00:00 - 00:06

once upon a time there was a couple

00:04 - 00:10

named brght and

00:06 - 00:13

Sandra after they got married they were

00:10 - 00:17

not fortunate to give birth in time it

00:13 - 00:19

took them 5 years of crying and praying

00:17 - 00:21

before they were able to give birth to

00:19 - 00:24

their daughter

00:21 - 00:26

Naomi after they gave birth to Naomi

00:24 - 00:30

they couldn't stop thanking God for

00:26 - 00:31

giving them Naomi when all their hopes

00:30 - 00:34


00:31 - 00:36

lost one beautiful evening after they

00:34 - 00:40

had eaten dinner that night and retired

00:36 - 00:41

to bed the H was lying down in between

00:40 - 00:44


00:41 - 00:47

couple Mr bright just kept staring at

00:44 - 00:49

his little daughter and

00:47 - 00:53

smiling tell me the reason behind this

00:49 - 00:55

smile tonight Sandra asked her husband

00:53 - 00:58

also smiling with

00:55 - 01:01

him who would have ever thought that

00:58 - 01:04

would have been a parent some

01:01 - 01:06

I hope you remember all we went through

01:04 - 01:10

Mr bright asked

01:06 - 01:13

Sandra can I ever forget I was called a

01:10 - 01:17

baring woman we were mocked for five

01:13 - 01:19

good years I got different advice from

01:17 - 01:23

different friends old women called me

01:19 - 01:25

aside and tried to give me various

01:23 - 01:29

Solutions doctors had different things

01:25 - 01:32

to say each time we went to them people

01:29 - 01:35

always point to me as I walked past even

01:32 - 01:39

some women in the church used to Mo me I

01:35 - 01:42

was referred to as the fair

01:39 - 01:45

baren I almost committed suicide after a

01:42 - 01:48

fellow woman told me to my face that I

01:45 - 01:50

was a man and that was why I couldn't

01:48 - 01:53

give my husband

01:50 - 01:55

children Sandra said all this and tears

01:53 - 01:59

roll down her

01:55 - 02:03

cheeks it's okay it's okay those are in

01:59 - 02:07

the pass now God has given us Naomi and

02:03 - 02:10

blessed us our bundle of joy Mr bright

02:07 - 02:13

said with a smile her seventh birthday

02:10 - 02:16

is coming next week our daughter will be

02:13 - 02:19

7 years old Sandra said with a smile

02:16 - 02:21

they both just kept staring at Naomi who

02:19 - 02:24

was sleeping

02:21 - 02:26

peacefully then Mr bright stretched his

02:24 - 02:27

hand and turned off the light and beat

02:26 - 02:31

his wife good

02:27 - 02:34

night the next day Mr brigh was so

02:31 - 02:36

tangled at work that he forgot it was

02:34 - 02:39

time to bring Naomi back from

02:36 - 02:42

school it was the weekend and Mr brigh

02:39 - 02:43

was the one who took Naomi back during

02:42 - 02:47


02:43 - 02:50

weekends it was already 40 minutes after

02:47 - 02:51

dismissal but Mr brgh was not yet back

02:50 - 02:54


02:51 - 02:56

Naomi Sandra decided to wait a bit

02:54 - 02:59

longer thinking it was

02:56 - 03:01

traffic after a few more minutes she

02:59 - 03:03

became worried and called her husband on

03:01 - 03:06


03:03 - 03:09

phone Mr brigh was shocked that almost

03:06 - 03:12

an hour had flown by after Naomi's

03:09 - 03:14

School dismissal time he pleaded with

03:12 - 03:16

his wife to quickly go get her because

03:14 - 03:18

he was still very

03:16 - 03:21

busy Sandra left what she was doing

03:18 - 03:25

immediately and started heading towards

03:21 - 03:29

Naomi school she was already 55 minutes

03:25 - 03:31

late and it took another 15 minutes to

03:29 - 03:34

get to norom

03:31 - 03:38

School Sandra entered a bus and just

03:34 - 03:42

after a 5 minutes Drive she got stuck in

03:38 - 03:44

traffic the traffic was so bad that

03:42 - 03:47

Sandra decided it was best she comes

03:44 - 03:48

down and searched for a bike that would

03:47 - 03:51


03:48 - 03:54

faster because the bike riders always

03:51 - 03:56

have a way of maneuvering the

03:54 - 04:00

traffic after walking for a while in

03:56 - 04:02

haste Sandra stopped a bike she tried

04:00 - 04:04

hopping on the bike and then she

04:02 - 04:07

remembered she had forgotten her PSE

04:04 - 04:10

inside the bus she had entered

04:07 - 04:13

earlier Sandra didn't know if she was to

04:10 - 04:15

continue to the school or go back to get

04:13 - 04:18


04:15 - 04:21

P She asked the bikan to go while she

04:18 - 04:22

goes to take her phone because her phone

04:21 - 04:26

was inside the

04:22 - 04:29

purse Sandra started walking back in

04:26 - 04:31

quick steps looking for the BS she had

04:29 - 04:31


04:32 - 04:37

meanwhile back at the school Naomi sat

04:35 - 04:39

outside with some of our classmates who

04:37 - 04:40

were waiting for their parents to come

04:39 - 04:44

and take them

04:40 - 04:45

home some who had older siblings went

04:44 - 04:48

home with

04:45 - 04:52

them as parents came taking their kids

04:48 - 04:56

in their numbers Naomi only sat

04:52 - 04:56

wondering if her father had forgotten

04:56 - 05:03

her Naomi your father is not coming

05:00 - 05:05

today one of her classmates asked her as

05:03 - 05:08

she left with her

05:05 - 05:12

mother Naomi was already tired of

05:08 - 05:14

waiting she was so hungry she didn't eat

05:12 - 05:16

the whole day because she didn't like

05:14 - 05:18

the food her mother had prepared and put

05:16 - 05:21

into her lunch

05:18 - 05:22

box Naomi stood up and decided to go

05:21 - 05:25


05:22 - 05:27

alone she left the school with her bag

05:25 - 05:27


05:27 - 05:33

lunchbox she started with walking home

05:30 - 05:37

all alone while carrying her lunch

05:33 - 05:39

box after a few minutes walk the H's

05:37 - 05:40

lunch box fell from her hand and rolled

05:39 - 05:44

into the main

05:40 - 05:47

road she tried going to pick it up

05:44 - 05:49

someone tried calling out to Naomi

05:47 - 05:51

because of the speeding car coming

05:49 - 05:54

towards her in the

05:51 - 05:57

haste the man driving the car quickly

05:54 - 06:00

stepped on his brakes but it was already

05:57 - 06:03

too late he had knocked Naomi

06:00 - 06:08

down the man came down immediately and

06:03 - 06:11

saw Naomi lying down almost lifeless and

06:08 - 06:15

bleeding before people would come any

06:11 - 06:17

closer the man carried Naomi into his

06:15 - 06:20

car he reversed with her in his car and

06:17 - 06:23

drove off in a

06:20 - 06:25

haste as Sandra walked back in quick

06:23 - 06:28

steps to where she had all lighted from

06:25 - 06:30

the bus earlier she noticed some bus

06:28 - 06:32

drivers were turning around around to

06:30 - 06:33

follow another route because of the

06:32 - 06:36


06:33 - 06:38

ahead she increased her Pace trying to

06:36 - 06:40

find the boss she had come down from

06:38 - 06:44

earlier but she couldn't seem to

06:40 - 06:45

identify the boss it looks like the boss

06:44 - 06:48

had turned around with the

06:45 - 06:49

others Sandra carried her hand on her

06:48 - 06:53

head in

06:49 - 06:56

confusion she had just lost her purse

06:53 - 06:58

containing her phone she wanted to call

06:56 - 07:01

her husband but she couldn't she

06:58 - 07:03

couldn't pay for a bike either because

07:01 - 07:07

she had no money on

07:03 - 07:09

her she decided to T down to the school

07:07 - 07:12

and then call her husband with one of

07:09 - 07:15

the teachers phones when she got to the

07:12 - 07:18

school after so many minutes of walking

07:15 - 07:21

Under the scotching Sun Sandra arrived

07:18 - 07:24

in front of the school gate she was

07:21 - 07:26

sweating profusely like someone who had

07:24 - 07:30

engaged in a marathon

07:26 - 07:33

Race the environment was very come

07:30 - 07:34

unlike the usual time when there were

07:33 - 07:38

kids around the

07:34 - 07:41

vicinity Sandra's Only Hope was that her

07:38 - 07:43

daughter was inside the gate seeing that

07:41 - 07:47

there was no padlock on

07:43 - 07:50

it as she reached out to open the gate

07:47 - 07:53

she saw the head mistress coming out of

07:50 - 07:57

the gate holding a padlock to close the

07:53 - 08:00

Gat good afternoon ma Sandra greeted

07:57 - 08:02

trying to force a smile

08:00 - 08:06

good afternoon my dear why are you

08:02 - 08:08

sweating so much the head mistress asked

08:06 - 08:13

looking at

08:08 - 08:16

Sandra I'm sorry I'm so so late it seems

08:13 - 08:18

everyone had left already Sandra asked

08:16 - 08:22


08:18 - 08:25

around yes it's already 400 p.m. and

08:22 - 08:28

everyone has left today is Friday and we

08:25 - 08:31

close so early the head mistress

08:28 - 08:33

answered what about my daughter Sandra

08:31 - 08:36

asked fixing her Gaze on the head

08:33 - 08:41

mistress as she locked up the

08:36 - 08:43

gate your daughter no one is here why

08:41 - 08:47

not call your husband and know if he has

08:43 - 08:48

her he comes to pick her on Fridays the

08:47 - 08:51

head mistress

08:48 - 08:53

answered I know my husband too well and

08:51 - 08:56

he can't ask me to come to take my

08:53 - 09:00

daughter from school if he has already

08:56 - 09:01

done that Sandra said already having

09:00 - 09:04


09:01 - 09:06

feelings why not calling the head

09:04 - 09:09


09:06 - 09:12

suggested that's the problem I can't I

09:09 - 09:14

was in a hurry and I forgot my purse

09:12 - 09:17

with my phone inside the bus I'd entered

09:14 - 09:20

earlier when there was traffic my phone

09:17 - 09:23

and the little money I had on me is all

09:20 - 09:25

gone I just wanted to come and pick up

09:23 - 09:28

my daughter first before talking about

09:25 - 09:29

my phone then how did you pay the bus

09:28 - 09:33

driver when you came

09:29 - 09:34

down I had money in my hand already and

09:33 - 09:36


09:34 - 09:40

just oh

09:36 - 09:43

ma my phone is not my problem where is

09:40 - 09:45

my daughter where is Naomi Sandra asked

09:43 - 09:47

already having a bad

09:45 - 09:51

feeling take my phone and call your

09:47 - 09:54

husband let's see if he took her the

09:51 - 09:57

head mistress said dipping her hand into

09:54 - 10:00

her bag and bringing out her

09:57 - 10:04

phone she gave it to Sandra who

10:00 - 10:08

collected it and D bright number

10:04 - 10:10

immediately Mr Bri picked up the call

10:08 - 10:12

immediately and Sandra asked him if he

10:10 - 10:15

came and took their daughter from

10:12 - 10:17

school Mr brght told her he had been

10:15 - 10:18

calling her and she was not picking up

10:17 - 10:20


10:18 - 10:23

calls he wanted to know if they were

10:20 - 10:26

back home he couldn't understand what he

10:23 - 10:29

was hearing over the phone that his

10:26 - 10:32

princess was missing he told Sandra that

10:29 - 10:35

he was coming over

10:32 - 10:37

immediately Mr bright hung up the call

10:35 - 10:39

and Sandra could feel the tears building

10:37 - 10:43

up in her

10:39 - 10:45

eyes where is my daughter sander asked

10:43 - 10:48

the head mistress in its sir

10:45 - 10:51

voice the head mistress was

10:48 - 10:54

dumbfounded she had no answer to the

10:51 - 10:57

question Sandra just asked her she

10:54 - 11:00

calmed Sandra down and she called the

10:57 - 11:03

teacher in charge of Naomi class she

11:00 - 11:06

asked the teacher to come back to school

11:03 - 11:08

as there was a case of a missing

11:06 - 11:11

people Sandra didn't know where she

11:08 - 11:14

would stop from to look for her only

11:11 - 11:16

daughter tears just kept rolling down

11:14 - 11:19

her cheeks as she waited for the teacher

11:16 - 11:23

in charge of noi's class she was

11:19 - 11:25

restless and just kept looking around

11:23 - 11:28

hoping to lay her eyes on

11:25 - 11:30

Naomi it took a few minutes and the

11:28 - 11:34

teacher came back to the

11:30 - 11:37

school she was asked who had taken

11:34 - 11:40

Naomi the teacher said Naomi was sitting

11:37 - 11:43

with her best friend Anita outside

11:40 - 11:46

waiting for her father she saw Anita's

11:43 - 11:49

mother coming to take Anita after a

11:46 - 11:52

while she didn't see Naomi anymore she

11:49 - 11:55

thought her father had taken

11:52 - 11:58

her Sandra asked the teacher to call

11:55 - 12:01

Anita's mother on the phone and find out

11:58 - 12:04

if Naomi had follow

12:01 - 12:07

down the teacher was scrolling down her

12:04 - 12:10

contact list looking for an's Mother's

12:07 - 12:13

number when Mr bright came down from the

12:10 - 12:14

bike and walked towards the rest in a

12:13 - 12:18


12:14 - 12:21

Pace A call came into the head

12:18 - 12:24

mistress's phone she picked it

12:21 - 12:27

up hello Madame I think one of your

12:24 - 12:30

students met with an accident a few

12:27 - 12:34

minutes ago the voice said over the

12:30 - 12:37

phone the head mistress shifted a bit to

12:34 - 12:40

where she won't be heard she asked what

12:37 - 12:42

the P you look like the description

12:40 - 12:45

fitted that of

12:42 - 12:48

Naomi she slowly brought down the

12:45 - 12:50

phone she didn't know how she was going

12:48 - 12:52

to tell the couple that their only

12:50 - 12:53

daughter had been involved in a

12:52 - 12:56


12:53 - 12:58

accident more still no one knows where

12:56 - 13:00

she was carried off to by the man who

12:58 - 13:03

had not her

13:00 - 13:06

down the head mistress just kept staring

13:03 - 13:07

at bright who was consoling Sandra who

13:06 - 13:09


13:07 - 13:13

bitterly it seemed like Anita's mother

13:09 - 13:16

just told them Naomi wasn't with

13:13 - 13:18

her a tear almost dropped off the cheek

13:16 - 13:20

of the head mistress in confusion and

13:18 - 13:24

pity for the

13:20 - 13:27

couple earlier when Naomi was hit by a

13:24 - 13:29

speeding car the man who had knocked her

13:27 - 13:33

down came down from his car immediately

13:29 - 13:35

de L he saw Naomi lying down almost

13:33 - 13:39

lifeless and without wasting time he

13:35 - 13:43

carried Naomi into his car he reversed

13:39 - 13:46

his car and drove off he was praying so

13:43 - 13:47

hard that she doesn't die before he gets

13:46 - 13:50

to the

13:47 - 13:52

hospital David was on the phone talking

13:50 - 13:54

with a business

13:52 - 13:56

associate he had actually come for a

13:54 - 14:00

visit and was going back to his

13:56 - 14:03

City he didn't see now me he was lost in

14:00 - 14:06

the call he was making he only heard

14:03 - 14:09

someone's loud cry which drew his

14:06 - 14:11

attention but before he could step on

14:09 - 14:12

his braks he had already knocked the

14:11 - 14:15

little girl

14:12 - 14:18

down so he immediately came down and

14:15 - 14:20

carried Naomi into his car he didn't

14:18 - 14:22

want to take any chances in saving the

14:20 - 14:26

life of the little

14:22 - 14:28

girl what kind of Temptation is this

14:26 - 14:32

David asked himself as he drove quickly

14:28 - 14:35

to a hospital he knew distant away he

14:32 - 14:37

was sweating profusely as he drove at

14:35 - 14:40

his maximum

14:37 - 14:42

speed when he got to the hospital he

14:40 - 14:45

carried Naomi into the

14:42 - 14:48

hospital she was already bleeding from

14:45 - 14:50

her mouth and her head it seemed like

14:48 - 14:52

Naomi's head had first landed on the

14:50 - 14:54

iron in front of his Jeep without

14:52 - 14:57

falling to the

14:54 - 14:59

ground the nurses took charge

14:57 - 15:01

immediately the doctor was busy with

14:59 - 15:03


15:01 - 15:07

patient when he was told of the

15:03 - 15:11

emergency he quickly came to see the new

15:07 - 15:14

patient David was spacing around the

15:11 - 15:18

hospital he didn't know what to

15:14 - 15:21

do the doctor was really taking quite

15:18 - 15:24

long inside the hospital room and David

15:21 - 15:27

grew anxious by the moment he didn't

15:24 - 15:31

want to hear any bad

15:27 - 15:33

news the doctor came out with a sad look

15:31 - 15:35

David walked up to him to ask him how

15:33 - 15:38

the little girl was

15:35 - 15:39

doing the doctor looked at David and

15:38 - 15:42

shook his

15:39 - 15:46

head I'm sorry sir the accident was

15:42 - 15:48

really fatal We examined her thoroughly

15:46 - 15:51

and found that she has internal brain

15:48 - 15:54

bleeding we have tried to control it

15:51 - 15:57

with some drugs and injections she needs

15:54 - 16:00

immediate surgery for her to survive the

15:57 - 16:02

doctor said in a very concerned

16:00 - 16:05

to a

16:02 - 16:07

surgery go ahead with the surgery doctor

16:05 - 16:10

the money won't be a problem I will sign

16:07 - 16:13

any document necessary I don't want that

16:10 - 16:15

little girl to die please Doctor David

16:13 - 16:18

begged with his hands

16:15 - 16:20

together I'm sorry but we don't have the

16:18 - 16:23

necessary equipments here you will have

16:20 - 16:25

to take us somewhere else I will give

16:23 - 16:30

you some written

16:25 - 16:33

notes David didn't know his where around

16:30 - 16:36

where he was he didn't know which

16:33 - 16:39

hospital had the equipment that was

16:36 - 16:41

needed for the surgery and so he decided

16:39 - 16:45

to take Naomi to his

16:41 - 16:48

City he needed how to get better before

16:45 - 16:51

starting to look for who her parents

16:48 - 16:54

were David asked the doctor if he could

16:51 - 16:57

take Naomi on a 4 to 5 hours Journey

16:54 - 17:01

drive to another hospital from where he

16:57 - 17:03

came from the doctor gave his approval

17:01 - 17:06

and gave some written notes to David and

17:03 - 17:08

gave another injection to the little

17:06 - 17:12

girl back at Naomi

17:08 - 17:13

School sir the head mistress called out

17:12 - 17:17

softly to Mr

17:13 - 17:19

bright both Mr bright and Sandra

17:17 - 17:21

immediately turned to see why the head

17:19 - 17:24

mistress was

17:21 - 17:28

calling I just received a call your

17:24 - 17:30

daughter Naomi was involved in an

17:28 - 17:33


17:30 - 17:36

my daughter was involved in an

17:33 - 17:39

accident where where did it happen

17:36 - 17:41

Sandra ran and held the head mistress

17:39 - 17:44

asking her

17:41 - 17:48

impatiently few minutes down the streets

17:44 - 17:51

the head mistress answered sanra ran off

17:48 - 17:53

immediately towards where she was stoed

17:51 - 17:56

without waiting for the

17:53 - 18:00

rest Mr bright immediately followed his

17:56 - 18:03

wife running towards the said accident

18:00 - 18:05

scene when they got there they were told

18:03 - 18:06

that the man who knocked her down had

18:05 - 18:09


18:06 - 18:12

her maybe he had taken her to the

18:09 - 18:16

hospital since no one knew which

18:12 - 18:18

hospital Naomi was taken to the teacher

18:16 - 18:22

the headress and the couple stopped a

18:18 - 18:25

taxi and left for the closest

18:22 - 18:28

hospital in the

18:25 - 18:32

taxi Mr bright wanted to bust out to the

18:28 - 18:36

head mistress but he knew it was all his

18:32 - 18:39

fault Sandra held bright tight hoping

18:36 - 18:43

for her daughter to be in the hospital

18:39 - 18:46

as streams of tears rolled down her

18:43 - 18:48

cheeks both the teacher and the head

18:46 - 18:50

mistress also hoped that they would find

18:48 - 18:53

Naomi in good

18:50 - 18:56

health when they got to the hospital

18:53 - 19:00

Sandra was the first to run into the

18:56 - 19:03

hospital she asked the N es if they had

19:00 - 19:06

seen a little girl in school uniform who

19:03 - 19:08

got involved in an accident the nurses

19:06 - 19:11

checked and there was no record of a

19:08 - 19:15

little girl involved in an

19:11 - 19:17

accident Sandra was disappointed but

19:15 - 19:19

still moved onto the next

19:17 - 19:22

hospital by the time they got to the

19:19 - 19:25

third hospital and asked about the case

19:22 - 19:27

of a little girl who had an accident

19:25 - 19:29

they were told that a little girl who

19:27 - 19:30

fitted their discrep Enon was brought

19:29 - 19:34

into the

19:30 - 19:36

hospital it was a big hospital so they

19:34 - 19:39

were asked to wait while they find which

19:36 - 19:43

word the girl was taken

19:39 - 19:46

into Sandra was relieved that finally

19:43 - 19:49

she was going to see her only daughter

19:46 - 19:52

she only hoped that Naomi was

19:49 - 19:55

okay they all waited impatiently for

19:52 - 19:58

someone to come and take them to see

19:55 - 20:01

Naomi then the doctor came out he he

19:58 - 20:05

came to see those looking for the little

20:01 - 20:09

girl doctor how is my daughter where is

20:05 - 20:11

she can I see her the doctor was asked

20:09 - 20:16

by Sandra in

20:11 - 20:18

tears yes doctor please can we see our

20:16 - 20:20

daughter that was when the doctor

20:18 - 20:23

realized that those standing in front of

20:20 - 20:27

him were the parents of the S

20:23 - 20:29

girl I'm so sorry are you the parents of

20:27 - 20:32

the little girl the doctor asked

20:29 - 20:36

shifting his gaze from Sandra to Mr

20:32 - 20:39

bright yes we are Mr brigh and Sandra

20:36 - 20:41

answered anxiously and nodding their

20:39 - 20:44

heads sorry to break this sad news to

20:41 - 20:46

you then your daughter was involved in a

20:44 - 20:49

serious accident which nearly took her

20:46 - 20:52

life when she was rushed here she was

20:49 - 20:54

bleeding from her head I had thought

20:52 - 20:55

that was all till I decided to examine

20:54 - 20:58


20:55 - 21:00

scrutinous and I found out she had an

20:58 - 21:03

entire internal brain

21:00 - 21:06

bleeding my daughter has an internal

21:03 - 21:09

bleeding where is she where is my

21:06 - 21:11

daughter I want to see her please Sandra

21:09 - 21:16

asked with tears rolling down her

21:11 - 21:20

cheeks the doctor heaved a sigh and

21:16 - 21:23

continued ma she needed to be operated

21:20 - 21:25

to stop the bleeding completely I had

21:23 - 21:28

given her some drugs and injections to

21:25 - 21:30

keep the blood from flowing in our

21:28 - 21:33

Hospital doesn't have the necessary

21:30 - 21:35

equipment for the surgery so the man who

21:33 - 21:38

had brought her here decided he would

21:35 - 21:39

take Naomi to a big city so that she can

21:38 - 21:42


21:39 - 21:43

treated which city which city doctor do

21:42 - 21:47

you have his

21:43 - 21:49

number I don't know the city he lives in

21:47 - 21:52

neither do I have his number the doctor

21:49 - 21:54

said in a disappointing

21:52 - 21:58

tone Sandra turned

21:54 - 22:00

slowly looked at her husband and then

21:58 - 22:03

fell done and

22:00 - 22:05

fainted they tried immediately to revive

22:03 - 22:10

her in the

22:05 - 22:14

hospital when Sandra woke up all she did

22:10 - 22:20

was cry bitterly asking for her only

22:14 - 22:24

child why me why Naomi after 5 years God

22:20 - 22:26

after 5 years you sent Naomi to me why

22:24 - 22:29

this huge

22:26 - 22:30

Temptation where is my Naomi me where is

22:29 - 22:34


22:30 - 22:38

Naomi Sandra kept saying in tears

22:34 - 22:40

loudly Mr bright tried to hold himself

22:38 - 22:43

his Charming princess was on the verge

22:40 - 22:48

of death and no one even knew where she

22:43 - 22:51

was he held his wife and tried consoling

22:48 - 22:53

her Sandra refused to go

22:51 - 22:55

home she wanted her daughter to be

22:53 - 22:59

brought back to

22:55 - 23:01

her the head mistress and the teacher

22:59 - 23:04

couldn't go home either they just looked

23:01 - 23:07

at the couple who were in pains and

23:04 - 23:11

couldn't help keeping their tears back

23:07 - 23:13

in it was getting dark already and they

23:11 - 23:17

needed to go back

23:13 - 23:21

home Mr bright convinced Sandra to

23:17 - 23:24

follow him back home the head M begged

23:21 - 23:26

Mr bright not to take out his anger on

23:24 - 23:30

their school as they would put their

23:26 - 23:30

hands together in looking for

23:30 - 23:36

Mr brigh wasn't in the mood to start

23:33 - 23:39

curing Havoc he just wanted to take his

23:36 - 23:42

wife home because she has not been

23:39 - 23:44

herself going after the school was not

23:42 - 23:48

going to bring back his daughter he

23:44 - 23:51

Solly blamed himself and hoped the man

23:48 - 23:55

brings back his daughter alive to

23:51 - 23:57

them back to Mr David he was speeding a

23:55 - 24:00

lot and when he was stopped by the

23:57 - 24:02

police he showed them the report written

24:00 - 24:06

by the doctor coupled with the notes and

24:02 - 24:09

they let him pass he drove for hours and

24:06 - 24:12

finally got to his City it was already

24:09 - 24:14

dark but he drove straight to the

24:12 - 24:16

hospital he gave them the notes the

24:14 - 24:19

doctors has given to

24:16 - 24:23

him Naomi was quickly taken into the

24:19 - 24:26

theater while Mr David met the necessary

24:23 - 24:29

payments the surgeon was called and

24:26 - 24:32

luckily he was still in the hospital to

24:29 - 24:36

he had wanted to leave a while ago but

24:32 - 24:38

it was as if something kept him back he

24:36 - 24:42

immediately went in to see

24:38 - 24:45

Naomi Mr David was in the waiting room

24:42 - 24:49

he was praying and hoping Naomi will

24:45 - 24:52

come out safe he kept pacing around and

24:49 - 24:56

rubbing his hand on his head his phone

24:52 - 24:58

kept vibrating in his pocket he brought

24:56 - 25:02

it out and it was his wife Tina

24:58 - 25:03

calling she had called him so many times

25:02 - 25:06

and he never

25:03 - 25:09

picked he picked up the call and his

25:06 - 25:11

wife asked him why he wasn't back home

25:09 - 25:13

yet after telling her hours ago that he

25:11 - 25:16

was on his way

25:13 - 25:19

home Mr David explained everything to

25:16 - 25:20

his wife she asked where he was so she

25:19 - 25:23

would come

25:20 - 25:26

immediately it took a few minutes then

25:23 - 25:28

Tina arrived at the hospital she went

25:26 - 25:31

and met her husband where he was seated

25:28 - 25:33

and sweating she asked him how it all

25:31 - 25:35

happened and he told

25:33 - 25:38

her Tina was

25:35 - 25:41

concerned she decided to wait with her

25:38 - 25:44

husband for the outcome of the ongoing

25:41 - 25:48

surgery the surgery took a very long

25:44 - 25:50

time once in a while a nurse will come

25:48 - 25:54

out and then go back into the

25:50 - 25:55

theater Mr David and Tina kept sleeping

25:54 - 25:58

and waking up at intervals in the

25:55 - 26:01

hospital waiting room

25:58 - 26:05

they earnestly wanted Naomi to be healed

26:01 - 26:05

time was crawling but finally the doctor

26:05 - 26:09


26:05 - 26:12

out he was wearing a smile on his

26:09 - 26:15

face Mr David was the first to see the

26:12 - 26:18

doctor he tried standing up an Tina who

26:15 - 26:22

was sitting beside him woke up too

26:18 - 26:26

doctor how is she hope the surgery was

26:22 - 26:29

successful Mr David asked the doctor

26:26 - 26:32

anxiously by the grace of God and not us

26:29 - 26:36

the little girl is safe and out of

26:32 - 26:40

danger yes the surgery was

26:36 - 26:43

successful yes oh thank God Mr David

26:40 - 26:46

said out loud while his wife hugged him

26:43 - 26:50

happily please bring down your voices

26:46 - 26:54

the doctor said in a low tone okay okay

26:50 - 26:57

Mr David said she needs a lot of resting

26:54 - 26:59

time she's likely to lose a part of her

26:57 - 27:03

memory which will only come back with

26:59 - 27:06

Time by God's grace also she may not be

27:03 - 27:09

able to talk well for a while I have

27:06 - 27:11

given some list of drugs to the nurse

27:09 - 27:12

you get them and make sure she takes

27:11 - 27:15

them as

27:12 - 27:19

prescribed she really needs a lot of

27:15 - 27:23

love and care from you both to get well

27:19 - 27:25

soon can we see her now Tina asked

27:23 - 27:29


27:25 - 27:32

sure but she need no disturb

27:29 - 27:34

she needs maximum rest the doctor said

27:32 - 27:37

and walked

27:34 - 27:39

out the couple thaned the doctor and

27:37 - 27:42

walked into the hospital

27:39 - 27:46

room immediately Tina walked into the

27:42 - 27:48

room and set her eyes on Naomi streams

27:46 - 27:52

of Tears ran down her

27:48 - 27:56

cheeks she started sobbing bitterly

27:52 - 27:59

while Mr David tried to console her the

27:56 - 28:02

head mistress left with a heavy

27:59 - 28:04

heart she knew Naomi was the only

28:02 - 28:07

daughter of Mr

28:04 - 28:08

bright she knew was it felt like for a

28:07 - 28:11

child to be

28:08 - 28:14

missing she blamed the teacher in charge

28:11 - 28:16

for being so

28:14 - 28:19

careless the class teacher wanted to

28:16 - 28:22

defend herself but she knew that nothing

28:19 - 28:25

she would say would justify the fact

28:22 - 28:29

that Naomi got missing under her

28:25 - 28:32

watch she only prayed and hopes for

28:29 - 28:36

Naomi to be safe wherever she

28:32 - 28:39

was Mr bright stopped a taxi which would

28:36 - 28:43

take him and his wife back

28:39 - 28:45

home he kept consoling her as they drove

28:43 - 28:48

back home

28:45 - 28:52

together when they got home Mr brigh

28:48 - 28:55

began to make calls creating awareness

28:52 - 28:57

that his daughter was

28:55 - 28:58

missing he wanted to go to the police

28:57 - 29:02


28:58 - 29:05

but he couldn't leave his wife all alone

29:02 - 29:08

in the condition she was

29:05 - 29:11

in Sandra sat on the chair in the living

29:08 - 29:15

room feeling so

29:11 - 29:17

weak it felt as if she had just lost a

29:15 - 29:20

part of

29:17 - 29:23

herself she wondered why such a heavy

29:20 - 29:26

Temptation would come to

29:23 - 29:29

her she couldn't blame her

29:26 - 29:30

husband she knew it wasn't intentional

29:29 - 29:35

on his

29:30 - 29:38

side but she wondered why of all days it

29:35 - 29:39

should be the same day that traffic

29:38 - 29:43

would hold her

29:39 - 29:46

up if only there was no traffic she

29:43 - 29:47

might have gotten to school before Naomi

29:46 - 29:52

met with the

29:47 - 29:55

accident Sandra stood up slowly then she

29:52 - 29:59

walked towards her room in slow steps

29:55 - 30:02

after wiping her tears

29:59 - 30:05

where are you going to Sandy Mr Bryce

30:02 - 30:08

asked looking at his

30:05 - 30:11

wife Sandra just shook her head from

30:08 - 30:12

left to right and kept walking towards

30:11 - 30:16


30:12 - 30:18

room she entered her room and knelt down

30:16 - 30:20

beside her

30:18 - 30:23


30:20 - 30:26

father I know you won't let anything

30:23 - 30:30

happen to the only child you've given

30:26 - 30:32

me I know you will heal her even though

30:30 - 30:36

she's not here with

30:32 - 30:38

me whatever hospital she has been taken

30:36 - 30:43

to let her be

30:38 - 30:45

healed because I trust in you Lord in

30:43 - 30:46

the name of

30:45 - 30:51


30:46 - 30:55

Amen Mr bright responded

30:51 - 30:59

loudly Sandra turned and looked at him

30:55 - 31:01

he had followed her into the room

30:59 - 31:05

Mr brigh consoled his

31:01 - 31:08

wife they had no appetite for

31:05 - 31:09

food he took his wife to the bathroom

31:08 - 31:13

and helped her take a

31:09 - 31:15

shower after they were done they retired

31:13 - 31:19


31:15 - 31:23

bed both Mr bright and Sandra couldn't

31:19 - 31:25

find sleep as lots of questions kept

31:23 - 31:28

running through their

31:25 - 31:31

minds who had taken Naomi

31:28 - 31:33

why did he leave for another city with

31:31 - 31:37

Naomi without their

31:33 - 31:39

consent was Naomi really safe out there

31:37 - 31:42

how would they get to see their only

31:39 - 31:42


31:42 - 31:48

again Tina started sobbing bitterly as

31:46 - 31:51

she saw the condition of

31:48 - 31:53

Naomi Mr David held his wife and took

31:51 - 31:55

her out of the

31:53 - 31:59

room the doctor had warned them not to

31:55 - 32:03

disturb Naomi to avoid any

31:59 - 32:06

complication years ago when Mr David got

32:03 - 32:10

married to Tina Tina got pregnant for

32:06 - 32:11

the first time the couple were so happy

32:10 - 32:16

for their incoming

32:11 - 32:19

child it took only a few weeks Ana had a

32:16 - 32:22

miscarriage she cried because she

32:19 - 32:27

couldn't tell what actually caused the

32:22 - 32:30

miscarriage she took him again this time

32:27 - 32:33

she tried being careful and avoided

32:30 - 32:37

everything the doctor told her to

32:33 - 32:42

avoid finally she gave birth to a baby

32:37 - 32:45

boy Mr David and Tina were so happy they

32:42 - 32:47

called their little boy

32:45 - 32:51

Pascal after the birth of

32:47 - 32:54

Pascal the doctor came with a sad news

32:51 - 32:56

that Tina won't be able to take in

32:54 - 32:59

anymore due to some complications which

32:56 - 33:02

she had

32:59 - 33:04

Mr David and Tina were not that worried

33:02 - 33:07

because they had Cutten their bundle of

33:04 - 33:09

joy and they never wanted many children

33:07 - 33:13

in the first

33:09 - 33:17

place Pascal grew into a very smart

33:13 - 33:19

child he was admired by many because of

33:17 - 33:23

how intelligent he

33:19 - 33:28

was he became his parents

33:23 - 33:30

Pride As Time rode by Pascal fell sick

33:28 - 33:33

he was taken to the hospital for

33:30 - 33:35

treatment and after some treatment he

33:33 - 33:40


33:35 - 33:42

better after a few weeks he got sick

33:40 - 33:45

again he was once again taken to the

33:42 - 33:49

same hospital and he got

33:45 - 33:53

better it suddenly became a habit for

33:49 - 33:56

Pascal to fall sick after every

33:53 - 33:59

week it didn't disturb Mr David and Tina

33:56 - 34:01

that much because they had money to buy

33:59 - 34:05

drugs for their

34:01 - 34:07

son Pascal then began to lose weight and

34:05 - 34:10

his sickness became so

34:07 - 34:14

serious that was when Tina suggested

34:10 - 34:17

that they change to another

34:14 - 34:19

hospital Mr David agreed and Pascal was

34:17 - 34:22

taken to another

34:19 - 34:25

hospital when they got to the hospital a

34:22 - 34:29

doctor was called because of how serious

34:25 - 34:31

Pascal's case was

34:29 - 34:35

after much checkup with the

34:31 - 34:38

doctor he called the couple into his

34:35 - 34:39

office leaving Pascal lying on the

34:38 - 34:43


34:39 - 34:45

bed the doctor told David and Tina that

34:43 - 34:48

their son had

34:45 - 34:51

leukemia blood

34:48 - 34:54

cancer he told them that leukemia was

34:51 - 34:57

controllable and treatable in

34:54 - 35:01

children but Pascal's case had reached

34:57 - 35:05

speak and he could die at any

35:01 - 35:08

moment he advised Mr David and his wife

35:05 - 35:09

to go and spend their last moment with

35:08 - 35:12


35:09 - 35:14

son Tina cried her eyes out in the

35:12 - 35:17


35:14 - 35:19

office then she went with David to go

35:17 - 35:23

and see their

35:19 - 35:26

song when they arrived Pascal was just

35:23 - 35:28

staring at his parents with his eyes

35:26 - 35:31

partly opened

35:28 - 35:32

the couples tried their best to hide

35:31 - 35:36


35:32 - 35:37

tears Pascal smiled at his mother while

35:36 - 35:42

holding her

35:37 - 35:44

tight suddenly Tina could feel Pascal's

35:42 - 35:48

grip losing

35:44 - 35:50

up she looked at his son and realized

35:48 - 35:54

that Pascal was

35:50 - 35:59

gone she shook him vigorously trying to

35:54 - 36:03

wake him up but he was really gone

35:59 - 36:06

Mr David stood looking at his son and

36:03 - 36:09

tears ran down his

36:06 - 36:10

cheeks why Tina hugged Pascal crying her

36:09 - 36:14


36:10 - 36:18

out looking at Naomi who was lying down

36:14 - 36:21

with bandages made Tina remember how her

36:18 - 36:24

son had given up the ghost on a hospital

36:21 - 36:26

bed while smiling at

36:24 - 36:29

her who

36:26 - 36:31

knows who knows if she's the only one

36:29 - 36:33

her parents have just like

36:31 - 36:38

us how would they cope without their

36:33 - 36:41

daughter Tina asked her husband in

36:38 - 36:44

tears tomorrow morning I'll go back and

36:41 - 36:48

look for her parents using the name on

36:44 - 36:50

the school uniform Mr David said still

36:48 - 36:56

consoling his

36:50 - 36:58

wife the next morning Mr brigh woke up

36:56 - 37:01

he sat on his bed thinking of how he was

36:58 - 37:03

going to find his only

37:01 - 37:05

daughter he decided he was going to go

37:03 - 37:08

to the police station and lay a

37:05 - 37:12

complaint about his missing

37:08 - 37:16

daughter A call came through his

37:12 - 37:19

phone it was from the Proprietors of the

37:16 - 37:21

school she was calling to plead for

37:19 - 37:24

forgiveness and assure him that the

37:21 - 37:28

school was going to help and make sure

37:24 - 37:31

Naomi is brought back to him

37:28 - 37:33

Mr bright knew that those words only

37:31 - 37:34

came because she was afraid of losing

37:33 - 37:37


37:34 - 37:39

school he only wanted his daughter to be

37:37 - 37:43

found and nothing

37:39 - 37:46

more so he left for the police station

37:43 - 37:49

to lay a complaint about his missing

37:46 - 37:52

daughter the police assured Mr bright

37:49 - 37:55

that they would try their best to bring

37:52 - 37:55

his daughter back to

37:55 - 38:00

him by the time Mr brght came back from

37:58 - 38:04

the police

38:00 - 38:07

station he wanted to go to work but in

38:04 - 38:09

the second part he decided to go back

38:07 - 38:12

home and be with his

38:09 - 38:15

wife he got back home and discovered

38:12 - 38:18

that the door was

38:15 - 38:19

open he had asked Sandra to shut the

38:18 - 38:23

door behind

38:19 - 38:26

him Mr bright opened the door slowly to

38:23 - 38:28

know why the door was still left open

38:26 - 38:31

back at the

38:28 - 38:34

Hospital Mr David went back to where

38:31 - 38:37

Naomi was lying with his wife

38:34 - 38:38

Tina she hadn't moved ever since the

38:37 - 38:41

surgery was

38:38 - 38:44

done she lay still with the white

38:41 - 38:48

clothes she was changed into and the

38:44 - 38:49

bandage on her head had a slight stain

38:48 - 38:52


38:49 - 38:55

blood the couple just sat on an empty

38:52 - 38:58

bed opposite where Naomi

38:55 - 39:02

lay she's so beautiful beautiful and

38:58 - 39:04

adorable Tina said hugging her husband

39:02 - 39:08

as they stared at

39:04 - 39:11

Naomi yes she is her parents must be

39:08 - 39:12

lucky to have her thank God the

39:11 - 39:15

operation was

39:12 - 39:18

successful Mr David said with a

39:15 - 39:23

smile he looked at his watch and the

39:18 - 39:26

time said 2 minutes past 1

39:23 - 39:27

a.m. I think you need to go back home

39:26 - 39:31

and rest my dear

39:27 - 39:32

you have to be at work early remember Mr

39:31 - 39:35

David said to his

39:32 - 39:37

wife Tina tapped her phone and saw that

39:35 - 39:41

it was early morning

39:37 - 39:43

already she told her husband that she

39:41 - 39:45

wouldn't be able to find sleep if she

39:43 - 39:50

went back to the

39:45 - 39:53

house Mr David tried persuading his wife

39:50 - 39:57

but she wanted to stay with him and

39:53 - 40:01

Naomi he felt the way Tina just kept

39:57 - 40:05

staring at Naomi with so much

40:01 - 40:08

love as time went by Tina slept off on

40:05 - 40:11

her husband laps while Mr David leaned

40:08 - 40:14

on the wall sitting on the

40:11 - 40:17

bed the reflection of the early morning

40:14 - 40:19

sun found its way into the room where Mr

40:17 - 40:23

David and his wife

40:19 - 40:26

were noises of people moving around

40:23 - 40:28

inside the hospital woke Mr David and

40:26 - 40:29

Tina up

40:28 - 40:32

they were

40:29 - 40:33

tired the first thing they did was to

40:32 - 40:36

check on

40:33 - 40:39

Naomi she was still sleeping and had not

40:36 - 40:43

yet opened her

40:39 - 40:46

eyes Mr David left the room and went to

40:43 - 40:49

get the nurse that was attending to

40:46 - 40:51

Naomi he asked for the uniform that

40:49 - 40:54

Naomi was putting on earlier before they

40:51 - 40:58

had her clothes

40:54 - 41:01

changed the nurse gave the uniform to Mr

40:58 - 41:05

David he went outside and placed the

41:01 - 41:09

uniform perfectly at the back of his

41:05 - 41:12

seat after staring at Naomi for a while

41:09 - 41:15

Tina left the hospital room she was

41:12 - 41:18

already running late for

41:15 - 41:20

walk she left Mr David in the hospital

41:18 - 41:25

and left for their

41:20 - 41:28

house Mr David gave the nurse some tip

41:25 - 41:31

and asked her to look after Naomi

41:28 - 41:33

then he left the hospital and went

41:31 - 41:36

towards his

41:33 - 41:39

car something surprised Mr

41:36 - 41:42

David he had two flat

41:39 - 41:45

tires he never noticed it when he had

41:42 - 41:49

come to keep Naomi's

41:45 - 41:53

uniform he had just one spare tire so he

41:49 - 41:57

decided to walk down the road to get

41:53 - 41:59

help few minutes later Mr David came

41:57 - 42:02

back with someone and his St was

41:59 - 42:04

changed it was time for him to travel

42:02 - 42:08

back to the city where he had knocked

42:04 - 42:12

Naomi down to look for her parents as Mr

42:08 - 42:14

David approached the S City something

42:12 - 42:17


42:14 - 42:20

happened he turned to pick up the

42:17 - 42:21

uniform which he had placed perfectly at

42:20 - 42:24

the back of his

42:21 - 42:28

car but to his greatest

42:24 - 42:33

bewilderment the uniform wasn't there

42:28 - 42:36

anymore Mr David stepped on his brakes

42:33 - 42:38

immediately he decided to clear off the

42:36 - 42:42

road and search for the uniform

42:38 - 42:45

well he packed his car and came

42:42 - 42:46

down he searched for the uniform but it

42:45 - 42:48

was nowhere to be

42:46 - 42:52


42:48 - 42:55

found who do you think hid Naomi school

42:52 - 42:58

uniform do you think Tina would want

42:55 - 43:00

Naomi to return to her biological

42:58 - 43:02

parents what do you think would be

43:00 - 43:06

Tina's alterior

43:02 - 43:09

motives we will find out in the next

43:06 - 43:11

episode thank you so much for watching

43:09 - 43:14

and please do not forget to subscribe to

43:11 - 43:18

our YouTube channel if you enjoy this

43:14 - 43:23

story give it a thumbs up comment and

43:18 - 43:23

share thank you and God bless you

The Fateful Night: Abduction

This story follows the tragic events surrounding the disappearance of a little girl named Naomi. Bright and Sandra, deeply grateful for their daughter after years of struggle to conceive, face the heartbreaking ordeal of Naomi going missing after school. Their search for her leads to unexpected twists and turns, with a mysterious man taking Naomi to an unknown location. Meanwhile, another couple, David and Tina, grappling with their own past trauma, find themselves entwined in Naomi’s fate. As the mystery deepens, questions arise about hidden agendas and hidden motives.

Hope and Despair: A Parent's Agony

In a heart-wrenching tale of hope and despair, Bright and Sandra face every parent’s worst nightmare when their daughter, Naomi, goes missing after school. The couple’s agonizing search for answers is compounded by past traumas and unexpected challenges. Meanwhile, David and Tina, haunted by their own past, become unwittingly entangled in Naomi's disappearance. As the story unfolds, secrets unravel, and the true motives of those involved are called into question.

A Race Against Time: The Search for Naomi

As Bright and Sandra navigate the harrowing ordeal of Naomi's disappearance, they are confronted with a series of challenges that push them to their limits. Meanwhile, David and Tina, grappling with their own past, find themselves drawn into a web of mystery and intrigue. With each passing moment, the search for Naomi becomes a race against time, filled with unexpected twists and turns.

The Unraveling Mystery: Lost and Found

In a tale of loss and redemption, Bright and Sandra's desperate quest to find Naomi takes them on a journey of heartache and hope. As David and Tina offer support in the face of uncertainty, a mysterious figure emerges, casting shadows of doubt and suspicion. Will Naomi be found safe and sound, or will the shadows of the past forever alter the lives of those involved?

The Path to Redemption: Finding Light in Darkness

In a story of redemption and resilience, Bright and Sandra's unwavering love for Naomi leads them on a path filled with challenges and revelations. As David and Tina confront their own demons, a beacon of hope shines through the darkness, guiding them towards a future where light triumphs over shadow. In the midst of uncertainty, one thing remains clear: the power of love and determination to overcome even the greatest of trials.

Embracing the Unknown: A Journey Forward

As the tale unfolds, the intertwining paths of Bright, Sandra, David, and Tina lead them towards an uncertain future filled with both hope and trepidation. In the face of adversity, they discover the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of love. The journey forward is fraught with challenges, but the characters find solace in the bonds they share, offering a beacon of light in the darkest of times.

In a story that transcends time and circumstance, the search for a lost child becomes a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. As each character grapples with their own past and present struggles, the intertwined destinies of Bright, Sandra, David, and Tina converge in a tale of redemption, loss, and ultimately, the enduring power of love.