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as we all know last spring educators
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students and families were unexpectedly
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thrust into a situation where all
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learning had to take place online I've
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long held the position that we should be
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seamlessly integrating technology into
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our curriculums to help build relevant
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21st century skills with our students
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but even for me this was extreme with
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only a week or two notice there was
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simply no way that educators around the
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world we're going to be able to
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successfully start using all of these
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new technology platforms to teach
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students and that's not to say that we
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didn't try I've seen so many educators
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dedicate themselves to learning new
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skills and figuring out ways to continue
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to reach students using technology tools
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last spring it was understandable that
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using technology to teach students was
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pretty uneven and only moderately
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successful and in lots of places
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completely unsuccessful but now as we
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face the almost certain reality that the
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majority of our students are going to be
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learning online yet again I fear that
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schools have not done enough to prepare
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teachers to leverage technology to
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continue to provide students with a
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high-quality education starting the year
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off online and potentially looking at an
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entire school year of doing distance
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learning is a significantly different
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situation than suddenly having to switch
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to online learning toward the end of the
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year and the consequences of getting
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this wrong are real students face
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learning loss and significant
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disengagement from school that can
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continue to impact them well into their
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futures this time we have to get it
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right which means we need to come up
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with a strategic plan for how we are
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going to be using technology to teach
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our students to me this strategic plan
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means that we are essentially looking at
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our curriculums and figuring out how we
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can digitize it and we also shouldn't
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just be using technology to replicate
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our current instructional practices we
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should take advantage of the fact that
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we have such powerful tools at our
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disposal to learn new ways to reach our
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students and build upon our practices so
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that we can take those practices back to
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our classrooms to create more innovative
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spaces as teachers
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there's a lot in this situation that's
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out of control we know that a massive
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barrier to students being able to access
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learning at all during this time is just
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basic access to a device and the
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internet but notwithstanding those
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challenges there is still a lot that's
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within our control we can learn how to
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leverage technology to make our lessons
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more interactive and engaging and we can
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learn how to use it to foster creativity
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in our students to teach them 21st
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century skills and to personalize
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learning for them so that they're
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receiving instruction that's out there
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just right level and we can also learn
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new tech and fused instructional
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techniques that might even better help
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us reach our students in the end if
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teachers learn how to use technology
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tools in order to meet educational goals
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as well as teach students how to build
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skills using technology that will be a
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good thing for public education so this
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time let's go in with a plan and make
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sure we are leveraging technology to
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provide our students with the high
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quality education they deserve if this
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is your first time visiting my channel
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my name is Sam Carey and I'm the founder
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of the new EdTech classroom a website
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and YouTube channel dedicated to helping
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teachers learn how to integrate
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technology into their curriculums I've
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been a classroom teacher and
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instructional coach for the last decade
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and I'm still in the classroom today I
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decided to start the new EdTech
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classroom because I always felt
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frustrated by the fact that it seemed
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like teachers always had to go out of
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their way to learn new instructional
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practices most teacher PD just didn't
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really do it for me and I always have
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this feeling that if somebody could just
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show me how to do it I could definitely
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be a much better teacher it literally
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took me years of observing other
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teachers reading books attending
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conferences and trial and error in my
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own classroom to figure all this stuff
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out with a few exceptions when it came
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to education technology in particular
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the majority of the content out there
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was really just about how to use a
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program but not about how to use that
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program with students I still found
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myself spending hours figuring out how
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to bridge the gap between a new program
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I had been introduced to and how I would
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actually use it in
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classroom sure having students respond
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to each other via video or make podcast
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projects seem like cool ideas but how
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does it actually fit into my curriculum
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how do those programs help me achieve
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educational goals and how do I actually
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deal with a roomful of students all
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sitting in front of a computer recording
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themselves I wanted to address those
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practical concerns while also showing
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teachers how technology could open up
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new and exciting possibilities in
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education the truth is that before
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school closures my channel was something
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not very few people paid attention to
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then around mid-march I put out a few
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videos about how to strategically
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approach remote teaching and that pretty
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much changed everything today we're a
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rapidly growing audience of over 50,000
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educators around the world and I've led
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webinars in the u.s. broad for hundreds
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of teachers to show them different
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techniques for how to use technology in
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strategic ways I'm well aware that the
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success of this channel has absolutely
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nothing to do with me and it has
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everything to do with the fact that
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teachers needed to find resources in
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order to adapt to this emergency
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distance learning situation that they
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all found themselves in I am truly
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humble and appreciative that so many
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teachers around the world have found the
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content that I've been putting up
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helpful as we face this unprecedented
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situation now I know so many educators
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are again feeling a sense of anxiety and
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concern about all the uncertainty that
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we're facing in this upcoming school
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year I'm not here to tell you about a
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magical app or a quick fix that's
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suddenly going to make your teaching
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with technology more effective but I am
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here to tell you that with the right
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strategic plan in place you can continue
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to provide students with a high-quality
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education using technology and even
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improve upon your instructional
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practices these are all practices that
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you will be able to transfer back to a
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brick-and-mortar school in all
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challenges there are also opportunities
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to become stronger and I urge everyone
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to use this challenge as an opportunity
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to also improve upon our instructional
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practices I know that's what I'll be
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doing I'm going to continue providing
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free resources through my youtube
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channel and my blog to support teachers
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integrating technology and I'm also
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excited to formally announce that
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shortly I'll be launching my first
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online course the 21st century classroom
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the course is designed to be a
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comprehensive look at how to
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strategically integrate technology in
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order to achieve meaningful outcomes
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with students not only what you learn
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how to create a classroom that could be
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implemented in person or online you'll
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also learn how to leverage technology to
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personalize instruction foster
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creativity and provide students with
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authentic learning experiences since
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this is my first online course and I
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want to make sure that I do it right I
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am only going to be accepting a limited
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number of students for this cohort if
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all of this sounds like something you
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might be interested in you can click on
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the link below to get your name on the
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earlybird waitlist stay tuned for the
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next video because I'm going to be
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showing some specific strategies you can
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use in order to strategically integrate
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technology that being said I hope you're
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compelled to meet this historic moment
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in education with an innovative mindset
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if you have any questions please feel
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free to ask in the comments below or
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send me an email at new ed tech
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classroom at gmail.com I can't wait to
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share what I have for you in the next
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video and in the meantime I hope you
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have a great week