00:00 - 00:04
attention attention old crew old crew
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Delta this is an audio recording of a
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hooti attack in the bab El mandb straet
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vessel Harmony this is Coalition on over
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the straight is a narrow passageway
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leading into the Red Sea nearly 100
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attacks have been recorded since
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November 2023 on this critical route at
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least two vessels have been sunk and
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four seaf far is
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killed I rush to the bridge I go fast
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everybody was scared everybody was
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screaming like drone drone missile
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missile drone drone missile missile I
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was scared I sat
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down I literally like on my knees it was
01:01 - 01:07
horrible the armed attacks in the waters
01:04 - 01:10
have forced shipping companies to
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respond the effect on on on on the on
01:10 - 01:15
the on the seafarers is is horic because
01:12 - 01:15
they are seafarers they're not
01:15 - 01:23
soldiers about 80 to almost 90% of the
01:20 - 01:26
goods that we consume whether it's fuel
01:23 - 01:30
or it's hard Goods or automobiles are
01:26 - 01:32
shipped around the world on a vessel
01:30 - 01:35
as many as 1 million people work on the
01:32 - 01:35
high seas as
01:37 - 01:41
seafarers so why is violence still on
01:40 - 01:44
the rise on the high
01:41 - 01:48
seas there has been according to the
01:44 - 01:51
World Bank more than $400 million us
01:48 - 01:55
paid in Ransom uh for getting hijacked
01:51 - 01:57
vessel back from Pirate the ongoing wave
01:55 - 02:01
of violence directed at Sailors in the
01:57 - 02:04
Red Sea began in November
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23 the hotis behind the attacks are
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members of an Iran alligned group that
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controls much of Yemen they claim the
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attacks are an expression of solidarity
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with the suffering of Palestinians in
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the hooes have deployed sophisticated
02:36 - 02:41
drones as well as ballistic missiles and
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are considered a terrorist group by many
02:41 - 02:48
countries including the
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US in November 2023 houti militants
02:48 - 02:53
launched this helicopter attack on a
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commercial vessel it led to the
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highjacking of the ship with 25 crew
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members taken hostage they are still
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held over the next month international
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shipping companies including MK said
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they would suspend transits through the
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Sea on March 6 2024 the attacks turned
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deadly when a Barbados flagged bul
03:22 - 03:28
hit despite rescue efforts by the Indian
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Navy three crew members were killed
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houti militants later claimed
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responsibility for the
03:35 - 03:41
strikes since then the scale of
03:37 - 03:41
aggression has only escalated
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further in June 2024 houti deployed
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boats packed with explosives to take out
03:49 - 03:55
the tutor a Greek owned vessel one
03:52 - 03:58
Filipino sailor was killed in the
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attack footage circulating on social
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media shows armed guards s unable to do
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more than watch as attackers
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approach the violence has prompted
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foreign Nations led by the US to send in
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convoys today shipping companies are
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attempting to mitigate Red Sea risks by
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sailing around the Cape of Good Hope off
04:17 - 04:23
southern Africa but the detour drives up
04:21 - 04:26
the price of goods and delays
04:23 - 04:28
shipments it also increases the
04:26 - 04:30
likelihood of ships sailing into other
04:28 - 04:32
Troubled Waters off the coast Co of
04:30 - 04:34
Somalia and East
04:32 - 04:37
Africa economically it's it's a it's a
04:34 - 04:39
nightmare but at the same time the U the
04:37 - 04:42
the folks especially around the Gulf of
04:39 - 04:46
Guinea around Nigeria um and and those
04:42 - 04:48
areas um the the pacy incidents are
04:46 - 04:51
likely to increase far more than they
04:48 - 04:54
presently are at the moment um that's
04:51 - 04:57
piracy uh for economic reasons not
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political to better understand the risks
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facing Sailors on the high seas
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it is important to also look at Maritime
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geography where you have wealth you you
05:05 - 05:11
tend to attract crimes the hotti attacks
05:09 - 05:14
in the Middle East supposedly motivated
05:11 - 05:17
by political grievances are in some ways
05:14 - 05:21
an exception from broader
05:17 - 05:24
Trends Maritime threats exist not just
05:21 - 05:26
in the Middle East but also in several
05:24 - 05:29
other critical areas around the world
05:26 - 05:32
including in East Asia we tend to forget
05:29 - 05:36
that geography is still extremely
05:32 - 05:38
important driven by poverty and economic
05:36 - 05:41
opportunism Pirates tend to Target
05:38 - 05:42
Maritime passageways that are hard for
05:41 - 05:45
operators to sail
05:42 - 05:47
around that's because the vessels have
05:45 - 05:50
few other options if they hope to avoid
05:47 - 05:54
extreme delays or unreasonable
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costs in the world there are seven uh
05:54 - 06:00
important Maritime chck Point area very
05:57 - 06:03
narrow when the global trade is passing
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in Asia two of the most prominent choke
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points are the straight of malaka and
06:05 - 06:09
the Singapore
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straight the economies around soueast
06:09 - 06:13
Asia they are thriving but their pockets
06:13 - 06:18
underdevelopment or undevelopment for
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example which give rise to the root
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piracy the attacks here have been
06:22 - 06:27
brought under some degree of control
06:25 - 06:29
because of increased cooperation among
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navies and coast guards of the countries
06:29 - 06:35
for ordering the affected
06:32 - 06:37
areas shipping companies also carefully
06:35 - 06:39
monitor other choke points in case
06:39 - 06:45
emerge one such area in Asia is the
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South China Sea as much as 20% of the
06:45 - 06:50
world's Maritime shipping passes through
06:47 - 06:52
these Waters and the trade it carries is
06:50 - 06:56
crucial to many of the economic
06:52 - 06:57
powerhouses in East Asia much of it is
06:56 - 07:00
also disputed
06:57 - 07:03
territory trying to to assert their
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sovereignty China the Philippines
07:03 - 07:08
Malaysia and Vietnam have occupied
07:05 - 07:10
islands and shols in the South China SE
07:08 - 07:13
over the past six
07:10 - 07:16
decades for now the impact of the
07:13 - 07:17
disputes has been felt primarily by
07:17 - 07:23
vessels the resurgent threat of piracy
07:20 - 07:25
also has global Shipping operators
07:23 - 07:27
increasing their Reliance on a once
07:25 - 07:28
07:28 - 07:35
tool private security guards they are
07:32 - 07:36
often exmilitary and carry weapons as
07:35 - 07:38
they are deployed on civilian or
07:36 - 07:41
commercial shiing
07:38 - 07:43
vessels when armed private security
07:41 - 07:47
guards started to be sent to Sea in the
07:43 - 07:50
early 2000s the prac some
07:47 - 07:52
eyebrows today it is commonplace and
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even extends to the deployment of
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floating armories at Sea technically
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what is a floating Armory uh it's just a
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that is mostly docked at high sea and
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it's used to avoid the restriction on
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carry firearms on board when commercial
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vessel approach National Water meaning
08:16 - 08:19
that when this vessel cross
08:17 - 08:23
international water there is a
08:19 - 08:26
possibility to carry weapon and security
08:23 - 08:30
guard on board moving them from a
08:26 - 08:32
floating Armory on board to the vessel
08:30 - 08:35
there are no reliable figures on the
08:32 - 08:38
number of deaths that happen annually at
08:35 - 08:40
Sea although more than 100 states have
08:38 - 08:42
now ratified a maritime convention that
08:40 - 08:45
aims to improve
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transparency according to Lloyd's list
08:45 - 08:50
the number of incidents resulting in
08:48 - 08:55
deaths at Sea is rising with an average
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of 35 events per year between 2013 and
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2017 the total number of deaths is even
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higher with over 200 recorded in
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2022 the numbers likely under represent
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figures why this we innocent seller are
09:12 - 09:20
T targeting why you don't know anything
09:16 - 09:20
but why we are targeting