00:00 - 00:03


00:03 - 00:10


00:04 - 00:12

viani knows that my wife is involved in

00:10 - 00:13

infidelity he keeps quiet he doesn't

00:12 - 00:17


00:13 - 00:19

me when I find out and I asked fan say

00:17 - 00:23

he says no I knew but it was not my

00:19 - 00:24

place to tell you that is a betrayal

00:23 - 00:26

that's not

00:24 - 00:28

loyalty it's like these people who are

00:26 - 00:31

in the

00:28 - 00:33

eff who say to us we knew s and so was

00:31 - 00:35

going to leave but did not tell the

00:33 - 00:38

leadership and they still want the

00:35 - 00:40

relationship to be the

00:38 - 00:43

same you cannot know such information

00:40 - 00:47

and not tell me and expect me to trust

00:43 - 00:48

you I do not trust them and I will never

00:47 - 00:52


00:48 - 00:56

them because trust is end when you show

00:52 - 00:58

loyalty at a point when it is needed not

00:56 - 01:01

loyalty of nice

00:58 - 01:04

time when is nice nice no we are loyal

01:01 - 01:08

we loyer president president cic

01:04 - 01:08

cic when things are bad you can't show

01:08 - 01:12


01:08 - 01:15

loyalty you must show loyalty at the

01:12 - 01:18

most tested

01:15 - 01:21

moments you sit there you sit there

01:18 - 01:24

comfortably with people who are telling

01:21 - 01:27

you an issue that is going to bring the

01:24 - 01:31

organization into distribute an issue

01:27 - 01:36

that is going to negatively affect the

01:31 - 01:39

organization and say no h it was not my

01:36 - 01:43

place to tell you where is loyalty

01:39 - 01:46

there you're not loyal and people who

01:43 - 01:51

are not loyal must never be trusted by

01:46 - 01:54

anyone they will kill you you will

01:51 - 01:54


01:57 - 02:03

must hey hey hey hey you and so and so

02:00 - 02:03

must make and be

02:05 - 02:11

together we're

02:07 - 02:16

fine were colleagues were fine it ends

02:11 - 02:19

there so uh when when you have shown

02:16 - 02:21

loyalty to

02:19 - 02:24

people when you have been

02:21 - 02:27

loyal and you don't have a sense of

02:24 - 02:31

betrayal wait for the day you get

02:27 - 02:35

betrayed you will understand how we feel

02:31 - 02:38

about betrayal we loyal

02:35 - 02:40

people we've never done anything to harm

02:38 - 02:43


02:40 - 02:44

people I always ask and I always say to

02:43 - 02:47


02:44 - 02:50

comrades for every moment there must be

02:47 - 02:53

a turning point you must say it was at

02:50 - 02:55

this point when I knew that we're

02:53 - 02:59

heading for divorce

02:55 - 03:01

now what was that point can they point

02:59 - 03:04

that point point where they say this was

03:01 - 03:07

a turning

03:04 - 03:09

point this was a turning point no one

03:07 - 03:13

can point at that turning

03:09 - 03:17

point because a turning point helps

03:13 - 03:20

because even if you are in denial but

03:17 - 03:23

you'll know we fought on this

03:20 - 03:26

point you go and sit with people who are

03:23 - 03:29

telling you they living the eff you say

03:26 - 03:31

have you prayed about it have your mom

03:29 - 03:34

prayed about it it and then you keep

03:31 - 03:36

quiet and then you you think we must all

03:34 - 03:39

survive through

03:36 - 03:41

prayer now we must be informed by Prayer

03:39 - 03:43

by holy spirit that people are going

03:41 - 03:46

when you've got

03:43 - 03:49

information that that is the highest

03:46 - 03:49

form of

03:50 - 03:57

disloyalty and godri

03:52 - 03:58

says even if he had told me as a joke I

03:57 - 04:00

would have brought it to the attention

03:58 - 04:04

of the leadership that this guy made a

04:00 - 04:06

silly joke this what he said that's what

04:04 - 04:09

loyalty is

04:06 - 04:13

about Loyalty means defend the

04:09 - 04:16

organization in private and in

04:13 - 04:17

public our organization went through a

04:16 - 04:20


04:17 - 04:23

period where all leaders had to come out

04:20 - 04:24

and defend it and you were not there why

04:23 - 04:27

must I be there for

04:24 - 04:29

you why should the organization be there

04:27 - 04:32

for you when you are not there when the

04:29 - 04:35

organization needed you the

04:32 - 04:37

most and people go around here raising

04:35 - 04:41

names of such people and they think we

04:37 - 04:43

must still trust them too having known

04:41 - 04:46

what these people have done to the

04:43 - 04:50

organization the organization get

04:46 - 04:51

insulted the leadership gets insulted in

04:50 - 04:55


04:51 - 04:59

name people even threaten to to disrupt

04:55 - 05:01

eff's conference in your name you keep

04:59 - 05:03

quiet and then you say we must say

05:01 - 05:07

loyyal what

05:03 - 05:09

loyal ah you'll rather be alone my

05:07 - 05:12

brother my sister you would rather be

05:09 - 05:14

alone than to force yourself in a

05:12 - 05:18

relationship that is not

05:14 - 05:20

working I'm using relationship to

05:18 - 05:23

simplify this

05:20 - 05:26

disloyalty that we have experienced

05:23 - 05:29

ourselves and how do I come to know that

05:26 - 05:32

this person has known that one has known

05:29 - 05:35

about B Floyd going they don't volunteer

05:32 - 05:39

even after he left they don't volunteer

05:35 - 05:43

to come and tell me they wait for me to

05:39 - 05:46

come and ask them did you know yes for

05:43 - 05:49

how long for over 2 weeks now why did

05:46 - 05:51

you keep quiet I didn't see a need for

05:49 - 05:56

me to tell

05:51 - 05:59

you that was a turning point for me with

05:56 - 06:00

them they must tell you what was their

05:59 - 06:03

Turning Point

06:00 - 06:06

with me my Turning Point with them was

06:03 - 06:09

when they kept the information away from

06:06 - 06:12

me a an information that has got

06:09 - 06:14

potential to destroy the organization

06:12 - 06:17

damage its beautiful

06:14 - 06:18

reputation and bring it into distribute

06:17 - 06:21

they keep

06:18 - 06:24

quiet and then I must talk for them I

06:21 - 06:27

must defend them when they could not

06:24 - 06:30

defend the organization hell no they can

06:27 - 06:33

go to hell I'm not going to do

06:30 - 06:36

that even if that means we must lose

06:33 - 06:39

vote I'm not going to fight for votes by

06:36 - 06:43

sitting with people who are

06:39 - 06:43

disloyal because I want

06:43 - 06:48

votes I must spend

06:46 - 06:50

time with people who are disloyal you

06:48 - 06:53

know what it means to be an

06:50 - 06:58

official we have a meeting of the top

06:53 - 07:02

six and say the most highest form of

06:58 - 07:05

Secrets of the f f because we trust each

07:02 - 07:09

other that's what being an official

07:05 - 07:12

means it emanates from trusting each

07:09 - 07:15

other not as a friends

07:12 - 07:17

SG but as a person who can be trusted

07:15 - 07:20

that you will defend the organization

07:17 - 07:22

under the most difficult

07:20 - 07:24

position imagine if one of these

07:22 - 07:27

officials had

07:24 - 07:30

resigned and followed the former deputy

07:27 - 07:30


07:30 - 07:37

that's disloyalty don't ask me to share

07:34 - 07:40

a meal with disloyal people you are

07:37 - 07:40

asking me to commit

07:40 - 07:48

suicide my son very liberal in his

07:44 - 07:50

approach ah don't no Dad wait let's give

07:48 - 07:52

them chance what what that's when I

07:50 - 07:55

tweeted those things

07:52 - 07:59

of er Zuma those

07:55 - 08:02

old videos of Zuma H when we got

07:59 - 08:04

expelled from the ANC Zuma and the top

08:02 - 08:09

six of thec

08:04 - 08:10

laughing W I said boys then if they can

08:09 - 08:13


08:10 - 08:14

you they will have you for breakfast and

08:13 - 08:17

laugh about

08:14 - 08:21

it you get an opportunity to get to them

08:17 - 08:25

you you you don't use it these people

08:21 - 08:28

who sat with Floyd and knew Floyd was

08:25 - 08:30

going they were at the center of that

08:28 - 08:33

planing my

08:30 - 08:34

downfall had they caught me they would

08:33 - 08:38

have finished me

08:34 - 08:41

off that's how politics work if they

08:38 - 08:44

catch you they'll finish you you catch

08:41 - 08:48

them you play with an

08:44 - 08:51

opportunity then you'll have yourself to

08:48 - 08:53

blame that's a problem because of this

08:51 - 08:55

kind of business we are dealing with

08:53 - 08:58

those are politics for

08:55 - 08:59

you I said ratanang ask yourself a

08:58 - 09:02


08:59 - 09:05

if they had found me at my weakest what

09:02 - 09:05

would have happened to

09:06 - 09:12

me I know this because I'm from

09:09 - 09:13

it I'm from that I know all of this that

09:12 - 09:16


09:13 - 09:20

prevailing where I get

09:16 - 09:23

expelled the people I grew up with the

09:20 - 09:25

people that I shared a meal with the

09:23 - 09:28

people that I not I didn't have to think

09:25 - 09:31

twice about them when I called them to

09:28 - 09:35

come over so that we can form a

09:31 - 09:38

political party they didn't

09:35 - 09:40

come I slept with 10 friends before I

09:38 - 09:44

was expelled I woke up

09:40 - 09:45

alone because they were never my friends

09:44 - 09:49

I'm not going you are not going to ask

09:45 - 09:51

me to travel that path again I'm not

09:49 - 09:54

going to do it

09:51 - 09:56

never I'm not going to do

09:54 - 10:00

it not for

09:56 - 10:04

anyone I know what disloyalty

10:00 - 10:07

means and I can see one when it appears

10:04 - 10:11

and I can touch it they would have done

10:07 - 10:15

that to me when I was young not

10:11 - 10:16

now the only people I feel bad about is

10:15 - 10:18


10:16 - 10:21

parents because most of them come from

10:18 - 10:24

very beautiful mothers who love and

10:21 - 10:26

support the eff and every time we deal

10:24 - 10:29

with them like that at the back of our

10:26 - 10:31

mind is is you know that man

10:29 - 10:35

mother that

10:31 - 10:37

grandmother that father who who took us

10:35 - 10:41

in as their

10:37 - 10:44

children how will they feel about us

10:41 - 10:46

now but how will my grandmother feel if

10:44 - 10:49

they were how did she feel when they did

10:46 - 10:49

that to

10:49 - 10:57

me was there anyone there to consider

10:54 - 11:00

feelings as this boys because they are

10:57 - 11:05

no girls anyway as these boys

11:00 - 11:06

misbehave I always think that I always

11:05 - 11:09

think about their

11:06 - 11:12

parents because I thought we're loyal so

11:09 - 11:14

much that we have even gone beyond H

11:12 - 11:16

issues of political meetings now we have

11:14 - 11:20

introduced each other to families and

11:16 - 11:24

all of that I'm thinking of their

11:20 - 11:28

parents uh but it's not us I I never

11:24 - 11:30

initiated any fight with anyone I never

11:28 - 11:34

I never said anyone and said let's fight

11:30 - 11:37

so and so they did that they went to sit

11:34 - 11:41

and say we have to drop

11:37 - 11:41

him we have to finish him

11:42 - 11:45


11:46 - 11:52

um you know the E is still very young 11

11:51 - 11:55


11:52 - 11:57

old to wake up and say we've got loyal

11:55 - 12:00

members and loyal supporters is

11:57 - 12:03


12:00 - 12:05

loyalty comes out of

12:03 - 12:08

longevity I will not say those things I

12:05 - 12:10

said in Le's podcast because she was

12:08 - 12:12

very angry and the national chair came

12:10 - 12:15

and said put age restriction on that

12:12 - 12:17

thing because you say wrong

12:15 - 12:19

things it's

12:17 - 12:22


12:19 - 12:25

longevity you know it must take long

12:22 - 12:28

long there must not be quick long

12:25 - 12:30

longevity that's where loyalty comes

12:28 - 12:33


12:30 - 12:37

eh it's like that's what Revolution is

12:33 - 12:40

comes Revolution comes out of

12:37 - 12:44

longevity Revolution is numbers T

12:40 - 12:46

Numbers some people say Size Doesn't

12:44 - 12:48

Matter size size they say Size Doesn't

12:46 - 12:50

Matter but in the revolution Size

12:48 - 12:50


12:51 - 12:57

size longevity is very

12:54 - 13:01

important as we build this organization

12:57 - 13:01

which is still at its formation

13:01 - 13:08

stages you must expect the staff

13:04 - 13:10

Riders you must expect the position

13:08 - 13:12

mongers who fail to achieve certain

13:10 - 13:16

things where they are and think the

13:12 - 13:19

quickest way is through this way as they

13:16 - 13:22

fall on the way you can't say the

13:19 - 13:24

organization has failed because of out

13:22 - 13:27

of those

13:24 - 13:30

experiences out of that hardworking

13:27 - 13:33

membership and Leadership loyal and

13:30 - 13:36

discipline members are going to

13:33 - 13:38

emerge and we're very patient H with

13:36 - 13:38


13:40 - 13:44

process uh we are ranking ourselves 10

13:43 - 13:47

out of

13:44 - 13:49

10 I'm blowing my own horn TG saying

13:47 - 13:52

she's not blowing hey these people will

13:49 - 13:55

not blow a horn for you you will wait

13:52 - 13:58

for a horn it will never come I'm

13:55 - 14:00

blowing my own horn I'm blowing a horn

13:58 - 14:03

you know as bashab when we are in a

14:00 - 14:07

gathering of the bhabis there's always a

14:03 - 14:09

horn that must be blown to officiate

14:07 - 14:13

that this is an official Gathering of

14:09 - 14:16

bab so we did very

14:13 - 14:18

well H that's why I'm prepared if they

14:16 - 14:22

say this team must go back with you I

14:18 - 14:25

I'm prepared to go back with them H I

14:22 - 14:30

have no problem none whatsoever with any

14:25 - 14:33

individual who is here who's a

14:30 - 14:37

non-performer who is a functionalist

14:33 - 14:40

who's a divisive person and I can't say

14:37 - 14:43

that about any of these

14:40 - 14:45

people H what they do after that is

14:43 - 14:48

their own issues because I had a

14:45 - 14:50

discussion with the SG um when Cape Town

14:48 - 14:53

and about Floyd and I said you know

14:50 - 14:55

Floyd must come back this I don't see

14:53 - 14:57

anything if Floyd was not there we

14:55 - 15:01

didn't have to impress him we were

14:57 - 15:04

sitting H our was drinking you know uh

15:01 - 15:06

coffee SG was drinking hard things as

15:04 - 15:09

usual because I don't

15:06 - 15:11

do and we were talking generally and and

15:09 - 15:14

and and that's why I asked him where

15:11 - 15:17

does this one come from because even in

15:14 - 15:20

the most private useless meaningless

15:17 - 15:21

conversation there's never been anything

15:20 - 15:24


15:21 - 15:27

that um whatever they do it will be out

15:24 - 15:29

of their own judgment he says I'm not

15:27 - 15:33

his brother uh

15:29 - 15:35

and but I regarded him as my brother if

15:33 - 15:37

he doesn't feel the same about me it's

15:35 - 15:41

his own

15:37 - 15:42

problem H so so so I did everything for

15:41 - 15:45

him as a

15:42 - 15:47

brother I

15:45 - 15:49

did and and I must be challenged one day

15:47 - 15:52

and be

15:49 - 15:55

pushed I will

15:52 - 15:57

talk don't push

15:55 - 15:59


15:57 - 16:02

so um

15:59 - 16:07

what we are doing here as colleagues is

16:02 - 16:10

to deliver a mandate of 5 years in 3

16:07 - 16:13

years divisive leader should have asked

16:10 - 16:15

for two more years we're supposed to sit

16:13 - 16:17

here for seven years National chair

16:15 - 16:21

because we lost our two

16:17 - 16:24

years we didn't do anything in two

16:21 - 16:26

years but even in that 2 years the eff

16:24 - 16:29

was the most active political

16:26 - 16:32

organization used Innovation create

16:29 - 16:34

methods to make sure that we keep our

16:32 - 16:37

members arrised and

16:34 - 16:42

informed of what is going to

16:37 - 16:46

happen we went as far as defying the

16:42 - 16:50

covid loss and went to fight for H

16:46 - 16:55

George George Floyd under covid it's us

16:50 - 16:58

we went to fight for opening of

16:55 - 17:01

stadiums under very difficult conditions

16:58 - 17:04

because we said no guys it's justifiable

17:01 - 17:06

for us to stay at home we felt very bad

17:04 - 17:10

because we are hard workers when there

17:06 - 17:14

is no work we feel bad we want to

17:10 - 17:18

work racism in bragen fell in Cape Town

17:14 - 17:21

was US during difficult times of covid

17:18 - 17:23

so 2 years we haven't worked yet we

17:21 - 17:25

worked because the loss were not

17:23 - 17:27

allowing us to do anything but we still

17:25 - 17:31


17:27 - 17:34

sure we have never kept quiet on any H

17:31 - 17:38

newspaper report

17:34 - 17:41

never we don't respond to

17:38 - 17:43

gossip otherwise we will spend all our

17:41 - 17:45

lives tomorrow they say National chair

17:43 - 17:48

we must release a

17:45 - 17:50

statement we must read a statement when

17:48 - 17:52

you wake up in the morning Le what is

17:50 - 17:55

the gossip saying today yeah yeah right

17:52 - 17:59

something write something no no no no no

17:55 - 18:00

no no no no no when never under Under

17:59 - 18:02

Pressure you can't say you under

18:00 - 18:05

pressure in the same sentence and say

18:02 - 18:06

you didn't say anything HH Under

18:05 - 18:08

Pressure would have meant we must

18:06 - 18:11

respond and we

18:08 - 18:14

responded let me tell you my brother we

18:11 - 18:17

don't respond to

18:14 - 18:19

Twitter we respond to our members it

18:17 - 18:22

doesn't matter what Twitter

18:19 - 18:25

says I've got 4 million plus followers

18:22 - 18:28

on Twitter I tweet and

18:25 - 18:31

disappear all I do is to retweet and I

18:28 - 18:31

retweet even ideas I don't agree

18:32 - 18:36


18:34 - 18:39


18:36 - 18:40

right but I don't look at comments I

18:39 - 18:43


18:40 - 18:46

care I use it to inform the people I use

18:43 - 18:49

it to defend the organization that's it

18:46 - 18:53

how you feel about me on Twitter I

18:49 - 18:56

always knew that world is not

18:53 - 18:59

real because a person speaks rubbish

18:56 - 19:02

about you on Twitter now and then they

18:59 - 19:05

see you at the mall they jump like

19:02 - 19:06

headless chickens ah the way they are so

19:05 - 19:08

stupid they even say I'm the one who

19:06 - 19:11

tweeted about you on Twitter I will stop

19:08 - 19:11

doing it

Loyalty and Betrayal in Relationships

In a compelling reflection on loyalty and betrayal, a prominent figure contemplates on the essence of trust and loyalty in relationships, especially within political realms. Loyalty, a key theme, is seen as a pillar of strength that should endure the test of time. The speaker emphasizes how loyalty should manifest during trying times, not just when things are going smoothly.

The narrative delves into incidents of betrayal where individuals, aware of crucial information, choose silence over disclosure, resulting in significant repercussions. The speaker passionately expresses the hurt and disillusionment caused by such actions, underlining how trust diminishes when loyalty is lacking.

Throughout the discourse, the importance of longevity in relationships is highlighted, with loyalty growing out of enduring commitment and steadfastness. The speaker draws attention to the necessity of standing by one another through thick and thin, showcasing loyalty not just in words but in actions.

Furthermore, the narrative explores the impact of disloyalty on personal and professional relationships. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, the speaker paints a vivid picture of the devastation caused by betrayal, emphasizing the need for transparency and honesty in preserving trust.

As the narrative progresses, the speaker touches on the nuances of political loyalty, shedding light on the intricate dynamics of trust and allegiance within organizational settings. The narrative illustrates how disloyalty at critical junctures can have far-reaching consequences, tarnishing reputations and sowing seeds of discord.

In conclusion, the speaker advocates for a steadfast commitment to loyalty, urging individuals to prioritize honesty and integrity in their interactions. Through a poignant reflection on personal experiences and observations, the narrative serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact of loyalty and betrayal in shaping relationships and organizations.

In the midst of examining loyalty and betrayal, the speaker's reflections serve as a powerful reminder of the significance of trust and integrity in relationships. As the narrative unfolds, the enduring value of loyalty becomes apparent, underscoring its pivotal role in fostering strong and enduring bonds.