00:00 - 00:05

ah is this Omni

00:02 - 00:08

food is that dog inhaling or eating that

00:05 - 00:12

food I would say a bit of

00:08 - 00:15

both hello dragons my name is shiv Cuma

00:12 - 00:18

I'm Dr Guy sandelowski together we're

00:15 - 00:21

the founders of omni we're here today

00:18 - 00:24

asking for £75,000 in exchange for 1% of

00:21 - 00:25

our business I'm a small animal vet

00:24 - 00:27

that's been in practice for just shy of

00:25 - 00:30

10 years and I've seen a number of

00:27 - 00:33

nutrition related diseases in our pets

00:30 - 00:36

at Omni we believe that novel proteins

00:33 - 00:38

can be healthy and as delicious as

00:36 - 00:41

traditional meat-based diets in just

00:38 - 00:43

over two years we've generated £2.5

00:41 - 00:45

million in sales and over 80% of our

00:43 - 00:47

customers are

00:45 - 00:49

subscribers we'd love for a dragon to

00:47 - 00:52

come on board and bring the benefits of

00:49 - 00:57

omni to more pets across the country

00:52 - 01:00

can't not but ask my first question with

00:57 - 01:02

the valuation straight away not often I

01:00 - 01:05

do but obviously it's quite striking 7 1

01:02 - 01:08

half million valuation 2 and a half

01:05 - 01:11

million of sales over 2 years so talk me

01:08 - 01:14

through the last 12 months um well the

01:11 - 01:17

last year we did 1.2 million in

01:14 - 01:19

2023 um this year we're on track to do 3

01:17 - 01:22

million with a gross profit of 1.5

01:19 - 01:26

million and a net loss of £290,000 net

01:22 - 01:28

loss of 290 that's right so 1.2 million

01:26 - 01:31

last year that's right yeah so seven

01:28 - 01:35

times revenue is your your valuation y

01:31 - 01:37

guys I'm assuming the 1% is for my other

01:35 - 01:40

dragons and I'm in for 30% cuz I don't

01:37 - 01:42

get out of bed for 1% you know that how

01:40 - 01:45

are you getting your sales yeah so 90%

01:42 - 01:49

of our Revenue comes from our online

01:45 - 01:52

store and about 10% come from Amazon so

01:49 - 01:55

online uh average basket value is how

01:52 - 02:00

much around 45 to 50 and your cost of

01:55 - 02:02

acquisition around £40 about £40 yeah is

02:00 - 02:04

that good

02:02 - 02:06

business the lifetime value of our

02:04 - 02:10

customers is incredibly can I tell you

02:06 - 02:13

something I've I've all that jargon was

02:10 - 02:15

great over covid lifetime value of this

02:13 - 02:17

and that online is down

02:15 - 02:19

generally can you tell me what you I'm

02:17 - 02:21

interested in lifetime value because I

02:19 - 02:22

think that's really important so would

02:21 - 02:25

you mind finishing that sentence about

02:22 - 02:26

lifetime value we've been running the

02:25 - 02:28

business for nearly 2 years and we've

02:26 - 02:30

always managed to main maintain a

02:28 - 02:32

customer acquisition cost of about £40

02:30 - 02:34

and over a 2-year period we're seeing a

02:32 - 02:35

£ 400 lifetime value of our customers

02:34 - 02:37

that's because we're holding on to a lot

02:35 - 02:39

of people who try try the food that's

02:37 - 02:42

fantastic I was about to say that's

02:39 - 02:44

absolutely brilli fantastic TKA turning

02:42 - 02:46

40 quid into £400 that's just in two

02:44 - 02:48

years so I think if you have a dog and

02:46 - 02:50

you find a diet that works for them in

02:48 - 02:52

theory you will continue to feed that

02:50 - 02:54

for the lifetime of the pet so let's say

02:52 - 02:56

that's 10 12 years on average 400 is

02:54 - 02:59

actually not very much it's just 2 years

02:56 - 03:01

consider 12 years but you are pain

02:59 - 03:04

because all due respect guys you're

03:01 - 03:07

making 3 million

03:04 - 03:11

turnover 1.5 million

03:07 - 03:15

gross you're going to end up with

03:11 - 03:17

291 so where is the 1.2 going in your

03:15 - 03:19

overhead majority of it is fueling

03:17 - 03:21

marketing because we understand this is

03:19 - 03:23

a game where you have to invest a lot to

03:21 - 03:24

educate the customer to make them

03:23 - 03:26

understand about our products they come

03:24 - 03:28

on board they love the food and they

03:26 - 03:31

stay with us for

03:28 - 03:33

years can I just say you have presented

03:31 - 03:35

exceptionally well so thank you for you

03:33 - 03:36

we're definitely really nervous well you

03:35 - 03:38

should have been coming in with the 7

03:36 - 03:39

and a half million valuation KN that was

03:38 - 03:41

the first thing you were going to get

03:39 - 03:43

Hamed for and you've kept your kill

03:41 - 03:46

really well so what's the runway look

03:43 - 03:49

like through to exit yeah great question

03:46 - 03:51

so what we see as a long-term sort of

03:49 - 03:54

exit pathway is to become a very

03:51 - 03:56

attractive Target for a um bigger pet

03:54 - 03:57

food company within the space what does

03:56 - 04:01

that mean then in terms of exit what is

03:57 - 04:04

that exit what does that exit look like

04:01 - 04:06

in terms of timing and value we're

04:04 - 04:08

expecting a 3 to 5e period in terms of

04:06 - 04:10

value we're looking at at least a

04:08 - 04:13

minimum of 30 million of sales when we

04:10 - 04:14

would be a target for an acquirer comp

04:13 - 04:16

so 30 million so in three years you'll

04:14 - 04:18

be doing 30 million of sales that's

04:16 - 04:20

right and selling for how much um

04:18 - 04:24

roughly let's say five times multiple at

04:20 - 04:26

least five but your multiple today is

04:24 - 04:28

seven times

04:26 - 04:31

yeah I mean seriously that's that's I

04:28 - 04:31

think that higher

04:32 - 04:37

unattractive I get really really annoyed

04:35 - 04:41

when when when people overvalue their

04:37 - 04:43

businesses I really do I can't get my

04:41 - 04:47

head around the response to the

04:43 - 04:50

valuation and the exit value so for that

04:47 - 04:50

reason I'm going to say that I'm

04:51 - 04:56


04:53 - 05:00

guys look I've G you a hard time that's

04:56 - 05:02

because the valuation in my in in my the

05:00 - 05:04

way I would value businesses if I took

05:02 - 05:07

your your

05:04 - 05:09

metrics I'd be a multi-billionaire

05:07 - 05:10

you're delusional about what this is

05:09 - 05:14


05:10 - 05:14

worth so I'm

05:16 - 05:23

out guys hi let me tell you where I'm at

05:21 - 05:24

I absolutely love the business and more

05:23 - 05:26

than anything I think you two are

05:24 - 05:29


05:26 - 05:31

outstanding but realistically and I look

05:29 - 05:33

at this and I wouldn't be motivated to

05:31 - 05:35

be involved in your business for 1% so

05:33 - 05:38

I'm just going to declare that I'm out

05:35 - 05:41

thank you best of luck thank

05:38 - 05:45

you so guys I

05:41 - 05:48

um I love it so I I think you you are

05:45 - 05:51

really impressive um and I'm not doing

05:48 - 05:54

this of course it takes a lot of my

05:51 - 05:56

boxes so um you won't be surprised to

05:54 - 05:57

hear that I'm going to make you an offer

05:56 - 05:59

um and I'm going to offer you all of the

05:57 - 06:01

money I'm going to ignore your current

05:59 - 06:07

valuations because I'm going to make my

06:01 - 06:11

own valuation um and I want 3% of the

06:07 - 06:15

business thank you thank you yeah thank

06:11 - 06:17

you I have come to learn in the den that

06:15 - 06:19

there's kind of two Central things that

06:17 - 06:21

form my investment thesis which is the

06:19 - 06:22

product and how much I'm passionate

06:21 - 06:25

about the space and how much I can

06:22 - 06:27

relate to the problem the second one is

06:25 - 06:29

the is the

06:27 - 06:30

entrepreneurs because different

06:29 - 06:32

entrepreneurs could have walked through

06:30 - 06:33

this door with the exact same product

06:32 - 06:35

and I would have valued the business

06:33 - 06:37

entirely different if I didn't think the

06:35 - 06:39

two people stood in front of me were

06:37 - 06:40

killers and I've come to learn from my

06:39 - 06:42

dragon St Investments that have

06:40 - 06:45

performed exceptionally well that the

06:42 - 06:48

single most important factor has

06:45 - 06:52

actually been are they

06:48 - 06:53

Killers um and I think you guys are so

06:52 - 06:55

um I'm going to make you an offer for

06:53 - 06:57

all of the money for 3% of the business

06:55 - 07:00


06:57 - 07:01

well thank you both for the offers

07:00 - 07:04

we would love it if you would both

07:01 - 07:06

consider an investment into Omni

07:04 - 07:08

together is that something you would be

07:06 - 07:08


07:08 - 07:14

to certainly absolutely and we would ask

07:12 - 07:16

um would you be able to come on a

07:14 - 07:18

slightly lower percentage to share that

07:16 - 07:21

um we would we would ask if you would

07:18 - 07:25

consider 2 and a

07:21 - 07:25

half% 1.25 each is

07:26 - 07:31

it we need to have a comp lab find a

07:30 - 07:34

spare page so they're saying one point

07:31 - 07:37

to be honest it's still a fair deal it

07:34 - 07:37

is a fair

07:39 - 07:45

deal what

07:42 - 07:48

yeah God you're

07:45 - 07:50

good uh right Ste I don't want to speak

07:48 - 07:53

on behalf of Steven but yeah but we've

07:50 - 07:58

just had a chat

07:53 - 08:00

and so yeah is the answer you got a deal

07:58 - 08:01

thank you very much

08:00 - 08:07

thanks guys

08:01 - 08:07

very bre out now and relax yeah

Revolutionizing Pet Nutrition: The Omni Food Success Story

In the exciting world of pet nutrition, Omni Food is making waves with its innovative approach to feeding our furry friends. Founded by Shiv Cuma and Dr. Guy Sandelowski, Omni Food is redefining the way we think about pet diets, offering novel proteins that are both healthy and delicious. Combining their expertise as a small animal vet and a visionary entrepreneur, the duo has managed to generate £2.5 million in sales in just over two years, with an impressive 80% customer retention rate.

The Pitch: From Dragons' Den to Pet Lovers' Hearts

Entering the Dragons' Den with a request for £75,000 in exchange for 1% of their business, Shiv and Dr. Guy faced tough questions about their valuation and future plans. Despite the scrutiny, their passion for Omni Food shone through as they highlighted their remarkable growth from £1.2 million in sales last year to an impressive projected £3 million this year. However, concerns were raised about their net loss of £290,000, mainly attributed to substantial marketing investments aimed at educating customers about their unique products.

The Recipe for Success: Nurturing Customer Loyalty

One of the key ingredients in Omni Food's success has been their focus on customer retention. With a customer acquisition cost of £40 and a lifetime value of £400, the company has mastered the art of turning first-time buyers into loyal, long-term customers. By consistently delivering high-quality products and building trust with pet owners, Omni Food has created a solid foundation for future growth.

Looking to the Future: A Promising Road Ahead

Despite facing skepticism over their valuation and exit strategy, Shiv and Dr. Guy stood their ground and eventually secured investment from two Dragons who recognized the potential of Omni Food. With plans to reach £30 million in sales within the next three years and attract the attention of larger pet food companies, the future looks bright for this dynamic duo.

In the competitive world of pet nutrition, Omni Food stands out as a shining example of innovation and dedication. By combining expertise, passion, and a deep understanding of their customers' needs, Shiv and Dr. Guy have created a recipe for success that is sure to delight pet owners and their furry companions for years to come.