00:05 - 00:11
you get two runs off the first ball you
00:08 - 00:13
hit the next for a four and the third
00:11 - 00:17
ball it's a
00:13 - 00:21
six but how do you top that welcome to
00:17 - 00:25
the in-depth review of the ather Rista
00:21 - 00:27
this is a family scooter and they can be
00:25 - 00:30
kind of dull but this is an ather and
00:27 - 00:34
they are usually kind of
00:30 - 00:36
exciting wow but first let's free up
00:34 - 00:40
those who are not ready to sit down and
00:36 - 00:43
watch an electric family scooter review
00:40 - 00:46
I think the athera makes a very decent
00:43 - 00:48
purchase it's spacious it's going to be
00:46 - 00:50
quite comfortable and I think you and
00:48 - 00:54
the members of your family will enjoy
00:50 - 00:56
both riding it and owning it there are
00:54 - 01:00
flaws what we'd recommend you look at is
00:56 - 01:03
not this the top x with the 3.7 KW
01:00 - 01:06
battery but the bottom s model it's
01:03 - 01:08
extremely cost effective and yes the
01:06 - 01:10
risda does have a few flaws the design
01:08 - 01:12
from the rear especially I don't think
01:10 - 01:15
everyone's going to like it and the
01:12 - 01:18
suspension it is an improvement over the
01:15 - 01:20
450x but I wonder if it's enough of an
01:18 - 01:23
improvement I think we need to set two
01:20 - 01:25
contexts for the story first the family
01:23 - 01:27
scooter as we know it today is a
01:25 - 01:30
template the active ass set years ago
01:27 - 01:32
and honestly since then innovation it's
01:30 - 01:35
been really thin on the ground today we
01:32 - 01:38
recommend a lot of axis 125s and
01:35 - 01:41
Jupiters as the best family scooters and
01:38 - 01:44
in the Electric World maybe the IQ which
01:41 - 01:45
is an electric Jupiter it's unassuming
01:45 - 01:52
quiet and it Blends in you almost miss
01:49 - 01:56
one going by and that blending in is
01:52 - 01:58
something that ather just cannot do look
01:56 - 02:00
at the 450 extra day is that design up
01:58 - 02:04
to date oh heck no but it's still
02:00 - 02:09
striking and unique their performance
02:04 - 02:12
feel appeal features and price Define
02:09 - 02:14
and give the athers a very specific feel
02:12 - 02:17
I'm not sure all of these translate
02:14 - 02:20
easily to family scooters so does that
02:17 - 02:24
mean ather Rista is in trouble on the
02:20 - 02:26
design front somewhat quality and finish
02:24 - 02:29
levels are good but there are a couple
02:26 - 02:32
of flimsy bits that need a second look
02:29 - 02:34
the seat hinge it's a little bit wobbly
02:32 - 02:37
and these mirrors they feel much cheaper
02:34 - 02:39
than what we used to from this company
02:37 - 02:42
now from the front the Rista looks
02:39 - 02:45
handsome and substantial a trick that
02:42 - 02:47
the 450s have still yet to figure out
02:45 - 02:48
but when you walk to the other end of
02:48 - 02:55
scooter oh boy that taper in the body
02:52 - 02:57
workor from the tail light downwards I'm
02:55 - 03:00
not convinced that was a good idea it
02:57 - 03:04
makes the ather look pinch
03:00 - 03:06
almost Meek and I'm not convinced
03:04 - 03:08
thankfully that doesn't cause any
03:06 - 03:11
functional issues because under the
03:08 - 03:14
plastic is the same frame as the 450 and
03:11 - 03:17
ather work to create a lot more space
03:14 - 03:19
than the 450s have I'm sure you've seen
03:17 - 03:21
a retired wrestler thumping on about the
03:19 - 03:23
great seat um and a Bollywood
03:21 - 03:26
personality talking about how much
03:23 - 03:28
shopping she fit under that seat the
03:26 - 03:32
space is more impressive than both the
03:28 - 03:34
promos and look ather didn't pay to park
03:32 - 03:38
Arista at the bottom of a foreign
03:34 - 03:41
swimming pool where were we I yes space
03:38 - 03:43
the final frontier there is more than
03:41 - 03:46
enough for Rider and billion both and
03:43 - 03:48
this is ather best seat yet and I'm
03:46 - 03:51
still going to say two steps short of
03:48 - 03:53
being done taller Riders you're still
03:51 - 03:56
going to be sliding forward in the seat
03:53 - 03:58
it is a lot less than before and in that
03:56 - 04:01
sense it is an improvement but it's
03:58 - 04:03
still there the flow board is generous
04:01 - 04:06
as is the space under the seat I only
04:03 - 04:08
wish that the walls of that cubby hole
04:06 - 04:11
were a little bit more flat sided allaha
04:08 - 04:13
Ola but as long as you leave the charger
04:11 - 04:16
at home there's no lack of space what I
04:13 - 04:19
also think is you should definitely get
04:16 - 04:20
the, 1500 rupee underseat organizer bag
04:19 - 04:23
thingy to me it should just have been
04:20 - 04:25
standard and the accessory you should
04:23 - 04:27
just not waste any time or money on of
04:25 - 04:29
course is the ather connected helmet
04:27 - 04:32
neither the safety certification nor the
04:29 - 04:34
the price makes sense so on the Comfort
04:32 - 04:37
front there's no lack of space but there
04:34 - 04:40
is the matter of the suspension it is
04:37 - 04:43
better than the 450 only buy a bit
04:40 - 04:45
riding solo there is noticeably more
04:43 - 04:47
Comfort but hit a broken patch and you
04:45 - 04:49
are still going to get bounced around
04:47 - 04:51
two up the experience is more
04:49 - 04:54
comfortable and controlled but that
04:51 - 04:56
means there are IC and electric Rivals
04:54 - 05:00
that have found better suspension
04:56 - 05:02
choices that I was not expecting on the
05:00 - 05:05
motor and Battery front there is a lack
05:02 - 05:07
of surprises and that's a good thing
05:05 - 05:09
right this is the same motor and the
05:07 - 05:12
same two battery packs that we know from
05:09 - 05:16
the 450 this time aether's extracting
05:12 - 05:20
less performance to extend your range so
05:16 - 05:23
acceleration slower top speed lower you
05:20 - 05:25
have just two riding modes one if you
05:23 - 05:28
live in a hilly place and you'll see
05:25 - 05:31
roughly 10 km more range from the
05:28 - 05:33
corresponding 450 battery packs and the
05:31 - 05:35
wrist that does feel different and I
05:33 - 05:38
thoroughly enjoyed how smooth these
05:35 - 05:41
athers have now become the top mode is
05:38 - 05:43
called zip and it's got enough um zip to
05:41 - 05:46
make the city feel light and easy
05:43 - 05:49
without the sizzle and panash of the
05:46 - 05:53
warp or sport modes ather says you'll
05:49 - 05:55
see between 80 and 105 km of real world
05:53 - 05:58
range depending on the variant you pick
05:55 - 06:00
and based on what we've seen on this
05:58 - 06:03
those are real numbers
06:00 - 06:06
and I think zip is a great choice
06:03 - 06:08
between range and performance very very
06:06 - 06:11
nicely done I can see it making you
06:08 - 06:13
happy and I can see family members two
06:11 - 06:16
decades your senior just as
06:13 - 06:20
satisfied the other mode is smart Eco
06:16 - 06:22
which mostly is normal but if you're
06:20 - 06:25
riding slowly or the batter is kind of
06:22 - 06:29
low smart Eco can lose most of its
06:25 - 06:31
intelligence and become dumb Eco which
06:29 - 06:33
does sound harsh but we get to pull
06:31 - 06:36
aether's legs so little I'm going to
06:33 - 06:39
make the most of this in slow traffic
06:36 - 06:41
smar Eco has just enough performance
06:39 - 06:43
keeping up with traffic overtaking a few
06:41 - 06:47
things no stress and you'll see between
06:43 - 06:49
100 to 125 km of range in the real world
06:47 - 06:52
depending on which battery pack you've
06:49 - 06:54
chosen fine but when you're faced with a
06:52 - 06:56
flyover or you live in a town with
06:54 - 07:00
sloped roads you'd better be prepared
06:56 - 07:01
for two things one have a lot of charge
07:00 - 07:05
left and be prepared to open the
07:01 - 07:08
throttle a lot or switch to zip mode
07:05 - 07:11
which is what I ended up doing the Rista
07:08 - 07:15
doesn't die valiantly on the slopes of
07:11 - 07:18
battle it just comes close it climbs
07:15 - 07:20
slowly and it's losing speed the entire
07:18 - 07:23
time until it hits some residual speed
07:20 - 07:25
above 10 km an hour and then that's how
07:23 - 07:28
it crawls the rest of the way uphill
07:25 - 07:31
it's really tiresome that achieves a few
07:28 - 07:33
things one one on the same riding cycle
07:31 - 07:36
as a 450x this scooter returned
07:33 - 07:40
consistently 15 to 18 km more range so
07:36 - 07:42
all of this does work but the flip side
07:40 - 07:45
of that is the scooter can be so
07:42 - 07:48
tiresome to ride in some situations that
07:45 - 07:50
easily this is the most boring thing AA
07:48 - 07:53
makes okay let's move on how do you
07:50 - 07:55
charge these things the smaller RDA
07:53 - 07:59
models get a 350 W charger that takes
07:55 - 08:02
about 9 hours to get it from 0o to 100%
07:59 - 08:05
if you buy this the 3.7 KW battery then
08:02 - 08:07
you get the 700 W charger which needs
08:05 - 08:09
about 6 hours to do the same job all of
08:07 - 08:11
the three ristas can be fast charged
08:09 - 08:14
expect about an hour to get to 80% on
08:11 - 08:18
the grid Network paying about a rupee
08:14 - 08:19
per minute of charging easy and there is
08:18 - 08:21
a charging accessory that I think you
08:19 - 08:24
absolutely should get which is the wall
08:21 - 08:26
mount for the duo charger this means you
08:24 - 08:28
can have the charger wall mounted and
08:26 - 08:30
then take it out of the mount and put it
08:28 - 08:32
under the seat if you need do without
08:30 - 08:34
having to acquire two of them and this
08:32 - 08:36
is important because if you do carry
08:34 - 08:39
that charger around it consumes nearly
08:36 - 08:41
half the space under the seat so how
08:39 - 08:43
will the Risa be to live with well I
08:41 - 08:46
think it should be much simpler than
08:43 - 08:48
living with an Ola but I suppose living
08:46 - 08:49
without a scooter would be simpler than
08:48 - 08:52
living with an Ola so we haven't
08:49 - 08:54
actually achieved much let me rephrase
08:52 - 08:56
how will the risk the be to live with I
08:54 - 08:59
think it should be pretty simple what we
08:56 - 09:01
expect to see ultimately is two Services
08:59 - 09:03
a year year one mostly for Diagnostics
09:01 - 09:05
and inspections and the other for that
09:03 - 09:07
and consumables and wear and tear parts
09:05 - 09:10
and that's it and this Rista now has
09:07 - 09:12
these impressively huge plastic shrouds
09:10 - 09:13
at the bottom which should solve some of
09:12 - 09:16
the known issues like the squeaky belts
09:13 - 09:19
once filth gets into them and overall
09:16 - 09:21
ather service reputation is pretty
09:19 - 09:24
decent the warranty coverage is also
09:21 - 09:27
decent all versions of the Rista get a
09:24 - 09:31
standard 3-year 30,000 km warranty that
09:27 - 09:33
covers vehicle charger and the battery
09:31 - 09:35
if you add prop pack you get another 2
09:33 - 09:37
years and 30,000 km of coverage for the
09:35 - 09:40
battery and the battery cover at ather
09:40 - 09:45
comprehensive what is less clear is what
09:43 - 09:48
happens after propack the first 3 years
09:45 - 09:51
connectivity is free what happens after
09:48 - 09:54
that has never been explained when I
09:51 - 09:57
asked tarun ather CEO he said shouldn't
09:54 - 09:58
be more than 1,000 bucks a year surely 6
09:57 - 10:02
years after you started selling scooters
09:58 - 10:04
we can get a closed ended answer right
10:02 - 10:07
it's important because connectivity
10:04 - 10:09
defines all of the software features
10:07 - 10:11
without it you don't get riding modes
10:09 - 10:13
you don't get the useful but slightly
10:11 - 10:16
glitchy Hill hold function you don't get
10:13 - 10:18
magic twist which on the scooter I have
10:16 - 10:20
enjoyed using but by now I thought it
10:18 - 10:22
would be natural to me and it's not
10:20 - 10:25
which means more calibration work still
10:22 - 10:28
needs to be done so is the pro pack
10:25 - 10:30
worth buying yes I think it is but
10:28 - 10:34
Willer r be completely useless if you
10:30 - 10:37
opted out not at all which brings us to
10:34 - 10:40
the question which Rista should you buy
10:37 - 10:44
the sensible choice is the base ather
10:40 - 10:47
Risa s with the 2.9 KW battery there is
10:44 - 10:50
no emotional Choice here and what you
10:47 - 10:52
trade in if you do that is 10 to 15 km
10:50 - 10:55
of range and the color screen more or
10:52 - 10:58
less that's it and you'd save 44,000
10:55 - 11:00
rupees from the Top Model give or take
10:58 - 11:02
that's a huge saving and if you get the
11:00 - 11:05
S your family can't really chase you
11:02 - 11:07
down using WhatsApp on your scooter
11:05 - 11:11
screen and to me that's priceless so why
11:07 - 11:14
would you buy the Riza X 3.7 at all I
11:11 - 11:16
suppose your commute is really long and
11:14 - 11:19
every single kilometer of range makes a
11:16 - 11:21
difference or you're just dying of range
11:19 - 11:26
anxiety what about the rivals you have
11:21 - 11:28
chetak IQ the Olas and I wish honestly
11:26 - 11:31
that that answer was a lot clearer
11:28 - 11:33
because the risk is a good scooter but a
11:31 - 11:36
groundbreaking family electric scooter
11:33 - 11:38
it's not ownership experience versus the
11:36 - 11:40
Ola this is definitely going to be
11:38 - 11:44
better but honestly that's not saying
11:40 - 11:46
much the TVs will match the risaa space
11:44 - 11:49
feel slightly more comfortable and also
11:46 - 11:52
a little bit slower the jetak is very
11:49 - 11:56
affordable it has similar range now but
11:52 - 11:58
performance space it's not that close
11:56 - 12:00
and honestly that leaves the river Indie
11:58 - 12:03
which might be the most interesting of
12:00 - 12:05
this entire bunch of scooters but that
12:03 - 12:08
network is so small it's not going to
12:05 - 12:10
make a dent what about the IC whose age
12:08 - 12:13
is apparently ending but at an
12:10 - 12:16
unexpectedly glacial Pace well I think
12:13 - 12:19
the axis 125 and the Jupiter 110 Remain
12:16 - 12:21
the most effective family scooters today
12:19 - 12:23
they are cheaper to acquire they are
12:21 - 12:25
useful they are predictable they are
12:23 - 12:27
comfortable they do all of their jobs
12:25 - 12:29
well and both of these scooters
12:27 - 12:32
specifically they have a clear sense of
12:29 - 12:35
Personality which none of the electrics
12:32 - 12:37
maybe apart from the Indie have the only
12:35 - 12:41
exception to that is the ather
12:37 - 12:43
450x and that's not a family scoda and
12:41 - 12:47
that brings us back to the Rista which
12:43 - 12:49
is a distinctly odd ather it does have
12:47 - 12:51
some of those cool features we associate
12:49 - 12:54
with this brand it does have some of
12:51 - 12:57
those solutions that when ather deploys
12:54 - 13:00
in hindsight they seem obvious and like
12:57 - 13:02
everybody should just do it but it lacks
13:00 - 13:04
that unique feel and Persona that we've
13:02 - 13:07
seen in all the athers and I think
13:04 - 13:09
that's a bit of a miss the Riza will
13:07 - 13:11
keep the scoreboard moving for ather but
13:09 - 13:15
honestly I was hoping for a lot more
13:11 - 13:20
here to cheer 4 a clean hard hit into
13:15 - 13:20
the stands that it is not