00:01 - 00:10
hey this is Ken here um so we wanted to
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create a an article like our brand new
00:10 - 00:15
article where we introduce copy fast AI
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to the to the public and I was like okay
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why I just using copy fast AI in order
00:17 - 00:24
to show how how copy fast is efficient
00:20 - 00:28
to create SEO powered I mean SEO first
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um content that reflect our brand and
00:28 - 00:33
tone and so on so I like okay let's just
00:31 - 00:37
try to create right now and and I'm
00:33 - 00:39
going to show you how easy it is how how
00:37 - 00:42
you can save time how efficient it is to
00:39 - 00:45
to create content using copy fast AI so
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I'm gonna I'm GNA sign up but before
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that let me let me show you the homepage
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here uh you can see that we have
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contents in our uh on our page uh we
00:53 - 00:58
have also the features we have the
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pricing we have the FAQs and so on so
00:58 - 01:03
what's we're going to do is
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uh okay this is this is the content I'm
01:03 - 01:08
just going to do that real quick to save
01:05 - 01:10
time so what's we're going to do is to
01:08 - 01:14
use copy fast
01:10 - 01:17
AI to create a Content that will
01:14 - 01:19
introduce like an article okay to be
01:17 - 01:21
more specific that will introduce copy
01:19 - 01:24
fast AI to the
01:21 - 01:27
public so we will and we will use this
01:24 - 01:30
just this link and from the link we will
01:27 - 01:34
be able to generate um an article that's
01:30 - 01:34
perfectly or efficiently not perfectly
01:34 - 01:43
efficiently uh presents or introduces
01:38 - 01:47
our uh product so we're going to sign in
01:43 - 01:50
here okay I am already in which is great
01:47 - 01:53
and I have many collections or folders
01:50 - 01:56
here but we want to create content for
01:53 - 01:59
copy AI so I'm just going to open this
01:56 - 02:01
collection and we will we will also
01:59 - 02:06
click here here create content real
02:01 - 02:10
quick and it will load now what we want
02:06 - 02:12
to do is to to create a blog post I pick
02:10 - 02:15
the collection it's here and it's
02:12 - 02:17
already English which is great we want
02:15 - 02:20
to give it we want to keep it
02:17 - 02:24
professional we want to have a bit of
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you know storytelling and also we can
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pick the number of words and the
02:26 - 02:32
keywords and here we will just pick
02:29 - 02:34
maybe two of three and copy fast AI will
02:32 - 02:36
be able to generate more keywords and
02:34 - 02:40
put that into the
02:36 - 02:44
article uh one of the keyword is
02:44 - 02:54
writer also do AI SEO we can also
02:49 - 02:54
do uh AI writing
02:55 - 03:01
assistant this uh we can also pick the
02:58 - 03:03
words let's say
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native right so now the source we need
03:12 - 03:17
to have at least one source or one
03:14 - 03:21
reference because we don't want to sound
03:17 - 03:24
too generic in our content so it's a
03:21 - 03:27
URL and uh we just want to be able to
03:24 - 03:30
read this content using AI so our AI is
03:27 - 03:34
sort of going to scan this and
03:30 - 03:35
introduce like a and create a an article
03:35 - 03:46
introduce our products okay write an
03:39 - 03:48
article let's say on welcome to copy
03:49 - 03:55
AI um it's a sort of
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article it's welcome type if I can say
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introduces our product let's say copy
04:08 - 04:16
fast AI to the
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right now I'm going to click on
04:19 - 04:26
generate but what is happening here is
04:22 - 04:30
that our AI is reading the sources is
04:26 - 04:35
reading the prompts and analyz ing that
04:30 - 04:38
and and also making the the the draft of
04:35 - 04:40
the of the article and then putting all
04:38 - 04:43
the things together creating a structure
04:40 - 04:46
and reading the brand voice because we
04:43 - 04:50
already have a brand voice as we created
04:46 - 04:54
that uh previously so it's taking it
04:50 - 04:57
about a minutes or something so it's uh
04:54 - 05:00
using that um source that we attached
04:57 - 05:04
which is our landing page and from from
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that Source translating the content from
05:04 - 05:10
the landing page to a SE read article
05:07 - 05:14
draft and then from there we will we
05:10 - 05:17
will use our AI uh editing tool so that
05:14 - 05:19
we can also edit and make that better
05:17 - 05:23
again so you have ai from content
05:19 - 05:26
creation to content editing here you go
05:23 - 05:28
uh we have our article it's pretty
05:26 - 05:30
straightforward here okay welcome to
05:28 - 05:32
copy fast AI
05:30 - 05:33
we have this okay in to this space look
05:33 - 05:41
landscape creating high quality and
05:37 - 05:41
engaging contents okay this this is good
05:43 - 05:49
however okay let's
05:46 - 05:51
say uh I want to improve this
05:49 - 05:53
introduction because I'm not a big fan
05:51 - 05:57
of that let's say this
05:53 - 06:00
improve this oh sorry we do have int uh
05:57 - 06:03
improve writing here improve
06:00 - 06:05
all right let's wait it's going to take
06:03 - 06:08
a couple of second all right in today's
06:05 - 06:11
bace okay it's it's improved I guess
06:08 - 06:15
okay AI powered content to make a with
06:11 - 06:18
by leverage AI okay all right I can
06:15 - 06:20
remove this I don't like this so this is
06:18 - 06:22
this is in real time I'm not going to
06:20 - 06:25
cut the video I really want to show you
06:22 - 06:27
how you can use this and I know that
06:25 - 06:30
there are people out there who who who
06:27 - 06:33
know better how to edit content
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so I just want to show you what are the
06:33 - 06:39
tools that you can use in order to to
06:35 - 06:42
make a better product which is what we
06:39 - 06:44
want uh to make better content that's
06:42 - 06:47
what I should say so here okay what is
06:44 - 06:50
copy fast AI here is it Cutting Edge
06:47 - 06:53
platform H I don't like
06:53 - 07:00
now let's
06:55 - 07:02
say simplify the the language let's say
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we're going to simplify the language all
07:02 - 07:07
right is a tool that they use they use
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artificial intelligence to help business
07:07 - 07:13
create great good content here a smart
07:09 - 07:15
editor I think I like this one this
07:13 - 07:20
makes it easy to produce content that
07:15 - 07:23
people will will like copy helps make
07:20 - 07:27
content that's easy for search
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engine I think then make SEO let's let
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me write SEO ready
07:38 - 07:46
um I think this this is fine for me it's
07:41 - 07:48
just a demo and also uh here we will see
07:46 - 07:50
the key features okay we have just okay
07:48 - 07:54
we have three that's okay yeah Power
07:50 - 07:58
content editor okay okay organized
07:54 - 08:00
collection I like this one oh this is
07:58 - 08:03
this is cool I like that
08:00 - 08:06
so what we can do
08:03 - 08:06
here let's
08:08 - 08:14
say Let me let me do this let me let me
08:11 - 08:17
ask AI so you can notice that we have
08:14 - 08:20
many ways of you know getting into the
08:17 - 08:23
AI so I could just press this so okay uh
08:20 - 08:25
ask AI let's
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a business needs a business needs to use
08:44 - 08:50
assistant in order
08:47 - 08:52
to assistant like it's it's always great
08:50 - 08:55
to be in context
08:52 - 08:58
here like in order
09:01 - 09:05
articles that's
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human it's say human human
09:14 - 09:21
friendly human friendly just say that or
09:18 - 09:24
human language friendly
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just we going to create couple second we
09:32 - 09:38
loading uh I think I should say in in in
09:36 - 09:41
one paragraph but they just wait because
09:38 - 09:45
it's going to be like long yeah this is
09:41 - 09:47
this is what I said so here it's too
09:48 - 09:55
me I think we can cut some of
09:51 - 09:58
the the paragraphs here let's see we
09:55 - 10:02
have this to this then SC H I don't like
09:58 - 10:03
this production however producing okay
10:02 - 10:08
let's do
10:03 - 10:08
this can we simplify
10:08 - 10:17
this it's too long ask AI make shorter
10:14 - 10:18
they say make shorter C second you have
10:18 - 10:21
content let's
10:23 - 10:29
right I think it's shorter now only two
10:27 - 10:32
paragraphs c yeah okay this is this is
10:29 - 10:36
this is perfect for
10:32 - 10:41
me all right Ani syst that copy fast AI
10:36 - 10:41
empow okay te streamline
10:42 - 10:50
content elevating the ownes and and that
10:46 - 10:54
H you know what I like I like this one I
10:50 - 10:56
can remove this it's just like so if you
10:54 - 11:00
notice it's just like you were writing
10:56 - 11:03
on Google Docs or Microsoft software but
11:00 - 11:07
now you have ai with uh in in it and you
11:03 - 11:12
can use your own expertise your own
11:07 - 11:17
knowledge and also leveraging the the AI
11:12 - 11:21
features that copy fast as for you and
11:17 - 11:23
uh here what else what else can can we
11:23 - 11:30
okay how copy fast Works notice
11:26 - 11:36
this this contents
11:30 - 11:36
comes from our landing page we have it
11:36 - 11:43
here we have creates collection why
11:40 - 11:46
because in the collection you will
11:43 - 11:49
create a brand voice because you don't
11:46 - 11:52
want let's say that you work with uh
11:49 - 11:56
many many clients you have many projects
11:52 - 11:59
many websites uh that you write for you
11:56 - 12:01
don't want to sound the same in in all
11:59 - 12:03
the the articles that you are writing
12:01 - 12:07
for them so you want each website each
12:03 - 12:10
project each clients that you have you
12:07 - 12:13
you want them to have their own brand
12:10 - 12:15
Brin voice which is uh the best way to
12:13 - 12:19
do it because one of the the problems of
12:15 - 12:23
using AI uh to create content is like uh
12:19 - 12:25
there is a tendency to sound too generic
12:23 - 12:28
so that's why we were like okay we are
12:25 - 12:30
going to build products not only to help
12:28 - 12:35
people generate content but also edit
12:30 - 12:38
using AI but also we want to start from
12:35 - 12:41
a reference a real reference so that
12:38 - 12:44
copy fast which is our product will be
12:41 - 12:47
able to read that summarize or make a
12:44 - 12:50
copy out of it so that that is basically
12:47 - 12:53
copy fast and you will organize your
12:50 - 12:55
content in folders or collections so
12:53 - 12:56
that's why we have here you can create
12:55 - 12:58
collection and you you you start
12:56 - 13:00
generating content and you you can you
12:58 - 13:03
know edit and
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publish which is here that's why you
13:03 - 13:09
create uh creat a collection generates
13:06 - 13:12
content edits and publish
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benefits we have all the benefits here
13:12 - 13:17
we can go on and on and I'm going to
13:14 - 13:20
finish this uh I think I need to create
13:17 - 13:24
space here get started today and we we
13:20 - 13:26
even have the link you know so which
13:26 - 13:32
of sending people from the art iCal to
13:30 - 13:36
the actual products that we are trying
13:32 - 13:39
to to sell and uh yeah we can what what
13:36 - 13:40
can we do again here you know what um I
13:40 - 13:46
idea why why don't we sort of
13:48 - 13:57
um table can can we do it uh I've never
13:54 - 14:00
done exactly what I'm trying to do here
13:57 - 14:05
but let's do that live a table yes let's
14:00 - 14:07
make a table we want a table of 3 three
14:05 - 14:07
I think that's
14:08 - 14:15
okay yeah we can we can do
14:11 - 14:18
that all right we do have a
14:15 - 14:18
table uh we do
14:19 - 14:26
this what's what's what can we do
14:23 - 14:30
here let's say the features right um
14:26 - 14:30
what is the first feature
14:31 - 14:39
it's this we're just trying this is a
14:34 - 14:41
random table and organized collection
14:39 - 14:45
okay let's do
14:41 - 14:50
this um real time collaboration so this
14:45 - 14:51
is like you can invite your members or
14:50 - 14:53
team members and so
14:53 - 15:00
um yeah I don't even know what's to add
14:57 - 15:03
on this table but it's say okay we can
15:00 - 15:05
do this it's okay oh it's too bold for
15:03 - 15:09
me I don't like
15:05 - 15:09
that uh let's do
15:11 - 15:18
this oh yeah sorry it should be here
15:15 - 15:21
because this is for the titles yeah uh
15:18 - 15:27
fure one let say fure one that's
15:21 - 15:31
fine okay this is feature two to say
15:27 - 15:34
that okay I think you see how it's going
15:31 - 15:35
and I'm creating this re in real time
15:35 - 15:42
to to see uh to to show you how help
15:39 - 15:45
helpful this can be oh I see this
15:42 - 15:47
shouldn't be be here actually let's add
15:47 - 15:55
what another column here we do this all
15:53 - 16:00
right you go
15:55 - 16:02
here now let me do this this this should
16:02 - 16:06
here this should
16:11 - 16:19
this this here all right I like that now
16:17 - 16:21
this is our first feature oh this should
16:19 - 16:25
this should be in the first place this
16:21 - 16:29
should be here yes all
16:31 - 16:36
all right this is beautiful I think
16:33 - 16:41
we're going all
16:36 - 16:44
right so here we have our our table uh
16:41 - 16:46
what we can do here we do
16:46 - 16:54
there all right uh yeah what is going to
16:50 - 16:58
we add let me try to do this how about
16:54 - 17:01
putting a video here we can add like a
16:58 - 17:04
video I've never done that before let's
17:04 - 17:10
new picture we can add a YouTube
17:07 - 17:14
video uh but first we need to grab the
17:10 - 17:17
video right uh let me go let me go to
17:14 - 17:22
our product and just sign in all
17:17 - 17:27
right we have our YouTube channel it's
17:22 - 17:27
here let loading
17:30 - 17:36
all right let's say I'm going to grab
17:36 - 17:41
this you know what I'm just going to
17:49 - 17:55
this right this is the
17:51 - 17:57
video let's see how let's see how it's
17:55 - 18:00
going to work this is my first time
17:57 - 18:03
trying to uh the video
18:03 - 18:10
it here you go we have the
18:07 - 18:13
video right what can we do next I'm like
18:10 - 18:16
okay how about how about doing this how
18:13 - 18:19
about adding the sticky notes because I
18:16 - 18:21
say hey we need to update things give
18:19 - 18:24
sticky notes where where's
18:21 - 18:26
that we need a notes give me a second
18:24 - 18:29
I'm trying to find notes we need a notes
18:26 - 18:31
just to know where we at
18:29 - 18:33
all right this is it we have the
18:31 - 18:35
sticking notes we do that because we
18:33 - 18:39
want to be able
18:35 - 18:39
to uh let's say I to
18:43 - 18:53
improve improve
18:46 - 18:56
the improve the do what improve the
18:57 - 19:03
to uh uh we can also say we can we can
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say what again we can
19:12 - 19:20
poost and uh I mean this is this is this
19:16 - 19:22
is just a way to you know to to have
19:20 - 19:24
something cool like you have like a Todo
19:22 - 19:27
a list attached to it so we can also
19:24 - 19:30
close that that's okay what else we can
19:27 - 19:33
do here so we have so many things you
19:30 - 19:37
can trade it out we can we can even add
19:37 - 19:45
draw so you can say okay this is I mean
19:42 - 19:49
you you can try I don't know what
19:45 - 19:52
context maybe if you write a educational
19:49 - 19:55
article and you need something like this
19:52 - 19:58
and you can use that and insert that
19:55 - 19:59
into the article which is which is Al
19:58 - 20:02
which is also great
19:59 - 20:05
so yeah we don't need that now
20:02 - 20:07
but all right I think uh this is it we
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don't want to make the article too long
20:07 - 20:13
but this is it and we can export okay
20:09 - 20:17
let me export as um you can export as
20:13 - 20:20
markdown as words as HTML as text Json
20:17 - 20:23
PDF whatever I can just pick words and
20:20 - 20:26
I'm going to finish this this aticle and
20:23 - 20:29
then publish that all right it's
20:26 - 20:33
downloaded which is amazing
20:29 - 20:36
thanks give it a try and let us know if
20:33 - 20:39
you have any any thoughts feedback let
20:36 - 20:42
us know in a comments or you can contact
20:39 - 20:45
us from the dashboard here there's a way
20:42 - 20:47
you can click here and send a quick
20:45 - 20:51
feedback and we will fix it this is a
20:47 - 20:53
new product and we would like you to try
20:51 - 20:57
it out and let us know what you what you
20:53 - 20:57
think thank you