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this time we're going to cover
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everything you need to know about the
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sandbag lunch for hiero it's going to be
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the pan ultimate station of every race
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and it's one of the most difficult and
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most challenging ones what we're going
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to cover in this video is the standard
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the technique and also some race
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strategy and training tools you will
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need to do as good as possible with your
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next race let's start with the standards
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you will have to cover one 100 m of sag
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walking lunges during each HX race when
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you do a doubles race this can be shared
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anyhow if you do an individual race you
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have to do it all by yourself there are
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three different sandbag weights
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depending on the different divisions
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here we have a 10 Kil sandbag a 20 kilo
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sandbag and a 30 kilo sandbag you should
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refer to the official hiero rule book to
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see which weight is the right for you
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next we're going to have a look at the
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movement standards of the sandbag
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walking lunch the first thing is the
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sandbag always needs to be placed across
01:07 - 01:12
the shoulders so you can't just have it
01:09 - 01:15
on one side or the other it needs to be
01:12 - 01:17
behind your head and covering both of
01:15 - 01:20
your shoulders then you will need to
01:17 - 01:23
start by Standing Tall with your knees
01:20 - 01:25
and hips in full extension the S back
01:23 - 01:28
across your shoulders and then standing
01:25 - 01:30
behind the line before you can start
01:28 - 01:32
your first repetition you can decide
01:30 - 01:34
which leg you want to initiate the lunge
01:32 - 01:36
with but then it's always important that
01:34 - 01:38
the knee of the trailing leg is always
01:36 - 01:42
touching the floor and that you
01:38 - 01:43
alternate legs every single repetition
01:42 - 01:46
the sandbag needs to remain on your
01:43 - 01:48
shoulders throughout the whole sandbag
01:46 - 01:52
lunch segment when you put the sandbag
01:48 - 01:54
down you will be assigned a 5 m penalty
01:52 - 01:56
if you put it down one more time you
01:54 - 01:58
will be disqualified from the race
01:56 - 02:02
something that is specific for the
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doubles races for the sandbag Lune is
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that the non-working partner has to walk
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behind the working partner and as you
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get in the way of someone else you will
02:09 - 02:15
be assigned a penalty as well this will
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be a 10 m penalty instead of a 5 m
02:15 - 02:19
penalty there's also a rule how you
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transition the sand back between
02:19 - 02:25
partners it always needs to happen to
02:22 - 02:27
the side to the back but it's not
02:25 - 02:30
allowed to pass the sand back to the
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front okay guys now that you know the
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standards we're going to talk about the
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technique for the sandbag lunges the
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first thing we're going to discuss is
02:35 - 02:39
how to properly pick up the sandbag from
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the ground when you take a look at the
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sandbag you usually have two Center
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handles and two handles on the outside
02:46 - 02:51
we usually prefer using the center
02:48 - 02:53
handles as it gets you the sandbag a bit
02:51 - 02:55
closer to your center of gravity and
02:53 - 02:58
allows you to pull it really in but if
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you struggle with Mobility or are
02:58 - 03:02
usually a wider framed a lead then we
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would recommend using the outside the
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first technique for picking up the
03:05 - 03:10
sandbag is doing a clean and jerk uh
03:08 - 03:10
that's what Nai is going to
03:13 - 03:17
demonstrate so once you have it on your
03:15 - 03:20
back you want to pull your elbows down
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so you pull the S back tied into you and
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that's basically how you pick it up with
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the clean and drug now for the second
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Technique we would go in one fluid
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motion from the bottom all the way to
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the top which would basically resemble
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like a snatch or a power snatch so
03:33 - 03:37
that's the next thing n she is going to
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demonstrate so here you need to build a
03:41 - 03:45
bit more speed off the floor so you have
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enough momentum of the sandbag clearing
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your head basically and you can do a
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little dip at the top so you duck under
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the sandb back you can do one more
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rep okay and relax the first first and
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final technique is one of our favorites
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and it takes into consideration how the
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sandbags are aligned at the HX race
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because usually when you approach a
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sandbag you will have the three
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different weights but at an angle
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towards you so as you approach the lunch
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station that's how you would usually
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find your sandbag and with the last
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Technique we would swing and then rotate
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um you would be able to pick up the
04:27 - 04:32
sandbag exactly like this without
04:29 - 04:34
wasting any time so this is what na is
04:32 - 04:34
going to demonstrate
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now and relax one more time so here you
04:40 - 04:43
want to go for the rotation swing it
04:42 - 04:45
between your legs to generate momentum
04:43 - 04:48
and then use the power of the hips to
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get it to your
04:49 - 04:53
shoulder all right now that you know how
04:51 - 04:55
to pick up the sandbag we're going to
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talk about the actual technique of the
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lunge so na nazarena is going to pick up
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the sandbag now
05:01 - 05:06
and what we're looking for when we're in
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the bottom position is a stable front
05:06 - 05:10
foot so you always want contact with
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your heel and the ground and you always
05:10 - 05:17
want to have your knee slightly in front
05:14 - 05:19
or at least above your ankle in this
05:17 - 05:21
particular position then your torso has
05:19 - 05:24
a very slight forward lean and you're
05:21 - 05:26
still pulling that sand back tied into
05:24 - 05:27
you to have like a good and stable
05:26 - 05:29
position with the sandbag across your
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shoulders another thing that we're
05:29 - 05:33
looking for when we're coming out of the
05:31 - 05:36
bottom of the lunge is that our knees
05:33 - 05:38
and hips extend simultaneously it's a
05:36 - 05:41
common fault that the knee extends
05:38 - 05:42
extends before the hip is extending and
05:41 - 05:44
that's something we want to avoid
05:42 - 05:46
intentionally later on in the video we
05:44 - 05:48
will give you some tips and tricks on
05:46 - 05:51
how to train this particularly
05:48 - 05:54
especially if this is a result of weak
05:51 - 05:56
quads and not just a technique problem
05:54 - 05:58
so na is going to demonstrate free
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walking lunges now and pay close
05:58 - 06:02
attention to how she extends hands knees
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simultaneously so strong front
06:08 - 06:14
foot sand back pulling in nice as you
06:12 - 06:17
can see she's maintaining a tight core
06:14 - 06:19
with a slight forward lean she's going
06:17 - 06:22
to press up with that front leg and
06:19 - 06:24
simultaneously extending the hip to use
06:22 - 06:26
the quads and the glutes of the opposite
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leg simultaneously based on the speed
06:26 - 06:30
you want to go with the lunges and the
06:28 - 06:32
amount of stability you can present
06:30 - 06:36
there are two different techniques that
06:32 - 06:38
vary in terms of how fast they are but
06:36 - 06:41
also how much stability they provide
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during the actual lunch so the first
06:41 - 06:46
would be a touchdown with the opposite
06:43 - 06:48
leg to regain stability before starting
06:46 - 06:51
the next repetition that's what n is
06:48 - 06:51
going to demonstrate now for four
06:55 - 07:01
reps so as you can see between the
06:58 - 07:03
repetitions she's bringing down her foot
07:01 - 07:05
to regain stability for the second
07:03 - 07:07
technique we're going to step through so
07:05 - 07:10
we're going to eliminate touching down
07:07 - 07:13
at the top and then just go directly
07:10 - 07:16
into the next dunch as this technique is
07:13 - 07:18
faster uh it also has higher stability
07:16 - 07:22
requirements so imagine you're very
07:18 - 07:26
tired at the end of the race uh in this
07:22 - 07:29
penultimate station of the of the Haro
07:26 - 07:30
so use this with caution but we would
07:29 - 07:33
recommend recomend that you try it out
07:30 - 07:34
in training first to see if this is
07:33 - 07:36
something you can maintain or if you
07:34 - 07:39
actually want to switch back and forth
07:36 - 07:41
between the techniques with the
07:39 - 07:45
different levels of fatigue you will
07:47 - 07:52
experience as you can see Ni was doing a
07:50 - 07:54
very good job of still reaching hip
07:52 - 07:56
extension and knee extension at the Top
07:54 - 07:58
This is a requirement as we discussed
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earlier during the standards that you
07:58 - 08:03
always send tall between rep and when
08:00 - 08:05
doing this style of the sandbag lunge
08:03 - 08:07
it's very easy to miss the extension at
08:05 - 08:08
the top and you might risk getting a
08:07 - 08:10
penalty and this is something you
08:08 - 08:13
certainly want to avoid so when it comes
08:10 - 08:16
to the common falls for the sandbag
08:13 - 08:18
lunch we've already discussed a strength
08:16 - 08:20
issue where your knee might extend
08:18 - 08:23
before your hip and you're working a lot
08:20 - 08:25
harder than you should another thing
08:23 - 08:27
that often happens with technique are St
08:25 - 08:30
stutter steps that happen between the
08:27 - 08:32
lunges and this is something we want to
08:30 - 08:35
avoid at all cost because as we told you
08:32 - 08:38
earlier whenever you get a penalty you
08:35 - 08:41
have to have 5 m extra at the end of the
08:38 - 08:44
race so now we're just going to show
08:41 - 08:47
what you should not do pick up the
08:44 - 08:49
sandbag and then just imagine you're
08:47 - 08:51
very tired at the end of the race this
08:49 - 08:54
is something you want to avoid at all
08:51 - 08:56
cost so especially if you have a very
08:54 - 08:58
high heart rate and the musculature of
08:56 - 09:00
your lower body is very fatigued after
08:58 - 09:02
all of the running you've already done
09:00 - 09:04
this is something a lot of athletes are
09:02 - 09:07
susceptible to so it will take a
09:04 - 09:10
conscious effort of trying to avoid it
09:07 - 09:12
so you don't get penalized now that you
09:10 - 09:14
know the movement standards and how to
09:12 - 09:17
do the lunges let's talk about race
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strategy as we've said many times
09:17 - 09:21
throughout this video the lunge is going
09:18 - 09:24
to come up at a very late stage during
09:21 - 09:26
each H Rox race and that might change
09:24 - 09:30
your strategy depending on your lower
09:26 - 09:31
body capacity or local muscular andur
09:30 - 09:34
what we would recommend especially as
09:31 - 09:37
you get tired is that you take strategic
09:34 - 09:39
breaks throughout your lunges just to
09:37 - 09:41
allow your quads and glutes to recover a
09:39 - 09:43
bit you also don't want to completely
09:41 - 09:45
fry your lower body during the portion
09:43 - 09:48
of the lunges because you will have
09:45 - 09:51
another run and the W walls coming right
09:48 - 09:53
behind so this requires a sensible
09:51 - 09:56
approach so what we would recommend here
09:53 - 09:59
is maybe taking 10 steps and then a
09:56 - 10:02
short break 10 steps and a short break
09:59 - 10:05
so you always allow to alleviate your
10:02 - 10:08
muscles to let go of the stress or the
10:05 - 10:10
tension some new blood flow coming in
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and then removing metabolites and
10:10 - 10:15
clearing some of the fatigue so you will
10:12 - 10:17
be able to then continue how to train
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for the sandbag lunges specifically keep
10:17 - 10:23
in mind that lunges due to the Ecentric
10:21 - 10:26
loading they present to the lower body
10:23 - 10:28
especially the GL glutes and the quads
10:26 - 10:31
have the highest demand on your lower
10:28 - 10:34
body and these particular muscle groups
10:31 - 10:36
so they can get you really really sore
10:34 - 10:38
so when building volume and intensity
10:36 - 10:40
with lunges this is something you want
10:38 - 10:43
to be careful with and just do it in a
10:40 - 10:45
slow Progressive Manner and just do a
10:43 - 10:47
little bit more every week and then as
10:45 - 10:50
you get closer and closer towards your
10:47 - 10:53
race you want to train the lunges in a
10:50 - 10:56
more specific manner meaning you want to
10:53 - 10:58
combine it with other HCK stations and
10:56 - 11:02
most importantly with running so you
10:58 - 11:06
want to do maybe multiple rounds of 400
11:02 - 11:08
m run 20 M Lune 400 m run rest as you
11:06 - 11:10
train your lunges there are certain
11:08 - 11:13
accessory movements that you can do on
11:10 - 11:16
top or after your training sessions
11:13 - 11:18
let's say once a week to train the
11:16 - 11:20
specific muscle groups and the specific
11:18 - 11:23
mechanics needed in order to become
11:20 - 11:26
better and more enduring at lunging now
11:23 - 11:28
finally let's discuss three accessory
11:26 - 11:31
exercises you can do to improve at the
11:28 - 11:33
lunges specific ly and the first one is
11:31 - 11:35
going to Target or isolate the
11:33 - 11:38
quadriceps so the knee extensor muscles
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that is on the front of your legs and we
11:38 - 11:42
want to strengthen these in order to be
11:42 - 11:47
simultaneously push up with our legs and
11:44 - 11:49
hips out of the bottom of the lunge so
11:47 - 11:51
here we usually like to use a slend
11:49 - 11:53
board uh which is something you will
11:51 - 11:55
find in most gyms but you could also use
11:53 - 11:58
something else to just elevate your
11:55 - 12:00
heels we would like to use with to load
11:58 - 12:02
it with a small Kett but you can also
12:00 - 12:04
start without a weight um what you what
12:02 - 12:06
you want to do here is you want to have
12:04 - 12:10
your hips slightly narrower than hip
12:06 - 12:11
width so it quite narrow stance and then
12:10 - 12:14
you want to track with trail with your
12:11 - 12:16
knees as far forward as possible so you
12:14 - 12:18
can demonstrate a couple of reps here as
12:16 - 12:21
you can see we reach a very deep knee
12:18 - 12:23
flexion you can continue we reach a KN
12:21 - 12:27
very deep knee flexion so we're
12:23 - 12:29
isolating the front of our th muscles
12:29 - 12:34
this is something you would want to do
12:31 - 12:36
for 15 to 20 Reps for three to four sets
12:34 - 12:38
and you want to keep the Reps relatively
12:36 - 12:41
quick so you maintain constant constant
12:38 - 12:42
tension on your quadriceps so the next
12:41 - 12:45
exercise is going to be a bit more
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specific for the lunge but we also want
12:45 - 12:49
to isolate the front of the thigh a bit
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more so what we're going to do here is
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we're going to elevate the front foot to
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put more pressure on the front leg and
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then we're also going to load it with
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two dumbbells this could also be a
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kettle bell or a barbell and what we're
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going to do is split squat so here
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you're going to do multiple reps with
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one side before you do multiple reps
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with the other side and we would
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recommend using a rep range of 6 to 10
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repetitions and also three to four sets
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and you could progress over time with
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either the weight or also the range of
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motion by elevating the surface you put
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your foot on just slightly from week to
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week or session to session so we chose
13:25 - 13:29
the version with two dumbbells and we're
13:27 - 13:31
going to put the dumbbells on the
13:29 - 13:33
shoulders into the front R position to
13:31 - 13:35
vary the loading a bit more and
13:33 - 13:38
emphasize the front leg a little bit
13:35 - 13:40
more so what you want to do here is same
13:38 - 13:44
as with the cyclist squats get the front
13:40 - 13:46
knee as far forward as possible and go
13:44 - 13:49
as deep into the position as you can so
13:46 - 13:51
you really Target and isolate that
13:51 - 13:55
muscle okay and
13:53 - 13:58
relax all right now you have all the
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tools and information needed to improve
13:58 - 14:03
the lunges for your next hro race and
14:00 - 14:06
also we have a hro program that not only
14:03 - 14:08
gets you better at the specific aspects
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of the lunch but also all the other
14:08 - 14:12
stations that make up a h Rox race you
14:10 - 14:14
will find the sign up link down in the
14:12 - 14:33
description below