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hi in this video i'm going to be showing
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you how to turn a video into an article
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to get unlimited content
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with a few easy steps
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in total there's going to be three
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techniques i'm going to show you two of
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them will be free and one would be paid
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i'm vince from digitalnoman institute
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and let's get started
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if you see all these videos and you're
00:21 - 00:25
wondering if i wish there's a way that
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you can take these videos and turn it
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into an article
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well this video is for you
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the very first step
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you're going to need to do
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is to enter in your keyword i would say
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i don't know
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let's go into weight loss
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four men over
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50 over 40. all right let's go with that
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all right and the very first thing you
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want to do is so you type in your
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keyword and then you want to filter
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right here and look for
01:00 - 01:04
those with subtitles
01:02 - 01:06
okay you want to filter all that out
01:04 - 01:08
that way you get the best
01:06 - 01:10
results okay
01:08 - 01:14
yeah you can basically get the
01:10 - 01:18
um transcripts or turn almost any video
01:14 - 01:20
into an article using the text-to-speech
01:18 - 01:24
engine that youtube has it automatically
01:20 - 01:27
converts of all video audio into text
01:24 - 01:29
but it's not always accurate when you
01:27 - 01:32
filter out for
01:29 - 01:34
subtitles this is actually people who
01:32 - 01:36
uh created the video and then they also
01:34 - 01:37
went in and did all the punctuation and
01:36 - 01:39
everything so
01:37 - 01:42
the quality is going to be much better
01:39 - 01:44
than if you were to just
01:42 - 01:46
use the auto generated feature but you
01:44 - 01:47
can use that as well alright so once you
01:46 - 01:49
have your video
01:47 - 01:51
let's try
01:49 - 01:54
try this one
01:55 - 01:59
pause it here
01:57 - 02:01
all right so you would want to go into
01:59 - 02:04
your chrome extension
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okay and it looks like this all right
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youtube scribe
02:23 - 02:28
you want to add to your
02:26 - 02:32
chrome extension or brave or whatever
02:28 - 02:32
you have okay so add extension
02:42 - 02:47
okay so it's over here and if it's not
02:46 - 02:49
pin it's if it's not up here you can
02:47 - 02:50
always pin it so you can always go down
02:52 - 02:55
let me see where is it
02:55 - 02:59
pin it so it shows up here
02:57 - 03:00
all right next you want to go back to
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video that you would like
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and you simply click on the
03:07 - 03:11
and click on transcribe youtube video
03:12 - 03:15
all right wait for it to load
03:16 - 03:20
and there you go you have the video up
03:19 - 03:23
here to ensure that you got the right
03:20 - 03:24
video and then you have the transcript
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it has uh since this is since we
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filtered out for
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closed captioning
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pretty good punctuation the only thing
03:38 - 03:42
you can see two things one
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one is that it's it's all it's in all
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the other is there's quite a bit of
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space between each each one right so
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uh what you can do to fix that
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you can go into
04:04 - 04:08
tool called text fixture right
04:06 - 04:10
and you can enter in your text and it
04:08 - 04:13
will remove the
04:10 - 04:13
space between
04:13 - 04:17
each paragraph right so now it's
04:17 - 04:21
less space between each one right you
04:19 - 04:21
can scroll down
04:25 - 04:32
okay and then from here
04:28 - 04:32
all right you can also go back and
04:35 - 04:42
capital all caps right so let me
04:38 - 04:42
copy all of this
04:48 - 04:55
all right so i copied everything let me
04:52 - 04:58
go back and then
04:55 - 04:58
if you go back to text fixture
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you'll have other tools below okay
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and what you want to look for is
05:09 - 05:14
and then duplicate line break uppercase
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or lowercase text
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all right so you want to convert to
05:27 - 05:31
now you actually have
05:31 - 05:35
copy to clipboard
05:34 - 05:38
now you actually have
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uh edible text but it's not
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um you know it's not fully punctuated
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yet i mean it has some punctuation but
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you still want to correct it so the
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third option i would recommend everyone
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do is to use a
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grammar checker i use grammarly
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and what it will do is it'll check for
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punctuation and errors
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and it will also tell you how
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unique your article is
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so right now it's going through
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because it's a lot of text
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i'm going to let it
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and we can go back to it later on right
06:17 - 06:21
there's quite a lot of
06:20 - 06:23
editing it has to do
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but once you go ahead and edit
06:23 - 06:28
everything also rewrite it a bit you can
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go ahead and use it
06:28 - 06:31
so that's the first method
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and let me just go over that again is
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basically using
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youtube scribe i'll leave the link in
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the description below as well as written
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instructions so you can go ahead and
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follow and read along if you like
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the next option that you can use
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you you basically need to copy the
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the video link up here
06:52 - 06:55
and you would go to a site called down
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enter it in here
06:59 - 07:04
and click download
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and it will allow you to download the
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transcripts all right so you just click
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and here you go you have the transcripts
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now as you can see you have the same
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problem as before
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all right lots of spaces and it's all
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caps so you just go ahead and process it
07:17 - 07:20
using text fixer right you remove the
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upper case and all the
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the line spacing
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using just this one tool
07:27 - 07:32
and then you would go ahead and go into
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grammarly and get it
07:32 - 07:36
corrected now as you can see when i
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input just the raw
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uh transcript it's not doing so great 20
07:38 - 07:43
overall score out of 100.
07:41 - 07:46
it's pretty bland
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correctness is it's it's not really
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uh let's check plate zero just i'm just
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okay it's going to take a while all
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right but let me go back to that and
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then let me show you the third method
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and the third method is a paid method
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but by far it's it's probably the
08:10 - 08:14
easiest one because the only thing you
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really have to do is go to your
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let me go transcripts
08:21 - 08:25
okay enter in your your
08:23 - 08:27
your video you can either enter it
08:25 - 08:29
through url so i can i can click here
08:27 - 08:31
and enter it here or you can just upload
08:29 - 08:33
the video file directly here i prefer
08:31 - 08:36
this one right here
08:33 - 08:37
once it's done you you select the the
08:36 - 08:39
language it is
08:37 - 08:41
all right and then you just click on
08:39 - 08:42
upload and it will auto generate here
08:41 - 08:44
this is the demo this is what it will
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and let me go ahead and play
08:52 - 08:56
the demo video so basically this is a
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demo video right here okay i think this
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okay so it it
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as you can see it shows
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and it basically transcribes everything
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and it takes out most of the arms or
09:08 - 09:13
eyes and even adds a punctuation so it
09:11 - 09:16
does a really really good job this is
09:13 - 09:19
the best transcription tool i've ever
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used it is quite amazing
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but it's unfortunately it's a paid tool
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right but if you want convenience if you
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really want convenience and accuracy
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this is the tool i would highly
09:27 - 09:30
recommend and i'll leave a link in the
09:29 - 09:32
description but
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for those of you who can't afford
09:32 - 09:37
to use this tool i understand so that's
09:35 - 09:40
why i show you the other two methods
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which would be youtube scribe as well as
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down sub and then you would have to
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transcripts using text fixer remove the
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upper case and as well as the
09:51 - 09:57
line break removal tool okay both can be
09:54 - 09:59
found within text fixer then lastly you
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want to rewrite it a bit you can use an
09:59 - 10:03
ai rewriting tool
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but after you use that you would have to
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go ahead and enter it in here and
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uh check for
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you know correctness to make sure that
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everything is you know
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and then after that you can go ahead and
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post and post it on your blog so i know
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it sounds a lot because uh i've had to
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explain everything step by step but i
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wanted to make sure you had several
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whether it's free or paid so that you
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can take pretty much any video and
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convert it into an article i i hope this
10:32 - 10:35
video was helpful and
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are interested in using ai tools to grow
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your small youtube channel you can go
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ahead and check out my course in the
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description i've just completed it it'll
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show you how to
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grow a small youtube channel
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and make money without monetization as
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well as use ai tools to create video
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content and semi automate everything so
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if you're interested in that please
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check out that in the video description
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below i'm vince from digital menace too
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and i'll see you in the next video thank
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you so much for watching