00:00 - 00:04
it's all about baale when it comes to
00:02 - 00:06
the now Infamous Alexander Brothers will
00:04 - 00:08
The prominent trio accused of sex
00:06 - 00:10
trafficking and sexually assaulting
00:08 - 00:12
women for years be granted pre-trial
00:10 - 00:14
release we're going to break down the
00:12 - 00:16
arguments from both sides including the
00:14 - 00:19
latest points from prosecutors in a
00:16 - 00:21
filing that reveals so much about the
00:19 - 00:25
case welcome to sidebar presented by law
00:21 - 00:25
on crime I'm Jesse
00:26 - 00:32
Weber our coverage continues surrounding
00:28 - 00:34
the Alexander Brothers Alan Orin and T
00:32 - 00:36
these wealthy and influential figures in
00:34 - 00:39
the real estate and private security
00:36 - 00:42
industries who are now facing some very
00:39 - 00:45
serious charges sex crimes charges at
00:42 - 00:46
both a federal and state level and now
00:45 - 00:48
one of the latest filings from
00:46 - 00:51
prosecutors Federal prosecutors to be
00:48 - 00:54
more specific this letter to New York
00:51 - 00:56
District Court Judge Valerie e caproni
00:54 - 00:59
not only provides a great snapshot of
00:56 - 01:01
the federal case the potential evidence
00:59 - 01:03
the charges but it lays out a
01:01 - 01:06
comprehensive argument for why these
01:03 - 01:08
alleged sex traffickers should not be
01:06 - 01:11
granted bail not be granted pre-trial
01:08 - 01:12
release so if you're not totally
01:11 - 01:14
familiar with this case that has been
01:12 - 01:16
making headlines for the past month or
01:14 - 01:18
so the filing we're about to break down
01:16 - 01:20
is a really good summation of what has
01:18 - 01:22
happened and what we're talking about so
01:20 - 01:23
what are we talking about well first the
01:22 - 01:25
federal case what are the federal
01:23 - 01:26
charges while we have these three
01:25 - 01:29
brothers that have been charged with
01:26 - 01:32
participating in a sex trafficking
01:29 - 01:35
conspiracy from at least 2010 through at
01:32 - 01:37
least 2021 and furthermore tal has been
01:35 - 01:39
charged with sex trafficking of someone
01:37 - 01:42
identified as victim one through means
01:39 - 01:44
of force fraud and coercion back in 2011
01:42 - 01:47
so that's another count in this
01:44 - 01:49
indictment but the third count tal is
01:47 - 01:52
also charged alongside his brothers Orin
01:49 - 01:55
and Alan with sex trafficking of another
01:52 - 01:57
alleged victim identified as victim to
01:55 - 02:00
by force fraud or coercion and This
01:57 - 02:02
concerns back to events in 2016 now as
02:00 - 02:04
described in the indictment it reads the
02:02 - 02:06
defendants work together and with others
02:04 - 02:09
to repeatedly and violently drug
02:06 - 02:11
sexually assault and rape dozens of
02:09 - 02:13
victims and that they quote arranged for
02:11 - 02:16
these sexual assaults using the promise
02:13 - 02:18
of luxury experiences travel and
02:16 - 02:20
accommodations to lure and entice women
02:18 - 02:22
to locations where they were then
02:20 - 02:24
forcibly raped or sexually assaulted and
02:22 - 02:27
that they would often drug the alleged
02:24 - 02:29
victims too so when we're talking sex
02:27 - 02:30
trafficking it's basically using illegal
02:30 - 02:34
and transporting or recruiting or
02:32 - 02:37
harboring or enticing women here for the
02:34 - 02:39
purposes of commercial sex acts meaning
02:37 - 02:40
sex acts that are done in exchange for
02:39 - 02:43
something of value doesn't always have
02:40 - 02:45
to be money could be attending events
02:43 - 02:46
could be travel could be gifts could be
02:45 - 02:49
reputational benefits something like
02:46 - 02:52
that Financial benefits now violence
02:49 - 02:54
deception drugging those can be key
02:52 - 02:57
components of the sexual events as well
02:54 - 02:59
but for purposes of the bail analysis
02:57 - 03:01
and also kind of as a preview of maybe
02:59 - 03:03
what we can expect at a trial as
03:01 - 03:05
prosecutors explain in this bail letter
03:03 - 03:08
to judge caprion which is again what
03:05 - 03:12
we're going to be focusing on this case
03:08 - 03:13
according to them is much more broad
03:12 - 03:15
quote evidence from the government's
03:13 - 03:17
investigation goes well beyond the
03:15 - 03:19
conduct charge and shows that the
03:17 - 03:22
Alexander Brothers have together and
03:19 - 03:25
alone repeatedly and violently raped and
03:22 - 03:29
sexually assaulted dozens of victims
03:25 - 03:30
dating back for nearly 20 years to date
03:29 - 03:33
law enforcement agents have interviewed
03:30 - 03:35
over 40 women who reported being
03:33 - 03:37
forcibly raped or sexually assaulted by
03:35 - 03:39
at least one of the Alexander Brothers
03:37 - 03:40
the rapes and sexual assaults described
03:39 - 03:46
by victims were committed between
03:40 - 03:47
approximately 2002 or 2003 and 2021 in
03:46 - 03:49
the victim's accounts to date each
03:47 - 03:53
defendant has separately been accused of
03:49 - 03:55
forcible rape by at least 10 women and
03:53 - 03:58
by the way Orin and Alan who are twins
03:55 - 04:00
they also face State sexual battery
03:58 - 04:02
charges out in Miami two now this is in
04:00 - 04:05
connection with three separate alleged
04:02 - 04:08
incidents and Orin faces charges in all
04:05 - 04:10
three Alan faces charges in one by the
04:08 - 04:12
way what do sidebar stories like this
04:10 - 04:14
prove that the world is just incredibly
04:12 - 04:16
scary and unpredictable and honestly
04:14 - 04:17
when you think about that one of the
04:16 - 04:19
scariest and most unpredictable things
04:17 - 04:20
in life can be getting injured right
04:19 - 04:22
what are your rights what do you do well
04:20 - 04:24
that is why having a great lawyer
04:22 - 04:26
matters and that is where Morgan and
04:24 - 04:28
Morgan the exclusive personal injury law
04:26 - 04:30
firm of long crime comes in so they're a
04:28 - 04:32
firm with over a, th attorneys and that
04:30 - 04:33
is because they win a lot because in the
04:32 - 04:35
past past few months Morgan and Morgan
04:33 - 04:38
has secured a $29 million verdict for a
04:35 - 04:40
bicyclist in Philadelphia a 2.7 million
04:38 - 04:42
verdict for a car accident victim in
04:40 - 04:44
Florida not to mention $5.6 million for
04:42 - 04:46
a car crash victim in Georgia after
04:44 - 04:48
insurance offered that client zero
04:46 - 04:50
dollar even if you think your case isn't
04:48 - 04:51
worth millions Why not start a claim and
04:50 - 04:53
fight for what you deserve and Morgan
04:51 - 04:55
and Morgan makes it so simple because
04:53 - 04:57
you can start a claim from your phone in
04:55 - 04:58
just eight clicks so if you're injured
04:57 - 05:02
you can easily start a claim at
04:58 - 05:02
forthepeople.com SL LC
05:03 - 05:07
sidebar but going back to the federal
05:05 - 05:09
case that's going to be our Focus this
05:07 - 05:11
was really interesting because
05:09 - 05:14
prosecutors explain in the letter that
05:11 - 05:17
since the indictment Federal authorities
05:14 - 05:19
have allegedly found more evidence
05:17 - 05:21
against the brothers quote the
05:19 - 05:23
government has induced even more
05:21 - 05:26
evidence of the defendants criminal acts
05:23 - 05:28
honor about December 11th 2024 law
05:26 - 05:30
enforcement agents executed a warrant to
05:28 - 05:32
search an apartment in New York City
05:30 - 05:34
leased by tal Alexander during the
05:32 - 05:37
search law enforcement agents seized
05:34 - 05:39
numerous photos and videos depicting at
05:37 - 05:41
least Orin Alan and several third
05:39 - 05:43
parties recording or photographing
05:41 - 05:46
themselves with women in states of
05:43 - 05:48
intoxication and undress in multiple
05:46 - 05:50
videos the women appear initially
05:48 - 05:52
unaware that they were being recorded
05:50 - 05:55
and became upset and attempted to hide
05:52 - 05:57
or flee from the camera after realizing
05:55 - 06:00
they were being filmed in one video the
05:57 - 06:02
camera peaked over a bathroom stall were
06:00 - 06:04
a woman and a man who is not one of the
06:02 - 06:06
defendants are engaging in Intercourse
06:04 - 06:09
when the woman looked up and saw the
06:06 - 06:12
camera she hly began to get up saying no
06:09 - 06:15
and stating in summon substance that she
06:12 - 06:17
does not want all of friends multiple
06:15 - 06:19
other videos found in tal Alexander's
06:17 - 06:21
apartment depict Alan Orin and other men
06:19 - 06:23
engaged in sexual contact with women who
06:21 - 06:25
were visibly under the influence of
06:23 - 06:27
alcohol or other substances in some
06:25 - 06:29
instances at least one defendant and
06:27 - 06:31
another man physically manipulated the
06:29 - 06:33
women's bodies in order to have sex with
06:31 - 06:35
them while the women did not actively
06:33 - 06:37
participate in the sexual activity or
06:35 - 06:39
turned away in combination with the fact
06:37 - 06:41
set forth in the detention letter this
06:39 - 06:43
evidence underscores the depraved nature
06:41 - 06:46
of the defendant's conduct and the
06:43 - 06:48
immense danger they present so it's one
06:46 - 06:51
thing to have witness testimony it is
06:48 - 06:53
entirely another thing to have video
06:51 - 06:54
evidence now I imagine defense attorneys
06:53 - 06:56
here will work hard to have this
06:54 - 06:59
evidence excluded from trial perhaps
06:56 - 07:01
suggesting it is prejudicial perhaps
06:59 - 07:04
suggesting that it's not really evidence
07:01 - 07:06
of sex trafficking per se that maybe it
07:04 - 07:08
more addresses State sexual assault
07:06 - 07:10
charges not federal sex trafficking
07:08 - 07:11
crimes actually keep that in mind for a
07:10 - 07:13
minute we're going to address that in a
07:11 - 07:15
little bit but they may also argue look
07:13 - 07:17
these videos shouldn't come into
07:15 - 07:19
evidence perhaps suggesting it was
07:17 - 07:21
obtained by the government illegally and
07:19 - 07:24
we'll see those pre-trial battles come
07:21 - 07:26
but on its face yeah that's not great
07:24 - 07:28
for defense attorneys those videos or
07:26 - 07:30
those alleged videos and right now
07:28 - 07:32
prosecutors say that that evidence is
07:30 - 07:34
important for the bail analysis right
07:32 - 07:36
now forget about its influence at an
07:34 - 07:39
upcoming trial that evidence is
07:36 - 07:41
important for the bail analysis because
07:39 - 07:42
here's the history regarding baale in
07:41 - 07:45
this case so the defendants were
07:42 - 07:47
arrested in Florida on December 11th T
07:45 - 07:49
was ordered detained by a Magistrate
07:47 - 07:51
Judge deemed to be a Flight Risk the
07:49 - 07:52
court weighed the evidence the
07:51 - 07:55
significance of the charges and they all
07:52 - 07:57
warranted pre-trial detention another
07:55 - 08:00
judge ordered Alan to be detained after
07:57 - 08:02
a two-day hearing again Flight Risk and
08:00 - 08:04
as for Orin this month he waved his
08:02 - 08:06
right to a removal hearing this is about
08:04 - 08:07
how to get him in front of a judge in
08:06 - 08:10
the southern district of New York where
08:07 - 08:12
this Federal prosecution is occurring so
08:10 - 08:15
he didn't fight to be extradited to New
08:12 - 08:18
York from Florida and also apparently or
08:15 - 08:21
an agreed to detention but apparently he
08:18 - 08:22
wanted to revisit that issue once he was
08:21 - 08:24
in front of the southern district of New
08:22 - 08:26
York judge and in fact he submitted a
08:24 - 08:28
letter last week to the judge overseeing
08:26 - 08:31
this case in New York judge caproni and
08:28 - 08:32
in this letter he is opposing pre-trial
08:31 - 08:34
detention I'll break it down for you
08:32 - 08:37
real quick his lawyers argued first that
08:34 - 08:40
this case is legally faulty that this
08:37 - 08:43
seeks to convert years old and recently
08:40 - 08:46
alleged claims of social context sexual
08:43 - 08:48
misconduct into a commercial sex act for
08:46 - 08:50
purposes of sex trafficking but Orin
08:48 - 08:52
makes the argument that the government
08:50 - 08:54
didn't allege how he benefited
08:52 - 08:56
financially from this or receive
08:54 - 08:58
something of value he says that these
08:56 - 09:01
allegations are more the jurisdiction of
08:58 - 09:03
State sex crimes charges again like I
09:01 - 09:06
said before that this isn't sex
09:03 - 09:07
trafficking per se Orin defense Council
09:06 - 09:10
writes the government's theory of the
09:07 - 09:11
case is that if someone schedules a date
09:10 - 09:13
pays for that date's Uber ride from New
09:11 - 09:16
Jersey to New York and any
09:13 - 09:18
non-consensual sex subsequently occurs
09:16 - 09:20
that is sex trafficking Orin argues
09:18 - 09:22
that's not sex trafficking it doesn't
09:20 - 09:24
work like that he also fights against
09:22 - 09:26
the conspiracy part of count one in the
09:24 - 09:29
sex trafficking conspiracy charge and
09:26 - 09:31
that he says there was no agreement to
09:29 - 09:33
break the law at a prior hearing he says
09:31 - 09:36
the government alleged that the brothers
09:33 - 09:38
had an explicit agreement to orgy but
09:36 - 09:39
that is not an agreement to do something
09:38 - 09:41
unlawful now these are interesting
09:39 - 09:43
Arguments for sure interesting defenses
09:41 - 09:45
then they may work when it comes to a
09:43 - 09:47
motion to dismiss the charges or maybe
09:45 - 09:50
even at a trial it might be a good
09:47 - 09:53
defense I will say though I am not sure
09:50 - 09:54
it is really an issue in a bail analysis
09:53 - 09:56
we're going to get more into that in a
09:54 - 09:59
minute but I don't know if it really
09:56 - 10:00
applies right now now more specifically
09:59 - 10:03
he addresses issues surrounding
10:00 - 10:05
pre-trial detention because Orin argues
10:03 - 10:07
that this case will require a lot of
10:05 - 10:08
Discovery and if he and his brothers are
10:07 - 10:10
behind bars that is going to make it
10:08 - 10:12
very difficult to prepare for their
10:10 - 10:14
defense we actually saw a similar
10:12 - 10:16
argument in the Shan comes case but it
10:14 - 10:17
didn't work there it wasn't effective
10:16 - 10:19
there the court and prosecutors made
10:17 - 10:21
accommodations for comes to review
10:19 - 10:23
everything on a laptop in jail and to
10:21 - 10:25
speak with his legal team Orin also
10:23 - 10:27
explains that just because he's charged
10:25 - 10:29
with sex trafficking doesn't mean he
10:27 - 10:30
shouldn't be released look at the mic
10:29 - 10:33
jeffy's case we've talked about that
10:30 - 10:35
before former CEO of abian Fitch who was
10:33 - 10:37
hit with Federal sex trafficking charges
10:35 - 10:39
in New York he was granted pre-ra
10:37 - 10:41
release on a $10 million Bond and again
10:39 - 10:44
Orin says he's charged with sex
10:41 - 10:45
trafficking why can't we be released now
10:44 - 10:48
amongst the other arguments that are
10:45 - 10:50
made in this letter Orin also says he
10:48 - 10:52
has no criminal history he has strong
10:50 - 10:55
ties to the Miami Community meaning he
10:52 - 10:58
isn't a Flight Risk and he says if he
10:55 - 11:00
ran his life and his family's life
10:58 - 11:03
including his children's life would be
11:00 - 11:05
permanently ruined now to be clear about
11:03 - 11:07
something the Alexander Brothers have
11:05 - 11:10
all denied any sort of wrongdoing in
11:07 - 11:13
fact attorney Howard shreik spoke to
11:10 - 11:16
WPLG after a hearing on Friday calling
11:13 - 11:17
the accusations baseless saying not one
11:16 - 11:20
of the accusers has testified before the
11:17 - 11:22
grand jury not one of the accusers has
11:20 - 11:24
been subject to cross-examination not
11:22 - 11:25
one of the accusers has been under oath
11:24 - 11:27
before a federal judge to point fingers
11:25 - 11:29
at the defendants to say that they have
11:27 - 11:31
done anything wrong now with all all
11:29 - 11:34
that in mind now I want to get into the
11:31 - 11:36
government's letter that opposes the
11:34 - 11:38
applications for bail made by Alan Orin
11:36 - 11:41
and tal in other words the government is
11:38 - 11:43
asking judge caproni to affirm the
11:41 - 11:46
denial of bell for tal and Alan and to
11:43 - 11:48
deny orin's motion for baale so let's
11:46 - 11:50
talk the law here so baale can be denied
11:48 - 11:52
for a criminal defendant if there is a
11:50 - 11:54
finding of risk of Flight by
11:52 - 11:57
preponderance of the evidence that is a
11:54 - 11:58
lower standard that is much lower than
11:57 - 12:00
let's say proof Beyond a reasonable
11:58 - 12:02
doubt it's more more likely than not is
12:00 - 12:04
what we're talking about more likely
12:02 - 12:06
than not that something is true bail can
12:04 - 12:09
also be denied based on the
12:06 - 12:12
dangerousness of the defendant and that
12:09 - 12:14
actually has to be proven by clear and
12:12 - 12:16
convincing evidence that is a middle
12:14 - 12:18
ground standard that is a higher
12:16 - 12:19
standard than preponderance of the
12:18 - 12:21
evidence and it is lower than proof
12:19 - 12:23
Beyond a reasonable doubt it's a middle
12:21 - 12:26
standard it's saying it's highly
12:23 - 12:28
probable that the contentions are true
12:26 - 12:31
now there are four factors to consider
12:28 - 12:33
in a analysis there is nature and
12:31 - 12:35
circumstances of the charges the amount
12:33 - 12:38
and strength of the evidence against the
12:35 - 12:40
defendant so far the history and
12:38 - 12:42
characteristics of the defendant and
12:40 - 12:45
does the defendant pose a danger to
12:42 - 12:47
those on the outside if released now
12:45 - 12:49
there is a special caveat here because
12:47 - 12:51
we actually saw this in the Shan Colmes
12:49 - 12:53
criminal case but when you are dealing
12:51 - 12:55
with a sex trafficking charge again like
12:53 - 12:58
the Alexander Brothers again like sha
12:55 - 13:00
combms there is a presumption of
12:58 - 13:02
detention is a presumption that can be
13:00 - 13:05
rebutted but it is a presumption of
13:02 - 13:07
detention and it means that no set of
13:05 - 13:09
conditions would be sufficient to assure
13:07 - 13:12
the defendant doesn't flee or assure the
13:09 - 13:14
safety to the community so here the FED
13:12 - 13:16
say the brothers are a Flight Risk and
13:14 - 13:18
they are a danger to the community now
13:16 - 13:21
we want to get into the why so let's
13:18 - 13:22
start with the dangerousness factor the
13:21 - 13:25
government repeats some of the core
13:22 - 13:26
allegations in this case where they say
13:25 - 13:28
for more than a decade the defendants
13:26 - 13:31
work together in a sex trafficking
13:28 - 13:33
conspiracy that used Force fraud and
13:31 - 13:35
coercion to rape and sexually assault
13:33 - 13:37
numerous victims the defendant's danger
13:35 - 13:39
has been demonstrated repeatedly and
13:37 - 13:41
goes well beyond the charge defense
13:39 - 13:44
conduct the Alexander Brothers serial
13:41 - 13:46
sexual violence began far earlier than
13:44 - 13:47
the period of the charge conspiracy the
13:46 - 13:49
government's evidence shows that they
13:47 - 13:51
have been raping girls and women alone
13:49 - 13:53
together and with other men over a
13:51 - 13:55
period of nearly 20 years the government
13:53 - 13:57
has interviewed more than 40 of those
13:55 - 14:00
victims and expects the number to
13:57 - 14:02
continue to grow as the investigation
14:00 - 14:04
continues the Alexander Brothers drugged
14:02 - 14:06
victims rendering them incapable of
14:04 - 14:08
either consenting or resisting then when
14:06 - 14:10
the victims were physically compromised
14:08 - 14:13
or incapacitated the defendants held
14:10 - 14:16
them down and forcibly raped them some
14:13 - 14:18
victims said no or stop others screamed
14:16 - 14:20
but the defendants ignored their
14:18 - 14:21
victim's distress multiple women
14:20 - 14:23
described being terrified that the
14:21 - 14:26
Alexander brothers were going to hurt or
14:23 - 14:28
even kill them these victim's only goal
14:26 - 14:30
in that moment became to survive
14:28 - 14:31
multiple victims were drugged required
14:30 - 14:33
medical assistance in the hospital after
14:31 - 14:35
their encounters with the Alexander
14:33 - 14:37
Brothers in short the defendant's
14:35 - 14:39
conduct was inherently dangerous involve
14:37 - 14:40
numerous victims and makes clear that
14:39 - 14:42
the safety of others and of the
14:40 - 14:44
community cannot possibly be insured
14:42 - 14:46
without the defendant's detention now
14:44 - 14:48
couple of things here not all of those
14:46 - 14:50
allegations will come into this criminal
14:48 - 14:52
trial but as I mentioned there is a
14:50 - 14:54
lower standard when we talk about a bail
14:52 - 14:56
analysis so the government can allege
14:54 - 14:57
more they don't have to prove
14:56 - 14:59
necessarily everything Beyond A
14:57 - 15:01
Reasonable Doubt in order to get
14:59 - 15:03
detention there's a lot more flexibility
15:01 - 15:06
and leeway with what they can present
15:03 - 15:08
now for a bail detention analysis versus
15:06 - 15:10
what they have to present at a trial
15:08 - 15:12
just keep that in mind now from there
15:10 - 15:14
prosecutors address a specific argument
15:12 - 15:16
or defense from the brothers where it's
15:14 - 15:19
hey government you're saying there is a
15:16 - 15:21
clear danger here but there's only two
15:19 - 15:23
counts of sex trafficking in this
15:21 - 15:25
indictment one with respect to victim
15:23 - 15:28
one and the other with respect to victim
15:25 - 15:31
two well prosecutors say in response
15:28 - 15:33
that no way suggest that these brothers
15:31 - 15:36
didn't also engage in a much broader
15:33 - 15:38
pattern of sexual violence again going
15:36 - 15:40
back to the idea of they have a large
15:38 - 15:42
leeway with what to argue in a bail
15:40 - 15:43
analysis and then the prosecutors say
15:42 - 15:45
this and this kind of gives us a preview
15:43 - 15:47
of what to expect at a trial they say
15:45 - 15:49
that they expect not just the victims
15:47 - 15:52
and the Standalone counts to testify
15:49 - 15:54
like victim one or victim two but many
15:52 - 15:56
many more people and they say as a point
15:54 - 15:59
of law that they expect those witnesses
15:56 - 16:01
to testify not only about the overall
15:59 - 16:04
widespread broad sex trafficking
16:01 - 16:07
conspiracy that makes up count one but
16:04 - 16:10
that these witnesses will also testify
16:07 - 16:14
pursuant to rule 404b and 413 so what is
16:10 - 16:17
that so 404b is about evidence of other
16:14 - 16:19
crimes or Acts or wrongs of a defendant
16:17 - 16:21
that can come into evidence a trial now
16:19 - 16:22
it's not to show oh well they did this
16:21 - 16:23
then that must mean they're guilty of
16:22 - 16:25
the crimes that they're charged with
16:23 - 16:28
here in this case no that's not proper
16:25 - 16:31
that's not allowed but that evidence can
16:28 - 16:34
come in to show a plan to show a motive
16:31 - 16:38
to show maybe a pattern so this is a
16:34 - 16:41
pattern and a plan of sexual violence
16:38 - 16:44
413 is more specific and says in sexual
16:41 - 16:46
assault cases at a federal level other
16:44 - 16:47
evidence of sexual assault can maybe
16:46 - 16:49
come in as well so you're kind of
16:47 - 16:51
getting a preview of what a potential
16:49 - 16:53
trial could look like and who may be
16:51 - 16:56
called at the Alexander Brothers federal
16:53 - 16:59
trial now from there prosecutors say
16:56 - 17:01
that all of this testimony in this case
16:59 - 17:03
will be backed up by Witnesses
17:01 - 17:05
electronic evidence physical evidence
17:03 - 17:08
and documentary evidence so what you're
17:05 - 17:10
seeing from the federal prosecutors is
17:08 - 17:12
that there is a strong sense of
17:10 - 17:14
confidence in this case we always say
17:12 - 17:15
the feds don't bring a case unless
17:14 - 17:17
they're fully ready to win that's why
17:15 - 17:19
they have such a high conviction rate
17:17 - 17:21
particularly in the southern district of
17:19 - 17:23
New York and I will also say statements
17:21 - 17:25
like this show that they are quite far
17:23 - 17:27
into their review and investigation into
17:25 - 17:28
this case too which by the way they
17:27 - 17:29
should be obviously they brought the
17:29 - 17:33
but from there let's talk about what the
17:30 - 17:36
prosecution says next the prosecution
17:33 - 17:38
also says that the victim's accounts
17:36 - 17:40
corroborate one another and that's
17:38 - 17:41
important because when you have what
17:40 - 17:43
seems to be the argument here
17:41 - 17:46
independent Witnesses who come forward
17:43 - 17:49
and they say the same kind of thing that
17:46 - 17:51
shows a pattern that shows that they're
17:49 - 17:53
credible it's not like they all came
17:51 - 17:55
together and came up with stories no
17:53 - 17:57
that's very different from what it seems
17:55 - 17:59
prosecutors are saying here now
17:57 - 18:01
prosecutors are also arguing here that
17:59 - 18:04
for the dangerousness factor in a bail
18:01 - 18:06
analysis we are talking Decades of
18:04 - 18:08
alleged violent conduct so not just
18:06 - 18:11
sexual assaults amounting to sex
18:08 - 18:14
trafficking but what they say is quote a
18:11 - 18:15
disregard for Humanity and here's an
18:14 - 18:17
interesting point in the letter to they
18:15 - 18:19
write the defendants arguments that they
18:17 - 18:21
are not dangerous to the community
18:19 - 18:24
because the charge conspiracy ends in
18:21 - 18:26
2021 or because the rapes described by
18:24 - 18:28
the victims to date occurred earlier is
18:26 - 18:30
of little mitigating value when
18:28 - 18:32
considering the scope and duration of
18:30 - 18:33
the defendant's pattern of violence the
18:32 - 18:35
evidence in this case shows that the
18:33 - 18:38
charg sex trafficking conspiracy
18:35 - 18:40
continued at least until 2021 second it
18:38 - 18:43
is similarly unavailing to claim that
18:40 - 18:45
the present lack of more recent assaults
18:43 - 18:46
indicates that the conduct has stopped
18:45 - 18:48
there is no evidence demonstrating that
18:46 - 18:50
the defendants learn the error of their
18:48 - 18:52
ways the fact that video versions of
18:50 - 18:54
trophies of the defendants criminal
18:52 - 18:56
conduct were found in tal Alexander's
18:54 - 18:58
residence as recently as last month also
18:56 - 19:01
suggests that the defendants have not
18:58 - 19:03
close the door on their criminal conduct
19:01 - 19:05
finally a nearly 20-year unbroken
19:03 - 19:07
pattern of violence that targeted scores
19:05 - 19:10
of women that the defendants met in both
19:07 - 19:12
planned and chance encounters is in and
19:10 - 19:14
of itself clear and convincing evidence
19:12 - 19:16
of the continued danger the defendants
19:14 - 19:18
posed to the community that the
19:16 - 19:20
Alexander Brothers sexual violence
19:18 - 19:21
persisted despite several victims
19:20 - 19:23
attempts to report their assaults to
19:21 - 19:25
others demonstrates that the Alexander
19:23 - 19:27
Brothers cannot be trusted to stop their
19:25 - 19:28
violent assaults even in the face of
19:27 - 19:30
criminal charges the evidence
19:28 - 19:31
demonstrates that for decades the
19:30 - 19:34
Alexander Brothers have acted with
19:31 - 19:36
apparent impunity forcibly raping women
19:34 - 19:38
whenever they wanted to do so in short
19:36 - 19:40
the risk of the defendant's continued
19:38 - 19:42
sexual violence and to facilitating the
19:40 - 19:44
sexual violence of each other cannot
19:42 - 19:47
reasonably be prevented through Bale
19:44 - 19:49
conditions and prosecutors highlight
19:47 - 19:51
that so much of this alleged sexual
19:49 - 19:54
violence happened in their apartments in
19:51 - 19:56
their homes in hotel rooms in private
19:54 - 19:59
settings behind closed doors so that was
19:56 - 20:01
all the dangerousness factor now let's
19:59 - 20:03
move on to the risk of flight factor and
20:01 - 20:06
when we talk risk of flight one of the
20:03 - 20:09
major issues is the seriousness of these
20:06 - 20:12
crimes and the serious penalties we are
20:09 - 20:15
talking about a mandatory minimum
20:12 - 20:18
minimum sentence of 15 years in prison
20:15 - 20:22
for counts 2 and three and up to life in
20:18 - 20:24
prison on all the counts in other words
20:22 - 20:27
there is an incentive to run away to
20:24 - 20:29
flee and prosecutors say the brothers
20:27 - 20:31
have an incentive to flee because of the
20:29 - 20:33
reputational damage that a trial would
20:31 - 20:35
have nonetheless even if they're found
20:33 - 20:37
not guilty writing how the brothers
20:35 - 20:39
carefully curated their Public Image and
20:37 - 20:41
reputation in the real estate and
20:39 - 20:44
security industries and that a public
20:41 - 20:46
prosecution and trial will drastically
20:44 - 20:48
affect that that they will flee they
20:46 - 20:50
will not want to subject themselves to
20:48 - 20:51
this the government writes for example
20:50 - 20:53
the government is in possession of
20:51 - 20:56
multiple video recordings created by
20:53 - 20:58
Orin Alexander depicting Orin and Alan
20:56 - 21:00
engaging in sexual activity with at
20:58 - 21:02
least one one identified victim as
21:00 - 21:04
described above additional videos found
21:02 - 21:06
stored on hard drive show the defendants
21:04 - 21:08
and other men engaging in group sexual
21:06 - 21:10
contct with a number of women including
21:08 - 21:12
numerous women who are visibly impaired
21:10 - 21:15
put simply the defendants have every
21:12 - 21:16
incentive to flee to avoid prosecution
21:15 - 21:19
and a public trial putting their
21:16 - 21:20
criminal exploits on display and the
21:19 - 21:23
government also highlights how the
21:20 - 21:25
brothers have strong family ties to the
21:23 - 21:27
nation of Israel how they've traveled
21:25 - 21:30
frequently there there's a risk that
21:27 - 21:32
they can just go there reestablish their
21:30 - 21:35
lives and have no issue and that's
21:32 - 21:37
interesting because we always say oh
21:35 - 21:38
someone can flee but really where would
21:37 - 21:40
they go are they really a Flight Risk
21:38 - 21:42
could they really start a new life
21:40 - 21:44
somewhere else well here prosecutors are
21:42 - 21:46
saying that the brothers could easily
21:44 - 21:48
set up shop in Israel and there would be
21:46 - 21:49
no problem and then maybe not
21:48 - 21:52
surprisingly when it comes to a risk of
21:49 - 21:54
flight analysis the prosecutors
21:52 - 21:56
highlight the brothers vast Financial
21:54 - 21:58
Resources their wealth and I mean they
21:56 - 22:01
say Alan propose that the Alexander
21:58 - 22:03
family can post bond quote in any dollar
22:01 - 22:06
amount so again when we talk about that
22:03 - 22:08
their ability to just run away that's
22:06 - 22:10
important and the prosecutors highlight
22:08 - 22:13
that the brothers can travel by private
22:10 - 22:15
planes by boats and that makes it much
22:13 - 22:17
harder for law enforcement to track the
22:15 - 22:19
brother's movements and the government
22:17 - 22:21
argues that the defendants proposed bail
22:19 - 22:23
package you know their answer to all of
22:21 - 22:25
the government's concerns they say it's
22:23 - 22:27
insufficient so what's the bail package
22:25 - 22:30
well it has three main components I want
22:27 - 22:33
to talk about one is a bond of $115
22:30 - 22:36
million or in any dollar amount two
22:33 - 22:38
private security to monitor the brothers
22:36 - 22:41
movements inside of a luxury condo and
22:38 - 22:43
three the execution of preemptive
22:41 - 22:45
waivers of extradition basically saying
22:43 - 22:47
if you should end up in another state or
22:45 - 22:48
country you're giving up your right to
22:47 - 22:50
an extradition hearing essentially
22:48 - 22:52
you're giving up your right to fight
22:50 - 22:53
extradition back to New York basically
22:52 - 22:56
the brothers are saying don't worry
22:53 - 22:58
government we'll come back no worries
22:56 - 23:00
now why is all of this insufficient in
22:58 - 23:01
the government's view well first of all
23:00 - 23:03
let's start with the money amount so the
23:01 - 23:06
government explains that the defendants
23:03 - 23:09
propos securing that incredibly High
23:06 - 23:11
bond amount with various properties but
23:09 - 23:13
the government argues even if that's the
23:11 - 23:16
case the brothers would still have vast
23:13 - 23:17
resources if they flee the country for
23:16 - 23:19
example while Alan listed out the
23:17 - 23:21
financial information that he has
23:19 - 23:23
regarding his own liquid assets what
23:21 - 23:26
about those of his family also we're
23:23 - 23:28
talking a family that reportedly has $10
23:26 - 23:30
million worth of property outside of the
23:28 - 23:33
US in other words the government's
23:30 - 23:35
saying these brothers could risk losing
23:33 - 23:37
all of their properties and assets if
23:35 - 23:38
they flee because they'll still have
23:37 - 23:41
enough on the other end if they could
23:38 - 23:43
just flee to another country relocate
23:41 - 23:45
and start business up again then there's
23:43 - 23:47
the issue with the private security
23:45 - 23:49
condition in the bail package so a few
23:47 - 23:51
things here first the government says
23:49 - 23:53
there's a conflict of interest here when
23:51 - 23:55
a defendant is paying for his own
23:53 - 23:57
jailers that was the same argument that
23:55 - 23:59
was raised by prosecutors in the com's
23:57 - 24:01
Federal Criminal Case as well how can we
23:59 - 24:03
trust the private security that is on
24:01 - 24:05
the defendant's payroll also the
24:03 - 24:07
government says that this private
24:05 - 24:09
security team they don't have the same
24:07 - 24:12
kind of resources to stop or restrain a
24:09 - 24:14
defendant when you compare the guards of
24:12 - 24:16
a jail or a Detention Center those
24:14 - 24:18
resources are much more limited it also
24:16 - 24:19
doesn't help that the brothers propose
24:18 - 24:21
being on house arrest in Miami which is
24:19 - 24:23
12200 mil away from the New York federal
24:21 - 24:25
court and other words that creates a
24:23 - 24:27
greater risk when transporting them
24:25 - 24:28
places an undue burden on the courts and
24:27 - 24:31
law enforcement to ensure that the
24:28 - 24:33
defendants don't flee but the government
24:31 - 24:35
also made another argument that was
24:33 - 24:38
brought up in the com's case too and
24:35 - 24:40
this is the two- tiered system of
24:38 - 24:42
justice argument in other words it's not
24:40 - 24:45
right that defendants of lesser means
24:42 - 24:47
who can't afford private security are
24:45 - 24:50
detained pre-trial while those who can't
24:47 - 24:52
afford it are released it's leveraging
24:50 - 24:53
their wealth for special treatment now
24:52 - 24:55
remember what the counterargument to
24:53 - 24:57
this was this is something that was
24:55 - 24:58
argued by Shawn Colmes ultimately didn't
24:57 - 25:00
work by the way to get him ba but you
24:58 - 25:02
know he had different circumstances
25:00 - 25:04
there but the argument is well we are
25:02 - 25:06
only proposing such an expensive bail
25:04 - 25:09
package and private security because the
25:06 - 25:11
government has raised issues about our
25:09 - 25:12
wealth and our resources we have to
25:11 - 25:14
present something this extreme to
25:12 - 25:16
address the specific concerns the
25:14 - 25:18
government has about us as wealthy
25:16 - 25:21
individuals the government can't use our
25:18 - 25:23
wealth as a sword and a shield so we'll
25:21 - 25:25
see if that argument is presented and
25:23 - 25:27
might be successful and finally when it
25:25 - 25:29
came to that last condition of the Bale
25:27 - 25:31
package the Alexander brother's proposal
25:29 - 25:33
to execute those waivers of extradition
25:31 - 25:35
that I mentioned the government says
25:33 - 25:38
this is an empty gesture it's an empty
25:35 - 25:40
promise because we don't even know if
25:38 - 25:42
those would be legally enforcable so the
25:40 - 25:44
government concludes and says quote as
25:42 - 25:46
set forth above Alan or and tal
25:44 - 25:48
Alexander pose an ongoing and
25:46 - 25:50
significant danger to the community and
25:48 - 25:51
present a serious risk of flight the
25:50 - 25:53
government respectfully submits that the
25:51 - 25:55
defendants cannot meet their burden of
25:53 - 25:57
overcoming the statutory presumption in
25:55 - 25:58
favor of detention there are no
25:57 - 25:59
conditions of bail that would Ure the
25:58 - 26:01
appearance and compliance of the
25:59 - 26:03
defendants or the safety of others
26:01 - 26:06
accordingly the defendants applications
26:03 - 26:08
should be denied now before we finish up
26:06 - 26:10
I got to talk to you about this one
26:08 - 26:13
little mixup that apparently happened
26:10 - 26:16
last week when it came to bail so it was
26:13 - 26:19
reported that Orin had a scheduled bail
26:16 - 26:21
Hearing in Miami Federal Court but was
26:19 - 26:23
almost accidentally flown by the US
26:21 - 26:25
Marshall service to New York yeah
26:23 - 26:28
according to reporting from the Union
26:25 - 26:30
Bulletin a US Marshall spokesperson said
26:28 - 26:32
that Orin was in a car on his way to the
26:30 - 26:35
Miami International Airport when they
26:32 - 26:37
realized their mistake that spokesperson
26:35 - 26:39
said that Orin was never on a plane and
26:37 - 26:41
never left the state but look good thing
26:39 - 26:42
they caught this mistake could have
26:41 - 26:44
created a larger issue but let's see
26:42 - 26:45
where this Alexander case goes next we
26:44 - 26:48
will continue to follow it for you here
26:45 - 26:49
on sidebar but that is all we have for
26:48 - 26:51
you right now everybody thank you so
26:49 - 26:53
much for joining us and as always please
26:51 - 26:55
subscribe on Apple podcast Spotify
26:53 - 26:57
YouTube wherever you get your podcasts
26:55 - 27:00
I'm Jesse Weber I'll speak to you next