00:00 - 00:03
today I'll show you how to remove that
00:01 - 00:05
little arrow icon on your desktop
00:03 - 00:07
shortcuts so that everything can look
00:05 - 00:10
much cleaner this will work for Windows
00:07 - 00:12
10 and 11. let's get right into it okay
00:10 - 00:14
so starting from the desktop we'll use
00:12 - 00:15
this Google Chrome icon as an example
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first thing you're going to do is go
00:15 - 00:20
down to your search bar at the bottom
00:17 - 00:23
just type in reg edit this application
00:20 - 00:25
here called registry editor will be here
00:23 - 00:27
you're just going to click on open this
00:25 - 00:29
pop-up will appear all you have to do is
00:27 - 00:31
press yes now we'll have this window
00:29 - 00:33
open if you go to the left hand side
00:31 - 00:36
you're going to look for the one that
00:33 - 00:39
says H key local machine you can expand
00:36 - 00:41
that one by clicking the arrow from here
00:39 - 00:44
you go down to the folder that says
00:41 - 00:47
software expand that one then from there
00:44 - 00:49
the next folder is going to be Microsoft
00:47 - 00:53
so click that and you got to keep
00:49 - 00:57
scrolling until you see windows
00:53 - 00:59
right here expand that one now click on
00:57 - 01:01
the one that says current version and
00:59 - 01:04
then in here you're gonna look for this
01:01 - 01:05
one that says Explorer okay now that
01:04 - 01:07
you're in the one that says Explorer
01:05 - 01:09
right click it
01:10 - 01:14
now there's like a new folder here
01:12 - 01:16
you're going to want to name that shell
01:16 - 01:23
so capital S shell capital I icons with
01:21 - 01:26
a space in between press enter when
01:23 - 01:29
you're done that now within this folder
01:26 - 01:31
that we called shell icons you're going
01:29 - 01:36
to want to right click go to new go to
01:31 - 01:38
string value and name it 29 press enter
01:36 - 01:41
now you're going to double click the one
01:38 - 01:45
that says 29 a window will appear and in
01:41 - 01:46
this window under value data you're
01:45 - 01:50
going to want to type exactly what I
01:46 - 01:50
type here which is a percent sign
01:50 - 01:57
w-i-n-d-i-r another percent sign
01:54 - 01:59
then a backslash make sure it's a
01:57 - 02:02
backward slash not forward
01:59 - 02:03
then capital s
02:05 - 02:11
backslash shell
02:13 - 02:19
the negative symbol
02:15 - 02:20
and then 50. so exactly like this I'll
02:19 - 02:22
go ahead and copy this into the
02:20 - 02:25
description if you just want to copy and
02:22 - 02:27
paste it but when it's done press ok
02:25 - 02:29
so we're just going to minimize this
02:27 - 02:31
window for now you'll see we still have
02:29 - 02:33
the arrow icon there what we're going to
02:31 - 02:36
do now is go down to the search in your
02:33 - 02:37
taskbar again type in task manager open
02:37 - 02:42
if yours doesn't have a long list of
02:39 - 02:44
apps like mine does there'll be a button
02:42 - 02:46
that says show more details that you'll
02:44 - 02:47
have to click but once you could see
02:46 - 02:49
everything you're going to keep
02:47 - 02:51
scrolling down
02:49 - 02:53
until you see this one called Windows
02:51 - 02:56
Explorer if you right click it you can
02:53 - 02:58
click on restart and as soon as we do
02:56 - 03:01
that you'll notice that the shortcuts no
02:58 - 03:02
longer have the arrow icon
03:01 - 03:05
so if you ever want to bring them back
03:02 - 03:08
you'll have to come back into this
03:05 - 03:11
registry editor program come and find
03:08 - 03:14
this file again called shell icons go to
03:11 - 03:16
this 29 one and you can just go ahead
03:14 - 03:18
and delete it once you delete that you
03:16 - 03:20
could either restart your computer or go
03:18 - 03:23
into the task manager and restart
03:20 - 03:25
Windows Explorer again and the arrows
03:23 - 03:28
will be back so that's it for this video
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guys thank you for watching