00:00 - 00:17

Today I have a word from the Lord for  somebody. I only have two verses this  

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week. I was meditating on where  to go after we talked last week  

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about God Can Use This Too. This is a  little bit of a sequel to that message.

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I love to preach Bible stories and use the  different elements to use different things,  

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but sometimes I feel like it's good to  just come to something that's a simple  

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instruction in the Word of God. Hopefully this  will help us to apply what God has planted in  

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our hearts. We're going to go to Philippians  2:12-13 for a moment. I'm preaching from my  

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daughter's Bible today, so you will notice an  extra anointing, gentleness, and vivaciousness.

00:59 - 01:02

I've given all three of my kids Bibles that  I preached from. I preach five years from  

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a Bible and then give it to a kid, give it to  another. So, we'll see if Abbey's is more anointed  

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than Elijah's and Graham's today. I cycle through  them, see which one of them has been praying for  

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me the most. All right. Listen to this verse.  Just because I said it's shorter, just because  

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I said it's simple, don't disengage your brain,  because I really want you to pay attention to  

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what the Lord is saying here through the apostle  Paul in this epistle to the church at Philippi.

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The Word of the Lord says, "Therefore, my dear  friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my  

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presence, but now much more in my absence—continue  to work out your salvation with fear and  

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trembling, for it is God who works in you to will  and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose."

02:01 - 02:07

That's all I want to read today, but I want to  give you my sermon title. It's a common saying,  

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so I'll say it, and then you fill  in the blank when I stop and point  

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at you. Ready? You can play along  online too. After I say the title,  

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I'll read the Scripture again for you just  so we can get it down deep. God will work it…

02:22 - 02:23

Congregation: Out.

02:23 - 02:30

Steven: Right. I set you up, though. That is  amazing. "God will work it out" is something  

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everybody wants to believe about the situation  they're facing, whether it's a custody battle  

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or a medical situation or relational tension,  but the message God gave me today is just one  

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word different. I'm going to change just  one word. I'm not changing the word God,  

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and I'm not going to change the word  will. I'm not going to say he might,  

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he could, or he can. But instead of "God will work  it out," I want to preach on God Will Work It In.

03:00 - 03:03

I'll read the verses again, and you'll  see where I'm coming from. This is not  

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just wordplay. I don't just think of  a clever thing I can call a sermon  

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that sounds good so you can feel good for a  minute. The text says in Philippians 2:12,  

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"Therefore, my dear friends, as you have  always obeyed—not only in my presence,  

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but now much more in my absence—continue to  work out your salvation with fear and trembling,  

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for it is God who works in you to will and  to act in order to fulfill his good purpose."

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Now, as you take your seat, prayerfully  reach around and tell seven people,  

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"God will work it in." Praise the Lord  for what he's working out. Praise the  

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Lord for what he's working in. I'll  make that make sense if I do my job.

04:01 - 04:05

I'm going to have fun preaching  this today. I already decided. I  

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was thinking today… Holly was eating this  tomato soup she made for herself. None of  

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us like tomato soup but her. She just  made it for herself. She was having so  

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much fun eating that tomato soup I was like,  "What else is in there?" She was like, "No,  

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I'm just excited. I've been growing tomatoes,  and I finally used my tomatoes in the soup."

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That's how I feel about my sermons  when I get to eat it with you,  

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and I hope you like tomatoes too. Here we go.  In Philippians 2:12-13, the apostle Paul is  

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writing an epistle to the church in Philippi,  and both of those are miracles. The fact that  

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Paul is an apostle is the first miracle. Paul,  the artist formerly known as Saul of Tarsus?  

04:55 - 05:02

When the Lord wanted to reach the Gentiles, he  found somebody who was persecuting the church.

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The persecutor of the church is now one of the  lead preachers in the church. You never know how  

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God is working in somebody's life. Don't write  people off. Don't count people out. Don't slap a  

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label on them because this is the way they always  are. The way God always is means more than the way  

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they always are, least of all yourself. Don't ever  underestimate how God can work in somebody's life.

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Think about that. He took him from the persecutor  of the church to a preacher. I guess he needed  

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someone who understood the system from the inside  in order to overturn it. That's why God will often  

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call you into something you struggle with, because  the thing you struggle with the most is the thing  

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you're most qualified to help somebody else step  through. So, when the Lord needed to reach the  

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Gentiles, he said, "I can't call Peter for this.  I'd better call Saul and change his name to Paul."

06:00 - 06:06

So, it's a miracle that he's an apostle. His  whole title apostle, the apostle Paul… He had  

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been something completely different, and  God changed him. That's one reason we were  

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praising him today while we were singing  in church. I wish you could have heard the  

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worship if you're watching this online later.  I wish you could have been in here with us,  

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because we were praising him because he didn't  leave us like we were. That causes something  

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to explode inside of you when you realize he  takes persecutors and turns them into preachers.

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The second miracle (I mentioned that there  were two in the text) is not implicit. You  

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have to go beneath the surface to get  this one. He is writing the letter,  

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the epistle… Somebody asked me, "Is that  like an apostle's wife?" No. Epistle just  

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means letter. It's a letter that ended up being in  the Bible. It was written to a specific audience,  

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the church at Philippi. It was not  written from where it was written to.

07:00 - 07:04

It's a miracle this Scripture exists  because of the conditions Paul wrote  

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it in. Not a writer's cottage by the sea. Not  a retreat situation in the mountains. Rather,  

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he wrote this from prison. I  wanted to point that out to you,  

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because sometimes you get more focused on  where you are than what God has called you  

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to do and be, and you start acting like  your environment rather than changing it.

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You know, walk into school and start talking  like a foolish… You're actually a great,  

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faithful child of God, but you get in an  environment, and you start changing. Paul  

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would get in an environment and change  it. That's what made him different. He  

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was also a great multitasker. Y'all say  that men can't multitask. I beg to differ.

07:57 - 08:08

The apostle Paul, while serving a prison sentence,  is writing sentences that we now call Scriptures.  

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The beautiful thing about this miracle is you  may not be an apostle, and you might not write  

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an epistle, but let me break it right down  to where you live. Any situation in your life  

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that isn't getting better (I want you  to think of that situation right now),  

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you can do what Paul did. You can get busy  while you wait on it to get better. While  

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you're waiting for it to change, change. While  you're waiting for a better opportunity, obey.

09:02 - 09:09

The Bible says Paul was a great man of faith,  yet his faith did not keep a snake from biting  

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him last week, did it? But his faith enabled  him to shake the snake off of his hand and  

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use the incident… Everything that happens in  your life, good or bad, use it. Sometimes I  

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feel like the moment God is working with me on  a specific area, that area will be attacked.

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I used to think that meant God wasn't really  working there, but if you read the Scripture,  

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it's very interesting how it's worded. Paul  writes to the church and says (verse 12),  

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"Therefore, my dear friends, as you  have always obeyed…" This Scripture  

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is definitely not about me. "Always  obeyed." No, no, no. I think this is  

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some kind of reverse psychology Paul is putting  on them, because they're fighting and arguing.

09:59 - 10:03

Later in the book of Philippians he  name checks two women and tells them,  

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"Y'all stop fighting." That's in chapter 4. I'm  not going to preach that this week. But he says,  

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"If you were able to obey not only in my presence,  

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but now much more in my absence…" Think  about the sadness of Paul, the apostle,  

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being in prison. He's in a shipwreck. He gets on  another boat three months later. He goes to Rome.

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He's under house arrest for two years, and he  writes four epistles…Ephesians, Colossians,  

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Philippians, and Philemon, the Prison Epistles.  They call them that. They were written in prison,  

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but we quote them in church. So, where you  are right now has tremendous potential. Even  

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your darkness has tremendous potential to  be harvested to bring somebody else light.

11:05 - 11:10

The Bible says that God, who caused his light  to shine out of darkness, gives his Holy Spirit  

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into our hearts, and we have this treasure in  earthen vessels that the excellency of the power  

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might be of God and not of us. It's God doing  it. It wasn't God throwing Paul in the cell,  

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but it was God on the inside of Paul that caused  him to pick up a pen while he was in there.

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Because he picked up a pen while he was in there,  you and I are shouting over stuff he said today.  

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Somebody else needs to be shouting in five  years because you didn't give up. Somebody  

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else needs to be praising God in 10 years  because you stayed the course. What you need  

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to keep going is in you. Say it by faith. "It's  in me." He said, "You have an opportunity now."

11:58 - 12:12

The opportunity is this. Paul says absence is  an opportunity for application. That's the best  

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thing I'm going to say all day. One of our staff  members sent me a stack of different things she  

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had written down from the sermons I preached. She  said, "I just want you to see that we hear you."

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In the notes she put, she would work  through the word she heard. I'm just asking,  

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and I'm not going to ask you to raise your  hand. Do you work through the word you've  

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heard or does it go in one ear and out in the  parking lot when you get stuck in traffic?  

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You start lifting up your hands, but only one  finger on the hand. That single-finger praise.

13:01 - 13:03

But seriously. I'm using it as a joke because I  don't want it to feel condemning, because that's  

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not really my style, because I don't really have  room to do that. How many words has God given  

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me that I did not work through? I don't mean  you have to take notes to be saved. God knows  

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he's not going to check your highlighter colors  when you get to heaven. "Only pink? You're going  

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to pink-only heaven. Oh, pink, green, yellow,  red. Yeah, you're going to multicolor heaven."

13:25 - 13:35

The process by which you mix the Word with  faith is when you take what I say and ask God,  

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"What are you saying to me about my situation  through what he said?" That's the process where  

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you filter, and that's the process where  your faith is strengthened. I used to go  

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to a therapy session where I would work on an  issue in my life. After the therapy session,  

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I would have a major… I don't want to  call it a relapse, but in whatever area…

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I don't mean drugs or alcohol in these cases,  

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but whatever I just talked through would be very  challenged in my life in the next 24 hours. So,  

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I brought that to the therapist. I'm like, "I  might have to fire you, because every time we  

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get off the phone my life gets worse." The  therapist said, "So you can get better."

14:26 - 14:38

Sometimes when it isn't getting better, you  are. You don't get patience by praying for it;  

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you get patience by being annoyed. You have no  idea. There are people who are helping you get  

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patient who you are complaining about, and you  need to be paying them. They are your personal  

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trainers for patience. I'm not saying we want  it, but I'm just saying God can use that too.

14:58 - 15:04

While you're waiting on God to work some  things out, whatever that area is… If you  

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need a breakthrough in your business, I believe  with you for a breakthrough in your business. If  

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you believe for a breakthrough in your marriage,  I believe for a breakthrough in your marriage. If  

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you are believing for a husband or a wife to come  into your life because you don't want to be alone,  

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I believe with you and stand with you  for that. But just know that some people  

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are praying for a breakthrough in the  marriage that they prayed for yesterday  

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that is struggling now because they believed  the lie that the situation would fix them.

15:34 - 15:38

When I say, "God will work it in,"  I'm not just trying to be clever.  

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I thought about how we're wanting God  to affect situations, and that's great,  

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but Paul said, "My absence in this prison  is actually a gift for you in Philippi."  

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Because when you're hearing the Word  or when you're learning something,  

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you're getting it at a mental level, and  that's wonderful. Instruction is wonderful.

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There's a man in the church right  now who taught me a lot about tennis,  

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a great tennis pro out here. That's wonderful,  but the thing about instruction is it is limited  

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until you have an opportunity for integration.  Integration happens when what you were taught is  

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challenged or tested and you have to remember  under pressure what you learned in peace.

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So, be careful coming to church,  because in this peaceful environment,  

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God is going to provide after the peaceful… For  Paul he provided a prison where he wrote four  

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epistles. For the church at Philippi, he did  not leave Paul's physical presence with them,  

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but he gave his presence within  them so that when Paul's presence  

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was taken away from them, his  presence within them intensified.

17:04 - 17:10

What I'm trying to say is anything in your  life that goes away and you think you need it,  

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God is going to release something greater  in your life that you didn't even know you  

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had until you got into a situation where  you needed it. So, eventually Paul says,  

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"Continue in it." Continue to work out.  Now, that's not a literal workout thing.

17:33 - 17:40

Y'all, I remember the first time somebody called  me… I guess it was to my ego or whatever. They  

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were like, "So, as a lifter, what are your  splits?" In case you need me to interpret, "As a  

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weight lifter, what body parts do you work out on  which day?" Nobody had ever asked me that before.

17:56 - 18:04

I figured, "Oh, I must be giving evidence that  what I've been doing is actually improving my  

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physical frame to the point where I'm  a lifter." Do you know how good it felt  

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to be called a lifter? I'd lifted a lot, but  I'd never been called a lifter. I was walking  

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around the house. I didn't tell anybody, but  I was looking at the kids. They were like,  

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"Daddy." I'm like, "Lifter. You  can call me lifter, Mister Lifter."

18:23 - 18:35

I was so proud for three days, because what I  did was integrated in my life in such a way… If  

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you would, look at your neighbor and say, "As  a praiser, when do you praise God?" Ask them,  

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"What are your splits?" Tell them, "Well, I  praise when I feel it; I praise when I don't. I  

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praise on the mountain; I praise in the valley. I  praise when I'm sure; I praise when I'm doubting.

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I praise when I've got it; I praise  when it's gone. I praise when I feel it;  

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I praise when I faith it. I'm not faking  it; I'm faithing it, because if I faith it,  

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it will form me." So, let's break it down. The  absence is an opportunity for application. When  

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I used to work out, I needed somebody to  be there to make me work out. I found out  

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they were really good partners when I heard  their voice even when they weren't there.

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What I love about God… A good instructor is  not satisfied simply with your assimilation  

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of information. A good instructor will  sometimes create absence. And life will.  

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You're in a season right now. The Lord  was speaking to me about it. I don't  

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know who it's for. I don't need to know  who it's for. You know if it's for you.

20:02 - 20:07

You're in a season right now where it is  very important that you integrate what God  

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has given you. It is feeling intense  right now because of the absence of  

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something you think you need to  have. Paul said, "In my absence,  

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much more than my presence…" You have to  remember what you know about God. In the  

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absence of joy, you have to remember how  to rejoice. In the absence of harmony,  

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you have to remember to be a peacemaker. In the  absence of money, you have to stay creative.

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God will sometimes take resources away  from you to remind you of something you're  

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not using. One of the worst things God  can give some people is too much money,  

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because they will start stuffing themselves  with stuff and forget the substance of who  

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they were that led them to the point  that they had the wealth to begin with.

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That's why the Word says, "When you have  become great, do not forget the Lord your God,  

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for it is he who gives you the power  to get wealth." I think that as much  

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as God's presence provides comfort, absence  creates opportunity. I want to really get  

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this home to you. Okay? So just bear with me for  a minute. Let me put another tomato in this soup.

21:24 - 21:44

My oldest Elijah and I had a great conversation.  When he left for college… For a couple of years  

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after Buck and Chunks stopped coming over to help  me work out, he was my workout partner. When he  

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left for college (he went three hours away), I  was so depressed I would still go lift weights,  

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but I wouldn't even put my shoes on or turn the  lights on. I wouldn't even turn Metallica on…I  

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mean, Maverick City and Kirk Franklin.  I forgot where I was for a minute.

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I'd sit there in the silence just cranking out  the reps. Sometimes, just to make him feel bad  

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about leaving me, I would send him a picture of  me sitting there in the dark. It's hard without  

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your partner. Then I felt better, because  about a month or two after he'd been gone,  

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we were having this deep conversation one  night. He opened up to me. He was like,  

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"College is great, but it's hard. I'm  grateful to be here, but it's hard."

22:26 - 22:39

He said, "And it's hard because I have to be both  of us here. I'm so used to having you say, 'Son…'  

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Sometimes you got on my nerves, but I needed  that. I needed you to get on my nerves." Y'all,  

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I've had a Grammy, a New York Times, and all that  stuff. I felt like I got the greatest reward of my  

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life when he said, "Now I have to be both of us,"  because it let me know we've gone from instruction  

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to integration.

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It let me know my voice is still speaking. It let  

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me know I'm still talking three hours away.  Paul wanted the church at Philippi to know,  

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"I'm still talking to you even though I'm  in this prison cell." God wants you to know,  

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"I'm still talking to you even though you lost  your mother last year." God wants you to know,  

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"I'm still talking to you even though you don't  know how you're going to make payroll next month."

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God wants you to know, "I'm still talking to  you even though you haven't felt goose bumps in  

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a while, and while everybody else seems to be  rejoicing, you feel kind of empty." God says,  

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"This is not absence; it's integration,  because my sheep know my voice." The most  

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powerful moment of your life to work a word  from God is not just when you're putting it  

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in a journal to write it down but when you  are putting it into practice to live it out.

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This is a practice season for you. This absence  you feel, this thing that has changed… I wish  

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I could sit down and get to know your exact  situation so we could have an exact conversation,  

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but Paul wrote one letter to the whole  church and said, "It's good that I'm gone."

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That's what Jesus said to the disciples. "If  I leave you, I'll send you the Holy Spirit.  

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I can send you something greater than just  my words. I can give you my Spirit." Greater.  

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Integration. God is doing something greater in  your life. Something goes away and something  

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greater comes. This is the rhythm of God.  Give him praise. God will work it in.

24:59 - 25:12

I want to study this a little bit  more. "Therefore, my dear friends,  

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as you have always obeyed—not only in my  presence, but now much more in my absence…" I  

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can't get off of this. God said the absence of  what you think you need in this season is an  

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opportunity for you to get attuned to what you  really have. The best thing that happened to  

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me to be able to effectively minister to you was  when we couldn't have people in church in 2020,  

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because it taught me not to need your energy  to be effective to minister God's Word.

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When I couldn't ride on the waves of  your energy, I had to let God make a  

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wave inside of me with his Word. So I came  out of it never more alive and in love with  

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the Word of God because of something that  was taken away. Now, I'm not using this  

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to talk about me or tomato soup or weight  lifting, although I am proud to be a lifter.

26:03 - 26:11

I want you to see that the absence creates  an opportunity for application. This was  

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weird. I don't know if you thought  it was weird when I read it. He said,  

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"Work out your salvation with fear and  trembling." I thought that might mean  

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when we give the invitation every week for you  to get saved, raise your hand just in case.

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Like, "I don't know. I thought I did this when  I was 8, but I'm scared and I'm trembling that  

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maybe what I did last week canceled it out.  So just in case, Lord, I'm putting my hand up  

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right there. Yeah, you can give me another one of  those Bibles. I haven't read any of them. I have  

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17 of them stacked up at home, but, yeah, give  me another one." Then I realized what he didn't  

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say. Watch this. He didn't say, "Work for your  salvation." He said, "Work out your salvation."

27:03 - 27:07

He's not saying earn it. That's contrary to  everything else God gave Paul to teach us.  

27:07 - 27:12

That's contrary to the very essence of  the cross of Christ. How are you going  

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to earn a grace that was given from a cross  you didn't die on? What he's saying is not  

27:21 - 27:28

only to integrate what you've been taught,  what you've been instructed, and apply it…  

27:28 - 27:33

Like Vance Havner said, "Never forget in the  darkness what God showed you in the light."

27:36 - 27:41

Now, fear and trembling is a saying  they had, like we might say, "Lock,  

27:41 - 27:48

stock, and barrel," which means everything.  They would say, "Fear and trembling" like a  

27:48 - 27:53

saying. It was a colloquialism. When he  says, "Work out your salvation with fear  

27:53 - 28:00

and trembling," he does not mean be afraid that  God didn't give you what he promised to give you.

28:00 - 28:04

He said you're forgiven. You're forgiven. He said  there's no condemnation. There's no condemnation.  

28:04 - 28:10

It is being afraid to live your life without  the awareness of that, because you know if you  

28:10 - 28:18

ever lose awareness of who God is to you and in  you, you will make the stupidest mistakes. So,  

28:18 - 28:26

I want you to work out (you're about to  see it) what God has already worked in.

28:26 - 28:31

God is working on you, and you are a work  in progress, but your salvation is not. It's  

28:31 - 28:40

finished. There's nothing more to be done. That's  why Jesus said, "It is finished." God already  

28:40 - 28:45

worked that out. If you've placed your faith in  him, you are already saved. Now you are taking  

28:45 - 28:52

what God gave you and working it out. That's what  I told Elijah. I said, "This is your season to  

28:52 - 28:58

grow. Every conversation we've had down here  lifting weights together, every time I've ever  

28:58 - 29:03

corrected you that you wanted to kill me, but you  knew I would kill you if you tried to kill me…"

29:03 - 29:06

"Every single one of those things…  Now that we're not together,  

29:06 - 29:11

now that it's not like it was, it gets to  go deeper inside of you." God is taking  

29:11 - 29:18

you deeper in this season. He did not  depart from you; he's taking you deeper.

29:26 - 29:37

You are worried about something God has already  worked out. Why do you do that? Because you  

29:37 - 29:44

stop at verse 12 and never read verse 13. Do you  know how many people will take verse 12 and stop  

29:44 - 29:52

right there? "Therefore, since you were obeying  when I was there, keep that same energy," Paul  

29:52 - 30:00

is saying. "When I was preaching, y'all were  saying, 'Amen.' Now keep that same energy."

30:00 - 30:05

A couple of Tuesdays from now, no matter who  wins the election, no matter who's acting crazy,  

30:05 - 30:10

keep that same energy, because we had  Republicans, Democrats, Black, white,  

30:10 - 30:15

Hispanic, male, and female all in the same church  and we were all unified. We will not let a culture  

30:15 - 30:21

that divides us be greater than a King who defines  us. Y'all keep that same energy out there in  

30:21 - 30:27

the world. All right? Over the next two weeks,  don't you get Facebook crazy and be church sane.

30:33 - 30:47

I don't know where that came from. It just came  to me. I decided to work it in. I don't know  

30:47 - 30:52

where this snake came from; I just decided to  shake it off and work it in. I don't know where  

30:52 - 30:57

that feeling came from; I just decided to work it  in. I don't know where that temptation came from;  

30:57 - 31:01

I just decided to pray extra this week,  because if I'm going to get extra temptation,  

31:01 - 31:11

I'm going to need extra grace, so I'm going to  pray extra prayers. I'm going to work this in.

31:13 - 31:20

The reason you keep worrying about stuff God  has already worked out is because of the way  

31:20 - 31:30

you keep thinking. "…not only in my presence, but  now much more in my absence—continue to work out  

31:30 - 31:44

your salvation with fear and trembling…" You  stop there. Church, that's a comma. I feel  

31:44 - 31:51

like I'm a multitasking preacher. I talk about  fitness, English grammar, theology, parenting,  

31:51 - 31:59

recipes, tomatoes. I work it all in. "Work  out your salvation with fear and trembling."

31:59 - 32:05

Now, if you read that, you will be  worried, because you are trying to  

32:05 - 32:16

work out something without God. What gets  me tripped up every time I get overwhelmed…  

32:16 - 32:20

And I'm not talking about just having  butterflies or getting nervous. I think  

32:20 - 32:24

all that is good. But when I get overwhelmed  to the point where it really shuts me down…

32:24 - 32:29

You know how there's that line between when  you're working on something and it's wearing  

32:29 - 32:38

you out and you realize, "Huh. This feels kind of  cyclical because it's making me sick." If that's  

32:38 - 32:43

where you are in the feeling, read what comes  after the comma. "Work out your salvation with  

32:43 - 32:50

fear and trembling, for it is God who works  in you." That's a very interesting thought,  

32:50 - 32:59

isn't it? It is God who works in you. Don't forget  that while you work it out. Don't forget that.

32:59 - 33:05

Don't get so good at trying to figure stuff  out on paper that you forget to work stuff  

33:05 - 33:10

out according to purpose. The Bible said it  is God who works in you to will and to do  

33:10 - 33:17

according to his good purpose. God starts with  the purpose, not the person, and then he finds  

33:17 - 33:22

the person who will accomplish that purpose,  and he shapes the person who will accomplish  

33:22 - 33:29

that purpose. That's why you can know God is  working on you right now and working in you.

33:32 - 33:35

I will never forget sitting down to work  on something one time. I'll tell you  

33:35 - 33:41

exactly what it was, because I think it's a great  illustration. I had the opportunity several years  

33:41 - 33:46

ago to interview Bishop T.D. Jakes right here  on this stage at Elevation Church, and I was so  

33:46 - 33:55

honored to do it. He is my preaching hero. He's  my friend now too, but if someone is your hero,  

33:55 - 34:00

even if they're your friend, you still get  really nervous, even if it's not their fault.

34:00 - 34:05

I was so nervous to interview that man,  because I wanted to do a good job for  

34:05 - 34:21

him. He was promoting a book called  Soar. I sat down for weeks beforehand,  

34:21 - 34:26

and I would work, but mostly I would  worry. It wasn't like I wasn't getting  

34:26 - 34:32

anything done. By the time I got done being  a complete stress ball for several weeks,  

34:32 - 34:40

I think I counted 75 note cards of  questions to ask the man about the book.

34:40 - 34:44

Everybody would say, "Aren't you excited to  interview Bishop Jakes?" and I'd be like,  

34:44 - 34:49

"Yeah." Excitement and anxiety can kind of feel  

34:49 - 34:57

the same sometimes. What you call it  depends on what you're focused about.

34:57 - 35:03

When I look back on it, I regret all of  the stress I felt from the pressure that  

35:03 - 35:08

wasn't even real. The fact of the matter is  he could have had anybody interview him for  

35:08 - 35:14

the book. He wanted me to do it. He could  have gone anywhere he wanted. He didn't go  

35:14 - 35:23

to Oprah. He came to Furtick. He didn't come to  Dr. Phil. He came to Dr. Furtick. But I couldn't  

35:23 - 35:28

feel that way about it, because I thought,  "What am I going to ask him? He's so smart."

35:28 - 35:34

The very reason I was stressed was the very reason  I should have relaxed. Not five minutes after we  

35:34 - 35:41

got on this stage and he sat in his chair and  I sat in mine… I had my whole stack. I said my  

35:41 - 35:50

first question to him. Twenty minutes later, I  still had 74 questions left, and the interview  

35:50 - 36:03

was only 90 minutes. I remembered in that  moment, "Oh, it's Bishop. He's good at talking."

36:03 - 36:07

"Oh, all this time I've been thinking about  this." Like, "I've got to carry it. What am  

36:07 - 36:10

I going to do if my questions are stupid? And  what if the people look at me funny? What if I  

36:10 - 36:13

mispronounce a word? What if he doesn't  sell any books? What if he never wants  

36:13 - 36:16

to talk to me again? What if I accidentally say  something that wasn't intended to be offensive,  

36:16 - 36:18

but I was just trying to be casual  and it came across as disrespectful?"

36:18 - 36:28

All of this to interview one of the greatest  talkers in the world. The only thing I had to  

36:28 - 36:45

do to be successful in the interview was this. You  know, just a reverse nod for variety and effect,  

36:45 - 36:55

but between those two nods, he had  it covered. I see you stressing about  

36:55 - 37:01

something in your life today. I don't know  what it is. I don't need to. God knows.

37:01 - 37:06

I see you playing out the situation over  and over again. You call it preparation,  

37:06 - 37:12

but it's not preparation, because it is eating  through your peace. Here you are thinking, "Well,  

37:12 - 37:17

when I get to that in three weeks, it's going to  be terrible." "Oh, when my kids become teenagers…"  

37:17 - 37:22

They are yet toddlers. You have 12 years to  read books about this crap you're going to be  

37:22 - 37:27

dealing with, and by then all of the books will  be saying different stuff than they say today.

37:27 - 37:32

I see you looking at a situation in the  future of your life, and you are afraid.  

37:32 - 37:41

I'll tell you why you are afraid. You forgot  God is going to be there when you get there.  

37:41 - 37:50

I remembered, "Oh, Bishop is going to be there.  He's a good talker." I wish you would remember  

37:50 - 37:55

with all of the scenarios you're playing out in  your mind and all of the ways it could go wrong  

37:55 - 38:00

and all the stuff you're scrolling through,  talking about "Is it another world war…?"

38:00 - 38:08

Well, what are you going to do about it if it is?  Are you going to go fight in it? Whatever happens,  

38:08 - 38:21

you're going to have God. If it's a prison, he'll  be your cellmate. You're going to have God. "Oh,  

38:21 - 38:30

yeah. I forgot. I'm going to have God in it  with me. That's why I'm not stressed about  

38:30 - 38:34

retirement, because I've never seen  the righteous forsaken. I was young,  

38:34 - 38:41

and now I'm old. I've never seen the righteous  forsaken, nor his seed begging for bread."

38:41 - 38:46

"God is going to be in this with me. God  is going to be in the challenge with me.  

38:46 - 38:50

God is going to be in the uncertainty.  God is going to walk into that doctor's  

38:50 - 38:55

office with me. God is going to be on the  other side of this painful breakup with me.  

38:55 - 38:59

God is going to be with me when I make  my first appointment with a counselor.

38:59 - 39:05

God is going to be with me when I show back up  first day to school and I'm 27. God is going  

39:05 - 39:09

to be with me when I open up my finances  and begin to get it in order and humble  

39:09 - 39:15

myself. I forgot about God. That's why I  was shaking. That's why I was trembling,  

39:15 - 39:23

but I'm not trembling anymore, because  I'm trusting that when I get there…"

39:29 - 39:36

My bracelet fell off, but let me work it in.  There's some stuff that needs to come off of  

39:36 - 39:45

you in this season. It happened, so I might as  well work it in. There are some things in your  

39:45 - 39:57

life you need to stop stressing about at a level  that assumes you're going to have to do it alone.

39:58 - 40:04

I never get stressed about a sermon if I remember,  "Oh, yeah. God is going to be there." Just like  

40:04 - 40:13

Bishop is pretty good at talking, God is  pretty good at "Godding." I'm so tired of  

40:13 - 40:21

hearing people say, "Life be life-ing." God  be Godding. (Don't quote me on that. That's  

40:21 - 40:28

so corny.) I think sometimes we take the journey  in our mind as if God is not going to be there.

40:28 - 40:33

That was so profound for me when I realized  it. Have you ever been going into a situation  

40:33 - 40:38

and were so stressed, and then you remembered,  "Oh, yeah. They're going to be there," and the  

40:38 - 40:42

person you thought of…? Now, there are some  times where you're going into a situation and  

40:42 - 40:47

remember they are going to be there, and then  you really are reaching for the prescription  

40:47 - 40:55

pills. But there are other people… Like, I  know for Holly when Amy is going to be there  

40:55 - 41:00

when she's preaching or recording, there are  certain things she doesn't have to worry about.

41:00 - 41:03

She's going over to get ready, and I  can see she's stressed. She's like,  

41:03 - 41:07

"I'm good. Amy is going to be there." She just  realizes, "There are things I don't even have  

41:07 - 41:12

to think about because she's good at… We've been  together so long. She's going to take care of some  

41:12 - 41:20

stuff so I can just focus on what I need to do."  I hear the Lord saying, "I'm going to be there,  

41:20 - 41:31

even if Paul can't, even if nobody else does,  even if you've never been there before."

41:31 - 41:39

I only needed three note cards  and two nods. Joyce Meyer said,  

41:39 - 41:44

"Worry is a down payment on a problem you may  never have." Isn't that just like the Devil,  

41:44 - 41:54

charging you for stuff you don't even need  that you didn't even order? So, he said, "Work  

41:54 - 42:03

this thing out." You don't need 75 note cards.  Just make sure the mic is on and nod your head.

42:03 - 42:09

I think as simple as this sounds sometimes  to just assume God is going to be there,  

42:09 - 42:13

we should just sit in it for a minute.  What would it change about the situation  

42:13 - 42:23

you're afraid of facing if you knew  God was going to be there? One time  

42:23 - 42:27

when they got so big on cancel culture,  I thought, "What if they cancel me?"

42:29 - 42:36

God said, "How many people were you preaching  to when I called you?" The answer was "Five."  

42:36 - 42:40

The Lord said, "Well, surely you can find  at least five who will come listen to you  

42:40 - 42:51

if they cancel you. The whole earth? You can find  five." The fact is whatever happens in your life,  

42:51 - 42:57

before it even happens to you, God  already has a way to work it in.

42:59 - 43:06

I didn't make this bracelet fall off. It just  happened. I worked it in. Remember when we  

43:06 - 43:13

were at Elevation Nights in Oakland?  The reason they laughed when I said,  

43:13 - 43:17

"Oakland…" They're not West Coast  prejudiced or anything like that.  

43:20 - 43:25

When we got to Oakland for Elevation Nights…  This was 2022. I will never forget this night.

43:25 - 43:28

Now, when we preach at Elevation Nights,  we're going into these big arenas,  

43:28 - 43:34

like basketball arenas and stuff. They're  always telling me, "This is the NBA team that  

43:34 - 43:37

plays here." I don't care about basketball.  I don't care about any of that. I just care  

43:37 - 43:41

about serving him. No, actually I'm  looking at, "What bands came here? Oh,  

43:41 - 43:45

the Rolling Stones were here. That's cool to  me. I don't care who played basketball here."

43:45 - 43:49

But when we were in Oakland… I don't  know what made me wear that big,  

43:49 - 43:53

heavy jacket that night. I remember wearing  this big, heavy jacket. I'm up preaching,  

43:53 - 43:56

and there are a lot of distractions, because  it's not like a church service where y'all  

43:56 - 44:00

are so attentive. Even watching  online right now, you're just…

44:00 - 44:03

At Elevation Nights it's like a concert  and then a sermon. Some of the people who  

44:03 - 44:07

are there got totally bait-and-switched.  They had no idea they were going to have  

44:07 - 44:09

to sit through a sermon. They  thought it was just music. So  

44:09 - 44:18

I am a total buzzkill for the whole room.  But in Oakland it was going pretty well.

44:18 - 44:21

You know, you have to work around the  distractions. This guy is over here eating popcorn  

44:21 - 44:27

and chicken fingers. "Does she have a beer while  we're singing 'Trust in God'?" You know, just all  

44:27 - 44:34

kinds of things going through your mind. You have  to learn to work around it. But a couple of times  

44:34 - 44:40

on these nights, something happens that you can't  work around, and in Oakland something happened.

44:40 - 44:44

I was in the middle of my sermon. I was preaching  about Acts 3:1-10. The message was called  

44:44 - 44:50

Surprise. I was talking about Peter and John  at the gate called Beautiful. A man showed up,  

44:50 - 44:53

and he wasn't expecting to get healed,  and they weren't expecting to be healers,  

44:53 - 44:58

but surprise. Right when I'm revving up…  You know, I've gotten my background covered.

44:58 - 45:07

All of the lights in the whole arena go out.  Not gradually, not dimmed…out. I'm thinking,  

45:07 - 45:13

"Huh, that's weird. They'll come back on  in a minute." Six minutes and 45 seconds.  

45:14 - 45:21

I'm not exaggerating. It felt like  six years. All of the lights go out,  

45:21 - 45:26

and the first thing I think the whole audience  thought was, "Oh, this is a part of his sermon."  

45:29 - 45:33

So I tell them really quickly,  "This is not a part of my sermon."

45:34 - 45:41

I'm standing up there. Ten seconds go by. Twenty  seconds go by. I'm a professional, man. I've been  

45:41 - 45:45

doing this since I was 16. I've been doing this  since I was in Moncks Corner, South Carolina.  

45:45 - 45:48

I can do this. I can hold this crowd for a  minute. I can preach through this. But then  

45:48 - 45:56

it's 30 seconds. It's a minute. You kind of run  out of steam to stall. "How about those lights?"

45:59 - 46:05

Then it hit me. "You don't know how long  it's going to take for them to work this out,  

46:07 - 46:17

so work it in." I'm telling you  the truth. With the lights off,  

46:17 - 46:23

I started preaching about when you're in  a dark season. I started preaching about  

46:23 - 46:28

how Peter and John weren't always at the gate  called Beautiful, but they had once been in a  

46:28 - 46:35

garden called Gethsemane where the Savior of  the world was facing the darkness of our sin.

46:35 - 46:38

What do you do when you're in  the darkness of the garden of  

46:38 - 46:42

Gethsemane and the lights are out all  around you and you are uncertain? See,  

46:42 - 46:48

because I don't know how long it's going  to take them to put the lights back on,  

46:48 - 46:59

so while I'm waiting for them to work it out…  I'm trying to close this message. I really am.

46:59 - 47:05

But there is somebody listening to me who's  waiting for God to work it out, and God is  

47:05 - 47:12

saying back, "While you're waiting in this dark  season for me to work it out, for me to show you  

47:12 - 47:16

the next step, for me to give you the next crumb,  for me to give you the next notice, for me to give  

47:16 - 47:21

you the next relationship, for me to turn this  thing around, for the report to be positive…"

47:21 - 47:29

"While you're waiting for me to work it out,  work it in." I hear God saying, "Work it in."  

47:29 - 47:39

"For it is God who works in you…" Show them  the video. About five minutes in, the people  

47:39 - 48:15

did something. The people had their phones out. I  didn't tell them to. They just did it. Surprise!

48:15 - 48:25

Give him a shout of praise. Are  you a praiser? Are you a lifter?  

48:34 - 48:40

Maybe that's the message God wanted me to  preach. Look at all of those lights. Look  

48:40 - 48:50

at all that evidence. Look at all that  praise. Hallelujah! Look at all of that  

48:50 - 49:00

strength. Look at all of that glory from  something we didn't see coming. Surprise!

49:00 - 49:08

It's not what I ordered, but it's what God  ordered. God is sovereign. God ordered my  

49:08 - 49:23

steps. God is in this with me. Get your  light out! You had that light in your  

49:23 - 49:28

pocket the whole time, but you didn't  need to work that light out until the  

49:28 - 49:38

light was absent. The absence became  the opportunity for the illustration,  

49:38 - 49:45

because while I'm waiting for God to work  this out, I might as well work it in. "God,  

49:45 - 49:50

what do you want to teach me through this?  God, how do you want to prepare me for this?"

49:50 - 49:54

I was complaining about something that wasn't  succeeding in this season of my life lately,  

49:54 - 49:56

and God said, "Exactly, because you got cocky  

49:56 - 50:01

about what you could do, and I needed to  teach you to pay attention. So I took your  

50:01 - 50:08

success away for a minute so you would pay  attention to the source of your strength."

50:10 - 50:16

I didn't even plan for us to do this all  together. We didn't work any of that out,  

50:16 - 50:30

but we worked it in. I'm going to give you 24  seconds to give God the greatest praise you gave  

50:30 - 50:45

him, because he gave you one more day. Nineteen  seconds, 18 seconds… You're running out of time.  

50:45 - 50:56

And at midnight, Paul and Silas… You know what  to do! Do it! Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five…

50:58 - 51:03

hey thank you for watching the Elevation Church  YouTube I want you to subscribe that way you can  

51:03 - 51:08

know when we go live and post new content make  sure leave me a comment let me know what spoke  

51:08 - 51:12

to you today where you're watching from and  what we can pray for you about and if you'd  

51:12 - 51:17

like to support the ministry financially you can  click the give button now and help us continue  

51:17 - 51:23

reaching people around the world for Jesus  Christ thanks again I'll see you next time

Reflecting on Epistle to Philippians: God's Work in Us

Exploring the power behind the words of the apostle Paul in his letter to the Philippians, we delve into the profound message of how God works within us to fulfill His purpose. In Philippians 2:12-13, Paul urges the church to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling," emphasizing the importance of integrating our faith into every aspect of our lives. The key lies not in earning our salvation but in allowing God to work within us, shaping us according to His divine plan. This insightful message resonates deeply with the challenges we face in our daily lives.

Experiencing God's Presence in Absence

Paul's writing from a prison cell echoes the idea of finding strength and guidance in times of absence or darkness. Just as the church at Philippi received Paul's message in his physical absence, we too can find solace in God's unwavering presence even in our most challenging moments. The video shared a powerful illustration from an Elevation Nights event, where Pastor Furtick skillfully preached through a blackout, highlighting the importance of working in God's light in times of uncertainty.

Trusting in God's Plan Amidst Uncertainty

As we navigate through life's uncertainties and trials, it's crucial to shift our focus from worrying about the future to trusting in God's divine order. Just as Bishop T.D. Jakes' unexpected presence at an interview reminded Pastor Furtick of God's provision, we are encouraged to lean on God's presence in every situation. "While you're waiting for God to work it out, work it in," serves as a profound reminder to integrate faith into our daily struggles, knowing that God is ever-present and orchestrating His plan for our lives.

Embracing God's Workmanship in Us

The message of God working within us to fulfill His purpose transcends mere theological sentiment; it beckons us to embody a profound faith that goes beyond lip service. Paul's exhortation to the Philippians and Pastor Furtick's insightful reflections underscore the transformative power of allowing God to shape us according to His divine will. It challenges us to move beyond mere obedience to a deeper integration of faith into every aspect of our lives, trusting in God's sovereign plan and presence in the midst of life's trials.

In a world fraught with uncertainties and challenges, the timeless wisdom found in Philippians resonates, reminding us of the unchanging nature of God's grace and guidance in our lives. As we reflect on the message of working out our salvation with fear and trembling, let us embrace the transformative work of God within us, trusting in His purpose and provision in every season of life.