00:00 - 00:26

and we're underway from inside Arthur

00:03 - 00:29

Ashe Stadium antenna circles still you

00:26 - 00:32

know oh well Maria Sharapova one of the

00:29 - 00:33

highest-earning asked female athletes in

00:32 - 00:36

the world in any sport

00:33 - 00:38

she certainly has that marquee name and

00:36 - 00:41

that value but she if she's an a-lister

00:38 - 00:44

in those circles she only has an A game

00:41 - 00:46

there's no plan B there's only one way

00:44 - 00:50

she performs that's hard fast flat balls

00:46 - 00:52

swinging for the fences conversely for

00:50 - 00:54

Wozniacki there's a little bit more

00:52 - 00:55

variation and it seems of late she's

00:54 - 01:10

starting to add a few different wrinkles

00:55 - 01:13

to try to take on the elite players able

01:10 - 01:15

to balance everything that's going on in

01:13 - 01:16

her personal life with how many

01:15 - 01:19

businesses she's getting involved with

01:16 - 01:20

and she is an entrepreneur now and to be

01:19 - 01:25

able to still come out here and stay as

01:20 - 01:25

focused as she does it's very impressive

01:53 - 01:56

make a good point because if anybody

01:55 - 02:00

seemed to have been going for the

01:56 - 02:03

spotlight it seems to be Maria so many

02:00 - 02:05

questions and so much attention to her

02:03 - 02:08

off court exploits both with her

02:05 - 02:10

endorsements and her personal life

02:08 - 02:13

socially and she just dismisses all of

02:10 - 02:18

that it keeps everything between the

02:13 - 02:20

lines when she's on the tennis court I'm

02:18 - 02:22

sure the tennis is an outlet for her to

02:20 - 02:24

to get away from all that and she can

02:22 - 02:30

come out here and just focus on what

02:24 - 02:31

what she's best at now for Wozniacki

02:30 - 02:33

she's come under a lot of scrutiny

02:31 - 02:34

because of her personal life and won't

02:33 - 02:36

really delve into that but more

02:34 - 02:38

importantly for her tennis life she

02:36 - 02:40

seems to be making some subtle changes

02:38 - 02:41

she's always been terrific at being able

02:40 - 02:43

to be a retriever

02:41 - 02:45

a backboard putting the ball back in

02:43 - 02:47

play but those wrinkles I spoke of

02:45 - 02:49

there's been a couple subtle changes

02:47 - 03:04

that seem to help raise her level of

02:49 - 03:08

play lately dare I say she's become a

03:04 - 03:10

bit more aggressive and put to you maybe

03:08 - 03:12

even a little boy not as allergic is

03:10 - 03:13

coming to the net as she used to be well

03:12 - 03:15

I think there's a couple things I think

03:13 - 03:18

her serve has definitely improved in the

03:15 - 03:19

last year I think she's gotten fitter so

03:18 - 03:22

even though she moved well before I

03:19 - 03:24

think her movements even better now and

03:22 - 03:27

I also think she's taking a little bit

03:24 - 03:27

more risk

03:32 - 03:36

Sharapova misses the mark with a

03:34 - 03:38

forehand trying to battle back into the

03:36 - 03:42

opening game but can't do so in Caroline

03:38 - 03:47

Wozniacki with ten seed gives herself a

03:42 - 03:49

one love lead well don't forget we would

03:47 - 03:51

like to hear from you here at our

03:49 - 03:55

coverage of the US Open we encourage

03:51 - 03:59

your input join the discussion at u.s.

03:55 - 04:02

optimum two zero one four or you could

03:59 - 04:04

say at us optimum 2014 so whatever your

04:02 - 04:05

preference tell us what you think of the

04:04 - 04:06

match the matchup itself who you think

04:05 - 04:08

might win

04:06 - 04:11

you can even predict the score there's

04:08 - 04:13

no prize but we perhaps would send a

04:11 - 04:16

little shout-out to you for your input

04:13 - 04:22

on Twitter once again the address at

04:16 - 04:24

u.s. optimum 2014 so Sharapova down to

04:22 - 04:26

the south end now the sun's starting to

04:24 - 04:28

tuck again behind this gray skies

04:26 - 04:30

overhead we've had beautiful weather up

04:28 - 04:33

to this point absolutely sublime with

04:30 - 04:35

just one day Wednesday exceeding 90

04:33 - 04:38

degrees Fahrenheit everything else has

04:35 - 04:43

been uncharacteristically cool and fine

04:38 - 04:46

and gorgeous today a bit sticky

04:43 - 04:46


04:49 - 04:56

I think I know the answer Jill but it's

04:54 - 04:58

my job sometimes suppose questions new

04:56 - 05:00

so I wonder now that we've seen six days

04:58 - 05:03

of gorgeous weather that have been dry

05:00 - 05:05

and very even with the humidity in the

05:03 - 05:07

air they're so heavy does that have an

05:05 - 05:09

impact on this match for either player

05:07 - 05:12

does it give it either an advantage I

05:09 - 05:13

think it definitely has an impact on on

05:12 - 05:15

players in general especially when the

05:13 - 05:23

conditions have changed so much from one

05:15 - 05:25

day to the next but I think in this case

05:23 - 05:29

and mismatch I think those players their

05:25 - 05:30

stamina is so good and you rarely see

05:29 - 05:32

either one of these players getting

05:30 - 05:33

tired or cramping that in this

05:32 - 05:36

particular match I don't think it's

05:33 - 05:36

gonna be quite a factor

05:48 - 05:51


05:55 - 05:59

that's where I was the athlete dangerous

05:58 - 06:01

just moving the ball down this board I

05:59 - 06:03

think she's doing a better job so far

06:01 - 06:04

she used to be a pretty predictable

06:03 - 06:07

player where she had a lot of cross

06:04 - 06:09

court cross court shots off the forehead

06:07 - 06:10

and the backhand and waited for her

06:09 - 06:13

opportunities but she seems to be mixing

06:10 - 06:13

it up a little bit more right now

06:32 - 06:35


06:42 - 06:45


06:49 - 06:55

talk about Jill the fact that she's an

06:52 - 06:57

a-lister a name but there is no plan B

06:55 - 06:59

for Sharapova talk about that risk for

06:57 - 07:01

reward sort of aspect of just hitting

06:59 - 07:06

big all the time she sticks with it

07:01 - 07:09

never wavers already six unforced errors

07:06 - 07:12

for Sharapova a chance for Wozniacki to

07:09 - 07:14

get ahead to love relying on those gifts

07:12 - 07:14


07:19 - 07:22


07:27 - 07:33

to get to your question I think that's a

07:30 - 07:35

strength of Sharapova but I also think

07:33 - 07:38

it can be a weakness because she has the

07:35 - 07:40

type of game where she can overpower and

07:38 - 07:41

she comes out and she's gonna play her

07:40 - 07:42

game her print her game is to go after

07:41 - 07:45

her shots

07:42 - 07:46

take some risks and that's her style and

07:45 - 07:48

she's she gets away with it a lot but I

07:46 - 07:50

think if something is off if she's not

07:48 - 07:52

feeling quite right it can also be a

07:50 - 07:54

weakness because the errors can come

07:52 - 07:57

especially against a consistent player

07:54 - 07:57

like Louis Anthony

08:01 - 08:04


08:12 - 08:17

she had her it's a good forehand down

08:15 - 08:18

the line shot and that's what I was

08:17 - 08:21

talking about earlier she's mixing it up

08:18 - 08:23

much better she used to go to that rely

08:21 - 08:25

on that forehand cross-court and just

08:23 - 08:26

keep Lauren cross-court forehand

08:25 - 08:27

cross-court but there she mixed it up

08:26 - 08:30

well with the down the line shot she had

08:27 - 08:32

the opening but just overdid it a little

08:30 - 08:32


08:38 - 08:41


08:44 - 08:51

I'll be a third try for Caroline to get

08:48 - 08:51

the upper hand through two games

09:36 - 09:39


09:46 - 09:52


09:50 - 09:54

and there's the forehand through the

09:52 - 09:56

court Sharapova no chance to close in

09:54 - 09:59

and Caroline Wozniacki

09:56 - 10:07

able to convert her third breakpoint for

09:59 - 10:09

a to love starts a Wozniacki does have

10:07 - 10:14

to remember she played a terrific match

10:09 - 10:17

four years ago round of 16 2010 US Open

10:14 - 10:19

here she finds herself in the fourth

10:17 - 10:22

round in 2014 if she can sort of dial

10:19 - 10:24

the time machine back go back for that

10:22 - 10:27

well-constructed victory in straight

10:24 - 10:29

sets which she won 6-3 6-4 she'll have a

10:27 - 10:31

pretty good chance today but I think

10:29 - 10:33

Jill you said something very key about

10:31 - 10:36

that one of Wozniak he's two victories

10:33 - 10:38

in seven meetings with Sharapova is that

10:36 - 10:44

she's probably even more fit as well as

10:38 - 10:46

her tennis IQ has risen mentally just

10:44 - 10:47

her strategy is a little bit different

10:46 - 10:50

already from the first couple games

10:47 - 10:52

she's not as predictable she's moving

10:50 - 10:55

the ball a little bit more using more

10:52 - 10:57

areas of the court and keeping Sharapova

10:55 - 10:58

on the move which is Keoghan Sharapova

10:57 - 11:01

you want to keep her on the move you

10:58 - 11:03

want to get her on the stretch and

11:01 - 11:06

that's been working so far the first few

11:03 - 11:06

games couple games

11:14 - 11:17


11:18 - 11:23

Sharapova definitely doesn't make it

11:20 - 11:24

easy to do that when she hits the ball

11:23 - 11:27

it's such a great power and great depth

11:24 - 11:28

but so far Wozniacki doing a good job of

11:27 - 11:30

mixing it up and when she gets her

11:28 - 11:33

opportunity stepping into the court but

11:30 - 11:38

Maria great backhand cross-court there

11:33 - 11:38

really turned well on that backhand side

11:45 - 11:55

I broke out a word earlier to describe

11:53 - 11:57

Caroline Wozniacki latest sort of

11:55 - 11:59

mindset in how she approaches gaming a

11:57 - 12:02

word that was not associated with her

11:59 - 12:04

prior and that's aggressiveness and she

12:02 - 12:07

seems to be with father theater who was

12:04 - 12:09

serving as her coach as well that they

12:07 - 12:11

have finally decided that yes Caroline

12:09 - 12:13

has to find a way she can't just be back

12:11 - 12:16

retrieving in force errors from her

12:13 - 12:17

opponents some of that has to do with

12:16 - 12:20

the groundstrokes being far more

12:17 - 12:22

penetrating better depth better speed

12:20 - 12:23

and hey that's a second ace already she

12:22 - 12:25

could go a whole tournament without

12:23 - 12:28

hitting two hexes a couple years back

12:25 - 12:30

well I think that style of tennis worked

12:28 - 12:32

well for her for a while because she was

12:30 - 12:34

relatively new on the tour so people

12:32 - 12:36

didn't really get used to fake type of

12:34 - 12:38

games she played but that only lasts for

12:36 - 12:42

so long once you play players over and

12:38 - 12:42

over again they get used to your style

12:43 - 12:48

fantastic effort to get to three love

12:45 - 12:55

will see Sharapova's response as a round

12:48 - 12:57

of sixteen underway on day 17 bright

12:55 - 13:00

sunshiny day with a lot of steam eNOS

12:57 - 13:04

it's a bit of a steam bath in New York

13:00 - 13:06

City on this middle Sunday not only the

13:04 - 13:07

tournament itself but a three-day

13:06 - 13:08

weekend in the United States wherever

13:07 - 13:09

you're watching around the world we

13:08 - 13:13

appreciate it whether you're in South

13:09 - 13:14

Africa the Philippines India social

13:13 - 13:16

marketing department says we're hearing

13:14 - 13:17

from all over the globe as well as here

13:16 - 13:20

in the United States watching this

13:17 - 13:22

contest between two former number ones

13:20 - 13:25

Maria Sharapova and Caroline Wozniacki

13:22 - 13:27

but it's been one-sided to this point

13:25 - 13:31

Sharapova broke it in her only service

13:27 - 13:31

game trying to get on the scoreboard

13:52 - 13:55

by the way there was a not-so-subtle

13:54 - 13:57

reminder from our social media

13:55 - 13:59

department to tell us where you're

13:57 - 14:02

watching from if you do send us a tweet

13:59 - 14:04

at us optimum 2014 some food started

14:02 - 14:07

coming in expressing a lot of interest a

14:04 - 14:09

lot of predictions as I said South

14:07 - 14:13

Africa as well as the heart of Africa

14:09 - 14:17

all over the world viewing an intriguing

14:13 - 14:19

encounter between these two women's

14:17 - 14:22

winner to face Sara Errani

14:19 - 14:23

in the last eight victorious earlier

14:22 - 14:26

today against the Croatian Looch it's

14:23 - 14:26


14:43 - 14:46

Karoline thought that one's just a

14:45 - 14:48

little bit long I actually thought it

14:46 - 14:50

was wrong myself but she's not going to

14:48 - 14:54


14:50 - 14:54


15:16 - 15:21

first kind of loose error that we've

15:19 - 15:23

seen from Roe's nasty so far this match

15:21 - 15:26

is playing a pretty clean match in these

15:23 - 15:26

first few games

15:50 - 15:53


15:58 - 16:05

great job I Sharapova movin moving into

16:01 - 16:08

the court it's a great deep ball here

16:05 - 16:12

and just steps in really takes advantage

16:08 - 16:12

of the boys new Yaqui short ball

16:18 - 16:20


16:28 - 16:35


16:43 - 16:48

yeah there is a considerable breeze to

16:46 - 16:51

say the least blowing in from the south

16:48 - 16:56

end but it's not helping dissipate any

16:51 - 16:58

of the Chagnon there is a heaviness in

16:56 - 17:02

the air and both women are playing under

16:58 - 17:02

the WTA extreme heat rule

17:26 - 17:32

just binds the outside of the line and

17:28 - 17:38

Sharapova con the board the first ace

17:32 - 17:38

gets to her first game 18 minutes in

17:38 - 17:43

look from the South Plaza up towards the

17:41 - 17:46

flag that is blowing towards the north

17:43 - 17:48

towards the section that Maria Sharapova

17:46 - 17:50

has her back to now we do remind you

17:48 - 17:53

that US Open org is your site for all

17:50 - 17:55

information on the 2014 US Open live

17:53 - 17:59

score updates you can see the drawers

17:55 - 18:07

nothing's fair stories about tournament

17:59 - 18:10

as it unfolds and just as it make a

18:07 - 18:12

mention of what that means for this

18:10 - 18:16

match specifically at 1:00 p.m. the

18:12 - 18:18

wet-bulb Index was at 30 point 6 degrees

18:16 - 18:19

Celsius that means the extreme heat

18:18 - 18:22

weather policy is in effect for this

18:19 - 18:26

match with exceptional temperatures high

18:22 - 18:28

humidity the goes three sets that's

18:26 - 18:28

where the big

18:31 - 18:35

big stab from those the a key but no

18:34 - 18:37

problem the Sharapova moves to the

18:35 - 18:39

middle of court for the foot away and

18:37 - 18:41

Kevin going back to when you're talking

18:39 - 18:43

about the weather a little bit it's the

18:41 - 18:45

fact that it is a lot more humid today

18:43 - 18:47

can affect the way the ball travels

18:45 - 18:49

through the air the US Open tends to use

18:47 - 18:50

lighter balls which means it can go

18:49 - 18:52

pretty fast through the air but when

18:50 - 18:54

there's added humidity it really slows

18:52 - 18:56

the ball down so that can really be an

18:54 - 19:01

advantage to Wozniacki who likes to play

18:56 - 19:03

longer points and the way can impact

19:01 - 19:06

this match is that if it goes to a

19:03 - 19:08

decider between the second and third

19:06 - 19:12

sets if either player or both requests

19:08 - 19:20

they can have a 10-minute break before

19:12 - 19:22

play begins on that Thursday as part of

19:20 - 19:24

the rules at the WTA puts in place to

19:22 - 19:28

protect the players from extreme heat

19:24 - 19:28

and that rule is in effect

19:31 - 19:36

sheriff hobo starting to heat up trying

19:34 - 19:39

to make inroads against Wozniacki serve

19:36 - 19:50

she can get a break point for the first

19:39 - 19:53

time in these early stages that's an

19:50 - 19:56

aspect of the Yankees current form that

19:53 - 19:58

we haven't seen in years prior great job

19:56 - 19:59

by Lowe's neck here takes her time on

19:58 - 20:01

this approach shot she's see sure

19:59 - 20:04

whoever guesses right but just stays

20:01 - 20:07

with the volley so well she made that

20:04 - 20:07

probably look easier than it was

20:20 - 20:24

and Sharapova does have her first

20:22 - 20:28


20:24 - 20:28


20:49 - 20:55

pick job I wasn't up there really had a

20:53 - 20:57

good serve good choice to slice this the

20:55 - 20:59

ball was pretty low and the reason she's

20:57 - 21:01

able to hit that volley so well as she

20:59 - 21:03

moves forward to the net

21:01 - 21:09

she really closes the net and just cuts

21:03 - 21:14

off that angle yourself ample

21:09 - 21:16

opportunity to extend just smothering

21:14 - 21:18

the net it's the way three of four when

21:16 - 21:20

a little bit of the court thus far for

21:18 - 21:23

Caroline a more importantly break point

21:20 - 21:23


21:31 - 21:36

so have to contend with another a

21:34 - 21:38

Sharapova drills and other winners a gap

21:36 - 21:40

starting to close between winners and

21:38 - 21:43

unforced errors it was significant to

21:40 - 21:45

start at one point one winner to six

21:43 - 21:58

unforced errors now that's her sixth

21:45 - 22:00

winner versus nine miscues and the break

21:58 - 22:02

is hers the lead can't be held by

22:00 - 22:05

Wozniacki and we're back on serve in the

22:02 - 22:11

opening set a battle between two former

22:05 - 22:12

number one lot of passion for the sport

22:11 - 22:14

of tennis around the world

22:12 - 22:16

particularly for the big games and one

22:14 - 22:18

who elicits so much passion is Maria

22:16 - 22:21

Sharapova the it's almost that sort of

22:18 - 22:23

polarizing effect you're either with

22:21 - 22:26

Maria or you were sternly against her

22:23 - 22:29

for whatever reason the Twittersphere is

22:26 - 22:31

no different and you add to the mix

22:29 - 22:33

sprinkling in of sunshine caroline

22:31 - 22:35


22:33 - 22:37

is on fire we asked you for your

22:35 - 22:39

questions and comments about this

22:37 - 22:43

matchup hearing from places from africa

22:39 - 22:45

singapore pakistan trinidad saying

22:43 - 22:47

they're enjoying the coverage as well

22:45 - 22:51

Sharapova right back in it she's broken

22:47 - 22:51

something to try to get to three all

22:57 - 23:00

Wozniacki just doing such a great job at

22:59 - 23:04

the net right now she's really

23:00 - 23:05

incorporated that part of her game into

23:04 - 23:07

her tennis great

23:05 - 23:09

she recognizes Sharapova's out of

23:07 - 23:12

position just perfect short volley off

23:09 - 23:12

the court

23:21 - 23:30


23:24 - 23:30


23:54 - 24:00

he's not doing a good job of returning

23:57 - 24:01

sharapov serve right now I think the

24:00 - 24:03

point before Sharapova got a little bit

24:01 - 24:07

surprised with such a deeper turn

24:03 - 24:07


24:15 - 24:17


24:53 - 24:58

great aggressive doing by Sharapova here

24:56 - 25:00

really setting up well for that for

24:58 - 25:03

handball C's broken e rosing a key out

25:00 - 25:07

of position and just smart choice to

25:03 - 25:07

take that last ball out of the air

25:25 - 25:32

that's insulting

25:27 - 25:33

Wozniak he's bid to break back stymied

25:32 - 25:35

somewhat puss an aggressive play by

25:33 - 25:37

short Bobo who usually really just

25:35 - 25:42

anchors herself on the bass line drawn

25:37 - 25:45

in taking the ball out of the air to

25:42 - 25:59

break points saved still has one left to

25:45 - 26:04

contend with at least for the moment and

25:59 - 26:06

that's tough to Loki wasn't acne will be

26:04 - 26:09

disappointed with that miss breakpoint

26:06 - 26:12

that's her strong side that backhand

26:09 - 26:14

side she just popped up a little bit too

26:12 - 26:17

much a little bit too high to need to

26:14 - 26:17

keep her legs a little bit lower

26:44 - 26:48

great shot by Sharapova here she was

26:46 - 26:49

really moving around the court but what

26:48 - 26:50

made the difference is she moved toward

26:49 - 26:53

that ball

26:50 - 26:55

you gave Wozniacki less time to react

26:53 - 26:57

but really just overpowered her on that

26:55 - 27:01

particular shot the depth just almost

26:57 - 27:05

painting the line from triple breakpoint

27:01 - 27:05

to a chance for through all

27:20 - 27:28

so much for that back to deuce second

27:24 - 27:31

double fault of this opening frame and a

27:28 - 27:35

tussle for the sixth game continues

27:31 - 27:35


27:47 - 27:50


27:52 - 27:56

and then sheriff while we're getting

27:54 - 28:00

stuck on that middle return that was

27:56 - 28:02

yeah he tends to hit really just got

28:00 - 28:04

caught didn't really move our feet on

28:02 - 28:04


28:34 - 28:37


28:41 - 28:47

fourth trifle wrote me a key to get the

28:44 - 28:49

four to is denied by Sharapova was

28:47 - 28:53

really starting to find the measure of

28:49 - 28:54

the court as Sharapova definitely

28:53 - 28:56

looking a little bit more comfortable

28:54 - 28:59

swinging through the ball she started

28:56 - 29:01

off a little bit hesitant but that's

28:59 - 29:03

crows neck he was intact he started off

29:01 - 29:05

strong taking a little bit more risk

29:03 - 29:13

that point towards me acting a little

29:05 - 29:18

bit more defensive off the frame of

29:13 - 29:19

Carolina has her drifts wide Sharapova

29:18 - 29:21

just might be able to answer the

29:19 - 29:24

three-game run that began the match by

29:21 - 29:24


29:26 - 29:38

it's already by far the longest exchange

29:29 - 29:42

as far as games in this opening set take

29:38 - 29:43

a punch and duration but Sharapova ever

29:42 - 29:45


29:43 - 29:48

she loves the battle she loves the fight

29:45 - 29:53

and she has evened it with three games

29:48 - 29:56

in her overall not the strong comeback

29:53 - 29:58

from Sharapova Wozniacki really came out

29:56 - 30:01

firing playing a little bit more risky

29:58 - 30:03

tennis Sharapova definitely upped her

30:01 - 30:04

game a little bit higher level in the

30:03 - 30:06

last three games served a little bit

30:04 - 30:09

better it was a little bit more

30:06 - 30:09


30:09 - 30:13

back to the drawing board for Caroline

30:12 - 30:18


30:13 - 30:20

three love start that's going Marie has

30:18 - 30:22

seemed to that and Caroline has to be

30:20 - 30:25

careful not to let all the momentum slip

30:22 - 30:28

away edge right now for Sharapova she

30:25 - 30:32

has really found a way to even her level

30:28 - 30:32

of play after a very sloppy start

30:36 - 30:38


30:54 - 31:00

Carolyn coming off a pretty strong

30:56 - 31:01

summer Cincinnati reached the

31:00 - 31:03

semi-finals lost to the eventual

31:01 - 31:05

champion Serena Williams but really

31:03 - 31:06

played a tough preset match that made a

31:05 - 31:09

lot of people sit up and take notice and

31:06 - 31:11

what's been pretty one-sided the contest

31:09 - 31:16

between the two Caroline put up a lot of

31:11 - 31:18

resistance perhaps to really shine at

31:16 - 31:21

the US Open once again and she's

31:18 - 31:32

performed well to get to this round of

31:21 - 31:35

16 encounter not just one of four semi

31:32 - 31:37

final appearances in p5 multiple a Andy

31:35 - 31:38

storm the other three and you can also

31:37 - 31:41

include a semi final run in Istanbul

31:38 - 31:42

where she won that match went on to take

31:41 - 31:45

the title

31:42 - 31:45


32:16 - 32:26


32:23 - 32:27

and you can see why Sharapova has come

32:26 - 32:30

back a little bit in these last few

32:27 - 32:30

games you see the dynamic changing a

32:30 - 32:32

little bit

32:30 - 32:34

Caroline looking a little bit more on

32:32 - 32:36

her back foot

32:34 - 32:37

Sharapova stepping into the court a

32:36 - 32:38

little bit more going for shots a little

32:37 - 32:40

bit more than she did at the beginning

32:38 - 32:40

of the match

33:08 - 33:13

that run in Istanbul to the title by the

33:10 - 33:16

way for 22nd title of his career and the

33:13 - 33:23

first of 2014 the only one but it does

33:16 - 33:25

make it eight consecutive years now mind

33:23 - 33:27

you seven consecutive years that

33:25 - 33:30

Caroline has been able to capture at

33:27 - 33:30

least one title

33:32 - 33:40

Wow she had the marvelous output in 2010

33:38 - 33:44

and 2011 where she wants six titles in

33:40 - 33:49

each of those years number one in the

33:44 - 33:52

world much of that run reclaims the lead

33:49 - 33:54

slip of three consecutive games she's

33:52 - 33:58

back out in front the ten seed over the

33:54 - 34:00

five seed in Arthur Ashe Stadium back in

33:58 - 34:02

New York City the borough of Queens five

34:00 - 34:04

boroughs make up the metropolis that is

34:02 - 34:06

New York City most people associate it

34:04 - 34:09

with the borough of Manhattan where the

34:06 - 34:13

skyline is iconic around the world

34:09 - 34:16

there's also Staten Island as the Bronx

34:13 - 34:19

there's Brooklyn to go along with

34:16 - 34:25

Manhattan Queens Flushing Meadows

34:19 - 34:27

resides here near Astoria wonderful

34:25 - 34:31

restaurants nightlife

34:27 - 34:34

oh yeah and in September of each year

34:31 - 34:36

some of the best fans in the world their

34:34 - 34:39

boisterous they're loud they're

34:36 - 34:41

excitable right now they're enjoying

34:39 - 34:45

Caroline Wozniacki and Maria Sharapova

34:41 - 34:46

on a hot humid Sunday afternoon last day

34:45 - 34:49

of August

34:46 - 34:50

Sharapova fell behind love 3 to start

34:49 - 34:52

the match made up three games of her own

34:50 - 35:00

and now she's serving to keep pace with

34:52 - 35:02

Wozniacki and its opening set it's been

35:00 - 35:05

intriguing Jill to watch the carousel a

35:02 - 35:07

bit of coaches and different names that

35:05 - 35:09

have been associated with each and gone

35:07 - 35:11

back and forth Caroline Wozniacki it's

35:09 - 35:13

been working with Team Adi Das and of

35:11 - 35:14

course an employee of that for a while

35:13 - 35:16

with spanked Rona Feld

35:14 - 35:18

and now you look over and Sharapova's

35:16 - 35:21

box there's spent just sitting there

35:18 - 35:25

smiling bright happy to be with the five

35:21 - 35:25

seed and former number one Sharapova

35:31 - 35:35

it's not a surprise really that the

35:34 - 35:37

players and coaches see each other all

35:35 - 35:40

the time everybody knows everybody

35:37 - 35:42

everyone's interacting with each other

35:40 - 35:44

and a lot of times you get a feel for if

35:42 - 35:46

if you think someone can help you a

35:44 - 35:47

little bit better than your current

35:46 - 35:49

coach and sometimes if things aren't

35:47 - 35:50

going well you need a change you feel

35:49 - 35:52

like you need a fresh start

35:50 - 35:55

so it's no surprise that sometimes there

35:52 - 35:58

are switches like that backing board

35:55 - 35:59

jerilyn maybe taking a page from Maria's

35:58 - 36:01

book because early in the year she

35:59 - 36:03

worked with Thomas Hawkes dead if I'm

36:01 - 36:05

not mistaken it's almost like deja boo'

36:03 - 36:07

that's where you're looking at Maria's

36:05 - 36:20

box and there was Thomas helping coach

36:07 - 36:22

Sharapova for an extended run it's great

36:20 - 36:24

for you but someone if someone

36:22 - 36:26

particularly says something in a certain

36:24 - 36:27

way and I look Siddhant creates a spark

36:26 - 36:28

you never know when that's gonna happen

36:27 - 36:30

and that could have happened talking

36:28 - 36:33

with another coach and the players

36:30 - 36:34

lounge or wherever and then all of a

36:33 - 36:37

sudden that's where the switches come

36:34 - 36:40

and you feel good with somebody so it

36:37 - 36:40

makes sense to switch at that point

36:43 - 36:49

sheriff over with Rona focused she did

36:46 - 36:51

win Roland Garros this year it was a

36:49 - 36:53

nice little injection of enthusiasm to

36:51 - 36:58

help her as she also will feel pretty

36:53 - 36:58

pleased with her performance for for all

36:58 - 37:02

as a view of the gray skies overhead

37:00 - 37:03

that are different from the first six

37:02 - 37:05

days we saw here in New York City there

37:03 - 37:07

is a chance of showers later tonight

37:05 - 37:10

that could impact the night session

37:07 - 37:12

tomorrow Labor Day a day off for most of

37:10 - 37:16

the United States in honor of American

37:12 - 37:18

workers and their efforts national

37:16 - 37:22

holiday hoping that rain doesn't have a

37:18 - 37:22

significant impact tomorrow as well

37:30 - 37:38


37:35 - 37:40

Michael Mortensen before all things were

37:38 - 37:44

scrapped and it's just let's go back to

37:40 - 37:47

dad familiar boys Peter Wozniacki has

37:44 - 37:48

been in her camp even when grown FL -

37:47 - 37:51

t-midi das was around March dead

37:48 - 37:58

Mortensen Victor always seems to be an

37:51 - 37:59

omnipresent fans have great support from

37:58 - 38:01

her a lot in her career when she started

37:59 - 38:04

and through this time in her career and

38:01 - 38:05

up till now and so she's been he's been

38:04 - 38:09

a great presence for her it's really

38:05 - 38:09

supporting her been pretty positive

38:16 - 38:20

it's been interesting to see the

38:18 - 38:22

transition to after the coaching changes

38:20 - 38:23

with kids are coming back and Caroline

38:22 - 38:26

now used to just sit there and just

38:23 - 38:30

whether the soliloquies the monologues

38:26 - 38:30

during encore coaching at other events

38:30 - 38:33

now she speaks her mind a little bit

38:32 - 38:35

interrupts in the time the true there's

38:33 - 38:36

more of a discourse as a place it just

38:35 - 38:38

went away traffic well I was just

38:36 - 38:40

thinking that because she's always been

38:38 - 38:43

looking over at her support group her

38:40 - 38:44

box all the time and now she feels to me

38:43 - 38:45

like she had a little bit more of a

38:44 - 38:47

confidence coming from within herself

38:45 - 38:52

and I think that's been a difference for

38:47 - 38:53

her this year question the results of

38:52 - 38:57

late seem to indicate that that self

38:53 - 38:57

belief starting to give her a boost

39:25 - 39:31

she liked it Maria I'm gonna wonder when

39:29 - 39:35

you up marathon November thank you for

39:31 - 39:38

the training I'm happy side to side that

39:35 - 39:40

was perfectly placed you couldn't have

39:38 - 39:46

asked for a more perfect shot right on

39:40 - 39:49

the line just out of Maria's reach she's

39:46 - 39:49

best at right there

39:50 - 39:54

Sharapova trying to make her advances

39:52 - 39:57

Wozniacki holding her off for the time

39:54 - 39:57

point away from putting herself back to

39:57 - 40:00

the lead

39:57 - 40:02

applying some scoreboard pressure to the

40:00 - 40:02


40:09 - 40:14

she's got that 5-4 lead Sharapova will

40:12 - 40:17

serve to prolong the opening set

40:14 - 40:20

otherwise it goes to Caroline they

40:17 - 40:24

battled for a spot amongst the last

40:20 - 40:26

eight at the US Open pretty solid start

40:24 - 40:29

for Caroline Wozniacki she took the

40:26 - 40:31

opening three games of the first set was

40:29 - 40:33

able to hold off Sharapova to reclaim

40:31 - 40:35

the lead she's plus one in the

40:33 - 40:37

differential eight winners to seven

40:35 - 40:40

unforced errors but no surprise its

40:37 - 40:42

Maria who's dictating play going for the

40:40 - 40:46

big shots has produced four more winners

40:42 - 40:52

with 12 but 10 more unforced errors 17

40:46 - 40:52

serving to stay in set number one

41:12 - 41:18


41:16 - 41:20

trio of double faults on the day

41:18 - 41:23

Sharapova not starting off as she wishes

41:20 - 41:23

to in this 10th game

41:40 - 41:45

during a return war down the middle from

41:43 - 41:48

Wozniacki that tends to be working so

41:45 - 41:50

far for her this match Maria's gonna

41:48 - 41:53

supply 19 unforced errors we keep it

41:50 - 41:56

well within the lines and let Maria hit

41:53 - 41:58

her way out be your own worst enemy back

41:56 - 42:01

to the forum that saw Wozniacki take

41:58 - 42:01

those first three games

42:06 - 42:11

one thing about Maria you can say though

42:09 - 42:13

maybe it's a good thing she's stubborn

42:11 - 42:15

she's just gonna go with what has

42:13 - 42:17

supplied her so much success over a

42:15 - 42:19

career she's the type of player that

42:17 - 42:20

even if you have trouble break point

42:19 - 42:22

against her you never feel like the game

42:20 - 42:25

is in your hands necessarily she's

42:22 - 42:28

always gonna compete fight hard and she

42:25 - 42:28

can come up with winning shots like that

42:32 - 42:37

tough miss Flores she's got a great

42:35 - 42:39

first step to move to the middle of the

42:37 - 42:41

court and had a lot of room to work with

42:39 - 42:47

real estate on both sides with just over

42:41 - 42:47

shoots tomorrow hey Jackie double-check

42:47 - 42:50


42:51 - 42:54

Caroline's telling her to so well

42:54 - 42:58


42:54 - 42:58


43:15 - 43:20

Conroy's Miyake

43:17 - 43:23

rematch slides in Maria Sharapova she

43:20 - 43:26

has the first set in Pocket trying to

43:23 - 43:27

get to the Elite Eight in New York City

43:26 - 43:29


43:27 - 43:32

Caroline Wozniacki takes the opening set

43:29 - 43:34

6-4 but if you say one thing about Maria

43:32 - 43:37

Sharapova a one-cent lead finally in

43:34 - 43:39

surmount not insurmountable but she is

43:37 - 43:41

also well she looks at that as a

43:39 - 43:44

personal challenge this season she has

43:41 - 43:46

played an abundance of three-set matches

43:44 - 43:47

and more often than not she comes out on

43:46 - 43:50

the winning end it has been unbelievable

43:47 - 43:53

to watch Sharapova just find that next

43:50 - 43:53

gear when it seems as if she's down and

43:53 - 43:56


43:53 - 43:57

she says excuse me I'm reassure polo

43:56 - 44:00

I've been number one in the world

43:57 - 44:02

I own a title at each of the four majors

44:00 - 44:04

and fight is my middle name

44:02 - 44:07

well we'll see if she can use that

44:04 - 44:08

middle name to her advantage she seeks

44:07 - 44:13

to come back from a set down against

44:08 - 44:14

Caroline Wozniacki look like she's lost

44:13 - 44:17

the first time here bouncing around

44:14 - 44:19

ready to go well she has to feel as if

44:17 - 44:21

she was in it she knows full well there

44:19 - 44:23

was just a little falter at the end of

44:21 - 44:26

the set as what hand he begins the

44:23 - 44:26

central track

44:29 - 44:33


44:30 - 44:34

the next full moment like it would be

44:33 - 44:36

one side of this Wozniacki took the

44:34 - 44:38

first three games but there's only a

44:36 - 44:41

single break from that point on

44:38 - 44:43

relatively even and you know that about

44:41 - 44:45

Sharapova she's had so many three-set

44:43 - 44:46

matches this year being down and coming

44:45 - 44:48

back winning those three set matches

44:46 - 44:50

that even if you're down three love in

44:48 - 44:51

the first set you feel like there's

44:50 - 44:53

definitely a possibility of her coming

44:51 - 44:56

back in that first set which she did for

44:53 - 44:57

a moment but good challenge for most

44:56 - 44:58

Yankee to come back and close that set

44:57 - 45:02


44:58 - 45:02


45:05 - 45:11

just an example that Maria has gone the

45:08 - 45:20

distance of three sets in seven of her

45:11 - 45:21

last 10 matches including her match up

45:20 - 45:26

in the second round here against doge

45:21 - 45:26

arrow where she lost the opening set 6-4

45:32 - 45:43


45:32 - 45:43


46:08 - 46:18


46:15 - 46:19

important sorry go ahead Kevin maybe

46:18 - 46:21

gonna pick up where you were about to

46:19 - 46:33

lead important for Wozniacki to get a

46:21 - 46:36

good start because of the fact that

46:33 - 46:39

Sharapova can be such a threat late in

46:36 - 46:44

matches and she you're never across the

46:39 - 46:44

line until that last point against her

46:59 - 47:10


47:06 - 47:10


47:46 - 47:56


47:53 - 47:58

good job from sheriff of sharapova here

47:56 - 48:02

again stepping into the court creating

47:58 - 48:03

less time for Wozniacki the more times

48:02 - 48:05

you can take away the heart is for

48:03 - 48:08

Caroline who does move so well

48:05 - 48:10

get over get a racket on ball we're

48:08 - 48:30

blasting the fifteenth winner of the

48:10 - 48:32

match show play very best exactly you

48:30 - 48:34

don't want to approve of controlling the

48:32 - 48:36

point from that backhand side she nice

48:34 - 48:39

touch good body burn on that backhand

48:36 - 48:41

straight down the line shot here and

48:39 - 48:44

really just again stepping into the

48:41 - 48:47

court doesn't even have to go to a wines

48:44 - 48:50

has enough power on that shot to push

48:47 - 48:50

put it past Bo's yaki

48:54 - 48:58


48:56 - 49:00

mr. chance for Sharapova to grab the

48:58 - 49:02

upper hand lease for the mobile here and

49:00 - 49:04

so important for Caroline to hold sir

49:02 - 49:06

put herself to the lead take care of the

49:04 - 49:10

things she can't control the Sharapova

49:06 - 49:12

start to feel far more comfortable and

49:10 - 49:18

being able to dictate how the course of

49:12 - 49:20

a point will go she's gonna swing away

49:18 - 49:24

regardless but now that she has found

49:20 - 49:25

that those lines aren't as tight as she

49:24 - 49:27

appeared to have them when she was

49:25 - 49:29

committing all those unforced errors in

49:27 - 49:35

the opening set Court has widened up

49:29 - 49:37

considerable driving forehand return a

49:35 - 49:40

good meter maybe even a meter and a half

49:37 - 49:43

inside the base line to get to another

49:40 - 49:45

breakpoint especially with trap Hill

49:43 - 49:46

they're making so many unforced errors

49:45 - 49:48

in the beginning of the match she wanted

49:46 - 49:50

to bring her targets in a little bit you

49:48 - 49:52

don't have to aim for the line until you

49:50 - 49:53

find your rhythm and you've noticed that

49:52 - 49:55

the winners that she hit they've been

49:53 - 50:01

far into the court not so close to the

49:55 - 50:04

line she's finding her range and there's

50:01 - 50:06

the break Wozniacki disgusted with

50:04 - 50:09

herself slams a ball to the surface

50:06 - 50:10

knowing she had the chance to get to one

50:09 - 50:13

love and Maria denies her that

50:10 - 50:15

opportunity so Sharapova already a step

50:13 - 50:17

in the right direction in her effort to

50:15 - 50:19

come back from a set down and that set

50:17 - 50:20

how did it look statistically Jill

50:19 - 50:22


50:20 - 50:24

explained well Sharapova has the higher

50:22 - 50:26

first serve percentage but Wozniacki

50:24 - 50:28

returned so well in that beginning first

50:26 - 50:30

set so that was definitely an advantage

50:28 - 50:31

for her and that's why she came away

50:30 - 50:33

with the first set Sharapova more

50:31 - 50:35

winners but again it was the unforced

50:33 - 50:37

errors that cost her that first set

50:35 - 50:39

triple the unforced errors from that

50:37 - 50:41

Wozniacki had with only the will exactly

50:39 - 50:43

had only seven to Sharapova's 21 so that

50:41 - 50:45

was the really big difference in the

50:43 - 50:47

first set how big a fighter is Maria

50:45 - 50:49

Sharapova when she needs to go three

50:47 - 50:51

sets or particularly more importantly as

50:49 - 50:55

pertains to this match when she's down a

50:51 - 50:58

set this is her 51st match of the year

50:55 - 51:01

and she needed to be her 21st to go the

50:58 - 51:04

full distance at three sets a 17 and

51:01 - 51:07

three record and going to a decider

51:04 - 51:08

including get this after running through

51:07 - 51:11

the opening three rounds at

51:08 - 51:13

roland-garros this year without dropping

51:11 - 51:16

a single set in order to capture the

51:13 - 51:22

trophy there her last four rounds all

51:16 - 51:23

four preset matches that includes a

51:22 - 51:24

round of 16 encounter with Samantha

51:23 - 51:26


51:24 - 51:28

a quarter final against Garvin yet

51:26 - 51:30

muguruza and her semi-final against

51:28 - 51:32

Eugenie Bouchard she lost the opening

51:30 - 51:34

set in all three of those matches to

51:32 - 51:36

booked herself into the final against

51:34 - 51:38

Simona Halep so she's not feeling too

51:36 - 51:41

bad right now this is the standard

51:38 - 51:43

procedure this is not a stressful moment

51:41 - 51:46

for Maria what first set you got it

51:43 - 51:49

okay well let's see how you fare through

51:46 - 51:49

the course of the next two

52:10 - 52:20


52:22 - 52:28

sixty minutes have elapsed we're in it

52:25 - 52:31

for the long haul just eleven games

52:28 - 52:34

played now into the 12th Sharapova 6-2

52:31 - 52:34

loves start of her own

52:52 - 52:56

probably just got a little bit caught on

52:54 - 52:58

that you good job you village the

52:56 - 52:59

quarter I've just reached a little bit

52:58 - 53:02

too much

52:59 - 53:02


53:05 - 53:10

23000 when this biggest tennis only

53:09 - 53:13

stadium in the world is filled to

53:10 - 53:16

capacity not there today on this Sunday

53:13 - 53:20

it's still a lot of interests a lot of

53:16 - 53:22

spectators plugged in want to see the

53:20 - 53:30

exchange between those two remember

53:22 - 53:32

lungs don't forget you there's an

53:30 - 53:33

important point to be made about Arthur

53:32 - 53:35

Ashe Stadium in the coming future there

53:33 - 53:37

will be a roof over the stadium they

53:35 - 53:41

said it couldn't be done but the USTA

53:37 - 53:43

has found a way and by 2018 if not

53:41 - 53:44

sooner the roof will be over Arthur Ashe

53:43 - 53:46

Stadium that's good for two reasons

53:44 - 53:48

tonight there is a threat of rain for

53:46 - 53:50

the nice session with delay or a

53:48 - 53:52

proceedings the other aspect is gonna

53:50 - 53:55

make it more well

53:52 - 53:55

echo friendly

54:11 - 54:16

I want to talk about putting a roof on

54:14 - 54:18

this stadium so few years now and now

54:16 - 54:19

they're finally in the process of

54:18 - 54:21

getting the construction underway I

54:19 - 54:24

think it's because it's scheduled to be

54:21 - 54:27

finished around 2016 but the stadium is

54:24 - 54:30

so big it's going to be a massive

54:27 - 54:33

accomplishment to get that finished

54:30 - 54:36

so once lady the Armstrong Stadium

54:33 - 54:37

they're gonna move the grandstand east

54:36 - 54:43

over to the west over by the West

54:37 - 54:45

stadium six promoting to some of our

54:43 - 54:46

viewers that are responding with Twitter

54:45 - 54:48

comments or saying wow it's gonna be

54:46 - 55:06

even more of an echo inside Arthur Ashe

54:48 - 55:08

Stadium Maria Sharapova challenge will

55:06 - 55:11

come from Sharapova she thinks she has

55:08 - 55:14

her second game of this set in Pocket

55:11 - 55:16

where H each hack says the chase review

55:14 - 55:18

will see as to whether or not this did

55:16 - 55:19

indeed say along

55:18 - 55:21

that's what Sharapova's hoping for

55:19 - 55:21

called good

55:27 - 55:32

I'm not so sure Sharapova was completely

55:30 - 55:34

100% sure that without but it was a good

55:32 - 55:37

challenge I mean it's close enough to

55:34 - 55:42

challenge that for the games close

55:37 - 55:44

enough yeah except of a pencil do the

55:42 - 55:46

separation that I made just family on

55:44 - 55:49

that line finds its way and well Jackie

55:46 - 55:49

says right where I aimed it

56:33 - 56:40

devastated just great exchange from both

56:37 - 56:43

players they're really high quality

56:40 - 56:46

tennis Sharapova just loved that

56:43 - 56:48

backhand wide she says a good job

56:46 - 56:51

stepping in creates such a good angle

56:48 - 56:52

there and just too strong her clothes

56:51 - 56:54

need to even react

56:52 - 56:56

Caroline's reply all Maria had to do a

56:54 - 56:59

little stutter step it was right in her

56:56 - 57:02

wheelhouse and she just slammed it

56:59 - 57:18

through the open court seventh winner in

57:02 - 57:20

this set yeah far cry she only had 13

57:18 - 57:24

winners in total and set number one it's

57:20 - 57:28

already more than half productivity far

57:24 - 57:31

more impressive having a bit of

57:28 - 57:31

difficulty getting to to love

57:54 - 57:57


58:00 - 58:09


59:02 - 59:04


59:10 - 59:16

more aces excuse me

59:13 - 59:17

one ace for double faults that would be

59:16 - 59:20

a far cry from what Murray has been able

59:17 - 59:22

to put out and it's a better percentage

59:20 - 59:24

of late she doesn't seem to be bitten by

59:22 - 59:27

the double fault bug as often as she did

59:24 - 59:30

say three four years ago but it still

59:27 - 59:30

creeps in from time to time

59:55 - 59:59

even that can be significant to some

59:57 - 60:01

degrees remember Sharapova didn't play

59:59 - 60:03

the US Open last year and she's had her

60:01 - 60:08

problems because of her right shoulder

60:03 - 60:10

her significant 2013 and a couple years

60:08 - 60:12

ago had reconstructive surgery to get

60:10 - 60:13

that shoulder back in shape no ice no

60:12 - 60:16

she's capable of throwing in those

60:13 - 60:19

double faults has a returner you wanna

60:16 - 60:21

take a step in on on the her first serve

60:19 - 60:25

especially her second serve take a step

60:21 - 60:25

in try and create more pressure that way

60:37 - 60:43

and despite the long duration of the

60:40 - 60:45

second game Wozniak ease momentum from

60:43 - 60:45

the opening set has come to a screeching

60:45 - 60:47


60:45 - 60:50


60:47 - 60:53

Sharapova to love and set number two and

60:50 - 60:55

so far the different Sharapova's really

60:53 - 60:56

cut down on her unforced errors this

60:55 - 60:58

said she's found her range a little bit

60:56 - 60:59

she brought in her targets and that's

60:58 - 61:01

what was happening in the first set she

60:59 - 61:02

was going for a little bit too much so

61:01 - 61:05

she's found the middle of the court more

61:02 - 61:07

and waited for her opportunities to step

61:05 - 61:09

to step up but even when she has that

61:07 - 61:11

short ball she's still aiming more in

61:09 - 61:12

the middle of the court and that's

61:11 - 61:15

what's helped her cut down on the on

61:12 - 61:15

those unforced errors

61:22 - 61:27

and for Caroline Wozniacki she seems to

61:24 - 61:28

be far more defensive now as the latter

61:27 - 61:29

stage is descent number one in the

61:28 - 61:32

beginning of the second frame they're

61:29 - 61:34

going on before she was able to sort of

61:32 - 61:36

use your defensive maneuvering to get to

61:34 - 61:41

the middle Corp be a bit more aggressive

61:36 - 61:41

put some offensive strategies in play

61:46 - 61:52

now she seems to be more likely win

61:48 - 61:55

Sharapova and her being able to dictate

61:52 - 62:01

the point that's a good sign from

61:55 - 62:06

Caroline's it started regroup here out

62:01 - 62:08

so she kind of half went for it but use

62:06 - 62:11

the left hand as well just found that

62:08 - 62:11

outside corner

62:26 - 62:33


62:35 - 62:39


63:23 - 63:30

Sharapova really tacky doors nice I can

63:26 - 63:32

second serve there creates such a great

63:30 - 63:34

angle on this shot and then really again

63:32 - 63:36

just steps into the court again not

63:34 - 63:40

towards the Lima in the middle of the

63:36 - 63:43

court doesn't be have to be so good

63:40 - 63:43

where you have to aim for the line

64:20 - 64:27

just long and Wozniacki

64:22 - 64:29

and better danger here this is exactly

64:27 - 64:32

playing into Sharapova's hands shift of

64:29 - 64:34

momentum I think its way towards an

64:32 - 64:35

identical start and set number two is

64:34 - 64:38

the opening set the only difference the

64:35 - 64:40

name in front of the actia three love

64:38 - 64:42

start the first frame share a photo

64:40 - 64:44

point away from matching that and set

64:42 - 64:44

number two

65:01 - 65:10


65:08 - 65:12

we're just what you said you look at

65:10 - 65:14

getting Kevin a lot of this match has

65:12 - 65:18

been a then on Sharapova's racket

65:14 - 65:20

Miyake up in the first set

65:18 - 65:21

because of Sharapova's unforced errors

65:20 - 65:25

but also credit was in a key very

65:21 - 65:27

consistent play but again Sharapova head

65:25 - 65:29

now because she's cut down on those

65:27 - 65:29


65:34 - 65:45


65:42 - 65:48


65:45 - 65:48


65:51 - 65:56

we're at two of five today and

65:53 - 65:59

conversions of breakpoints three of six

65:56 - 65:59

that's it mighty nice with her

66:11 - 66:17

jacqui up against it the second set

66:14 - 66:21

belongs to Maria Sharapova thus far an

66:17 - 66:21

insurance break for a three love start

66:33 - 66:38

that's a lot of what we saw in the first

66:35 - 66:40

set from Wozniacki a little bit more

66:38 - 66:44

aggressive better return off the court

66:40 - 66:45

and just great job moving in taking this

66:44 - 66:46

ball out of the air short angle volley

66:45 - 66:48

cross-court winner

66:46 - 66:50

the fact that we haven't seen that over

66:48 - 66:51

the course of the last five games are so

66:50 - 66:53

going back to the end of the first set

66:51 - 66:56

which was the a key one is that more of

66:53 - 66:59

Maria imposing herself or to Caroline go

66:56 - 66:59

away from the strategy a bit

67:19 - 67:25

I think it was a little bit of both I

67:22 - 67:27

think Caroline after she won that first

67:25 - 67:28

set I think she relaxed a little bit too

67:27 - 67:30

much she was playing a little bit

67:28 - 67:32

further behind the base line which

67:30 - 67:34

caused her to retrieve a little bit too

67:32 - 67:36

much and it allowed Maria to step up and

67:34 - 67:40

take control more of more point so I

67:36 - 67:42

think it was a little bit of both making

67:40 - 67:59

it difficult for Caroline and Caroline

67:42 - 68:01

just easing off the gas a bit is always

67:59 - 68:05

so strong and that cannot swing volley

68:01 - 68:07

position from any area in the court

68:05 - 68:10

tends to hit that pretty well even from

68:07 - 68:10

a deep position

68:38 - 68:44

it's scrambling here from Wozniacki good

68:43 - 68:47

job Maria getting low on that ball and

68:44 - 68:50

again even moving backward just great

68:47 - 68:50

balance on that swing volley

69:04 - 69:08

she had it dialed up was niak he knows

69:08 - 69:10


69:08 - 69:12

if she can clear the high part of the

69:10 - 69:15

net down the line she'd be looking at

69:12 - 69:17

breakpoint she kicks the ball in

69:15 - 69:19

frustration what could have been now is

69:17 - 69:22

actually more likely to end up with

69:19 - 69:24

Sharapova taking all four games to start

69:22 - 69:24

the set

69:31 - 69:34


69:35 - 69:42

that's indeed what happens Sharapova all

69:39 - 69:45

over Wozniacki for games played four

69:42 - 69:47

games by her name as she seeks the third

69:45 - 69:49

set well don't forget if you want to

69:47 - 69:51

stay connected to the US Open when

69:49 - 69:53

you're on the go those handheld devices

69:51 - 69:57

I don't know if you have an iPad Android

69:53 - 69:59

iPhone you can go to US Open shop org

69:57 - 70:02

and get merchandise right there just

69:59 - 70:05

dial it up pick the hoodie the size take

70:02 - 70:06

a coffee cup with the 2014 logo whatever

70:05 - 70:07

you want

70:06 - 70:10

it'll be shipped right to you wherever

70:07 - 70:14

you are in the world it's as simple as

70:10 - 70:16

that Jill all US open shop org we're

70:14 - 70:19

also appreciating all of your input on

70:16 - 70:24

Twitter at u.s. optimum 2014 from

70:19 - 70:27

everywhere afghanistan to alaska

70:24 - 70:30

philippines for pakistan india to

70:27 - 70:32

nigeria a lot of people commenting about

70:30 - 70:34

maria sharapova not only her style of

70:32 - 70:38

play and how hard she can be but how

70:34 - 70:40

powerful her well she exerts her

70:38 - 70:45

enthusiasm with each groundstroke how

70:40 - 70:45

should we say that all right she's great

70:46 - 70:50

some people take exception

71:06 - 71:09


71:14 - 71:20

Wozniak II hit a bit of a rough patch

71:17 - 71:24

and she really has to be careful get to

71:20 - 71:26

15 all you can see little things

71:24 - 71:28

starting to worry ur body language not

71:26 - 71:33

quite as strong as it was at the outset

71:28 - 71:39

of the match or the chaise review C was

71:33 - 71:41

gonna return the call that doesn't work

71:39 - 71:41


72:05 - 72:09

great job pillows nappy there again

72:08 - 72:11

that's what she did better in the first

72:09 - 72:13

set than she had the second set she's

72:11 - 72:15

really she really moved the ball around

72:13 - 72:17

took advantage of the power off of

72:15 - 72:21

Sharapova's return and just redirected

72:17 - 72:21

redirected it beautifully down the line

72:32 - 72:37

all right then

72:34 - 72:39

hour and 23 minutes into the match and

72:37 - 72:40

Caroline decides it's time to hit a

72:39 - 72:43

backhand winner

72:40 - 72:45

she was pacing herself waiting for the

72:43 - 72:47

right moment but she took more risks in

72:45 - 72:48

that first set like that she went for

72:47 - 72:49

those shots a little bit more in the

72:48 - 72:58

first step then she has so far in the

72:49 - 73:00

second and the hole finally on the board

72:58 - 73:05

and set number 2 trying to keep

73:00 - 73:07

Sharapova within reach fourth round in

73:05 - 73:07

New York

73:07 - 73:12

Sharapova shored up her game

73:09 - 73:14

considerably in this second set you see

73:12 - 73:16

all the unforced errors the outpouring

73:14 - 73:19

of miscues in the opening frame well

73:16 - 73:21

only six in set number two that is

73:19 - 73:24

certainly one way of turning around your

73:21 - 73:26

fortunes she's also been able to get at

73:24 - 73:28

rose knee a key sir a few times twice to

73:26 - 73:31

be exact a couple of breaks to start off

73:28 - 73:34

a four love beginning rocky has held

73:31 - 73:36

four for one but there has been a not so

73:34 - 73:38

subtle shift in momentum pretty

73:36 - 73:40

one-sided imagine this second set

73:38 - 73:43

Sharapova really just upped her level

73:40 - 73:44

cut down those unforced errors but also

73:43 - 73:48

more winners overall through outfits

73:44 - 73:48

second set for Sharapova

73:55 - 74:01

13 winners so far the set for Sharapova

73:58 - 74:04

over Wozniacki is 5 doesn't post a lot

74:01 - 74:06

of aces generally there's a pair for

74:04 - 74:06

Sharapova thus far not her fastest serve

74:06 - 74:11

of the day either

74:06 - 74:14

she's cranked went out for her 10 miles

74:11 - 74:16

per hour that's pretty big that was 101

74:14 - 74:19

it's not really about that it's finding

74:16 - 74:23

some accuracy putting caroline wozniacki

74:19 - 74:26

on her heels really just trying to find

74:23 - 74:28

a way into a rally where she hopes feels

74:26 - 74:40

confident when she can dictate from both

74:28 - 74:42

sides remarkable sharapov has been able

74:40 - 74:44

to do set herself up post tennis not as

74:42 - 74:46

if she needs it per se with all the

74:44 - 74:50

endorsement money and prize money she

74:46 - 74:53

certainly earned her 30 million plus

74:50 - 74:55

prize money total and that's just in her

74:53 - 74:57

on court accomplishments but she's not

74:55 - 75:08

content with that she's headed for mogul

74:57 - 75:10

status the meritocrat of deals and off

75:08 - 75:11

court endorsements with companies and

75:10 - 75:14

this and that she's also set up some

75:11 - 75:15

pretty impressive ventures in the

75:14 - 75:17

business world and Nike apparel

75:15 - 75:21

collection that other players including

75:17 - 75:23

eugenie bouchard where Madison keys she

75:21 - 75:27

has a Cole Haan collection and of course

75:23 - 75:27

who can forget sugar PAVA

75:28 - 75:33

the line of candy sweet treats sometimes

75:32 - 75:34

she hands them out in the locker room I

75:33 - 75:37

understand I've never been there myself

75:34 - 75:40

so I can't say it's very good but it's

75:37 - 75:42

sugar so that's part of her plan while

75:40 - 75:45

she's playing let's load you guys down

75:42 - 75:48

with a lot of sugar you know put on a

75:45 - 75:52

couple of pounds how you move around the

75:48 - 75:54

court as a career extended and lengthens

75:52 - 75:57

on any advantage he can get Marie is a

75:54 - 75:57

fierce competitor

75:58 - 76:01

half a dozen double faults to go along

76:00 - 76:05

with the two aces we showed you moments

76:01 - 76:07

ago but really not sweating it out too

76:05 - 76:07


76:08 - 76:11

easing towards five one

76:25 - 76:31


76:28 - 76:33

come out here and focus as well as she

76:31 - 76:35

does for every match

76:33 - 76:38

yes it's borderline ridiculous I think

76:35 - 76:40

she can apply so much time to pursuits

76:38 - 76:43

off court while right in the crux of

76:40 - 76:45

what has been you know the prime of her

76:43 - 76:47

career and it's no doubt about it that

76:45 - 76:48

she has a great support group around her

76:47 - 76:50

helping her out with those things but

76:48 - 76:53

she likes to be involved with her other

76:50 - 76:55

work you don't expect her to be the site

76:53 - 76:58

that just says you know what I said I

76:55 - 77:00

want to just do five days and just sit

76:58 - 77:05

in the chair kick my feet up relax not

77:00 - 77:07

think about anything that's maybe just

77:05 - 77:11

her baby just to think about her next

77:07 - 77:12

business move possibly Wozniacki trying

77:11 - 77:15

to salvage something in this second set

77:12 - 77:18

the hold would accomplish at least part

77:15 - 77:21

of that she might not get the chance

77:18 - 77:23

Sharapova is just firing on all

77:21 - 77:26

cylinders literally showed you the

77:23 - 77:30

graphic and the opening set 13 winners

77:26 - 77:30

Murray and sent number 215

77:31 - 77:47

a third of the errors that she committed

77:34 - 77:50

the opening set where her shots were

77:47 - 77:52

missing the mark and extending beyond

77:50 - 77:54

the confines of the baited the painted

77:52 - 77:55

court now she's finding her way exactly

77:54 - 77:59

where she wants to hit with great

77:55 - 78:01

accuracy but you said it exactly she

77:59 - 78:04

found her way she wasn't hitting that

78:01 - 78:06

close to the line in the beginning of a

78:04 - 78:09

second set she had to find her range but

78:06 - 78:09

now she feels more comfortable she

78:10 - 78:19


78:22 - 78:25

amazing taking that out of the air from

78:23 - 78:28

losing a key she was inside the court

78:25 - 78:28

that was her only option

78:48 - 78:58


79:00 - 79:05

that's one of Caroline's strengths right

79:02 - 79:07

there the backhand down the line really

79:05 - 79:10

just redirects that ball down the line

79:07 - 79:10

so well

79:44 - 79:49

for Satan

79:45 - 79:49


79:51 - 79:54


79:54 - 80:00

there's the Afro mention Peter Wozniacki

79:57 - 80:02

always been her father has back had gone

80:00 - 80:03

back and forth as far as his coaching

80:02 - 80:05

duties particularly of late but he's

80:03 - 80:08

back in the driver's seat in regard to

80:05 - 80:09

they really have a marvelous

80:08 - 80:12

relationship in the past we've heard so

80:09 - 80:13

many difficult stories of fathers and

80:12 - 80:17

their daughters in professional tennis

80:13 - 80:29

circuit this is a good one works for

80:17 - 80:30

respect professional athletes so he can

80:29 - 80:33

empathize with certain situations with

80:30 - 80:37

her as well he's got very tactical mind

80:33 - 80:39

yes not only is it hard to step away as

80:37 - 80:40

your father but it's hard to step away

80:39 - 80:42

when you've been a professional athlete

80:40 - 80:44

you know the mindset you know the game

80:42 - 80:45

you feel like you can help your daughter

80:44 - 80:47

but they do seem to have a really good

80:45 - 80:51

relationship and tends to work really

80:47 - 80:51

well for the both of them

81:22 - 81:28

you can understand why they're excited

81:24 - 81:29

what an entertaining point great point

81:28 - 81:31

you hear from both players what a great

81:29 - 81:33

stab their paralegal over the net but

81:31 - 81:36

good job Murray I'm moving up but just

81:33 - 81:38

created less time for herself by going

81:36 - 81:40

for a little bit more on that shot

81:38 - 81:42

good guessing by Wozniacki good

81:40 - 81:42


82:07 - 82:12


82:10 - 82:16

there's a little thing they like to call

82:12 - 82:18

in sports hand-eye coordination that was

82:16 - 82:21

just an incredible pickup Ming Grozny I

82:18 - 82:24

can hit such a good deep ball and Sharaf

82:21 - 82:26

over just flicking it down a line just

82:24 - 82:28

such good hands on that ball rolling

82:26 - 82:30

over the top to get some topspin which

82:28 - 82:31

is in the hallmark of Maria's

82:30 - 82:33

groundstrokes but just had to get

82:31 - 82:37

through there quickly and finds away

82:33 - 82:39

another winner 18 in the set a return to

82:37 - 82:39


82:52 - 82:59

yeah the previous point just informed

82:56 - 83:00

her Maria says okay I can pick that up

82:59 - 83:02

and blast a winner you know what I'm

83:00 - 83:05

gonna pick a spot right over there to

83:02 - 83:08

the backhand and fire away

83:05 - 83:10


83:08 - 83:14

good to turn on your throne strokes it's

83:10 - 83:18

tough to tell where she's going had to

83:14 - 83:18

guess on that one set point for Maria

83:21 - 83:30

fighting it off redirecting the backhand

83:25 - 83:34

no fuss no muss from Wozniacki I can do

83:30 - 83:36

that too that's why this match was so

83:34 - 83:39

anticipated the level of play from both

83:36 - 83:43

coming into this round of 16 match very

83:39 - 83:57

high yeah he up to the task

83:43 - 83:59

saves setpoint it really doesn't want us

83:57 - 84:01

gone to serve here that Cara puts you in

83:59 - 84:03

a tough spot not only because it would

84:01 - 84:04

go to a third set straight away but she

84:03 - 84:08

doesn't want to give Sharapova the

84:04 - 84:12

chance to serve first no matter what the

84:08 - 84:13

score is you know I always want to fight

84:12 - 84:15

until the end put some more a little bit

84:13 - 84:18

more pressure on your opponent going

84:15 - 84:18

into a third set

84:35 - 84:38


84:39 - 84:48


84:45 - 84:48


84:51 - 84:55

second game of the set lasted just a

84:53 - 84:59

couple seconds shy of nine minutes so

84:55 - 85:01

we've had some long encounters one on

84:59 - 85:05

Sharapova's sir which he managed to get

85:01 - 85:07

the hold for to love extended that lead

85:05 - 85:10

to four love in the set and that was new

85:07 - 85:12

Yankee fighting for presence in second

85:10 - 85:12

or two or so

85:23 - 85:26


85:34 - 85:39

terrific scramble by Wozniacki about

85:37 - 85:40

four strokes prior to just put the ball

85:39 - 85:42

back in play

85:40 - 85:44

lob allowed her to get to neutral ground

85:42 - 85:48

and from that point on they just

85:44 - 85:49

exchanged until Moya blinked good

85:48 - 85:50

variety from Ozaki - she could have

85:49 - 85:52

definitely stepped up and hit that

85:50 - 86:04

backhand but chose to slice it a little

85:52 - 86:05

bit different look different spin must

86:04 - 86:07

be intriguing it looked as if the ball

86:05 - 86:09

almost picked up a little extra velocity

86:07 - 86:11

in that and that would mean it skidded

86:09 - 86:15

off the paint but Rose Miyake says no it

86:11 - 86:17

didn't she'd be right it was long and

86:15 - 86:20

Caroline's on the board for a second

86:17 - 86:23

time it'll be up to Maria Sharapova try

86:20 - 86:25

to hold serve and force it aside her

86:23 - 86:30

spot in the quarterfinals at stake

86:25 - 86:32

between two former number ones walking

86:30 - 86:33

around the grounds here at the USTA

86:32 - 86:35

Billie Jean King National Tennis Center

86:33 - 86:38

a little straw poll amongst the people

86:35 - 86:41

with some journalists and fans some of

86:38 - 86:43

the ushers some of the commentators what

86:41 - 86:44

do you think of the match with Sharapova

86:43 - 86:49

Wozniacki how do you think it's gonna

86:44 - 86:53

play out the dominant answer that

86:49 - 86:54

thing's going three sets they're all

86:53 - 86:57

starting to look pretty smart right

86:54 - 87:00

about now including on Twitter everybody

86:57 - 87:01

thinking this was destined for three

87:00 - 87:04

well Maria Sharapova can make that

87:01 - 87:04

happen it's a simple prospect really

87:04 - 87:08


87:04 - 87:10

if you hold serve for the 21st time this

87:08 - 87:12

year you'll be playing in a three-set

87:10 - 87:12


87:13 - 87:18

that's exactly what she hopes to do

87:15 - 87:20

serving from the south end trying to

87:18 - 87:22

make it once set all inside Arthur Ashe

87:20 - 87:22


87:49 - 87:52


87:54 - 88:01

great 4.5 Wozniacki definitely Sharapova

87:59 - 88:03

feeling pretty good in this position but

88:01 - 88:04

owes me a key good job wants to stay

88:03 - 88:06

aggressive even if it even if she loses

88:04 - 88:10

the second set so she can go into the

88:06 - 88:10

third set feeling a little bit stronger

88:13 - 88:15


88:40 - 88:44


88:49 - 88:54

another great pick up some Sheriff over

88:52 - 88:56

there she just had such a good job on

88:54 - 89:00

those defaults it's really accelerating

88:56 - 89:04

her racket head she finds that extra

89:00 - 89:04

spin to bring it down into the court

89:36 - 89:42

sometimes it can be dizzy I mean our

89:40 - 89:43

vantage point is a little bit higher to

89:42 - 89:46

say the least than that of the camera

89:43 - 89:48

but the angle and the depth of how Maria

89:46 - 89:51

Sharapova was able to curve that ball

89:48 - 89:53

into the back corner remarkable and she

89:51 - 89:56

was able to do so with not our standard

89:53 - 90:05

swing she stays with the ball so well

89:56 - 90:08

doesn't look ahead at all a little bit

90:05 - 90:10

on that line up a 9 forehand that sails

90:08 - 90:12

long it's just confounding sometimes to

90:10 - 90:14

figure how she's able to do some of the

90:12 - 90:16

things she does with a racquet and then

90:14 - 90:18

yep just a simple forehand she's hit

90:16 - 90:22

close to five hundred sixty-three

90:18 - 90:23

thousand times look someone's playing

90:22 - 90:26

like that it's hard to get a little bit

90:23 - 90:29

of a rhythm winners errors it's hard to

90:26 - 90:29

find your rhythm a little bit

90:44 - 90:47


90:52 - 90:56

not a bad play here from Caroline's

90:54 - 90:59

really putting the pressure on good

90:56 - 91:03

aggressive play Sharapova again just the

90:59 - 91:08

racket head acceleration just flicks it

91:03 - 91:08

cross-court has herself set point

91:28 - 91:31

not quite there yet

91:33 - 91:40


91:38 - 91:42

Sharapova trying to finish this off to

91:40 - 91:45

get to the third set remarkably in their

91:42 - 91:48

first seven meetings only one of those

91:45 - 91:52

seven contests went the full complement

91:48 - 91:53

of sets between these two that was two

91:52 - 91:54

years ago in Miami in the semi finals

91:53 - 91:58


91:54 - 92:02

coming back from a 6-4 dropped opening

91:58 - 92:02

set to go through to the final

92:21 - 92:26

the crowd loves it they want this set to

92:24 - 92:28

continue and they're dazzled by the

92:26 - 92:30

brilliance of Caroline Wozniacki when

92:28 - 92:32

she gets in position he can strike this

92:30 - 92:33

backhand it's a thing of beauty it is

92:32 - 92:35

that is definitely one of her strengths

92:33 - 92:37

that backhand down the line but she put

92:35 - 92:38

herself in a great position that I can't

92:37 - 92:41

cross port

92:38 - 92:44

just really quick job of staying low on

92:41 - 92:44

that last backhand on line

92:58 - 93:05


93:06 - 93:11

well you can't say Caroline hasn't had

93:08 - 93:13

her looks definitely not a bad mix from

93:11 - 93:15

Caroline she's been more aggressive in

93:13 - 93:16

these last few games she struggled a

93:15 - 93:18

little bit in the beginning of the

93:16 - 93:21

second set got a little bit more

93:18 - 93:25

tentative but she's gonna lose this set

93:21 - 93:25

she wants to lose it being aggressive

93:51 - 93:54


93:58 - 94:05

what a smart shot by Sharapova she's

94:03 - 94:09

getting such good depth on her balls

94:05 - 94:10

here really makes smart choice to try

94:09 - 94:13

and hit that short boys now he's so far

94:10 - 94:17

behind the baseline can't close it in a

94:13 - 94:18

second set point for Maria missed out on

94:17 - 94:23

the first chance

94:18 - 94:23

see how she fares to get to a decider

94:26 - 94:30


94:45 - 94:51

she's got it predictable as Sharapova

94:48 - 94:54

can be of late particularly for the 22nd

94:51 - 94:55

time and 51 matches this year she'll go

94:54 - 95:01

to a third set she likes her chances

94:55 - 95:03

she's won 17 of the previous 20 so for

95:01 - 95:05

just the second time in now their eighth

95:03 - 95:08

meeting a third set will decide who

95:05 - 95:11

advances to the quarterfinals Sara

95:08 - 95:13

Errani waits amongst the last eight and

95:11 - 95:15

Caroline Wozniacki from the North End

95:13 - 95:17

will serve first inside Arthur Ashe

95:15 - 95:17


95:36 - 95:39


95:40 - 95:45

Sharapova coming out like we'd expect

95:41 - 95:50

her to really getting all over and

95:45 - 95:50

everything but when I inset second serve

95:58 - 96:01

as we're Eng Chacon crow a show

96:00 - 96:06

mentioned her in the chair umpire

96:01 - 96:09

position as quickly become one of the

96:06 - 96:13

more respected chair umpires on the WTO

96:09 - 96:15

as well as at major events and again

96:13 - 96:16

we're not entirely sure Sharapova was

96:15 - 96:18

given a warning for time but there

96:16 - 96:23

certainly was a discussion that seemed

96:18 - 96:28

to agitate Maria as we know right back

96:23 - 96:28

to business as is her modus operandi

96:36 - 96:42


96:36 - 96:42


96:49 - 96:56

both players losing just one cent in

96:52 - 96:57

route to the fourth round losing an

96:56 - 97:02

additional here to force this deciding

96:57 - 97:05

set yeah he lost the second set against

97:02 - 97:07

magdaléna rybáriková before leading to

97:05 - 97:15

love in the third the Slovakian retired

97:07 - 97:18

in that match in the second round

97:15 - 97:20

against Alexandra doe guru of Romania

97:18 - 97:23

Maria lost the opening cents it's four

97:20 - 97:24

identical to her start here in the

97:23 - 97:28

fourth round before coming back and

97:24 - 97:32

winning that in three again this is very

97:28 - 97:35

familiar territory for Maria her 21st

97:32 - 97:52

three-set match of 2014 with a 17 and 3

97:35 - 97:56

record good extension from Wozniacki

97:52 - 97:58

puts sharapov on the run great job by

97:56 - 98:00

count line here that's backhand slice

97:58 - 98:04

setting up that backhand down the line

98:00 - 98:08

for her again one of her strengths just

98:04 - 98:08

using it really well in that point

98:11 - 98:19

this is key for Caroline you could

98:17 - 98:22

almost take paramount needed to hold to

98:19 - 98:25

begin the set not only to give herself

98:22 - 98:28

the advantage also put that pressure on

98:25 - 98:29

Sharapova forcing her to hold to play

98:28 - 98:31

catch-up but before we think more about

98:29 - 98:34

scent number three let's look back for a

98:31 - 98:36

moment at set number two and both first

98:34 - 98:39

our percentage very evenly almost evenly

98:36 - 98:41

matched from both players again 22

98:39 - 98:43

winners from Sharapova over Wozniacki

98:41 - 98:45

nine a winner that was the big

98:43 - 98:48

difference and that number two unforced

98:45 - 98:54

errors not so much of a factor but those

98:48 - 98:57

winners are retreated just a little bit

98:54 - 99:00

too loud Sharapova to step up and hit a

98:57 - 99:03

lot more winners in that second set is

99:00 - 99:05

there something about Maria that it has

99:03 - 99:06

become so contagious that she plays so

99:05 - 99:08

many three-set matches is it a slow

99:06 - 99:10

start is I mean this is eight of her

99:08 - 99:12

last eleven matches she's had to go to

99:10 - 99:14

three sets well I think a lot of our

99:12 - 99:16

opponents come out and they know they

99:14 - 99:19

need to come out to a strong start and

99:16 - 99:21

so I think that the opponents play

99:19 - 99:22

really well from the beginning but they

99:21 - 99:23


99:22 - 99:25

Sharapova is so good at keeping that

99:23 - 99:29

pressure on and I think they just sort

99:25 - 99:29

of allow her to come back into the match

99:44 - 99:47


100:02 - 100:10

well then third sets gonna be fun but I

100:06 - 100:12

say I think Sharapova crates that

100:10 - 100:14

pressure and I do thanks to Wozniacki

100:12 - 100:16

retrieving a little bit but Sharapova

100:14 - 100:18

did adjust her game she was a lot of

100:16 - 100:20

unforced errors and she didn't bring her

100:18 - 100:21

targets in a little bit she found her

100:20 - 100:23

range so I think that is a difference as

100:21 - 100:26

well it's not only that was accurate

100:23 - 100:29

treated but Sharapova did upper-level

100:26 - 100:30

Popa trying to improve to 18 and 3 in

100:29 - 100:33

three-set match this year and I think

100:30 - 100:35

that really illustrates one point that I

100:33 - 101:05

think sometimes gets missed when talking

100:35 - 101:12

about Maria Sharapova and that point

101:05 - 101:14

also will further support this well at

101:12 - 101:16

Maria's case with all her off course off

101:14 - 101:18

court exploits in the glamour that's

101:16 - 101:20

associated with and she is the glamour

101:18 - 101:22

girl of women's professional tennis but

101:20 - 101:25

you have to wonder is there anybody who

101:22 - 101:26

is a and exceptions of course for Serena

101:25 - 101:28

Williams world number one but doesn't

101:26 - 101:31

take a single point off not a single

101:28 - 101:34

game not a single match she shows up

101:31 - 101:35

each and every time and he get not to

101:34 - 101:37

take any way from Serena who's a

101:35 - 101:39

tremendous fighter in a fantastic

101:37 - 101:41

athlete and quite frankly the best

101:39 - 101:44

tennis player in the world particularly

101:41 - 101:46

on the women's side is that sometimes

101:44 - 101:48

Serena wavers her attention span seems

101:46 - 101:50

to just lose focus she can kind of drift

101:48 - 101:53

through matches you never see that with

101:50 - 101:53


101:59 - 102:03

you're absolutely right Kevin you do see

102:01 - 102:05

that way right not only from Serena

102:03 - 102:07

sometimes but from the majority of

102:05 - 102:10

players there are games here and there

102:07 - 102:13

where you can see players lose focus a

102:10 - 102:14

little bit but Maria takes her time she

102:13 - 102:17

walks back to that backdrop before every

102:14 - 102:18

point she regains her focus she's there

102:17 - 102:20

for every point and that's what makes

102:18 - 102:22

her so dangerous and that's not to take

102:20 - 102:24

anything away from any other player

102:22 - 102:26

that's natural I mean you're on tour for

102:24 - 102:28

weeks on end the other players talk

102:26 - 102:31

about it how much focus she is and she's

102:28 - 102:33

one of the best competitors out there

102:31 - 102:35

struggling through hot humid conditions

102:33 - 102:42

you could just have a black moment for a

102:35 - 102:44

week I mean when she gets down or so

102:42 - 102:46

yeah we she never really gets down there

102:44 - 102:47

so I should take that back because even

102:46 - 102:48

when she's having difficulty like she

102:47 - 102:49

did in the opening set with all the

102:48 - 102:51

unforced rolls

102:49 - 102:54


102:51 - 102:56

a measure of the court not producing as

102:54 - 102:58

she'd like she just gets back to her

102:56 - 103:00

routine back to the court focus her

102:58 - 103:03

attention right back at it

103:00 - 103:07

it's admirable Wozniacki she's not

103:03 - 103:07

intimidated in the slightest

103:11 - 103:15

Batman we've talked about all match long

103:13 - 103:17

for Caroline she's able to produce once

103:15 - 103:18

more from that side it took her a while

103:17 - 103:20

to dial it in

103:18 - 103:23

now she's hit five winners and this

103:20 - 103:25

one's a beauty I just really steps up

103:23 - 103:26

and goes for that shot she feels very

103:25 - 103:30

comfortable off that backhand side

103:26 - 103:30

especially down the line

103:35 - 103:37


103:57 - 104:04

and Sharapova now she lets out a stream

104:01 - 104:08

because she knows it wasn't easy but

104:04 - 104:10

she's at even terms really trying to

104:08 - 104:13

pump herself self up there she can feel

104:10 - 104:15

that was acting a little bit stronger so

104:13 - 104:17

that says who do you thinks the best

104:15 - 104:19

fighter in the women's game let's hear

104:17 - 104:22

from you join the discussion go to our

104:19 - 104:22

Twitter account

104:24 - 104:29

send a note to myself Jill tell us who

104:27 - 104:31

you thinks the best fighter in women's

104:29 - 104:34

tennis currently amongst active players

104:31 - 104:36

Sharapova has to be one of the choices

104:34 - 104:39

you have but Caroline Wozniacki could

104:36 - 104:41

also be in your thought process

104:39 - 104:42

obviously Serena Williams

104:41 - 104:51

you're welcome Miriam but don't forget

104:42 - 104:54

to tell us where you're at and the fact

104:51 - 104:55

that you can hear Sharapova not the

104:54 - 104:57

grunts during points but after the

104:55 - 104:58

come-ons and stuff lets you know how

104:57 - 105:00

seriously she's taking this and how

104:58 - 105:02

seriously she's taking the threat from

105:00 - 105:04

Wozniacki exactly I mean she knows what

105:02 - 105:06

was new Yaqui is such a great fighter as

105:04 - 105:09

well and it's gonna be a competitive

105:06 - 105:12

third set she's really trying to pump

105:09 - 105:12

herself up for everything

105:14 - 105:18

I think the Twittersphere is gonna light

105:16 - 105:21

up yeah give you the best fighter that

105:18 - 105:21

means 10 this is

105:25 - 105:43


106:00 - 106:07

good job boys iake right now stay

106:03 - 106:08

focused on you for your opponent scream

106:07 - 106:12

out a little bit getting all fired up

106:08 - 106:13

it's easy get distracted but was Nikki

106:12 - 106:16

doing a good job right now staying

106:13 - 106:16

focused within herself

106:33 - 106:44


106:40 - 106:46


106:44 - 106:47

it's never really been in question the

106:46 - 106:50

mental fortitude of Caroline Wozniacki

106:47 - 106:52

you can't be a two-time here and number

106:50 - 106:55

one and not be strong and tough even

106:52 - 106:57

under pressure she knows what's at stake

106:55 - 107:21

in this match and this third set

106:57 - 107:23

particular not just the pregame slide

107:21 - 107:25

she suffered a Sharapova of late but

107:23 - 107:27

also the fact there's a major

107:25 - 107:31

quarterfinal at stake the site of the

107:27 - 107:31

only final she's reached in her career

107:33 - 107:41

goodness Jill Craybas we open up

107:37 - 107:44

Pandora's box of Twitter responses so

107:41 - 107:46

far it seems that Serena and Maria are

107:44 - 107:49

in most people's opinion best fighters

107:46 - 107:52


107:49 - 107:55

couple responses Paul WTA tennis fin

107:52 - 107:56

says biggest fighter annoyingly Maria

107:55 - 107:59

even this time she comes back from her

107:56 - 108:03

break down to win so begrudgingly Paul

107:59 - 108:04

is giving Maria the edge from South

108:03 - 108:08

Africa Luke says Serena Williams and

108:04 - 108:12

there is no match well okay just asking

108:08 - 108:14

Mozambique Claudio saying irani Sara

108:12 - 108:17

Errani is a true fact

108:14 - 108:19

okay Italian to the

108:17 - 108:24


108:19 - 108:27

popa 7 1 2 in this decisive set

108:24 - 108:29

brain-dead that's the name that popped

108:27 - 108:30

up it's not the Twitter account but

108:29 - 108:33

that's the name they're using says I

108:30 - 108:41

think Serena is is being a fighter she's

108:33 - 108:44

more tougher but attitude wise Maria I

108:41 - 108:44

think they're all great

108:57 - 109:05


109:12 - 109:19


109:21 - 109:27

yes underscoring XTO says know about

109:24 - 109:31

Sharapova Ben Serena then Caroline also

109:27 - 109:34

mentioning Angelique Kerber Korea from

109:31 - 109:36

Durban South Africa says Maria is the

109:34 - 109:39

best fighter ever exclamation point no

109:36 - 109:41

doubt so their passion as well as

109:39 - 109:43

opinionated Marie has definitely proved

109:41 - 109:47

herself this year with all the three-set

109:43 - 110:00

matches that she's won that question D

109:47 - 110:02

says Victoria Azarenka is my choice to

110:00 - 110:04

be able to focus here on the important

110:02 - 110:09

points and right now Caroline Wozniacki

110:04 - 110:11

she is the more focused of the two great

110:09 - 110:13

aggressive game right now

110:11 - 110:16

she saw that ball and shortened just ran

110:13 - 110:16

right through it

110:17 - 110:20


110:23 - 110:26


110:28 - 110:34


110:31 - 110:34


110:45 - 110:51


111:04 - 111:11

and Caroline says get up out of your

111:07 - 111:11

seats he's with me

111:21 - 111:27

and that's what she does so well we are

111:24 - 111:29

seeing opponents of China got one extra

111:27 - 111:31

last one and that's the pressure that I

111:29 - 111:34

got Sharapova right now and she's

111:31 - 111:37

rewarded for her effort not just the

111:34 - 111:43

point but the game and now out in front

111:37 - 111:46

the 3-1 lead great stuff as only a crowd

111:43 - 111:48

like this in New York joy they are loud

111:46 - 111:49

they're boisterous they're not afraid to

111:48 - 111:51

show their emotion

111:49 - 111:56

neither is Caroline Wozniacki she loved

111:51 - 111:56

it serving to consolidate the break

111:58 - 112:02


112:03 - 112:09

enthusiasm in Melbourne Paris but you

112:08 - 112:11

know how New Yorkers they don't hold

112:09 - 112:14

back their opinions forget about it

112:11 - 112:17

it was terrific stuff that was all about

112:14 - 112:20

the quality of that point they're

112:17 - 112:22

definitely Maria fans and Rose Miyake

112:20 - 112:22


112:28 - 112:32

a note coming from and I think we have

112:30 - 112:35

to put it in perspective once again at

112:32 - 112:36

noon yeah yogi 1 2 3 4 it says your

112:35 - 112:39

praise of Maria's being the best

112:36 - 112:42

competitors suspect ever seen her play

112:39 - 112:43

Serena Serena breaks her at will well I

112:42 - 112:45

mean you have a point

112:43 - 112:48

considering the 16 Tootie lifetime edge

112:45 - 112:49

that Serina holds over Maria but that's

112:48 - 112:51

not the point we were trying to make not

112:49 - 112:53

the best competitor the best fighter the

112:51 - 113:01

one who stays in each and every point

112:53 - 113:04

always championships match last year

113:01 - 113:06

Serena versus lean on the point it was a

113:04 - 113:08

moment Serina granted she was probably

113:06 - 113:10

tired had been a long season one of the

113:08 - 113:15

great years but just a couple points

113:10 - 113:17

seem to go away some players struggle

113:15 - 113:19

with other players and no matter like

113:17 - 113:30

this style of game sometimes don't match

113:19 - 113:34

up quite well and Serena's game hasn't

113:30 - 113:37

beat her since 2004 but she beats wing

113:34 - 113:38

effects yeah I mean there's a level

113:37 - 113:40

respect there but when she'd come down

113:38 - 113:42

play Serena she's still gonna fight for

113:40 - 113:44

every point and I think that's what

113:42 - 113:46

we're talking about so thanks for your

113:44 - 113:46


113:57 - 114:00

is a waiting way in the front of a road

113:59 - 114:02

city it's going to take a heck of an

114:00 - 114:06

effort for Maria to come back here needs

114:02 - 114:10

to find a way to disrupt the flow with

114:06 - 114:14

Caroline Wozniacki is put forth a chaise

114:10 - 114:14

review we'll see if that can be started

114:16 - 114:22

don't see that small stage as it was

114:20 - 114:24

called out Sharapova will lose a

114:22 - 114:24

challenge in the set

114:33 - 114:36


114:48 - 114:56

yes they will put a cap on it for the

114:54 - 114:58

moment say that Michael Brill says craps

114:56 - 114:59

maybe says its best

114:58 - 115:02

Serena's the best at raising the level

114:59 - 115:06

unneeded Sharapova's level is more

115:02 - 115:09

consistent in each match thanks for your

115:06 - 115:13

input at us opposite of 2014 here's was

115:09 - 115:15

the actions bid for four run she's got

115:13 - 115:15


115:18 - 115:22

get out wide serve stretches Maria

115:21 - 115:24

that's her off important just open the

115:22 - 115:26

back holes passport winner just as she

115:24 - 115:29

wanted her 21st winner now gives her

115:26 - 115:33

that chance for four of the first five

115:29 - 115:33

games of this third set

115:43 - 115:46


115:51 - 115:58

quite done with it yes

115:53 - 116:00


115:58 - 116:07


116:00 - 116:07


116:21 - 116:24


116:28 - 116:33

such a good job of resetting herself

116:30 - 116:33

getting ready for the next point

116:34 - 116:39

kudos to Wozniacki - for just allowing

116:37 - 116:45

herself to not be distracted by anything

116:39 - 116:45

plays her game she looks to benefit

116:46 - 116:50

second trying for one

117:11 - 117:15

two days away from the quarterfinals

117:15 - 117:23

by the end a 3-game slide - Sharapova

117:20 - 117:23


117:24 - 117:31

three straight games for Caroline

117:26 - 117:34

Wozniacki she tries to stem the tide of

117:31 - 117:37

three consecutive matches she has lost

117:34 - 117:39

to Maria Sharapova the best result at a

117:37 - 117:41

major scene right here on this very

117:39 - 117:43

court back in 2009 she lost to Kim

117:41 - 117:45

Cloisters the only time she's reached a

117:43 - 117:47

finals since then plagued constantly by

117:45 - 117:49

will you ever get back to a final your

117:47 - 117:54

former number one when you ever win a

117:49 - 117:56

major maybe 2014 US Open would it be a

117:54 - 117:58

year and she says I'm gonna make a deep

117:56 - 118:02

push and she's doing well against the

117:58 - 118:04

five seed in 2006 champion here Maria

118:02 - 118:04


118:09 - 118:19

Sharapova serving one for set number

118:12 - 118:23

three just a third ace of the day

118:19 - 118:23

another comeback

118:47 - 118:54

the game really well good to first

118:49 - 118:57

serves gonna have to start well I'm back

118:54 - 118:57

in this third set

119:17 - 119:25

1:08 gun one hundred and seventy three

119:22 - 119:28

point eight km/h to pick up her second a

119:25 - 119:28


119:39 - 119:44

no time to cut the lead in half that was

119:42 - 119:46

right around a minute or so she's able

119:44 - 119:49

to blast two aces and hold it love

119:46 - 119:52

arguably easiest service game of the

119:49 - 120:02

match though she did hold it love I can

119:52 - 120:04

game number two of this cell now it

120:02 - 120:07

comes down to can Caroline Wozniacki

120:04 - 120:09

close is this the time when she can step

120:07 - 120:12

up a couple hole to serve she's into the

120:09 - 120:12

Elite Eight

120:15 - 120:18


120:23 - 120:32


120:28 - 120:32


120:39 - 120:42


120:54 - 120:59


120:56 - 121:01

the other aspect that might be

120:59 - 121:04

intriguing is that mother nature might

121:01 - 121:06

be intervening on this Sunday we've had

121:04 - 121:09

spectacular weather for the first six

121:06 - 121:10

days but there are some heavy winds

121:09 - 121:13

coming in it with it it's bringing

121:10 - 121:16

weather out of the West some lightning

121:13 - 121:20

is being reported off in the distance

121:16 - 121:20

where there's lightning

121:25 - 121:29


121:33 - 121:48

parade right here looking to fight back

121:35 - 121:51

game number seven down the break players

121:48 - 121:54

are very aware of that weather coming in

121:51 - 121:56

they can feel it some temperature drops

121:54 - 121:56

a little bit

122:29 - 122:33

you get the feeling theater is feeling a

122:31 - 122:36

little more like sad right now

122:33 - 122:39

forget the coaching aspect okay

122:36 - 122:44

you're doing well there his daughter

122:39 - 122:47

Sharapova giving yourself a

122:44 - 122:51

along with accomplishing the stated goal

122:47 - 122:51

of reaching the quarterfinals

123:12 - 123:18


123:21 - 123:29

the last teenager to win the US Open was

123:25 - 123:32

that woman 2006 at the age of 19 Maria

123:29 - 123:35

Sharapova champion in New York won over

123:32 - 123:37

five major titles last year did not

123:35 - 123:39

travel here to the Big Apple to compete

123:37 - 123:41

in the US Open in fact missed most of

123:39 - 123:46

the last half of last year with the

123:41 - 123:50

right shoulder injury she's never out

123:46 - 123:52

until they say the match is over from

123:50 - 123:55

Maria Sharapova she serves to stay in

123:52 - 123:58

set number three and the tournament

123:55 - 124:01

Caroline Wozniacki faces Sara Errani in

123:58 - 124:01

the quarterfinals

124:11 - 124:15

Sharapova saw her

124:13 - 124:17

hold up her hand with the ball you

124:15 - 124:22

should serve you balls the balls will go

124:17 - 124:25

through the air a little bit faster tend

124:22 - 124:25

to fly a little bit more

124:25 - 124:31

oops dryer you put a little bit more

124:27 - 124:31

spin on the ball when you have new balls

124:49 - 124:54


125:16 - 125:19


125:22 - 125:26

and that's worked well for was an

125:24 - 125:29

athlete so far that's match the inside

125:26 - 125:31

out back into the formula Sharapova

125:29 - 125:33

really stretching her wide on that side

125:31 - 125:35

fighting for errors off the shelf Hill

125:33 - 125:41

Sharapova forehand

125:35 - 125:41


125:54 - 126:00

one of the big victories for Caroline

125:57 - 126:02

Wozniacki against Maria Sharapova she's

126:00 - 126:04

only had to was four years ago she's

126:02 - 126:07

trying to dial it back up in this very

126:04 - 126:10

round she defeated Sharapova in straight

126:07 - 126:12

sets it hasn't been that easy today but

126:10 - 126:19

she does hold that point

126:12 - 126:19


126:45 - 126:50

while she did it as she wanted to do she

126:47 - 126:51

finishes the match with a winner to

126:50 - 126:54

become the winner

126:51 - 126:55

it wasn't a defensive spectacle for

126:54 - 126:58

Caroline Wozniacki

126:55 - 127:00

she came out ready to play and to take

126:58 - 127:04

down Maria Sharapova who has been

127:00 - 127:05

silenced in New York as the Great Dane

127:04 - 127:09

moved through to the last date with a

127:05 - 127:12

6-4 2-6 6-2 victory

127:09 - 127:14


127:12 - 127:16

well joke Ramos and pretty spectacular

127:14 - 127:19

machen lived up to much of it a little

127:16 - 127:21

bit downside for Maria Sharapova is she

127:19 - 127:23

couldn't keep her level of play as she

127:21 - 127:25

and hopefully said that that is really

127:23 - 127:26

up credit words to Caroline Wozniacki

127:25 - 127:27


127:26 - 127:31

and test it when it mattered most

127:27 - 127:31

particularly in the big points

127:34 - 127:40


127:37 - 127:42

you saw her play more similar in the

127:40 - 127:44

third set as she did in the first set

127:42 - 127:46

that more aggressive style play she

127:44 - 127:48

wasn't scared to move forward we saw her

127:46 - 127:49

retreat a little bit in the second set

127:48 - 127:51

and Sharapova lifts her level and that

127:49 - 127:54

made the difference in that set but in

127:51 - 127:56

the end credit to Wozniacki for getting

127:54 - 127:57

over that second day lifting her level

127:56 - 127:59

and playing more aggressive and she

127:57 - 128:00

deserved to win in the end

127:59 - 128:09

absolutely and now she's into the

128:00 - 128:10

quarterfinals yeah that's amazing you

128:09 - 128:12

know I can't I can't describe the

128:10 - 128:14

feeling being down here and playing in

128:12 - 128:16

front of this amazing crowd you know

128:14 - 128:17

this is why we practice and it's amazing

128:16 - 128:20

thank you so much for coming out and

128:17 - 128:20

supporting today

128:21 - 128:25

Caroline you've had an amazing summer

128:23 - 128:28

how much does it mean to have this huge

128:25 - 128:30

wind pier at the US Open it means so

128:28 - 128:32

much to me you know it's been a bit up

128:30 - 128:35

and down this year for me so you know

128:32 - 128:36

this u.s. hardcourt season has been

128:35 - 128:38

really great and to win today you know

128:36 - 128:40

against a champion like Maria you know

128:38 - 128:42

it's an unbelievable feeling how are you

128:40 - 128:44

able to get the momentum back early in

128:42 - 128:45

the third set you know I think the first

128:44 - 128:47

two sets from both of us maybe wearing

128:45 - 128:48

the highest quality you know it's really

128:47 - 128:50

difficult with the wind but I think we

128:48 - 128:53

both picked it up in the third set and

128:50 - 128:54

you know play some great tennis Carolyn

128:53 - 128:56

you're training for the New York

128:54 - 128:58

Marathon and you ran a lot in this match

128:56 - 128:59

how much has that training helped you

128:58 - 129:01

four days like today

128:59 - 129:03

it definitely has helped me you know I

129:01 - 129:05

don't know what I've gotten myself into

129:03 - 129:08

with running marathon but it's gonna be

129:05 - 129:14

an unbelievable experience and you know

129:08 - 129:17

I'm running it for I'm I'm running it

129:14 - 129:20

for charity I'm doing it for team for

129:17 - 129:22

kids underprivileged kids to starts into

129:20 - 129:24

sports and get a healthier lifestyle so

129:22 - 129:27

if any of you want to help donate and

129:24 - 129:29

raise some money for for that cause you

129:27 - 129:31

know look at my Twitter you know all the

129:29 - 129:33

information is there you won't be

129:31 - 129:36

running any extra this afternoon for it

129:33 - 129:38

will you I think this afternoon I'm just

129:36 - 129:39

gonna take a nice bath have a massage

129:38 - 129:42

and chill and I think I deserve to have

129:39 - 129:45

some chocolate or something absolutely

129:42 - 129:46

fine Lady Caroline you're back in the

129:45 - 129:49

quarterfinals for the first time since

129:46 - 129:50

2011 you take on the italian sara errani

129:49 - 129:53

what are your thoughts on that matchup

129:50 - 129:53

you know right now I'm just so happy to

129:53 - 129:55

be through now

129:53 - 129:57

sorry it's a tough opponent she gets so

129:55 - 129:58

many balls back so I need to stay

129:57 - 130:00

aggressive and just enjoy it you know

129:58 - 130:02

quarterfinals again here is incredible

130:00 - 130:04

congratulations Caroline best of luck

130:02 - 130:06

thank you

130:04 - 130:06


Maria Sharapova vs Caroline Wozniacki: Epic Battle in US Open Quarterfinals

In the thrilling encounter between Maria Sharapova and Caroline Wozniacki at the US Open, the battle for dominance and resilience took center stage. Sharapova, known for her powerful shots and fighting spirit, faced Wozniacki, a formidable opponent with a strong will and determination. In a clash of two former world number ones, the match provided a captivating display of skill, strategy, and mental strength.

The Ultimate Fighter: Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova, a five-time Grand Slam champion, is renowned for her competitive spirit and unwavering focus on the court. Despite facing setbacks with injuries and setbacks, Sharapova's ability to fight back in three-set matches has been a hallmark of her career. Known for her explosive groundstrokes and never-say-die attitude, Sharapova's determination to compete at the highest level has made her a force to be reckoned with in women's tennis.

The Resilient Challenger: Caroline Wozniacki

Caroline Wozniacki, a former world number one, has shown remarkable resilience and consistency throughout her career. With a strong defensive game and excellent court coverage, Wozniacki's ability to retrieve shots and control the tempo of the match has been her trademark. In the battle against Sharapova, Wozniacki's focus and determination have shone through, leading her to victory with intelligent shot selection and strategic play.

A Grueling Three-Set Showdown

The match between Sharapova and Wozniacki provided a showcase of high-quality tennis, with both players pushing each other to the limit. Sharapova's powerful strokes and fighting spirit clashed with Wozniacki's defensive prowess and strategic play, creating a thrilling back-and-forth battle. As the match went into a decisive third set, it was Wozniacki who maintained her composure and executed her game plan to perfection, eventually emerging victorious in a hard-fought contest.

Captivating the Crowd and Making History

With the crowd on the edge of their seats, Sharapova and Wozniacki delivered a spectacle of talent and determination. The match not only showcased the resilience and fighting spirit of both players but also highlighted the unique styles and strategies they bring to the court. As Wozniacki secured her spot in the quarterfinals, the stage was set for a historic clash against Sara Errani, promising another thrilling chapter in the US Open.

In the end, it was Caroline Wozniacki who emerged triumphant, showcasing her resilience, determination, and skill in a memorable battle against a fierce competitor. The match served as a testament to the fighting spirit of both players and the intensity of competition at the highest level of women's tennis. As the US Open quarterfinals unfold, fans can expect more thrilling matches and