02:04 - 02:08
hello and welcome to day three this is a
02:06 - 02:09
launch we've been excited for for a long
02:08 - 02:12
time we're going to launch Sora our
02:09 - 02:13
video product and we'll talk a lot about
02:12 - 02:15
why this is so important and so exciting
02:13 - 02:17
but first it's so cool we just want to
02:15 - 02:19
show it to you so um we'll look here at
02:17 - 02:21
a little bit of what the Sora product
02:19 - 02:23
looks like this is the feed uh you can
02:21 - 02:24
see videos that users have been
02:23 - 02:26
generating and we'll talk much more
02:24 - 02:29
about this later but uh just couldn't
02:26 - 02:30
wait to to show you a little bit so
02:29 - 02:32
video is important to an i for a lot of
02:30 - 02:35
reasons but I'll talk about three here
02:32 - 02:37
one we love to make tools for creatives
02:35 - 02:38
it's important to our culture uh it's
02:37 - 02:40
important to how we hope humans will use
02:38 - 02:42
Ai and this is one in particular where
02:40 - 02:44
there's a new kind of co-creative
02:42 - 02:46
dynamic that we're seeing emerge between
02:44 - 02:48
early testers that we think points to
02:46 - 02:50
something interesting about AI creative
02:48 - 02:52
tools and how people will use them
02:50 - 02:54
second we don't want the world to just
02:52 - 02:56
be text uh if the AI systems are you
02:54 - 02:57
know primarily you interact with by text
02:56 - 02:59
I think we're missing something
02:57 - 03:01
important we want our AIS to be able to
02:59 - 03:02
understand video and generate video and
03:01 - 03:04
I think it really will deeply change the
03:02 - 03:07
way that we use computers and third this
03:04 - 03:08
is critical to our AGI road map video
03:07 - 03:10
will be an important environment where
03:08 - 03:13
we're going to learn or the AI is going
03:10 - 03:16
to learn a lot about how to do things
03:13 - 03:18
that we we need in the world so uh I'm
03:16 - 03:20
going to hand this over now to Adia who
03:18 - 03:21
leads Sora and Bill who leads Sora
03:20 - 03:23
research they're going to tell you a
03:21 - 03:25
little bit about what went into this um
03:23 - 03:28
and then after that we will have the
03:25 - 03:30
product team come up thanks Sam guys
03:28 - 03:32
today is finally the day that Sora will
03:30 - 03:33
be available we're launching Sora both
03:32 - 03:36
in the United States as well as most
03:33 - 03:38
countries internationally later today
03:36 - 03:39
you can access the model at sora.com
03:38 - 03:41
this is a completely new product
03:39 - 03:43
experience from open aai built for the
03:41 - 03:45
ground up for video generation the best
03:43 - 03:47
part is that if you have a chat upt Plus
03:45 - 03:48
or Pro account that's all you need to
03:47 - 03:50
get started you don't have to pay extra
03:48 - 03:52
for Sora we're including it in the
03:50 - 03:53
accounts you already have you know to do
03:52 - 03:55
a deployment this broad the Sora
03:53 - 03:57
research team had to do a ton of work
03:55 - 03:59
finding ways to make the February model
03:57 - 04:00
we previewed way faster and cheaper they
03:59 - 04:03
really delivered and today we're
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launching Sora turbo this is a new
04:03 - 04:06
high-end accelerated version of that
04:04 - 04:08
original Sora model and it has all the
04:06 - 04:10
capabilities that we talked about in our
04:08 - 04:11
tech report on world simulation earlier
04:10 - 04:14
this year this includes things like
04:11 - 04:15
generating videos from text animating
04:14 - 04:17
images and a ton of videoo video
04:15 - 04:19
features like remixing into new Styles
04:17 - 04:21
extending forwards in backwards in time
04:19 - 04:23
Etc some other folks are going to show
04:21 - 04:25
you this in just a few minutes as Sam
04:23 - 04:28
alluded to you know we started the Sora
04:25 - 04:29
project at open AI to build AI systems
04:28 - 04:31
that really deeply understand the the
04:29 - 04:33
world and its physics we're really just
04:31 - 04:35
getting started here you know this early
04:33 - 04:36
version of Sora will make mistakes it's
04:35 - 04:37
not perfect but it's already at the
04:36 - 04:39
point where we think it's going to be
04:37 - 04:41
really useful for augmenting human
04:39 - 04:42
creativity and we can't wait to see what
04:41 - 04:46
the world is going to make with Sora
04:42 - 04:48
starting later today Ado hi I'm Ado um
04:46 - 04:50
I'm really excited for this release open
04:48 - 04:52
AI has had a multi-year long history of
04:50 - 04:53
training state-of-the-art models that
04:52 - 04:56
have pushed the boundaries of what's
04:53 - 04:57
possible to do with visual generation
04:56 - 05:00
however we feel like for further
04:57 - 05:01
advances in visual generation we need
05:00 - 05:04
breakthroughs both in machine learning
05:01 - 05:05
and in human computer interface design
05:04 - 05:07
so it's for that reason that I'm really
05:05 - 05:08
proud of the product that we've built
05:07 - 05:10
and I'd like to hand things over to
05:08 - 05:12
Rohan and Joey who can tell you more
05:16 - 05:21
hey hey Joey hey what's up Sam I'm
05:19 - 05:23
excited to show this product go ahead
05:21 - 05:24
let do it I'm ran and we our Sora
05:23 - 05:26
product te and I'm Joey I'm the product
05:24 - 05:29
designer on Sora all right Joey got us
05:26 - 05:31
started all right I'll kick it off by
05:29 - 05:34
talking a little bit more about
05:31 - 05:37
explore explore is the place for
05:34 - 05:40
inspiration it's a feed of videos shared
05:37 - 05:42
by the community where everyone can come
05:40 - 05:45
together and explore the capabilities of
05:42 - 05:47
this powerful new model and we know that
05:45 - 05:49
these models especially the first time
05:47 - 05:50
you use them it can be hard to
05:49 - 05:52
understand just everything that you can
05:50 - 05:55
do with them so creating a space where
05:52 - 05:58
people can come together learn share
05:55 - 06:01
techniques share methods felt really
05:58 - 06:03
exciting but also really important to us
06:01 - 06:05
and so you can see just scrolling
06:03 - 06:07
through here you can be inspired by all
06:05 - 06:09
of these amazing videos I saw one up if
06:07 - 06:12
you see one that's particularly
06:09 - 06:14
interesting to you you can click into it
06:12 - 06:16
and view it in a light box and at the
06:14 - 06:18
bottom of this light box it'll show you
06:16 - 06:21
the exact method that was used to create
06:18 - 06:23
this video whether it's simple text
06:21 - 06:25
prompt an image extension video
06:23 - 06:28
extension or one of our other more
06:25 - 06:30
powerful creative tools you can take
06:28 - 06:32
this methodology and learn how to
06:30 - 06:35
incorporate it into your own creative
06:32 - 06:37
workflow so without further Ado I'll
06:35 - 06:39
kick it back to Rohan to do our first
06:37 - 06:42
generation all right let's head to our
06:39 - 06:43
library you can think about this as your
06:42 - 06:46
home base in Sora where you can view all
06:43 - 06:50
your Generations you can slice The View
06:46 - 06:52
hair a couple different ways a grid view
06:50 - 06:55
a list view you can create folders you
06:52 - 06:57
can favorite things look at bookmarks
06:55 - 06:59
from the feed all minor organizational
06:57 - 07:01
touches but show that we really care
06:59 - 07:04
about empowering storytelling and and
07:01 - 07:05
real use of this product all right down
07:04 - 07:08
here you'll see our simple
07:05 - 07:10
composer here you can create a video by
07:08 - 07:12
simply describing it with text or
07:10 - 07:14
uploading an image uh Sam you got an
07:12 - 07:16
idea for us I about some woly mammoths
07:14 - 07:17
uh walking in the desert all right
07:16 - 07:20
woolly mammoths walking through the
07:17 - 07:24
desert love it uh let's say woolly
07:20 - 07:28
mammoths walking through a desert
07:24 - 07:31
landscape so maybe make it a wide
07:28 - 07:32
shot cool before we fire this off I want
07:31 - 07:35
to touch on some of the options you'll
07:32 - 07:38
see down here aspect ratio so Sora can
07:35 - 07:40
generate from horizontal aspect ratios
07:38 - 07:43
to square to Vertical can generate in
07:40 - 07:45
resolutions from 480p up to
07:43 - 07:47
1080p can generate from 5 Seconds up to
07:45 - 07:49
20 second videos and you can also
07:47 - 07:51
generate multiple variations at once so
07:49 - 07:53
you might not know exactly what you want
07:51 - 07:54
out of this description and Sora might
07:53 - 07:56
take in a couple different directions
07:54 - 07:58
variations let you see a couple of
07:56 - 07:59
options we'll do a four video uh
07:58 - 08:03
variation here
07:59 - 08:05
and last but not least there's presets
08:03 - 08:07
sometimes you might find an aesthetic or
08:05 - 08:09
style that you really love and you want
08:07 - 08:11
to capture that in a reusable component
08:09 - 08:12
and apply it to a ton of generations you
08:11 - 08:14
can do that you can create your own we
08:12 - 08:16
have a couple defaults here stop motion
08:14 - 08:19
balloon world that's a crazy one highly
08:16 - 08:21
recommend it um but let's fire off this
08:19 - 08:23
gen and then I'm going to hand it back
08:21 - 08:24
to Joey to talk about storyboard another
08:23 - 08:27
really awesome feature we have awesome
08:24 - 08:29
thank you Rohan so Rohan just showed how
08:27 - 08:32
you can take a general idea and send it
08:29 - 08:34
to Sora and have it create an entire set
08:32 - 08:36
of beautiful videos but today we're
08:34 - 08:38
excited to talk about an entirely new
08:36 - 08:40
creative tool that we're introducing a
08:38 - 08:42
more advanced tool that's still very
08:40 - 08:45
early but something we're calling
08:42 - 08:47
storyboard that lets you direct a video
08:45 - 08:49
with multiple actions across the
08:47 - 08:51
sequence using a familiar timeline so
08:49 - 08:53
I'll click in right here and I'll tell
08:51 - 08:55
you a little bit about
08:53 - 08:57
storyboard at the top of the screen you
08:55 - 08:59
see the storyboard cards this is where
08:57 - 09:02
you'll describe the environment the
08:59 - 09:04
characters any actions you want to occur
09:02 - 09:07
at a particular point in your video
09:04 - 09:09
below that is the timeline you can see
09:07 - 09:11
the outline of my entire clip and this
09:09 - 09:14
is where I'll sequence the actions in my
09:11 - 09:15
video and then below that is the
09:14 - 09:17
creation settings that Rohan just went
09:15 - 09:20
over so I'll pop back up to the
09:17 - 09:23
storyboard and I'll set my first uh
09:20 - 09:28
storyboard card in the scene so I'll say
09:23 - 09:30
a beautiful white crane stands in a
09:30 - 09:32
let's give it a Yellow
09:33 - 09:39
Tail stands in a creek so here I can
09:36 - 09:41
write as little or as much as I want and
09:39 - 09:43
the less I write the more Sora will fill
09:41 - 09:45
in the details and the more I write the
09:43 - 09:48
more Sor will try to adhere to my
09:45 - 09:50
direction so in this video I want this
09:48 - 09:51
crane to be standing at the beginning
09:50 - 09:54
and then dip its head in the water and
09:51 - 09:56
pick out a fish so I'll come down to my
09:54 - 09:58
timeline and I can click anywhere within
09:56 - 10:01
the outline of my clip to add an
09:58 - 10:03
additional hard and giv sore those
10:01 - 10:07
actions so I'll come up here and I'll
10:03 - 10:11
say the crane dips its head into the
10:07 - 10:14
water and pulls out a
10:11 - 10:17
fish so looking back at my timeline can
10:14 - 10:19
now see at the start of my timeline I
10:17 - 10:21
have set the scene and then at 5 Seconds
10:19 - 10:22
the crane will dip its head into the
10:21 - 10:24
water and you'll notice that there's
10:22 - 10:27
space between these two cards within the
10:24 - 10:29
outline of my clip that space is
10:27 - 10:31
important for Sora to connect this first
10:29 - 10:34
set of actions with the second set of
10:31 - 10:36
actions I can always adjust where I want
10:34 - 10:38
these actions to occur but giving Sora
10:36 - 10:39
adequate time to connect these ideas is
10:38 - 10:41
really important if you want a
10:39 - 10:43
continuous shot you can also have it
10:41 - 10:46
make cinematic cuts by moving them
10:43 - 10:48
closer or move them further away and let
10:46 - 10:51
Sora do even more filling into the
10:48 - 10:53
details so I'll move this back to 5
10:51 - 10:56
seconds and I'll fire it
10:53 - 10:57
off and we can review this in a minute
10:56 - 10:59
but there's one more storyboard feature
10:57 - 11:03
I want to show um that's really really
10:59 - 11:06
cool and that's using image to create
11:03 - 11:08
video so in this first storyboard card
11:06 - 11:10
I'll go ahead and upload an image that I
11:10 - 11:16
desktop this image is of a lighthouse
11:14 - 11:19
and you can see that Sora automatically
11:16 - 11:21
put that first image into the first card
11:19 - 11:24
and then it created an entirely new card
11:21 - 11:27
and this is a continuation caption Sora
11:24 - 11:29
has looked at that image and it is added
11:27 - 11:31
an additional and understanding the
11:29 - 11:32
movement that we might want to make with
11:31 - 11:35
this image and it is filled out a
11:32 - 11:38
caption for to continue or to turn this
11:35 - 11:40
image into a beautiful video so much
11:38 - 11:42
like with the text I can come up here
11:40 - 11:45
and edit anything in this card I can
11:42 - 11:46
adjust its position um but for now we'll
11:45 - 11:48
fire this off and we can see how it
11:46 - 11:50
looks so I'm going to kick it back to
11:48 - 11:53
Rohan to review some of these videos
11:50 - 11:55
that we made Let's Do It Let's see uh
11:53 - 11:57
let's check out those woolly nets see
11:57 - 12:03
here amazing pretty pretty good pretty
12:00 - 12:05
good um so here we can hover over our
12:03 - 12:06
you know our variations of this
12:05 - 12:08
generation kind of get a feel for which
12:06 - 12:11
one we might like best um and then we
12:08 - 12:13
can continue to refine this with Sora so
12:11 - 12:16
I think I like
12:13 - 12:19
maybe top R me too yeah all right let's
12:16 - 12:21
take a look at the top right um now this
12:19 - 12:22
is cool but now that I'm seeing the
12:21 - 12:25
scene I think it would be cooler if
12:22 - 12:28
these woolly mammuts were robots well I
12:25 - 12:31
guess think all right let's do it so
12:28 - 12:33
remix lets you just describe changes to
12:31 - 12:38
the video and S we'll do the rest so I'm
12:33 - 12:42
going to click remix here and simply say
12:38 - 12:44
replace the woolly mammoths with
12:42 - 12:45
robots you'll see a couple familiar
12:44 - 12:48
options here you can create multiple
12:45 - 12:51
variations can change the resolution you
12:48 - 12:53
can also tell Sora the strength of the
12:51 - 12:55
remix you want so if you want a big
12:53 - 12:57
change in the scene this is probably a
12:55 - 12:58
significant change we'll tell Sora hey
12:57 - 12:59
give this a strong remix if it's
12:58 - 13:01
something subtle like say you just
12:59 - 13:03
wanted a little bit more wind in this
13:01 - 13:05
background of the scene or more sand
13:03 - 13:09
kicking up you go with a milder subtle
13:05 - 13:11
remix for now we'll kick off a strong
13:09 - 13:13
remix all right should we take a look at
13:11 - 13:15
your story board J let's see how the BR
13:13 - 13:17
came out all right let's do
13:17 - 13:22
right so here let's pop into one of
13:20 - 13:24
these and we can
13:22 - 13:26
see all right so we see about halfway
13:24 - 13:28
through my crane is dipping its head
13:26 - 13:31
into the water can see if it grabs a
13:28 - 13:33
fish oh looks like it missed on that one
13:31 - 13:36
can review another one of these too but
13:33 - 13:37
you see that Sora has taken my direction
13:36 - 13:39
and it's done a pretty good job at
13:37 - 13:41
understanding exactly where it wants to
13:39 - 13:43
go and both of these cranes they may
13:41 - 13:45
have missed they found a little fish
13:43 - 13:47
though yeah got a little Fe um but this
13:45 - 13:49
is again something I want to point out
13:47 - 13:53
which half of the half of the story with
13:49 - 13:55
Sora is taking a video editing it and
13:53 - 13:56
building on top of it so the beginning
13:55 - 13:59
of this video right when the Crane's
13:56 - 14:01
head splashes in I love this part so I'm
13:59 - 14:03
going to go ahead and use another
14:01 - 14:06
editing tool here called recut that
14:03 - 14:08
allows me to take my video trim it down
14:06 - 14:10
and extend it in a storyboard with even
14:10 - 14:15
Direction so clicking recut has taken me
14:13 - 14:18
into a new storyboard and Sor has
14:15 - 14:20
imported this video of the crane and now
14:18 - 14:22
I can see on the timeline my video here
14:20 - 14:26
I can scrub through it to review it and
14:22 - 14:29
I can also trim my video so I think I
14:26 - 14:32
like actually I'm going to take this uh
14:29 - 14:35
first few seconds right until its head
14:32 - 14:37
splashes into the water I like that and
14:35 - 14:40
so much like in the other storyboard
14:37 - 14:43
examples any area that I leave empty
14:40 - 14:45
here story will seamlessly continue from
14:43 - 14:47
whatever storyboard card I have in there
14:45 - 14:49
so if I want an entirely New Ending I
14:47 - 14:51
can leave the end blank and I can go
14:49 - 14:53
ahead and hit create if I want an
14:51 - 14:55
entirely New Beginning let's say I
14:53 - 14:57
wanted this at the end of my scene I can
14:55 - 14:58
leave this here and maybe it will the
14:57 - 14:59
camera will stay on the crane for a
14:58 - 15:01
little bit more in the the beginning I
14:59 - 15:03
can also move it into the middle and
15:01 - 15:05
generate entirely new endings and
15:03 - 15:07
Beginnings for all of my videos and much
15:05 - 15:09
like the rest of the storyboard I can
15:07 - 15:12
always click to add more cards and give
15:09 - 15:14
it more a Direction so let's generate a
15:12 - 15:18
new ending to this video and we can see
15:14 - 15:22
um how it turns out awesome cool thanks
15:18 - 15:25
Joey while that's going let's see if we
15:22 - 15:29
got some robots oh my God we
15:25 - 15:30
did amazing all right we'll see that St
15:29 - 15:33
oh these are sort of like William
15:30 - 15:35
Mammoth is robot yeah it's kind of cool
15:33 - 15:37
um so yeah that one Walks Like amazing
15:35 - 15:39
actually yeah that is very cool it's
15:37 - 15:41
amazing um so Sora took our prompt of
15:39 - 15:44
replacing the woolly mammoths with
15:41 - 15:47
robots and did just that we click in we
15:44 - 15:48
can see the original one here this was a
15:47 - 15:51
strong remix and we replac the wly MMS
15:48 - 15:52
with robots pretty awesome uh let's take
15:51 - 15:54
a look at a couple other features
15:52 - 15:56
actually quickly let's look at your uh
15:54 - 16:00
image to video Generations here Joey
15:56 - 16:02
pretty cool some nice Ambiance with this
16:00 - 16:03
Lighthouse the top right one's pretty
16:02 - 16:05
yeah you get a couple different shots
16:03 - 16:07
here with different sort of camera
16:05 - 16:08
motion um and as you can see you know
16:07 - 16:09
you might not know exactly what you want
16:08 - 16:11
you could throw an image in there and
16:09 - 16:13
see what Sora does kind of like this top
16:11 - 16:16
this bottom right one rather um I think
16:13 - 16:18
it would be cool as a loop so one of our
16:16 - 16:20
awesome features is if you really like a
16:18 - 16:22
generation you can tell Sora hey I want
16:20 - 16:24
this to endlessly repeat because it's so
16:22 - 16:27
beautiful and you can do just that with
16:24 - 16:29
Loop so if you click into Loop you can
16:27 - 16:30
tell Sora where do you want want the
16:29 - 16:32
start of this Loop to be where do you
16:30 - 16:33
want the end of it to be and Sor will
16:32 - 16:36
fill in the gaps to create this sort of
16:33 - 16:39
seamless repeated scene um you have a
16:36 - 16:41
couple options here s can add fewer
16:39 - 16:42
frames if the beginning and the end are
16:41 - 16:44
already pretty similar or you can tell
16:42 - 16:46
it to add lots of frames to try to
16:44 - 16:48
connect maybe two more disparate
16:46 - 16:49
beginning and endings and but Sor will
16:48 - 16:51
do the heavy lifting it's a really
16:49 - 16:53
really awesome feature um a lot of the
16:51 - 16:56
artists in our Alpha really love Loop um
16:53 - 17:00
cool last but not least I just want to
16:56 - 17:02
quickly touch on another feature blend
17:00 - 17:05
so you can think about blend as giving
17:02 - 17:08
Sora two scenes and Sora will create a
17:05 - 17:09
net new scene that is a cohesive version
17:08 - 17:11
of both of those it's almost like
17:09 - 17:13
smashing two videos together in another
17:11 - 17:14
dimension and bring it back to this one
17:13 - 17:16
it's I I've never seen anything like it
17:14 - 17:18
until I used blend with our model um so
17:16 - 17:20
if you click into blend you can choose
17:18 - 17:21
another video from your library you know
17:20 - 17:23
we could blend the robots with the
17:21 - 17:25
woolly mammoths that could be a cool one
17:23 - 17:27
and there's a couple options here I
17:25 - 17:29
won't go into a ton of detail right now
17:27 - 17:31
but long story short you can kind of
17:29 - 17:33
dictate to Sora how you would like it to
17:31 - 17:35
sort of blend these two scenes together
17:33 - 17:38
some really awesome Advanced features
17:35 - 17:39
for um yeah for our heavy users and
17:38 - 17:41
power users trying to make a lot of
17:39 - 17:43
awesome can we do that yeah we can run
17:41 - 17:45
this one for sure um I think yeah
17:43 - 17:48
transition BR blend is probably good one
17:45 - 17:50
for the Woolly mmit and the robots let's
17:48 - 17:51
run it all right
17:51 - 17:57
cool so to wrap it all up I'm going to
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come back to the featured feed and
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you'll remember Joey was scroll scroll
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scrolling through these videos earlier
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you might have seen at the bottom
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storyboard now you know what that is you
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can kind of uncover each of these
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Generations in the feed and see how they
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created I love the feed because you can
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just find inspiration and then run your
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own remix of someone else's video in
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addition to inspiration I just find it
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like so compelling watch and that's
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amazing up be slow do it crazy yeah it
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really is wild um and that's Sora that's
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kind of the end to endend product where
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we're really excited to see what you
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create and add more features here and
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and do something amazing uh do more
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amazing things with Sora but uh yeah Sam
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you want to tell us about availability
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so this is going live today in most of
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the world um except uh most of Europe
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and the UK will be a while uh we're
18:41 - 18:44
going to try our hardest to be able to
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launch there but we don't have any time
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to share yet and there are some other
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countries that we're not able to operate
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in if you have an open AI Plus
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subscription you get 50 Generations a
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month if you have an open AI Pro you get
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uh unlimited Generations in our sort of
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slow Q mode um and 500 normal faster
18:57 - 19:01
Generations you can also
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get fewer Generations at the higher re
19:01 - 19:05
at higher resolution so and and anybody
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with any account can just uh enjoy the
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feed we're really excited to see what
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you all will create um we're really
19:09 - 19:13
excited to see kind of all of the new
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ways that this sort of new kind of
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entertainment uh and and Tool will be
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used uh you all did incredible work on
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this I'm super proud of the team I love
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the product and um yeah any closing
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thoughts um yeah I mean Joey and I are
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just representatives of an amazing team
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here I just want to shout out the
19:28 - 19:32
research team that built this in crazy
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mo incredible model and got it to a
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place where we could actually serve it
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to the world and our product team is a
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group of like five or six product
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Engineers that build this entire product
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in a matter of months um and obviously a
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village at openai to support us to get
19:43 - 19:48
to this this point um and quickly on um
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just kind of Abuse Prevention and safety
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that's something obviously is in our DNA
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at open a and we really care about um we
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obviously have a big Target on our back
19:55 - 19:58
as opening ey so we want to prevent
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legal activity of Sora but we also want
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balance that with creative expression we
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know that's something that will be an
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evero ongoing challenge we might not get
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it perfect on day one we're starting a
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little conservative and so if our
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moderation doesn't quite get it right
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just give us that feedback we'll be
20:10 - 20:14
iterating um yeah really really really
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excited to see what you create Joey any
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other final thoughts yeah I think maybe
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my final thought is um I think if you
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come into Sora with the expectation that
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you'll just be able to click a button
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and generate a feature film I think
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you're coming in with the wrong
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expectation Sora is a
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it allows you to be multiple places at
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once try multiple ideas at once try
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things that are entirely impossible
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before um but really we think it's
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something that's super super special in
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an extension of the crater who's behind
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it and so we can't wait to see what you
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create and uh we'll be watching in the
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feed yeah to come back to the gpt1
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analogy it's early like it's going to
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get a lot lot better so uh but we've
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always been surprised when we put things
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out even in an early state that people
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are able to get amazing performance and
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real value out of them and yeah we can't
21:00 - 21:04
wait to see what you do in the feed
21:01 - 21:04
later today thank you thank