00:00 - 00:04
hey guys and welcome to r scale so I've
00:02 - 00:07
got three out of three page one rankings
00:04 - 00:10
in a few hours with my new proplex
00:07 - 00:13
programmatic SE approach which writes
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highly factual data driven articles that
00:13 - 00:17
also sound human is it to good to be
00:15 - 00:19
true let's find out so first things
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first let me just show you the article
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so this one is does hick bypass pass a
00:22 - 00:28
detection let's just paste this in
00:24 - 00:30
Google and this is the first page here
00:28 - 00:32
is my article so 9 hours go I'm already
00:30 - 00:35
on page one it's just example one let's
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try another one and I just wrote the
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three so just three articles okay oh I'm
00:39 - 00:45
actually occupying the second place and
00:41 - 00:48
again just 8 hours ago and what about
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the last one last one oh okay so I'm
00:48 - 00:53
actually number one after this sponsored
00:51 - 00:56
article beautiful best part is let's
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just copy this article here for example
00:56 - 01:02
as you can see beautiful
00:58 - 01:05
infographic lots of data custom
01:02 - 01:07
table it's a shorter article so for
01:05 - 01:10
programmatic SEO I usually aim at around
01:07 - 01:13
500 wordss let's go to Hemingway first
01:10 - 01:17
let's paste this in this is grade eight
01:13 - 01:19
readability just over 600 words about
01:23 - 01:30
gbd and zero GPD says it's sub 5% AI
01:27 - 01:32
meaning 95% human so maybe maybe it's a
01:30 - 01:35
fluke Let's test another one of my
01:32 - 01:39
articles again beautiful infographics
01:35 - 01:45
okay let's check this one this one is 0%
01:39 - 01:45
AI mean 100% human last one again custom
01:46 - 01:52
infographics one of my videos and just
01:49 - 01:57
look at this look at this beauty going
01:52 - 01:59
back to zero gbd and it's 16% AI so on a
01:57 - 02:01
higher scale but still this is
01:59 - 02:04
acceptable to me and as you may know
02:01 - 02:06
I've started my school community and as
02:04 - 02:08
part of this community you will get a
02:06 - 02:11
complete workflow with all the steps of
02:08 - 02:13
the prompts if you join so step number
02:11 - 02:17
one is you need to go to perplexity a
02:13 - 02:20
pro version and I have tested R1 and 03
02:17 - 02:23
and pro R1 is still the best as far as
02:20 - 02:25
the diversity of sources the amount of
02:23 - 02:28
sources and one of the more important
02:25 - 02:31
things is you have to choose web and
02:28 - 02:32
social for these to work I'm pasing this
02:31 - 02:34
huge prompt and there are a few
02:32 - 02:38
important components and this is an
02:34 - 02:40
innovation I'm actively asking AI to
02:38 - 02:43
double check itself against various
02:40 - 02:44
criteria then the actual prompt with the
02:43 - 02:47
outline and the outline is that of
02:44 - 02:49
programmatic SEO so for every every time
02:47 - 02:51
I need to change the outline I've just
02:49 - 02:54
created this little tool this is for a
02:51 - 02:56
search AI let's say I need it for SEO
02:54 - 02:59
writing and the outline changes seral
02:56 - 03:03
times I just copy this and that's it so
02:59 - 03:06
the outline stays exactly the same okay
03:03 - 03:09
so a very short intro quick summary
03:06 - 03:11
features then the performance of surge
03:09 - 03:14
graph in this example against all the
03:11 - 03:16
most popular a detectors it's a very
03:14 - 03:19
short article and this is the most
03:16 - 03:22
important part so the prompt actually
03:19 - 03:24
carried out a source audit it included
03:22 - 03:27
some of the sources prioritized social
03:24 - 03:30
and video over text and more recent
03:27 - 03:32
sources over older ones and that was
03:30 - 03:34
extremely important to me so this is the
03:32 - 03:37
bulk of the article then what you can
03:34 - 03:39
also do is run this little prompt I
03:37 - 03:42
usually like to change it to 03
03:39 - 03:44
mini because sometimes it just renders
03:42 - 03:47
everything inside of perplexity doesn't
03:44 - 03:50
happen very often but sometimes it does
03:47 - 03:54
okay so we got a python script for a
03:50 - 03:56
chart all we have to do is go to chbd
03:54 - 03:59
unit free version turn the below into
03:56 - 04:01
HTML that I can embat into WordPress and
03:59 - 04:04
before pasting this into a WordPress we
04:01 - 04:05
can use a tool code code beyy for
04:04 - 04:07
example to make sure everything is
04:05 - 04:09
working correctly we need to choose the
04:07 - 04:12
HTML viewer for that okay looks like
04:09 - 04:15
it's ready just need to paste this in
04:12 - 04:16
and this is a fully interactive chart
04:15 - 04:20
beautiful beautiful chart that we can
04:16 - 04:22
just paste into WordPress as custom HTML
04:20 - 04:24
and that's going to work another super
04:22 - 04:27
cool thing that you can do inside of
04:24 - 04:29
perplexity is go to generate image and
04:27 - 04:32
click on the plus sign first then on on
04:29 - 04:35
the tool icon which says custom prompt
04:32 - 04:37
and run this very unsophisticated prompt
04:35 - 04:40
using digital art cyber style generate
04:37 - 04:42
featured image with a text overlay say
04:40 - 04:45
and this is basically my title make sure
04:42 - 04:47
the text is accurate and displayed as is
04:45 - 04:50
also I've been playing around with
04:47 - 04:53
Gwen's a image generator and Gwen 2.5 is
04:50 - 04:56
a free llm from China you just choose
04:53 - 04:58
create an image then you run this prompt
04:56 - 05:00
and let's compare the two oh beautiful
04:58 - 05:02
everything is very accurate and this is
05:00 - 05:04
flux does search graph pass detection
05:02 - 05:08
and look at this does search graph PA
05:04 - 05:11
detection as well so we can use either
05:08 - 05:14
Gwen for free or the inbuilt perplexity
05:11 - 05:16
a generator powered by flux then
05:14 - 05:18
basically you paste everything in and
05:16 - 05:20
just to make sure that this is human
05:18 - 05:23
let's just copy this text in front of
05:20 - 05:26
you let's run it through my perplexity
05:23 - 05:29
formatter let's copy the output back to
05:26 - 05:31
markdown and then let's test this with
05:29 - 05:35
zero gbd so I don't need the source
05:31 - 05:38
audit obviously let's exclude that and
05:35 - 05:40
this is 0% AI so 100% human it's paced
05:38 - 05:43
into Hemingway grade 10 so this is on a
05:40 - 05:45
higher reability level but still very
05:43 - 05:47
acceptable to me so this is it again
05:45 - 05:49
this workflow is going to be available
05:47 - 05:51
for the school community members which
05:49 - 05:55
is a paid community that I have just
05:51 - 05:58
started I am fully intended on creating
05:55 - 06:00
whole more of these kinds of workflows
05:58 - 06:03
for different use cases so stay tuned
06:00 - 06:05
enjoy and I'll see you in the next video