00:00 - 00:03

hey everyone it's Mark wans and today

00:01 - 00:07

we're going on an ultimate Chinese

00:03 - 00:10

street food tour in the ancient city of

00:07 - 00:12

Shian we're going to eat everything from

00:10 - 00:14

Sesame paste jelly noodles there's so

00:12 - 00:18

many flavors going on SMS incredible to

00:14 - 00:21

face numbing pepper soup that's so

00:18 - 00:24

hot jet boiled lamb and P bread they've

00:21 - 00:27

taken cooking to an extreme sport here

00:24 - 00:31

famous cumin lamb barbecue that's

00:27 - 00:34

unbelievable flavor and so much more

00:31 - 00:34

all directly on

00:34 - 00:40

top that's noodle Paradise in your mouth

00:37 - 00:43

Sean is a city with thousands of years

00:40 - 00:45

of history and you probably recognize it

00:43 - 00:47

from the Terracotta Warriors but if you

00:45 - 00:49

keep on watching this entire video you

00:47 - 00:52

are also going to start to recognize it

00:49 - 00:55

for being a street food

00:52 - 00:58


00:55 - 01:00

Paradise good morning Michael good

00:58 - 01:01

morning good morning Mike we going to be

01:00 - 01:05

with Michael today he's going to be

01:01 - 01:07

guiding us around and we are on our way

01:05 - 01:10

in the city center

01:07 - 01:12

yeah oh we're jumping straight into the

01:10 - 01:14

action on bicycles we're on our way to

01:12 - 01:17

the market it's a

01:14 - 01:17

cruiser wow look at this

01:18 - 01:22

view this is the bell

01:23 - 01:28

tower oh man this is so great cruising

01:26 - 01:31

around the streets of Shian on a bicycle

01:28 - 01:35

early morning before we start

01:31 - 01:35


01:37 - 01:45

eating okay we made it to the

01:42 - 01:48

market and we're right along the the

01:45 - 01:52

walls the ancient walls of

01:48 - 01:56

Shian so you can come here to F the hle

01:52 - 02:00

and buzzle of the city to fill the

01:56 - 02:00

vibration okay

02:03 - 02:08

yes see some

02:06 - 02:13

of Michael what's the name of the market

02:08 - 02:16

M Market okay so number means this small

02:13 - 02:18

South Gate South Gate of the the Shian

02:16 - 02:20

wall and there's nothing better than

02:18 - 02:22

beginning your day on a Chinese street

02:20 - 02:24

food tour at the local market where you

02:22 - 02:26

can see the city waking up with all the

02:24 - 02:27

ingredients the fresh ingredients and

02:26 - 02:29

one of the best things about any Market

02:27 - 02:34

in China is that you not only have fresh

02:29 - 02:34

ingredients but also food ready to

02:34 - 02:38

eat so we're going to walk around we're

02:36 - 02:39

going to explore the market and it's so

02:38 - 02:41

picturesque as well along the edge of

02:39 - 02:45

the ancient wall of

02:41 - 02:46

Xian this Market is just buzzing in the

02:45 - 02:48

morning so many different ingredients

02:46 - 02:49

and this is one of my favorite stalls

02:48 - 02:51

here with all the different spices that

02:49 - 02:54

go into the local Chinese cuisine of

02:51 - 02:56

Shian from citan peppercorns to a

02:54 - 02:59

variety of half a dozen different Dred

02:56 - 03:01

chilies that go into the cuisine that we

02:59 - 03:03

can look forward to to all the Aromas

03:01 - 03:05

the cardamoms the different seeds the

03:03 - 03:08

different dried there's dried Ginger

03:05 - 03:10

there's star Anice there's a variety of

03:08 - 03:12

different cardamoms it's just a rainbow

03:10 - 03:15

of different spices that are going to

03:12 - 03:18

enhance the local food oh my mouth is

03:15 - 03:18

watering just looking at this spice

03:19 - 03:24

doll wow look at that amount of kiwi

03:21 - 03:24


03:31 - 03:37

yeah that's awesome it's not only the

03:33 - 03:37

food it's also the the sights The

03:39 - 03:42


03:48 - 03:52

Sounds oh thank you okay oh we're

03:50 - 03:55

getting serious now putting on the

03:52 - 03:58

gloves that's right sure is clean up put

03:55 - 04:02

on the gloves and Michael spotted this

03:58 - 04:03

marinated tofu they're like tofu rolls

04:02 - 04:05

almost look like sausage which are

04:03 - 04:07

marinade you smell the aroma of all the

04:05 - 04:08

spices that we just took a look at uh at

04:07 - 04:11

the market they're all filled within

04:08 - 04:14

this tofu with bay leaves and chilies

04:11 - 04:16

sesame seeds and then he slices it up oh

04:14 - 04:18

it's cold too you can see it's like a

04:16 - 04:22

bean curd

04:18 - 04:24

roll that's right this is pretty good

04:22 - 04:28

what do you thinking oh that's delicious

04:24 - 04:29

good actually wow yeah that's so good

04:28 - 04:32

yeah it almost tastes like chicken but

04:29 - 04:33

then infused with that chili oil a

04:32 - 04:35

little bit of Citron pepper oh and it

04:33 - 04:36

has just a little bit of a fermented

04:35 - 04:39

sourness to it as well the texture is

04:36 - 04:41

amazing the flavor is incredible yeah

04:39 - 04:41

it's so

04:44 - 04:50

good so tasty oh that was a phenomenal

04:48 - 04:52

flavor and in so many countries bean

04:50 - 04:55

curd and tofu products are just seen

04:52 - 04:58

seen as these bland food but in China

04:55 - 04:59

think again that was a flavor overdose

04:58 - 05:01

my mouth is starting to tingle from

04:59 - 05:03

those Citron peppers and the spice in

05:01 - 05:05

there phenomenal and an extremely

05:03 - 05:08

popular stall as well oh we're off to a

05:05 - 05:10


05:08 - 05:12

start they have some smoked meat here

05:10 - 05:14

smoked ham smoked pork bellies

05:12 - 05:16

sausages and free

05:14 - 05:19

samples oh

05:16 - 05:25

wow oh that smoked meat is incredible oh

05:19 - 05:25

man oh that's like bacon that is so good

05:25 - 05:30

wow oh man this Market is just full of

05:28 - 05:33

energy not only about the ingredients in

05:30 - 05:36

the food but about the action the energy

05:33 - 05:39

the friendly people the

05:36 - 05:43

Aromas oh this is an amazing

05:39 - 05:43


05:43 - 05:49

Market kind

05:46 - 05:52

of oh man check out this incredible

05:49 - 05:52

pickle stall can to give me a

05:53 - 05:59

sample oh oh thank

05:56 - 06:01

you oh that's a I think it's a radish

05:59 - 06:03

has has this incredible crunch to it

06:01 - 06:05

it's a crunch that keeps on giving and

06:03 - 06:06

then just the flavor just emerges with

06:05 - 06:10

as you start to

06:06 - 06:14

salivate wow that is

06:10 - 06:17

flavorful wa beef beef Sal okay another

06:14 - 06:17

sample it's

06:17 - 06:22


06:19 - 06:24

wow wow that's a flavor overdose oh man

06:22 - 06:26

that's so much Umami tastes like

06:24 - 06:30

fermented beans with

06:26 - 06:32

beef oh man delicious oh a lot of those

06:30 - 06:35

pickles are to eat along with kanji and

06:32 - 06:38

just the power of flavor it would flavor

06:35 - 06:38

an entire bowl of

06:40 - 06:45

food just on the edge of the market

06:42 - 06:48

you'll find there's like a dozen

06:45 - 06:49

different cues with a huge crowd of

06:48 - 06:51

people let's see what they're all

06:49 - 06:54

waiting for yeah so Michael what is this

06:51 - 06:58

area famous for famous for they are

06:54 - 07:00

Burger ah okay so the pork belly okay

06:58 - 07:03

pork belly you have a choice Bell that

07:00 - 07:05

you know very St and you put that inside

07:03 - 07:09

of the burger and you eat that it's like

07:05 - 07:09

a kind of a typical breakfast for

07:10 - 07:18

local okay here comes a a pork

07:14 - 07:18

leg oh it's so

07:18 - 07:24

wobbly oh man the tenderness oh it just

07:21 - 07:26

slashes apart with the

07:24 - 07:29

juiciness oh that Aroma is

07:26 - 07:32

unbelievable so everyone is lining up to

07:29 - 07:34

to eat a brazed pork legs so they're

07:32 - 07:37

Brazing in the juice and then he grabs a

07:34 - 07:39

Whole pork leg he chops it up and it

07:37 - 07:41

just totally collapses totally falls

07:39 - 07:44

apart and then he loads it up into a

07:41 - 07:45

bread oh that smells incredible and then

07:44 - 07:50

he gets some of the

07:45 - 07:52

juice oh directly on top Oh What A Move

07:50 - 07:52

yeah it's

07:57 - 08:02

soupy okay and then you can add chili

08:00 - 08:02

oil if you

08:04 - 08:11

like yes oh she loads it in oh

08:09 - 08:14

yes okay just

08:11 - 08:16

you oh man I cannot wait to try

08:14 - 08:19

this oh oh it feels so good in the

08:16 - 08:21

fingers and we wisely decided to split

08:19 - 08:23

it go half in half uh because we have a

08:21 - 08:25

lot of food to eat today but let's just

08:23 - 08:28

take a look on the inside already the

08:25 - 08:31

juices starting to soak up to absorb the

08:28 - 08:33

mints you've got the in the fat the meat

08:31 - 08:36

and she loaded it with chili oil on the

08:33 - 08:36

other side as

08:38 - 08:42

well how many people

08:42 - 08:49

behind oh

08:45 - 08:51

wow that melts in your mouth oh yeah oh

08:49 - 08:51

that's so

08:52 - 08:57

tasty the pork belly the jiggly bits the

08:55 - 09:00

meat all just collapses melts in your

08:57 - 09:02

mouth and absorbs into that bread which

09:00 - 09:04

kind of is crispy on the edges but then

09:02 - 09:05

fluffy on the inside and with that Smoky

09:04 - 09:08

chili oil that takes it to the next

09:05 - 09:11

level oh that's so tasty oh man yes this

09:08 - 09:15

many people are willing to stand in line

09:11 - 09:15

to wait to eat this at 8:00 a.m. in the

09:16 - 09:21

morning on a weekday that pork leg just

09:19 - 09:25

melts in your mouth oh

09:21 - 09:28

man wow that rej juicing move where he

09:25 - 09:30

pours some of that brazing fluid broth

09:28 - 09:33

onto your sand which that's the part

09:30 - 09:33

that just elevates

09:34 - 09:39

it right outside from all the lines

09:37 - 09:43

we've met another Uncle who specializes

09:39 - 09:45

in a Shian snack a sweet snack kind of a

09:43 - 09:47

dessert of glutenous rice which is

09:45 - 09:49

steamed with kidney beans and then date

09:47 - 09:51

paste and he's very popular as well so

09:49 - 09:54

we've got to try this this is something

09:51 - 09:54

I really wanted to try in

09:55 - 09:59

Shan okay so he Scoops it out you've got

09:57 - 10:01

the glutenous rice on the bottom you've

09:59 - 10:04

got the dates the date paste and the the

10:01 - 10:06

red kidney beans you get a little bit of

10:04 - 10:07

oh it's so gooey and it's warm it's warm

10:06 - 10:09

in your fingers that's something I

10:07 - 10:13

didn't know it would be

10:09 - 10:13

warm oh it's so

10:14 - 10:17


10:18 - 10:23

M you've got the tartness of the dates a

10:21 - 10:25

little bit of brown sugar but it's not

10:23 - 10:27

overly sweet you've got the tartness of

10:25 - 10:29

those dates the fru of those dates and

10:27 - 10:30

it's warm that's something I didn't know

10:29 - 10:32

while he was serving it up that'd be

10:30 - 10:34

nice and warm like a warm pudding the

10:32 - 10:35

gooiness of the stick rice and the

10:34 - 10:37

glutenous rice and then the starchiness

10:35 - 10:39

of the beans all coming together and

10:37 - 10:40

it's been steamed for over 4 hours he

10:39 - 10:43

said so it's all all those flavors are

10:40 - 10:46

mingling together that's so tasty oh man

10:43 - 10:48

yes very good and a delicacy it's a is

10:46 - 10:50

this especially from Xian here yeah

10:48 - 10:53

that's right this city is actually

10:50 - 10:54

pretty famous for the states yeah local

10:53 - 10:57

people always say that if you could have

10:54 - 11:00

three days a day you can't live forever

10:57 - 11:00


11:02 - 11:07

I like it

11:05 - 11:09

excellent oh man this area was exciting

11:07 - 11:11

but we're moving on we still have so

11:09 - 11:11

much more to

11:12 - 11:16

eat what is it what are we trying next

11:14 - 11:19

we're going to try this a

11:16 - 11:21

box Michael I need you to say that one

11:19 - 11:22

more time what's it called in Chinese

11:21 - 11:27

this one is

11:22 - 11:28

called box joai and it's a deep fried

11:27 - 11:30

chive box uh but actually they have a

11:28 - 11:32

few fillings and what they do to make it

11:30 - 11:35

is they have the dough they flatten it

11:32 - 11:36

out into little discs then they put the

11:35 - 11:38

fillings on the inside and then they

11:36 - 11:41

make it into this whole ball uh

11:38 - 11:43

surrounding uh the insides the filling

11:41 - 11:45

with that dough and then she smashes it

11:43 - 11:48

down into a Patty formation then it goes

11:45 - 11:52

into the oil and deep fries until crispy

11:48 - 11:52

oh could not resist it

11:58 - 12:01


12:06 - 12:08

so again you can get a couple of

12:07 - 12:10

different fillings but we got the one

12:08 - 12:12

with chives and also sweet potato

12:10 - 12:14

noodles Uncle deep fries it oh it's

12:12 - 12:19

crispy and you can see how thin that

12:14 - 12:19

dough is crispy translucent and it's

12:24 - 12:31

hot oh man and so crispy and the the

12:29 - 12:32

sweet potato noodles just kind of melt

12:31 - 12:34

in your mouth with the flavor of the

12:32 - 12:36

Chive well it's delicious I love how

12:34 - 12:38

that dough is so thin that it becomes

12:36 - 12:40

completely translucent absorbed with

12:38 - 12:42

that oil but completely crispy all the

12:40 - 12:44

way through and very popular to eat in

12:42 - 12:46

the morning as well it's greasy it's

12:44 - 12:52

flavorful it's crispy it melts in your

12:46 - 12:52

mouth oh it's so tasty and fried hot and

12:55 - 12:59

fresh w m

13:03 - 13:07

okay thank you thank you people here so

13:05 - 13:11

friendly oh that was

13:07 - 13:14

awesome oh that yeah that is a Next

13:11 - 13:14

Level breakfast

13:15 - 13:19


13:17 - 13:22

item so we're walking through the back

13:19 - 13:24

streets now I love the back streets of

13:22 - 13:29

Shian through the back streets of the

13:24 - 13:29

Muslim quarter on our way to go eat more

13:31 - 13:37

okay so Michael what is this it is

13:33 - 13:40

called a l lur L lur yeah it is a kind

13:37 - 13:43

of a soup cooked with a bread with

13:40 - 13:45

chicken egg with a centry eggs with a

13:43 - 13:47

bunch of this like a chili sauce on the

13:45 - 13:49

very top that's right we have to make it

13:47 - 13:51

ourself but this one is different with

13:49 - 13:54

the shredded pit of bread cooked in

13:51 - 13:57

Lambs okay this bread is a fulminate oh

13:54 - 14:00

okay yeah but that one is a completely

13:57 - 14:05

pet bread okay this one is a made of

14:00 - 14:07

like M Bean M Bean oh okay so it's a

14:05 - 14:09

mung bean noodle jelly oh and then

14:07 - 14:11

there's bread on the bottom of that bowl

14:09 - 14:14

oh and all the mung bean jelly goes on

14:11 - 14:17

top and then over here to this huge pan

14:14 - 14:19

of chicken chicken soup oh and it's

14:17 - 14:22

really thick almost

14:19 - 14:24

porridge the eating method though is so

14:22 - 14:26

cool and so different you get a bowl

14:24 - 14:28

with some of the fermented P bread and

14:26 - 14:30

an egg as well as a century egg and then

14:28 - 14:32

you make it in your bowl you you uh

14:30 - 14:33

break the P bread in your bowl by

14:32 - 14:35

yourself and then you bring it back up

14:33 - 14:38

to the front

14:35 - 14:41

here so by these the P Bread have to be

14:38 - 14:42

big in size okay I'm just going to help

14:41 - 14:44

Michael's already getting started

14:42 - 14:47

breaking the peer bread and it does have

14:44 - 14:50

a kind of a yeasty slightly fermented

14:47 - 14:52

Aroma to it but it's thick it's Hardy

14:50 - 14:54

kind of crispy on the edges and really

14:52 - 14:56

thick in the in the center it's actually

14:54 - 14:58

really thick so that now that we have

14:56 - 15:00

all the bread broken now we bring it

14:58 - 15:05

back up up to the front

15:00 - 15:08

here and give it over to her okay and

15:05 - 15:10

then she oh she kind of oh she's she's

15:08 - 15:12

organizing it for us we didn't peel it

15:10 - 15:14

quite right okay nice she's going to

15:12 - 15:17

chop up that Sentry

15:14 - 15:19

egg slice it up oh look at that color

15:17 - 15:22

the translucency and then the chicken

15:19 - 15:22

egg as well

15:32 - 15:36

the mung be noodles go on

15:37 - 15:41

top and then over to the next station

15:39 - 15:44

where she ladles on that chicken soup

15:41 - 15:44

the thick chicken

15:48 - 15:52

soup and then that comes over to the

15:50 - 15:52


15:52 - 15:58

station get

15:54 - 16:00

seasoned salt yes the garlic sauce goes

15:58 - 16:02


16:00 - 16:02

oh mustard

16:05 - 16:10

sauce and this one is Sesame oh the

16:08 - 16:13

Sesame Sesame goes on oh she just ladles

16:10 - 16:16

it on and then the chili oil yeah spicy

16:13 - 16:16


16:16 - 16:20

good she almost paints it she almost

16:19 - 16:23

paints it and then a little more

16:20 - 16:25

fragrant oil on top oh what Sesame on

16:23 - 16:28

top oh that's

16:25 - 16:30

beautiful just the complexity who would

16:28 - 16:32

have thought to combine so many

16:30 - 16:34

ingredients this is a a legendary

16:32 - 16:36

restaurant that uh Michael was telling

16:34 - 16:38

me has been here for over a hundred

16:36 - 16:40

years uh they've been making this recipe

16:38 - 16:42

absolutely incredible I cannot wait to

16:40 - 16:42


16:43 - 16:47

it Michael has been been telling me that

16:45 - 16:50

Shian is known as carb City because

16:47 - 16:52

carbs are so loved from bread to Noodles

16:50 - 16:54

uh people love to eat carbs can't wait

16:52 - 16:57

any longer so do you normally eat with

16:54 - 17:00

chopsticks or chopck spoon whatever you

16:57 - 17:02

whatever you feel we do we do another

17:00 - 17:04

don't Stir It stir you don't stir it you

17:02 - 17:06

just eat it as as and slurp it slurp it

17:04 - 17:08

that piece by piece but this time I

17:06 - 17:11

would like to share a bit with you yeah

17:08 - 17:13

yeah yeah please please get half of this

17:11 - 17:14

and do you want to get of this is there

17:13 - 17:16

any strategy to eating it like do you

17:14 - 17:17

want to eat the noodles first or do you

17:16 - 17:18

want to eat the bread or just all

17:17 - 17:21

together do matter it doesn't matter

17:18 - 17:23

just slurp it all down eat first okay

17:21 - 17:26

all right Michael yes I'm going to go in

17:23 - 17:29

with the slurp down these noodles oh man

17:26 - 17:29

it's wobbly

17:32 - 17:38

M that's really amazing can see that the

17:35 - 17:39

taste the mustard you immediately taste

17:38 - 17:41

the flavor of the mustard in there

17:39 - 17:44

counterbalanced by the sticky soupy

17:41 - 17:46

porridge consistency of that chicken

17:44 - 17:48

chicken soup in that giant pan then the

17:46 - 17:50

mung be noodle just kind of melt into

17:48 - 17:51

sing in your mouth and I also got a

17:50 - 17:52

piece of the bread which is kind of

17:51 - 17:55

chewy at the same time there's so many

17:52 - 17:58

flavors going on such a unique flavor oh

17:55 - 17:58


18:01 - 18:08

what do you delicious that's incredible

18:05 - 18:10

and so different so different yeah I've

18:08 - 18:12

never like sure you have never seen any

18:10 - 18:14

other plac never seen something like

18:12 - 18:18

quite like this such a cool

18:14 - 18:20

dish swir is it combine a spicy with a

18:18 - 18:23

mustard and a chili you know so that's

18:20 - 18:25

why you have to use that you know

18:23 - 18:26

slowly yeah because the mustard actually

18:25 - 18:28

kind of goes up your nose a little bit

18:26 - 18:30

be that is very beginning every time mhm

18:28 - 18:33

mm MH all the time if you eat it too

18:30 - 18:35

much you know I mean the spicy will you

18:33 - 18:36

will you feel the spicy is kind of a

18:35 - 18:39

stronger you know definitely and the

18:36 - 18:42

garlic in there too yeah oh man I'm

18:39 - 18:46

fascinated with this dish so much going

18:42 - 18:49

on such a complex creation and just

18:46 - 18:51

a unbelievable mix yeah you don't know

18:49 - 18:56

if you're quite eating a pudding or a

18:51 - 18:59

soup or a or a noodle dish centry egg

18:56 - 19:01

here we definitely want to add as much

18:59 - 19:02

yeah yeah definitely we definitely want

19:01 - 19:05

to add as much sauce as possible to that

19:02 - 19:05


19:10 - 19:15

egg well that one is not too strong not

19:13 - 19:19

too potent but really good all the

19:15 - 19:21

complexity the the ammonia flavor okay

19:19 - 19:22

it does once you break through all that

19:21 - 19:26

sauce it does go up your nose a little

19:22 - 19:27

bit really good though the texture has

19:26 - 19:29

kind of

19:27 - 19:31

jellified leaving the the yolk nice and

19:29 - 19:33

creamy and

19:31 - 19:36

starchy oh what a

19:33 - 19:36

dish it's so hardy

19:37 - 19:40

too so filling as

19:44 - 19:49

well okay and definitely that the the

19:46 - 19:51

flavor of that Century egg kind of built

19:49 - 19:53

it's a little strong but really good I

19:51 - 19:58


19:53 - 20:00

it yeah when you take a half a half a

19:58 - 20:03

century egg in your mouth at once you're

20:00 - 20:06

guaranteed to get the full flavor

20:03 - 20:09

Michael what do you think

20:06 - 20:12

amazing I don't know how to say but they

20:09 - 20:14

really good yeah awesome I always to

20:12 - 20:17

ride a bike from my place to this area

20:14 - 20:20

you know my last time was about 6 years

20:17 - 20:21

ago but I love this okay is it something

20:20 - 20:24

that's common yeah six years later I

20:21 - 20:28

tried it again you know all the

20:24 - 20:29

memory they they come back awesome

20:28 - 20:32

they're back is this is this a dish

20:29 - 20:34

that's popular in Shan or pretty popular

20:32 - 20:37

it's R to find only in the M area okay

20:34 - 20:39

yeah okay really aan dish but yeah

20:37 - 20:42

what's amazing to me is the flavor of

20:39 - 20:44

the mustard in there the mustard and the

20:42 - 20:46

nuttiness the sesame oil the peanut

20:44 - 20:48

butter the chili oil swirl and so many

20:46 - 20:49

different textures as well this is just

20:48 - 20:52

something that's

20:49 - 20:55

totally unique totally different so

20:52 - 20:58

Regional demonstrates the the incredible

20:55 - 21:02

diversity of regional Chinese food and

20:58 - 21:02

something that's homegrown right here in

21:02 - 21:06

Chan okay we're moving

21:07 - 21:15


21:13 - 21:19

on this is one of the well-known streets

21:15 - 21:21

of chian that's right Street feel like a

21:19 - 21:23

kind of a back street but this area is

21:21 - 21:25

for the real local people okay the main

21:23 - 21:27

street is mostly for tourists from all

21:25 - 21:29

over the country yeah oh yeah so later

21:27 - 21:31

we will see how different these the stet

21:29 - 21:34

a oh so this one is more of the local

21:31 - 21:37

the local Street in the Muslim corter

21:34 - 21:40

man yeah Shian is just an incredible

21:37 - 21:42

city city with thousands of years of

21:40 - 21:45

History um and actually where the Silk

21:42 - 21:47

Road originated where it started right

21:45 - 21:50

here in Xian before it was even known as

21:47 - 21:53

the Silk Road but the Labyrinth of back

21:50 - 21:54

alleys and streets within this city is

21:53 - 21:56

mindboggling we're lucky to be with

21:54 - 21:58

Michael who knows his way all around

21:56 - 22:00

these streets but it's just a maze and

21:58 - 22:03

just walking out on Market lanes and

22:00 - 22:05

streets and alleys there's food just

22:03 - 22:07

everywhere the aroma of cumin and lamb

22:05 - 22:09

and beef fills the air it's a

22:07 - 22:12

fascinating City where there's something

22:09 - 22:15

to just enjoy and that will just make

22:12 - 22:17

your jaw drop everywhere you

22:15 - 22:19

look so next up on this Chinese street

22:17 - 22:20

food tour we're stopping on the corner

22:19 - 22:22

where Michael's bringing us to what he

22:20 - 22:23

said is a local place that's very famous

22:22 - 22:25

for something called

22:23 - 22:30


22:25 - 22:32

leg oh all the chili oil

22:30 - 22:34

oh he just has a whole bucket of chili

22:32 - 22:34


22:35 - 22:40

refill oh man chili oil on the next

22:43 - 22:49

level so the dish is called hulong it's

22:46 - 22:51

a sticky hot and spicy pepper soup and

22:49 - 22:52

they serve it over here you can see

22:51 - 22:54

there it's just in this pot it looks

22:52 - 22:56

sticky it looks hearty it looks Rich

22:54 - 22:57

almost porridge style and there's so

22:56 - 22:58

many chunky ingredients in there there's

22:57 - 23:00

cabbage there's potato

22:58 - 23:01

there's some vegetable there's some

23:00 - 23:04

beans there might even be some meatballs

23:01 - 23:05

in there I'm not totally sure he Scoops

23:04 - 23:07

it into your bowl you can also eat it

23:05 - 23:08

with the bread on the top and then puts

23:07 - 23:10

a little bit of oil seasoning and then a

23:08 - 23:13

little bit of uh chili some chili oil a

23:10 - 23:13

lot of chili oil goes on

23:16 - 23:21

top such a cool such a friendly place

23:19 - 23:24

people in Shian are so friendly as well

23:21 - 23:27

so welcoming as well and so social uh

23:24 - 23:30

but it's really sticky kind of a cross

23:27 - 23:32

almost a cross between a p and a soup

23:30 - 23:33

and I've seen well we've eaten already a

23:32 - 23:34

lot and we have a lot more to eat so I

23:33 - 23:36

didn't go with the bread option but some

23:34 - 23:37

people also put just like we had the

23:36 - 23:39

last dish some people put some of that

23:37 - 23:40

bread on the bottom rip it up tear it up

23:39 - 23:42

on the bottom before the soup goes on

23:40 - 23:44

but we just got the straight lesser carb

23:42 - 23:45

version so before going into that chili

23:44 - 23:48

oil though I'm going to just try it as

23:45 - 23:52

is we got little beef meatballs cabbage

23:48 - 23:52

potatoes almost like some squash in here

23:57 - 24:01

too oh yeah

23:59 - 24:03

hot all the heat remains in that potato

24:01 - 24:03

and that

24:05 - 24:11

starch that's just simple and Hearty

24:09 - 24:12

that reminds me of a Countryside potato

24:11 - 24:14

soup after you take your bite you can

24:12 - 24:16

start to feel the little bit of the The

24:14 - 24:18

Sting of that Sichuan pepper that sort

24:16 - 24:19

of tingles your tongue and I didn't even

24:18 - 24:21

mix in yet with the oil I think I just

24:19 - 24:25

got some of that oil oh man that's

24:21 - 24:25

hearty that's that's really

24:26 - 24:30

good oh cauliflower in there too okay

24:28 - 24:33

let's mix in with a chili oil stir in

24:30 - 24:34

with that chili oil and you know that he

24:33 - 24:38

takes pride in that chili

24:34 - 24:40

oil as he scooped it out okay try one of

24:38 - 24:40

those little

24:44 - 24:49

meatballs that's so

24:46 - 24:53

hot the heat just absorbs in there and

24:49 - 24:55

doesn't escape oh wow

24:53 - 24:58

okay as you start to mix in with that

24:55 - 25:00

chili go your tongue just starts to

24:58 - 25:02

sting and starts to to to sizzle from

25:00 - 25:04

that citon pepper and that chili that's

25:02 - 25:06

what makes it the hot and spicy soup you

25:04 - 25:07

can kind of taste the undertone of that

25:06 - 25:09

broth that's been thickened plus all

25:07 - 25:11

those chunky spices those chunky

25:09 - 25:13

ingredients and the potato the beef

25:11 - 25:13

balls the

25:13 - 25:16


25:17 - 25:26

wow yes your father your father father

25:21 - 25:26

father father okay

25:31 - 25:36

this is something one of those

25:34 - 25:38

dishes that the more you eat the better

25:36 - 25:40

it gets it starts off kind of mellow and

25:38 - 25:42

you're like um it's kind of simple

25:40 - 25:44

partway through your bowl you're eating

25:42 - 25:47

it you're sweating your tongue is

25:44 - 25:49

tingling the flavors have built up just

25:47 - 25:52

gets better and better with every bite

25:49 - 25:52

oh man this is so

25:55 - 25:59

good w

26:00 - 26:06

okay sh how you that was so good okay

26:04 - 26:11

and as I'm smiling my my entire mouth is

26:06 - 26:15

just tingling oh the the chili oil very

26:11 - 26:22

good very good very very good she

26:15 - 26:22


26:22 - 26:26

has we're walking through the Muslim

26:24 - 26:30

Corridor there's just a NeverEnding

26:26 - 26:32

plethora of food to eat and Michael

26:30 - 26:34

what's the dish that we're eating next

26:32 - 26:37

we are we're going to try a very popular

26:34 - 26:39

a very famous dish called y ready P

26:37 - 26:42

bread soaked in

26:39 - 26:43

Lamb the best restaurant for that and

26:42 - 26:46

it's called

26:43 - 26:48

young y p Mo this is one of the

26:46 - 26:50

signature dishes that you'll find in

26:48 - 26:51

Shian it includes this type of bread the

26:50 - 26:53

Peter bread the same Peter bread ripped

26:51 - 26:55

up in the bottom of the bowl with lamb

26:53 - 26:58

soup and this place is a legendary place

26:55 - 26:58

to try it

27:00 - 27:05

so after that we give them back to the

27:02 - 27:07

kitchen you can see that the bread oh so

27:05 - 27:09

when you pay at the front go yeah they

27:07 - 27:11

give you a bowl the P bread in the bow

27:09 - 27:12

very hard like a kind of a p bread and

27:11 - 27:15

then again again we'll break it up

27:12 - 27:15

oursel that's

27:19 - 27:22

right so Michael is explaining what you

27:21 - 27:25

have to do is you break it in half and

27:22 - 27:28

then you also break it in half again

27:25 - 27:32

again from thinner Okay so then you've

27:28 - 27:34

got two halves and then you break the

27:32 - 27:36

bread into little little small pieces

27:34 - 27:40

that's about the the correct size you

27:36 - 27:42

want because you really want it to to

27:40 - 27:44

absorb I love it it's part of the

27:42 - 27:46

experience of eating is breaking the

27:44 - 27:48

peut bread into your Bowl before you eat

27:46 - 27:50

so you kind of actually help the

27:48 - 27:52

restaurant out at the same time as

27:50 - 27:55

you're you're preparing your meal and

27:52 - 27:57

anticipating it but what a spot and when

27:55 - 27:58

I was coming to Xian this is one of the

27:57 - 28:00

dishes I was most looking forward to

27:58 - 28:02

because this is a dish that is famous in

28:00 - 28:06

Shian yeah that's why people always said

28:02 - 28:09

that you have never tried this dish you

28:06 - 28:10

can never said that to you be here true

28:09 - 28:12

this is a dish you absolutely have to

28:10 - 28:14

eat when you come to Shian this is a

28:12 - 28:18

dish that just totally represents the

28:14 - 28:22

history of Shian the mix of Chinese with

28:18 - 28:23

Muslim from uh Iran and from along the

28:22 - 28:26

Silk Road as people gathered ingredients

28:23 - 28:32

and spread ideas this is a a perfect

28:26 - 28:35

representation uh 750 or 760 ad so a

28:32 - 28:38

group of there was a

28:35 - 28:41

rebellion Rebellion took place in China

28:38 - 28:44

so a group of Persian soldiers invited

28:41 - 28:47

to China was asking to you know travel

28:44 - 28:51

to China long way and to help our

28:47 - 28:53

emperor to fight against those Rebels

28:51 - 28:56

yeah so they TR the Long Way brought

28:53 - 28:58

their food here and this a bread is just

28:56 - 29:01

a mixture of water

28:58 - 29:04

with flour it can be keep for a really

29:01 - 29:07

long time nothing

29:04 - 29:10

else plain taste so when they put that

29:07 - 29:13

in lamb soup which cooked prepared with

29:10 - 29:15

over 20 different spices wow it created

29:13 - 29:19

amazing combination you know of this

29:15 - 29:22

plain taste bread and this like a rich

29:19 - 29:25

taste you know yeah uh lamb soup like

29:22 - 29:27

that awesome awesome what a a dish with

29:25 - 29:29

a dish with an incredible story and

29:27 - 29:31

actually takes quite a while to rip your

29:29 - 29:34

Peta bread it's a quite an art they must

29:31 - 29:35

have competitions for doing this it

29:34 - 29:37

takes a little while it might take like

29:35 - 29:38

15 minutes to to break all your peut

29:37 - 29:40

bread because you want to break it into

29:38 - 29:42

such small pieces with your fingers yeah

29:40 - 29:44

this is so cool breaking your bread is

29:42 - 29:45

like savoring it before you're eating it

29:44 - 29:47

and you'll see people all over the

29:45 - 29:49

restaurant they're just breaking the

29:47 - 29:52

bread and taking their time so cool to

29:49 - 29:55

have a dish that you need to work for to

29:52 - 29:57

eat it gives it even more meaning and

29:55 - 29:59

just the history of this dish is

29:57 - 30:02


29:59 - 30:03

oh yeah okay so after about 20 minutes

30:02 - 30:06

and Michael and I were both tearing the

30:03 - 30:09

P bread we have our Bowl now we got to

30:06 - 30:10

bring down our bowl of p and I can't

30:09 - 30:12

wait to see how they're going to cook it

30:10 - 30:12

with the lamb

30:15 - 30:18


30:20 - 30:26

soup okay thank you and then you get a

30:22 - 30:26

tag on it so that they know it's yours

30:36 - 30:43

you can just hear the insane Roar of

30:40 - 30:45

those walks it's unbelievable so they

30:43 - 30:47

take they have the the lamb broth going

30:45 - 30:49

they put that into the walk sometimes

30:47 - 30:52

they add some spices and some seasonings

30:49 - 30:54

other times they leave it more plain um

30:52 - 30:56

and then once it's just like jet boiling

30:54 - 30:59

they add in the P they cook that around

30:56 - 31:01

for about 15 20 seconds on a roaring

30:59 - 31:04

like one of the craziest jet roaring

31:01 - 31:05

flames you can imagine boil that and

31:04 - 31:08

pour it directly into your bowl it's an

31:05 - 31:12

unbelievable process what a dish props

31:08 - 31:14

to the chefs that is some mad skills

31:12 - 31:14

very very

31:15 - 31:21

beautiful and they're friendly the chefs

31:17 - 31:24

are friendly too oh what a

31:21 - 31:26

dish okay so the bread goes in look at

31:24 - 31:31

that fire that intense

31:26 - 31:31

Heat so the bread is in there with the

31:38 - 31:47


31:43 - 31:49

soup and just the Roaring of the walk

31:47 - 31:51

and the way they control that heat and

31:49 - 31:53

that fire and the mythology and the

31:51 - 31:56

process in which they cook this is an

31:53 - 32:00

insane dish an unbelievable culinary

31:56 - 32:03

creation just Gourmet on the next level

32:00 - 32:07

all right you know like when we got this

32:03 - 32:10

dish also no Stirrup no Stirrup yeah no

32:07 - 32:13

so we just just slurp from the side I

32:10 - 32:15

want to show you how to get this dis

32:13 - 32:18

normally we eat like that

32:15 - 32:21

slur this time I don't want to touch

32:18 - 32:24

that before you get this dish I'm going

32:21 - 32:27

to try some noodle to take some lamb

32:24 - 32:30

pieces the same time noodles get some

32:27 - 32:33

pie of these

32:30 - 32:34

noodles is it better to use a spoon

32:33 - 32:38

still hav to touch this

32:34 - 32:40

spoon so you can see that no much soup

32:38 - 32:43

Mo pasta noodles like that yeah it

32:40 - 32:46

starts to absorb it all

32:43 - 32:50

right still extremely hot down there but

32:46 - 32:52

you smell a strong smell of a cumin yeah

32:50 - 32:55

in that maybe not

32:52 - 32:58

caramel here called the sweet sour

32:55 - 33:00

garlic yeah and you have to with the

32:58 - 33:02

pickled garlic yeah The Taste is really

33:00 - 33:06

good it's a sweet in taste it's not very

33:02 - 33:08

strong not very

33:06 - 33:09

strong it just appe that with your taste

33:08 - 33:13

and a

33:09 - 33:13

t oh

33:14 - 33:21

nice oh so you slurp it down is the best

33:17 - 33:21

way to eat it that's right

33:23 - 33:26

excellent Mya go is telling me that the

33:24 - 33:27

best way to eat it is to just kind of

33:26 - 33:29

take it to the mouth the whole bow your

33:27 - 33:31

mouth and slurp it you're not supposed

33:29 - 33:33

to actually mix it but you just eat it

33:31 - 33:34

from the side and just keep eating it so

33:33 - 33:36

you just slurp it off the side of the

33:34 - 33:40

bowl is the best way that's right okay

33:36 - 33:40

the pie from the side you

33:41 - 33:46


33:43 - 33:49

oh Al try these are r no no no

33:46 - 33:51

no yeah that's still on fire from those

33:49 - 33:52

walks but immediately you taste the

33:51 - 33:54

flavor of the Chinese heart ofum in

33:52 - 33:56

there oh and the way with the little

33:54 - 33:58

bread pieces have absorbed that gravy

33:56 - 34:00

that sauce that bro of the Lamb making

33:58 - 34:03

them almost like little chewy noodles

34:00 - 34:03

like pasta

34:06 - 34:12

almost that flavor okay and Michael says

34:09 - 34:12

we got to taste it pickled

34:15 - 34:23

garlic the whole thing and

34:19 - 34:25

then take out the the skin oh man oh

34:23 - 34:28

that's a firstep flavor sweet and

34:25 - 34:32

sour crispy and then go straight back

34:28 - 34:32

into your your P lamb soaked

34:34 - 34:41

P keep P of a balance of the taste of

34:37 - 34:44

this you know like a Ste taste it's

34:41 - 34:47

meaty taste soup it's meaty the

34:44 - 34:48

undeniable flavor of that lamb plus the

34:47 - 34:50

spices in there there's over 20

34:48 - 34:52

different spices in here plus

34:50 - 34:56

cardamom and you just hear people

34:52 - 34:56

slurping it down

35:00 - 35:06

that's incredible oh what a dish It's a

35:03 - 35:08

combination of Persian Chinese a result

35:06 - 35:10

of thousands of years of trade in this

35:08 - 35:12

region and producing this kind of a an

35:10 - 35:16

incredible dish that's so unique and so

35:12 - 35:18

flavorful and so rich and so

35:16 - 35:21


35:18 - 35:21

hearty I want to try that

35:23 - 35:29

lamb oh wow

35:28 - 35:32

oh that

35:29 - 35:33

lamb it is so

35:32 - 35:36

good it's

35:33 - 35:39

Smoky the flavor of the Lamb the

35:36 - 35:39

tenderness the

35:43 - 35:46

fattiness this dish is

35:47 - 35:52

phenomenal it's everything you could

35:49 - 35:53

hope for when you're sitting here

35:52 - 35:55

tearing your own

35:53 - 35:58

bread this is the flavor that you're

35:55 - 36:02

just imagining that you're anticip ating

35:58 - 36:04

and just giving you so much hope and

36:02 - 36:07

inspiration all resulting in this

36:04 - 36:07

masterpiece of a

36:13 - 36:17

Dish as you keep on eating it too you

36:15 - 36:20

taste more and more of those spicy

36:17 - 36:22

flavors or the spices flavors from the

36:20 - 36:23

cardamom to the cinnamon to the starus

36:22 - 36:25

to the

36:23 - 36:28

pepper all of those spices are in

36:25 - 36:30

Perfect Harmony a perfect blend balance

36:28 - 36:33


36:30 - 36:33


36:33 - 36:38

what now this is the original flavor but

36:36 - 36:40

I also saw downstairs when they're

36:38 - 36:43

cooking it sometimes they do add chili

36:40 - 36:44

chili oil to it as they're cooking it we

36:43 - 36:46

got the original

36:44 - 36:48

recipe but they still have some chili

36:46 - 36:52

oil on the table and we should try that

36:48 - 36:57

next okay oh yes

36:52 - 36:57

chili fried chili crunchy

37:01 - 37:08

kind of too much spicy yeah let's see

37:04 - 37:08

how that is mix that

37:08 - 37:12

up okay when the bread is cooked like

37:11 - 37:15

this and when it starts to absorb it's

37:12 - 37:15

almost like a

37:17 - 37:23

pasta oh wow

37:20 - 37:26

mhm okay well I'm never one to say no to

37:23 - 37:28

the chili that adds another depth of

37:26 - 37:31

flavor the Smoky roasted

37:28 - 37:35

chili a bit of heat there and that oh

37:31 - 37:35

that flavor it's a flavor

37:38 - 37:45

overdose you see most people order this

37:41 - 37:45

orange soda ice Peak to go along with

37:47 - 37:54

it it does taste like a Fanta

37:51 - 37:55

yeah oh that does go well together

37:54 - 37:58

because of the rich metin of the the

37:55 - 38:02

Yang Ro Palma which is is really rich

37:58 - 38:02

and savory and meaty and then the

38:07 - 38:13

sweet oh

38:09 - 38:15

man oh that was unbelievably delicious

38:13 - 38:18

the cooking process the history the

38:15 - 38:20

flavor and actually from here we're

38:18 - 38:24

going to go right next door where

38:20 - 38:24

they're also legendary for dumplings

38:30 - 38:34

die come die come oh man this place is

38:32 - 38:35

extremely busy and looks like from the

38:34 - 38:37

menu there's two main styles that you

38:35 - 38:38

can order one is the dry dumplings where

38:37 - 38:39

you get the dumplings and then you dip

38:38 - 38:41

it into your sauce but the other which

38:39 - 38:42

is the most popular version that you

38:41 - 38:44

look around and almost everybody is

38:42 - 38:48

eating is the dumplings within a soup

38:44 - 38:48

which is this vinegar chili oil

38:51 - 38:58

soup oh here comes a fresh

38:53 - 38:58

batch dumplings go in

39:00 - 39:06

oh man this is just dumpling Paradise in

39:02 - 39:09

Shian and they have these huge tub sized

39:06 - 39:12

jacuzzi sized pots boiling dumplings

39:09 - 39:14

just bobbing around in there and then

39:12 - 39:16

she fishes out a whole pot of the

39:14 - 39:18

dumplings then they go directly into the

39:16 - 39:20

the soup which is vinegar chili oil

39:18 - 39:22

sesame seeds some herbs in there she

39:20 - 39:24

just plops that whole pot of dumplings

39:22 - 39:26

directly into that seasoning straight

39:24 - 39:29

from the jacuzzi pot of dumplings to

39:26 - 39:31

your table the energy and action here

39:29 - 39:35

this is dumpling

39:31 - 39:37

Paradise oh man what a what a spot

39:35 - 39:39

extremely popular people just come here

39:37 - 39:41

to slurp down whole bowls of dumplings

39:39 - 39:42

and actually you it comes with this soup

39:41 - 39:45

which is you smell the vinegar in there

39:42 - 39:47

the chili oil lots of coriander cilantro

39:45 - 39:49

in there and then the beautiful little

39:47 - 39:51

dumplings which are kind of like little

39:49 - 39:53

bite-sized they look kind of hearty as

39:51 - 39:55

well kind of thick dough with beef on

39:53 - 39:56

the inside and then people just kind of

39:55 - 39:59

actually eat a dumpling slurp it right

39:56 - 40:01

off the of the bowl eat a dumpling drink

39:59 - 40:04

some of the soup all at the same time oh

40:01 - 40:04

but we got to try these dumplings

40:10 - 40:16


40:12 - 40:19

wow all the flavor the beef on the

40:16 - 40:21

inside I think it's beef and chives yeah

40:19 - 40:23

you taste the flavor of the chives that

40:21 - 40:25

wrapper is nice and doughy kind of a

40:23 - 40:27

mediumsized thickness perfect little one

40:25 - 40:29

biter dumplings and they've already

40:27 - 40:30

started started to absorb that chili oil

40:29 - 40:34

the flavor of the Chuan pepper the

40:30 - 40:37

garlic in there the coriander oh

40:34 - 40:37


40:37 - 40:45

oh so juicy and I can't wait to take a a

40:42 - 40:45

ship of that

40:46 - 40:51

broth that soup oh

40:49 - 40:53

wow all the vinegar the Smoky flavor of

40:51 - 40:56

the chili the sesame seeds that

40:53 - 40:59

combination eating dumplings drinking

40:56 - 40:59


41:08 - 41:13

phenomenal wow that's an incredibly

41:11 - 41:16

satisfying drink Shan knows how to do

41:13 - 41:18

dumplings just

41:16 - 41:21

incredible man those dumplings were

41:18 - 41:24

Sensational and emerged back onto the

41:21 - 41:26

street back onto the busy friendly and

41:24 - 41:27

colorful streets of Shian we're going to

41:26 - 41:29

walk through this Market and then

41:27 - 41:31

Michael's going to take us walking again

41:29 - 41:33

through the back streets to some of the

41:31 - 41:34

local markets we definitely need a

41:33 - 41:36

little bit of exercise we need a little

41:34 - 41:37

bit of walking around this afternoon

41:36 - 41:39

after what we've eaten and let me tell

41:37 - 41:42

you as you will find out as you keep

41:39 - 41:45

eating your way through Shian it is not

41:42 - 41:48

light it just it's heavy it's hearty

41:45 - 41:50

it's warming it's calorie rich and it's

41:48 - 41:52


41:50 - 41:54

flavorful this Market is very cool as

41:52 - 41:56

well so many things here and they're

41:54 - 41:58

also known for birds for pets here as

41:56 - 42:04


41:58 - 42:04


42:05 - 42:09

we're walking around the Muslim quarter

42:07 - 42:12

and we're going to stop at the great

42:09 - 42:12

Mosque of

42:16 - 42:22

cion wow so the great Mosque of seon

42:19 - 42:26

it's fascinating and it dates back to

42:22 - 42:28

742 ad during the tong Dynasty and it

42:26 - 42:29

includes five different chards you can

42:28 - 42:32

walk through that all feel like Gardens

42:29 - 42:34

with Chinese gardens with beautiful

42:32 - 42:35

buildings so much history but then much

42:34 - 42:40

of the buildings they were rebuilt and

42:35 - 43:07

rebuilt again uh until 1392

42:40 - 43:08


43:07 - 43:11

we're continuing this Chinese street

43:08 - 43:13

food tour in seon into the evening and

43:11 - 43:15

next up we're on our way to go eat a

43:13 - 43:18

legendary bowl of noodles where are we

43:15 - 43:20

at next Michael oh we are just right out

43:18 - 43:22

of aan noodle restaurant what type of

43:20 - 43:25

noodles do they serve kind of a you know

43:22 - 43:28

T noodle oh okay yeah kind of a t noodle

43:25 - 43:31

but it's different it's a

43:28 - 43:33

from one yeah so we're going to try bang

43:31 - 43:36

noodle tomorrow anyway but this one is

43:33 - 43:40

pretty famous and later it will be

43:36 - 43:40

pretty beedy only have one

43:41 - 43:45

noodle step inside it's a huge

43:44 - 43:47

restaurant almost cafeteria style with

43:45 - 43:49

tables going all the way down the side

43:47 - 43:51

uh you pay at the front you can get the

43:49 - 43:53

big bowl you can get the small bowl you

43:51 - 43:55

can get uh extra toppings but we just

43:53 - 43:57

went with the classic the big bowl and

43:55 - 43:59

Michael said that one tip he gave me is

43:57 - 44:00

that you don't need extra meat you don't

43:59 - 44:02

need extra vegetables when you come to

44:00 - 44:04

this restaurant the noodles are the king

44:02 - 44:06

and that's why everyone's here actually

44:04 - 44:08

it's not that busy yet uh but in about

44:06 - 44:10

30 minutes or an hour this place will be

44:08 - 44:12

extremely packed and then at the back of

44:10 - 44:14

the restaurant the kitchen they're hand

44:12 - 44:15

pulling the noodle so hopefully hand

44:14 - 44:18

stretching the noodles we'll have a

44:15 - 44:18

chance to see them

44:31 - 44:35

so in order to make the noodles they

44:33 - 44:36

hand stretch them pull them and they

44:35 - 44:39

just slap it down onto the table you

44:36 - 44:40

hear this thud with every time he pulls

44:39 - 44:43

the noodles then they go directly into

44:40 - 44:44

the boiling water in the meantime they

44:43 - 44:47

create all your bowls with all the

44:44 - 44:49

different oils chili sauces uh vinegar

44:47 - 44:51

everything and the beef goes into your

44:49 - 44:54

bowl at the bottom and then once those

44:51 - 44:56

noodles are finished then they plop that

44:54 - 44:58

entire uh the entire pot like a pot full

44:56 - 45:00

of noodles into your bowl and then to

44:58 - 45:02

eat them you got to Stir It Up Mix it

45:00 - 45:04

mix it all together mingle it with all

45:02 - 45:07

those ingredients oh what a what a bowl

45:04 - 45:07

of noodles

45:08 - 45:11

fresh it's a reverse bowl of noodles

45:10 - 45:14

you've got the noodles on top with all

45:11 - 45:16

the toppings on the bottom oh man and as

45:14 - 45:19

soon as you start stirring it the aroma

45:16 - 45:20

is incredible the chili oil the vinegar

45:19 - 45:22

the garlic there's pieces of beef

45:20 - 45:24

there's potatoes there's herbs oh man it

45:22 - 45:28

gets better the more you dig the more

45:24 - 45:30

you find smell is amaz yeah the smell is

45:28 - 45:32

unbelievable so you got to really Stir

45:30 - 45:36

It Up hydrate all those noodles let

45:32 - 45:36

those Juices Flow all the

45:37 - 45:40


45:44 - 45:50

wow oh man I cannot wait to slurp these

45:47 - 45:53

noodles they're beautiful even in your

45:50 - 45:58

chopsticks you can feel how hearty how

45:53 - 45:58

elasticy the noodles are

46:02 - 46:07

are they good oh

46:04 - 46:07


46:08 - 46:13

wow okay on First Bite that's noodle

46:12 - 46:17

Paradise in your

46:13 - 46:19

mouth the chewi the doughiness they're

46:17 - 46:21

perfectly cooked and all of that sauce

46:19 - 46:22

the chili oil you really taste the

46:21 - 46:25

flavor of the spices in there the

46:22 - 46:29

cardamom cinnamon flavors the chili oil

46:25 - 46:31

the beefiness oh oh that's Sensational

46:29 - 46:34

okay I'll take another bite and then

46:31 - 46:34

actually I need to then Chase

46:38 - 46:44

it oh

46:41 - 46:46

man okay there's no other way to say it

46:44 - 46:51

than that's noodle Paradise in your

46:46 - 46:52

mouth it's a party of spices and noodles

46:51 - 46:54

and to make things even better after

46:52 - 46:56

your bite of noodles you're supposed to

46:54 - 46:59

grab a a garlic they have a whole tub

46:56 - 47:01

basket of garlic raw garlic you grab a

46:59 - 47:03

piece of

47:01 - 47:07

garlic you can peel

47:03 - 47:07

it and then you can

47:07 - 47:12

bite oh yeah that's strong garlic oh man

47:10 - 47:15

that goes up your nose oh that burns

47:12 - 47:18

your tongue immediately bite garlic you

47:15 - 47:21

got that pungency the the raw powerful

47:18 - 47:21

garlic and then keep on

47:24 - 47:28

eating and then change that with garlic

47:29 - 47:34


47:30 - 47:36

wow man okay this place is legendary for

47:34 - 47:38

a reason and they've been open for 30

47:36 - 47:40

years they've never changed their recipe

47:38 - 47:42

now we know why and as you keep on going

47:40 - 47:44

down again all those goodies let's try

47:42 - 47:46

some of that beef where the beef is just

47:44 - 47:48

kind of mingled in and start of started

47:46 - 47:52

to to disintegrate with the the wood air

47:48 - 47:52

fungus with the potatoes

47:59 - 48:04

I got a nice T tomato in that bite

48:01 - 48:06

flavor of the coriander the beef just

48:04 - 48:07

melts in your mouth the potato somehow

48:06 - 48:08

it holds up but again it just dissolves

48:07 - 48:12

on your

48:08 - 48:15

tongue it's like a a stew a beef chili

48:12 - 48:18


48:15 - 48:21

stew on top of some of the best noodles

48:18 - 48:25

you might ever have oh man this is a

48:21 - 48:25

ridiculously good bowl of noodles

48:33 - 48:36


48:37 - 48:44

no this is just blowing my taste bud the

48:41 - 48:47

noodles are at an alltime High and the

48:44 - 48:49

sauce absolutely just glorifies the

48:47 - 48:52

quality of the noodles alog together

48:49 - 48:56

it's some almost unbeatable noodle

48:52 - 48:56

package combination in your bowl

49:06 - 49:09

I have to say that's one of the most

49:07 - 49:12

satisfying bowls of noodles I can think

49:09 - 49:12

of and finish with the noodle

49:16 - 49:22

water ah yes to help you digest oh man

49:21 - 49:25


49:22 - 49:29

was just an unbelievable bowl of noodles

49:25 - 49:29

you cannot miss it when you come to

49:32 - 49:44


49:42 - 49:46

C we're on our way to the next spot and

49:44 - 49:49

we jumped in a little TT actually it's

49:46 - 49:51

smaller than a t it's basically a a

49:49 - 49:54

motorbike with a couple seats attached

49:51 - 49:54

in the back

49:55 - 49:58


49:59 - 50:05

it's so

50:01 - 50:08

quiet actually the city is yeah it's so

50:05 - 50:10

quiet okay so we made it to Bean men

50:08 - 50:13

this is one of the most famous streets

50:10 - 50:17

in seon one of the main food streets in

50:13 - 50:20

the Muslim old quarter of seon always

50:17 - 50:23

tons of people extremely bright lights

50:20 - 50:24

food on both sides of the street and

50:23 - 50:27

we're just kind of browsing through here

50:24 - 50:29

walking through here enjoying the the

50:27 - 50:31

action and the energy and we're on our

50:29 - 50:33

way just walking through the street to

50:31 - 50:35

get to the next place to

50:33 - 50:38


50:35 - 50:39

eat oh man is packed and I'm sure this

50:38 - 50:41

is nothing compared to how busy it

50:39 - 50:44

actually gets on the weekends or on

50:41 - 50:47

holidays but the lights are so bright

50:44 - 50:50

you might need sunglasses so many things

50:47 - 50:52

going on this is kind of the the center

50:50 - 50:54

of tourism in

50:52 - 50:58

SE so we kept walking and then we

50:54 - 51:00

crossed over the drum Tower and if we

50:58 - 51:03

came to a spot something I've been

51:00 - 51:05

waiting to eat all day long barbecue

51:03 - 51:06

seon style barbecue you can smell the

51:05 - 51:10

lamb you can smell the meat you can

51:06 - 51:10

smell the cumin in the

51:11 - 51:15

air oh man so I'm in the back here at

51:13 - 51:18

the barbecue station that smells

51:15 - 51:20

ridiculously good the lamb is cooked

51:18 - 51:22

actually looks like it's cooked well

51:20 - 51:24

done until it's almost crispy and then

51:22 - 51:26

he continually just sprinkles it with

51:24 - 51:31

chili powder and cumin dusted in that

51:26 - 51:33

cumin all Aroma meat lamb cumin oh man

51:31 - 51:35

my mouth is watering even after all the

51:33 - 51:37

food we've eaten today and I love the

51:35 - 51:39

way they cook it they just Sizzle it

51:37 - 51:42

that fat starts to render out starts to

51:39 - 51:43

just embed within itself the lamb starts

51:42 - 51:45

to crisp

51:43 - 51:47

ify all the sprinkle of chili powder

51:45 - 51:51

just coating it and they need

51:47 - 51:51

continually just look at that wrist

51:52 - 51:57

motion cumin goes on oh a dusting of

51:55 - 52:00


51:57 - 52:00

oh man heavy on the

52:02 - 52:05


52:13 - 52:20

wow Michael cheers man what a day what a

52:17 - 52:23

day and it's a great day what a great

52:20 - 52:26

day oh man yeah what an incredible day

52:23 - 52:26

in C

52:28 - 52:33

oh excellent and now some cumin lamb

52:31 - 52:37

beef kidney barbecue they serve it on

52:33 - 52:38

the skewers the legendary Canon barbecue

52:37 - 52:41

cumin lamb that's what we have to start

52:38 - 52:45

with oh man get a closeup look at that

52:41 - 52:49

meat I mean as he cooks it he just layer

52:45 - 52:49

there's layer upon layer of chili and

52:54 - 53:00

cumin okay

52:57 - 53:02

that's unbelievable flavor that is the

53:00 - 53:04

way to cook lamb the fat the cumin and

53:02 - 53:06

the cumin is so good you can taste that

53:04 - 53:10

it's freshly ground cumin it has this

53:06 - 53:12

floral spice to it it's salty it's fatty

53:10 - 53:13

the chili everything just caked under

53:12 - 53:17


53:13 - 53:19

meat oh that's addictive oh

53:17 - 53:21


53:19 - 53:26


53:21 - 53:26

okay I'm going to try the kidney next

53:27 - 53:32


53:29 - 53:35

man that's

53:32 - 53:38

juicy has this christas to it as

53:35 - 53:40

well it just goes down so easily again

53:38 - 53:42

that combination that spice combination

53:40 - 53:44

dedicated to the cumin just what makes

53:42 - 53:46

it so flavorful and then we also got

53:44 - 53:46

some beef

53:52 - 53:57

skewers nice and crispy on the edges

53:54 - 53:59

fatty but yeah all three meats just cook

53:57 - 54:01

the same way you really taste the

53:59 - 54:03

meatiness of the meat it's fresh meat

54:01 - 54:04

it's Quality Meat it's meaty meat and

54:03 - 54:07

then that flavor of the cumin is just

54:04 - 54:07

what shines and makes it what it

54:09 - 54:18

is Shan cumin barbecue lamb world famous

54:13 - 54:18

and this is where it all comes from oh

54:24 - 54:31

man yeah

54:27 - 54:31

oh yeah

54:34 - 54:37

man oh what a

54:39 - 54:42

combination lamb is really

54:45 - 54:49

good it definitely appears that most

54:47 - 54:51

people sitting behind me plan to sit

54:49 - 54:53

here and eat all night long as well eat

54:51 - 54:56

hang out

54:53 - 54:58

drink just enjoy the night of C

54:56 - 55:00


54:58 - 55:02

Sean is a city that has it all from

55:00 - 55:04

thousands of years of History to

55:02 - 55:07

Friendly people to food that's

55:04 - 55:09

unfathomably delicious uh also we'll be

55:07 - 55:11

traveling around XI Province so you can

55:09 - 55:13

expect to see some more delicious

55:11 - 55:14

Chinese food so stay tuned for the next

55:13 - 55:17

video thanks again for watching see you

55:14 - 55:17

on the next video

The Ultimate Chinese Street Food Tour: Exploring the Delights of Xi'an

In this captivating journey through the ancient city of Xi'an, Mark takes us on a culinary adventure like no other. From sampling Sesame paste jelly noodles to savoring the face-numbing pepper soup, the flavors are as diverse as they are delicious. We explore the vibrant local market, where fresh ingredients and ready-to-eat foods abound, immersing ourselves in a world of spices and aromas unique to Chinese cuisine.

The Morning Market Delights

At the local market along the ancient walls of Xi'an, Mark and Michael, our guide, lead us through a sensory feast of marinated tofu and smoked meats. The vibrant pickle stall introduces us to tangy flavors and the umami-rich beef pickles, setting the stage for the gastronomic wonders that await us. Mark's enthusiasm is contagious as he delves into the culinary treasures of Xi'an's morning market.

Exploring the Legends of Shan Breakfasts

From braised pork legs to the sweet dessert of glutinous rice, each dish tells a tale of Shan's rich culinary heritage. We witness the art of preparing "lur" soup with bread and century eggs, savoring the complex flavors that only regional Chinese cuisine can offer. Mark's encounters with the locals and their traditional snacks bring the streets of Xi'an to life, offering a glimpse into the city's heart.

Navigating the Labyrinths of Shan's Streets

As we meander through the alleys of the Muslim quarter, the vibrant streets of Xi'an unfold before us. Mark's exploration of the city's historical landscapes, from the Great Mosque to the bustling food streets, paints a vivid picture of a city steeped in tradition. The aroma of cumin-laced lamb barbecue beckons us, showcasing Shan's unique blend of flavors and influences.

A Gastronomic Symphony at Xi'an Noodle Restaurant

The spectacle of hand-pulled noodles at a legendary Xi'an noodle restaurant is a sight to behold. Mark's indulgence in a bowl of flavorful noodles, accompanied by the intensity of garlic, transports us into a world of culinary bliss. The noodles soak up a symphony of flavors, each bite a testament to Shan's culinary prowess and dedication to authenticity.

Culinary Finale: Cumin Lamb and Barbecue Delights

The day culminates in savoring the renowned Xi'an cumin lamb barbecue, where Mark delights in the succulence of lamb, beef, and kidney skewers. The medley of cumin, chili, and fresh meats tantalizes the taste buds, embodying the essence of Shan's culinary artistry. Amidst the bustling streets and lively ambiance, Mark shares the joy of good food and good company, creating a memorable experience in Xi'an.

In Xi'an, every dish tells a story, every flavor a revelation. Join Mark on this gastronomic odyssey through the ancient streets of Shan, where history, culture, and culinary delights converge to create an unforgettable experience. Stay tuned for more culinary adventures as we uncover the tantalizing flavors of Xi'an and beyond.