00:00 - 00:04

hi guys Mr R waffles here this is your

00:02 - 00:05

non-nonsense Guide to the Citadel day Mo

00:04 - 00:07

Easter egg if you have any problems at

00:05 - 00:08

any time check the video description but

00:07 - 00:10

otherwise let's begin the first thing

00:08 - 00:12

you need to do is open up the map and

00:10 - 00:13

activate the Pack-a-Punch machine as

00:12 - 00:15

indicated by the orange marker on the

00:13 - 00:16

side of your screen when you spawn in if

00:15 - 00:17

you don't know how to do that I've got a

00:16 - 00:18

full guide for it linked in the

00:17 - 00:19

description and in the corner of the

00:18 - 00:21

screen right now the last step of that

00:19 - 00:22

is to shoot the locks off this box and

00:21 - 00:24

then kill the ghast that's inside and it

00:22 - 00:25

will drop a crystal and you just grab

00:24 - 00:27

the crystal and put it in this portal

00:25 - 00:29

here that will spawn in the Pack-A-Punch

00:27 - 00:31

and then in the adjacent room if you run

00:29 - 00:33

over to this little cubby here you can

00:31 - 00:35

find a wooden door and if you wait for

00:33 - 00:36

the Easter egg dialogue to finish and

00:35 - 00:38

then you hold square on the door you'll

00:36 - 00:40

open up the little window flap and

00:38 - 00:42

Gabriel craft inside will talk to you

00:40 - 00:44

next something very easy you can do is

00:42 - 00:46

come over to the sitting room and you

00:44 - 00:48

need to grab four pages which are

00:46 - 00:50

littered around the room you'll spot

00:48 - 00:51

them very easily because they've got a

00:50 - 00:53

red marking on the front and when you

00:51 - 00:54

hold square on each one it will give you

00:53 - 00:56

a marker on the top right hand corner of

00:54 - 00:58

your screen and you need to run around

00:56 - 01:00

the room and find four of them in total

00:58 - 01:01

and pick them all up I'll show you

01:00 - 01:03

several spawn locations now we'll start

01:01 - 01:05

off here facing stamina up then look to

01:03 - 01:06

your right there'll be one possible

01:05 - 01:08

spawn on the wall here a second spawn

01:06 - 01:10

for that sheet can be just to the left

01:08 - 01:11

of it and a third possible spawn for it

01:10 - 01:13

can be behind you which is where I've

01:11 - 01:14

got it in my game as you can see the

01:13 - 01:16

next sheet could be just here as you can

01:14 - 01:18

see I've got it in my game or it could

01:16 - 01:22

be on the sofa just here or it could be

01:18 - 01:24

next to the TV the third sheet could be

01:22 - 01:26

here by the fireplace near the bunk beds

01:24 - 01:28

or it could be just to the left here as

01:26 - 01:30

you can see in my game or it could be

01:28 - 01:32

just there on the table and then the

01:30 - 01:33

fourth sheet could be just here behind

01:32 - 01:35

the zombie that I just had to take out

01:33 - 01:38

or it could be here by the boxes or it

01:35 - 01:39

could be down below on the floor by the

01:38 - 01:41

boxes as well but if you struggle to

01:39 - 01:44

find any of those just look around in

01:41 - 01:46

the area for a glowing red eye on a page

01:44 - 01:47

and pick it up and I'll have a list of

01:46 - 01:49

all spawns in the description as well in

01:47 - 01:51

case you need some extra help next we

01:49 - 01:53

need to go to round 10 now technically

01:51 - 01:55

you can do some other steps before round

01:53 - 01:56

10 but because in this guide I want to

01:55 - 01:59

make sure that all of the elemental

01:56 - 02:00

sword steps are grouped together I'm not

01:59 - 02:02

going to explain them out of order or

02:00 - 02:03

like explain some before round 10 and

02:02 - 02:05

then some after round 10 I don't want to

02:03 - 02:07

confuse you by talking too much about

02:05 - 02:08

Elemental sword Parts out of order here

02:07 - 02:10

so for now we're just going to get to

02:08 - 02:12

round 10 on round 10 you're going to see

02:10 - 02:15

these Knight zombies spawn in who have a

02:12 - 02:16

knight's helmet on their heads and you

02:15 - 02:19

need to take those zombies down and when

02:16 - 02:20

you do so you'll get a stamp part on the

02:19 - 02:22

floor which you can pick up when you get

02:20 - 02:25

the first one of these you can go over

02:22 - 02:26

to one of the four statues in this room

02:25 - 02:28

here and hold square on it to deposit

02:26 - 02:30

the stamp and get yourself a sword but

02:28 - 02:32

I'm going to explain these in in a

02:30 - 02:34

particular order so I'm going to suggest

02:32 - 02:36

that the first one you do is this lion

02:34 - 02:38

statue and you can tell which statue is

02:36 - 02:40

which two ways number one you can look

02:38 - 02:43

at the chest plate of the statue and all

02:40 - 02:45

of them but the Raven have the Insignia

02:43 - 02:47

on the chest and the Raven is just a

02:45 - 02:48

little Raven on its shoulder but also

02:47 - 02:50

once you've grabbed a sword you can look

02:48 - 02:51

at the name that it gives you and if you

02:50 - 02:52

don't know what the name is you can just

02:51 - 02:53

put your sword away and then pull it

02:52 - 02:55

back out again and it will show you what

02:53 - 02:57

the name of the sword is so you know oh

02:55 - 02:58

okay I know which sword I'm holding I

02:57 - 03:00

can move on with my game so we're going

02:58 - 03:02

to do lion sword first first once you've

03:00 - 03:04

grabbed the Lion's sword take a look up

03:02 - 03:06

at this Crystal here and shoot it from

03:04 - 03:08

where I'm standing in the game here and

03:06 - 03:10

then you just need to copy my location

03:08 - 03:12

where I'm standing and keep shooting the

03:10 - 03:13

crystals as I'm doing in my game I think

03:12 - 03:14

the trick to make this work pretty

03:13 - 03:16

consistently is to sort of stand where

03:14 - 03:18

the beam is pointing and then shoot back

03:16 - 03:19

at the Crystal from there so that was

03:18 - 03:21

the first Crystal like I just said then

03:19 - 03:23

that's the second Crystal just there

03:21 - 03:24

then I'm going to stand under the beam

03:23 - 03:25

once again and shoot this next crystal

03:24 - 03:27

that's going to reflect into the room

03:25 - 03:28

here going to stand under the beam shoot

03:27 - 03:30

the crystal again it's not going to go

03:28 - 03:31

where I need it to go so I'm going to

03:30 - 03:32

shoot it one more time and that's going

03:31 - 03:34

to line it up once more and then again

03:32 - 03:36

stand under the beam shoot the Crystal

03:34 - 03:37

and that will redirect it back to this

03:36 - 03:39

little statue hold square on it and

03:37 - 03:41

you'll grab yourself The Amulet and you

03:39 - 03:43

can then run over here to where this

03:41 - 03:45

yellow portal will spawn in on the floor

03:43 - 03:46

and deposit the amulet and then it's

03:45 - 03:48

just a soul boox where you've got to get

03:46 - 03:50

a bunch of kills I think it's about 15

03:48 - 03:53

to 20 kills and once that is completed

03:50 - 03:54

the circle will disappear and this chest

03:53 - 03:56

will start glowing yellow now to open

03:54 - 03:59

that chest we need to complete another

03:56 - 04:00

light or lion sword objective so if you

03:59 - 04:02

go to the next round here while you've

04:00 - 04:04

got the lion sword you're going to see

04:02 - 04:05

that there are parasites which spawn in

04:04 - 04:07

which have a yellow glow on them you

04:05 - 04:08

need to come over where I'm standing in

04:07 - 04:10

the game play here and melee one of

04:08 - 04:12

those glowing yellow parasites with your

04:10 - 04:14

lion sword and that's going to cause the

04:12 - 04:16

lion sword to start glowing yellow and

04:14 - 04:17

you just then need to melee this door as

04:16 - 04:19

you can see here and that's going to

04:17 - 04:21

deposit this little symbol on the door

04:19 - 04:23

and you just need to repeat this three

04:21 - 04:24

more times so go back to one of those

04:23 - 04:26

yellow glowing parasites kill it with

04:24 - 04:28

the lion sword and then bring the yellow

04:26 - 04:30

charge to the door and redeposit it and

04:28 - 04:31

then repeat now if you don't have any

04:30 - 04:32

yellow glowing parasites you need to go

04:31 - 04:34

to the next round and that will spawn

04:32 - 04:36

more yellow glowing parasites in once

04:34 - 04:37

you've done this four times you'll have

04:36 - 04:39

four symbols on the door you can then

04:37 - 04:41

hold square on the door and it will put

04:39 - 04:43

you inside this little chamber in there

04:41 - 04:45

you need to run up to this Podium and

04:43 - 04:47

deposit the lion sword by pulling it out

04:45 - 04:48

and holding square and then look down at

04:47 - 04:50

the podium and it's going to have a

04:48 - 04:52

symbol lit up on top of it you need to

04:50 - 04:53

shoot the corresponding symbol on the

04:52 - 04:55

ceiling that it's showing you lit up and

04:53 - 04:57

then the symbol on the podium is going

04:55 - 04:58

to switch to number two you need to

04:57 - 04:59

shoot that symbol now as you're doing

04:58 - 05:01

this the symbols that you're shooting

04:59 - 05:03

are going to move around a little bit so

05:01 - 05:04

you might need to take a couple of shots

05:03 - 05:06

to make sure that you hit it once you do

05:04 - 05:08

all four symbols here you'll then be

05:06 - 05:10

able to grab the lion sword back out

05:08 - 05:11

from the podium and it will spit you

05:10 - 05:13

back out of that little room and you'll

05:11 - 05:15

have the lion sword you can then come

05:13 - 05:16

back over to that gold chest that we

05:15 - 05:18

opened up before and you can hit it with

05:16 - 05:20

the lion sword to open that up and

05:18 - 05:22

unlock your light incantations next if

05:20 - 05:24

you've already got another stamp you can

05:22 - 05:26

go over and exchange the stamp with the

05:24 - 05:29

dragon statue to get the fire dragon

05:26 - 05:30

sword but if you don't have a stamp yet

05:29 - 05:32

that means you need to go to the next

05:30 - 05:34

round and look for a zombie with the

05:32 - 05:35

helm on once again and then take it out

05:34 - 05:37

grab the stamp from it and then go and

05:35 - 05:39

exchange it once you've picked up the

05:37 - 05:41

Dragon Sword come over to this dragon

05:39 - 05:43

statue up the stairs from the Juggernog

05:41 - 05:45

machine in the middle of the castle and

05:43 - 05:47

deposit the sword then run onto this

05:45 - 05:49

part of the battlements here and you'll

05:47 - 05:51

see that there is a little grate with

05:49 - 05:52

fire inside hold square on that and then

05:51 - 05:54

you'll start taking damage but you just

05:52 - 05:57

need to run really quickly over to the

05:54 - 05:58

dragon statue and hold square to deposit

05:57 - 06:00

the sort of fire energy that you have

05:58 - 06:02

and that will be one of three of these

06:00 - 06:04

completed now that particular one you

06:02 - 06:05

can do without any special tricks you

06:04 - 06:07

can just run all the way there and you

06:05 - 06:08

won't die it's fine but this next one

06:07 - 06:10

that we're going to do here on the left

06:08 - 06:12

side of the spawn area is going to kill

06:10 - 06:14

you if you don't do this little trick

06:12 - 06:16

that we're going to do so look out for

06:14 - 06:18

the purple eyy zombies as you're running

06:16 - 06:19

and while you're taking damage melee one

06:18 - 06:21

of the purple-eyed zombies and that's

06:19 - 06:23

going to instantly kill it and all your

06:21 - 06:24

health is going to come back then keep

06:23 - 06:26

on moving back towards the dragon statue

06:24 - 06:28

and again if your health gets too low

06:26 - 06:29

just kill a purple-eyed zombie and that

06:28 - 06:31

will reset your health to full and you

06:29 - 06:33

can then run all the way to the dragon

06:31 - 06:35

statue and hold square on it to deposit

06:33 - 06:36

your fire energy once again then we're

06:35 - 06:38

just going to repeat this one more time

06:36 - 06:39

this time we're going to go from inside

06:38 - 06:41

the spawn area there's another one of

06:39 - 06:42

the fire grates and you need to run on

06:41 - 06:44

the right side of the map this time so

06:42 - 06:45

run out on the right hand side melling

06:44 - 06:47

the purple eyed zombies to get your

06:45 - 06:49

health back as you go and then deposit

06:47 - 06:51

the fire inside the dragon statue it

06:49 - 06:52

will breathe fire and after a few

06:51 - 06:54

seconds you'll be able to grab the fire

06:52 - 06:56

sword then take the fire sword out onto

06:54 - 06:58

the castle battlements and you've got

06:56 - 07:00

two options here you can either use the

06:58 - 07:02

fire sword itself for this or you can

07:00 - 07:03

use Molotov so for the first one I'll

07:02 - 07:04

show you how to do it with Molotov come

07:03 - 07:06

over to this part of the castle ramp

07:04 - 07:08

parts and throw your Molotov at this

07:06 - 07:10

little pile of wood and that's going to

07:08 - 07:12

ignite it if you hit it correctly and it

07:10 - 07:13

will spew out a bunch of zombies that

07:12 - 07:15

you can then take down and I recommend

07:13 - 07:16

taking those down with the fire sword

07:15 - 07:18

and once you get a bunch of kills with

07:16 - 07:20

the fire sword you're going to have your

07:18 - 07:21

fire special ability charged up and you

07:20 - 07:23

can activate it by pressing both your

07:21 - 07:24

triggers at the same time so that's what

07:23 - 07:26

I'm going to do here to activate the

07:24 - 07:27

second pile of wood both those triggers

07:26 - 07:29

at the same time hit the wood with the

07:27 - 07:30

fireballs and it'll spawn in more

07:29 - 07:31

zombies and then this third one I'm

07:30 - 07:32

going to show you with the molotov once

07:31 - 07:34

again but you're absolutely welcome to

07:32 - 07:36

do this with the fire charged attack

07:34 - 07:37

like I just showed you you're going to

07:36 - 07:39

stand where I'm standing and throw the

07:37 - 07:40

molotov as I'm doing and that's going to

07:39 - 07:42

light up your Third Bonfire that will

07:40 - 07:44

spawn in some more zombies and it will

07:42 - 07:46

also on the third one spawn in this

07:44 - 07:48

ghast and once you take the ghast out

07:46 - 07:50

with your fire sword you'll get yourself

07:48 - 07:51

an ank item which you can pick up you

07:50 - 07:54

then need to just drop down off the ramp

07:51 - 07:55

Parts here and go deposit your ank

07:54 - 07:56

inside this yellow symbol that will

07:55 - 07:58

light up and then once again it's just a

07:56 - 08:00

soul boox get a bunch of kills here and

07:58 - 08:02

once that's finished charging you'll see

08:00 - 08:03

that the ank disappears and a chest will

08:02 - 08:05

appear in its place which you can melee

08:03 - 08:07

with the fire sword to unlock fire

08:05 - 08:09

incantations next we're going to do the

08:07 - 08:11

Stag or lightning sword so once again if

08:09 - 08:13

you don't have a stamp you need to kill

08:11 - 08:15

the helm zombies to get a stamp and then

08:13 - 08:17

you need to give it to the Stag statue

08:15 - 08:19

to get yourself the Stag sword then for

08:17 - 08:20

the first stag or lightning part one of

08:19 - 08:22

the zombies after you activate

08:20 - 08:24

Pack-a-Punch and you talk to craft is

08:22 - 08:25

going to have a lightning rod on it

08:24 - 08:27

usually an armored zombie and usually

08:25 - 08:28

one that spawns near Quick Revive

08:27 - 08:30

typically and you're going to need to

08:28 - 08:31

kill that zombie and then pick up the

08:30 - 08:33

lightning rod that it drops this will

08:31 - 08:34

stay on the ground if you don't pick it

08:33 - 08:36

up so if you're not sure where it is and

08:34 - 08:37

you're like hold on did I kill the

08:36 - 08:38

lightning rod zombie just go back to

08:37 - 08:39

where you were killing zombies earlier

08:38 - 08:40

in your match and look around on the

08:39 - 08:42

floor and you should be able to find the

08:40 - 08:44

lightning rod the second lightning rod

08:42 - 08:46

can be found next to the Deadshot Dairy

08:44 - 08:48

machine so that's on the path from the

08:46 - 08:50

left side of Spawn you go up the hill

08:48 - 08:52

there and it's just resting to the side

08:50 - 08:54

of the perk and then the third lightning

08:52 - 08:56

rod is a little bit more complex so for

08:54 - 08:57

this we need to get ourselves dead wire

08:56 - 08:59

so go over to one of the Arsenal

08:57 - 09:01

machines on the map I'm going to use

08:59 - 09:02

this this one just here and grab dead

09:01 - 09:03

wire and then come over to where I'm

09:02 - 09:05

showing you in the gameplay just here

09:03 - 09:06

and shoot this electrical box now if you

09:05 - 09:09

don't know where I'm standing here it's

09:06 - 09:11

quite near to the door that we used for

09:09 - 09:13

the lion sword a moment ago but yeah

09:11 - 09:15

shoot the electrical box with your dead

09:13 - 09:16

wire weapon and it will cause a spark to

09:15 - 09:18

travel up it and then you'll see the

09:16 - 09:20

lightning rod drop out onto the floor

09:18 - 09:22

then head up onto the castle ramp parts

09:20 - 09:24

and place all three lightning rods

09:22 - 09:26

inside this vase it will start a little

09:24 - 09:28

storm sequence and purple-eyed zombies

09:26 - 09:30

will begin to spawn in you need to kill

09:28 - 09:32

maybe six to seven purple-eyed zombies

09:30 - 09:33

with your lightning sword and when you

09:32 - 09:35

do that you're then going to see that

09:33 - 09:36

your lightning sword gets charged up you

09:35 - 09:38

then need to run over to the vs and if

09:36 - 09:40

you melee it like I'm doing here you'll

09:38 - 09:41

see that I kind of Hit the lightning rod

09:40 - 09:43

and it caused me to get shocked by

09:41 - 09:45

lightning and that deposited my

09:43 - 09:47

lightning into the vs and charged up one

09:45 - 09:48

of the rods now there is a chance that

09:47 - 09:49

it just doesn't work for you in your

09:48 - 09:51

game and you need to kill more zombies

09:49 - 09:53

here I had it where I had to do this

09:51 - 09:55

five times in a row and three out of the

09:53 - 09:57

five worked so if you do it and you

09:55 - 09:59

don't get the shock animation then just

09:57 - 10:00

keep killing the purple zombies with

09:59 - 10:02

your lightning sword and you'll get

10:00 - 10:03

electrocuted again and then you can

10:02 - 10:05

melee the vase again and when you've

10:03 - 10:07

done it for the third and final time

10:05 - 10:08

you'll see the vase will stop spinning

10:07 - 10:10

this is a sign that it is ready for you

10:08 - 10:12

to place your lightning sword inside so

10:10 - 10:13

do that and then run back over to it and

10:12 - 10:15

you'll be able to grab your charged

10:13 - 10:17

lightning sword next you need to come

10:15 - 10:18

back to where we were just a moment ago

10:17 - 10:21

with Deadshot dakiri and grab yourself

10:18 - 10:23

this little horse shoe shoot it from its

10:21 - 10:24

position on the roof there and then hold

10:23 - 10:26

square when it's on the ground to pick

10:24 - 10:27

it up and then come up to the cannon

10:26 - 10:29

here go to the front of the cannon and

10:27 - 10:31

hold square to fire yourself out from in

10:29 - 10:33

front of the cannon when you do this

10:31 - 10:35

successfully you'll see that the

10:33 - 10:37

Horseshoe actually causes a little storm

10:35 - 10:38

to appear over this building and the

10:37 - 10:40

Horseshoe will be charged on the ground

10:38 - 10:41

in front of it and you can then pick

10:40 - 10:43

that charged horseshoe up then come back

10:41 - 10:45

to the spawn area of the map and hold

10:43 - 10:47

square over the yellow Insignia once

10:45 - 10:49

again to deposit the Horseshoe and then

10:47 - 10:51

fill the soulbox with souls and once

10:49 - 10:53

you've got enough kills the soulbox will

10:51 - 10:54

be done and you'll be able to melee the

10:53 - 10:56

chest that spawns with the lightning

10:54 - 10:58

sword and that will unlock your

10:56 - 11:00

lightning incantations fourth and

10:58 - 11:02

finally is the raven so we're going to

11:00 - 11:04

go over to the Raven sword and exchange

11:02 - 11:05

a stamp for the Raven sword and then

11:04 - 11:08

once you've grabbed it you need to come

11:05 - 11:11

into the alchemical lab that I'm in here

11:08 - 11:13

and look around for a part now there are

11:11 - 11:14

several Part locations but you'll only

11:13 - 11:16

have one of these in your game so I'm

11:14 - 11:18

going to show you as many as I can now

11:16 - 11:21

the first possible one is a horn which

11:18 - 11:23

is on this shelf here at kind of head

11:21 - 11:25

height so run over to it pick it up if

11:23 - 11:26

you do have it in your game but if not

11:25 - 11:29

then we'll move on the next possible

11:26 - 11:31

part is a Jawbone that's on the opposite

11:29 - 11:33

side of the room third if you come over

11:31 - 11:35

to this corner of the room you might

11:33 - 11:37

have a kind of rock looking thing which

11:35 - 11:38

is actually a fish fossil so grab that

11:37 - 11:41

if you got it in your game and the next

11:38 - 11:43

possible one is a scorpion fossil and

11:41 - 11:44

that one is on the table just here as

11:43 - 11:46

you can see so grab that if you've got

11:44 - 11:48

it in your game finally you might have a

11:46 - 11:51

pair of bird heads and that can be on

11:48 - 11:52

this shelf just here that's part number

11:51 - 11:54

five or part spawn number five if you've

11:52 - 11:56

checked all five of those locations and

11:54 - 11:58

you still don't have any parts check the

11:56 - 11:59

description of this video and I'll have

11:58 - 12:01

any extra locations I've missed listed

11:59 - 12:03

down there once you've grabbed your part

12:01 - 12:05

from that room run back towards the

12:03 - 12:08

spawn area of the map and underneath the

12:05 - 12:09

bar you can find this room here with

12:08 - 12:11

this metal grate on the wall and if you

12:09 - 12:13

hold square on that you'll be able to

12:11 - 12:15

deposit your item in the center you can

12:13 - 12:17

then insert the Raven sword into the

12:15 - 12:18

little slot and once you've done that

12:17 - 12:20

you can hold square once again and it

12:18 - 12:22

will allow you to start moving the inner

12:20 - 12:24

and outer Rings here now depending on

12:22 - 12:26

what item you have in your game it's

12:24 - 12:28

going to change which combination you

12:26 - 12:30

need to enter into the Rings so to make

12:28 - 12:32

life easy for for you I've just pasted

12:30 - 12:33

all of the different code combinations

12:32 - 12:35

on the screen here and so you just need

12:33 - 12:37

to look at which item you've got in your

12:35 - 12:38

game and then copy the corresponding

12:37 - 12:40

inner and outer ring that I've got for

12:38 - 12:42

that item on the screen and once again

12:40 - 12:43

if you picked up a different item

12:42 - 12:45

originally the code for that is going to

12:43 - 12:47

be listed in the description down below

12:45 - 12:49

with your code successfully entered

12:47 - 12:51

you'll see a small purple portal open in

12:49 - 12:53

the floor and you just need to stand

12:51 - 12:55

kind of behind it and purple balls will

12:53 - 12:58

start spawning out of the Rings that we

12:55 - 12:59

were just using and they'll flow into

12:58 - 13:00

the purple portal but if you run to a

12:59 - 13:02

different area of the map the purple

13:00 - 13:03

balls are going to follow you so just

13:02 - 13:05

make sure that you're standing around

13:03 - 13:06

where those purple portals are drag

13:05 - 13:08

three purple balls into the purple

13:06 - 13:09

portal and that will close the portal

13:08 - 13:12

and it will move to a new location the

13:09 - 13:13

next one is in the bar itself so stand

13:12 - 13:15

near the purple portal and you'll kind

13:13 - 13:17

of drag those purple balls into the

13:15 - 13:18

purple portal and once you've dragged

13:17 - 13:21

three or four of your purple balls into

13:18 - 13:22

the hole that portal will close and

13:21 - 13:24

you'll have a third portal just up the

13:22 - 13:25

steps here by the pool table so drag

13:24 - 13:27

your purple balls into the hole once

13:25 - 13:29

more and after three or four of those

13:27 - 13:31

you'll see that the hole closes and if

13:29 - 13:33

your hole's closed that's great news cuz

13:31 - 13:35

that means you can just follow the balls

13:33 - 13:37

down to the Rings again and hold square

13:35 - 13:38

on it and you'll deposit your sword into

13:37 - 13:39

the Little Portal that forms here and

13:38 - 13:41

then you can pick your sword back up and

13:39 - 13:43

you'll have your Raven sword next come

13:41 - 13:44

back over to the direction of the

13:43 - 13:46

Pack-a-Punch machine and just behind the

13:44 - 13:48

pack you're going to see that there's a

13:46 - 13:50

little sewer access point this is a cave

13:48 - 13:52

slide pull out a bullet weapon and use

13:50 - 13:53

the cave slide and while you're doing so

13:52 - 13:55

at the end of it you're going to see a

13:53 - 13:57

raven sitting on this little corner

13:55 - 13:58

piece here and you need to shoot the

13:57 - 14:00

Raven to startle it and make it leave

13:58 - 14:02

the then you'll see the Raven flying

14:00 - 14:03

around in the air and you need to shoot

14:02 - 14:05

the raven like I've just done and when

14:03 - 14:07

you do so successfully it will go up in

14:05 - 14:08

a puff of purple smoke and it will drop

14:07 - 14:11

a purple Talon which you can run over

14:08 - 14:13

and pick up then come to this water room

14:11 - 14:15

which is on the right hand side when

14:13 - 14:17

you're entering the castle underground

14:15 - 14:18

area and place your Talon on the yellow

14:17 - 14:20

symbol and then it's a soulbox just like

14:18 - 14:22

before get about 20 kills that will fill

14:20 - 14:24

the soulbox up and then it will spawn in

14:22 - 14:26

a chest which you can melee with the

14:24 - 14:28

Raven sword and that will unlock the

14:26 - 14:30

purple dark incantation at this point in

14:28 - 14:32

your game you should have all four

14:30 - 14:34

incantations unlocked and so the next

14:32 - 14:35

thing that we need to do is buy melee

14:34 - 14:38

machiato the part can be found on the

14:35 - 14:40

castle battlements then run down to the

14:38 - 14:42

water room that we were just in when we

14:40 - 14:44

were doing the Raven sword and melee the

14:42 - 14:46

wool here with melee machiato and it's

14:44 - 14:48

going to open up a panel with a bunch of

14:46 - 14:49

symbols the order that we need to shoot

14:48 - 14:51

these symbols in is found in the

14:49 - 14:54

following way so come back to the bar

14:51 - 14:55

area where we just were with the Raven

14:54 - 14:57

purple portals and in there you'll see

14:55 - 15:00

that there are these six vials that we

14:57 - 15:02

can hold square on and each time we hold

15:00 - 15:04

square on one it will reveal a symbol to

15:02 - 15:06

us so I'm going to show you the six vial

15:04 - 15:08

locations now one is just here on this

15:06 - 15:10

corner table another's just here on this

15:08 - 15:12

table with the tablecloth another is

15:10 - 15:15

just here in the very corner of the room

15:12 - 15:17

another is just here upstairs on this

15:15 - 15:19

little side table another's just here in

15:17 - 15:21

this little booth with the comfy seats

15:19 - 15:23

and another is just here on the circular

15:21 - 15:24

table in the very far corner so hold

15:23 - 15:27

square on all of those and then you'll

15:24 - 15:30

see the Roman numerals also count from 1

15:27 - 15:33

to 6 so that's 1 2 three nice and easy

15:30 - 15:36

then number four is IV in Roman numerals

15:33 - 15:38

number five is V and number six is VI

15:36 - 15:40

and so you need to remember the order of

15:38 - 15:42

the six blue symbols that it's giving

15:40 - 15:44

you which for me is what I'm showing you

15:42 - 15:46

on the screen just here if red left to

15:44 - 15:48

right then when you've got those symbols

15:46 - 15:49

memorized come back over to the wall

15:48 - 15:52

panel that we just opened up a moment

15:49 - 15:54

ago and shoot the symbols in the order

15:52 - 15:57

as shown on those vials that is going to

15:54 - 15:59

spawn a Red Orb in when you complete it

15:57 - 16:00

and that will open up a little opening

15:59 - 16:01

this wall and you then need to hold

16:00 - 16:03

square on that to deposit all those

16:01 - 16:05

pages that we picked up before and if

16:03 - 16:06

you missed that you can skip back to the

16:05 - 16:08

previous part of the Easter egg guide

16:06 - 16:10

and that'll explain how to get those

16:08 - 16:12

once all four pages are placed you're

16:10 - 16:14

going to need to make a note of what

16:12 - 16:16

symbols you have on each page and the

16:14 - 16:18

order we read these in is top left

16:16 - 16:21

bottom left top right bottom right so

16:18 - 16:24

for me that's eyelashes four spikes eye

16:21 - 16:26

with a circle and then all spikes you

16:24 - 16:28

then need to use traps around the map

16:26 - 16:29

that correspond to the order of those

16:28 - 16:31

symbols that we we just saw so for me

16:29 - 16:33

like I said it was going to be eyelashes

16:31 - 16:34

first there are a ton of these trap

16:33 - 16:37

spawns on the map and you can find them

16:34 - 16:38

on your Tac map so pull up your Tac map

16:37 - 16:39

by pulling up your scoreboard and then

16:38 - 16:41

going to the tab to the side or

16:39 - 16:43

alternatively I'm just going to show you

16:41 - 16:45

several spawns for these now there's two

16:43 - 16:48

here very close to the pages room then

16:45 - 16:49

there's another here in the sitting room

16:48 - 16:50

area there's another one here by

16:49 - 16:52

Deadshot daquiri there's another one

16:50 - 16:53

here in the castle battlements there's

16:52 - 16:54

another one here on the right side of

16:53 - 16:56

the spawn and so what I'm going to do is

16:54 - 16:57

I'm going to run around the map to all

16:56 - 16:59

those different traps and I'm going to

16:57 - 17:01

look for one that matches my first

16:59 - 17:02

symbol which was eyelashes but you'll

17:01 - 17:04

need to match one to whatever your first

17:02 - 17:06

symbol is in your game when I find it

17:04 - 17:07

out in the world I'm going to activate

17:06 - 17:10

the Trap and then I'm going to get kills

17:07 - 17:12

from inside the Trap and once I get

17:10 - 17:15

about 10 to 15 kills in the Trap that's

17:12 - 17:16

going to automatically end the Trap and

17:15 - 17:18

if I go back over to the book to check

17:16 - 17:20

my progress it will show that that

17:18 - 17:21

particular symbol is no longer lit and

17:20 - 17:23

that's a sign that you completed it

17:21 - 17:24

successfully however if you fail for

17:23 - 17:26

some reason like you take too long or

17:24 - 17:27

you don't have zombies spawning in or

17:26 - 17:29

whatever you can just do this the next

17:27 - 17:31

round as well wait for the trap to come

17:29 - 17:32

back and then reactivate the Trap and

17:31 - 17:33

get kills inside it and the trap will

17:32 - 17:35

kind of end prematurely when you've

17:33 - 17:36

gotten enough kills and that's a sign

17:35 - 17:37

that you've completed it and can move on

17:36 - 17:39

to your second symbol which is bottom

17:37 - 17:41

left on our pages so run around the map

17:39 - 17:43

again looking at the different trap

17:41 - 17:45

locations and find the one that has your

17:43 - 17:47

second symbol activate the Trap get

17:45 - 17:48

about 15 kills inside the Trap the Trap

17:47 - 17:49

will end prematurely and then you can

17:48 - 17:51

move on to your third symbol and you

17:49 - 17:53

just need to rinse and repeat with all

17:51 - 17:54

four symbols here now there is a

17:53 - 17:57

potential issue that some of you may run

17:54 - 18:00

into which is that some of the symbols

17:57 - 18:02

with the spikes have a circle outline

18:00 - 18:05

around the edges and others do not so

18:02 - 18:07

make sure that if you're looking for all

18:05 - 18:09

spikes for example with no circular

18:07 - 18:11

outline you also then find a trap in the

18:09 - 18:13

map that has no circular outline around

18:11 - 18:14

those spikes and if you're confused at

18:13 - 18:17

any point where you're at you can always

18:14 - 18:18

go back to the book check the pages see

18:17 - 18:20

which symbol is the next one for you to

18:18 - 18:21

do and then start searching around the

18:20 - 18:23

map again for all the different trap

18:21 - 18:24

locations and activate the Trap and use

18:23 - 18:26

your sword inside it to get kills and

18:24 - 18:27

that will complete the step with all

18:26 - 18:30

four traps finished that will means that

18:27 - 18:31

all four of your pages are no longer lit

18:30 - 18:33

inside the water room where the pages

18:31 - 18:34

were before and you can check if you've

18:33 - 18:36

finished this successfully because if

18:34 - 18:38

you come to this part of the staircase

18:36 - 18:39

here you'll now see that there are four

18:38 - 18:41

animal symbols on the wall the order

18:39 - 18:44

we're going to read these in is as

18:41 - 18:46

follows it's top right bottom left so

18:44 - 18:49

make a note of what the order of your

18:46 - 18:51

animal symbols is mine is Raven lion

18:49 - 18:53

deer Dragon then come back to the room

18:51 - 18:54

with all the knights in it and in here

18:53 - 18:56

I'm just going to point out there are

18:54 - 18:57

four incantation boxes okay these are

18:56 - 18:59

going to be used for this next step

18:57 - 19:00

there are plenty of other incant boxes

18:59 - 19:02

around the map as well but there are

19:00 - 19:04

just four handily placed in this room

19:02 - 19:05

for you to use to make your life a bit

19:04 - 19:07

more convenient so whatever your first

19:05 - 19:09

animal was for me it was Raven you need

19:07 - 19:12

to grab that incantation and you need to

19:09 - 19:14

grab that sword then come in front of

19:12 - 19:16

that sword's statue and use the

19:14 - 19:18

incantation and then weapon inspect so

19:16 - 19:20

on Console that's tapping your left

19:18 - 19:21

d-pad twice and I believe you can also

19:20 - 19:23

do it by holding the d-pad down and I

19:21 - 19:25

believe you can get there by pressing I

19:23 - 19:27

on PC as well but whatever happens you

19:25 - 19:29

just need to weapon inspect while the

19:27 - 19:31

statue is glowing cuz you've just used

19:29 - 19:32

your incantation on it if completed

19:31 - 19:35

successfully the weapon inspect will

19:32 - 19:37

cause the glow to disappear and after a

19:35 - 19:38

few seconds a yellow glow will appear on

19:37 - 19:40

the Statue and you can then move on to

19:38 - 19:42

the second animal in your list so

19:40 - 19:44

remember for me my second one on the

19:42 - 19:46

right hand side was lion so I'm going to

19:44 - 19:47

grab the light incantation and then I'm

19:46 - 19:49

going to stand in front of the lion

19:47 - 19:50

statue with the lion sword I'm going to

19:49 - 19:52

use the incantation on it I'm going to

19:50 - 19:53

weapon andp straight away afterwards and

19:52 - 19:55

then that's going to cause it to light

19:53 - 19:56

up yellow then I'm going to do my third

19:55 - 19:57

animal and then I'm going to do my

19:56 - 19:59

fourth but obviously in your game you

19:57 - 20:01

need to do them in the order that your

19:59 - 20:03

wall shows you now while you're doing

20:01 - 20:05

this just make sure that the previous

20:03 - 20:06

statue has finished lighting up yellow

20:05 - 20:07

before you move on to the next one

20:06 - 20:09

because otherwise it's not going to

20:07 - 20:10

activate so give it a second to fully

20:09 - 20:12

light up before you switch over to your

20:10 - 20:14

next incantation and next sword and do

20:12 - 20:17

your next statue so with all four of

20:14 - 20:19

those done you'll see a ball drop from

20:17 - 20:20

the sky it's a mystical orb and you need

20:19 - 20:22

to run over to it and hold square to

20:20 - 20:23

pick it up then this next step can be

20:22 - 20:25

done in any order but I'm going to show

20:23 - 20:26

you the order that I think is maybe

20:25 - 20:28

easiest we're going to start with the

20:26 - 20:31

fire sword so grab the fire sword head

20:28 - 20:33

over to the castle grounds or the

20:31 - 20:35

courtyard and place the mystical orb

20:33 - 20:37

into this little ball holder then when

20:35 - 20:38

your ball is being held hold square on

20:37 - 20:40

it and it will start an elemental

20:38 - 20:42

Challenge and you'll see that your ball

20:40 - 20:44

has gotten kind of fiery and that's a

20:42 - 20:46

sign that you need to get fire Elemental

20:44 - 20:47

kills around the ball and you can do

20:46 - 20:50

this by using the charged attack of the

20:47 - 20:51

fire sword or you can also use molotovs

20:50 - 20:53

as well and again if you don't have the

20:51 - 20:56

charged attack charged on the sword get

20:53 - 20:57

regular kills and after approximately 20

20:56 - 20:59

to 30 kills you'll get a charge and

20:57 - 21:01

you'll be able to use the fire charged

20:59 - 21:03

attack on the zombies in the area to get

21:01 - 21:05

a load of souls to flow into your ball

21:03 - 21:06

you can also use the fire incantation

21:05 - 21:08

here as well to make your life even

21:06 - 21:10

easier once that's done no more souls

21:08 - 21:11

will be flowing into your ball and

21:10 - 21:13

you'll be able to go and hold square on

21:11 - 21:14

it to pick your ball back up out of the

21:13 - 21:16

ball holder and if when you run over to

21:14 - 21:17

it it says start Elemental challenge all

21:16 - 21:19

over again that just means that you

21:17 - 21:20

didn't get enough Elemental kills in

21:19 - 21:22

time and you need to try again

21:20 - 21:23

restarting the challenge and getting

21:22 - 21:25

Elemental fire kills but assuming you've

21:23 - 21:27

done it correctly grab the mystical ball

21:25 - 21:28

and then we're going to do the lion

21:27 - 21:31

challenge or the light chall challenge

21:28 - 21:33

next so this one has a ball holder just

21:31 - 21:35

opposite where vulture raade is and you

21:33 - 21:36

need to put your ball into the slot and

21:35 - 21:39

then start the elemental Challenge and

21:36 - 21:40

it will spawn in big green balls around

21:39 - 21:42

the map which is awesome because you

21:40 - 21:44

just have to stand in the Big Green

21:42 - 21:46

balls and that will cause souls to fly

21:44 - 21:47

into your bull slot and that's basically

21:46 - 21:49

all you have to do with this one you

21:47 - 21:51

just need to stand in the Big Green

21:49 - 21:53

balls and make your big green balls flow

21:51 - 21:54

into your bull slot and once you've got

21:53 - 21:56

enough of those flowing in and you can

21:54 - 21:57

just stand in the Big Green balls and

21:56 - 21:59

kill zombies while you're while you're

21:57 - 22:00

waiting for it to flow in as well that's

21:59 - 22:01

fine but once enough of them have flowed

22:00 - 22:02

in your Elemental challenge will be

22:01 - 22:04

completed and you'll be able to take

22:02 - 22:06

your ball back out of the slot so you've

22:04 - 22:08

now got two balls done which is good

22:06 - 22:10

news next we're going to grab the Raven

22:08 - 22:13

sword and for this I also recommend

22:10 - 22:14

grabbing the purple dark incantation as

22:13 - 22:17

well and come down to the ball slot in

22:14 - 22:19

the water room place your ball inside

22:17 - 22:21

and then start the elemental trial and

22:19 - 22:23

for this we need to get void kills but

22:21 - 22:25

specifically it's the kills that suck up

22:23 - 22:27

the zombies and then drop them from the

22:25 - 22:28

sky so if you're not sucking zombies

22:27 - 22:30

here your balls are not not going to get

22:28 - 22:32

charged up so you need to make sure that

22:30 - 22:34

you're doing everything in your power to

22:32 - 22:35

suck the zombies whether that's the

22:34 - 22:37

incantation whether that's the charged

22:35 - 22:39

attack on the purple sword or I believe

22:37 - 22:41

Shadow Rift might also work here as well

22:39 - 22:43

but whatever happens you need to suck as

22:41 - 22:44

many zombies as possible as fast as

22:43 - 22:46

possible get them to drop from the sky

22:44 - 22:48

and that will then cause their souls to

22:46 - 22:49

flow into your balls and you'll complete

22:48 - 22:50

the elemental trial and you'll be able

22:49 - 22:52

to pick your ball back up again at the

22:50 - 22:54

end fourth and finally is the lightning

22:52 - 22:56

trial so go grab the lightning sword and

22:54 - 22:58

then place your mystical ball into the

22:56 - 23:00

slot here and for this we're going to be

22:58 - 23:01

getting as many electrical kills as we

23:00 - 23:02

can and this one is really

23:01 - 23:04

straightforward I think so I'm going to

23:02 - 23:05

be using the electrical incantation

23:04 - 23:07

that's just to the side of me to get as

23:05 - 23:08

many electric kills as I can and then

23:07 - 23:09

I'm going to use the charged attack on

23:08 - 23:11

the electric sword and that's going to

23:09 - 23:13

shock a bunch of zombies and once

23:11 - 23:15

they're shocked enough your balls will

23:13 - 23:16

start filling up and you'll then be able

23:15 - 23:18

to go grab your mystical orb once it's

23:16 - 23:20

completed and you'll have four balls

23:18 - 23:22

charged so with all of these balls done

23:20 - 23:24

you're now about to go into boss fight

23:22 - 23:25

so you need to prepare for boss that

23:24 - 23:27

means getting as many perks as you

23:25 - 23:28

possibly can tier three Pack-a-Punch is

23:27 - 23:30

a good idea I'd recommend a bullet

23:28 - 23:32

weapon for this I do not think that the

23:30 - 23:34

ray gun is the best move and I'd also

23:32 - 23:36

recommend bringing in mutant injectors

23:34 - 23:38

and potentially bringing in gobble gums

23:36 - 23:40

as well then when you're ready for boss

23:38 - 23:42

fight come over to the wall that had our

23:40 - 23:44

four animals on it before hold square to

23:42 - 23:46

put your ball into the hole and it's

23:44 - 23:47

going to cause the wall to recede and

23:46 - 23:49

you can then run over to this and grab

23:47 - 23:51

the guardian key that is sitting on the

23:49 - 23:53

table and you can also activate a little

23:51 - 23:54

dialog sequence here as well now you

23:53 - 23:55

don't need to stick around for the

23:54 - 23:56

dialogue you just need to make sure that

23:55 - 23:58

you've grabbed that red cylinder and

23:56 - 24:00

then you need to come to the spawn area

23:58 - 24:01

and place your cylinder into the hole

24:00 - 24:03

and then your team needs to vote to

24:01 - 24:05

start the boss fight and it's going to

24:03 - 24:06

cause the Golem to wake up this Begins

24:05 - 24:07

the boss fight initially in the boss

24:06 - 24:09

fight you're going to be trying to get

24:07 - 24:11

behind the Golem and shoot its back and

24:09 - 24:13

once you've shot it in the back a bunch

24:11 - 24:14

you're going to break a seal on its back

24:13 - 24:16

and that's going to cause it to start

24:14 - 24:17

taking more damage then various body

24:16 - 24:19

parts of the Golem are going to be

24:17 - 24:20

glowing as you shoot it and you need to

24:19 - 24:22

shoot those to get crit damage or you

24:20 - 24:23

can just shoot it elsewhere to get

24:22 - 24:25

regular damage the Golem is a bit of a

24:23 - 24:26

bullet sponge so pour a lot of ammo into

24:25 - 24:28

it and if you need to buy ammo there is

24:26 - 24:30

ammo in the room that you can grab and

24:28 - 24:33

then eventually once you get it down to

24:30 - 24:35

about let's say 20% of its Health lost

24:33 - 24:36

it will go into an immune phase during

24:35 - 24:37

the immune phase you just need to

24:36 - 24:39

survive you don't need to worry about

24:37 - 24:41

using the incantations or something just

24:39 - 24:43

make sure that you live and take out the

24:41 - 24:44

zombies that are around you as well and

24:43 - 24:46

it's probably a good time to make sure

24:44 - 24:48

that you're Scavenging for as much armor

24:46 - 24:50

as possible and it's a pretty decent

24:48 - 24:51

time to charge your sword as well then

24:50 - 24:53

during the next phase once again just

24:51 - 24:55

keep maneuvering around the boss and

24:53 - 24:56

looking for its weak points and there

24:55 - 24:58

are certain times where it doesn't have

24:56 - 25:00

any weak points available you might need

24:58 - 25:01

to break its weak point open just like

25:00 - 25:03

we did with its back originally but the

25:01 - 25:04

weak points can be on its wrists they

25:03 - 25:06

can be its little gauntlets they can be

25:04 - 25:07

on his shoulders they can be on his

25:06 - 25:10

knees they can also towards the end of

25:07 - 25:11

the fight be on his chest and they can

25:10 - 25:13

be on his face as well and as you're

25:11 - 25:14

going through this I'd recommend if

25:13 - 25:16

things start getting a bit sketchy using

25:14 - 25:18

a mutant injector and staying as far

25:16 - 25:20

away from the boss as you can and then

25:18 - 25:22

using the mutant injector Cannon to give

25:20 - 25:24

the boss like shots to the face and

25:22 - 25:26

that's going to do between 15 and like

25:24 - 25:27

40K damage as well so that's pretty

25:26 - 25:28

decent and it will obviously mean that

25:27 - 25:30

you're immune to zomb IES while you're

25:28 - 25:31

inside the mutant injector keep working

25:30 - 25:33

on the boss and eventually the Final

25:31 - 25:35

Phase will have its chest open and you

25:33 - 25:37

just need to give it shots onto its

25:35 - 25:38

chest and with enough chest shots the

25:37 - 25:40

boss will die and you'll have completed

25:38 - 25:42

the Easter egg congratulations and if

25:40 - 25:44

this non-nonsense guide was useful then

25:42 - 25:45

maybe some non-nonsense merch might also

25:44 - 25:47

be of interest to you it's on milom

25:45 - 25:49

merch.com Linked In the description for

25:47 - 25:51

you to click through to should you be

25:49 - 25:55

interested in doing so thank you folks

25:51 - 25:55

I'll see you next time bye for now

Mr R Waffles' Guide to Citadel Day Mo Easter Egg

In this detailed guide, Mr R Waffles walks us through the steps needed to complete the Citadel Day Mo Easter Egg in a practical and straightforward manner. From activating the Pack-a-Punch machine to obtaining the elemental swords, collecting pages, interacting with statues, and completing elemental trials, every crucial detail is explained meticulously.


Mr R Waffles provides a comprehensive walkthrough of the Citadel Day Mo Easter Egg, including activating Pack-a-Punch, gathering elemental swords, collecting pages, triggering elemental challenges, and preparing for the intense boss fight. Follow the step-by-step instructions to successfully complete the Easter Egg and conquer the Golem. Whether you're a seasoned player or a beginner, this guide ensures a smooth Easter Egg completion process.

After mastering the intricate steps outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to face the challenges of the Citadel Day Mo Easter Egg. Remember, attention to detail and precision are key in conquering this elaborate task. So gear up, follow the instructions, and emerge victorious in the exhilarating Easter Egg quest!