00:01 - 00:02
I have a confession.
00:03 - 00:04
I hate groups.
00:05 - 00:10
I hate being in a group, I hate
having to hang out in a group.
00:11 - 00:16
Anything to do with groups, I'm like done,
hate it, get me out of here, Ronnie, no.
00:16 - 00:18
Maybe I'm socially
awkward, I don't know.
00:19 - 00:23
But this is actually a lesson
for me, and you, okay?
00:24 - 00:27
And the back story of
this is I recently joined
00:27 - 00:30
the gardening community,
and it was the first
00:30 - 00:31
time the group was meeting.
00:31 - 00:34
So I was on my bike,
I get off my bike, and
00:34 - 00:36
I see all these people,
and I'm like, humans,
00:37 - 00:37
what do I say?
00:39 - 00:42
And the person who's the leader of
the group says, "Hey, what's your name?"
00:42 - 00:43
I'm like, "I'm Ronnie."
00:43 - 00:44
"Okay, cool."
00:50 - 00:54
So I'm like, and, like, hello.
00:54 - 01:00
So I remember what my friend
told me, and she's not shy like I am.
01:00 - 01:07
She says, "Ronnie, when you go in a group,
first thing you do, introduce yourself to
01:08 - 01:08
01:09 - 01:11
Oh man, okay, I can do that.
01:11 - 01:15
So, first person I see sitting down,
"Hey, I'm Ronnie, nice to meet you."
01:16 - 01:18
Huh, no response, okay.
01:18 - 01:20
Next person, "Hey, I'm
Ronnie, nice to meet you."
01:20 - 01:21
"Oh, hey, my name's..."
01:22 - 01:25
Oh, okay, this person
talks, good, okay, good.
01:25 - 01:28
Next, I'm like, I'm not going to
remember anyone's names, but hold on.
01:28 - 01:30
I went to every single
person in that group,
01:30 - 01:32
I think there were
seven people, could be
01:32 - 01:33
six, I don't know,
don't remember.
01:35 - 01:37
And this works like a charm.
01:38 - 01:43
Because when you're in a situation where
there's a whole group of people that don't
01:43 - 01:46
know each other, everyone
feels uncomfortable,
01:46 - 01:49
because a simple
thing like of knowing the
01:49 - 01:53
person's name, it makes you go, oh,
okay, I know that person's name now.
01:54 - 01:57
If you make the effort
to introduce yourself,
01:57 - 02:00
then the people feel
more comfortable with
02:00 - 02:07
They know your name, and this is the
best technique, you can suss people out.
02:08 - 02:09
Now, this might be
a new word for you.
02:10 - 02:14
To suss people out
or sniff them out, you
02:14 - 02:19
can kind of determine
if the people, you see
02:19 - 02:21
what people you like or dislike.
02:21 - 02:24
So, I give everyone I
meet a chance, I'm like,
02:24 - 02:26
cool, everyone's weird,
everyone's awesome.
02:28 - 02:30
But some people, when
I introduce myself to
02:30 - 02:33
them, they're like, oh,
this person's boring.
02:33 - 02:34
Next person.
02:34 - 02:40
So I can determine what people I think are
cool, what people I want to hang out with
02:40 - 02:40
in the group.
02:41 - 02:43
And everyone has their
own opinion, so, you
02:43 - 02:46
know, this person
thinks this person's cool,
02:46 - 02:47
I don't, that's fine.
02:47 - 02:50
You don't have to like
everyone, remember that.
02:51 - 02:54
And you don't have to think everyone's
boring, but if they are, that's cool.
02:54 - 02:57
So, I do this, and
I'm like, hey, this is a
02:57 - 03:00
group, but I notice that
nobody else does this.
03:00 - 03:02
More people come and
join the group, I rock up,
03:02 - 03:04
hey, I'm Ronnie, nice to
meet you, blah, blah, blah.
03:04 - 03:06
Remember, people, I'm shy, okay?
03:06 - 03:09
So don't give me the
excuse, like, I'm shy, it's
03:09 - 03:11
like, me too, but make
the effort, especially
03:11 - 03:14
if English, if you're
in a group of people
03:14 - 03:16
that English is not your
first language, okay?
03:17 - 03:19
Second one, be the connector.
03:20 - 03:22
So, I already told you
to introduce yourself.
03:23 - 03:25
Now, what you're going
to do, and what I should
03:25 - 03:27
have done is I should
have been like, "Hey,
03:27 - 03:29
Julie, have you met Trevor?"
03:29 - 03:30
No, you haven't.
03:31 - 03:32
Julie, meet Trevor.
03:33 - 03:39
And by introducing people, you know, okay,
so Julie, here's Kevin, blah, blah, blah,
03:39 - 03:40
people are shy.
03:41 - 03:45
They need you to be the connector, because
you've already come in the group and been
03:45 - 03:47
like, hey, I'm Ronnie,
blah, blah, and people
03:47 - 03:49
go, oh, okay, Ronnie
knows people, yeah.
03:50 - 03:52
So they're shy, they're like,
oh, I really want to meet...
03:52 - 03:53
I really want to meet Kevin.
03:53 - 03:56
So I'm like, hey, Julie, come
here, come and meet Kevin.
03:56 - 03:57
Oh, hey, what's up?
03:57 - 04:00
So you connect people
together, and that helps them.
04:01 - 04:02
It helps the group
become better.
04:02 - 04:06
Now, you might think,
well, Ronnie, like, what...
04:06 - 04:07
Where would I ever use this?
04:07 - 04:08
I don't...
04:08 - 04:12
I don't go out drinking, I don't go to
pubs, I'm not really a group situation.
04:12 - 04:13
Are you a teacher?
04:15 - 04:17
Or do you want to be a teacher?
04:17 - 04:19
This is important
classroom stuff, too.
04:20 - 04:22
You're in a classroom,
you've got a group of
04:22 - 04:24
people, they're
nervous, they're shy, they
04:24 - 04:28
don't want to be there, they're excited,
they're nervous, they have to pee.
04:28 - 04:31
It's your job as a teacher
to be the connector.
04:31 - 04:35
You have to get people comfortable in
your classroom, and you've got to keep...
04:35 - 04:39
Get people talking or shutting up,
depending on what you're doing over there.
04:40 - 04:43
So, once you've got the
other people connected,
04:43 - 04:45
you start maybe
talking about something.
04:46 - 04:49
So, let's say I break off
and I'm like, "Oh, yeah, hey.
04:49 - 04:51
Hey, John, what's up?
04:51 - 04:52
Oh, I like your t-shirt.
04:52 - 04:52
That's cool.
04:52 - 04:53
Yeah, you like Led Zeppelin?
04:54 - 05:02
So, what I've done is I've taken one person
out of the group, but I notice that there's
05:02 - 05:11
people outside of the group that don't have
anyone to talk to, and you have to include
05:11 - 05:12
the other people.
05:12 - 05:14
Like, "Hey, Tony.
05:14 - 05:15
Come here, man.
05:15 - 05:16
I want you to meet John.
05:16 - 05:18
He likes the same bands as you."
05:19 - 05:22
Get people to be inclusive.
05:22 - 05:23
Get people together.
05:25 - 05:27
If you're talking about
movies, and you know
05:27 - 05:28
this guy likes movies,
and this girl likes
05:28 - 05:32
movies, you can have
a movie discussion.
05:33 - 05:37
Do your part to never
let someone stand outside
05:37 - 05:41
of the group unless
they've, you know, around...
05:41 - 05:45
I don't know, on a phone call or something,
but make sure that everyone feels wanted in
05:47 - 05:51
Really important, I live
in a huge metropolitan
05:51 - 05:54
city where we have
millions of people.
05:54 - 05:55
No, that's...
05:55 - 05:55
Yeah, we do.
05:56 - 05:58
And we all speak
different languages.
05:58 - 06:03
But when you're in a group situation
together, please speak the same language.
06:03 - 06:06
Make sure it's English or
whatever the language is.
06:06 - 06:10
Again, make sure
that you are inclusive.
06:11 - 06:12
Include the people in the group.
06:12 - 06:17
Don't start talking, like, another language
when other people don't know that language,
06:17 - 06:19
because that makes
people uncomfortable.
06:19 - 06:22
They go, "They must
be talking about me."
06:23 - 06:25
Talk about general topics.
06:26 - 06:27
This is one of my fun things.
06:27 - 06:30
When I meet people, I'm
like, "When's your birthday?
06:33 - 06:39
And tell me your top 5 or 10
bands, because I like music, right?"
06:40 - 06:42
And ask everyone
the same question.
06:43 - 06:46
If you're sitting at
a table and it's very
06:46 - 06:49
uncomfortable, nobody's
talking, you can say...
06:49 - 06:54
Start with the person, and you have to go,
"Hey, what do you think about, uh, bottled
06:54 - 06:55
06:55 - 06:58
And then go around the
table and ask everyone's
06:58 - 07:01
opinion, because,
again, you want to include
07:02 - 07:04
You don't want people
breaking off into little
07:04 - 07:06
groups, because the
people that don't have
07:06 - 07:10
someone to talk to,
they feel uncomfortable.
07:10 - 07:11
07:11 - 07:11
Don't run away.
07:12 - 07:14
Make sure that you ask
everyone the same thing.
07:14 - 07:25
Don't skip one person, like, "Yeah, okay,
yeah, oh, icebreakers, I hate these, oh my
07:26 - 07:27
So it's the first time
you meet someone in
07:27 - 07:29
a group, and they're
like, "Okay, everybody,
07:30 - 07:34
please tell us your name and
an interesting fact about you."
07:34 - 07:36
I'm like, "Fuck, I don't know.
07:36 - 07:37
I don't know.
07:37 - 07:37
I don't know.
07:37 - 07:38
I don't know.
I don't know.
07:38 - 07:39
I don't know.
I don't know.
07:39 - 07:39
I don't know.
07:40 - 07:41
Make up bullshit.
07:41 - 07:42
Ronnie, okay, um, um,
um, um, um, um, um, um.
07:42 - 07:48
My name's Ronnie, I know that part, and
I really like to eat hamsters on Tuesday."
07:48 - 07:49
Oh my god, that
was absolutely a lie.
07:50 - 07:51
What did I just say?
07:52 - 07:56
So, "icebreakers" are
kind of weird when you
07:56 - 07:59
put people on the
spot, like, "Tell me an
07:59 - 08:01
interesting fact
about yourself."
08:01 - 08:03
"Uh, I don't know.
08:04 - 08:04
Those are hard."
08:04 - 08:09
So, instead of doing "icebreakers",
you can do drinking games.
08:11 - 08:15
You can play board games,
you can play card games.
08:16 - 08:17
People love Uno.
08:18 - 08:20
Everyone loves a game of Uno.
08:20 - 08:22
So again, include everyone.
08:22 - 08:25
Play games, play
video games together.
08:25 - 08:29
I don't know what games you want to play,
whatever you're doing, have it, do it, but
08:29 - 08:30
make sure everyone's involved.
08:30 - 08:33
And if people don't want
to play it, that's okay.
08:34 - 08:35
People just...
08:35 - 08:37
Put your fucking phone away.
08:37 - 08:38
Again, put your phone away.
08:38 - 08:41
You're in a group, you're
trying to have conversations,
08:41 - 08:43
you're trying to learn
a new language, put
08:43 - 08:44
your phone away.
08:44 - 08:48
There's no reason to be
texting your mom at this point.
08:49 - 08:50
Put your phone away.
08:51 - 08:53
Yeah, because you're never going to
learn if you don't put your phone away.
08:55 - 08:56
Have you seen a
pattern emerging?
08:56 - 08:59
Now, up until this
list, these are things
08:59 - 09:02
that I'm telling you to
do because it's good
09:04 - 09:09
I'll tell you what I do in a group
because, as I told you before, I'm shy.
09:09 - 09:10
I hate groups.
09:10 - 09:11
I don't like them.
09:11 - 09:17
They make me nervous, I don't like meeting
people, and this is the hardest thing for
09:18 - 09:19
But once you do
that, everything's cool.
09:20 - 09:23
I remember being a
kid, and I had to go to,
09:23 - 09:27
like, I don't know,
tennis camp or whatever,
09:27 - 09:31
and there'd be a group of people, and
I'm like, "I don't want to talk to anyone."
09:31 - 09:34
What I do is I latch
on to one person.
09:35 - 09:40
So "latch on to one person" means that
you're like, "Hi, will you be my friend?"
09:42 - 09:45
So you've got that one person
in the group that's your friend.
09:45 - 09:48
All the other people,
they're cool, too, but
09:48 - 09:51
this is where the fun
begins in the group.
09:52 - 09:55
What you can do is
you can "take the piss".
09:56 - 09:57
You have to go to the bathroom?
09:59 - 10:01
"Take the piss" means
you can make fun of people.
10:02 - 10:04
Nuh-uh, maybe the people
in the group, it doesn't matter.
10:04 - 10:06
Maybe the teacher,
it doesn't matter.
10:06 - 10:10
But you've got a friend that
you will feel confident with.
10:11 - 10:16
You can enjoy the group activities because
you know your friend is there and going to
10:16 - 10:16
hang out with you.
10:17 - 10:20
You can make side
comments to your friend.
10:21 - 10:22
Do you have staff meetings?
10:23 - 10:24
Are they boring?
10:24 - 10:29
So if you've got, like,
a co-worker who's in
10:29 - 10:33
the group, you're
like, "Hey, Jack, wasn't
10:33 - 10:33
that bullshit?
10:34 - 10:34
This guy's...
10:34 - 10:35
This guy's..."
10:36 - 10:38
You're having a good
time in the group now.
10:38 - 10:39
You don't have to be shy.
10:39 - 10:42
You don't have to feel
uncomfortable in your
10:42 - 10:44
staff meeting with all
the other humans there.
10:45 - 10:46
You've got a friend.
10:47 - 10:48
And the last one...
10:48 - 10:51
No, the second
last one, "drink".
10:53 - 10:54
It's the social lubricant.
10:58 - 11:00
Hey, man, if you want to
drink a glass of milk, go ahead.
11:01 - 11:03
I'm talking about
booze, alcohol.
11:03 - 11:07
I don't know what
happens, but when we start
11:07 - 11:10
to drink, we lose
all of our inhibitions.
11:10 - 11:14
We lose our nervousness, we
lose our stress, and we're just like...
11:15 - 11:17
We're like wild animals.
11:17 - 11:19
We're all these
emos walking around.
11:21 - 11:22
It makes you...
11:22 - 11:22
I don't know.
11:22 - 11:23
Talk to people more.
11:23 - 11:29
So, probably at a staff meeting with your
co-workers, you maybe can't drink, but hey,
11:30 - 11:31
you can sneak in that vodka.
11:32 - 11:35
And then this is one that...
11:35 - 11:35
I don't know.
11:37 - 11:41
Think of a compliment for
each person in the group.
11:43 - 11:48
So, I look up to this group, and I think,
"Oh my god, what am I going to say to these
11:50 - 11:52
How am I ever going
to relate to them?
11:52 - 11:55
We have nothing in
common, I've never met them
11:55 - 11:57
before, I don't know
anything about them",
11:57 - 12:00
and I go, "Oh, hey,
do you know what?
12:01 - 12:04
I like that person's
shoes, those are cool."
12:04 - 12:08
And you know, when I was
introducing myself, I thought that this...
12:08 - 12:15
This person here had a cool t-shirt, yeah,
this person, I didn't really like them, but
12:15 - 12:19
they didn't have bad breath,
so that's a plus for them.
12:20 - 12:22
Oh, yeah, this
guy's got cool hair.
12:22 - 12:28
So, when it's time for you to talk to the
person one-on-one, you can compliment them.
12:29 - 12:33
Think of a compliment for each
person, and go, "Hey, do you know what?
12:33 - 12:35
You have some cool shoes."
12:35 - 12:37
People love compliments.
12:38 - 12:42
"Oh, man, that's a cool
t-shirt, where'd you get it?"
12:42 - 12:42
"Yeah, cool.
12:42 - 12:44
Oh, nice."
12:44 - 12:46
The more you compliment
people, I don't know
12:46 - 12:48
why, humans are
weird, they're like, "Oh,
12:49 - 12:50
Okay, yeah, I'm cool.
12:50 - 12:52
Oh, yeah, this is fun."
12:52 - 12:54
So lift people up, don't bring
people down in the group.
12:54 - 12:58
And if you have
tips, let me know.
12:58 - 13:00
How do you deal with groups?
13:00 - 13:01
Do you like groups?
13:02 - 13:03
Are you the leader of the group?
13:03 - 13:07
Are you the silent
observer in the group?
13:08 - 13:11
I'm the silent observer,
unless I have to be the leader.
13:12 - 13:12
What are you?
13:12 - 13:15
Let me know in the
comments, and let me know
13:15 - 13:18
how you deal with
these group situations.
13:19 - 13:20
I'm off to be alone now.