00:00 - 00:02
hey guys Chris fix here and today I'm
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going to show you how to complete your
00:02 - 00:06
abandoned project car and this is not
00:04 - 00:08
how I wanted to start off this video but
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here's what happened to my project car
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first off this is my first real
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hurricane that I've ever experienced and
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this car has seen better days just look
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at all this water now sometimes stuff
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like this is what you need to get
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motivated to restart that project that's
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been sitting and although this doesn't
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look good it kind of is so right here
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right now is the fresh new moist restart
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of the $300 turbo Delo project and for
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those of you who don't know here's how
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this all started so like any car guy I
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was looking for used cars online I use
00:35 - 00:39
autot Tempest which allows you to search
00:37 - 00:40
tons of car for sale websites all at
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once and I wanted to find a car with a
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bad head gasket so I can make a video on
00:42 - 00:45
how to replace piston return Springs and
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it just so happened that one of my
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favorite cars as a kid popped up a Honda
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Del Soul and he was asking 1,000 bucks
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which was perfect so I went and checked
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out the car to hopefully buy it and
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seeing this car for the first time it
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got me super excited because this is the
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car I loved as a kid I really liked how
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you unique it was but as you could see
01:01 - 01:05
this specific car was far from being in
01:03 - 01:07
good shape the rattle can paint job the
01:05 - 01:09
steel wheels dry roded tires and just
01:07 - 01:11
tons of small broken parts everywhere
01:09 - 01:13
luckily the owner was very friendly and
01:11 - 01:14
looking back he was actually very honest
01:13 - 01:17
about everything which is rare these
01:14 - 01:19
days hey Chris hey how's it going my
01:17 - 01:23
name's jinen man nice F to meet you yeah
01:19 - 01:26
t all right so here I got you know my 93
01:23 - 01:28
Delo uh to be completely honest with you
01:26 - 01:30
it does have a blown head gasket at the
01:28 - 01:32
moment control arm's a little squeaky
01:30 - 01:35
here and there so it will need replacing
01:32 - 01:37
the paint is good for now paint job in
01:35 - 01:38
the future would be good and for you
01:37 - 01:40
know to my knowledge that's really about
01:38 - 01:42
it next Jensen gave me a quick tour of
01:40 - 01:43
the car he showed me how to easily
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remove the roof and store it in the
01:43 - 01:47
trunk and then roll down the rear window
01:45 - 01:49
which is how this car got its name Del
01:47 - 01:51
Soul that means of the sun in Spanish
01:49 - 01:53
after that I went for a quick mandatory
01:51 - 01:54
test drive even with the head gasket
01:53 - 01:56
leak and right away I learned that the
01:54 - 01:58
shifter is really worn out I wasn't even
01:56 - 02:00
sure if it was in first and as I drove I
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noticed the car felt very loose and the
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suspension was clunking and banging on
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every bump but the car did drive and I
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was able to shift it into multiple gears
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so I had a basic idea of what's wrong
02:08 - 02:12
with this car so this car is far from
02:10 - 02:14
being worth $1,000 and it's really rough
02:12 - 02:16
and Jensen told me that a lot of people
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came to see the car but they weren't
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serious they offered to take it off his
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hands or they offered him a 100 bucks so
02:19 - 02:23
here's the offer I made him what I'd
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like to offer you what I think the car
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is worth is $300 and uh you know I got
02:26 - 02:29
the trailer trailer is ready to go on
02:28 - 02:33
the back of my truck I'll take it today
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300 cash and for the $300 I'll take it
02:33 - 02:37
man yeah awesome you got yourself a deal
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all right sounds good man and just like
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that I bought myself a piece of junk
02:39 - 02:42
that needs a lot of work but it's the
02:41 - 02:44
perfect budget project car and I
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remember the whole ride home I was
02:44 - 02:47
thinking about all the fixes and the
02:45 - 02:49
mods I was going to do to this car and I
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was super excited to get started so
02:49 - 02:52
after trailering at home I immediately
02:51 - 02:54
set off to replace the head gasket
02:52 - 02:55
because that was the most serious
02:54 - 02:58
problem so I removed the bolts from the
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exhaust manifold then I unbolted the
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intake manifold and moved it off the
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head then I carefully removed the timing
03:01 - 03:05
belt from the sprocket and finally I
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unscrewed the head bolts working my way
03:05 - 03:09
from the outside inwards so I don't
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workp the head and with the head bolts
03:09 - 03:13
removed now the head could be removed
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next I cleaned up the block and head
03:13 - 03:17
surface so the new head gasket could go
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right on like that and then the head
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could be placed over the block and
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here's the old head gasket you can see
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where the gasket failed and it allowed
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the coolant to pour into the engine so
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with the new head gasket in I torque
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down all the head bolts from the center
03:27 - 03:31
outwards that way the head seats evenly
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and won't warp then I put the timing
03:31 - 03:35
belt back in place I tighten down the
03:33 - 03:37
intake back into the head and torque
03:35 - 03:39
down the exhaust manifold in a
03:37 - 03:41
crisscross pattern and finally I
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reinstalled the old crusty valve cover
03:41 - 03:44
now before we could start the car we had
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to drain the old oil and change the
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filter and just look at how bad that oil
03:46 - 03:49
is it looks like a thick chocolate milk
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because that head gasket leak so with
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some fresh new oil in the engine another
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thing I needed to do is add some coolant
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because the bad head gasket turned most
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of the coolant into smoke and so you
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guys know this was my first ever head
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gasket job so as a little nervous for
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the next part starting up the car and
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here we go Moment of
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Truth all right that is awesome so now
04:11 - 04:15
the head gasket was fixed but you always
04:13 - 04:16
want to expect to uncover other problems
04:15 - 04:19
that you didn't know about when you buy
04:16 - 04:21
a project car for example this giant
04:19 - 04:23
rust hole and this was another fix that
04:21 - 04:24
I've never done before but luckily it
04:23 - 04:26
wasn't difficult first you need to cut
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out all the rust then get a piece of
04:26 - 04:29
sheet metal and cut it to shape to fill
04:27 - 04:30
the hole and now you can weld the sheet
04:29 - 04:32
metal into to the car just be sure to
04:30 - 04:34
spread to heat out by welding different
04:32 - 04:36
spots that way you don't overheat the
04:34 - 04:38
metal and warp it and finally I coated
04:36 - 04:39
the entire top and under side of the
04:38 - 04:41
floorboard with a special paint to
04:39 - 04:43
prevent rust and it came out looking
04:41 - 04:45
amazing so with the giant rust hole
04:43 - 04:47
fixed I needed to paint the valve cover
04:45 - 04:48
to make it look nicer so first I hit the
04:47 - 04:50
cover with a paint stripper and worked
04:48 - 04:51
it in with a metal wire brush and
04:50 - 04:53
finally I rinsed it off and cleaned it
04:51 - 04:54
with a paper towel and alcohol and I
04:53 - 04:56
wanted to make this paint job a little
04:54 - 04:58
bit unique so I added my logo to the
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valve cover and I hit it with the first
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coat of paint this is a silver metallic
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Foundation layer that's going to make
05:01 - 05:04
the next layer really pop then I hit it
05:03 - 05:06
with this blue paint making sure to have
05:04 - 05:08
a nice even coat around the whole valve
05:06 - 05:10
cover and then once that dried I peeled
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away the vinyl stickers leaving behind
05:10 - 05:13
the bare aluminum look then I showed you
05:12 - 05:15
guys a real quick way to make the Honda
05:13 - 05:17
logo and the lettering silver Again by
05:15 - 05:19
using a file and then the final step was
05:17 - 05:21
to add some high temperature clear coat
05:19 - 05:23
to protect all this hard work after the
05:21 - 05:26
cover dried it was time to install and
05:23 - 05:27
check out this before and after much
05:26 - 05:29
better right after that I wanted to
05:27 - 05:31
install a kill switch because my friend
05:29 - 05:32
who just spot a Honda himself had it
05:31 - 05:34
stolen right out of his driveway he
05:32 - 05:35
found it gutted and abandoned on the
05:34 - 05:37
side of the road and it was
05:35 - 05:39
heartbreaking so to prevent this I
05:37 - 05:40
showed you guys a few sneaky spots to
05:39 - 05:42
hide to kill switch and I personally
05:40 - 05:44
ended up putting it in my shifter bezel
05:42 - 05:45
so I drilled a hole where I wanted to
05:44 - 05:47
mount the switch then I added that
05:45 - 05:50
switch and tightened it down to hold it
05:47 - 05:51
in place then I reinstalled the interior
05:50 - 05:53
piece with the switch installed and
05:51 - 05:54
showed you how to find the wiring that
05:53 - 05:56
goes to your fuel pump because without
05:54 - 05:58
fuel the car won't start so once I
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showed you how to find the correct wire
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I cut that wire and I wired the switch
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into the circuit that way you could turn
06:01 - 06:05
the power off going to the fuel pump
06:03 - 06:07
Moment of Truth we're in neutral I think
06:05 - 06:09
the switch is deactivated so it should
06:07 - 06:12
be ready to start
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up all right it starts right up now I'm
06:12 - 06:16
going to shut the car I'm going to flip
06:14 - 06:19
our kill switch and I'm going to start
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baby and a criminal is going to be like
06:23 - 06:31
what the heck why won't it
06:26 - 06:31
start flip that kill switch
06:31 - 06:35
starts right up oh man that is exciting
06:34 - 06:37
now after the kill switch the next big
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project to make the car more drivable
06:37 - 06:41
was to rebuild and replace the entire
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front suspension because the car was not
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really that safe to drive and just to
06:42 - 06:45
give you an idea look at how worn these
06:44 - 06:47
bushings are you could see with just a
06:45 - 06:49
little bit of pressure the control arm
06:47 - 06:50
bushings give way and this is why the
06:49 - 06:52
steering is so vague and there's a
06:50 - 06:53
clunking noise going over bumps I mean
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this is the original suspension from
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1993 so to fix this the first thing I
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did was remove the axle nut so I
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hammered out the indented part that way
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I could loosen up the nut completely so
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it comes off all the way next I removed
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the brake caliper as well as the rotor
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and that was rust welded to the hub so
07:06 - 07:10
it needed a little bit of persuasion to
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come off then I remov the upper control
07:10 - 07:13
arm from the top of the knuckle and I
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kept the nut on there as I hammered and
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that'll prevent the stud from
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mushrooming that way it comes right out
07:16 - 07:19
with that removed we had to remove the
07:18 - 07:21
lower control arm from the knuckle this
07:19 - 07:23
had a rusty Cotter pin so I pulled it
07:21 - 07:24
out with some pliers and then removed
07:23 - 07:26
the nut completely and I wanted to show
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you guys another method of popping the
07:26 - 07:30
stud out of the knuckle so I used a ball
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joint removal tool and you just tighten
07:30 - 07:34
it until the stud pops loose and now you
07:32 - 07:35
can see the knuckle comes right out
07:34 - 07:37
finally the last thing holding this
07:35 - 07:39
knuckle in was a tie rod so I loosen
07:37 - 07:42
that up and then hammered the stud
07:39 - 07:42
upwards to break it
07:43 - 07:47
free and just like that the tie rod
07:45 - 07:49
could come off and now the knuckle could
07:47 - 07:50
be removed then I removed the tie rod
07:49 - 07:52
from the steering rack followed by
07:50 - 07:55
removing the worn out strut as well as
07:52 - 07:56
the clunky axle and finally I unbolted
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the lower control arm so it could be
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removed so out with all the old
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suspension parts and in with the new
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ones so next I had to rebuild the
08:02 - 08:06
knuckle and I started by hammering out
08:03 - 08:07
the old Hub like so then hammering out
08:07 - 08:11
bearing and finally hammering out the
08:09 - 08:13
old ball joint like so next I painted
08:11 - 08:15
the knuckle and strut Fork that way they
08:13 - 08:16
look brand new and I also painted the
08:15 - 08:18
underside of the wheel well so not only
08:16 - 08:20
does this look good but it's going to
08:18 - 08:22
stay rust free for years to come after
08:20 - 08:23
everything dried I added the new parts
08:22 - 08:25
to the knuckles starting with the ball
08:23 - 08:26
joint you just use the cup and ball
08:25 - 08:28
joint press and then tighten down the
08:26 - 08:30
Press until the ball joint bottoms out
08:28 - 08:31
like so then you add your snap ring to
08:30 - 08:33
the other side to hold it in place next
08:31 - 08:34
I installed a new wheel bearing and this
08:33 - 08:36
gets pressed in a similar fashion to the
08:34 - 08:38
ball joint and once it bottoms out you
08:36 - 08:39
put the snap ring the hold it in place
08:38 - 08:41
then we could add the Hub and press it
08:39 - 08:44
into the bearing like so and now the
08:41 - 08:46
knuckle is fully rebuilt so back at the
08:44 - 08:47
car installed a new tie rod as well as
08:46 - 08:49
the new upper control arm and torqued
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spec then the new strut went in and got
08:53 - 08:57
Speck followed by the new axle which you
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need to make sure it gets pushed all the
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way into the transmission and then with
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with the axle in the lower control arm
09:00 - 09:04
could be installed and I torqu that to
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spec as well and finally the knuckle
09:04 - 09:07
could be installed making sure the axle
09:06 - 09:09
splines line up and then just give it a
09:07 - 09:11
push and then you can put the ball joint
09:09 - 09:12
into the lower control arm good now with
09:11 - 09:14
the knuckle in place let's come over to
09:12 - 09:16
the tie rod and get that installed so
09:14 - 09:18
Slide the tie rod end into the knuckle
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hand tighten the nut and torque it to
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spec then we need to slide in our Cotter
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pin and bend both ends of the Cotter pin
09:22 - 09:25
around the nut that way the nut can't
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come loose same thing with the lower
09:25 - 09:29
ball joint I got that nut on there
09:27 - 09:30
torqued it to Speck and added the Cotter
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pin after that was installed the last
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thing to do was to tighten down the
09:32 - 09:36
upper ball joint so I pushed the stud
09:34 - 09:38
through the knuckle and torqued it down
09:36 - 09:39
all right so all that was left to do was
09:38 - 09:42
add the new brake rotor install the
09:39 - 09:45
refreshed brake caliper torque it to
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spec and then install the brake pads now
09:45 - 09:48
I could just reuse the old dry rotted
09:46 - 09:50
tires and the steel wheels which look
09:48 - 09:52
horrible so I got some new tires and I
09:50 - 09:54
put them on some new Wheels I got for a
09:52 - 09:56
great price so finally with the wheels
09:54 - 09:58
bolted on I set the car on the ground to
09:56 - 09:59
finish the last step install the axle
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nut so I use some Med strength thread
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locker and hand tighten the nut onto the
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axle and then torqued it to spec then
10:04 - 10:08
you need to stake the nut into place
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with a punch so it won't loosen and to
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finish this all up the last thing to do
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was to take the car to the alignment
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shop because you could see it was all at
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a spec now a few minutes later
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everything was adjusted and the front
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suspension rebuild was complete so there
10:18 - 10:22
was still a lot to do on this delou
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project but it was coming along nicely
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and this is when I introduced to you
10:23 - 10:28
guys my idea of turboing the Delo with a
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budget friendly eBay turbo kit but then
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unfortunately there there was a lot
10:29 - 10:33
going on in my life at that time and I
10:31 - 10:34
had to put the delou into storage for
10:33 - 10:36
what I thought was only going to be a
10:34 - 10:40
couple of weeks but little did I know
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life wasn't going to get much easier for
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me okay so now you know the project
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turbo Del Soul origin story and I'm
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tired of coming up with excuses of why
10:46 - 10:49
this car isn't running and driving and
10:48 - 10:51
why I haven't made a how to turbo your
10:49 - 10:53
car video yet so today we're going to
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get this car running and driving and
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take her to the track for a/4 mile time
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get a 0 to 60 time and put her on the
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dyno to see how much horsepower and
10:58 - 11:02
torque she's making before we add the
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turbo okay so the first thing we need to
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do is get this car dry before the
11:04 - 11:08
interior gets all moldy this is
11:06 - 11:10
definitely not good so if you ever get
11:08 - 11:12
into a small flood like this here's what
11:10 - 11:14
you need to do first grab your wet dry
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shot vac and suck out all the water from
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the carpet you really should remove the
11:16 - 11:20
carpets completely and set it out to dry
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but it's 90° out so once most of the
11:20 - 11:24
water is removed I'm going to leave the
11:22 - 11:27
doors open and let it sit in the Sun for
11:24 - 11:28
a Day so a day later even though I
11:27 - 11:31
removed all the water from the carpet
11:28 - 11:33
it's pretty dry it still smells musty in
11:31 - 11:34
here I'm guessing there's mold or
11:33 - 11:36
bacteria or something that's making the
11:34 - 11:38
back of my throat burn when I sit in the
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car which isn't good now eventually
11:38 - 11:40
we'll clean everything out we'll take
11:39 - 11:42
the carpets out I'll show you how to do
11:40 - 11:44
all that we'll install new carpets new
11:42 - 11:46
seats stuff like that but for now I just
11:44 - 11:48
want to be able to drive the car so I
11:46 - 11:50
have this odor eliminator and this kills
11:48 - 11:52
the mold and the bacteria and the stuff
11:50 - 11:53
that causes the odors and it's super
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easy to use let me show you first we
11:53 - 11:57
need to close all the windows in the car
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so the gas gets trapped in the interior
11:57 - 12:01
now inside of this we have two pieces
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the sponge and the packet first you need
12:01 - 12:05
to saturate the sponge with some water
12:03 - 12:06
like so then we can open up this packet
12:05 - 12:09
and you definitely want to do this
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outside wearing gloves and finally Slide
12:09 - 12:13
the end of the packet into the slit in
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the sponge just like this and place this
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in the plastic container that it comes
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in with the vent holes up then you want
12:16 - 12:19
to place this in the middle of the
12:17 - 12:21
Interior on a flat surface and this
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doesn't mask smells it releases a
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chlorine gas that kills the odors
12:23 - 12:26
completely so don't breathe this in and
12:25 - 12:28
we're going to let this sit overnight
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now I use these odor eliminators in
12:28 - 12:32
every car I bu here's a great video that
12:30 - 12:34
I took with my other car and it gives
12:32 - 12:35
you an idea of how it works you can see
12:34 - 12:37
the chlorine dioxide being released into
12:35 - 12:39
the car so it fills the interior and
12:37 - 12:41
destroys the odors as well as the
12:39 - 12:42
bacteria and mold that create them the
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next morning you want to open up all the
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doors in the car to vent the interior
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out and then after it vents out for a
12:46 - 12:50
few minutes let's remove this and throw
12:48 - 12:52
it out and then before you sit in here
12:50 - 12:53
just let it vent for a few more minutes
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so you're not breathing anything bad in
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so with the interior of the car all
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aired out so it's safe to be in here I
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wish you guys could smell what it smells
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like it smells sterile I don't even know
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how to explain it it smells like nothing
13:02 - 13:06
there are no odors it doesn't smell
13:04 - 13:07
musty anymore and the back of my throat
13:06 - 13:10
isn't burning which is a good thing that
13:07 - 13:11
means we could go for a ride now before
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we go for a ride here's the next problem
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that we need to fix listen to this
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you're going to know what it
13:17 - 13:22
is so the battery is dead now I have
13:21 - 13:24
tried to charge it once and it won't
13:22 - 13:26
hold a charge so I'm pretty sure it's
13:24 - 13:28
bad so let me show you how to test it to
13:26 - 13:30
know for sure cuz batteries aren't cheap
13:28 - 13:32
so grab a battery reload tester put the
13:30 - 13:34
alligator clips on the terminals and
13:32 - 13:37
this battery is 410 cold cranking amps
13:34 - 13:38
good now we can let it do its thing okay
13:37 - 13:41
and there you go it's saying the battery
13:38 - 13:43
is bad with just 262 cold cranking amps
13:41 - 13:44
so we need to replace it so let's
13:43 - 13:46
unscrew the nuts holding the battery tie
13:44 - 13:48
down in and remove that then unscrew the
13:46 - 13:49
nut on the positive terminal and unscrew
13:48 - 13:51
the nut on the negative terminal and you
13:49 - 13:53
always want to remove negative first
13:51 - 13:54
then the positive and now we can remove
13:53 - 13:57
the battery and this thing is pretty
13:54 - 13:59
heavy so out with the old and in with
13:57 - 14:01
the new and the new battery is a lithium
13:59 - 14:04
battery there's a couple of benefits one
14:01 - 14:05
being weight savings check this out so
14:04 - 14:09
let's get the lead acid battery on the
14:05 - 14:10
scale and this weighs 25 lb and 9 oz
14:09 - 14:14
okay so now let's weigh the new lithium
14:10 - 14:16
battery and this weighs 10 lb 15 oz so
14:14 - 14:18
that's just under 15 lbs of weight saved
14:16 - 14:20
which for such a small battery is pretty
14:18 - 14:22
impressive also for such a light car
14:20 - 14:23
every pound counts now the main reason I
14:22 - 14:25
got this battery is because of this
14:23 - 14:27
feature right here this is my favorite
14:25 - 14:29
thing about this and that is a jump
14:27 - 14:30
start feature so if you run your battery
14:29 - 14:32
completely down you leave your
14:30 - 14:34
headlights on or something like that
14:32 - 14:36
this stores up enough energy where when
14:34 - 14:38
you press that it allows you to start
14:36 - 14:40
your car so that is huge that way you
14:38 - 14:42
won't get stranded plus all the extra
14:40 - 14:44
electrical stuff I'm going to be running
14:42 - 14:46
on this car between gauges the upgraded
14:44 - 14:48
ECU all that stuff for the turbo I want
14:46 - 14:49
to make sure I have a good power source
14:48 - 14:51
and that's why I picked out this battery
14:49 - 14:52
so let's get it installed another
14:51 - 14:54
benefit with the lightweight battery is
14:52 - 14:56
it's super easy to install because it's
14:54 - 14:57
so light so let's get the tie down in
14:56 - 14:59
place and tighten down both the nuts to
14:57 - 15:01
hold it in and that's not going anywhere
14:59 - 15:02
now don't forget to remove the terminal
15:01 - 15:04
covers then you want to connect the
15:02 - 15:05
positive terminal first and tighten it
15:04 - 15:07
down so it's snug and then finish by
15:05 - 15:09
connecting the negative terminal and
15:07 - 15:13
snug that up as well all right let's go
15:09 - 15:13
test out this battery Moment of
15:13 - 15:19
Truth well the battery cranks over that
15:16 - 15:22
engine extra fast that is a very strong
15:19 - 15:24
battery but I do not hear that fuel pump
15:22 - 15:25
priming this has been an issue since the
15:24 - 15:27
day I got the car and that's why I leave
15:25 - 15:29
a hammer right next to the fuel pump let
15:27 - 15:31
me show you so I use to hit the top of
15:29 - 15:33
the fuel pump to shake it up then I
15:33 - 15:37
key hear that the fuel pump's
15:37 - 15:42
working so there you go the fuel pump is
15:40 - 15:43
obviously bad now I'm pretty confident
15:42 - 15:45
this is the original fuel pump and as
15:43 - 15:47
you can see from all the surface debris
15:45 - 15:48
here all the rust this fuel pump has
15:47 - 15:50
seen better days I'm kind of afraid to
15:48 - 15:51
see what it looks like inside there
15:50 - 15:53
looks like this one's been epoxied
15:51 - 15:55
because of a leak or something so let's
15:53 - 15:57
replace this fuel pump with a nice brand
15:55 - 15:59
new fuel pump assembly and it has a
15:57 - 16:01
brand new fuel pump and fuel sock which
15:59 - 16:03
is like a pre-filter so let's go swap it
16:01 - 16:04
out we don't want any of this rust
16:03 - 16:06
getting into the fuel tank so let's
16:04 - 16:08
vacuum around the opening here now let's
16:06 - 16:10
disconnect this electrical connector and
16:08 - 16:11
set it off to the side next let's remove
16:10 - 16:13
the fuel return hose so move the hose
16:11 - 16:15
clamp down off the end here and out of
16:13 - 16:17
the way and this is a hose Grip Pliers
16:15 - 16:18
I'm using to help me remove this fuel
16:17 - 16:20
line and the trick is always to twist
16:18 - 16:22
the hose back and forth to break it free
16:20 - 16:24
since this has probably never been
16:22 - 16:26
removed since 1993 now we can remove the
16:24 - 16:28
high pressure fuel line by unscrewing
16:26 - 16:30
the banjo bolt and then set that off to
16:28 - 16:31
the side and finally there's six nuts
16:30 - 16:34
holding in the fuel pump assembly so
16:31 - 16:37
let's unscrew all those and now the fuel
16:34 - 16:40
pump is free and it could come right out
16:37 - 16:42
so out with the old and in with the new
16:40 - 16:44
ah you got to be kidding me actually
16:42 - 16:46
hold up this is why you always compare
16:44 - 16:47
Parts Because unless I'm missing
16:46 - 16:50
something here these two are definitely
16:47 - 16:52
not the same now since the goal here is
16:50 - 16:54
to get this car back on the road we have
16:52 - 16:56
hit a roadblock we do not want to delay
16:54 - 16:58
this any further cuz that's just an
16:56 - 17:00
excuse for oh well I'll let this car sit
16:58 - 17:03
even longer we want to get it back on
17:00 - 17:05
the road now so no more delays this
17:03 - 17:07
unfortunately is a very specific pump
17:05 - 17:09
for the Honda Del Soul I don't think
17:07 - 17:11
they make new ones at all I did a quick
17:09 - 17:12
search and I couldn't find any I reached
17:11 - 17:14
out to some Honda friends of mine and
17:12 - 17:16
they told me basically junkyard ones so
17:14 - 17:17
I'm going to look for a good junkyard
17:16 - 17:18
one but in the meantime that's going to
17:17 - 17:20
take a little while so I'm going to take
17:18 - 17:22
this pump right here I'm going to
17:20 - 17:23
retrofit it into my current fuel pump
17:22 - 17:25
assembly and I'm going to make sure it
17:23 - 17:27
works that way we could get this car
17:25 - 17:29
back on the road so first remove the
17:27 - 17:31
pump from the assembly oh the fuel sock
17:29 - 17:33
came off but that's okay now let's pull
17:31 - 17:35
this off the hose good and finally
17:33 - 17:37
disconnect the wiring harness and there
17:35 - 17:38
we go and this fuel pump looks the same
17:37 - 17:40
as the original one so now we want to
17:38 - 17:42
remove the original fuel pump the same
17:40 - 17:44
exact way so disconnect the wiring
17:42 - 17:45
harness then we can pull it off the hose
17:44 - 17:47
and finally let's remove the fuel sock
17:45 - 17:49
because this specifically fits the Dell
17:47 - 17:51
sole so let's get that old fuel sock on
17:49 - 17:53
the new pump and it's a press fit so
17:51 - 17:54
just make sure you push it on there good
17:53 - 17:57
perfect then we can push the electrical
17:54 - 17:59
connector back in then we can push the
17:57 - 18:01
fuel pump onto the hose and move that
17:59 - 18:03
hose clamp to the end so it doesn't come
18:01 - 18:04
off then we can push the pump back into
18:03 - 18:07
the assembly and we're good to go and
18:04 - 18:08
reinstall this into the tank now before
18:07 - 18:10
we install the new pump let's remove the
18:08 - 18:11
old fuel that's been in here for 5 years
18:10 - 18:14
because even though I added fuel
18:11 - 18:16
stabilizer gasoline degrades after 5
18:14 - 18:18
years and we want good fuel for our drag
18:16 - 18:20
strip and Dino runs there's only about a
18:18 - 18:22
half a tank in here anyway and this tank
18:20 - 18:23
isn't very big so once the tank is empty
18:22 - 18:25
let's install the rebuilt fuel pump
18:23 - 18:27
assembly making sure this is clocked in
18:25 - 18:29
the correct direction next tighten down
18:27 - 18:30
all six nuts in a Cris cross pattern so
18:29 - 18:32
the assembly mates to the top of the
18:30 - 18:34
fuel tank evenly that way there aren't
18:32 - 18:36
any leaks next we need to tighten down
18:34 - 18:38
the Bano bolt but it's important that
18:36 - 18:40
you don't re use these old washers and
18:38 - 18:42
instead make sure you use brand new ones
18:40 - 18:44
one goes on the bottom then the fuel
18:42 - 18:46
line goes on and then the other washer
18:44 - 18:48
goes on top and you could hand tighten
18:46 - 18:50
the bolt until it's snug now let's get
18:48 - 18:52
the fuel return line in place then we
18:50 - 18:54
can move the hose clamp to the end like
18:52 - 18:57
so and then reconnect the wiring harness
18:54 - 18:59
so it clicks good and finally this banjo
18:57 - 19:01
bolt gets torqued to 22t pound so it
18:59 - 19:02
won't leak fuel now let's add some fresh
19:01 - 19:04
fuel so we can make it to the gas
19:02 - 19:06
station and I'm using the crisix funnel
19:04 - 19:08
made in the USA and I'm only adding a
19:06 - 19:09
gallon because the gas station's right
19:08 - 19:11
around the corner good and that should
19:09 - 19:13
do it so let's get the gas cap back on
19:11 - 19:15
and the dirtiness of this fuel filler
19:13 - 19:17
area is bothering me so grab some soapy
19:15 - 19:19
water and spray it down then we're going
19:17 - 19:22
to agitate all the dirt with a brush and
19:19 - 19:25
finally rinse all the dirt away much
19:22 - 19:27
better okay moment of truth let's see if
19:25 - 19:30
she'll start but first let's just see if
19:27 - 19:30
the fuel pump will Prime
19:31 - 19:34
beautiful I hear that fuel pump and here
19:34 - 19:39
go all right now the first thing we need
19:37 - 19:41
to do real quick is check the fuel pump
19:39 - 19:42
area to make sure there's no leaks and
19:41 - 19:44
as you can see there's nothing leaking
19:42 - 19:46
here we're nice and dry so we're good to
19:44 - 19:48
go okay so she's been idling for a few
19:46 - 19:50
minutes now and she's running great the
19:48 - 19:53
only thing left to do is head out and
19:50 - 19:55
get some fuel because we are on E then
19:53 - 19:56
we can head to the track run our quarter
19:55 - 19:58
mile and then go to the dyno and see how
19:56 - 20:00
much power she's making so let's go to
20:02 - 20:06
station all right so I'm beginning to
20:04 - 20:07
think this car is cursed for whatever
20:06 - 20:09
reason the rear brakes are jammed up and
20:07 - 20:11
not spinning even pulling it with my
20:09 - 20:12
truck isn't working to free it up so
20:11 - 20:13
we're going to have to take the wheels
20:13 - 20:16
investigate so let's Slide the Jack
20:15 - 20:18
under the car right under the
20:16 - 20:20
crossmember and Jack her up so the
20:18 - 20:22
wheels are off the ground can't forget
20:20 - 20:24
about the jack stands good and then we
20:22 - 20:25
can slowly let the car down on the jack
20:24 - 20:27
stands now we can break all four lug
20:25 - 20:29
nuts loose then remove them the rest of
20:27 - 20:31
the way by hand and take the wheel off
20:29 - 20:33
and I always like to slide the wheel
20:31 - 20:35
under the car for Extra Protection and
20:33 - 20:37
let's see here yeah just as I figured
20:35 - 20:37
let's hit this with a
20:41 - 20:46
hammer okay now that's much better now
20:44 - 20:48
it actually spins so let's remove the
20:46 - 20:49
drum and take a look at the damage oh
20:48 - 20:51
yeah and as you can see this is all
20:49 - 20:53
super Rusty I bet the flood water seized
20:51 - 20:54
up the drums from all the rust but don't
20:53 - 20:57
worry we're going to convert this to
20:54 - 20:59
disc brakes anyway but sheesh look at
20:57 - 21:01
this that's a lot of rust so now let's
20:59 - 21:02
get the unseized drum back on along with
21:02 - 21:07
wheel and then hand tighten the lug nuts
21:04 - 21:09
for now and we'll torque that
21:07 - 21:11
later now on the other side we want to
21:09 - 21:13
get the drum unstuck as
21:13 - 21:18
well there we go sheesh okay so both of
21:16 - 21:20
these drums are really rusty so these
21:18 - 21:21
are going to have to get replaced but
21:20 - 21:23
for now we're good to go so let's get
21:21 - 21:25
that drum back on and get the wheel back
21:23 - 21:27
on then hand tighten the lug nuts that
21:25 - 21:28
way we could torque them down now we
21:27 - 21:30
need to Jack the car up just a little
21:28 - 21:32
bit so we can remove the jack stands and
21:30 - 21:34
lower the car to the ground so the tires
21:32 - 21:36
just touch the ground now let's torque
21:34 - 21:38
the lug nuts to spec in a crisscross
21:36 - 21:39
pattern for both wheels and once both
21:38 - 21:41
wheels are torqued lower the car to the
21:39 - 21:42
ground the rest of the way and let's go
21:42 - 21:47
ride first up the gas station because we
21:45 - 21:49
are running on
21:47 - 21:51
fumes all right so let's go get some
21:49 - 21:53
fresh fuel in the Dell Sole and I'm
21:51 - 21:55
going to be using Shell's V power Nitro
21:53 - 21:58
plus which has additives in it that
21:55 - 22:00
cleans the fuel injectors up to 100%
21:58 - 22:02
it's 93 octane which will be very
22:00 - 22:05
helpful once we boost the Dell
22:02 - 22:06
sole now so you have an actual idea of
22:05 - 22:08
what dirty injectors look like compared
22:06 - 22:10
to clean injectors here's four fuel
22:08 - 22:11
injectors from another one of my cars
22:10 - 22:13
and you can see the second injector is
22:11 - 22:14
dirty and the spray pattern is not good
22:13 - 22:16
same thing with the third injector
22:14 - 22:18
although it's not as dirty but both of
22:16 - 22:19
these would cause a loss in fuel economy
22:18 - 22:21
so it's important that your injectors
22:19 - 22:23
are clean like these two outside ones
22:21 - 22:25
which are working perfectly so hopefully
22:23 - 22:27
that visual helped now let's go fill her
22:25 - 22:29
up now if you ever wondered what it
22:27 - 22:30
looks like when you're fuel fing up your
22:29 - 22:32
car from the inside of the gas tank
22:30 - 22:33
Wonder no more here's something you
22:32 - 22:36
don't get to see every
22:33 - 22:38
day and just like that we are filled up
22:36 - 22:40
with some fresh fuel I do want to thank
22:38 - 22:42
shell very much for supporting the video
22:40 - 22:44
and supporting the budget build I cannot
22:42 - 22:46
wait to see what she does on the quarter
22:44 - 22:48
mile and what kind of horsepower she
22:46 - 22:51
puts down on the dyno so let's go head
22:48 - 22:53
to the track oh man I've missed this so
22:51 - 22:56
much if you have a project car it's on
22:53 - 22:58
jack stands or in storage or not driving
22:56 - 22:59
get it driving trust me this feels so
22:58 - 23:01
good to be back on the road and it
22:59 - 23:03
doesn't have to be perfect don't make
23:01 - 23:04
your car perfect just get it on the road
23:03 - 23:06
got a cracked windshield I got a check
23:04 - 23:08
engine light on I got a shifter that's
23:06 - 23:10
Loosey Goosey I'm pretty sure the
23:08 - 23:12
exhaust the muffler whatever fell off
23:10 - 23:14
either that or has a hole in it because
23:12 - 23:17
it's so loud listen to
23:14 - 23:19
this but you get the idea the car is
23:17 - 23:21
running and driving and it feels amazing
23:19 - 23:22
I missed this so let's get to the track
23:21 - 23:24
and let's see what we can do for the
23:22 - 23:26
quarter mile all right so we made it to
23:24 - 23:28
the drag strip and I'm here with my
23:26 - 23:29
buddy Cletus McFarland you ready to let
23:28 - 23:31
her RP yeah let's see what it run down
23:29 - 23:33
the drag STP then we'll take it over to
23:31 - 23:35
our Dyno okay so I've only done a/
23:33 - 23:37
quarter mile one other time before and
23:35 - 23:42
that was years ago but Cletus gave me
23:37 - 23:42
some tips so let's see what I could do
24:12 - 24:18
so we ran an 18.4 second quarter mile at
24:15 - 24:20
76 mph and the 0 to 60 time was 11.22
24:18 - 24:22
seconds which just to give you an idea
24:20 - 24:24
is slower than my Prius now before we
24:22 - 24:25
head to the dyo Cletus wanted to give
24:24 - 24:27
her a rip and I'm curious to see how
24:25 - 24:29
much faster he's going to be with all
24:27 - 24:32
his Drag Racing Experience it's a tight
24:55 - 25:03
on what is the pop of for ship
25:00 - 25:03
that's it third
25:05 - 25:11
gear what I run 179 all right and for
25:10 - 25:14
anybody who's into drag racing here are
25:11 - 25:17
the Time Slips you could see I am just
25:14 - 25:19
about a half a second behind Cletus
25:17 - 25:21
that's not bad for my second time drag
25:19 - 25:22
racing so we have a good Baseline for
25:21 - 25:25
our quarter mile times now let's head to
25:22 - 25:27
the dyno so a dino is like a giant
25:25 - 25:28
treadmill for cars and since the Del Sol
25:27 - 25:31
is front-wheel drive we need a to put
25:28 - 25:33
the front wheels on the dyno all right
25:31 - 25:38
so what do you think we're going to run
25:33 - 25:39
93 honadel Soul Powerhouse I'm going 93
25:38 - 25:42
horsepower all right what's the least
25:39 - 25:47
horsepower you've had on this
25:42 - 25:47
dyo 93 honadel soul
26:21 - 26:27
wow brother woo baby so here are the
26:25 - 26:29
results the dotted line is the torque
26:27 - 26:32
and the solid line is the horsepower so
26:29 - 26:35
max torque happens around 4700 RPMs at
26:32 - 26:38
89 lb feet and then max power is made at
26:35 - 26:39
around 6,000 RPMs at 92 horsepower and
26:38 - 26:43
I'm very curious cuz look at how the
26:39 - 26:45
power falls off real hard at 6,500 RPMs
26:43 - 26:46
I wonder what's happening there almost
26:45 - 26:49
made 100 horsepower it's up there with
26:46 - 26:51
the record all right well I appreciate
26:49 - 26:52
after turbo we'll see how she does bring
26:51 - 26:54
her back maybe double the power we're
26:52 - 26:56
interested to see what you do all right
26:54 - 26:58
thank you guys yes sir all right so the
26:56 - 27:00
project Del Soul is back she's live
26:58 - 27:01
she's kicking and it feels so good to be
27:00 - 27:04
able to drive her again she's not in
27:01 - 27:05
storage she's not on jack stands if this
27:04 - 27:07
isn't motivation for you guys to get
27:05 - 27:10
your project car back on the road I
27:07 - 27:14
don't know what is so now we have our
27:10 - 27:16
pre-turbo 0 to 604 Mile and Dyno numbers
27:14 - 27:19
and you guys know what that means it is
27:16 - 27:22
time to install a turbo kit and not just
27:19 - 27:24
any turbo kit this is the classic $600
27:22 - 27:26
eBay turbo kit it is very budget
27:24 - 27:28
friendly and we're going to try to make
27:26 - 27:29
some reliable power using this kit just
27:28 - 27:31
as a quick overview you have your
27:29 - 27:33
couplers and tubing for the intercooler
27:31 - 27:35
you obviously have your turbo you have
27:33 - 27:38
all the oil lines that need to go to the
27:35 - 27:40
oil pan to feed the turbo and also drain
27:38 - 27:41
the turbo you have your wastegate you
27:40 - 27:44
have your blowoff valve you have your
27:41 - 27:45
exhaust components and your intercooler
27:44 - 27:47
and that's pretty much what comes with
27:45 - 27:49
the kit but that's not all you need
27:47 - 27:51
you're going to need more as usual so we
27:49 - 27:53
have our cooler spark plugs and we're
27:51 - 27:54
going to need to upgrade the fuel system
27:53 - 27:56
something simple like just replacing
27:54 - 27:58
your original fuel filter is important
27:56 - 28:01
getting a higher flow fuel pump getting
27:58 - 28:02
better injectors and of course upgrading
28:01 - 28:03
the ECU so you could tune it and then
28:02 - 28:05
you're going to have to do some other
28:03 - 28:07
stuff like add some gauges it's
28:05 - 28:09
important to know boost air fuel ratios
28:07 - 28:11
fuel pressure oil pressure stuff like
28:09 - 28:12
that so there is a lot that goes into it
28:11 - 28:14
and I'm going to show you everything you
28:12 - 28:16
need to know in a complete series on how
28:14 - 28:18
to get your car ready to Turbo and then
28:16 - 28:20
how to turbo your car but wait there's
28:18 - 28:21
more remember how the exhaust is all
28:20 - 28:23
messed up the muffler is kind of just
28:21 - 28:25
hanging there underneath the car it
28:23 - 28:26
sounds really loud well we're going to
28:25 - 28:27
fix that with a brand new exhaust system
28:26 - 28:29
so I'm going to show you how to install
28:27 - 28:32
this and Hondas don't really usually
28:29 - 28:34
sound that great with a full exhaust
28:32 - 28:36
it's just kind of how it is but this is
28:34 - 28:38
a valved exhaust so when you want the
28:36 - 28:40
extra power you want it to be loud you
28:38 - 28:43
open up the valve it goes straight
28:40 - 28:44
through and it's loud when you want to
28:43 - 28:46
be quiet for your neighbors or just for
28:44 - 28:48
cruising around town or whatever it is
28:46 - 28:50
you close the valve and it's nice and
28:48 - 28:51
quiet and this kit comes with everything
28:50 - 28:54
you need to install it so that is going
28:51 - 28:55
to be awesome another very important fix
28:54 - 28:58
I'm going to show you how to do is fix
28:55 - 28:59
your wet noodle of a shifter so that's
28:58 - 29:02
first right there but it looks like
28:59 - 29:04
neutral look at how loose that is I
29:02 - 29:06
think that's third no that's first
29:04 - 29:08
that's third I can't even tell that's
29:06 - 29:11
how bad this shifter is it's so vague
29:08 - 29:13
it's not crisp and it's just not good
29:11 - 29:15
and the reason why is this right here
29:13 - 29:17
you could see how rusted everything is
29:15 - 29:19
underneath all the bushings are bad and
29:17 - 29:22
there's just so much play in this
29:19 - 29:24
shifter that's not good so to fix that I
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got this rust free shifter linkage from
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the junkyard you can see that looks way
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better than what we have but it does
29:27 - 29:31
have the rubber bushings on both ends
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which are shot so we're going to be
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installing polyurethane bushings which
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are stiffer that way we have a more
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crisp shift and they won't move as much
29:37 - 29:41
as the rubber does plus we're going to
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install a short throw shifter again more
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direct more crisp shifts so it's going
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to feel amazing and finally you guys
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remember how bad those drum brakes were
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in the rear they were super Rusty and
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also They seized up on us but I'm not
29:51 - 29:55
worried because we're going to be doing
29:52 - 29:57
a drum to disc conversion using these
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adapter plates and then using Brake
29:57 - 30:01
Hardware and brake parts from different
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vehicles that are already on the road
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and I think you get the idea as with any
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project there's always something to do
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we got the front bumper to install here
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there's fenders that I need to put on
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we're going to end up getting paint
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workor done to this car when it's all
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said and done there's a bunch of parts I
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want to install we have a nice carbon
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fiber steering wheel going in brand new
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carpets and seats we got to rebuild the
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entire rear suspension just like we did
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the front suspension you got a rear
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bumper going on and a nice spoiler
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that'll go on and I mean there's much
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much more can't wait to show you guys
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everything so I hope you guys enjoyed
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this video if you did remember to give
30:32 - 30:34
it a thumbs up if you're not a
30:33 - 30:36
subscriber consider hitting that
30:34 - 30:38
subscribe button for updates about this
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build and as always all the tools and
30:38 - 30:41
products I used in this video are linked
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down in the description so you can
30:41 - 30:43
easily find them