undefended

05:24 - 05:29

properly an Army in disarray and he's

05:27 - 05:31

gone in with his Air Force and troops

05:29 - 05:33

and just hitting the lot of it because

05:31 - 05:36

they want to pull the sting out of the

05:33 - 05:39

bee now before it can do any harm later

05:36 - 05:42

on so whether that's going to develop

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even further for advances into Syria I

05:42 - 05:46

don't think so I think it is an attempt

05:44 - 05:49

just to once more

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disarm um any potential enemy of them

05:49 - 05:55

and of course it's a hit against Iran in

05:52 - 05:57

an indirect way because all of this

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that's happening is weakening Iran and

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it's already a weakened Russia that's

06:00 - 06:04

allowed this to happen um has allowed

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this revolution to happen in Syria

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because it was Iran's influence and it

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was um Russia's influence that stopped

06:10 - 06:14

that last attempt to get rid of Assad

06:13 - 06:17

with such Dreadful

06:14 - 06:20

consequences um and lots of people being

06:17 - 06:23

put into those horrible um torture um

06:20 - 06:27

prisons and so forth happening um

06:23 - 06:29

shameful but um that it so that stopped

06:27 - 06:31

it but now we've suddenly got a sort of

06:29 - 06:34

a d population in

06:31 - 06:39

Syria and sadly you're kind of reminded

06:34 - 06:41

of what happened in um both Iraq and in

06:39 - 06:44

Libya I mean when they got rid of

06:41 - 06:45

Gaddafi everybody was cheerful thank

06:44 - 06:47

goodness we've done it and now it's

06:45 - 06:51

turned into a complete Wasteland really

06:47 - 06:54

it's a real parah State again same with

06:51 - 06:58

Iraq um what a mess that's still quite a

06:54 - 07:01

mess so will Syria go that way um well

06:58 - 07:02

we got this HT s haven't we which I

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can't remember what it stands for now

07:02 - 07:06

but basically they were a terrorist

07:04 - 07:09

movement they were very much Linked In

07:06 - 07:12

with alqa weren't they and and with Isis

07:09 - 07:15

and things like that and my feeling with

07:12 - 07:19

that Abdu Muhammad Al

07:15 - 07:21

jolani um I get the feeling he means it

07:19 - 07:23

I get I get a feeling with him when I

07:21 - 07:25

tune into him I feel okay he's an

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07:25 - 07:30

um uh extremist on lots of levels but I

07:29 - 07:33

do feel he wants to make the best for

07:30 - 07:35

Syria so I get the sense he's going to

07:33 - 07:37

want to make a kind of benign

07:35 - 07:39

dictatorship if there's such a thing

07:37 - 07:42

because if you listen to what he says as

07:39 - 07:44

well what's been reported on that is he

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yes I'm going to do the good for Syria

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but I don't believe in democracy because

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democracy is anti-islamic because it

07:49 - 07:54

stands against the fundamental Islamic

07:52 - 07:57

law which must come and Trump everything

07:54 - 08:00

out must domestic law has nothing is not

07:57 - 08:03

as powerful as is isamic law which is of

08:00 - 08:05

course an extremely dangerous thing uh

08:03 - 08:08

in most people's opinion I think because

08:05 - 08:10

it's um it it it stops democracy and its

08:08 - 08:13

tracks so we're not going to get

08:10 - 08:15

democracy any anytime soon there one of

08:13 - 08:18

the things I was feeling though and I

08:15 - 08:20

mentioned this before is that turkey's

08:18 - 08:22

involvement quite a few times I've said

08:20 - 08:26

that I feel turkey is going to have a

08:22 - 08:28

major involvement in the Middle East uh

08:26 - 08:30

situation and and in a way a lot of

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08:30 - 08:35

um countries used to be part of the

08:32 - 08:37

otoman Empire so I suppose from their

08:35 - 08:41

point of view they do look to that and

08:37 - 08:43

I'm sure um what's his name erogan is

08:41 - 08:46

Igan would be looking at that and kind

08:43 - 08:49

of being reminiscent of the past glories

08:46 - 08:51

of turkey and the Ottomans um but I feel

08:49 - 08:53

as if they're going to go in I get a

08:51 - 08:55

sense that they're going to go in we're

08:53 - 08:59

going to see actual Turkish troops in

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Syria um and and trying perhaps even to

08:59 - 09:04

stop St the idea of a Kurdish um state

09:02 - 09:07

but I do feel and I predicted this

09:04 - 09:09

before that there will be a Kurdish

09:07 - 09:10

country the Kurds will have their own

09:09 - 09:12

country which will be which will be

09:10 - 09:15

carved out of

09:12 - 09:16

Syria and if you look back to my lot of

09:15 - 09:18

my earlier predictions when the first

09:16 - 09:21

Syria problems all happened and there

09:18 - 09:24

was the first attempted Revolution which

09:21 - 09:27

failed I said eventually I see Syria

09:24 - 09:28

being partitioned in divided so could we

09:27 - 09:30

not have a Kurdish State could we not

09:28 - 09:32

have part it not being given back by

09:30 - 09:34

Israel and something else happening

09:32 - 09:36

maybe in the rest of it being divided

09:34 - 09:40

into another two states so it'll be 1 2

09:36 - 09:42

3 4ish four sort of States made out of

09:40 - 09:45

one Syria could that

09:42 - 09:47

work that's how I see it I I saw it

09:45 - 09:49

before quite strongly that happening and

09:47 - 09:51

it does feel to me like it's it's kind

09:49 - 09:53

of coming round again that we're going

09:51 - 09:56

to get that

09:53 - 09:57

situation will America get involved

09:56 - 10:00

Trump says no he's not going to get

09:57 - 10:03

involved my feeling is he will have to

10:00 - 10:06

get involved because there's going to be

10:03 - 10:08

there's certain amount of oil there um

10:06 - 10:10

and there's a lot of importance of

10:08 - 10:13

American influence there still and

10:10 - 10:15

particularly around the Kurds um so I

10:13 - 10:19

get the sense that America like it or

10:15 - 10:21

not will get involved and um Russia

10:19 - 10:23

would Al also need to get involved

10:21 - 10:27

certainly on a diplomatic level at the

10:23 - 10:30

very least to try to keep their um bases

10:27 - 10:32

there I feel those bases are going to go

10:30 - 10:35

and I might even see an American base in

10:32 - 10:39

there eventually so those are some of my

10:35 - 10:41

feelings with that and one other thing

10:39 - 10:43

what has Israel got planned with all

10:41 - 10:45

this is there some hidden agenda there

10:43 - 10:48

they they because what they've done is

10:45 - 10:51

they' they've disarmed as it were in

10:48 - 10:54

their view Gaza they've disarmed um

10:51 - 10:58

Lebanon they've disarmed Syria all these

10:54 - 11:03

are the wings that um Iran were reaching

10:58 - 11:04

out into into the world with Iran is

11:03 - 11:05

weaker than it's ever been now because

11:04 - 11:08

of all

11:05 - 11:11

this I still think they're going to hit

11:08 - 11:13

Iran um even if Trump's in power they

11:11 - 11:16

still hit Iran and they Iran they might

11:13 - 11:20

even want to try to do it soon I feel

11:16 - 11:23

while Biden is weak while America um

11:20 - 11:25

it's very difficult for them to um act

11:23 - 11:28

uh unilaterally in a situation because

11:25 - 11:31

if Biden tried to do anything there'd be

11:28 - 11:34

everybody be up in arms because he's not

11:31 - 11:36

the authority to do it now so yes it's a

11:34 - 11:39

it's a difficult situation those weak

11:36 - 11:43

situations are not

11:39 - 11:45

good I also see jihadists coming out of

11:43 - 11:47

this again unfortunately I see jihadists

11:45 - 11:51

coming out of the Syria situation and

11:47 - 11:54

more terrorist attacks in Europe I have

11:51 - 11:57

said this already in my 2025 predictions

11:54 - 11:59

on the bigger video but I see that

11:57 - 12:00

problem happening again what so

11:59 - 12:03

interesting to think how it's going to

12:00 - 12:05

affect Putin because it's made him look

12:03 - 12:09

pretty bad this was where American

12:05 - 12:11

influence was in in in in that area in

12:09 - 12:13

Syria and and there the Russian

12:11 - 12:15

influence the Russians this was our

12:13 - 12:18


12:15 - 12:22

um sense of power all that's been taken

12:18 - 12:26

away so it could weaken Putin I feel I

12:22 - 12:28

don't feel Putin's got long with us I

12:26 - 12:32

get the sense that Putin may be pulled

12:28 - 12:35

from Power look how quickly uh that

12:32 - 12:37

revolution has happened in Syria who

12:35 - 12:40

would have thought that Assad could be

12:37 - 12:44

pulled from Paris so quickly could it

12:40 - 12:45

happen to Putin as well so give me your

12:44 - 12:47

thoughts on that guys because I think

12:45 - 12:50

it's very interesting at these early

12:47 - 12:52

stages to to feel what do we think I

12:50 - 12:54

mean I know a lot of other astrologers

12:52 - 12:56

come on here and other psychics come on

12:54 - 12:59

this channel and we we've kind of formed

12:56 - 13:01

the community in the comments in many

12:59 - 13:03

ways and so put your thoughts put your

13:01 - 13:05

comments and what do you

13:03 - 13:07

think now talking about comments

13:05 - 13:10

actually Sometimes some of you sort of

13:07 - 13:12

say some fairly negative comments to me

13:10 - 13:15

particularly if they say oh you're a

13:12 - 13:17

trump lover and the rest of it but I

13:15 - 13:18

mean just because I predicted Trump

13:17 - 13:22

would come to power suddenly I'm the

13:18 - 13:24

enemy um but anyway in the comments um

13:22 - 13:27

it's quite it's quite interesting to see

13:24 - 13:29

what what you have to say there but one

13:27 - 13:31

of the one of the other prediction I

13:29 - 13:33

think when you make predictions it's not

13:31 - 13:35

whether I get them right or wrong or

13:33 - 13:37

what obviously some of the

13:35 - 13:40

stuff that I say to you is bound to be

13:37 - 13:42

influenced by what I see and hear in the

13:40 - 13:46

news sometimes and I try very hard to

13:42 - 13:48

push that out of my um my Consciousness

13:46 - 13:50

when I make a prediction but the most

13:48 - 13:52

interesting predictions I think are the

13:50 - 13:54

ones that come true that you couldn't

13:52 - 13:56

possibly of known anything about

13:54 - 13:58

something that comes right out the blue

13:56 - 13:59

and one of the predictions I made in the

13:58 - 14:03

recent video

13:59 - 14:06

actually on the 2025 predictions the big

14:03 - 14:09

one um was I said that there would be a

14:06 - 14:12

scandal in the BBC but it would be about

14:09 - 14:15

um it would be on Strictly Come Dancing

14:12 - 14:19

there would be a Strictly Come Dancing

14:15 - 14:22

um sex scandal but we've had another one

14:19 - 14:24

this time for Greg Wallace but if you

14:22 - 14:26

he's he's on um he's on the food

14:24 - 14:29

programs he's nothing to do with Come

14:26 - 14:33

dancing but then suddenly we get this I

14:29 - 14:36

see this um front page in the sun which

14:33 - 14:38

says strictly had Wallace complaint 10

14:36 - 14:44


14:38 - 14:46

ago so there we go I I saw it I saw the

14:44 - 14:48

headline um and who would have thought

14:46 - 14:51

it was come it was Strictly Come Dancing

14:48 - 14:52

so that was a bang on kind of a small

14:51 - 14:54

prediction but I think those are the

14:52 - 14:56

most interesting ones a bit like that

14:54 - 14:59

other one that I popped up on the end of

14:56 - 15:01

my trailer at the end where

14:59 - 15:02

King Prince Charles at that time was hit

15:01 - 15:04

by an egg and I and it happened a few

15:02 - 15:06

days later and similarly when I said

15:04 - 15:07

about Trump would be have an

15:06 - 15:10

assassination attempt and it happened

15:07 - 15:12

three days later those are the ones that

15:10 - 15:14

make you think about these predictions

15:12 - 15:16

uh and make me think sometimes well I

15:14 - 15:18

didn't quite expect it quite so suddenly

15:16 - 15:21

but you get these urges these feelings

15:18 - 15:25

and I'm sure other psychics that joined

15:21 - 15:29

this channel uh feel similarly so are we

15:25 - 15:30

now in a time of great Calamity ahead

15:29 - 15:32

because we see all these things

15:30 - 15:34

happening in in the Middle East and you

15:32 - 15:36

know it makes you think is it you know

15:34 - 15:37

is it Armageddon is it the is it some of

15:36 - 15:39

the predictions that were for the sort

15:37 - 15:42

of the end of the world type of

15:39 - 15:43

thing and I my feeling is it's not like

15:42 - 15:46

that you know and I'm just going to

15:43 - 15:48

share a few Thoughts with you about what

15:46 - 15:50

I feel to be the golden age to come

15:48 - 15:53

because I've spoken to about this quite

15:50 - 15:56

a few times that I feel that in our

15:53 - 15:59

lifetimes in my lifetime um that there

15:56 - 16:02

will be the start of a golden age and

15:59 - 16:04

many other people have spoken about it I

16:02 - 16:07

I'm particularly influenced by India um

16:04 - 16:09

as you know I'm very into the nadis and

16:07 - 16:12

they've spoken about my previous lives

16:09 - 16:13

in India and I felt very very strongly

16:12 - 16:15

I've lived before in India that's

16:13 - 16:18

probably why I've been so drawn to yoga

16:15 - 16:21

and Eastern philosophy um so much in my

16:18 - 16:23

life but anyway they talk in India about

16:21 - 16:26

these great yogas these are great long

16:23 - 16:28

periods of time in which very gradually

16:26 - 16:31

the astrology of the universe changes I

16:28 - 16:33

think as with as the solar system moves

16:31 - 16:36

around the center of the um of the

16:33 - 16:40

Galaxy um the these great changes happen

16:36 - 16:43

and and return in a cyclic sort of way

16:40 - 16:45

and um the car yogur is the yogurt we're

16:43 - 16:48

in at the moment it's the Dark Age but

16:45 - 16:50

yogananda's teacher um who was a

16:48 - 16:52

marvelous man yoga Ander you got to read

16:50 - 16:54

autobiography Yogi wonderful wonderful

16:52 - 16:57

book but yogan ander's teacher um his

16:54 - 17:00

astrology teacher he was his Guru um

16:57 - 17:02

Shri yessar

17:00 - 17:05

Tres never get his name it's a real

17:02 - 17:08

tongue twister um but he said that

17:05 - 17:10

because the the the age of car yoga is

17:08 - 17:13

so dark it became so dark that you

17:10 - 17:15

completely lost the knowledge of the

17:13 - 17:17

other yogas and to the point that we

17:15 - 17:19

even got the mathematics of it wrong and

17:17 - 17:21

we got the astrology of it wrong and

17:19 - 17:23

actually instead of being thousands and

17:21 - 17:27

thousands of years ahead before the

17:23 - 17:29

change to the next yoga that actually he

17:27 - 17:31

he predicted and worked it out

17:29 - 17:34

in this astrology that the Turning of

17:31 - 17:37

the age happened in

17:34 - 17:39

1699 and then from that point

17:37 - 17:41

on in which we've actually seen

17:39 - 17:43

gradually the the coming of the age of

17:41 - 17:46

the Industrial Revolution and now the

17:43 - 17:47

electronic Revolution and artificial

17:46 - 17:50

intelligence Revolution all those things

17:47 - 17:51

have happened in quite a short era and

17:50 - 17:54

that is because we've gone through the

17:51 - 17:56

changing of the ages and as the changing

17:54 - 17:58

of the AG is happening happen that's

17:56 - 18:00

when we get the real troubles in the

17:58 - 18:02

world Wars we had the first world war we

18:00 - 18:05

had the Second World War I don't think

18:02 - 18:07

we'll have a third as such but we've got

18:05 - 18:09

kind of what feels like a third world

18:07 - 18:12

war at the moment with so many places in

18:09 - 18:15

the world um under such terrible um

18:12 - 18:18

conflicts but from this comes the next

18:15 - 18:21

age which is called the dapara yoga and

18:18 - 18:24

this is an age that will last for 2,400

18:21 - 18:27

years and should be a a delightful age

18:24 - 18:30

particularly governed by things like um

18:27 - 18:33

energy and electronics which is

18:30 - 18:36

happening and um space exploration and

18:33 - 18:39

technology and in particular energy and

18:36 - 18:42

perhaps in this age we're going to find

18:39 - 18:44

um a way of getting unlimited energy

18:42 - 18:46

zero point type of energy type thing I

18:44 - 18:48

very strong feeling that this age is

18:46 - 18:51

going to be hallmarked by energy that we

18:48 - 18:55

could change our environment we could we

18:51 - 18:57

we could terraform Mars and things like

18:55 - 18:59

that because we have unlimited energy

18:57 - 19:01

for example to desalinate water and have

18:59 - 19:04

as much water as the world needs things

19:01 - 19:07

like that and that follows ultimately by

19:04 - 19:10

the Tetra yoga and follows finally by

19:07 - 19:12

the Sato yoga which is the age of um the

19:10 - 19:14

great enlightened time when great

19:12 - 19:16

enlightened everybody is like

19:14 - 19:19

enlightened and people live for many

19:16 - 19:22

many thousands of years even I mean they

19:19 - 19:24

say that human lifetime will be extended

19:22 - 19:26

in that period of time and I think also

19:24 - 19:29

quite important this I've always said I

19:26 - 19:32

feel it's happening soon I don't feel

19:29 - 19:33

the the the the theara yoger as it were

19:32 - 19:35

or whatever we want to call it the

19:33 - 19:36

Golden Age the next Golden Age because

19:35 - 19:37

it'll be a far better time than we're

19:36 - 19:40

living in

19:37 - 19:41

now I don't feel that it's it's it's

19:40 - 19:43

centuries and centuries ahead I feel

19:41 - 19:47

it's close to us and when you look at

19:43 - 19:48

some of the um other teachers uh around

19:47 - 19:51

the world I was looking at some of them

19:48 - 19:55

and and so many I made a list of ones I

19:51 - 19:57

could think of who um have spoken about

19:55 - 20:00

a a a coming of a golden age in our time

19:57 - 20:03

in this in the decades rather than in

20:00 - 20:07

the centuries um

20:03 - 20:08

shriber orindo okay I get his Indian I

20:07 - 20:11

don't know I can't pronounce it where

20:08 - 20:14

it's g i SRI orindo a very interesting

20:11 - 20:17

teacher he talked about things like um

20:14 - 20:20

uh Su supramental Consciousness he spoke

20:17 - 20:22

about and he spoke about um the the time

20:20 - 20:25

when a Divine life would be lived on

20:22 - 20:28

Earth and that this transformative time

20:25 - 20:30

would be uh with us very soon I feel it

20:28 - 20:34

is isn't it we many people are thinking

20:30 - 20:36

more in these ways um Swami Viva Cananda

20:34 - 20:41

was another very important teacher who

20:36 - 20:44

came from India brought the um uh

20:41 - 20:47

brought the uh many of the viic advant

20:44 - 20:50

teachings to um Europe and to and to

20:47 - 20:52

America in particular um and had um huge

20:50 - 20:56

conferences in which the whole ideas of

20:52 - 20:58

yoga and and sanatana ab dhama type of

20:56 - 21:02

teachings were given to the world for

20:58 - 21:04

the first time um and he spoke very much

21:02 - 21:07

about a global Awakening and a global um

21:04 - 21:10

Coming of a new spirituality um fueled

21:07 - 21:12

by India from his point of view also the

21:10 - 21:13

nais talk about this too it's written

21:12 - 21:15

very many times in the nais about the

21:13 - 21:18

Turning of the ages and that we'd have a

21:15 - 21:20

new a new era of purification um

21:18 - 21:22

followed by a time of spiritual

21:20 - 21:24

enlightenment um and even the Christian

21:22 - 21:26

prophecies when you think about it I

21:24 - 21:29

mean I think many of the things in the

21:26 - 21:30

Book of Revelation um are often

21:29 - 21:32


21:30 - 21:34

apocalyptically but I think often that

21:32 - 21:37

many of them are these things I think

21:34 - 21:39

are misread I feel but they on the

21:37 - 21:42

positive side of those prophecies it

21:39 - 21:43

talks about there a new Heaven and a new

21:42 - 21:46

Earth it says doesn't it in there there

21:43 - 21:48

will be a new Heaven and a new Earth a

21:46 - 21:50

symbol of transformation of everything

21:48 - 21:52

really Heaven and Earth

21:50 - 21:55

transformed and even then there's a

21:52 - 21:59

dawning of a golden age following a

21:55 - 22:01

period of global transformation

21:59 - 22:04

and edra Casey another one that spoke

22:01 - 22:07

very often about um quite apocalyptic

22:04 - 22:09

times in many respects but talks also

22:07 - 22:12

about an eventual spiritualizing of the

22:09 - 22:14

world and the importance he spoke about

22:12 - 22:16

Universal love and the unity of mankind

22:14 - 22:18

all those things are coming I mean many

22:16 - 22:20

of the prophecies I mean the Hopey

22:18 - 22:22

prophecies are there too they they also

22:20 - 22:25

spoke about the fifth world and and a

22:22 - 22:28

time of an era of peace and unity and

22:25 - 22:31

and then there's the Lota prophecies um

22:28 - 22:33

that's white buffalo calom I think she

22:31 - 22:36

was it was called that this all tells of

22:33 - 22:37

a a spiritual time of Awakening and

22:36 - 22:40

balance it was symbolized by the birth

22:37 - 22:41

of a white buffalo I mean these

22:40 - 22:43

prophecies are supposed to be in our

22:41 - 22:45

time even the Mayan prophecies what

22:43 - 22:47

people spoke about very much around 2012

22:45 - 22:49

when the Mayan prophecies uh calendar

22:47 - 22:51

seemed to end but could that be the

22:49 - 22:54

Turning Point the time when Humanity

22:51 - 22:56

chooses the New Path and similarly even

22:54 - 22:59

in Islam and particularly in the Sufi

22:56 - 23:02

prophecies um there's lot of references

22:59 - 23:05

to a time of um a dawn of spiritually

23:02 - 23:07

renewed world and so many of those Sufi

23:05 - 23:11

Mystics um SP talk about a period of

23:07 - 23:13

Love ahead and also within spiritualism

23:11 - 23:16

many of the um Spirit guides have spoken

23:13 - 23:19

about these things also particularly in

23:16 - 23:22

um theosophy uh and Madame blansky Helen

23:19 - 23:24

Helena blansky and Alice Bailey they

23:22 - 23:27

talk about a time um when Humanity will

23:24 - 23:29

move into the Aquarian age which is what

23:27 - 23:31

we another way of looking at this the

23:29 - 23:33

birth of Aquarius and they talk about

23:31 - 23:35

the great white Brotherhood and that

23:33 - 23:38

there's a great spiritual hierarchy of

23:35 - 23:39

enlightened Masters guiding the world

23:38 - 23:42

and that they're guiding us into a new

23:39 - 23:44

time coming up in these these years

23:42 - 23:46

ahead and similarly I've spoken about

23:44 - 23:48

yogan Ander but there was also Rudolph

23:46 - 23:51

Steiner anthroposophy I think they call

23:48 - 23:53

his his his philosophy that he also

23:51 - 23:56

spoke about a golden age and spoke about

23:53 - 23:58

it coming again in our lifetimes and I

23:56 - 24:02

mentioned about SA barar nostr Damas

23:58 - 24:04

even talks about after terrible times

24:02 - 24:06

comes a dawning of a new age the way you

24:04 - 24:09

look at it people have been saying that

24:06 - 24:10

yes it does seem to point to a rebirth

24:09 - 24:13

after a period of great upheaval and

24:10 - 24:16

even the Yorkshire Seer um mother

24:13 - 24:18

Shipton she spoke similar of a bright

24:16 - 24:20

calm bright age ahead following a period

24:18 - 24:22

of turmoil so I think we've been through

24:20 - 24:24

quite a lot periods of turmoil I think I

24:22 - 24:25

would include in that first world war

24:24 - 24:28

second world war and what's happening

24:25 - 24:31

now that's all one uh ter

24:28 - 24:34

time which is part of that transition

24:31 - 24:36

from the K yoga into the dwara yoga

24:34 - 24:38

we're going through a period of

24:36 - 24:39

transformation and what will it be like

24:38 - 24:40

I'm should do a whole video on that

24:39 - 24:42

sometime what would it be like but the

24:40 - 24:45

most important thing about what it would

24:42 - 24:46

be like is not necessarily the external

24:45 - 24:48

though they say that would be

24:46 - 24:49

transformed and that would be turned

24:48 - 24:52

into a different type of world maybe a

24:49 - 24:54

utopian world based on this idea of free

24:52 - 24:56

energy and an electronic world that can

24:54 - 24:59

take away all the troubles and do all

24:56 - 25:04

the work for us like the Industrial

24:59 - 25:05

Revolution took away um a lot of uh uh

25:04 - 25:09

menial labor and replac it with

25:05 - 25:10

machinery and also maybe clerical work

25:09 - 25:13

and all the rest of it can be replaced

25:10 - 25:15

by AI in the future but more importantly

25:13 - 25:18

it's what happens within us the whole

25:15 - 25:20

idea of the golden age is it's within us

25:18 - 25:23

I've said about this before but it's

25:20 - 25:25

like many candles make a bright Sun each

25:23 - 25:27

one of us gradually awakens and the

25:25 - 25:29

thing is you can awaken right now you

25:27 - 25:31

don't have to wait for for some time in

25:29 - 25:34

the future The Awakening can happen

25:31 - 25:37

within us in this instant at this moment

25:34 - 25:39

we need to work on our own own salvation

25:37 - 25:42

as Buddha said seek out your own Sal own

25:39 - 25:44

salvation seek out your own way to

25:42 - 25:47

spiritual enlightenment and it's your

25:44 - 25:50

duty each of us in being in this life to

25:47 - 25:53

wake up it's our duty to become awakened

25:50 - 25:55

beings that is why we're here whatever

25:53 - 25:57

age we're born in whether it be a

25:55 - 25:59

terrible age or brilliant age it's still

25:57 - 26:02

the same process it's about Awakening

25:59 - 26:03

and waking up and one after another

26:02 - 26:05

after another like many Bright Lights

26:03 - 26:08

All Around the World opening up and if

26:05 - 26:10

we do that the future's ours and we can

26:08 - 26:12

find that happiness we can find and

26:10 - 26:15

realize that we don't need to be tied to

26:12 - 26:18

All the Troubles of the world we can

26:15 - 26:19

find Transcendence now within ourselves

26:18 - 26:21

that no matter what's happening in the

26:19 - 26:24

world we can be awake beings and be

26:21 - 26:25

filled with joy be filled with Harmony

26:24 - 26:27

and be filled with love which is the

26:25 - 26:30

expression of that joy and bring it into

26:27 - 26:33

the world for brothers so with that in

26:30 - 26:35

mind I'm going to say goodbye and thank

26:33 - 26:37

you for joining me again for coffee with

26:35 - 26:39

Craig and if you enjoyed it go and have

26:37 - 26:41

a look at some of my books I might make

26:39 - 26:43

a good Christmas present uh for yourself

26:41 - 26:45

perhaps uh have a look on my website

26:43 - 26:47

anyway there's an advert at the end

26:45 - 26:49

thanks very much for joining me again

26:47 - 26:50

thanks for being part of this and thanks

26:49 - 26:52

all through this year that you've all

26:50 - 26:54

been supporting me so many joining us

26:52 - 26:56

now so many so many new subscribers

26:54 - 26:58

thank you very very much guys and I hope

26:56 - 26:59

you enjoy the stuff for the future

26:58 - 27:02

future and let's have your comments what

26:59 - 27:04

do you think 2025 holds for you what do

27:02 - 27:05

you think holds for the world any

27:04 - 27:07

thoughts I'm always interested to see

27:05 - 27:11

your ideas too anyway thanks for joining

27:07 - 27:11

me bye for now

27:11 - 27:25


27:28 - 27:31

if you look back at my earlier

27:30 - 27:33

predictions and in particular the

27:31 - 27:36

predictions I made on the the newspaper

27:33 - 27:38

the Suns um website I did actually say

27:36 - 27:41

on there the actual words were there

27:38 - 27:44

will be a flu epidemic linked to biot

27:41 - 28:19


27:44 - 28:19


28:20 - 28:24

and my thoughts

28:21 - 28:26

are that Liz trust will make it to the

28:24 - 28:29


28:26 - 28:31

um be the be the next next p.m. I think

28:29 - 28:33

she will actually have a final battle

28:31 - 28:35

between her and rishy schunack we've not

28:33 - 28:38

seen the full end of Boris Johnson

28:35 - 28:40

either I tell you but rishy schunack

28:38 - 28:43

actually will eventually I feel be the

28:40 - 28:45

next leader of the conservatives so I

28:43 - 28:46

think there's going to be a few

28:45 - 28:49

conflicts that Britain's going to be

28:46 - 28:50

drawn into including um I think Russia

28:49 - 28:54

is going to take some moves against

28:50 - 28:57

Ukraine I think she will make it past

28:54 - 29:00

her Platinum Jubilee which comes up this

28:57 - 29:02

year but I think after that we'll see a

29:00 - 29:06

sudden and quick deterioration in the

29:02 - 29:09

Queen's health and um I think I think we

29:06 - 29:12

might lose the queen towards the end of

29:09 - 29:15

2022 there's going to be a huge huge

29:12 - 29:17

backlash um uh from Over the Netflix

29:15 - 29:22

programs and screening because I feel it

29:17 - 29:24

comes out in at a bad time Charles will

29:22 - 29:28

come to become King

29:24 - 29:30

Charles um but his Reign I feel will be

29:28 - 29:33

short said that um Prince Charles would

29:30 - 29:36

be hit by an

29:33 - 29:38

egg and of course there it is all in the

29:36 - 29:40

Press today marvous person she is she

29:38 - 29:43

does something extraordinary um could

29:40 - 29:45

even um even put her life a little bit

29:43 - 29:46

at risk for the way she the way she did

29:45 - 29:48


29:46 - 29:51


29:48 - 29:53

okay is there something also there

29:51 - 29:56

that's not been spoken about fully did

29:53 - 30:00

they also discover something with Kate

29:56 - 30:02

that wasn't quite right a huge swarm of

30:00 - 30:04

people knocking the doors of Europe and

30:02 - 30:06

America um and I feel that Ukraine

30:04 - 30:10

conflict is going to be a kind of a

30:06 - 30:11

grinding conflict that goes on and on I

30:10 - 30:14

also feel that there's something going

30:11 - 30:15

to happen in the Middle East as well I I

30:14 - 30:18

I feel as if there's going to be a

30:15 - 30:20

sudden and unexpected thing happened in

30:18 - 30:22

the Middle East so I feel they're going

30:20 - 30:24

to take it into their own hands and I

30:22 - 30:27

feel we're going to get a strike from

30:24 - 30:29

Israel this is going to be one of the

30:27 - 30:32

significant things in

30:29 - 30:36

2023 I've said it before and I say it

30:32 - 30:40

again um I feel Israel with the help

30:36 - 30:42

from the USA will strike the Iranian

30:40 - 30:44

nuclear facilities I said that there

30:42 - 30:47

would be an earthquake that would Shake

30:44 - 30:49

New York at this time I've been sensing

30:47 - 30:51

that for a while that there's going to

30:49 - 30:54

be a big earthquake of some sort and

30:51 - 30:57

this could well come up during April

30:54 - 30:59

period I'm seeing a bridge collapsing

30:57 - 31:02

actually the whole infrastructure of it

30:59 - 31:05

going I predict something very dark

31:02 - 31:09

happens to President Joe Biden he's been

31:05 - 31:12

pulled from Power sat as it were and

31:09 - 31:14

quite close to the election time but I

31:12 - 31:17

kind of sense it's more to do with

31:14 - 31:19

illness perhaps senility and people

31:17 - 31:21

stopping him because of that so it could

31:19 - 31:24

even be that a new pres a new candidate

31:21 - 31:26

will run for the Presidential nominee I

31:24 - 31:30

predict that Trump will win uh the

31:26 - 31:31

November 2020 24 election and I feel I

31:30 - 31:34

feel very strongly that the black vote

31:31 - 31:36

is going to move towards Trump see him

31:34 - 31:38

as a sort of a bit of a cool guy I can't

31:36 - 31:40

see Trump being put in jail despite what

31:38 - 31:42

they're throwing at him I can't see a

31:40 - 31:44

jail sentence with him but I get the

31:42 - 31:47

feeling one of the

31:44 - 31:50

candidates um has an attempt on a

31:47 - 31:52

candidate's life could there have been a

31:50 - 31:54

plan to assassinate either him or Trump

31:52 - 31:56

perhaps there's going to be an

31:54 - 32:00

assassination Trum attempt on Trump I

31:56 - 32:02

think um and uh that will fail but he

32:00 - 32:04

might maybe get wounded or something

32:02 - 32:25

like that

32:04 - 32:25


32:28 - 32:47


Understanding Future Trends and Predictions

In this episode of Coffee with Craig, psychic medium Craig Hamilton Parker delves into the complex and chaotic world events, focusing on the Syrian Revolution and its global implications. From discussing the unexpected turns in the Middle East to exploring his psychic predictions, Craig offers insights into the future. As he delves into geopolitical shifts, potential earthquakes, and the rise of extremist groups, he also touches on the emergence of a possible Golden Age right within our lifetimes.

The Unfolding Crisis in Syria

Craig reflects on the recent events in Syria, highlighting the sudden overthrow of Assad and the geopolitical ramifications of this revolution. Drawing parallels with his earlier predictions about the Middle East, Craig foresees a potentially turbulent period ahead for the region. From Israel's strategic advances to the role of Iran and Russia, he paints a vivid picture of the unfolding dynamics in the region.

Psychic Insights and Global Transformations

Venturing beyond current affairs, Craig delves into his psychic predictions spanning from earthquakes along the Pacific Rim to the emergence of a new form of governance in Syria. Moreover, his insights extend to the potential involvement of Turkey and the formation of a Kurdish state. As he unravels the intricacies of global politics, he also hints at the looming specter of jihadist threats and the implications for Europe.

Towards a Golden Age

Transitioning to a more optimistic outlook, Craig delves into the concept of a forthcoming Golden Age. Drawing on various spiritual and prophetic traditions, he envisions a period of enlightenment and transformation for humanity. From the astrological shifts to the profound changes in consciousness, he articulates a vision of hope and renewal amidst the tumultuous global landscape.

Embracing Personal Awakening

In a poignant conclusion, Craig emphasizes the significance of individual spiritual awakening in shaping the future. Encouraging viewers to embark on their journeys of self-realization and inner growth, he underscores the transformative power of personal enlightenment in navigating the complexities of the world.

As Craig's insights blend foresight with spiritual wisdom, they offer a unique perspective on the interplay between global events and individual consciousness. In a world grappling with uncertainty and change, his words resonate as a beacon of hope and a call to embrace the transformative potential within each of us. Join the conversation and share your thoughts on the evolving landscape of our world.

Whether exploring geopolitical upheavals or envisioning a brighter future, Craig's unique blend of psychic foresight and spiritual wisdom offers a compelling narrative on the unfolding tapestry of global events. As we navigate through the uncertainties of today, perhaps the key to shaping tomorrow lies not just in external circumstances but in the awakening of our inner selves. Join Craig on this insightful journey and discover the potential for personal and collective transformation in the midst of tumultuous times.