00:00 - 00:04

attention attention old crew old crew

00:03 - 00:07

come to

00:04 - 00:07


00:08 - 00:15

Delta this is an audio recording of a

00:11 - 00:19

hooti attack in the bab El mandb straet

00:15 - 00:21

vessel Harmony this is Coalition on over

00:19 - 00:25

the straight is a narrow passageway

00:21 - 00:27

leading into the Red Sea nearly 100

00:25 - 00:31

attacks have been recorded since

00:27 - 00:34

November 2023 on this critical route at

00:31 - 00:37

least two vessels have been sunk and

00:34 - 00:37

four seaf far is

00:37 - 00:44


00:40 - 00:47

killed I rush to the bridge I go fast

00:44 - 00:50

everybody was scared everybody was

00:47 - 00:53

screaming like drone drone missile

00:50 - 00:55

missile drone drone missile missile I

00:53 - 01:01

was scared I sat

00:55 - 01:04

down I literally like on my knees it was

01:01 - 01:07

horrible the armed attacks in the waters

01:04 - 01:10

have forced shipping companies to

01:07 - 01:12

respond the effect on on on on the on

01:10 - 01:15

the on the seafarers is is horic because

01:12 - 01:15

they are seafarers they're not

01:15 - 01:23

soldiers about 80 to almost 90% of the

01:20 - 01:26

goods that we consume whether it's fuel

01:23 - 01:30

or it's hard Goods or automobiles are

01:26 - 01:32

shipped around the world on a vessel

01:30 - 01:35

as many as 1 million people work on the

01:32 - 01:35

high seas as

01:37 - 01:41

seafarers so why is violence still on

01:40 - 01:44

the rise on the high

01:41 - 01:48

seas there has been according to the

01:44 - 01:51

World Bank more than $400 million us

01:48 - 01:55

paid in Ransom uh for getting hijacked

01:51 - 01:57

vessel back from Pirate the ongoing wave

01:55 - 02:01

of violence directed at Sailors in the

01:57 - 02:04

Red Sea began in November

02:01 - 02:06

23 the hotis behind the attacks are

02:04 - 02:09

members of an Iran alligned group that

02:06 - 02:11

controls much of Yemen they claim the

02:09 - 02:13

attacks are an expression of solidarity

02:11 - 02:16

with the suffering of Palestinians in

02:13 - 02:16


02:32 - 02:36


02:34 - 02:39

the hooes have deployed sophisticated

02:36 - 02:41

drones as well as ballistic missiles and

02:39 - 02:44

are considered a terrorist group by many

02:41 - 02:48

countries including the

02:44 - 02:51

US in November 2023 houti militants

02:48 - 02:53

launched this helicopter attack on a

02:51 - 02:56

commercial vessel it led to the

02:53 - 02:59

highjacking of the ship with 25 crew

02:56 - 03:01

members taken hostage they are still

02:59 - 03:01

being held

03:04 - 03:10

held over the next month international

03:07 - 03:12

shipping companies including MK said

03:10 - 03:12

they would suspend transits through the

03:12 - 03:14


03:12 - 03:18


03:14 - 03:21

Sea on March 6 2024 the attacks turned

03:18 - 03:22

deadly when a Barbados flagged bul

03:21 - 03:25

carrier was

03:22 - 03:28

hit despite rescue efforts by the Indian

03:25 - 03:30

Navy three crew members were killed

03:28 - 03:33

houti militants later claimed

03:30 - 03:35

responsibility for the

03:33 - 03:37


03:35 - 03:41

strikes since then the scale of

03:37 - 03:41

aggression has only escalated

03:42 - 03:49

further in June 2024 houti deployed

03:47 - 03:52

boats packed with explosives to take out

03:49 - 03:55

the tutor a Greek owned vessel one

03:52 - 03:58

Filipino sailor was killed in the

03:55 - 04:00

attack footage circulating on social

03:58 - 04:03

media shows armed guards s unable to do

04:00 - 04:05

more than watch as attackers

04:03 - 04:08

approach the violence has prompted

04:05 - 04:09

foreign Nations led by the US to send in

04:08 - 04:12


04:09 - 04:15

convoys today shipping companies are

04:12 - 04:17

attempting to mitigate Red Sea risks by

04:15 - 04:21

sailing around the Cape of Good Hope off

04:17 - 04:23

southern Africa but the detour drives up

04:21 - 04:26

the price of goods and delays

04:23 - 04:28

shipments it also increases the

04:26 - 04:30

likelihood of ships sailing into other

04:28 - 04:32

Troubled Waters off the coast Co of

04:30 - 04:34

Somalia and East

04:32 - 04:37

Africa economically it's it's a it's a

04:34 - 04:39

nightmare but at the same time the U the

04:37 - 04:42

the folks especially around the Gulf of

04:39 - 04:46

Guinea around Nigeria um and and those

04:42 - 04:48

areas um the the pacy incidents are

04:46 - 04:51

likely to increase far more than they

04:48 - 04:54

presently are at the moment um that's

04:51 - 04:57

piracy uh for economic reasons not

04:54 - 05:00

political to better understand the risks

04:57 - 05:03

facing Sailors on the high seas

05:00 - 05:05

it is important to also look at Maritime

05:03 - 05:09

geography where you have wealth you you

05:05 - 05:11

tend to attract crimes the hotti attacks

05:09 - 05:14

in the Middle East supposedly motivated

05:11 - 05:17

by political grievances are in some ways

05:14 - 05:21

an exception from broader

05:17 - 05:24

Trends Maritime threats exist not just

05:21 - 05:26

in the Middle East but also in several

05:24 - 05:29

other critical areas around the world

05:26 - 05:32

including in East Asia we tend to forget

05:29 - 05:36

that geography is still extremely

05:32 - 05:38

important driven by poverty and economic

05:36 - 05:41

opportunism Pirates tend to Target

05:38 - 05:42

Maritime passageways that are hard for

05:41 - 05:45

operators to sail

05:42 - 05:47

around that's because the vessels have

05:45 - 05:50

few other options if they hope to avoid

05:47 - 05:54

extreme delays or unreasonable

05:50 - 05:57

costs in the world there are seven uh

05:54 - 06:00

important Maritime chck Point area very

05:57 - 06:03

narrow when the global trade is passing

06:00 - 06:05

in Asia two of the most prominent choke

06:03 - 06:06

points are the straight of malaka and

06:05 - 06:09

the Singapore

06:06 - 06:12

straight the economies around soueast

06:09 - 06:13

Asia they are thriving but their pockets

06:12 - 06:16

of you know

06:13 - 06:18

underdevelopment or undevelopment for

06:16 - 06:20

example which give rise to the root

06:18 - 06:22

causes of

06:20 - 06:25

piracy the attacks here have been

06:22 - 06:27

brought under some degree of control

06:25 - 06:29

because of increased cooperation among

06:27 - 06:32

navies and coast guards of the countries

06:29 - 06:35

for ordering the affected

06:32 - 06:37

areas shipping companies also carefully

06:35 - 06:39

monitor other choke points in case

06:37 - 06:42


06:39 - 06:45

emerge one such area in Asia is the

06:42 - 06:47

South China Sea as much as 20% of the

06:45 - 06:50

world's Maritime shipping passes through

06:47 - 06:52

these Waters and the trade it carries is

06:50 - 06:56

crucial to many of the economic

06:52 - 06:57

powerhouses in East Asia much of it is

06:56 - 07:00

also disputed

06:57 - 07:03

territory trying to to assert their

07:00 - 07:05

sovereignty China the Philippines

07:03 - 07:08

Malaysia and Vietnam have occupied

07:05 - 07:10

islands and shols in the South China SE

07:08 - 07:13

over the past six

07:10 - 07:16

decades for now the impact of the

07:13 - 07:17

disputes has been felt primarily by

07:16 - 07:20


07:17 - 07:23

vessels the resurgent threat of piracy

07:20 - 07:25

also has global Shipping operators

07:23 - 07:27

increasing their Reliance on a once

07:25 - 07:28


07:27 - 07:32


07:28 - 07:35

tool private security guards they are

07:32 - 07:36

often exmilitary and carry weapons as

07:35 - 07:38

they are deployed on civilian or

07:36 - 07:41

commercial shiing

07:38 - 07:43

vessels when armed private security

07:41 - 07:47

guards started to be sent to Sea in the

07:43 - 07:50

early 2000s the prac some

07:47 - 07:52

eyebrows today it is commonplace and

07:50 - 07:55

even extends to the deployment of

07:52 - 07:58

floating armories at Sea technically

07:55 - 08:00

what is a floating Armory uh it's just a

07:58 - 08:04


08:00 - 08:09

that is mostly docked at high sea and

08:04 - 08:12

it's used to avoid the restriction on

08:09 - 08:16

carry firearms on board when commercial

08:12 - 08:17

vessel approach National Water meaning

08:16 - 08:19

that when this vessel cross

08:17 - 08:23

international water there is a

08:19 - 08:26

possibility to carry weapon and security

08:23 - 08:30

guard on board moving them from a

08:26 - 08:32

floating Armory on board to the vessel

08:30 - 08:35

there are no reliable figures on the

08:32 - 08:38

number of deaths that happen annually at

08:35 - 08:40

Sea although more than 100 states have

08:38 - 08:42

now ratified a maritime convention that

08:40 - 08:45

aims to improve

08:42 - 08:48

transparency according to Lloyd's list

08:45 - 08:50

the number of incidents resulting in

08:48 - 08:55

deaths at Sea is rising with an average

08:50 - 08:59

of 35 events per year between 2013 and

08:55 - 09:02

2017 the total number of deaths is even

08:59 - 09:05

higher with over 200 recorded in

09:02 - 09:07

2022 the numbers likely under represent

09:05 - 09:12


09:07 - 09:16

figures why this we innocent seller are

09:12 - 09:20

T targeting why you don't know anything

09:16 - 09:20

but why we are targeting

09:21 - 09:26


09:30 - 09:33


Safeguarding Seafarers: Understanding Maritime Threats

The Red Sea, a vital passageway between the Middle East and Africa, has become a hotbed of violence, endangering the lives of seafarers and disrupting global trade. Since November 2023, Houthi attacks have plagued the Bab el Mandeb strait, resulting in ship hijackings, crew fatalities, and immense challenges for the shipping industry. These attacks, carried out by an Iran-aligned group, have escalated to include the use of drones, missiles, and hostage-taking, with over $400 million in ransom paid to secure hijacked vessels.

Despite efforts by naval forces and shipping companies to enhance security measures, the situation remains precarious. As shipping routes diversify to avoid high-risk areas like the Red Sea, economic costs rise, and vulnerabilities shift to other troubled waters like the Gulf of Guinea and the South China Sea. The complex interplay of political grievances, economic disparities, and maritime geography underscores the need for comprehensive strategies to safeguard seafarers and secure global trade.

Maritime threats are not confined to the Red Sea; they span critical choke points worldwide, from the Strait of Malacca to the South China Sea. As nations compete for territorial claims, disputes in these regions amplify the risks faced by sailors. To counter evolving threats, shipping operators increasingly rely on private security guards, deploying them on commercial vessels and utilizing floating armories to navigate legal constraints on carrying weapons at sea.

The safety of seafarers remains a paramount concern, as incidents of violence at sea continue to rise. Enhancing transparency, cooperation among nations, and adherence to maritime conventions are essential steps to address these challenges effectively. By understanding the complexities of maritime threats and the vulnerabilities of seafarers, we can work towards a safer and more secure maritime environment for all stakeholders.

In a world where the seas connect nations and drive global commerce, protecting those who navigate its waters is imperative. As we confront the growing menace of maritime violence, solidarity and concerted action are key to ensuring the safety and well-being of the brave souls who traverse the high seas.