00:01 - 00:10

hey this is Ken here um so we wanted to

00:05 - 00:13

create a an article like our brand new

00:10 - 00:15

article where we introduce copy fast AI

00:13 - 00:17

to the to the public and I was like okay

00:15 - 00:20

why I just using copy fast AI in order

00:17 - 00:24

to show how how copy fast is efficient

00:20 - 00:28

to create SEO powered I mean SEO first

00:24 - 00:31

um content that reflect our brand and

00:28 - 00:33

tone and so on so I like okay let's just

00:31 - 00:37

try to create right now and and I'm

00:33 - 00:39

going to show you how easy it is how how

00:37 - 00:42

you can save time how efficient it is to

00:39 - 00:45

to create content using copy fast AI so

00:42 - 00:48

I'm gonna I'm GNA sign up but before

00:45 - 00:50

that let me let me show you the homepage

00:48 - 00:53

here uh you can see that we have

00:50 - 00:55

contents in our uh on our page uh we

00:53 - 00:58

have also the features we have the

00:55 - 01:01

pricing we have the FAQs and so on so

00:58 - 01:03

what's we're going to do is

01:01 - 01:05

uh okay this is this is the content I'm

01:03 - 01:08

just going to do that real quick to save

01:05 - 01:10

time so what's we're going to do is to

01:08 - 01:14

use copy fast

01:10 - 01:17

AI to create a Content that will

01:14 - 01:19

introduce like an article okay to be

01:17 - 01:21

more specific that will introduce copy

01:19 - 01:24

fast AI to the

01:21 - 01:27

public so we will and we will use this

01:24 - 01:30

just this link and from the link we will

01:27 - 01:34

be able to generate um an article that's

01:30 - 01:34

perfectly or efficiently not perfectly

01:34 - 01:38


01:34 - 01:43

efficiently uh presents or introduces

01:38 - 01:47

our uh product so we're going to sign in

01:43 - 01:50

here okay I am already in which is great

01:47 - 01:53

and I have many collections or folders

01:50 - 01:56

here but we want to create content for

01:53 - 01:59

copy AI so I'm just going to open this

01:56 - 02:01

collection and we will we will also

01:59 - 02:06

click here here create content real

02:01 - 02:10

quick and it will load now what we want

02:06 - 02:12

to do is to to create a blog post I pick

02:10 - 02:15

the collection it's here and it's

02:12 - 02:17

already English which is great we want

02:15 - 02:20

to give it we want to keep it

02:17 - 02:24

professional we want to have a bit of

02:20 - 02:26

you know storytelling and also we can

02:24 - 02:29

pick the number of words and the

02:26 - 02:32

keywords and here we will just pick

02:29 - 02:34

maybe two of three and copy fast AI will

02:32 - 02:36

be able to generate more keywords and

02:34 - 02:40

put that into the

02:36 - 02:44

article uh one of the keyword is

02:40 - 02:49

I contents

02:44 - 02:54

writer also do AI SEO we can also

02:49 - 02:54

do uh AI writing

02:55 - 03:01

assistant this uh we can also pick the

02:58 - 03:03

words let's say

03:01 - 03:06

uh chat

03:03 - 03:08


03:06 - 03:12


03:08 - 03:14

native right so now the source we need

03:12 - 03:17

to have at least one source or one

03:14 - 03:21

reference because we don't want to sound

03:17 - 03:24

too generic in our content so it's a

03:21 - 03:27

URL and uh we just want to be able to

03:24 - 03:30

read this content using AI so our AI is

03:27 - 03:34

sort of going to scan this and

03:30 - 03:35

introduce like a and create a an article

03:34 - 03:39

that will

03:35 - 03:46

introduce our products okay write an

03:39 - 03:48

article let's say on welcome to copy

03:46 - 03:48


03:49 - 03:55

AI um it's a sort of

03:54 - 03:58


03:55 - 04:00

article it's welcome type if I can say

03:58 - 04:03

so article

04:00 - 04:08


04:03 - 04:14

introduces our product let's say copy

04:08 - 04:16

fast AI to the

04:14 - 04:19


04:16 - 04:22

right now I'm going to click on

04:19 - 04:26

generate but what is happening here is

04:22 - 04:30

that our AI is reading the sources is

04:26 - 04:35

reading the prompts and analyz ing that

04:30 - 04:38

and and also making the the the draft of

04:35 - 04:40

the of the article and then putting all

04:38 - 04:43

the things together creating a structure

04:40 - 04:46

and reading the brand voice because we

04:43 - 04:50

already have a brand voice as we created

04:46 - 04:54

that uh previously so it's taking it

04:50 - 04:57

about a minutes or something so it's uh

04:54 - 05:00

using that um source that we attached

04:57 - 05:04

which is our landing page and from from

05:00 - 05:07

that Source translating the content from

05:04 - 05:10

the landing page to a SE read article

05:07 - 05:14

draft and then from there we will we

05:10 - 05:17

will use our AI uh editing tool so that

05:14 - 05:19

we can also edit and make that better

05:17 - 05:23

again so you have ai from content

05:19 - 05:26

creation to content editing here you go

05:23 - 05:28

uh we have our article it's pretty

05:26 - 05:30

straightforward here okay welcome to

05:28 - 05:32

copy fast AI

05:30 - 05:33

we have this okay in to this space look

05:32 - 05:37


05:33 - 05:41

landscape creating high quality and

05:37 - 05:41

engaging contents okay this this is good

05:43 - 05:49

however okay let's

05:46 - 05:51

say uh I want to improve this

05:49 - 05:53

introduction because I'm not a big fan

05:51 - 05:57

of that let's say this

05:53 - 06:00

improve this oh sorry we do have int uh

05:57 - 06:03

improve writing here improve

06:00 - 06:05

all right let's wait it's going to take

06:03 - 06:08

a couple of second all right in today's

06:05 - 06:11

bace okay it's it's improved I guess

06:08 - 06:15

okay AI powered content to make a with

06:11 - 06:18

by leverage AI okay all right I can

06:15 - 06:20

remove this I don't like this so this is

06:18 - 06:22

this is in real time I'm not going to

06:20 - 06:25

cut the video I really want to show you

06:22 - 06:27

how you can use this and I know that

06:25 - 06:30

there are people out there who who who

06:27 - 06:33

know better how to edit content

06:30 - 06:35

so I just want to show you what are the

06:33 - 06:39

tools that you can use in order to to

06:35 - 06:42

make a better product which is what we

06:39 - 06:44

want uh to make better content that's

06:42 - 06:47

what I should say so here okay what is

06:44 - 06:50

copy fast AI here is it Cutting Edge

06:47 - 06:53

platform H I don't like

06:50 - 06:55

this um

06:53 - 07:00

now let's

06:55 - 07:02

say simplify the the language let's say

07:00 - 07:04

we're going to simplify the language all

07:02 - 07:07

right is a tool that they use they use

07:04 - 07:09

artificial intelligence to help business

07:07 - 07:13

create great good content here a smart

07:09 - 07:15

editor I think I like this one this

07:13 - 07:20

makes it easy to produce content that

07:15 - 07:23

people will will like copy helps make

07:20 - 07:27

content that's easy for search

07:23 - 07:31

engine I think then make SEO let's let

07:27 - 07:31

me write SEO ready

07:33 - 07:38


07:35 - 07:41


07:38 - 07:46

um I think this this is fine for me it's

07:41 - 07:48

just a demo and also uh here we will see

07:46 - 07:50

the key features okay we have just okay

07:48 - 07:54

we have three that's okay yeah Power

07:50 - 07:58

content editor okay okay organized

07:54 - 08:00

collection I like this one oh this is

07:58 - 08:03

this is cool I like that

08:00 - 08:06

so what we can do

08:03 - 08:06

here let's

08:08 - 08:14

say Let me let me do this let me let me

08:11 - 08:17

ask AI so you can notice that we have

08:14 - 08:20

many ways of you know getting into the

08:17 - 08:23

AI so I could just press this so okay uh

08:20 - 08:25

ask AI let's

08:23 - 08:28


08:25 - 08:31


08:28 - 08:31

on why

08:32 - 08:40

a business needs a business needs to use

08:38 - 08:44

what to

08:40 - 08:44

use a AI

08:44 - 08:50

assistant in order

08:47 - 08:52

to assistant like it's it's always great

08:50 - 08:55

to be in context

08:52 - 08:58

here like in order

08:55 - 09:01

to write

08:58 - 09:04


09:01 - 09:05

articles that's

09:04 - 09:07


09:05 - 09:10


09:07 - 09:10


09:10 - 09:18

human it's say human human

09:14 - 09:21

friendly human friendly just say that or

09:18 - 09:24

human language friendly

09:21 - 09:24


09:24 - 09:30

just we going to create couple second we

09:27 - 09:30

will see

09:31 - 09:36


09:32 - 09:38

loading uh I think I should say in in in

09:36 - 09:41

one paragraph but they just wait because

09:38 - 09:45

it's going to be like long yeah this is

09:41 - 09:47

this is what I said so here it's too

09:45 - 09:47

long for

09:48 - 09:55

me I think we can cut some of

09:51 - 09:58

the the paragraphs here let's see we

09:55 - 10:02

have this to this then SC H I don't like

09:58 - 10:03

this production however producing okay

10:02 - 10:08

let's do

10:03 - 10:08

this can we simplify

10:08 - 10:17

this it's too long ask AI make shorter

10:14 - 10:18

they say make shorter C second you have

10:17 - 10:21


10:18 - 10:21

content let's

10:21 - 10:27

wait all

10:23 - 10:29

right I think it's shorter now only two

10:27 - 10:32

paragraphs c yeah okay this is this is

10:29 - 10:36

this is perfect for

10:32 - 10:41

me all right Ani syst that copy fast AI

10:36 - 10:41

empow okay te streamline

10:42 - 10:50

content elevating the ownes and and that

10:46 - 10:54

H you know what I like I like this one I

10:50 - 10:56

can remove this it's just like so if you

10:54 - 11:00

notice it's just like you were writing

10:56 - 11:03

on Google Docs or Microsoft software but

11:00 - 11:07

now you have ai with uh in in it and you

11:03 - 11:12

can use your own expertise your own

11:07 - 11:17

knowledge and also leveraging the the AI

11:12 - 11:21

features that copy fast as for you and

11:17 - 11:23

uh here what else what else can can we

11:21 - 11:26


11:23 - 11:30

okay how copy fast Works notice

11:26 - 11:36

this this contents

11:30 - 11:36

comes from our landing page we have it

11:36 - 11:43

here we have creates collection why

11:40 - 11:46

because in the collection you will

11:43 - 11:49

create a brand voice because you don't

11:46 - 11:52

want let's say that you work with uh

11:49 - 11:56

many many clients you have many projects

11:52 - 11:59

many websites uh that you write for you

11:56 - 12:01

don't want to sound the same in in all

11:59 - 12:03

the the articles that you are writing

12:01 - 12:07

for them so you want each website each

12:03 - 12:10

project each clients that you have you

12:07 - 12:13

you want them to have their own brand

12:10 - 12:15

Brin voice which is uh the best way to

12:13 - 12:19

do it because one of the the problems of

12:15 - 12:23

using AI uh to create content is like uh

12:19 - 12:25

there is a tendency to sound too generic

12:23 - 12:28

so that's why we were like okay we are

12:25 - 12:30

going to build products not only to help

12:28 - 12:35

people generate content but also edit

12:30 - 12:38

using AI but also we want to start from

12:35 - 12:41

a reference a real reference so that

12:38 - 12:44

copy fast which is our product will be

12:41 - 12:47

able to read that summarize or make a

12:44 - 12:50

copy out of it so that that is basically

12:47 - 12:53

copy fast and you will organize your

12:50 - 12:55

content in folders or collections so

12:53 - 12:56

that's why we have here you can create

12:55 - 12:58

collection and you you you start

12:56 - 13:00

generating content and you you can you

12:58 - 13:03

know edit and

13:00 - 13:06

publish which is here that's why you

13:03 - 13:09

create uh creat a collection generates

13:06 - 13:12

content edits and publish

13:09 - 13:14

benefits we have all the benefits here

13:12 - 13:17

we can go on and on and I'm going to

13:14 - 13:20

finish this uh I think I need to create

13:17 - 13:24

space here get started today and we we

13:20 - 13:26

even have the link you know so which

13:24 - 13:30


13:26 - 13:32

of sending people from the art iCal to

13:30 - 13:36

the actual products that we are trying

13:32 - 13:39

to to sell and uh yeah we can what what

13:36 - 13:40

can we do again here you know what um I

13:39 - 13:46

have an

13:40 - 13:46

idea why why don't we sort of

13:46 - 13:54


13:48 - 13:57

um table can can we do it uh I've never

13:54 - 14:00

done exactly what I'm trying to do here

13:57 - 14:05

but let's do that live a table yes let's

14:00 - 14:07

make a table we want a table of 3 three

14:05 - 14:07

I think that's

14:08 - 14:15

okay yeah we can we can do

14:11 - 14:18

that all right we do have a

14:15 - 14:18

table uh we do

14:19 - 14:26

this what's what's what can we do

14:23 - 14:30

here let's say the features right um

14:26 - 14:30

what is the first feature

14:31 - 14:39

it's this we're just trying this is a

14:34 - 14:41

random table and organized collection

14:39 - 14:45

okay let's do

14:41 - 14:50

this um real time collaboration so this

14:45 - 14:51

is like you can invite your members or

14:50 - 14:53

team members and so

14:51 - 14:57


14:53 - 15:00

um yeah I don't even know what's to add

14:57 - 15:03

on this table but it's say okay we can

15:00 - 15:05

do this it's okay oh it's too bold for

15:03 - 15:09

me I don't like

15:05 - 15:09

that uh let's do

15:11 - 15:18

this oh yeah sorry it should be here

15:15 - 15:21

because this is for the titles yeah uh

15:18 - 15:27

fure one let say fure one that's

15:21 - 15:31

fine okay this is feature two to say

15:27 - 15:34

that okay I think you see how it's going

15:31 - 15:35

and I'm creating this re in real time

15:34 - 15:39


15:35 - 15:42

to to see uh to to show you how help

15:39 - 15:45

helpful this can be oh I see this

15:42 - 15:47

shouldn't be be here actually let's add

15:45 - 15:53


15:47 - 15:55

what another column here we do this all

15:53 - 16:00

right you go

15:55 - 16:02

here now let me do this this this should

16:00 - 16:04


16:02 - 16:06

here this should

16:04 - 16:09


16:06 - 16:11

here this

16:09 - 16:17


16:11 - 16:19

this this here all right I like that now

16:17 - 16:21

this is our first feature oh this should

16:19 - 16:25

this should be in the first place this

16:21 - 16:29

should be here yes all

16:25 - 16:29

together in

16:31 - 16:36

all right this is beautiful I think

16:33 - 16:41

we're going all

16:36 - 16:44

right so here we have our our table uh

16:41 - 16:46

what we can do here we do

16:44 - 16:50

this put it

16:46 - 16:54

there all right uh yeah what is going to

16:50 - 16:58

we add let me try to do this how about

16:54 - 17:01

putting a video here we can add like a

16:58 - 17:04

video I've never done that before let's

17:01 - 17:07

try a brand

17:04 - 17:10

new picture we can add a YouTube

17:07 - 17:14

video uh but first we need to grab the

17:10 - 17:17

video right uh let me go let me go to

17:14 - 17:22

our product and just sign in all

17:17 - 17:27

right we have our YouTube channel it's

17:22 - 17:27

here let loading

17:30 - 17:36

all right let's say I'm going to grab

17:36 - 17:41

this you know what I'm just going to

17:38 - 17:41

grab this

17:43 - 17:46

one try

17:49 - 17:55

this right this is the

17:51 - 17:57

video let's see how let's see how it's

17:55 - 18:00

going to work this is my first time

17:57 - 18:03

trying to uh the video

18:00 - 18:07

here let

18:03 - 18:10

it here you go we have the

18:07 - 18:13

video right what can we do next I'm like

18:10 - 18:16

okay how about how about doing this how

18:13 - 18:19

about adding the sticky notes because I

18:16 - 18:21

say hey we need to update things give

18:19 - 18:24

sticky notes where where's

18:21 - 18:26

that we need a notes give me a second

18:24 - 18:29

I'm trying to find notes we need a notes

18:26 - 18:31

just to know where we at

18:29 - 18:33

all right this is it we have the

18:31 - 18:35

sticking notes we do that because we

18:33 - 18:39

want to be able

18:35 - 18:39

to uh let's say I to

18:39 - 18:46

do one

18:43 - 18:53

improve improve

18:46 - 18:56

the improve the do what improve the

18:53 - 18:56


18:57 - 19:03

to uh uh we can also say we can we can

19:00 - 19:06

say what again we can

19:03 - 19:08


19:06 - 19:12


19:08 - 19:12

twet X

19:12 - 19:20

poost and uh I mean this is this is this

19:16 - 19:22

is just a way to you know to to have

19:20 - 19:24

something cool like you have like a Todo

19:22 - 19:27

a list attached to it so we can also

19:24 - 19:30

close that that's okay what else we can

19:27 - 19:33

do here so we have so many things you

19:30 - 19:37

can trade it out we can we can even add

19:33 - 19:37

this XC

19:37 - 19:45

draw so you can say okay this is I mean

19:42 - 19:49

you you can try I don't know what

19:45 - 19:52

context maybe if you write a educational

19:49 - 19:55

article and you need something like this

19:52 - 19:58

and you can use that and insert that

19:55 - 19:59

into the article which is which is Al

19:58 - 20:02

which is also great

19:59 - 20:05

so yeah we don't need that now

20:02 - 20:07

but all right I think uh this is it we

20:05 - 20:09

don't want to make the article too long

20:07 - 20:13

but this is it and we can export okay

20:09 - 20:17

let me export as um you can export as

20:13 - 20:20

markdown as words as HTML as text Json

20:17 - 20:23

PDF whatever I can just pick words and

20:20 - 20:26

I'm going to finish this this aticle and

20:23 - 20:29

then publish that all right it's

20:26 - 20:33

downloaded which is amazing

20:29 - 20:36

thanks give it a try and let us know if

20:33 - 20:39

you have any any thoughts feedback let

20:36 - 20:42

us know in a comments or you can contact

20:39 - 20:45

us from the dashboard here there's a way

20:42 - 20:47

you can click here and send a quick

20:45 - 20:51

feedback and we will fix it this is a

20:47 - 20:53

new product and we would like you to try

20:51 - 20:57

it out and let us know what you what you

20:53 - 20:57

think thank you

Introducing Copy Fast AI: A Revolution in Content Creation and Editing

In this article, we will delve into the innovative world of Copy Fast AI, a cutting-edge platform that leverages artificial intelligence to streamline content creation and editing processes. By utilizing Copy Fast AI, businesses can effortlessly generate high-quality, SEO-powered content that resonates with their brand voice and engages audiences effectively.

Revolutionizing Content Creation with Copy Fast AI

With Copy Fast AI, the process of creating compelling content becomes a breeze. Users can simply input keywords, select the desired word count, and let the AI engine craft a well-structured article that not only meets SEO standards but also captivates readers. The ability to generate content quickly and efficiently is a game-changer in the digital marketing realm, enabling businesses to maintain a consistent online presence and drive organic traffic to their websites.

The Power of AI in Editing and Enhancing Content

Beyond content creation, Copy Fast AI offers a sophisticated editing tool that allows users to refine and improve their articles effortlessly. By leveraging AI-driven suggestions and corrections, writers can enhance the clarity, cohesiveness, and overall quality of their content in real time. This seamless integration of AI in the editing process not only saves time but also ensures that the final product is polished and professional.

Unveiling the Key Features of Copy Fast AI

Copy Fast AI boasts a range of features that set it apart from traditional content creation tools. From a powerful content editor to organized collections and real-time collaboration, the platform provides users with all the essential tools to streamline their content creation workflow. Additionally, Copy Fast AI's ability to generate SEO-friendly articles and adapt to different brand voices makes it a versatile and indispensable asset for businesses of all sizes.

Enhancing User Experience with Interactive Elements

In addition to its robust content creation and editing capabilities, Copy Fast AI offers interactive elements such as tables, videos, sticky notes, and more. These features not only enhance the visual appeal of the content but also provide users with additional means to organize and customize their articles according to their needs. Whether it's adding multimedia elements or creating task lists within the article, Copy Fast AI empowers users to craft engaging and dynamic content effortlessly.

Seamless Export and Feedback Integration

Upon creating and refining their content using Copy Fast AI, users can easily export the articles in various formats such as Markdown, Word, HTML, and more. This flexibility ensures that the content can be seamlessly integrated into different platforms and publishing channels. Additionally, Copy Fast AI encourages user feedback and suggestions, providing a direct channel for users to share their thoughts and contribute to the ongoing improvement of the platform.

In conclusion, Copy Fast AI represents a significant milestone in the evolution of content creation and editing tools. By combining the power of artificial intelligence with user-friendly features and interactive elements, Copy Fast AI empowers businesses to create compelling, SEO-driven content with ease. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, tools like Copy Fast AI will play a crucial role in helping businesses stay ahead of the curve and engage their audiences effectively.

From streamlined content creation to interactive editing tools, Copy Fast AI is paving the way for a new era of digital marketing. With its innovative features and user-friendly interface, Copy Fast AI is set to revolutionize the way businesses create and optimize content for the online world. Give it a try today and experience the power of AI in content creation like never before!