00:07 - 00:11
welcome to day 5 today is about making
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chat GPT even easier to use our friends
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at Apple are releasing uh the chat GPT
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integration in iOS for iPhone and iPad
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and also on Mac OS we really want to
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make chat GPT as frictionless and easy
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to use everywhere we love Apple devices
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and so this integration is one that
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we're very very proud of you can use it
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without an account if you have an
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account it'll be even better and I think
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we should just jump right in and show
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you how it works yeah cool so so this is
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Dave I'm Dave I'm from the engineering
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team um as Sam says we love Apple
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devices I've been using one for 30 years
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um on lots of Apple devices W me too on
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lots of Apple devices now uh you will be
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able to invoke chat GPT directly from
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the operating system so this will work
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on iPhone on iPad and on Mac uh we've
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got three different Integrations
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starting today and we're going to show
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you all of them today um the first is
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Siri so when Siri thinks that it would
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be helped by giving a task over to chat
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GPT it can just hand it off the next is
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writing tool so writing tools in apple
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intelligence lets you refine documents
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and summarize them get key points but
01:13 - 01:18
now you can also use trat GPT uh to
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compose a document from scratch which is
01:18 - 01:24
super cool um and also uh we've got
01:21 - 01:26
camera control on the iPhone 16 which
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lets you invoke visual intelligence
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where you can use chat GPT uh to learn
01:28 - 01:31
more about the thing that you're looking
01:29 - 01:33
at which is super cool um so this is
01:31 - 01:35
McDon from the product team who's going
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to show us some of this stuff all right
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let's uh let's open up our iPhones a
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little bit so now that I have this thing
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up there's a couple things that you want
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to pay attention to once you get the
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iPhone the first thing is that you have
01:44 - 01:50
to enable Apple intelligence so we'll go
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into settings and we will go right into
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Apple intelligence and Siri I'll enable
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Apple intelligence which I have already
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and then as I scroll down the new chat
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GPT extension is now available cool that
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um when we open it up you're going to be
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able to enable chat GPT log into your
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account in this case I'm already logged
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in and then there's also this option for
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you to confirm chat GPT requests so
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anytime as Dave mentioned Siri thinks
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hey this is a good idea to ask chat GPT
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uh it will prompt you to do so before
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you send your information over and then
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you'll also have access to the app which
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you can update install or open directly
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from here but I've got this all set up
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so let's go back into our main screen
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and let's I mean I feel like we're in
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festive mood here something's going on
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uh so let's maybe get a Christmas party
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organized and there's a a quick shortcut
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if you want to go directly to chat GPT
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you can just ask Siri to ask chat GPT so
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I'm going to invoke Siri new Rainbow
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thing shows up uh can you ask chat GPT
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to organize a Christmas party for
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us so right away we see the working with
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chat GPT it's going to go back and forth
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and I'm going to get a response in this
02:56 - 02:59
case I see a whole bunch of different
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things guest list music and
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entertainment man um Sam any follow can
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can we ask you for that holiday playlist
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yeah let's do that can we get a holiday
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made and I don't know about you guys but
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there is one song I'm specifically
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looking for and it is number one it's
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number one if Mariah Carey weren't there
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I think we'd have to file a bug yeah I I
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think this is a good solid list uh I
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like it I want to be able to like edit
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more in the chat GPT app so there's this
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like blue icon at the bottom that says
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chat GPT if I click on that it's going
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to open up chat GPT with all of my
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conversation already integrated so cool
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and I can do the normal things of saying
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hey like uh add Emoji to my
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playlist and it'll do that but I I think
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what we need is a little bit more of a
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festive thing so I'm hoping this is
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festive but let's make a album AR cover
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so uh let's make an album art cover uh
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and for some reason I don't know why but
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I'm feeling as though a fro would really
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make it pop um I'm having the same
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feeling too yeah I don't know it's
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something in the background but I feel
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like a FR uh include a
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FR in the cover do you think chat gbt
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knows what a FR is uh surely
04:18 - 04:22
not let's see what comes
04:22 - 04:28
through and uh we've got ourselves a
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beautiful we do have faster image gen
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always great to see this come through
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hey here we go FR giant happy FR in the
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Middle with holiday Vibes I think we've
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got the makings of a party and I as
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we're in already a festive mood I'd love
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to like get the visual intelligence part
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of this rolling um I think we should
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have a Christmas sweater contest and I
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think chat chpt should help us rank
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who's most to least fun um in
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preparation for this I feel like the
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right move is to let Santa dance so if
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you're bringing aame for the sweater
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contest uh I will do this I feel a
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little outgun here do anything uh so I'm
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going to long press on the camera
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control button and I've got uh the
05:10 - 05:14
visual intelligence set up and now we
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can see our lovely camera crew yeah
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we're going to break the fourth well for
05:15 - 05:20
a second can everybody wave hey
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guys so let's zoom in on our little
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picture here and I'm going to press this
05:22 - 05:27
ask button and that'll ask chat PT
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directly first thing it's going to do is
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it's just going to like Identify some of
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the things going on in the picture my
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poor Santa's got covered so we'll see
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how this goes um we're having a
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contest mcdad on the left Dave in the
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middle and Sam on the right uh rank
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judge judge rank CU we we don't judge we
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listen but we don't judge uh rank us
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from most to least
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fun all right moment of truth
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wins that file a bug for that so I'm
06:14 - 06:19
last the sweater features a more
06:16 - 06:22
treditional design with a subtle festive
06:19 - 06:23
pattern what hang on scroll down wait
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wait wait all the sweaters have their
06:23 - 06:28
charm but Sam stands out as the most fun
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with its bold let tell you something
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someone bought like three options for me
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I had to just pick right before this
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which one I was going to wear and I
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thought that if I was going to win it
06:34 - 06:43
was because it was different and you
06:36 - 06:43
know let's make a trophy image for
06:43 - 06:48
Sam I I I was not expecting this result
06:46 - 06:49
I really thought the L thought were
06:48 - 06:51
going to do something I thought I
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thought you guys were going to
06:51 - 06:57
congratulations sweater Champion that's
06:53 - 06:58
a cool great yeah love that okay so so
06:57 - 07:00
we've got the fun part of it taken care
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of uh when out of my sales and I'm going
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to move Santa into a slow down I just
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want to say I feel like that was very
07:04 - 07:09
unjust I appreciate you Sam uh but we'll
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pass to Dave now who's going to show us
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how we can use apple intelligence to get
07:10 - 07:15
back to work yeah so fun and games are
07:12 - 07:19
over um if I'm back at my Mac uh just
07:15 - 07:21
like MCD showed earlier with the iPhone
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if you go into system settings you can
07:21 - 07:26
enable Apple intelligence and so uh uh
07:24 - 07:30
right here we've got Apple intelligence
07:26 - 07:32
enabled and new in Mac OS 15.2 COA that
07:30 - 07:35
we didn't have before is the trachy PT
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extension so just like on the iPhone or
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iPad you can use this fully Anonymous or
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with an account we've got here an
07:39 - 07:44
account that we have linked um and
07:42 - 07:46
what's really cool is now that I've
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enabled Apple intelligence I can invoke
07:46 - 07:50
Siri or writing tools from just about
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any application and it's super easy to
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invoke Siri so I've disabled hey Siri so
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that all of the MacBooks and iPhones in
07:54 - 08:00
this room don't go off at once um but
07:57 - 08:02
you can type to Siri now so if you
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either click on the little Siri icon on
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the top right or hit the uh command key
08:05 - 08:09
twice it brings up the little Siri
08:07 - 08:11
prompt that's really cool and again like
08:09 - 08:13
anytime Siri thinks ooh this is a
08:11 - 08:15
complex task maybe I should get chat
08:13 - 08:17
PT's help with it it'll hand it off
08:15 - 08:19
It'll ask for confirmation um but then
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get uh the help of our super powerful
08:19 - 08:24
models to make it happen so what are
08:21 - 08:27
some places where we might use this well
08:24 - 08:30
um gosh in catching up on all of uh our
08:27 - 08:34
launches this week uh I've got here the
08:30 - 08:35
01 system card9 page system 49 page PDF
08:34 - 08:38
so I've opened this in preview but again
08:35 - 08:40
like in any application I can just
08:38 - 08:43
double tap the command key to bring up
08:40 - 08:48
type to Siri uh how about this uh this
08:43 - 08:54
Doc is super long um how did they get
08:48 - 08:58
the model to be so good at coding um oh
08:54 - 08:58
I spelled model wrong that's why
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and you know what I wasn't in the system
09:07 - 09:11
card so let me make sure we give the
09:09 - 09:14
right credit
09:11 - 09:15
here so what happens is Siri recognizes
09:14 - 09:18
okay this is a complex task let's send
09:15 - 09:21
it off to chat GPT um but before we do
09:18 - 09:23
it wants to know do we want to send any
09:21 - 09:24
of the content that I'm looking at as
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part of the request and we can either
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send the screenshot or the full 49 page
09:28 - 09:32
PDF send it all send it all at all times
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I'm in control of what I share with chat
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GPT and so now we're uploading this
09:35 - 09:40
whole document for chat GPT to process
09:37 - 09:42
along with uh my query of like how in
09:40 - 09:44
the world did they get this model so
09:42 - 09:46
good at coding um and awesome there's
09:44 - 09:50
the answer uh maybe this saves me a good
09:46 - 09:52
bit of time um MCD showed earlier on the
09:50 - 09:54
iPhone that if you tap this little chaty
09:52 - 09:57
BT button down at the bottom it will
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open this in chat GPT and that's super
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cool because then I get to save it for
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later I get to continue the conversation
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I get to do more with it so like one of
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the cool things I might do now that I
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have it saved here um and it shows up in
10:07 - 10:14
my sidebar over there is uh um okay as a
10:12 - 10:17
side note the chbt desktop app is so
10:14 - 10:20
good now if you try so good it's so good
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uh I'm a more visual
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learner can we make a pie chart of the
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respective influence of each of the
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techniques on making it good at
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coding and so this is just picking up
10:36 - 10:40
where we left off it all already has the
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full PDF it's able to read through it
10:40 - 10:48
again analyze it um reason about uh how
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uh I guess like the relative ranks and
10:48 - 10:52
importance of uh each of the different
10:50 - 10:55
techniques here and ultimately write
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some code to help visualize it
10:55 - 10:59
cool um and I'll check with our
10:57 - 11:02
colleagues over on the reasoning te if
10:59 - 11:03
this is representative but this helps me
11:02 - 11:06
better understand the paper which is
11:03 - 11:09
super cool um so all of this from just
11:06 - 11:11
about any application on your Mac um
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with you everywhere in your iPhone in
11:11 - 11:16
your pocket um and uh we're hoping that
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a lot of folks who maybe are already
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using chat PC are now getting to use it
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uh in more places with uh less friction
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yeah so we're thrilled about this launch
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uh or this release this button makes it
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really easy to talk to chat gbt this
11:27 - 11:31
button makes it easy for chat to look at
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something for you we hope you love it uh
11:31 - 11:36
grateful to our friends at Apple and
11:33 - 11:36
have a good day