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mid Journey has a brand new update that
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lets you upload your own images and use
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its generative engine to edit them as
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well as restyle them it's a fantastic
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upgrade and levels up the kinds of
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things you can do in mid Journey so in
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this video not only will I show you how
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to use each of the features on this new
00:17 - 00:22
editor interface but I will also show
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you how to combine them with existing
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features and completely transform even
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the most basic images into astonishing
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results before we start I do want to
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give a quick disclaimer the feature set
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I'm talking about today is obviously
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brand new anything I show you is subject
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to change also it's not available to
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everyone yet I have access because I've
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generated more than 10,000 images what
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have I become but if you're not as crazy
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as I am you'll either need to have been
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a subscriber for the past year or be
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paying for a yearly membership my
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feeling is if you don't have it already
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it's probably not worth making a full
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year payment just to access it but
01:05 - 01:09
that's your call I'll show you
01:07 - 01:11
everything it can do and you get to make
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that decision depending on your budget
01:11 - 01:17
my guess based on Mid Journey's typical
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release schedule is you'll probably get
01:17 - 01:21
access to it in the next few weeks and I
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wouldn't worry about spending money just
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to get it for all the rest of you if you
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do have it you'll see a new tab here on
01:26 - 01:32
your mid Journey Alpha homepage the tab
01:30 - 01:34
will be called edit if you're zoomed in
01:32 - 01:36
too far you might only see this little
01:34 - 01:38
pen edit icon that's where you'll access
01:36 - 01:40
this feature click into it and you
01:38 - 01:42
should see something like this screen
01:40 - 01:45
here or if you're on this screen you can
01:42 - 01:47
click the edit new image button and this
01:45 - 01:50
will show up at this point you have two
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options you can click edit from URL and
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this lets you enter the image URL of any
01:52 - 01:58
image on the internet to use in the mid
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Journey editor just paste it in right
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here and you can do that otherwise be
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using edit uploaded image you can either
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click here to open your Windows Explorer
02:05 - 02:09
or you can drag an image from anywhere
02:07 - 02:11
else onto the screen the two new
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features and the whole reason behind
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this interface are for the edit feature
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and the retexture feature you can see
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these two tabs right here edit is
02:20 - 02:25
essentially what everyone has been
02:22 - 02:27
asking mid journey to add for ages What
02:25 - 02:29
it lets you do is upload an embarrassing
02:27 - 02:31
image of yourself as an adult man
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pretending to be a wizard this feature
02:31 - 02:37
then lets you ask mid journey to make it
02:33 - 02:38
look like you're doing real magic that
02:37 - 02:41
way you can trickle your friends into
02:38 - 02:43
thinking you're an actual wizard so dumb
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let's reset this image and show you in
02:43 - 02:47
the interface how you can actually go
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about doing this so the first thing I
02:47 - 02:52
would always suggest doing is setting
02:49 - 02:54
the aspect ratio right when you start
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you're stuck at an image scale right at
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100% but if you click any of these
02:57 - 03:03
aspect ratios here you actually un lock
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that aspect ratio so you can go to any
03:03 - 03:07
range you want which is really handy
03:05 - 03:10
when you do indeed have more pixels to
03:07 - 03:12
work with so now we can play around with
03:10 - 03:14
move and resize clicking this button is
03:12 - 03:16
basically equipping a cursor that gives
03:14 - 03:19
you motion control within this canvas
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this way you can drag around the image
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you can adjust the scale with these
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handles and you can change the shape of
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the canvas with these ones and now we're
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on the erase button this is a different
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cursor that instead of letting you drag
03:32 - 03:36
the image around you're actually erasing
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parts of the image what you're really
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doing here is selecting the part of the
03:39 - 03:43
image that you want mid journey to
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generate on top of maybe they want me to
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say the part you want mid journey to
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edit for you anyway left click to draw a
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region right like this you can zoom in
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and out to change the size of your brush
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of course you can also use this brush
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size option here and then obviously this
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is the restore brush which works exactly
04:02 - 04:06
the same except it's telling mid Journey
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what you don't want it to change and you
04:06 - 04:12
can restore anything you've erased undo
04:09 - 04:14
and redo work like normal you also have
04:12 - 04:17
shortcuts so you can use controll or
04:14 - 04:20
command Z to undo and control or command
04:17 - 04:22
y to redo these sliders are again an
04:20 - 04:25
alternative way to control your brush
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size and canvas size then the last
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button here is the same as slash
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describe in mid Journey all it does is
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it writes a prompt describing the image
04:34 - 04:39
that you uploaded so here it says a
04:37 - 04:40
photo of a man with short dark brown
04:39 - 04:43
hair hair and a blue fanel short
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performing Tai Chi with his hands open
04:43 - 04:47
to the sky outdoors in the California
04:45 - 04:49
Mountains on a summer day it's not
04:47 - 04:51
exactly accurate nor is it what we need
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because what's actually more important
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is that you describe the way you want
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the image to change not just the way it
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currently is so if instead of a plasma
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ball you wanted an epic jet of fire you
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would have to describe that jet of fire
05:06 - 05:10
in your prompt notice we've erased the
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sort of area between his hands and then
05:10 - 05:17
we can extend the jeta fire to a 16x9
05:14 - 05:19
aspect ratio by going out like this here
05:17 - 05:21
let me I meant to erase that and
05:19 - 05:23
hopefully we can see a jeda fire
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continuing from this image when we click
05:23 - 05:29
this button submit edit you can also
05:26 - 05:31
click enter to submit a generation also
05:29 - 05:33
as you can see over here on the right
05:31 - 05:36
all of the edits you've made for this
05:33 - 05:38
image will show up so you can see the
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plasma images and now that these are
05:38 - 05:43
done generating you can also see the
05:40 - 05:45
fire that I conjured and then actually
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use these as the starting point for any
05:45 - 05:50
of the future edits you want to make
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right you can erase in this image or you
05:50 - 05:53
can erase in this image and change
05:51 - 05:55
anything you could possibly want if you
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click between them again your change is
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reset but yeah clicking on these four
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Images obviously they're not not perfect
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but they're pretty cool if you want to
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directly edit your image you could erase
06:04 - 06:09
a bit here and give yourself a bow tie
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or add anything you want into your image
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what's disappointing about it is
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whenever you do it this way your results
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have this kind of edited look right you
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could take a picture and add a monster
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into it and it looks cool but it doesn't
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turn the image into the horror scene
06:24 - 06:30
that it should be because in order to
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change the lighting mood or Style of an
06:30 - 06:34
image within the editor you would need
06:32 - 06:37
to erase way too much think about it
06:34 - 06:40
when the lighting in an image changes so
06:37 - 06:42
does every single Pixel so the moment
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you try to take yourself from a plain
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white wall into a complex cyber scene it
06:45 - 06:50
looks less like an epic cityscape and
06:48 - 06:54
more like an underwhelming Zoom
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background and so that is the reason for
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this second feature in theory retexture
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is supposed to anal your scene and
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understand the objects and shapes
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including hopefully what they represent
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mid Journey will lock your image into a
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depth map which if everything goes well
07:10 - 07:14
lets it change the lighting and
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materials within your image without
07:14 - 07:19
disrupting any of the content this is
07:17 - 07:21
really cool and there are a ton of
07:19 - 07:24
awesome use cases for it mid Journey's
07:21 - 07:27
announcement actually shows you how you
07:24 - 07:29
can transform a statue into reimagined
07:27 - 07:31
versions of that same statue in any sty
07:29 - 07:34
style or they also show you redecorating
07:31 - 07:37
a room so it seems like it's from far
07:34 - 07:39
into the future but my channel has
07:37 - 07:41
recently been focused on character and
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that's because I think the most exciting
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things you can create in mid Journey are
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people so in my opinion I think it's
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natural to wish that when I start with
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an image of myself casting a fireball
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and then retexture it so that the
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Vibrance and power of the fireball is
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more visible in the image I would want
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the result to continue to be of me and
08:07 - 08:13
unfortunately when I try it that simply
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isn't the case retexture turns each of
08:13 - 08:19
its generated images into entirely
08:16 - 08:22
different people it's cool the lighting
08:19 - 08:24
of my image changes and the pose stays
08:22 - 08:27
the same but that's not really what I'm
08:24 - 08:29
after luckily there is hope for us mid
08:27 - 08:33
Journey says these new features are are
08:29 - 08:36
compatible with personalization srf CF
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and image prompts and what that means is
08:36 - 08:41
that we have a few more Tools in our
08:38 - 08:43
Arsenal to overcome this problem I'm
08:41 - 08:45
running into when working with character
08:43 - 08:49
focused images you can think of
08:45 - 08:51
retexture kind of like a prre or pose
08:49 - 08:55
reference and even for complex poses in
08:51 - 08:58
my experience 50 to 75% of the images I
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generate transfer the pose pretty well
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so it's not perfect but it is pretty
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good what's exciting is that on top of
09:04 - 09:09
pose you can also bring in other kinds
09:06 - 09:12
of references to layer into your
09:09 - 09:14
generation request so even if we click
09:12 - 09:16
new and start working on a new image in
09:14 - 09:19
the editor even if it's actually a
09:16 - 09:22
pretty boring image of me making a bit
09:19 - 09:25
of a silly face like this one we can use
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the editor to control the aspect ratio
09:25 - 09:31
and really change anything to our liking
09:28 - 09:33
then when we like the pose and the
09:31 - 09:37
content of the image we can go into this
09:33 - 09:39
retexture interface if we click this
09:37 - 09:41
image icon we can use any of the
09:39 - 09:44
references we've uploaded into mid
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Journey before so if I like this face
09:44 - 09:50
I've generated but I want it to be of
09:47 - 09:52
this medieval farmer girl with a messy
09:50 - 09:54
bun I can just click on all four of
09:52 - 09:57
these images set them as character
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references right like that and just
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write a short prompt describing her
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making the same silly face then I can
10:02 - 10:07
click this button submit retexture and
10:05 - 10:10
wait for it to generate and hopefully
10:07 - 10:12
the image will turn into my uploaded
10:10 - 10:15
character starts looking something like
10:12 - 10:18
me the messy bun starts to come in and
10:15 - 10:21
look at that I have four images with my
10:18 - 10:24
evil smirk head tilted forward keeping
10:21 - 10:27
the same pose but obviously my
10:24 - 10:29
consistent character has been applied to
10:27 - 10:31
this scene so now the solution for
10:29 - 10:34
getting the character to keep looking
10:31 - 10:36
like you is obvious and we'll go back
10:34 - 10:38
and do it with the actual Fireball
10:36 - 10:40
example we've been working with what
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you'll need is a bunch of images of
10:40 - 10:45
yourself to use as a reference so you
10:43 - 10:47
can copy them from anywhere or even just
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drag them into the editor directly or if
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you've used them in mid Journey before
10:49 - 10:53
you can pick them out from by clicking
10:51 - 10:56
this image icon however you go ahead and
10:53 - 10:58
do it you now have a consistent
10:56 - 11:03
character reference that mid Journey can
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apply to an image of yourself and it's
11:03 - 11:09
feeling a lot better until you generate
11:06 - 11:11
it once it comes up you realize there is
11:09 - 11:14
one more problem we're going to have to
11:11 - 11:17
deal with the CF you get here is looking
11:14 - 11:20
pretty close to how you look I think
11:17 - 11:25
both of these two images could possibly
11:20 - 11:27
be me but it's just not quite there I've
11:25 - 11:30
seen mid Journey generate much better
11:27 - 11:32
faces before and I really wish we could
11:30 - 11:34
have a higher quality result and if
11:32 - 11:36
you've watched a few of my recent videos
11:34 - 11:39
you might have a clue to what the
11:36 - 11:41
problem here is this comes down to what
11:39 - 11:44
I've been calling prominence the face in
11:41 - 11:47
this image is just too small to do a
11:44 - 11:49
good job surviving the style transfer if
11:47 - 11:52
we want a highquality CF like we got
11:49 - 11:54
when we generated our farmer with mess
11:52 - 11:56
with a messy bun we need our face to
11:54 - 11:58
begin just as close up as from when we
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generated that image if you want the
11:58 - 12:02
highest quality result you're going to
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need to start from a place where your
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face takes up about half of the image
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and to do that we're going to Begin
12:07 - 12:12
Again from our original image here I'll
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go ahead and click reset now and and
12:12 - 12:17
actually we'll be using the very first
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thing I taught you about this editor
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remember how you can't zoom out any more
12:20 - 12:25
than the edge here well unless you click
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this button and then mid Journey lets
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you break the lock we're going to zoom
12:28 - 12:34
in to are scen so our face takes up a
12:31 - 12:36
little more of the image here what I'm
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having you do is zoom in just far enough
12:36 - 12:41
so that mid Journey can see all the
12:38 - 12:43
details of your face but not so far that
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you lose the pose completely see my arm
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is still coming out from the top here
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and it really looks like I'm looking off
12:47 - 12:51
in this far off Direction that's going
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perfect now we can erase anything we
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need to for me I'm just going to give
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myself a little bit more of a Wizardry
12:59 - 13:04
type robe here and we're going to
13:01 - 13:06
generate that image the next thing to do
13:04 - 13:09
is to retexture this image so that it
13:06 - 13:12
makes sense that I would be staring at a
13:09 - 13:15
fireball so here on the retexture tab
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I'm going to place my prompt back in and
13:15 - 13:20
even though my Fireball wouldn't be on
13:17 - 13:22
the screen yet I want my face to be
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glowing with mystical fire and so I'm
13:22 - 13:27
going to write that into the prompt with
13:24 - 13:29
these CS in place and so now you can see
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here I have four generated images that
13:29 - 13:36
look much closer to an image of me where
13:33 - 13:39
I might be casting a fireball and so
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only now am I actually able to pick one
13:39 - 13:45
of these images go back to the editor
13:42 - 13:47
and zoom out creating a scene where I'm
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casting a fireball I'm going to erase a
13:47 - 13:52
little bit more see if I can get some of
13:49 - 13:55
my arm pose back into this image and I
13:52 - 13:57
write that prompt and generate again you
13:55 - 14:01
can see how I'm much closer to the
13:57 - 14:02
result I was after
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and looking at these four Images it
14:02 - 14:07
looks like I didn't get that balance
14:04 - 14:11
quite right it seems like mid Journey
14:07 - 14:13
totally lost my pose and having one hand
14:11 - 14:17
going up over my head was just beyond
14:13 - 14:19
mid Journey's capability so instead I'd
14:17 - 14:23
probably want to generate me with my
14:19 - 14:25
hand in place and generate an image more
14:23 - 14:29
like these so that the pose is a little
14:25 - 14:31
bit more fixed and then I can paste a
14:29 - 14:34
prompt back in and then generate again
14:31 - 14:38
to see my face glowing with fire we can
14:34 - 14:41
submit this edit whoops I 100% meant for
14:38 - 14:43
that to be a retexture please stop my
14:41 - 14:45
God I misclicking all over the place all
14:43 - 14:47
right submit
14:45 - 14:50
retexture and hopefully this time our
14:47 - 14:54
pose is a little bit better defined
14:50 - 14:56
allowing us finally to return to the
14:54 - 15:01
editor erase out our character
14:56 - 15:04
references and generate our image one
15:01 - 15:07
more time I have a lot of Hope for this
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one look at that finally I found myself
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on the Epic side of embarrassment that
15:11 - 15:19
is way way cool um I'm tempted now to
15:16 - 15:21
zoom out a little bit one more time and
15:19 - 15:26
just finish this off as an extremely
15:21 - 15:28
powerful wizard casting a truly awesome
15:26 - 15:32
spell hopefully you can see that this is
15:28 - 15:36
both finicky and yet extremely powerful
15:32 - 15:38
if you liked this deep dive into a cool
15:36 - 15:40
mid Journey feature I have a ton more on
15:38 - 15:43
my channel the YouTube algorithm thinks
15:40 - 15:45
you'll like this one over here and come
15:43 - 15:47
on it's the YouTube algorithm it's all
15:45 - 15:49
knowing might as well give it a shot all
15:47 - 15:52
right thanks for watching and I'll see
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you in the next one