00:07 - 00:12
hello welcome to Smashing English good
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morning good afternoon and good evening
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my name is Laura and welcome to a very
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special live lesson hello wherever
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you're watching from I can already see
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somebody from France here oh my goodness
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so exciting so what are we going to be
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doing today I am going to be giving you
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a 100 words and phrases 100 words and
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phrases that are are commonly used by
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native speakers so they are quite
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Advanced you might not know them they're
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quite new but importantly people do use
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them I think sometimes people learn
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Advanced vocabulary but nobody actually
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talks like that nobody actually says
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these words in everyday life but all of
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these words people actually use in
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everyday life so treat this as a little
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bit of a test see how many you already
01:02 - 01:09
knew if you knew more than 50 incredible
01:06 - 01:11
if you know all 100 you're a fluent
01:09 - 01:14
English speaker incredible if you only
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know two of these words fantastic that
01:14 - 01:19
means you can learn all of these words
01:16 - 01:21
and you can expand your vocabulary
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fantastic so I'm going to run through
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them quite quickly but this live stream
01:24 - 01:28
will still be available on YouTube so
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you can go back you can fall asleep
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listening to this you can May
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just try to learn 10 every day just take
01:33 - 01:37
it really easy but you will have all of
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these 100 words on YouTube which is
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really exciting it's quite windy today
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I'm in my living room it's quite windy
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and I think there are children playing
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outside so if you can hear that in the
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background my apologies but you know
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it's life isn't it who have we got hello
01:48 - 01:56
Shivani hello Akai hello Global tourism
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and culture is here well there we go
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nice to see you here Global tourism and
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culture so let's get started shall we so
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if you know these 100 words your English
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is great oh my goodness I'm so excited
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do you like the new setup by the way
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guys we've got a new mic we've got new
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camera we've we're really trying to make
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this look good for you guys I hope you
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like it um hi everybody hello hello
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Michelle hello JG hello Shredder my
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goodness okay so let's start off with
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word number one so we've got Thrive put
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in the comments if you already knew this
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word Thrive is a verb and it's a really
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useful word so Thrive just means you're
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doing really well you're growing you are
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succeeding in what you're doing so after
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practicing every day she began to thrive
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in her guitar playing it's a lovely word
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it means you're doing well so hopefully
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if you keep watching smashing English
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you will be thriving in your English woo
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tell me in the comments if you already
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knew that word or better yet with all of
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these words see if you can put in the
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comments using that word in a sentence
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that's a great way to practice so make
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your own sentence put that word in a
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sentence and I will tell you if it was
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correct or not okay that's a great way
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we can learn next one sustainable this
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is a really common word nowadays
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everyone wants to be sustainable we all
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want to do things that are good for the
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environment so sustainable means in a
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way that helps the environment it's an
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adjective so recycling is a sustainable
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habit because it helps the earth and can
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be done done for a long time very useful
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in today's society number three
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reassure to tell someone everything is
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okay to make them feel better so it's
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kind of this action mom reassured me
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that my mistakes were normal and a part
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of learning reassure it's a verb but we
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also have the noun reassurance to give
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reassurance but this is a super common
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one see if you can put it into a
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sentence let me know in the comments
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have we got any sentences here let's
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have a look you're doing great guys
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you're doing amazing you're doing an
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English lesson on a Sunday you guys are
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so good well done okay next one we have
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run through I use this all the time as
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an English teacher because it means to
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quickly go over something to quickly
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talk about something so before the test
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let's run through the important topics
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one more time okay let's just talk about
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them really quickly just to make sure we
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know them run through really really
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useful it's a phrasal verb so you can
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use it in the past tense in the present
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whatever you want okay
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reconcile so it's not reconcile even
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though there's an O reconcile and it
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means to make up after a fight to be
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friends again so maybe you've had an
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argument you hate that person you say
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I'm never talking to you again Richard
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get out of my face but then you
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reconcile and you are friends again and
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everything's good and we're all happy
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reconcile number six pragmatic pragmatic
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is a really useful adjective and it is a
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combination of practical and sensible
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it's not silly it's not crazy it's
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really realistic so instead of worrying
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about perfection take a pragmatic
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approach to solving the problem let's
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think about let's think about it
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sensibly and practically let's not be
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crazy right now okay why not okay go
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along with we've got another phrasal
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verb phrasal verbs I know they're so
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hard to learn but you'll get there I
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promise so agreeing with someone or
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doing what they suggest so even though I
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wanted Pizza I decided to go along with
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my friends and try the new burger place
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or if you are lying to somebody although
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I'm sure you never lie I'm sure you
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don't but if you are lying to somebody
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you might say to your friend who you're
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with hey I'm going to tell this person
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that I'm sick just go along with it just
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just agree with me just do what I
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suggest just go along with it go along
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with it can you use it in a sentence any
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of these words you've seen so far if you
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think you can put it in a sentence put
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it in the comments and I'll have a look
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resonate with a z sound not an S so it's
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not resonate it's
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resonate resonate is um a verb and it's
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something that stays with you or makes
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you feel a certain way so the lyrics of
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that song really resonate with me they
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feel like they're speaking to my
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experiences so it it it stays with you
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it makes you it makes you feel emotional
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it gives you a certain feeling like wow
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resonate is comes from um sound so if
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you go to um a church and you stand in
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the middle and you go ah the sound
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sounds amazing because the sound
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resonates against the walls it makes
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vibrations so when a song or a poem
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resonates with you it's like there's
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vibrations in your body you're like wow
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I feel that so deeply
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resonate ambiguous something that's not
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clear we don't know what it is ambiguous
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is it do you mean this or do you mean
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this the instructions were ambigu
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ambiguous the instructions were
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ambiguous and I couldn't figure out what
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to do isn't that the truth by
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another adjective so showing if
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something is like you show favoritism
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and you're letting your personal
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interests affect your decisions so the
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news article seemed biased because it
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only told one side of the story or if my
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daughter is in a competition and I am
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the judge of the competition that's not
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fair I'm biased because I will let my
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daughter win because she's my daughter
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I'm I'm being biased in that decision so
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we've had our first 10 words what do we
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think have we got any sentences here
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that people have done let's have a look
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um oh someone put she is thriving that's
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a good one yes she's thriving let's run
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through our finances today so we've gone
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back to run through let's run through
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our finances so let's just have a quick
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look at our finances to make sure that
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they're all good um what else do we got
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oh someone new reassure that's good well
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done everybody you're doing
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great I love it British English is the
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best but I am biased that's what someone
08:32 - 08:35
said so someone's just said British
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English is the best but I am biased
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maybe that person is British so they
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would be biased towards British English
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okay let's do the next 10 you're doing
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so well all of these words you don't
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have to learn all of them right now but
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come back to this video try to get all
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these words cuz if you can add these to
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your vocabulary oh my goodness amazing
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okay next one we've got another phrasal
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verb carry out so this could be literal
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if you you have a child who's crying you
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might want to carry them out of the room
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that's the physical one but also it just
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means doing or completing a task so
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today our main goal is carrying out the
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plan we discussed yesterday is doing the
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plan we discussed yesterday that's our
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main thing that we're doing carry out
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phrasal verb try to use it in a sentence
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everybody brush up on another phrasal
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verb I'm giving you a few phrasal verbs
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today because they really do help you
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sound natural brush up on to review and
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refresh your knowledge about something
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so before the quiz let's brush up on the
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important formulas we could also say
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before the quiz let's run through the
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important formulas we could say that as
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well so it's kind of a similar thing or
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you might say oh I'm traveling to Spain
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I need to brush up on my Spanish can you
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hear that wind it's very windy outside
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contradict contradict it's a verb and
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it's saying or doing the opposite of
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what someone else said so it's confusing
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when people contradict themselves by
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changing their story so maybe they told
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you one thing and then later on they
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said a different thing well they are
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contradicting themselves they're going
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they're doing the opposite of what they
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said before contradict a verb if
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intense okay this is an adjective and it
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means very strong or serious so we might
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use it to talk about a flavor very
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strong flavor we might use it to talk
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about a film it was very serious and
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crazy uh we might use it to talk about a
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person they're a bit whoa they're a bit
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too serious so the movie was so intense
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I couldn't look away from the screen did
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you know that word tell me in the
10:55 - 10:59
comments if you already knew that word
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tell me any of them if you knew any of
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of these words tell me in the comments
11:01 - 11:09
praise so there's a song by who is it is
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it a Fat Boy Slim and it goes we've been
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a long long way
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together through the good times and the
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bed I'm just having a sing song now give
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me a minute we have to celebrate you
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baby I have to praise you like I should
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listen to that song Praise You Fat Boy
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Slim amazing so praise is just saying
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something nice about someone's work or
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effort so the teacher gave praise to the
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students for their outstanding project
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so praise could be a verb but also in
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this sentence it's been used as an ad as
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a noun to give praise as a noun but you
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can use it as a verb as well I will
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praise you I will tell you that you did
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something good well done everybody does
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anybody know that song I have to praise
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you like I should great monitor okay
11:56 - 12:01
monitor is a verb and it means keep
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watching something making sure that
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things don't change making sure that
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things stay how you want them to monitor
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okay parents often monitor their kids
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online activities to ensure they stay
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safe so parents are just making sure
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they know what's going on they're just
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monitoring it because we don't want to
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diplomatic lovely another adjective
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diplomatic is well think of a diplomat
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as someone who is a diplomat then job is
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to you know between two uh parties
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making sure that both sides are heard
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trying to settle arguments so if you are
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diplomatic you are making sure that
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everyone feels that they have been
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listen to and you are listening to both
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sides so during the argument she try to
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be diplomatic and find a compromise so
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look you want to eat pizza you want to
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okay I'm going to be diplomatic how
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about we go for Italian no that wouldn't
13:04 - 13:10
work cuz he wants Pizza how about we go
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to um a sushi restaurant so neither of
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you get what you want so we are doing
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something diplomatic another useful one
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okay let's do three more and then I'll
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have a look at your comments so tell me
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keep writing those sentences with these
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words in engaging a lovely adjective so
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if something is engaging it's
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interesting and it's capturing your
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attention the novel was so engaging I
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finished it in one sitting this live
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stream is so engaging I just can't stop
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watching because Laura is just such a
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teacher what can I say uh pipe down
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everybody pipe down be quiet please pipe
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down it's a bit rude this one don't say
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it to your boss it's quite informal say
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it to people who are lower than you
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maybe your children or students just
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stop talking can you please pipe down
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I'm trying to concentrate on my homework
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pipe down everybody uh and then we have
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browse you'll know this from the
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internet so when people are browsing the
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internet you're just looking at things
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casually without a specific goal so I
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like to browse through the bookstore
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checking out the different books um or
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when you go into a shop and someone is
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at the door and they say hello can I
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help you today and you say no thanks
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just browsing I'm just just browsing I'm
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just looking I don't need anything in
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let's look at some comments what do we
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got uh okay oo someone's oh someone put
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the last book I read was so engaging
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great fabulous it was so engaging you
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kept reading it um someone said
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abnormally normal says I've got to brush
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up on my speaking skills so I can argue
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with anyone who's against me great love
14:53 - 15:01
that uh ala said my English is a little
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bit Rusty during uh these days I have to
15:01 - 15:06
brush up on my knowledge well done
15:03 - 15:10
amazing you did so well someone here
15:06 - 15:12
from China um amazing you guys are doing
15:10 - 15:15
so well well done look at this we've
15:12 - 15:16
just done 20 new words and phrases you
15:15 - 15:18
can go back and watch these as many
15:16 - 15:23
times as you want you're doing a great
15:18 - 15:24
job well done um o oh okay this is an
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interesting question I'll just answer
15:24 - 15:29
this and then we'll move on so
15:26 - 15:34
abnormally normal says Hagrid in Harry
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Potter once said dry up to the Muggles I
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wonder if it means the same as pipe down
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so I'm I don't think so so dry up is
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about um I'm going to come here I'm
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going to come back here so dry up is uh
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to do with literally something being dry
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so if I poured water on my sleeve I
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would have to wait for it to dry up for
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for things to dry up or it could be if
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something becomes less successful so you
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could say well I used to sell a lot of
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shoes at my shoe store but sales have
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dried up it's it's got dry it's not as
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uh moist anymore it's not as good
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anymore um so it's not quite the same as
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pipe down but it's a great question we
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we need to ask these questions so that
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we can get better at our English well
16:20 - 16:27
done well done well done okay let's go
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back here we go where are we okay
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21 step St aside please step aside
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please move out of the way to let
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someone pass nice and easy so please
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step aside and let the others through
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just step to that side but also you can
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use it um like uh in terms of changing
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power so if someone has a job and they
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are told to step aside it's like we are
16:49 - 16:53
make we are putting someone else in your
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job step aside
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please okay got a verb slate so if you
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slate something you strongly criticize
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or disapprove of it so critics often
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slate movies that don't meet their
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expectations did you know that word
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already can you put it in a new sentence
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keep giving me those sentences baby cuz
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I like looking at them I'm just going to
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have a drink from my uh Tommy Shelby
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glass look at that if you like peeky
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blinders then great
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um I'm guessing a lot of people who
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watch these videos like pey blinders
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because that was our first first big
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video was a PQ linders one so there you
17:32 - 17:38
go okay next one 23 ring I love this
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word nobody knows this word but it's
17:38 - 17:42
useful because you might need it right
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so I'm going to show you ring before I
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uh have I got anything to ring no so
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this like that so let's say you've got a
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wet cloth and
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you like that that that thing that thing
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it's a useful action but nobody knows
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the word for it so it's that like that
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so after washing don't forget to ring
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out out the wet clothes before hanging
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them ring out your hair if you've got
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wet hair great okay
18:04 - 18:11
facilitate not facilitate facilitate and
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it's a verb and it means make things
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easier or help them happen so the new
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software will facilitate communication
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within the team so you you also hear
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this in education sometimes you are a
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teacher but sometimes you are a
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facilitator noun so a teacher is what
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I'm doing now teaching you teaching you
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teaching you um if I was more of a
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facilitator I might give you some uh
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tools and equipment and then sit back
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and let you do it I'm just helping you
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I'm making it easier um so yeah
18:42 - 18:48
facilitate facilitate use it in a
18:45 - 18:50
sentence everybody okay inspect look
18:48 - 18:52
closely to check the condition of
18:50 - 18:54
something so if someone is inspecting
18:52 - 18:56
something they're really making sure
18:54 - 18:59
that it's top quality before buying a
18:56 - 19:03
used phone it's a essential to inspect
18:59 - 19:06
it for any damages this is obviously a
19:03 - 19:09
verb but we have a noun inspection
19:06 - 19:11
there's going to be an inspection as
19:09 - 19:12
well uh fabulous guys write five more
19:11 - 19:13
and then I'm going to look at your
19:12 - 19:15
sentences so make sure you're writing
19:13 - 19:18
down your sentences or telling me if you
19:15 - 19:23
knew these words anything you want
19:18 - 19:26
specify specify so clearly state or
19:23 - 19:28
Define something can you please specify
19:26 - 19:31
the deadline for the project if you know
19:28 - 19:34
the word specific which is an adjective
19:31 - 19:36
that's the same idea so I want to know
19:34 - 19:39
exactly I don't just want to know oh the
19:36 - 19:42
deadline is June no can you specify
19:39 - 19:44
please is it June the 1st is it June the
19:42 - 19:49
15th specify specific I want to know
19:44 - 19:52
exactly please thank you very much
19:49 - 19:55
swerve that's the best way I can do it
19:52 - 19:58
D it's that thing you know if you see a
19:55 - 20:00
animal in the road and you go you swerve
19:58 - 20:04
you've suddenly changed Direction but
20:00 - 20:07
also you can swerve um in your ideas
20:04 - 20:09
maybe you think someone thinks yeah um I
20:09 - 20:14
with I don't know I agree with hunting I
20:12 - 20:16
agree with hunting woo woooo and then
20:14 - 20:18
suddenly they swerve and they suddenly
20:16 - 20:22
disagree with hunting their opinion
20:18 - 20:24
swerves like that 28 Co cooperate I
20:22 - 20:29
always see that word and it looks like
20:24 - 20:31
cerate doesn't it coperate but it's not
20:29 - 20:35
cooperate so you've got to put an
20:31 - 20:38
invisible W in there you have to say
20:35 - 20:40
cooperate say it with me
20:38 - 20:42
cooperate one more time say it together
20:42 - 20:47
cooperate lovely work together with
20:45 - 20:50
others if you are in a job interview you
20:47 - 20:53
probably need to say this word um I
20:50 - 20:56
really I'm really good at cooperating
20:53 - 20:58
with my with my teammates I'm really
20:56 - 21:03
good at cooperating with others
20:58 - 21:06
cooperate verb okay address address not
21:03 - 21:10
like where you live not like 22 Jon
21:06 - 21:12
street address is to deal with or talk
21:10 - 21:15
about a problem or issue so let's
21:12 - 21:17
address the concerns raised by our team
21:15 - 21:19
in the meeting let's actually let's talk
21:17 - 21:21
about it now let's deal with it let's
21:19 - 21:24
handle it come on let's deal with it
21:21 - 21:27
well done and then we've got clarify a
21:24 - 21:30
bit like specify very similar to specify
21:27 - 21:32
making things clear so if you don't
21:30 - 21:34
understand ask questions to clarify the
21:32 - 21:35
instruction so in this live stream in
21:34 - 21:38
the chat if you have any questions if
21:35 - 21:39
you want me to clarify anything let me
21:38 - 21:42
know let's have a look at what you've
21:39 - 21:45
all been saying let's have a look um
21:42 - 21:47
hello Czech Republic hello Indonesia
21:45 - 21:50
hello um someone said I used to help my
21:47 - 21:51
mother ring the clothes after washing it
21:50 - 21:55
perfect well done hello
21:51 - 21:57
Shams uh how do you do Stan my name is
21:55 - 21:59
Laura not Lauren but very close people
21:57 - 22:02
do do call me Lauren a lot but it's
21:59 - 22:04
Laura but it's lovely to see you Stan um
22:02 - 22:07
I want to browse through the library
22:04 - 22:09
lovely some great sentences everybody
22:07 - 22:12
well done well done okay this next 10 is
22:09 - 22:14
going to be a speed 10 all right from 40
22:12 - 22:17
to 50 we're going to speedr run it are
22:14 - 22:19
you ready get your thinking caps on here
22:17 - 22:21
we go here we go the next 10 make sure
22:19 - 22:23
to write down any sentences if you can
22:21 - 22:26
put them in a sentence here we go why
22:23 - 22:28
did I just say 40 30 to 40 here we go
22:26 - 22:30
double check to look at something again
22:28 - 22:33
to be sure before submitting your X
22:30 - 22:36
essay make sure to double check for any
22:33 - 22:38
spelling mistakes so it means check dou
22:36 - 22:41
do a double check do it twice so look at
22:38 - 22:44
it again just to make sure number 32
22:41 - 22:47
depict it's a verb show or represent
22:44 - 22:50
something in a picture or words the
22:47 - 22:52
artist chose to depict a peaceful scene
22:50 - 22:55
in her painting what is she showing what
22:52 - 23:00
is she depicting in this painting in
22:55 - 23:02
this song in this film 33 adjective
23:00 - 23:05
spontaneous doing something without
23:02 - 23:06
planning if you are a spontaneous person
23:05 - 23:08
you like to just do things without
23:06 - 23:10
planning I'm going to go to India
23:08 - 23:12
tomorrow I'm going to cut my hair
23:10 - 23:16
tomorrow I'm spontaneous I don't even
23:12 - 23:19
care I don't plan anything ha
23:16 - 23:22
disorientated wo I'm a bit whoa I'm a
23:19 - 23:24
bit lost or confused here after getting
23:22 - 23:26
off the roller coaster I feel a bit
23:24 - 23:29
disorientated I don't know where I am I
23:26 - 23:32
don't know woo I just feel a bit like
23:29 - 23:34
this woo think about orientation knowing
23:32 - 23:36
where something is if you are
23:34 - 23:40
disorientated you don't know where you
23:36 - 23:43
are wipe down not the same as pipe down
23:40 - 23:45
which means be quiet wipe down is just
23:43 - 23:47
clean something by rubbing it with a
23:45 - 23:50
cloth so after cooking remember to wipe
23:47 - 23:51
down the kitchen counters remember to
23:50 - 23:55
wipe them down to make sure that they
23:51 - 23:58
are clean analytical adjective
23:55 - 24:00
analytical using logic and care ful
23:58 - 24:03
thinking a good detective needs to be
24:00 - 24:05
analytical to solve complex cases so you
24:03 - 24:07
need to analyze you need to look at all
24:05 - 24:10
these details you can't just look at the
24:07 - 24:12
at the vague stuff doable I love this
24:10 - 24:15
word this is a really really common
24:12 - 24:17
useful word that everybody uses doable
24:15 - 24:20
it's an adjective it means you're able
24:17 - 24:22
to do it I'm able to do it I need you to
24:20 - 24:25
paint the kitchen in 2 hours is that
24:22 - 24:29
doable yeah it's doable I can do that
24:25 - 24:31
it's doable it is doable great word 38
24:29 - 24:34
memorize so you might be thinking that
24:31 - 24:35
you have to memorize these words you
24:34 - 24:37
have to learn them by heart you have to
24:35 - 24:40
memorize them you don't need to you just
24:37 - 24:42
need to be familiar with these words
24:40 - 24:45
maybe watch this video a couple of times
24:42 - 24:46
um and you don't need to memorize them
24:45 - 24:49
but just be familiar with them in case
24:46 - 24:52
people say them to you call off it's a
24:49 - 24:55
phrasal verb call off it means cancel or
24:52 - 24:57
decide not to do something due to the
24:55 - 24:59
rain we had to call off the outdoor
24:57 - 25:01
barbecue oo wasn't good we had to call
24:59 - 25:04
it off I don't love you anymore I'm
25:01 - 25:07
calling off the wedding goodbye come
25:04 - 25:09
down with so that means to become sick
25:07 - 25:11
to have an illness and come down with
25:09 - 25:14
something oh I hope I don't come down
25:11 - 25:16
with a cold before the big
25:14 - 25:18
game come down with how is that
25:16 - 25:21
everybody do we know any of
25:18 - 25:23
these uh abnormally normal says while in
25:21 - 25:26
London a few weeks ago I wandered around
25:23 - 25:28
just spontaneously love that you
25:26 - 25:31
spontaneously wandered around great
25:28 - 25:35
lovely um what else have we got can I
25:31 - 25:37
use impromptu instead of spontaneous
25:35 - 25:40
okay so let's find spontaneous where are
25:37 - 25:42
we where was spontaneous there we go can
25:42 - 25:48
impromptu instead of spontaneous um
25:46 - 25:52
sometimes in some cases yes but so you
25:48 - 25:55
could say I had a spontaneous picnic or
25:52 - 25:59
I had a spontaneous I had an impromptu
25:55 - 26:01
picnic but you can't say I am impromptu
25:59 - 26:04
as a person but you can say I am
26:01 - 26:07
spontaneous I am spontaneous but you
26:04 - 26:09
can't say I am impromptu only events can
26:07 - 26:12
be impromptu but spontaneous can be an
26:09 - 26:17
event or a person so oh I've got
26:12 - 26:19
something in my eye ah no I'm good oh I
26:17 - 26:20
hate when things get in your eye hate it
26:19 - 26:23
what else have we got we got any other
26:20 - 26:26
questions where are you I'm in my living
26:23 - 26:30
room do we like it everybody whoop whoop
26:26 - 26:32
um Alper says I'll double check the door
26:30 - 26:34
to make sure it's closed yes when you
26:32 - 26:36
lock the door sometimes you go ooh I'll
26:34 - 26:37
just double check it to make sure it's
26:36 - 26:40
closed because I don't want someone to
26:37 - 26:45
come in um what else we got from
26:40 - 26:47
usbekistan Hello Alexi hi everybody this
26:47 - 26:54
exciting um hello
26:50 - 26:56
hausa hello nil Lima from Brazil oh my
26:54 - 26:58
goodness oh yeah this is a lovely one um
26:56 - 27:01
Ely said says we need to address the
26:58 - 27:04
elephant in the room so address if you
27:01 - 27:06
remember let's go back where was address
27:06 - 27:12
is here I don't know where it is address
27:09 - 27:15
where are you address I don't know where
27:12 - 27:16
it is but address was to um to deal with
27:15 - 27:18
something so if you address the elephant
27:16 - 27:20
in the room you address the thing that
27:18 - 27:21
nobody's talking about the elephant in
27:20 - 27:24
the room this thing that nobody's
27:21 - 27:26
talking about okay let's power through
27:24 - 27:28
40 to 50 and then we are halfway through
27:26 - 27:30
you're doing amazing so with all of
27:28 - 27:32
these next words tell me if you have
27:30 - 27:35
seen them before if you know them and
27:32 - 27:38
put them in a sentence here we go sort
27:35 - 27:39
out organize or solve a problem let's
27:38 - 27:41
sort out the mess in your room before
27:39 - 27:43
your friends come over come on let's
27:41 - 27:45
sort it out let's organize let's solve
27:43 - 27:47
this problem G we're not having your
27:45 - 27:51
friends come over until you sort out
27:47 - 27:54
your room evoke lovely verb so to to
27:51 - 27:58
make a feeling or memory come into your
27:54 - 28:02
head the old photo evoked memories of
27:58 - 28:05
our family vacation the song evokes
28:02 - 28:09
anger when I hear that song I feel angry
28:05 - 28:11
so evoke means to create a feeling or a
28:09 - 28:15
memory in you
28:11 - 28:17
evoke accommodate verb think of
28:15 - 28:19
accommodation which is a noun so if you
28:17 - 28:23
accommodate you make room for or you
28:19 - 28:25
provide space for something or someone
28:23 - 28:28
so the hotel room was spacious enough to
28:25 - 28:31
accommodate our large group or you could
28:28 - 28:34
say um I am going to accommodate for
28:31 - 28:36
vegans at my wedding so you are making
28:34 - 28:38
you're providing not necessarily space
28:36 - 28:39
but you're providing something for
28:38 - 28:44
somebody you are making sure that they
28:39 - 28:46
are happy and all is well 44 efficient
28:44 - 28:48
doing things quickly and well I am being
28:46 - 28:52
very efficient with how I'm giving you
28:48 - 28:54
these uh words I think I hope um so
28:52 - 28:56
using a dishwasher is more efficient
28:54 - 28:59
than washing dishes by hand fun fact
28:56 - 29:02
about our house we have a dishwasher the
28:59 - 29:05
machine where you put the dishes in we
29:02 - 29:08
have a dishwasher but we don't use it
29:05 - 29:11
because I don't like dishwasher smell so
29:08 - 29:14
when you put plates in a dishwasher you
29:11 - 29:16
take it out they smell weird and I like
29:14 - 29:17
it tell me do you like plates how they
29:16 - 29:21
smell when they've been in the
29:17 - 29:25
dishwasher I don't like it okay 44 uh 45
29:21 - 29:28
noticeable adjective easy to see
29:25 - 29:31
recognize or notice so I think she's
29:28 - 29:33
pregnant her bump is really noticeable I
29:31 - 29:36
can see it I can notice it it's really
29:33 - 29:40
obvious easy to see it's noticeable uh
29:36 - 29:42
oh I have a big uh pimple on my face is
29:40 - 29:46
it noticeable is it noticeable can you
29:42 - 29:49
see it I don't know 46 hesitate pause or
29:46 - 29:51
hold back before doing something so
29:49 - 29:53
don't hesitate to ask for help if you're
29:51 - 29:56
struggling with your homework don't
29:53 - 29:58
hesitate don't wait don't you know
29:56 - 30:01
hesitate if I'm going to show you in an
29:58 - 30:01
action it goes like
30:04 - 30:07
this that kind of action you you're
30:06 - 30:09
you're you're waiting you're not doing
30:07 - 30:13
it just do it don't
30:09 - 30:16
hesitate then we've got motivate sounds
30:13 - 30:18
similar so motivate verb if you motivate
30:16 - 30:21
somebody you encourage someone to do
30:18 - 30:23
something so the coach's pep talk helped
30:21 - 30:26
motivate the team to win the game so I'm
30:23 - 30:28
sure you know the word motivate because
30:26 - 30:30
it's used a lot in English learning like
30:28 - 30:33
I need to motivate myself to practice my
30:30 - 30:36
English motivate motivate well done
30:33 - 30:39
everybody fragrant this is a nice word
30:36 - 30:42
it's an adjective something is fragrant
30:39 - 30:45
it has a pleasant smell or strong smell
30:42 - 30:47
so the flowers in the garden are so
30:45 - 30:48
fragrant they're so strong you can smell
30:48 - 30:56
here fragrant beautiful okay two more
30:52 - 30:58
till halfway well done everybody okay
31:00 - 31:05
intuitive again we're putting a little
31:02 - 31:08
silent W in there
31:05 - 31:12
intutive say it with me
31:08 - 31:13
intuitive intuitive well done
31:12 - 31:16
understanding things without the need
31:13 - 31:19
for explanation or without needing to be
31:16 - 31:22
instructed or told so some people have
31:19 - 31:23
an intuitive sense uh of what others are
31:22 - 31:27
feeling they don't need to be told they
31:23 - 31:30
just know or if you are at work
31:27 - 31:33
it's good if you are intuitive you do
31:30 - 31:36
things before your boss says hey do this
31:33 - 31:37
you just know you don't need to be told
31:36 - 31:40
you don't need to be instructed you just
31:37 - 31:41
do it okay last one for the first 50
31:41 - 31:47
compromise compromise it's a verb
31:44 - 31:51
finding a solution where both sides have
31:47 - 31:54
to give up something so nobody wins in
31:51 - 31:57
this argument nobody goes yes I win both
31:54 - 32:00
sides win so in a healthy relationship
31:57 - 32:04
Partners learn to compromise on certain
32:00 - 32:07
issues so I want to live by the sea I
32:04 - 32:10
want to live in the city why don't we
32:07 - 32:12
live in a city by the beach in a Beach
32:10 - 32:13
City you know we're going to do
32:12 - 32:15
something we're going to try to do the
32:13 - 32:18
thing that we both win rather than one
32:15 - 32:20
of us wins how are we all doing
32:18 - 32:22
everybody my goodness what do we have
32:20 - 32:24
what do we have let's look at some
32:22 - 32:27
comments we're halfway through we are
32:24 - 32:29
halfway through you've got 50 useful
32:27 - 32:32
words and phrases that real natives use
32:29 - 32:34
and you can learn these you can just be
32:32 - 32:36
familiar with them whatever you want hi
32:36 - 32:43
Bon Kieran chry hello Tanya hello Indian
32:43 - 32:51
amazing uh uh uh uh uh hello everybody
32:47 - 32:55
this is very exciting who have we
32:51 - 32:57
got uh uh uh uh oh interesting so about
32:55 - 32:59
my dishwasher question because I said
32:57 - 33:01
said I don't like the way that my dishes
32:59 - 33:04
smell when they've been in the
33:01 - 33:06
dishwasher abnormally normal says maybe
33:04 - 33:08
it's to do with the cube thing you put
33:06 - 33:11
in and not the dishwasher so they're
33:08 - 33:14
talking about the little um the washing
33:11 - 33:17
liquid that you put in to make it wash
33:14 - 33:20
maybe I don't know it just it smells of
33:17 - 33:23
old warm water and I hate
33:20 - 33:27
it uh who else we got Sultan from
33:23 - 33:30
Kurdistan hello from China Eric hello
33:27 - 33:32
how are we all from Paris
33:32 - 33:37
bon how exciting I love speaking French
33:35 - 33:40
I'm not very good at it but I do like it
33:37 - 33:44
hi from Brazil oh my goodness okay well
33:40 - 33:47
are you guys ready for the next 50 words
33:44 - 33:51
so we've got 50 more words oh someone
33:47 - 33:55
from Korea now I think I know how to
33:51 - 33:57
say right I know how to say an in Korean
33:55 - 33:59
but I don't know if that's hello or I
33:57 - 34:01
love you no I love you is s sang All
33:59 - 34:07
right this is terrible if you're Korean
34:01 - 34:09
I'm so sorry and say s is that right I
34:07 - 34:11
not good with Korean um tell me if
34:09 - 34:14
that's right okay so got to go now
34:11 - 34:17
thanks AB normal bye well here we go so
34:14 - 34:19
we are going to learn 50 more important
34:17 - 34:21
words and phrases they will still be on
34:19 - 34:23
YouTube so you don't have to learn all
34:21 - 34:26
of these right now they will be here on
34:23 - 34:28
YouTube but let's see great from Korea
34:26 - 34:30
thank you so much for my for my Korean
34:28 - 34:33
okay here we go what do we got next
34:30 - 34:35
let's go 51 I'm getting hungry now after
34:33 - 34:38
this live stream I'm going to have my
34:35 - 34:41
lunch and I'm very excited I'm getting
34:38 - 34:45
hungry okay oh how do you think we say
34:41 - 34:47
this word how do you think we say this
34:47 - 34:54
assertain not a certain acetan say it
34:54 - 35:00
acetan acetan good job and it means to
34:57 - 35:02
find out for sure to know for sure let's
35:00 - 35:05
talk to the teacher to ascertain the due
35:02 - 35:07
date for the assignment okay can you put
35:05 - 35:09
that word into another sentence for me
35:07 - 35:12
can you in the chat put it into another
35:09 - 35:13
sentence it means to find out for
35:13 - 35:21
resilient resilient if you are resilient
35:16 - 35:23
you are able to uh stay strong you you
35:21 - 35:25
don't get weaker even if bad things
35:23 - 35:28
happen to you you can return you can
35:25 - 35:31
bounce back you are fine despite the
35:28 - 35:33
setbacks despite the bad things she
35:31 - 35:35
remained resilient and kept working
35:33 - 35:37
towards her goal so if someone tells you
35:35 - 35:39
you will never be good at English you
35:37 - 35:42
will never be fluent in English you stay
35:39 - 35:44
resilient you go I'm not listening to
35:42 - 35:49
you and you carry on
35:44 - 35:51
fabulous okay number 53 drop off so drop
35:49 - 35:54
off is when let's say if you're a parent
35:51 - 35:57
and your child says I want to go to the
35:54 - 36:00
cinema with my friends you take them and
35:57 - 36:03
you drop them off so okay kids have fun
36:00 - 36:05
in the cinema bye and then later on you
36:03 - 36:07
pick them up so drop off is when you
36:05 - 36:11
take someone to a place and you leave
36:07 - 36:14
them there head not this head means to
36:11 - 36:16
go in a particular direction native
36:14 - 36:19
speakers really commonly will use head
36:16 - 36:21
instead of go so after school we can
36:19 - 36:24
head to the park for some fret fresh air
36:21 - 36:26
is a lot more common than after school
36:24 - 36:29
we can go to the park it's so much more
36:26 - 36:31
common to say head to the park so
36:29 - 36:35
sometimes use head instead of go next
36:31 - 36:38
time next up we have bring up which has
36:35 - 36:40
two definitions bring up can mean to
36:38 - 36:45
raise a child so I am bringing up my
36:40 - 36:46
daughter to be uh lovely person um or it
36:45 - 36:49
means to mention something in
36:46 - 36:51
conversation so at dinner please don't
36:49 - 36:53
bring up politics don't mention it
36:51 - 36:54
please don't so it's got two meanings
36:53 - 36:59
that one well done put it in a sentence
36:54 - 37:02
in the chat prom prom minent prominent
36:59 - 37:05
standing out and easily seen it's big
37:02 - 37:07
it's obvious it's noticeable it's
37:05 - 37:09
prominent The prominent building in the
37:07 - 37:12
city center is a famous landmark it's
37:09 - 37:14
prominent because everyone can see it
37:12 - 37:17
you can also be a prominent person if
37:14 - 37:18
you are a prominent politician you are
37:17 - 37:21
everyone knows who you are you're very
37:18 - 37:22
famous you're very big you're very
37:21 - 37:27
important okay
37:22 - 37:30
57 Implement say it with me imp
37:27 - 37:33
Implement Implement so it means to put a
37:30 - 37:36
plan or idea into action the school
37:33 - 37:39
decided to implement a new scheme to
37:36 - 37:41
improve student engagement so we're
37:39 - 37:43
actually doing it we're not just talking
37:41 - 37:48
about it we're doing it so I'm going to
37:43 - 37:50
implement my new idea to um do better
37:48 - 37:52
live stream so I've been talking about
37:50 - 37:53
doing better quality live streams and
37:52 - 37:55
now I'm implementing it I'm actually
37:53 - 37:58
doing it I'm not just talking about it
37:55 - 38:00
58 it's heartwarming oh my goodness if
37:58 - 38:02
something is heartwarming it makes your
38:00 - 38:04
heart warm it makes you feel happy it
38:02 - 38:06
makes you feel emotional heartwarming is
38:04 - 38:08
an adjective so we would say the
38:06 - 38:12
heartwarming movie brought tears to my
38:08 - 38:14
eyes it was lovely figure out understand
38:12 - 38:17
or solve a problem this is a really
38:14 - 38:19
useful phrasal verb give me some time
38:17 - 38:21
I'll figure out how to fix the computer
38:19 - 38:24
I will solve it I will understand it I
38:21 - 38:27
will figure it out I will figure it out
38:24 - 38:30
and number 60 we have eclect
38:27 - 38:34
not to be confused with electric it's
38:30 - 38:38
different eclectic is having a variety
38:34 - 38:41
of different styles or elements so her
38:38 - 38:44
music taste is eclectic she listens to
38:41 - 38:48
everything not just Jazz not just Opera
38:44 - 38:51
she listens to everything her taste is
38:48 - 38:53
eclectic eclectic well done everybody
38:51 - 38:57
what are we saying what are we
38:53 - 38:59
saying how are we doing um
38:57 - 39:02
what's the difference
38:59 - 39:03
between head what's the difference
39:02 - 39:05
between head and go there's no really no
39:03 - 39:07
difference between head and go if I said
39:05 - 39:09
okay I'm going to go to the shop I'm
39:07 - 39:13
going to head to the shop same thing
39:09 - 39:16
really um someone else from
39:13 - 39:19
Brazil okay nice one fa Farah far I'm
39:16 - 39:22
not sure how to say your name um so for
39:19 - 39:26
acetan which means to find something out
39:22 - 39:29
for sure they said my cake has gone in
39:26 - 39:31
the fridge I'll ask my little brother to
39:29 - 39:32
ascertain if he ate it or not good so
39:31 - 39:34
you're going to find out for sure if
39:32 - 39:35
your little brother ate that cake I'm
39:34 - 39:40
going to assertain if my brother ate the
39:35 - 39:43
cake or not um hello from Kazakhstan
39:40 - 39:45
hello uh uh uh uh are you resilient yes
39:43 - 39:48
I think I'm resilient I think I'm very
39:45 - 39:51
resilient although my life luckily I've
39:48 - 39:54
not had any terrible things like awful
39:51 - 39:56
things yet touchwood um but so far I
39:54 - 39:59
think I've been quite resilient
39:56 - 40:02
do people great question from Eric do
39:59 - 40:03
people really use the word eclectic
40:02 - 40:06
though yeah like you will hear it you
40:03 - 40:09
know you don't want to be limited to
40:06 - 40:11
words and I use the word eclectic you'll
40:09 - 40:15
hear the word eclectic on the radio
40:11 - 40:18
you'll hear it if you want to buy maybe
40:15 - 40:20
like um a book or a range of books you
40:18 - 40:22
know it comes it comes up a lot and you
40:20 - 40:25
don't want to get confused by that
40:22 - 40:29
so yes people do really use it every
40:25 - 40:30
single day in every sentence no but you
40:29 - 40:32
need but everyone knows what it means so
40:30 - 40:33
you need to know it otherwise your
40:32 - 40:38
English won't be as good as you want it
40:33 - 40:39
to be um let's do one more question what
40:38 - 40:42
else have people
40:42 - 40:47
um hello from India so many I think our
40:45 - 40:49
top viewers are from India I think but
40:47 - 40:51
obviously India's there's a lot of
40:49 - 40:53
people there I understand but great
40:51 - 40:56
thanks thanks for watching everybody
40:53 - 41:00
okay here we go let's look at some more
40:56 - 41:03
we've got 61 undermine undermine so if
41:00 - 41:06
you undermine something verb you lessen
41:03 - 41:09
the effectiveness power or the ability
41:06 - 41:13
of someone or something so uh so for
41:09 - 41:15
example um a teacher might say to you
41:13 - 41:17
don't undermine me like you know you
41:15 - 41:20
whatever you you can't undermine me I
41:17 - 41:22
have more power over you um or cuz
41:20 - 41:24
you're trying to lessen the power of the
41:22 - 41:27
teacher But the teacher should have the
41:24 - 41:30
power constant criticism can undermine a
41:27 - 41:32
person's confidence over time 62
41:30 - 41:37
stimulate blah blah blah blah blah
41:32 - 41:40
stimulate so if you go to the shop you
41:37 - 41:43
might see some shampoo that stimulates
41:40 - 41:46
the hair follicles and it encourages
41:43 - 41:48
growth or activity so if you are a bold
41:46 - 41:50
man like my lovely beautiful fiance he's
41:48 - 41:53
a bold man there might be some shampoo
41:50 - 41:55
for him and it says Hey stimulate the
41:53 - 41:57
hair growth it'll make hair grow um but
41:55 - 41:59
you can use it for thing like playing
41:57 - 42:01
educational games can stimulate a
41:59 - 42:05
child's development it can make them
42:01 - 42:08
their their brains grow okay 63 look
42:05 - 42:10
into investigate or examine something so
42:08 - 42:12
the detective will look into the
42:10 - 42:14
mysterious disappearance of the necklace
42:12 - 42:16
he'll look into that he'll investigate
42:14 - 42:18
that let's learn more about it let's
42:16 - 42:20
look into that oh I love this word I
42:18 - 42:22
love this word how do you think we say
42:20 - 42:25
that word it's a verb how do you think
42:27 - 42:30
is great so you have to
42:31 - 42:35
go so make the sound that you would do
42:33 - 42:40
if you were doing
42:35 - 42:44
um uh uh uh uh uh uh oh there's a word
42:40 - 42:46
there is a word I can't think but
42:44 - 42:50
it's make something more attractive or
42:46 - 42:52
stylish stylish let's Z up the living
42:50 - 42:54
room by adding some colorful cushions so
42:52 - 42:57
if you jge something you make it more
42:54 - 42:59
attractive or stylish great great word
42:57 - 43:02
speculate verb make guesses or
42:59 - 43:05
predictions without enough information
43:02 - 43:09
so the newspapers love to speculate
43:05 - 43:10
about who's marrying who who's pregnant
43:09 - 43:13
they don't have this information they're
43:10 - 43:15
just speculating they're making guesses
43:13 - 43:16
you know people like to speculate who
43:15 - 43:19
will win the game but we'll find out
43:16 - 43:21
soon enough 66 all of my students
43:19 - 43:23
struggle with this word they never know
43:21 - 43:25
this word so you can have sweet food
43:23 - 43:29
like chocolate and ice cream but you can
43:25 - 43:30
have Savory food like salty and spicy
43:29 - 43:33
and all of that so anything that's not
43:30 - 43:36
sweet it's Savory try to learn that
43:33 - 43:38
sweet and savory so what do you prefer
43:36 - 43:40
tell me in the comments do you prefer
43:38 - 43:44
sweet food or savory food I prefer
43:40 - 43:46
Savory food blunt if you are blunt which
43:44 - 43:49
is an adjective if you are blunt you are
43:46 - 43:52
direct and honest even if it might be
43:49 - 43:55
rude or harsh so she appreciated the
43:52 - 43:57
blunt feedback it helped her improve her
43:55 - 43:59
performance so people in some countries
43:57 - 44:02
are a bit more blunt than other
43:59 - 44:05
countries so I know in the UK we are
44:02 - 44:07
very polite overly polite so we are not
44:05 - 44:08
very blunt but other countries might be
44:07 - 44:12
a bit more direct and blunt when they
44:08 - 44:13
tell people things okay
44:13 - 44:18
reinforce strengthen or support
44:16 - 44:21
something positive feedback can
44:18 - 44:23
reinforce good behavior and encourage
44:21 - 44:26
others it makes it stronger it makes the
44:23 - 44:28
good behavior stronger um you know or
44:26 - 44:30
you can reinforce a table if you have a
44:28 - 44:32
table and you reinforce the table you
44:30 - 44:36
make the table stronger so it can hold
44:32 - 44:39
more weight 69 diligent adjective
44:36 - 44:42
working hard and carefully on tasks the
44:39 - 44:45
diligent student always completes
44:42 - 44:47
assignments on time and with care okay
44:45 - 44:49
number 70 here we go accomplish
44:47 - 44:51
successfully complete or achieve
44:49 - 44:53
something after this live stream you
44:53 - 44:58
accomplished so much you will have
44:55 - 44:59
accomplished a 100 words in your head
44:58 - 45:01
they might not be in your head straight
44:59 - 45:02
away but you've still accomplished
45:01 - 45:04
something great how are we saying have
45:02 - 45:06
we got any new sentences have you put
45:04 - 45:09
them into any sentences for me what do
45:06 - 45:10
we think yeah there's a poll in the chat
45:09 - 45:12
vote in the poll in the chat what do we
45:10 - 45:14
think what's best sweet or savory what
45:12 - 45:19
do we think I think
45:14 - 45:23
Savory um oh interesting apparently isma
45:19 - 45:25
says that sound is like number two in
45:23 - 45:27
Arabic so I don't know how to speak
45:25 - 45:31
Arabic but apparently it sounds like
45:27 - 45:35
number two that z sound um what else
45:31 - 45:40
have we got um
45:35 - 45:43
oh uh uh uh uh uh uh in electrotherapy
45:40 - 45:45
we use electrical stimulation so that's
45:43 - 45:48
back to that word stimulate so the
45:45 - 45:50
electricity stimulates whatever well
45:48 - 45:51
done guys okay keep this going you're
45:50 - 45:53
doing a great job we're going to power
45:51 - 45:56
through the next 10 so this is going to
45:53 - 46:00
be a quick 10 are you ready for this so
45:56 - 46:01
get your thinking caps on quick 10 see
46:00 - 46:03
and choose one of these words and write
46:01 - 46:05
it in a sentence in the chat really try
46:03 - 46:08
to do it this is how you remember these
46:05 - 46:11
words here we go quick 10 gradual if
46:08 - 46:14
something is gradual adjective it
46:11 - 46:17
happens slowly over time the progress is
46:14 - 46:20
gradual but consistent so it's gradual
46:17 - 46:22
do do do do do it doesn't happen like
46:20 - 46:25
whoosh it's gradual happening slowly
46:22 - 46:29
over time indicate verb to show or
46:25 - 46:32
suggest something his smile indicated
46:29 - 46:34
showed suggested that he was happy with
46:32 - 46:37
the surprise if you indicate something
46:34 - 46:42
you're showing it or suggesting it okay
46:37 - 46:44
73 set aside different to step aside
46:42 - 46:47
which we had earlier set aside is to
46:44 - 46:50
reserve or save it for later use so
46:47 - 46:52
remember to set aside some money from
46:50 - 46:54
your allowance for unexpected expenses
46:52 - 46:56
so don't just keep all of your money set
46:54 - 46:59
some aside keep keep it in a in a
46:56 - 47:01
savings account in case you need to
46:59 - 47:05
spend it on something else it's very
47:01 - 47:07
windy outside isn't it okay
47:05 - 47:10
acclimatize a
47:07 - 47:13
climatize verb acclimatize become used
47:10 - 47:16
to new surroundings adjust think about
47:13 - 47:19
the word climate you know the the things
47:16 - 47:20
around you the weather you are
47:19 - 47:23
acclimatizing you're getting used to it
47:20 - 47:25
you're becoming familiar with it so I
47:23 - 47:28
just need some time to climatize to the
47:25 - 47:31
new comp I need some time to feel
47:28 - 47:33
relaxed in this company mindless
47:31 - 47:36
adjective acting with no thought or
47:33 - 47:40
concern for the consequences mindless
47:36 - 47:42
violence is violence well personally I
47:40 - 47:44
think all violence is like this but some
47:42 - 47:46
violence that just had no thought
47:44 - 47:49
someone just decided to be violent for
47:46 - 47:52
no reason if you are driving mindlessly
47:49 - 47:54
you are just d d you don't you're not
47:52 - 47:56
thinking of the consequences of what
47:54 - 47:59
could happen
47:56 - 48:01
76 Vibe really useful word people are
47:59 - 48:05
using this more and more it just means
48:01 - 48:08
the mood of a place or a person so Vibe
48:05 - 48:11
is a noun by the way I love the vibe in
48:08 - 48:13
that restaurant she she was giving me
48:11 - 48:16
really good vibes that girl I like her
48:13 - 48:18
Vibes I like the the mood that she gives
48:16 - 48:21
off it's like just another word for mood
48:18 - 48:24
really okay 77 oh great one vice versa
48:21 - 48:26
people use this all the time in native
48:24 - 48:29
speakers but nobody know knows what it
48:26 - 48:33
is so it we use it to say that what you
48:29 - 48:36
have just said is also true in the
48:33 - 48:39
opposite order so I don't like her and
48:36 - 48:41
vice versa so what I'm saying there is I
48:39 - 48:45
don't like her and she doesn't like me
48:41 - 48:48
so the same thing is true either way
48:45 - 48:52
okay I don't like her and vice versa
48:48 - 48:54
okay I will help you and vice versa so I
48:52 - 48:56
will help you and you will help me so
48:54 - 48:59
instead of repeating eating yourself you
48:56 - 49:01
say vice versa okay really useful one if
48:59 - 49:02
you are only going to learn one thing
49:01 - 49:05
from this whole video I want it to be
49:02 - 49:08
that one vice versa really useful okay
49:05 - 49:11
78 to break even a really useful phrasal
49:08 - 49:14
verb so breaking even is where your
49:11 - 49:17
profit is equal to the cost you are not
49:14 - 49:21
making money you are not losing money
49:17 - 49:25
you are completely equal so I buy a
49:21 - 49:27
house for £300,000 if I sell the house
49:25 - 49:29
for £300 £100,000 I'll break even I'm
49:27 - 49:31
not making money I'm not losing money
49:29 - 49:36
breaking even really really useful that
49:31 - 49:37
one okay adapt adapt become adjusted to
49:36 - 49:40
new conditions it's a bit like a
49:37 - 49:42
climatize so if you want to be a good
49:40 - 49:44
salesperson you need have to learn to
49:42 - 49:46
adapt you have to be different in all
49:44 - 49:47
these different situations I'm going to
49:46 - 49:50
change in this situation I'm going to
49:47 - 49:53
change in that situation adapt okay
49:50 - 49:56
number 80 skeptical doubting that
49:53 - 49:59
something is true or useful so uh she
49:56 - 50:03
says she's changed but I'm skeptical I'm
49:59 - 50:05
doubting h no I don't believe it I don't
50:03 - 50:06
believe it um I don't know I don't know
50:05 - 50:09
I'm skeptical I'm skeptical I don't
50:06 - 50:12
believe it I don't believe it Okay so
50:09 - 50:16
we've only got 20 more to do so how are
50:12 - 50:18
we doing on our chat someone said I get
50:16 - 50:20
Positive Vibes through your class I'm so
50:18 - 50:25
glad that my class gives you um Positive
50:20 - 50:28
Vibes Positive Vibes that's great um uh
50:30 - 50:35
uh someone said we can adapt to any we
50:34 - 50:38
can adapt to any environment according
50:35 - 50:40
to circumstances yeah we can adapt to
50:38 - 50:43
any environment depending on the
50:40 - 50:45
circumstances exactly my hair is being
50:43 - 50:47
funny today I don't know why it's being
50:45 - 50:50
strange um oh someone said I am
50:47 - 50:52
skeptical about the news interesting
50:50 - 50:54
someone said they watch the news and
50:52 - 50:55
they're skeptical they're doubting
50:54 - 50:58
whether it's whether it's true who who
50:55 - 51:01
knows okay right the next 10 we've got
50:58 - 51:04
20 more to do stay with it everybody
51:01 - 51:08
you've done so well treat these next 20
51:04 - 51:10
as a real um as a real test really try
51:08 - 51:11
every word you hear try to think even if
51:10 - 51:14
you don't put it in the chat try to put
51:11 - 51:15
it into a new sentence in your head
51:14 - 51:18
that's the best way to just make sure it
51:15 - 51:20
stays in there and then watch this live
51:18 - 51:22
stream again just to look at those words
51:20 - 51:24
again and that's the best way to do it
51:22 - 51:27
so here we go next 20 we've got this
51:24 - 51:29
everybody okay what do we
51:29 - 51:35
overrule overruled you might hear a
51:32 - 51:37
judge say that in court overruled to
51:35 - 51:40
decide against a decision that's already
51:37 - 51:42
been made so if a judge overrules a
51:40 - 51:44
decision they're saying I don't care
51:42 - 51:47
what the decision was overrule I'm
51:44 - 51:49
changing it so I know we're supposed to
51:47 - 51:51
work on Christmas Eve but I'm overruling
51:49 - 51:54
that I'm I'm changing that decision
51:51 - 51:58
because I'm the boss and I don't want to
51:54 - 52:00
work on Christmas Eve okay 82 a fan noun
51:58 - 52:01
I'm a fan a passionate supporter of
52:00 - 52:04
someone or something I'm a huge fan of
52:01 - 52:08
Doctor Who I'm a massive fan of
52:04 - 52:12
chocolate I'm a big fan of tea I'm not a
52:08 - 52:14
fan of him I'm not a fan of that film
52:12 - 52:15
much better than saying I really like
52:14 - 52:19
it's just another way of saying I really
52:19 - 52:25
excrutiating which means very painful so
52:22 - 52:28
instead of saying very painful try
52:25 - 52:30
excruciating watching him forget his
52:28 - 52:33
speech was excruciating oh my goodness I
52:30 - 52:36
couldn't watch it it was so embarrassing
52:33 - 52:36
I couldn't do it water
52:36 - 52:45
break M refreshing lovely okay 84 what
52:41 - 52:48
do we got swamped I am swamped this is
52:45 - 52:50
an adjective I am swamped normally we
52:48 - 52:52
say I'm swamped with something you can
52:50 - 52:55
say on its own I'm swamped or I'm
52:52 - 52:58
swamped with so oh I want to go to the
52:55 - 53:00
concert tonight but I'm swamped or I
52:58 - 53:02
want to go to the concert tonight but
53:00 - 53:07
I'm swamped with work imagine being in a
53:02 - 53:11
swamp like Shrek somebody was told me
53:07 - 53:15
the world like Shrek he lives in a swamp
53:11 - 53:20
right the work is here and you can't you
53:15 - 53:22
can't get out okay 85 establish to cause
53:20 - 53:25
someone or something to be accepted
53:22 - 53:26
generally we need to establish some
53:25 - 53:27
house rules we're going to make sure
53:26 - 53:29
that everyone understands these we're
53:27 - 53:31
going to start these and make sure that
53:29 - 53:36
everyone accepts them or I'm going to
53:31 - 53:40
establish um a I'm going to establish a
53:36 - 53:41
new uh ethos a new atmosphere in the
53:40 - 53:43
company I'm going to establish a new
53:41 - 53:46
atmosphere in the company so that
53:43 - 53:50
everyone feels happy and safe I'm going
53:46 - 53:53
to establish that okay then we've got
53:50 - 53:55
sabotage sabotage great word oh that
53:53 - 53:58
might be one of my favorite words ever
53:55 - 54:01
sabotage oh love that word okay it's a
53:58 - 54:04
verb and it means to deliberately ruin
54:01 - 54:08
something to give yourself the advantage
54:04 - 54:11
to help you so if if we are if I'm
54:08 - 54:15
competing in a in a singing competition
54:11 - 54:19
la la la she sabotaged my performance by
54:15 - 54:21
playing the wrong music she sabotaged it
54:19 - 54:23
she deliberately ruined my performance
54:21 - 54:26
so she would win the competition oh
54:23 - 54:28
great word sabotage
54:26 - 54:31
I love that word 87 influence you'll
54:28 - 54:34
know this word because of influencers on
54:31 - 54:37
Instagram influences they make you buy
54:34 - 54:40
things they say everybody I love this
54:37 - 54:43
new hair product you are influenced to
54:40 - 54:45
buy it so if you influence somebody you
54:43 - 54:48
cause them to change their opinion or
54:45 - 54:51
their behavior 88 self-aware this is an
54:48 - 54:53
adjective if you are self-aware you have
54:51 - 54:55
a conscious knowledge of your own
54:53 - 54:58
thoughts and behavior
54:55 - 55:01
Etc so I'm very self-aware I know how I
54:58 - 55:03
act I I know that I can be mean
55:01 - 55:06
sometimes or you could say someone is
55:03 - 55:09
not self-aware this person does not know
55:06 - 55:12
how rude she is she is not self-aware at
55:09 - 55:16
all she needs to become more self-aware
55:12 - 55:17
89 Long Haul and short haul it's a it's
55:16 - 55:20
just a way of saying a long or a short
55:17 - 55:22
period of time so in the Long Haul
55:20 - 55:25
you'll be happy you studied so hard
55:22 - 55:27
because after a long period of time you
55:25 - 55:29
will be so happy that you did that work
55:27 - 55:32
in the short haul it's really exhausting
55:29 - 55:34
but in the long haul you'll be happy and
55:32 - 55:36
90 considerate which is an adjective if
55:34 - 55:39
you are considerate you are showing
55:36 - 55:40
careful thought so it was very
55:39 - 55:42
considerate of you to offer to look
55:40 - 55:44
after my kids that was really showing a
55:42 - 55:47
lot of thought and a lot of careful
55:44 - 55:49
thought to me thank you so much okay we
55:47 - 55:52
only have 10 left everybody we've made
55:49 - 55:56
it to the final 10 oh my goodness we've
55:52 - 55:59
made it to the final 10 um Stannis laf
55:56 - 56:02
has said please sum slowly I'm trying to
55:59 - 56:05
keep this video to about an hour but
56:02 - 56:08
don't worry because this video will stay
56:05 - 56:09
on YouTube so you can watch this again
56:08 - 56:12
so I'm trying to give you all the
56:09 - 56:15
definitions quickly so they're there and
56:12 - 56:18
then you can go back you can watch it on
56:15 - 56:20
half speed it will be on YouTube but I
56:18 - 56:21
just want to keep it to about an hour
56:20 - 56:26
otherwise who wants to listen to me for
56:21 - 56:29
3 hours not me um someone said being
56:26 - 56:30
self-aware is the key to being confident
56:29 - 56:32
I think so maybe yeah if you're
56:30 - 56:34
self-aware of how you are you can be
56:32 - 56:38
confident because you know you know what
56:34 - 56:40
you're like I suppose um what else have
56:43 - 56:49
uh Eric has come back and said I'm
56:46 - 56:51
skeptic skeptical about the frequency of
56:49 - 56:52
the word eclectic well you know what
56:51 - 56:55
Eric it's fine you don't have to use
56:52 - 57:00
eclectic that's absolutely fine um okay
56:55 - 57:02
so we are into our final 10 words you
57:00 - 57:04
have done so well if you started this
57:02 - 57:06
video at the beginning tell me in the
57:04 - 57:09
comments if you started this at the very
57:06 - 57:12
beginning and you are still here I am so
57:09 - 57:14
proud of you you are clearly so
57:12 - 57:16
motivated to improve your English and
57:14 - 57:18
that to me as an English teacher is the
57:16 - 57:20
best sign that you are going to do
57:18 - 57:21
really really well because you have sat
57:20 - 57:23
here on a Sunday or whenever you're
57:21 - 57:26
watching this and you have watched the
57:23 - 57:28
whole thing I know you care a lot so
57:26 - 57:33
your progress will be really good well
57:28 - 57:35
done everybody um okay here we go the
57:35 - 57:42
10 here we go so we've got 91 to reach
57:39 - 57:44
out so physically we can reach out oh
57:42 - 57:46
I'm going to reach out but also we say
57:44 - 57:48
it to try when we try to communicate
57:46 - 57:51
with someone so Reach Out is a phrasal
57:48 - 57:53
verb my ex-boyfriend reached out he sent
57:51 - 57:56
me a message G I told him to stop
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messaging me so so it's just to try to
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to communicate with somebody usually
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through calling or texting bant this is
58:01 - 58:07
a noun we love it in the UK we use this
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all the time playful and light teasing
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so you're kind of insulting someone but
58:09 - 58:13
only in a playful way you're not really
58:12 - 58:17
trying to be nasty to them you're just
58:13 - 58:18
saying you know I'm your friend I'm just
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it's just
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banter okay I feel to sniff around think
58:21 - 58:26
of a dog think of a sniffer
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dog like a sniffer dog you're the
58:26 - 58:30
sniffer dog is trying to find the drugs
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trying to find more information about
58:30 - 58:34
stuff so if someone is sniffing around
58:32 - 58:36
they're trying to find more information
58:34 - 58:39
about something so she was sniffing
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around here asking about promotions she
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wants to know who's getting a
58:40 - 58:46
promotion 94 bitty this is like quite
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common in the UK I don't know if it's
58:46 - 58:51
common in like the states but definitely
58:48 - 58:54
in the UK so something is bitty it's
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made up of very small little bits small
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PS parts that don't seem related so my
58:57 - 59:03
speech is quite bitty I need to make it
59:00 - 59:06
flow more it feels too random bit here
59:03 - 59:09
bit here bit here I need to make it flow
59:06 - 59:11
more 95 to grasp which means to
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understand information she couldn't
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quite grasp the concept she couldn't
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understand the concept so grasp is just
59:16 - 59:22
another word for understand really
59:18 - 59:25
useful alternative if you want it 96
59:22 - 59:28
incoherent say it with me
59:25 - 59:30
incoherent incoherent it's not clear I
59:28 - 59:31
don't know what you're saying you're
59:30 - 59:33
drunk you're completely incoherent I
59:31 - 59:36
don't know what you're saying I can't
59:33 - 59:36
understand you
59:38 - 59:45
incoherent incoherent right no idea okay
59:41 - 59:48
97 to shift to move or change position
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let me show you a shift are you ready oh
59:48 - 59:52
I'll just I'll shift this way you can
59:50 - 59:55
sit here shift I'm just going to move or
59:52 - 59:58
change change my position shift
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momentum okay so there is a scientific
60:01 - 60:07
definition of momentum but I'm not a
60:04 - 60:09
scientist and unless you're a scientist
60:07 - 60:12
you probably don't care um but
60:09 - 60:15
informally if something has momentum
60:12 - 60:18
it's a noun if something has momentum
60:15 - 60:21
it's it's happening with more speed and
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it's not likely to stop so my business
60:21 - 60:26
is gaining momentum it has momentum it
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keeps building and I don't think it's
60:26 - 60:33
going to stop 99 freak out phrasal verb
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if you freak out you lose emotional
60:33 - 60:38
control don't freak out but I lost the
60:36 - 60:41
keys don't freak out don't lose
60:38 - 60:45
emotional control don't freak out and
60:41 - 60:49
the final one conclude it's a verb to
60:45 - 60:52
come to an end let's conclude today's
60:49 - 60:55
lesson let's finish today's lesson well
60:52 - 60:59
done everyone oh my goodness you just
60:55 - 61:01
learned 100 English words and phrases
60:59 - 61:03
that's amazing you should be so so proud
61:01 - 61:06
of yourself obviously you're probably
61:03 - 61:08
not going to remember all of these words
61:06 - 61:12
right now but the live stream will still
61:08 - 61:14
be on YouTube go back watch it again um
61:12 - 61:16
you know listen to it while you go to
61:14 - 61:18
sleep as well I've heard that really
61:16 - 61:20
works for some people try to put the
61:18 - 61:22
words into new sentences stick them on
61:20 - 61:25
the wall do whatever you can and you
61:22 - 61:27
will have increased your vocabulary with
61:25 - 61:30
some really useful words that people
61:27 - 61:35
actually say even eclectic people even
61:30 - 61:39
say that well done everybody oh my
61:35 - 61:41
goodness well done so I'll I'll reply to
61:39 - 61:44
a couple more questions and then we'll
61:41 - 61:47
go but well done everybody um what have
61:44 - 61:51
we got someone said hello from the small
61:47 - 61:56
town where the windmills are in Spain oh
61:51 - 61:58
that's fun um someone said let's call it
61:56 - 62:00
a day that's a good phrase to finish
61:58 - 62:02
something let's call it a day someone
62:00 - 62:04
said it was really useful thank you
62:02 - 62:07
you're welcome hi abusa says thank you
62:04 - 62:09
you're welcome hi Namo if people are
62:07 - 62:12
just joining us now sorry this is the
62:09 - 62:13
end of the live stream but this will be
62:12 - 62:17
available on YouTube so you can watch it
62:13 - 62:20
back uh Greetings From Italy ciao uh
62:17 - 62:21
salute to you from Jordan oh a positive
62:20 - 62:24
person I used to teach someone from
62:21 - 62:25
Jordan thanks for the lesson very useful
62:24 - 62:29
Tanya you are welcome thank you for
62:25 - 62:31
joining us um and thank you to Bez who's
62:29 - 62:33
been in the chat this whole time
62:31 - 62:36
replying to you guys um he's a good a
62:33 - 62:38
good guy then we've got from Germany oh
62:36 - 62:41
my goodness Andy is just beginning sorry
62:38 - 62:44
Andy this is the end but you can always
62:41 - 62:47
watch this back afterwards um oh my
62:44 - 62:50
goodness hi from India thank you so much
62:47 - 62:51
everybody I'm glad you enjoyed it thank
62:50 - 62:53
you for your lesson that's really
62:51 - 62:56
helpful Aurora thank you so much for
62:53 - 63:00
being here greetings from Poland DK oh
62:56 - 63:01
my goodness Myanmar I can't believe that
63:00 - 63:03
people from all these different
63:01 - 63:06
countries come and watch these videos
63:03 - 63:10
that's amazing thank you so much um from
63:06 - 63:13
Thailand gun oh my goodness hi Dublin
63:10 - 63:15
Island tap of the morning here uh
63:13 - 63:18
Anthony Souza where's your friend he's
63:15 - 63:20
not my friend he's my fiance H and he
63:18 - 63:22
bed and he's upstairs replying to all
63:20 - 63:24
these messages that you're um that you
63:22 - 63:27
are sending in thank you so much from
63:24 - 63:30
Kurdistan hi from Korea from Vietnam
63:27 - 63:32
Jordan my goodness uh Matthew S it was a
63:30 - 63:34
fun live session I was also in the
63:32 - 63:36
Christmas session oh my goodness I I
63:34 - 63:39
think I remember you well hopefully our
63:36 - 63:41
live stream is a lot better than then uh
63:39 - 63:44
but yeah well done again guys you have
63:41 - 63:47
sat through an hour of new vocabulary
63:44 - 63:49
and that is amazing so best technique
63:47 - 63:52
now watch it again write
63:49 - 63:54
down well you've got two options you can
63:52 - 63:56
either watch it in tens so look at at
63:54 - 63:58
the first 10 then write them down try to
63:56 - 64:01
put them in new sentences try to process
63:58 - 64:03
them use them in everyday life then do
64:01 - 64:05
the next 10 or watch the whole video
64:03 - 64:07
again and write down the words that you
64:05 - 64:09
like maybe write down a list of 20 words
64:07 - 64:11
that you really like and you want to use
64:09 - 64:14
try to put them in new sentences you
64:11 - 64:16
know different context take it bit by
64:14 - 64:18
bit that's the best way to do it okay
64:16 - 64:20
well done everybody I'm going to call it
64:18 - 64:22
a day oh someone said I pronounced
64:20 - 64:24
Myanmar correctly thanks so much I
64:22 - 64:27
didn't know I I taught that correctly
64:24 - 64:28
um well thank you so much for joining us
64:27 - 64:30
if you enjoyed this video please give it
64:28 - 64:32
a like if you would like to follow us on
64:30 - 64:34
Instagram the link for that is in the
64:32 - 64:37
description and if you want an online
64:34 - 64:39
English lesson just me and you um or me
64:37 - 64:41
and uh you and Bez the link for that is
64:39 - 64:43
down below thank you so much for
64:41 - 64:45
watching and I will see you next time
64:43 - 64:45
well done every