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mind and reset your
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life if you are in a place where you
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feel like you just have too much going
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on and you feel like you're all over the
00:20 - 00:25
place can't focus maybe you're sad maybe
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you're angry all the time you're having
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time controlling your emotions
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and you're not getting the results you
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want then this video is for you I'm
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going to give you some actionable things
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that you can actually do
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immediately to help reset your mind and
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restart your life to get your life back
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track because life is hard right we all
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adversity and it's how we react
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to those adverse
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situations that really changes
01:04 - 01:08
everything for
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us so first I want to get something out
01:08 - 01:15
of the way if you are having negative
01:13 - 01:18
thoughts realize that they're not
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helping you so be self-aware of that
01:18 - 01:23
that's step one so those negative
01:21 - 01:26
thoughts you need to push them out of
01:23 - 01:29
your mind because they are not helping
01:26 - 01:31
you not at all right so if you failed
01:29 - 01:32
your test or you know you got in a fight
01:31 - 01:35
with your friend or your significant
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other or someone cut you off in
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traffic Let It Go Let It
01:40 - 01:45
Go one thing you can do and I recommend
01:43 - 01:48
doing this if if you're really having a
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hard time is going
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outside and going for a walk right go
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for a walk take a couple deep breaths go
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outside and get some fresh air makes a
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huge difference in how you feel and if
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you don't want to go for a walk then you
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have to tell yourself that well I don't
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want to go for a walk but I'm going to
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go anyways because I know I'll feel
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afterwards trust the process sometimes
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you have to do things you don't want to
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do because you know you're going to feel
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differently after you do them right it's
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called being self-aware it's very very
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important so after you've gone for your
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walk the next step is to realize that
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the only way you're going to get out of
02:29 - 02:36
the situation you're in is to take
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action so if you're trying to get better
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mathematics take action do mathematics
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if you are trying to get a better job
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because you don't have any money take
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action work on either getting a new
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skill or looking for a job but take
02:51 - 02:55
action it's very important that you do
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something and the reason is
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this you can sit there and you can think
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about your problem and your
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worries and you can sit there and you
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can think about how things might get
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better and dream about the future but
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neither of those actions really has a
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direct impact on your life and I'm not
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saying it's wrong to think about the
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past and you know learn from mistakes
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and maybe you have some good memories
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too and it's certainly good to dream and
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think about the future but in only one
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state of mind can you make any choices
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that will directly impact your future
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and that my friends is the
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present and being present allows you to
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action super key that gives you a very
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very strong mental reset in some sense
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because whenever you're faced with
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something that's adverse and you're
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trying to get something done or you have
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something else that you're trying to do
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with your day because remember action is
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what leads to results right it's all
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about action it's all about doing right
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doing things getting them
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done so whenever you're having a day
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like that you can tell yourself hey no I
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don't need to be thinking about what
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happened yesterday or about what soand
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so said to me or hey I don't need to be
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thinking about you know all the things I
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have to do later no I need to single
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task and focus on one thing and take
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action that single tasking is a skill
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you know it's unfortunate unfortunate
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that we live in a world where we we're
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just so much is demanded of us right
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especially at work if you go to a job
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very diverse responsibilities that you
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have to do you know if you look at job
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descriptions on the internet for example
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for various jobs they'll have like a
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long list of tasks and when you start a
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new job it's very overwhelming many
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times it feels like it's a learning
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curve because there's so many things
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that you're expected to do
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and it makes sense right from an
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employer's perspective they would want
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each employee to do as much as possible
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right because it costs money to pay
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employees I mean employers do pay the
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employees so why is it like that the
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answer is I don't know but I do know
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this I do know that single tasking is
05:18 - 05:23
much more effective that I do know and
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so when you're in that place where your
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mind is scattered you can't get control
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go for that walk take those deep breaths
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come back be present push those negative
05:32 - 05:39
thoughts out and reset your mind right
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it's like a mental reset and that reset
05:39 - 05:43
is going to give you Clarity it's going
05:41 - 05:45
to give you peace and you will start to
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feel Invincible with these techniques
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will if you can focus on being present
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in the present moment and and being
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self-aware of that and if needed if you
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can push out thoughts from your mind
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whenever they're there you can do
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anything I want to end this video with
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one thing I want you to do something
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after this video I want you to figure
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out what your goals are and take action
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so let's go over that how do you figure
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out your goals well pretend that you had
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a superpower that I've just given you
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and with this
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superpower you will never fail that's
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right you will never fail you can do
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anything in the world as long as you
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work hard right it might take some time
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it's just you have this ability that at
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some point you will reach your goal you
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you might have failures along the way
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but like you're gonna get your big
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dream so if you could have anything in
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the world as long as you worked for it
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anything any place any life any life not
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just about money or degrees any life so
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you can live anywhere I mean
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anything what would it be and then when
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you figure that out and you take a step
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back you're like oh that's what I really
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want to do with my life and then you
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realize that you're not doing it because
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you're afraid so figure that out so once
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you figure it out when this video is
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over I want you to take action I want
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you to do something and work towards
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goal because that's going to directly
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have a positive effect on your life and
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you just spent all this time watching
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this video so it would be really good if
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you got something from it you know and
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you like you did something with that
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information because I know a lot of
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times I watch videos on YouTube and I
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watch them I'm like ah and I feel like
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you know brain dead like I haven't done
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anything right so so after this video do
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something right do
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something find that big dream and take
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one small step remember the past is gone
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right Future's not here all you have is
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right now today
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today get to work