00:00 - 00:03

today I'll show you how to remove that

00:01 - 00:05

little arrow icon on your desktop

00:03 - 00:07

shortcuts so that everything can look

00:05 - 00:10

much cleaner this will work for Windows

00:07 - 00:12

10 and 11. let's get right into it okay

00:10 - 00:14

so starting from the desktop we'll use

00:12 - 00:15

this Google Chrome icon as an example

00:14 - 00:17

first thing you're going to do is go

00:15 - 00:20

down to your search bar at the bottom

00:17 - 00:23

just type in reg edit this application

00:20 - 00:25

here called registry editor will be here

00:23 - 00:27

you're just going to click on open this

00:25 - 00:29

pop-up will appear all you have to do is

00:27 - 00:31

press yes now we'll have this window

00:29 - 00:33

open if you go to the left hand side

00:31 - 00:36

you're going to look for the one that

00:33 - 00:39

says H key local machine you can expand

00:36 - 00:41

that one by clicking the arrow from here

00:39 - 00:44

you go down to the folder that says

00:41 - 00:47

software expand that one then from there

00:44 - 00:49

the next folder is going to be Microsoft

00:47 - 00:53

so click that and you got to keep

00:49 - 00:57

scrolling until you see windows

00:53 - 00:59

right here expand that one now click on

00:57 - 01:01

the one that says current version and

00:59 - 01:04

then in here you're gonna look for this

01:01 - 01:05

one that says Explorer okay now that

01:04 - 01:07

you're in the one that says Explorer

01:05 - 01:09

right click it

01:07 - 01:10

go to new

01:09 - 01:12

go to key

01:10 - 01:14

now there's like a new folder here

01:12 - 01:16

you're going to want to name that shell

01:14 - 01:21


01:16 - 01:23

so capital S shell capital I icons with

01:21 - 01:26

a space in between press enter when

01:23 - 01:29

you're done that now within this folder

01:26 - 01:31

that we called shell icons you're going

01:29 - 01:36

to want to right click go to new go to

01:31 - 01:38

string value and name it 29 press enter

01:36 - 01:41

now you're going to double click the one

01:38 - 01:45

that says 29 a window will appear and in

01:41 - 01:46

this window under value data you're

01:45 - 01:50

going to want to type exactly what I

01:46 - 01:50

type here which is a percent sign

01:50 - 01:57

w-i-n-d-i-r another percent sign

01:54 - 01:59

then a backslash make sure it's a

01:57 - 02:02

backward slash not forward

01:59 - 02:03

then capital s

02:02 - 02:05


02:03 - 02:07


02:05 - 02:11

backslash shell

02:07 - 02:13

32 Dot dll

02:11 - 02:15


02:13 - 02:19

the negative symbol

02:15 - 02:20

and then 50. so exactly like this I'll

02:19 - 02:22

go ahead and copy this into the

02:20 - 02:25

description if you just want to copy and

02:22 - 02:27

paste it but when it's done press ok

02:25 - 02:29

so we're just going to minimize this

02:27 - 02:31

window for now you'll see we still have

02:29 - 02:33

the arrow icon there what we're going to

02:31 - 02:36

do now is go down to the search in your

02:33 - 02:37

taskbar again type in task manager open

02:36 - 02:39


02:37 - 02:42

if yours doesn't have a long list of

02:39 - 02:44

apps like mine does there'll be a button

02:42 - 02:46

that says show more details that you'll

02:44 - 02:47

have to click but once you could see

02:46 - 02:49

everything you're going to keep

02:47 - 02:51

scrolling down

02:49 - 02:53

until you see this one called Windows

02:51 - 02:56

Explorer if you right click it you can

02:53 - 02:58

click on restart and as soon as we do

02:56 - 03:01

that you'll notice that the shortcuts no

02:58 - 03:02

longer have the arrow icon

03:01 - 03:05

so if you ever want to bring them back

03:02 - 03:08

you'll have to come back into this

03:05 - 03:11

registry editor program come and find

03:08 - 03:14

this file again called shell icons go to

03:11 - 03:16

this 29 one and you can just go ahead

03:14 - 03:18

and delete it once you delete that you

03:16 - 03:20

could either restart your computer or go

03:18 - 03:23

into the task manager and restart

03:20 - 03:25

Windows Explorer again and the arrows

03:23 - 03:28

will be back so that's it for this video

03:25 - 03:28

guys thank you for watching

Tutorial: How to Remove Arrow Icon from Desktop Shortcuts in Windows 10 and 11

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of removing the small arrow icon that appears on desktop shortcuts in Windows 10 and 11, creating a cleaner look for your desktop. This tutorial involves making changes in the registry editor and task manager. Let's dive right in!

Firstly, to begin the process, you will need to access the Registry Editor. You can do this by typing "reg edit" into the search bar located at the bottom of your desktop. Once you open the Registry Editor, navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder, then Software, Microsoft, Windows, and finally, Current Version. Inside the Explorer folder, create a new key named Shell Icons.

Within the Shell Icons folder, create a new string value named 29. Double-click on the 29 value, and in the window that appears, enter the following data exactly as shown: %windir%\system32\shell32.dll,-50. Make sure the entry is correct, then click OK to save the changes.

Next, open the Task Manager by searching for it on the taskbar. Locate Windows Explorer in the list of processes, right-click it, and select Restart. After restarting Windows Explorer, you will notice that the arrow icons on the desktop shortcuts have disappeared, leaving a cleaner desktop appearance.

If you ever wish to restore the arrow icons, you can revisit the Registry Editor, find the Shell Icons folder, delete the 29 entry, and then either restart your computer or repeat the process of restarting Windows Explorer from the Task Manager.

By following these steps, you can easily customize the appearance of your desktop shortcuts in Windows 10 and 11. Thank you for watching this tutorial, and enjoy your clutter-free desktop experience!