00:00 - 00:03

reset your

00:03 - 00:07

mind and reset your

00:08 - 00:16

life if you are in a place where you

00:13 - 00:20

feel like you just have too much going

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on and you feel like you're all over the

00:20 - 00:25

place can't focus maybe you're sad maybe

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you're angry all the time you're having

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a hard

00:26 - 00:33

time controlling your emotions

00:30 - 00:36

and you're not getting the results you

00:33 - 00:39

want then this video is for you I'm

00:36 - 00:41

going to give you some actionable things

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that you can actually do

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immediately to help reset your mind and

00:44 - 00:49

restart your life to get your life back

00:47 - 00:54


00:49 - 00:57

track because life is hard right we all

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00:57 - 01:02

adversity and it's how we react

01:00 - 01:04

to those adverse

01:02 - 01:06

situations that really changes

01:04 - 01:08

everything for

01:06 - 01:13

us so first I want to get something out

01:08 - 01:15

of the way if you are having negative

01:13 - 01:18

thoughts realize that they're not

01:15 - 01:21

helping you so be self-aware of that

01:18 - 01:23

that's step one so those negative

01:21 - 01:26

thoughts you need to push them out of

01:23 - 01:29

your mind because they are not helping

01:26 - 01:31

you not at all right so if you failed

01:29 - 01:32

your test or you know you got in a fight

01:31 - 01:35

with your friend or your significant

01:32 - 01:40

other or someone cut you off in

01:35 - 01:43

traffic Let It Go Let It

01:40 - 01:45

Go one thing you can do and I recommend

01:43 - 01:48

doing this if if you're really having a

01:45 - 01:52

hard time is going

01:48 - 01:54

outside and going for a walk right go

01:52 - 01:56

for a walk take a couple deep breaths go

01:54 - 01:59

outside and get some fresh air makes a

01:56 - 02:02

huge difference in how you feel and if

01:59 - 02:05

you don't want to go for a walk then you

02:02 - 02:07

have to tell yourself that well I don't

02:05 - 02:09

want to go for a walk but I'm going to

02:07 - 02:10

go anyways because I know I'll feel

02:09 - 02:13


02:10 - 02:14

afterwards trust the process sometimes

02:13 - 02:16

you have to do things you don't want to

02:14 - 02:19

do because you know you're going to feel

02:16 - 02:21

differently after you do them right it's

02:19 - 02:23

called being self-aware it's very very

02:21 - 02:27

important so after you've gone for your

02:23 - 02:29

walk the next step is to realize that

02:27 - 02:33

the only way you're going to get out of

02:29 - 02:36

the situation you're in is to take

02:33 - 02:36

action so if you're trying to get better

02:36 - 02:40


02:36 - 02:44

mathematics take action do mathematics

02:40 - 02:46

if you are trying to get a better job

02:44 - 02:48

because you don't have any money take

02:46 - 02:51

action work on either getting a new

02:48 - 02:53

skill or looking for a job but take

02:51 - 02:55

action it's very important that you do

02:53 - 02:58

something and the reason is

02:55 - 03:00

this you can sit there and you can think

02:58 - 03:03

about your problem and your

03:00 - 03:04

worries and you can sit there and you

03:03 - 03:07

can think about how things might get

03:04 - 03:10

better and dream about the future but

03:07 - 03:12

neither of those actions really has a

03:10 - 03:14

direct impact on your life and I'm not

03:12 - 03:17

saying it's wrong to think about the

03:14 - 03:18

past and you know learn from mistakes

03:17 - 03:21

and maybe you have some good memories

03:18 - 03:24

too and it's certainly good to dream and

03:21 - 03:27

think about the future but in only one

03:24 - 03:30

state of mind can you make any choices

03:27 - 03:32

that will directly impact your future

03:30 - 03:34

and that my friends is the

03:32 - 03:37

present be

03:34 - 03:39

present and being present allows you to

03:37 - 03:44


03:39 - 03:48

action super key that gives you a very

03:44 - 03:49

very strong mental reset in some sense

03:48 - 03:52

because whenever you're faced with

03:49 - 03:54

something that's adverse and you're

03:52 - 03:56

trying to get something done or you have

03:54 - 03:58

something else that you're trying to do

03:56 - 04:00

with your day because remember action is

03:58 - 04:03

what leads to results right it's all

04:00 - 04:05

about action it's all about doing right

04:03 - 04:07

doing things getting them

04:05 - 04:09

done so whenever you're having a day

04:07 - 04:11

like that you can tell yourself hey no I

04:09 - 04:12

don't need to be thinking about what

04:11 - 04:14

happened yesterday or about what soand

04:12 - 04:16

so said to me or hey I don't need to be

04:14 - 04:19

thinking about you know all the things I

04:16 - 04:24

have to do later no I need to single

04:19 - 04:27

task and focus on one thing and take

04:24 - 04:29

action that single tasking is a skill

04:27 - 04:32

you know it's unfortunate unfortunate

04:29 - 04:34

that we live in a world where we we're

04:32 - 04:38

just so much is demanded of us right

04:34 - 04:40

especially at work if you go to a job

04:38 - 04:42

most jobs

04:40 - 04:44


04:42 - 04:47

very diverse responsibilities that you

04:44 - 04:49

have to do you know if you look at job

04:47 - 04:51

descriptions on the internet for example

04:49 - 04:53

for various jobs they'll have like a

04:51 - 04:55

long list of tasks and when you start a

04:53 - 04:57

new job it's very overwhelming many

04:55 - 04:58

times it feels like it's a learning

04:57 - 05:00

curve because there's so many things

04:58 - 05:01

that you're expected to do

05:00 - 05:03

and it makes sense right from an

05:01 - 05:05

employer's perspective they would want

05:03 - 05:06

each employee to do as much as possible

05:05 - 05:09

right because it costs money to pay

05:06 - 05:13

employees I mean employers do pay the

05:09 - 05:15

employees so why is it like that the

05:13 - 05:18

answer is I don't know but I do know

05:15 - 05:21

this I do know that single tasking is

05:18 - 05:23

much more effective that I do know and

05:21 - 05:26

so when you're in that place where your

05:23 - 05:28

mind is scattered you can't get control

05:26 - 05:32

go for that walk take those deep breaths

05:28 - 05:35

come back be present push those negative

05:32 - 05:39

thoughts out and reset your mind right

05:35 - 05:41

it's like a mental reset and that reset

05:39 - 05:43

is going to give you Clarity it's going

05:41 - 05:45

to give you peace and you will start to

05:43 - 05:47

feel Invincible with these techniques

05:45 - 05:51

you really

05:47 - 05:52

will if you can focus on being present

05:51 - 05:55

in the present moment and and being

05:52 - 05:57

self-aware of that and if needed if you

05:55 - 05:59

can push out thoughts from your mind

05:57 - 06:01

whenever they're there you can do

05:59 - 06:04

anything I want to end this video with

06:01 - 06:08

one thing I want you to do something

06:04 - 06:12

after this video I want you to figure

06:08 - 06:14

out what your goals are and take action

06:12 - 06:19

so let's go over that how do you figure

06:14 - 06:22

out your goals well pretend that you had

06:19 - 06:23

a superpower that I've just given you

06:22 - 06:26

and with this

06:23 - 06:28

superpower you will never fail that's

06:26 - 06:30

right you will never fail you can do

06:28 - 06:33

anything in the world as long as you

06:30 - 06:35

work hard right it might take some time

06:33 - 06:37

it's just you have this ability that at

06:35 - 06:39

some point you will reach your goal you

06:37 - 06:42

you might have failures along the way

06:39 - 06:46

but like you're gonna get your big

06:42 - 06:48

dream so if you could have anything in

06:46 - 06:52

the world as long as you worked for it

06:48 - 06:54

anything any place any life any life not

06:52 - 06:58

just about money or degrees any life so

06:54 - 07:01

you can live anywhere I mean

06:58 - 07:03

anything what would it be and then when

07:01 - 07:04

you figure that out and you take a step

07:03 - 07:07

back you're like oh that's what I really

07:04 - 07:09

want to do with my life and then you

07:07 - 07:11

realize that you're not doing it because

07:09 - 07:13

you're afraid so figure that out so once

07:11 - 07:17

you figure it out when this video is

07:13 - 07:20

over I want you to take action I want

07:17 - 07:21

you to do something and work towards

07:20 - 07:24


07:21 - 07:28

goal because that's going to directly

07:24 - 07:30

have a positive effect on your life and

07:28 - 07:33

you just spent all this time watching

07:30 - 07:35

this video so it would be really good if

07:33 - 07:36

you got something from it you know and

07:35 - 07:38

you like you did something with that

07:36 - 07:40

information because I know a lot of

07:38 - 07:42

times I watch videos on YouTube and I

07:40 - 07:44

watch them I'm like ah and I feel like

07:42 - 07:46

you know brain dead like I haven't done

07:44 - 07:48

anything right so so after this video do

07:46 - 07:50

something right do

07:48 - 07:55

something find that big dream and take

07:50 - 07:58

one small step remember the past is gone

07:55 - 08:00

right Future's not here all you have is

07:58 - 08:05

right now today

08:00 - 08:05

today get to work

Reset Your Life: Transforming Negativity into Actionable Steps

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get overwhelmed, lost in negative thoughts, or unable to focus. If you're feeling like you're all over the place, constantly sad or angry, and struggling to control your emotions while not getting the results you desire, this video is tailored for you. It offers practical advice to reset your mind and kick-start your life in the right direction.

Acknowledge Negative Thoughts and Take Action

The first step towards a mental reset is acknowledging those negative thoughts that cloud your mind. Realize that dwelling on them won't benefit you in any way. Push them out and let them go. Whether you've failed a test, had an argument, or faced a challenging situation, remind yourself to "Let It Go."

Embrace the Power of the Outdoors

When feeling overwhelmed, a simple step like going for a walk can work wonders. Step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and let nature rejuvenate you. Even if you initially resist the idea, remind yourself of the positive impact it can have on your well-being. Trust the process, even if it means doing things you may not feel like doing at first.

Be Present and Take Action

To truly reset your mind and life, recognizing the importance of being present is crucial. Dwelling on the past or fantasizing about the future won't bring about tangible change. It's the actions you take in the present that shape your future. Focus on single-tasking and taking decisive actions rather than getting lost in a flurry of thoughts and responsibilities.

Find Clarity and Peace Through Action

In a world where multitasking is often glorified, mastering the art of single-tasking can bring significant benefits. By focusing on one thing at a time and taking action, you pave the way for tangible results. Resetting your mind through these actions offers clarity, peace, and a sense of invincibility.

Pursue Your Goals Fearlessly

After watching this video, take a moment to reflect on your goals. Envision a life where failure is not an option, and success is within reach through hard work. Identify your true passions and aspirations, even if fear holds you back. Once you've identified your desires, take immediate action towards realizing them.

As the video concludes, remember that the past is behind you, and the future is yet to come. The power lies in the present moment. So, seize the day and start working towards your dreams. By implementing these strategies and focusing on the present, you can reset your mind, transform your life, and make your aspirations a reality.