00:00 - 00:06

right now red hat is an infinite well of

00:03 - 00:09

content all they had to do was stop

00:06 - 00:11

talking every time they talk they make

00:09 - 00:13

the situation worse no matter where you

00:11 - 00:16

stand on the red hat sauce good

00:13 - 00:18

situation you have to admit they're

00:16 - 00:20

really not great at communicating their

00:18 - 00:23

point if they just left it alone people

00:20 - 00:26

would forget over time the problem is

00:23 - 00:28

nobody ever stops talking so red hat

00:26 - 00:30

posted a follow-up over to Twitter we

00:28 - 00:32

will always send our code upstream and

00:30 - 00:35

abide by the open source licenses our

00:32 - 00:38

products use which includes the GPO Red

00:35 - 00:40

Hat Mike McGrath expands upon the recent

00:38 - 00:42

sent to West stream changes and it links

00:40 - 00:45

to a further blog post red Hat's

00:42 - 00:46

commitment to open source a response to

00:45 - 00:48


00:46 - 00:50

git.centoes.org changes before we get

00:48 - 00:53

into this I want to make something very

00:50 - 00:54

clear going around and harassing Red Hat

00:53 - 00:56

employees harassing Fedora contributors

00:54 - 00:58

or just someone who uses one of these

00:56 - 01:01

systems whether they support the changes

00:58 - 01:03

or don't support the changes is is not

01:01 - 01:05

at all productive this is not a change

01:03 - 01:07

being made by those low-level Red Hat

01:05 - 01:09

engineers and especially not by this

01:07 - 01:11

community Fedora contributors this is

01:09 - 01:13

the change being made from on high at

01:11 - 01:15

Red Hat it's one thing to voice your

01:13 - 01:18

concerns but please don't be weird about

01:15 - 01:20

it so then let's get started this is

01:18 - 01:22

being written by Mike McGrath the vice

01:20 - 01:24

president of core platforms engineering

01:22 - 01:27

at Red Hat who's been there for 16 years

01:24 - 01:28

and before that was a community for Dora

01:27 - 01:31

contributor this is someone who's been

01:28 - 01:33

involved in this space for a really

01:31 - 01:36

really long time now despite what's

01:33 - 01:38

currently being said about red hat we

01:36 - 01:40

make our hard work readily accessible to

01:38 - 01:43

non-customers I'll get into this in just

01:40 - 01:45

a bit Red Hat users and will always use

01:43 - 01:48

an open source development model when we

01:45 - 01:50

find a bug or write a feature we

01:48 - 01:52

contribute our code Upstream this

01:50 - 01:55

benefits everyone in the community not

01:52 - 01:57

just red hat and our customers this

01:55 - 01:59

point was really never part of the

01:57 - 02:01

discussion I've seen some weird people

01:59 - 02:03

saying oh they might pull their code and

02:01 - 02:05

try to break the Linux kernel but that

02:03 - 02:08

just doesn't really make any sense to do

02:05 - 02:12

much like companies like Google Amazon

02:08 - 02:14

IBM meta these are companies far far

02:12 - 02:15

larger than red hat all of these

02:14 - 02:17

companies contribute code Upstream

02:15 - 02:20

because not just beneficial to other

02:17 - 02:22

projects it's beneficial to them if they

02:20 - 02:23

make a project better that's going to

02:22 - 02:25

make more people want to work on that

02:23 - 02:27

project and make the project better and

02:25 - 02:29

better and better so they don't have to

02:27 - 02:31

go and just develop everything

02:29 - 02:33

themselves outside of things like the

02:31 - 02:36

Linux kernel Red Hat Engineers also work

02:33 - 02:38

on things like gnome system d and a

02:36 - 02:41

bunch of other projects that many of us

02:38 - 02:43

use on a day-to-day basis while it is

02:41 - 02:45

totally fair to not like the companies

02:43 - 02:48

they come from the work these developers

02:45 - 02:50

do should absolutely be appreciated and

02:48 - 02:52

really the first world wouldn't be able

02:50 - 02:54

to function like it does today without a

02:52 - 02:56

lot of these people's contributions we

02:54 - 02:58

don't simply take Upstream packages and

02:56 - 03:00

rebuild them you're gonna see this is a

02:58 - 03:02

fairly recurring theme throughout the

03:00 - 03:04

article at Red Hat thousands of people

03:02 - 03:07

spend their time writing code to enable

03:04 - 03:09

new features fixing bugs integrating

03:07 - 03:11

different packages and then supporting

03:09 - 03:13

that work for a long time something that

03:11 - 03:16

our customers and partners need and yes

03:13 - 03:20

Red Hat Engineers as I said do a lot of

03:16 - 03:21

incredible work however I kind of

03:20 - 03:24

disagree with their phrasing here

03:21 - 03:26

because red hat like most of the

03:24 - 03:29

projects out there are built on the

03:26 - 03:30

backs of giants without all of this work

03:29 - 03:32

that Community contributors have done

03:30 - 03:36

with that be on the gnu project in the

03:32 - 03:38

early days on ffmpeg on your browser on

03:36 - 03:39

your desktop environment on your graphic

03:38 - 03:41

stack and all of these other things

03:39 - 03:44

which I'm sure Red Hat has a part in

03:41 - 03:46

developing without that work from the

03:44 - 03:48

community products like real simply

03:46 - 03:50

wouldn't be possible same with pretty

03:48 - 03:52

much every other District out there when

03:50 - 03:54

we develop fixes for issues in row we

03:52 - 03:57

don't just apply them to Rel they are

03:54 - 03:59

applied Upstream first to projects like

03:57 - 04:02

Fedora sent to a stream or the kernel

03:59 - 04:07

project itself and we then back Port

04:02 - 04:10

them now this is mostly true in most

04:07 - 04:12

situations there are some issues where

04:10 - 04:14

they're placed under embargo first they

04:12 - 04:16

make their way into Rel and then once

04:14 - 04:19

the Embargo is lifted then they are

04:16 - 04:22

released publicly that is absolutely the

04:19 - 04:24

exception and not the rule though but I

04:22 - 04:25

do not doubt that maintaining and

04:24 - 04:28

supporting an operating system for 10

04:25 - 04:31

years is a Herculean task and there's

04:28 - 04:33

enormous value in the work we do

04:31 - 04:36

absolutely and that's why projects like

04:33 - 04:37

sentos existed in the past and nowadays

04:36 - 04:39

you have things like Alma Linux and

04:37 - 04:43

Rocky Linux I know we've been fairly

04:39 - 04:44

positive so far but do not worry red hat

04:43 - 04:47

is not backing down from their position

04:44 - 04:49

in fact you could argue they are

04:47 - 04:51

doubling down I feel that much of the

04:49 - 04:52

anger from a recent decision around the

04:51 - 04:54

downstream sources comes from either

04:52 - 04:56

those who do not want to pay for the

04:54 - 04:59

time effort and resources going into Rel

04:56 - 05:01

or those who want to repackage it for

04:59 - 05:04

their own profit this demand for roll

05:01 - 05:07

code is disingenuous remember that part

05:04 - 05:09

where I said red hat should stop talking

05:07 - 05:11

things like this is why this is how you

05:09 - 05:14

annoy people that already don't like you

05:11 - 05:16

Red Hat my DMs are open there are some

05:14 - 05:18

red hat Engineers who can get in contact

05:16 - 05:21

with me if you want to post a blog post

05:18 - 05:23

that you feel maybe possibly might annoy

05:21 - 05:26

the community send it to me first and I

05:23 - 05:28

will happily proofread it for you I

05:26 - 05:30

don't even need a payment just send me

05:28 - 05:32

the blog post to make sure things like

05:30 - 05:34

this don't get posted we've found a

05:32 - 05:36

group of users many of whom belong to

05:34 - 05:39

large or very large icy organizations

05:36 - 05:41

that want the stability life cycle and

05:39 - 05:43

Hardware ecosystem of Rel without having

05:41 - 05:46

to actually support the maintainers

05:43 - 05:48

engineers writers and many more roles

05:46 - 05:51

that created these users also have

05:48 - 05:54

decided not to use one of the many other

05:51 - 05:57

Linux distributions ultimately we do not

05:54 - 05:59

find Value in a Rel rebuild and are not

05:57 - 06:02

under any obligation to make things

05:59 - 06:05

easier for Rebuilders this is our call

06:02 - 06:08

to make and yes they are absolutely

06:05 - 06:10

correct that it is their air cool to

06:08 - 06:12

make really if they wanted to they could

06:10 - 06:15

say send us a letter and we'll send you

06:12 - 06:17

back a bunch of CDs containing the role

06:15 - 06:19

source code this would be a perfectly

06:17 - 06:22

valid way to fulfill the requirements

06:19 - 06:23

under the GPO and if they want they can

06:22 - 06:25

have the source code behind a login

06:23 - 06:27

screen where only customers of red hat

06:25 - 06:30

can access it and if maybe you go and

06:27 - 06:32

use that source code to rebuild a clone

06:30 - 06:34

of Rel well you're allowed to do that

06:32 - 06:36

but you don't have to be a red hat

06:34 - 06:38

customer anymore and they don't have to

06:36 - 06:40

provide you with future versions this is

06:38 - 06:42

totally within their right to do they

06:40 - 06:45

are allowed to do this the real problem

06:42 - 06:48

is whether they should do this this is

06:45 - 06:51

where the main disagreement arises Red

06:48 - 06:54

Hat wants to run a business a really

06:51 - 06:57

really successful business that yes they

06:54 - 06:58

did have the mass layoffs recently but

06:57 - 07:01

they're still by far the biggest company

06:58 - 07:03

in the entire first world and to do this

07:01 - 07:05

they need to charge for the product they

07:03 - 07:07

offer we have to pay the people to do

07:05 - 07:09

that work those passionate contributors

07:07 - 07:11

grinding through those long hours and

07:09 - 07:13

nights simply repackaging the code that

07:11 - 07:16

these individuals produce and reselling

07:13 - 07:18

it as is with no value added makes the

07:16 - 07:21

production of this open source software

07:18 - 07:23

unsustainable however on the flip side

07:21 - 07:26

you have the rest of the Foss World they

07:23 - 07:28

want to redistribute everything because

07:26 - 07:30

that is their storm and given right to

07:28 - 07:32

do so there is no license fee to access

07:30 - 07:35

the code it is just there and as someone

07:32 - 07:38

wants to go and copy a project Rebrand

07:35 - 07:40

it and now say it's mine they're well

07:38 - 07:42

within their right to do so and this is

07:40 - 07:44

effectively what Olma Linux and Rocky

07:42 - 07:46

Linux are doing whilst it may not be

07:44 - 07:49

financially viable for companies to

07:46 - 07:51

exist in this space you're well within

07:49 - 07:53

your right to free load off of existing

07:51 - 07:54

fast code I know some people are getting

07:53 - 07:56

a little bit antsy about the term

07:54 - 07:59

freeloading but breaking it down to its

07:56 - 08:01

core that is what it is and you are

07:59 - 08:04

allowed to do so if I want to take a

08:01 - 08:07

distro like Arch Linux and Rebrand it

08:04 - 08:09

into concave Linux I can do that if I

08:07 - 08:12

want to take a distro like Fedora Linux

08:09 - 08:14

and Rebrand it into Trilby Linux I can

08:12 - 08:16

do that as well and if your company

08:14 - 08:19

operating in this space like red hat is

08:16 - 08:21

someone is going to take Rel and Rebrand

08:19 - 08:24

it into Alma Linux Rocky Linux or even

08:21 - 08:26

Oracle Linux it would be lovely to have

08:24 - 08:28

a world where nobody needs to worry

08:26 - 08:30

about rent nobody needs to worry about

08:28 - 08:33

food all your bills are paid for and you

08:30 - 08:36

can just work on Foss code and just do

08:33 - 08:38

it for the benefit of society but that's

08:36 - 08:40

just not the world we live in and I can

08:38 - 08:43

understand from Red Hat's perspective

08:40 - 08:45

why facilitating this practice is just

08:43 - 08:47

not viable to running a business however

08:45 - 08:49

I can also fully understand why the

08:47 - 08:51

first world would want to go and just

08:49 - 08:53

take something that exists and Rebrand

08:51 - 08:55

it because that's something you can do

08:53 - 08:58

with pretty much everything else however

08:55 - 08:59

they do have a slightly different stance

08:58 - 09:02

when it comes to distros that aren't a

08:59 - 09:04

direct rebuild I want to specifically

09:02 - 09:06

mention the Rebuilders these are your

09:04 - 09:08

Alma Linux rocket Linux things like that

09:06 - 09:11

as different from distributions that

09:08 - 09:14

might for example add a new architecture

09:11 - 09:16

or compile flag we fully support you in

09:14 - 09:18

expanding Linux capabilities rather than

09:16 - 09:21

imitating them so if you wanted to go

09:18 - 09:24

and take Rel for example and then take

09:21 - 09:26

it in a completely new Direction he's

09:24 - 09:29

saying at least here that that would be

09:26 - 09:31

okay I'd want that written in a legally

09:29 - 09:34

binding contract before I try to use

09:31 - 09:36

something like Rel as a base but he's at

09:34 - 09:38

least seeing it here so if you wanted to

09:36 - 09:41

go and make a new Fedora for example

09:38 - 09:43

using Rel as your Upstream he's saying

09:41 - 09:46

that would be okay but they didn't

09:43 - 09:50

always have this stance there was a time

09:46 - 09:53

where Red Hat had a more let's say maybe

09:50 - 09:55

not friendly but less adversarial starts

09:53 - 09:57

with these Rebuilders there was a time

09:55 - 09:59

not too long ago that red hat found

09:57 - 10:01

value in the work done by Rebuilders

09:59 - 10:05

like Centos and that's why you bought

10:01 - 10:07

them we pushed out srpms out to

10:05 - 10:09

get.sendwest.org in a neat package that

10:07 - 10:12

made them easy to rebuild were even

10:09 - 10:14

debranded it for them more recently we

10:12 - 10:17

have determined there isn't value in

10:14 - 10:19

having a downstream Rebuilder they

10:17 - 10:21

generally accepted position that these

10:19 - 10:23

free rebuilds are just funnels churning

10:21 - 10:27

out Rel experts and turning into sales

10:23 - 10:30

just isn't reality I don't know if this

10:27 - 10:33

is like corporate speak but I don't know

10:30 - 10:36

how you could ever have The Stance that

10:33 - 10:38

using the thing that is identical to

10:36 - 10:41

your product is ever going to lead to

10:38 - 10:43

people buying your product like say for

10:41 - 10:45

example there is an Apple store and

10:43 - 10:47

there is a guy outside the Apple Store

10:45 - 10:49

giving out free iPhones

10:47 - 10:51

who are you going to get the iPhone from

10:49 - 10:53

he also touches on the whole closed

10:51 - 10:55

Source thing that a lot of people were

10:53 - 10:57

spreading around they sent to a stream

10:55 - 11:01

gitlab source is where we build real

10:57 - 11:03

releases in the open for all to see to

11:01 - 11:07

call role closed source is categorically

11:03 - 11:09

untrue and inaccurate sent to S3 moves

11:07 - 11:11

faster than Rel so it might not be on

11:09 - 11:15

head but the code is there if you can't

11:11 - 11:17

find it it's a bug please let us know or

11:15 - 11:19

it's under embargo I don't know why

11:17 - 11:21

they're just ignoring the fact they do

11:19 - 11:24

embargo code like that's not a secret so

11:21 - 11:26

this is the sentwest stream gitlab and

11:24 - 11:27

you can find the source code here now I

11:26 - 11:30

can understand how people got to the

11:27 - 11:33

point close Source because they didn't

11:30 - 11:35

do themselves any favors here Red Hat

11:33 - 11:36

customers and partners can access role

11:35 - 11:38

sources by the customer and partner

11:36 - 11:40

portals in accordance with the

11:38 - 11:42

subscription agreement now it does say

11:40 - 11:45

earlier in this post send to a stream

11:42 - 11:47

will now be the sole repository for

11:45 - 11:50

public role-related source code releases

11:47 - 11:52

but they never linked to the center West

11:50 - 11:54

stream gitlab I assumed that wherever

11:52 - 11:56

the repository was was only accessible

11:54 - 11:57

to customers and partners and this is

11:56 - 12:00

the stance that pretty much everyone

11:57 - 12:03

else had because you simply didn't say

12:00 - 12:06

it existed once again proofread your

12:03 - 12:09

blog post before you actually post it

12:06 - 12:11

now he ends the blog by saying simply

12:09 - 12:14

rebuilding code without adding value or

12:11 - 12:16

changing it in any way represents a real

12:14 - 12:18

threat to open source companies

12:16 - 12:21

everywhere this is a real threat to open

12:18 - 12:23

source and one that has the potential to

12:21 - 12:26

revert open source back into a hobbyist

12:23 - 12:28

and hackers only activity so if you

12:26 - 12:32

weren't sure what position they had on

12:28 - 12:34

Alma Linux and Rocky Linux clearly it is

12:32 - 12:37

they shouldn't exist and if they're

12:34 - 12:39

going to exist they shouldn't be a

12:37 - 12:40

one-to-one clone of Rel they should be

12:39 - 12:43

their own thing that brings something

12:40 - 12:45

unique to the table and from Red Hat's

12:43 - 12:47

perspective I can totally understand why

12:45 - 12:49

they'll want that to happen but from the

12:47 - 12:51

community Unity perspective you are

12:49 - 12:54

taking away this free option that has

12:51 - 12:56

basically always existed sentos existed

12:54 - 12:59

for a very long time you took that away

12:56 - 13:01

Rocky Linux and Alma Linux came along to

12:59 - 13:04

fill that Gap and now you are trying to

13:01 - 13:06

break it again ultimately I don't know

13:04 - 13:08

where I completely stand on this I

13:06 - 13:10

certainly lean a lot more towards the

13:08 - 13:13

community side the side of freedom of

13:10 - 13:16

free software but from that business

13:13 - 13:18

perspective I can understand why Red Hat

13:16 - 13:21

has this position I think the only thing

13:18 - 13:24

I can say conclusively is red hat is

13:21 - 13:25

absolutely terrible communication but

13:24 - 13:28

let me know your thoughts in the comment

13:25 - 13:29

section down below where do you stand on

13:28 - 13:32

this please I don't want the comment

13:29 - 13:35

section to turn into an argument so try

13:32 - 13:37

to keep it civil even saying that I know

13:35 - 13:38

it's not going to happen so let me know

13:37 - 13:40

your thoughts if you like the video go

13:38 - 13:42

like the video and if you really like

13:40 - 13:43

the video and you want to become one of

13:42 - 13:45

these amazing people over here check out

13:43 - 13:48

the patreon scrubs liberope Link in the

13:45 - 13:50

description down below that's gonna be

13:48 - 13:52

it for me and

13:50 - 13:55

hopefully Red Hat doesn't make another

13:52 - 13:55


13:59 - 14:06


14:05 - 14:14


14:06 - 14:14


14:16 - 14:19


Red Hat's Communication Strategy and Open Source Community Relationship

In the world of open-source software, effective communication plays a crucial role in fostering relationships with the community. Red Hat, being a major player in the industry, has recently faced challenges due to its communication strategy. Let's delve into Red Hat's recent stance on their code distribution practices and the community's response.

Missteps in Communication

Red Hat's communication missteps have led to misunderstandings within the open-source community. By not effectively articulating their position on code redistribution, Red Hat has inadvertently fueled discord. The recent uproar surrounding Red Hat's approach to downstream sources illustrates the importance of clear and transparent communication.

Understanding Open Source Contributions

Despite the communication issues, it's essential to recognize the significant contributions Red Hat makes to the open-source ecosystem. The company's commitment to upstream code contributions benefits not only their customers but the entire community. Red Hat's involvement in projects like GNOME and systemd showcases their dedication to enhancing open-source technologies.

Balancing Business Needs with Open Source Principles

While Red Hat strives to run a successful business by monetizing their products, they must navigate the delicate balance between profitability and open-source values. Their decision to restrict downstream code redistribution stems from a desire to protect their business model and ensure sustainability. However, this stance has sparked debates about the essence of true open-source collaboration.

Impact on the Community

The emergence of projects like Alma Linux and Rocky Linux in response to changes in Red Hat's distribution model highlights the community's resilience and adaptability. While Red Hat aims to maintain the uniqueness of their offerings, the community values the freedom to redistribute and innovate upon existing code bases.

Looking Ahead

As the debate between Red Hat and the open-source community continues, it's essential to find common ground that benefits all stakeholders. Clear communication, mutual understanding, and respect for diverse viewpoints are key to bridging the gap between business objectives and community values.

In conclusion, the evolving dynamics between Red Hat and the open-source community underscore the complexities of balancing commercial interests with the ethos of open-source software. By fostering dialogue and collaboration, both sides can work towards a harmonious relationship that promotes innovation and sustainability in the ever-expanding open-source landscape.

Remember, collaboration and understanding pave the way for a thriving open-source ecosystem where diverse perspectives contribute to the collective advancement of technology. Let's continue the conversation and strive for a future where open source and business interests coexist in harmony.