00:00 - 00:04

these are the people that run this

00:01 - 00:07

country China the final frontier or is

00:04 - 00:09

that space anyway so far my travels

00:07 - 00:11

across China have made International

00:09 - 00:13

headlines why because apparently if you

00:11 - 00:15

show this country in a positive light

00:13 - 00:17

you must be making communist propaganda

00:15 - 00:19

and I'm sick of it it's time to put

00:17 - 00:22

China to the real test join me as I

00:19 - 00:24

attempt to hitchhike over 2,000 km rough

00:22 - 00:26

camp in the strangest of places smoke up

00:24 - 00:28

with cops and travel with a man that may

00:26 - 00:30

or may not go on to become the most

00:28 - 00:32

famous Chinese truck driver on planet

00:30 - 00:34

Earth and since China is the freedom

00:32 - 00:36

denying social credit scoring Western

00:34 - 00:38

hating country that many believe it is

00:36 - 00:41

then none of this should be

00:38 - 00:41

possible should

00:42 - 00:49

it right then boys and

00:47 - 00:52

girls we have got a mission on our hands

00:49 - 00:55

today I've come to the edge of the city

00:52 - 00:58

jaag Guan and we're going to try to do

00:55 - 01:01

500 km today the plan generally is if I

00:58 - 01:03

can aim for 500 km hello brother how are

01:01 - 01:05

you nice to meet you nice to meet you

01:03 - 01:06

nice to meet you brother nice to meet

01:05 - 01:09

you nice to meet you where you from

01:06 - 01:14

England England England I like your car

01:09 - 01:18

bro nice car BMW German German car yeah

01:14 - 01:21

yeah so if we can do 500 km per day we

01:18 - 01:25

can get to Beijing in 4 days that's the

01:21 - 01:27

plan we might have a rest day we might

01:25 - 01:30

not be able to do it but let's give it a

01:27 - 01:30

good old go

01:31 - 01:36

I've got this piece of paper written in

01:34 - 01:38

Chinese that basically says who I am and

01:36 - 01:41

what I'm trying to do and it's really

01:38 - 01:41


01:50 - 01:54


01:53 - 01:56


01:54 - 02:01

okay you got

01:56 - 02:10

it one person yeah you got it

02:01 - 02:10

Z can I come with you as far as

02:12 - 02:17


02:14 - 02:19

okay yay we made some friends they're

02:17 - 02:22

going to take me to

02:19 - 02:22


02:23 - 02:28


02:26 - 02:31

okay no no no no i s the back I the back

02:28 - 02:31

I H the back

02:32 - 02:39

okay sh sh thank

02:36 - 02:42

you right so we've got a lift with these

02:39 - 02:46

guys they are driving dangerously fast

02:42 - 02:50

which is uh good and bad I've seen too

02:46 - 02:52

many videos recently of car crashes so

02:50 - 02:54

um but we'll get there we'll get there

02:52 - 02:57


02:54 - 02:57


03:02 - 03:06

okay okay okay right they might be

03:04 - 03:09

driving very dangerously but they have

03:06 - 03:11

got egg spoiled eggs to give me which is

03:09 - 03:13

very nice of them he said I'm sitting in

03:11 - 03:15

the front so then I'm I'm the waiter so

03:13 - 03:17

I need to give them the eggs which are

03:15 - 03:17

in the

03:24 - 03:30

front Chinese Red Bull I think this is

03:27 - 03:33

actually illegal in the UK because of

03:30 - 03:33

how much caffeine it

03:36 - 03:42

contains so these guys have actually

03:40 - 03:44

they're actually going to change their

03:42 - 03:49

route so that they can take me further

03:44 - 03:50

than they were going to okay so wway so

03:49 - 03:54


03:50 - 03:56

wway Jang wway and I will travel to

03:54 - 04:00

Beijing this way and they will drop me

03:56 - 04:02

around here and they will go down to

04:00 - 04:05

changu so

04:02 - 04:09

Wu I will travel this way they're

04:05 - 04:12

actually taking me about twice as far as

04:09 - 04:14

they were originally going to take me so

04:12 - 04:17

nice of

04:14 - 04:17


04:18 - 04:26

right this is going to be a quick change

04:22 - 04:26

over here and a Dody one

04:37 - 04:43

okay [ __ ]

04:39 - 04:45

hell this is the part where things get a

04:43 - 04:47


04:45 - 04:50

dangerous because you're walking on the

04:47 - 04:53

hard shoulder of aing Highway in China

04:50 - 04:54

but it has to be done

04:53 - 04:57

unfortunately I'm out here in the middle

04:54 - 04:59

of nowhere on the highway and I've just

04:57 - 05:02

seen this

04:59 - 05:02

I don't know if you can see

05:03 - 05:09

that looks like a cemetery of some kind

05:07 - 05:11

should we go and check it out so there

05:09 - 05:12

are just all these I'm literally out in

05:11 - 05:15

the middle of

05:12 - 05:15

nowhere all of these

05:16 - 05:21

Mounds looks like uh this looks like a

05:19 - 05:26


05:21 - 05:26

here and maybe these are

05:26 - 05:30

gravestones these are the kind of cool

05:28 - 05:32

things you find

05:30 - 05:36

when you don't take the trains or the

05:32 - 05:39

buses wow let me see if I can

05:36 - 05:41

translate beer and teeth it says here

05:39 - 05:44

but I'm sure

05:41 - 05:46

that's I'm sure that's not right Lu wuyu

05:44 - 05:48

M Shing Lang next to the character Wang

05:46 - 05:50

Yan and gave birth to a

05:48 - 05:53

child it's a family it looks like a

05:50 - 05:53


05:53 - 05:57

gravestone oh this would be a creepy

05:56 - 06:01


05:57 - 06:01

to camp at night time wouldn't it

06:04 - 06:10

right there's a police car here and I

06:07 - 06:13

think they're probably going to [ __ ]

06:10 - 06:13

I'm probably going to be in a bit of

06:19 - 06:23

trouble me

06:23 - 06:28

how okay sh

06:31 - 06:41

uh yingan I'm heading east I am trying

06:36 - 06:44

to make it to Beijing in 4 days

06:41 - 06:48

beij if you could just drop me off at

06:44 - 06:54

the next service area that would be

06:48 - 06:54

amazing okay okay okay sh sh sh sh sh

07:15 - 07:21


07:23 - 07:31

okay sh sh sh sh okay bye okay bye-bye

07:28 - 07:34

bye-bye bye bye thank you

07:31 - 07:38

and that is how you get a free ride from

07:34 - 07:41

the Chinese police in China they were so

07:38 - 07:42

lovely he said to me um he said to me

07:41 - 07:45

look you're not allowed to be on the

07:42 - 07:47

highway cuz it's dangerous so just you

07:45 - 07:49

just flag down the next car but they

07:47 - 07:51

said look you this this is a service

07:49 - 07:54

area you can sleep here you can eat here

07:51 - 07:55

and whatever so I'll take a quick break

07:54 - 07:58

and then I'll try and get back on the

07:55 - 08:00

road what time is it it's

07:58 - 08:02

4:00 I'm trying to find somewhere nice

08:00 - 08:02

to camp

08:03 - 08:10

tonight nin ali

08:06 - 08:13

um I'm heading east this

08:10 - 08:16

way I'm eventually trying to go to

08:13 - 08:20

Beijing but tonight I will Camp

08:16 - 08:23

somewhere in a Scenic

08:20 - 08:30

area where are you

08:23 - 08:30

going yeah I mean could you drop me here

08:31 - 08:34

yeah it's

08:35 - 08:41

okay very

08:37 - 08:41

nice beautiful very

08:53 - 08:59

beautiful so again is the the major

08:57 - 09:02

downsides of um traveling in China CH

08:59 - 09:04

without speaking the language you um you

09:02 - 09:05

just get lost in translation over

09:04 - 09:07

everything I'm trying to say like I

09:05 - 09:09

looked at the map the route that they're

09:07 - 09:11

taking and the place there's a there's a

09:09 - 09:13

campsite that I can sleep at which is

09:11 - 09:15

directly on the road but they think I

09:13 - 09:16

want to go to the national park so

09:15 - 09:18

they're like we can't take you there

09:16 - 09:19

it's too far away and I'm like no no no

09:18 - 09:21

it's okay I'm going to where you're

09:19 - 09:25


09:21 - 09:25

basically fny

09:30 - 09:33


09:31 - 09:36

another great thing about China is that

09:33 - 09:38

everyone gives me cigarettes all the

09:36 - 09:43

time sha

09:38 - 09:43

sh okay okay by I will walk thank you

09:46 - 09:53

bye bye nice people it's the second time

09:50 - 09:55

today that we are on the

09:53 - 09:57

highway let's hope that the police don't

09:55 - 09:59

stop us again I haven't got a [ __ ]

09:57 - 10:00

clue where we are but I saw on Google

09:59 - 10:04

Map that there is

10:00 - 10:06

a campsite close to here and if there

10:04 - 10:11

isn't then we'll

10:06 - 10:11

just Camp here somewhere in that

10:24 - 10:31

Village right I think this is the place

10:29 - 10:34

am I going to get robbed and murdered

10:31 - 10:34

and have my organs

10:36 - 10:41

harvested uh camping hello

10:41 - 10:47

sir okay I can camp here okay

10:48 - 10:51

uh yeah I

10:52 - 10:57

have uh that's okay I will

10:58 - 11:01

survive okay

11:09 - 11:14

uh okay where uh where is

11:18 - 11:24

that what I don't understand is the are

11:21 - 11:24

these places for sleeping

11:41 - 11:45


11:42 - 11:47


11:45 - 11:52

okay okay

11:47 - 11:55

sh okay sh thank you

11:52 - 11:55


11:56 - 12:01

um I don't understand what's

12:05 - 12:12

happening I said can I sleep in

12:09 - 12:14

your campsite over

12:12 - 12:16

here and he was like you need to go and

12:14 - 12:19

register I was like okay cool where do I

12:16 - 12:20

register and then he just took me here

12:19 - 12:22

and said I can

12:20 - 12:25


12:22 - 12:25


12:26 - 12:32

um and I'm just thinking do I like do I

12:29 - 12:32

just sleep in

12:32 - 12:37

there there's no one here it's an

12:36 - 12:41


12:37 - 12:41

Chinese construction yard

12:50 - 12:54

accommodation he literally just said he

12:53 - 12:56

said oh I'll take you to the place where

12:54 - 12:57

you can register and then I translated

12:56 - 13:00

it and he said you can sleep here and

12:57 - 13:06

then he just [ __ ] off

13:00 - 13:06

ah it's the place where they make wind

13:12 - 13:18

turbines it's an abandoned wind turbine

13:15 - 13:18


13:29 - 13:36

okay this is officially the creepiest

13:33 - 13:36


13:51 - 13:56

ever what's the

13:53 - 14:00

actual where am I I don't want to sleep

13:56 - 14:00

here I do not want to sleep here

14:03 - 14:08


14:05 - 14:10

man hey um first foreign dude just

14:08 - 14:12

rocked up for the first time in ages

14:10 - 14:14

should we send him to the abandoned

14:12 - 14:17

Chinese wind turbine Factory across the

14:14 - 14:19

road for a laugh I don't want to sleep

14:17 - 14:25

here but I don't

14:19 - 14:25

think I've got much Choice really

14:33 - 14:40

now fortunately for us there is a petrol

14:36 - 14:43

station here with food and drinks so hey

14:40 - 14:46

it's not all that bad it's not all that

14:43 - 14:46


15:05 - 15:10

and we can't forget two cold

15:12 - 15:19

beers there's nothing left to

15:14 - 15:23

do in this abandoned Chinese wind

15:19 - 15:26

turbine Factory then crack

15:23 - 15:29

opener delicious ice cold

15:26 - 15:32

beer eat some crisps

15:29 - 15:37

and wait for the morning to come

15:32 - 15:37

around who knows what tomorrow will

15:48 - 15:55

bring fck it right then chaps we've left

15:52 - 15:57

the weird wind turbine yard and we're

15:55 - 15:59

heading east to Beijing we're making

15:57 - 16:02

very good progress I'd say we're bit

15:59 - 16:05

between a quarter and a third of the way

16:02 - 16:07

there in one day which is very very good

16:05 - 16:11

and I've got high hopes for today that

16:07 - 16:13

was theing worst day ever although we

16:11 - 16:15

have to go to this we the thing is that

16:13 - 16:17

the the closer you get to Beijing the

16:15 - 16:20

more directions there are for people to

16:17 - 16:21

be traveling it which makes it difficult

16:20 - 16:25

so we're going to head south to

16:21 - 16:25

bayin and we'll head E from

16:27 - 16:33

there the old old trusty laminated piece

16:31 - 16:33


16:40 - 16:43


16:44 - 16:51

byebye so I've come up with a

16:46 - 16:54

plan this guy's going to the next town

16:51 - 16:57

right I want to go way further than that

16:54 - 16:59

I want to go East to Beijing and this is

16:57 - 17:01

a toll station right

16:59 - 17:04

so I'm sure there'll be people that are

17:01 - 17:06

going further or I've just said goodbye

17:04 - 17:10

to the only ride I'm going to get

17:06 - 17:14


17:10 - 17:16

today I'm wearing this velvet shirt

17:14 - 17:19

right for some dumb reason which might

17:16 - 17:26

be the hottest material in the

17:19 - 17:26


17:27 - 17:31

world I've just learned it's only taking

17:29 - 17:35

me 3 weeks to

17:31 - 17:35

learn where are you going in

17:39 - 17:45

Chinese no

17:41 - 17:45

Al B

18:03 - 18:11

ah you used to pray for level mind okay

18:07 - 18:11

I don't understand I don't understand

18:16 - 18:20

unfortunately so this lovely T this

18:19 - 18:23

lovely truck driver he's stopping here

18:20 - 18:24

in the town number one thing you don't

18:23 - 18:26

want to be when you're hit triking is in

18:24 - 18:28

the middle of a town so difficult to get

18:26 - 18:31

out of you end up having to get a taxi

18:28 - 18:34

to the edge of town it's just a bummer

18:31 - 18:37

okay shes thank you so

18:34 - 18:40

much okay

18:37 - 18:44

okay ah

18:40 - 18:44

okay byebye

18:51 - 19:06


19:04 - 19:09

so I ended up having to get a taxi to

19:06 - 19:11

the edge of town but Mike you said you

19:09 - 19:13

were going to hitchhike all the way to

19:11 - 19:16

Beijing yeah it's extremely difficult

19:13 - 19:19

when you're in the middle of a fraking

19:16 - 19:23

city um and she didn't even drop me off

19:19 - 19:23

where I wanted her to drop me off

19:38 - 19:47

I find yes I have already eaten thank

19:43 - 19:50

you that was so nice that guy on the

19:47 - 19:52

street was just

19:50 - 19:54

like come over here and then he gave me

19:52 - 19:56

a bottle of

19:54 - 19:59

water and then he said is your country

19:56 - 20:02

better or is my country better when I

19:59 - 20:02

said his country was

20:02 - 20:08

better I will

20:05 - 20:11

yeah I will just stand here and get some

20:08 - 20:11

lifts from

20:13 - 20:19

people I'm at a toll station we love a

20:17 - 20:22

good toll

20:19 - 20:24

station this is the thing you get

20:22 - 20:26

stopped and they're like oh you know

20:24 - 20:28

I'll help you we come with me and I'm

20:26 - 20:30

like no it's okay I can do it I just

20:28 - 20:33

need to

20:30 - 20:33

be over

20:40 - 20:44

there hey brother where are you

20:45 - 20:53

from London exactly I'm from

20:49 - 20:53

London you speak

20:54 - 20:59

English in the afternoon I will sit ah

21:00 - 21:02


21:06 - 21:09

okay thank you so

21:11 - 21:18

much I will not walk on the highway I

21:15 - 21:21

will just stand here and ask cars if

21:18 - 21:26

they can give me a lift going

21:21 - 21:26

east oh yes yes okay

21:40 - 21:44

thank you so much thank

21:45 - 21:50

you you are welcome thank

21:50 - 21:55


21:52 - 21:58

you so I was trying to hit likeke on the

21:55 - 21:59

um to Road and there's a police station

21:58 - 22:02

right here

21:59 - 22:05

so please put me into question me

22:02 - 22:09

and they went and bought me some

22:05 - 22:09

lunch which is just

22:09 - 22:15

incredible we absolutely love Chinese

22:12 - 22:17

pleas we love Chinese

22:15 - 22:21

pleas okay

22:17 - 22:22

sh no problem thank you so much so after

22:21 - 22:27

buying me a free

22:22 - 22:28

meal these guys are going to help me to

22:27 - 22:30

hit Chik they're going to try and stop

22:28 - 22:32

some cars for me that are heading in the

22:30 - 22:36

direction that I want to go

22:32 - 22:36

in it's just the

22:39 - 22:47

best right come on we've got a guy

22:42 - 22:50

that's going an hour up the highway

22:47 - 22:50

sh it's

22:57 - 23:04

okay thank you you so much for your help

22:59 - 23:06

sh sh yese brother bye brother thank you

23:04 - 23:09

brother byebye

23:06 - 23:11

brother wow sha thank you so much this

23:09 - 23:12

guy I was driving with yesterday showed

23:11 - 23:16

me this really good Chinese song so I'm

23:12 - 23:16

playing it on his Bluetooth

23:25 - 23:34


23:51 - 23:57

absolutely d man this is the worst day

23:54 - 24:00

of hit TR I've ever had just been stood

23:57 - 24:02

here for for an hour I'm just going to

24:00 - 24:04

go and speak to truck drivers try and

24:02 - 24:04

make some

24:09 - 24:18

friends okay

24:12 - 24:20

sh I have no idea bro thank you so much

24:18 - 24:23

thank you sh share thank you guys

24:20 - 24:27

goodbye goodbye see you

24:23 - 24:28

bye these guys just uh stopped they

24:27 - 24:31

couldn't give me a ride but they've

24:28 - 24:31

given me loads of

24:31 - 24:40

snacks juices and milks and strawberry

24:36 - 24:40

snacks thank you

24:40 - 24:49

bye-bye see

24:42 - 24:51


24:49 - 24:54

you right whose fing idea was it to hit

24:51 - 24:58

hike to Beijing this is

24:54 - 24:58

absolutely ridiculous

25:00 - 25:07

like what if I just can't do you know

25:02 - 25:07

what I mean what if I just don't get

25:07 - 25:11

there okay these people are like we'll

25:10 - 25:16

take you somewhere and then you can get

25:11 - 25:17

a car and a train and it's a ride so I'm

25:16 - 25:19

going to take it I have no idea where

25:17 - 25:21

they're going but it's away from this

25:19 - 25:21


25:22 - 25:32

station sh thank you sh sh

25:29 - 25:35

sorry my bag is very

25:32 - 25:35


25:35 - 25:39


25:46 - 25:53

oops amazing thank you guys thank you so

25:50 - 25:56

much thank you so much yeah welcome

25:53 - 26:00

thank you okay see you you helped me so

25:56 - 26:00

much thank you bye-bye

26:01 - 26:08

goodbye people keep giving me drinks and

26:04 - 26:08

I have quite literally nowhere to put

26:12 - 26:17

them except inside me so that was a

26:15 - 26:19

really wicked couple I met really cool

26:17 - 26:21

Chinese couple they said why don't you

26:19 - 26:24

come with us and you can take a bus to

26:21 - 26:28

Beijing and I was like oh that sounds so

26:24 - 26:31

nice that sounds so nice

26:28 - 26:33

but I haven't made the most of this tent

26:31 - 26:35

yet and I said we were going to hit

26:33 - 26:38

trike we're going to hit trike it might

26:35 - 26:39

take us a week it can't take me a week I

26:38 - 26:42

have to be back in hanai in less than a

26:39 - 26:45

week also I'm coming up with a new hitch

26:42 - 26:47

hiking strategy instead of being like

26:45 - 26:49

hey translate I'm trying to hit I'm from

26:47 - 26:52

the UK I'm just going to walk up to

26:49 - 26:55

people and I'm going to say

26:52 - 26:55


26:56 - 27:06

hey um uh Nali where I from England oh

27:02 - 27:10

England Nali Nali uh I'm

27:06 - 27:15

China I know but Nali now you're going

27:10 - 27:18

uh where are you going um I'm working at

27:15 - 27:20

here working here very cool very cool

27:18 - 27:22

okay I need to go I'll see you later so

27:20 - 27:24

as I was saying for I was rudely

27:22 - 27:26

interrupted by that rude Chinese man I'm

27:24 - 27:28

joking he was

27:26 - 27:31

lovely I'm just going to walk up to

27:28 - 27:33

people and I'm just going to say can I

27:31 - 27:36

have a

27:33 - 27:38

lift can I have a lift please that's all

27:36 - 27:38

I'm going to

27:43 - 27:48


27:45 - 27:51

good the plan is if I can just hang

27:48 - 27:53

around the service area for a while make

27:51 - 27:55


27:53 - 27:58

friends and then head east with them

27:55 - 27:58

that's the new plan

28:06 - 28:13

jangu jangu jangu jangu jangu jangu

28:10 - 28:15

jangu jangu jangu here is going to try

28:13 - 28:18

to help me I don't know how the problem

28:15 - 28:20

is I can't get to promise yes he

28:18 - 28:23

promises to help

28:20 - 28:25

me no one can drop me off at the

28:23 - 28:27

junction because it's on the highway and

28:25 - 28:29

very few people are turning left it's

28:27 - 28:31

complicated I'll show you on a map but I

28:29 - 28:34

found another road a secret Road where

28:31 - 28:36

there might be cars on let's check it

28:34 - 28:39


28:36 - 28:41

aha the secret road that goes underneath

28:39 - 28:43

the highway and heads kind of in the

28:41 - 28:45

direction I want to be going in we are

28:43 - 28:47

friend yes we are

28:45 - 28:51


28:47 - 28:53

friends tell you on a journey in here

28:51 - 28:56

now rush rush rush R

28:53 - 28:58

okay I put my bags here okay he's saying

28:56 - 29:01

he's going to take me on a journey

28:58 - 29:04

and as long as if it's off this

29:01 - 29:07

highway then let's do

29:04 - 29:07


29:09 - 29:14

uh no idea no idea what's going on no

29:12 - 29:14

idea what's going

29:15 - 29:23

on Shanghai Shanghai yes ah you're very

29:20 - 29:26

very far from home right right why are

29:23 - 29:28

you so far from home my wife is here

29:26 - 29:31

your wife is here

29:28 - 29:34

okay so this trap's helping me out big

29:31 - 29:39

style he's just picked up his two uh

29:34 - 29:45

Road building mates my home Yang Yang y

29:39 - 29:47

uh Chang Chang okay ch ch well next time

29:45 - 29:49

I am in Chang okay I'll give you a call

29:47 - 29:52

okay okay okay okay thank you brother

29:49 - 29:55

yeah yes thank you brother nice to meet

29:52 - 29:57

you nice to meet you take care thank you

29:55 - 29:58

bro thank you thank you thank you okay

29:57 - 30:01

okay okay

29:58 - 30:04

okay okay see you do I have everything

30:01 - 30:06

yes okay byebye bye bye bye right this

30:04 - 30:08

is um see you later see you later would

30:06 - 30:11

you bloody believe

30:08 - 30:14

it there's a toll station

30:11 - 30:18

here oh we've started another big

30:14 - 30:21

commotion at the [ __ ] toll booth

30:18 - 30:21

station again

30:21 - 30:25

ni everybody

30:28 - 30:32

I just want to head West it doesn't

30:31 - 30:36

really matter

30:32 - 30:39

where sorry East it is legal because

30:36 - 30:39

I've done it many

30:46 - 30:52

times you're so sweet thank you so much

30:49 - 30:54

no these are good these are good

30:52 - 30:56

dangerous no no no these are the these

30:54 - 30:59

are good because they travel very far

30:56 - 30:59


31:00 - 31:08

what say dangerous

31:04 - 31:11

dangerous no very

31:08 - 31:13

safe very safe this all of this

31:11 - 31:16

attention is detering all of this

31:13 - 31:16

attention is detering my

31:17 - 31:23

rid me

31:19 - 31:25

how everyone's laughing at

31:23 - 31:29


31:25 - 31:32

okay ah one two 3 four five six people

31:29 - 31:34

here not doing their jobs where it's

31:32 - 31:34


31:36 - 31:40

England I appreciate it but they're just

31:38 - 31:44

stopping me from working okay I take

31:40 - 31:46

everything back I love I do love toll

31:44 - 31:50

booths because we get a whole team of

31:46 - 31:51

people stopping their own work to help

31:50 - 31:54

me this man's just said wait a minute I

31:51 - 31:54

will help

31:56 - 32:06

you I have I have I have sh sh sh hi

32:03 - 32:06

he's asking for me

32:10 - 32:17

hi nice to meet you lovely people here

32:13 - 32:18

at the old uh polling polling place

32:17 - 32:20

thing that's really beautiful about

32:18 - 32:23

China and one thing

32:20 - 32:25

that's foreigners like me from Western

32:23 - 32:27

countries are extremely privileged when

32:25 - 32:30

they come to places like this is how

32:27 - 32:33

friend and supportive everybody is to me

32:30 - 32:34

and and how everyone wants to help me

32:33 - 32:37

there are so many foreigners in the

32:34 - 32:40

world that go to certain countries and

32:37 - 32:42

they are completely alone no one's

32:40 - 32:45

[ __ ] helping them people even go out

32:42 - 32:47

of their way to not help them you know

32:45 - 32:49

so I can't imagine what it would what

32:47 - 32:52

how it would feel right now to be in a

32:49 - 32:55

position where I was just completely on

32:52 - 32:58

my own and these people weren't helping

32:55 - 32:58


33:00 - 33:03


33:05 - 33:12

now sidan ah okay go to

33:12 - 33:20

Beijing that was the worst day ever for

33:17 - 33:23


33:20 - 33:25

um just I'm I've just been in the worst

33:23 - 33:27

positions they been the worst places

33:25 - 33:28

everyone's been going the other way the

33:27 - 33:30

people that have that have stopped are

33:28 - 33:32

going the other way people that are

33:30 - 33:34

going the right way haven't stopped or

33:32 - 33:35

have stopped and then said no and also

33:34 - 33:37

the language barrier is just getting

33:35 - 33:41

really difficult the language barrier is

33:37 - 33:44

getting really really difficult

33:41 - 33:46

um if tomorrow is the same I might just

33:44 - 33:48

pack it in and get a bus I might just

33:46 - 33:48

have to get a

33:53 - 33:58

bus so I won't lie yesterday wasn't a

33:56 - 33:59

very good day

33:58 - 34:00

and I felt very defeated by the end of

33:59 - 34:07


34:00 - 34:10

day however I did find the most stunning

34:07 - 34:13

beautiful place to camp and it all made

34:10 - 34:13

up for it have a look at

34:17 - 34:24

this it's the inside of the tolling

34:20 - 34:24

Booth office

34:41 - 34:45

yes so the toall booth people let me I

34:43 - 34:48

was like can I like can I camp my tent

34:45 - 34:51

around here somewhere and uh they were

34:48 - 34:53

like just Camp it inside of

34:51 - 34:55

our [ __ ]

34:53 - 34:57

playroom which was very very love and

34:55 - 34:59

they bought me a peach she bought me a

34:57 - 35:01

peach which was

34:59 - 35:03

lovely and I'm feeling a lot better

35:01 - 35:05

about today and we can give it another

35:03 - 35:07

go although they did say they said if

35:05 - 35:09

the shuttle bus comes past we're going

35:07 - 35:13

to put you on a shuttle bus that goes to

35:09 - 35:13

about halfway to Beijing

35:28 - 35:33

right we're back to it onwards and

35:30 - 35:36

upwards I uh you know what it's

35:33 - 35:39

difficult after a day like that just to

35:36 - 35:42

keep faith and not to lose hope and not

35:39 - 35:43

to want to run to the nearest bus

35:42 - 35:47

station I mean I don't even know if

35:43 - 35:49

there is a in my opinion it is easier to

35:47 - 35:52

hit Chik almost anywhere in the world

35:49 - 35:54

I've that I've been to than it is to go

35:52 - 35:56

and find some bus station in the middle

35:54 - 35:57

of nowhere and then find the right bus

35:56 - 35:59

at the right time that's going to the

35:57 - 36:02

right place

35:59 - 36:03

hello pavement on the side of the road

36:02 - 36:08

in the middle of nowhere China that I

36:03 - 36:08

[ __ ] love okay okay thank you

36:09 - 36:17

sir wow beautiful picture

36:14 - 36:21

beautiful m

36:17 - 36:24

m the lovely men at the tol Booth place

36:21 - 36:24

are helping me

36:25 - 36:30

now thank you

36:28 - 36:33

we've had the best start of the day ever

36:30 - 36:33

is he going to

36:36 - 36:42

Ulin okay okay ah thank

36:42 - 36:50

you thank you so

36:45 - 36:53

much okay okay sh sh thank you so much

36:50 - 36:53


37:02 - 37:08

I go to Beijing

37:05 - 37:10

okay this is Mr Chen I didn't know it at

37:08 - 37:13

the time but Mr Chen and I would go on

37:10 - 37:14

to form a strong meaningful Bond and a

37:13 - 37:16

friendship that would lead to him

37:14 - 37:21

becoming the world's most famous Chinese

37:16 - 37:25

truck driver thank you so much ming m

37:21 - 37:29

Hanz M nice to meet you nice to meet you

37:25 - 37:34

nice to meet you nice to meet you to yay

37:29 - 37:38

I Chinese you English yes yes yes yes

37:34 - 37:42

English English English English English

37:38 - 37:46

English you Chinese I am English

37:42 - 37:46

okay what goods are you

37:49 - 37:57

transporting okay

37:52 - 37:57


38:03 - 38:11

okay okay so this guy used to be a guard

38:07 - 38:13

at the British Embassy in China and now

38:11 - 38:16

he's transporting steel making materials

38:13 - 38:19

across the

38:16 - 38:19


38:21 - 38:28

oh thank you thank you you're

38:24 - 38:30

welcome cool man as is now naal

38:28 - 38:32

regulation us truckers you wouldn't

38:30 - 38:36

understand if you're not a trucker we

38:32 - 38:39

need to stop every 4 hours for a uh 20

38:36 - 38:43

minute break there a trucker thing thank

38:39 - 38:46

you sir sh

38:43 - 38:46


38:47 - 38:52


38:48 - 38:52

melon melon

38:54 - 38:58

melon so there was a big

38:56 - 39:00

misunderstanding about where I want to

38:58 - 39:02

go because I'm traveling to Beijing I've

39:00 - 39:03

just been saying that I'm going to kind

39:02 - 39:04

of the next place and then the next

39:03 - 39:07

place so he said I'll take you to the

39:04 - 39:10

next place I've just found out he's

39:07 - 39:14

going basically to Beijing he's going to

39:10 - 39:16

he Bay or he he Bay which is like 300 km

39:14 - 39:19

from Beijing so he said just can come

39:16 - 39:23

with me all the way yes

39:19 - 39:24

bro we're doing it that's amazing thank

39:23 - 39:27


39:24 - 39:28

sh ah we got a long day in this truck

39:27 - 39:31

now boys we got a long day in this truck

39:28 - 39:33

now and we're having a very very good

39:31 - 39:36


39:33 - 39:42


39:36 - 39:42


40:06 - 40:10

this is the power of Science and

40:07 - 40:12

Technology human beings will be more and

40:10 - 40:17

more progress we were born in an era of

40:12 - 40:17

enjoyment of Science and Technology

40:23 - 40:31


40:55 - 41:01

iing about

40:58 - 41:05

9 hours and for the first time in what

41:01 - 41:08

feels like months I'm seeing like just

41:05 - 41:11

Greenery and trees and forests I was in

41:08 - 41:13

Shing Jang which was a desert I was up

41:11 - 41:15

in the mountains north of that was just

41:13 - 41:19

desert everything from there to here has

41:15 - 41:19

just been desert and now look at

41:25 - 41:32

this so when you pay for things in China

41:28 - 41:34

everything sh everything is done on an

41:32 - 41:37


41:34 - 41:39

now everything is done on an app so it's

41:37 - 41:43

pretty convenient cuz you just have one

41:39 - 41:46

app for everything is it a completely

41:43 - 41:48

centralized way of doing everything yes

41:46 - 41:50

does it have all of your data and

41:48 - 41:54

payments and history in everywhere

41:50 - 41:57

you've been ever and one app yes it does

41:54 - 41:59

yeah however it is incredibly convenient

41:57 - 42:04

oh yeah by the way

41:59 - 42:06

um my driver's name isn't hungo I

42:04 - 42:10

thought his name was hungo I've been

42:06 - 42:12

calling him hungo all day his name's Mr

42:10 - 42:14

Chen um which I feel bad about cuz he

42:12 - 42:18

was like my name's after a [ __ ] 10

42:14 - 42:20

hours of us traveling together he's like

42:18 - 42:23

by the way my name is Mr

42:20 - 42:25

Chen and I'm like I asked you 8 hours

42:23 - 42:27

ago what your name was and you said

42:25 - 42:29


42:27 - 42:30

must have got lost in translation so

42:29 - 42:34

anyway his name is Mr Chen and he's one

42:30 - 42:34

of my favorite people in the

42:47 - 42:54

world so last night I slept in Mr Chen's

42:50 - 42:56

truck with him good night Mr Chen

42:54 - 42:58

hi I'm sleeping in Mr Chen's truck with

42:56 - 43:01

him I said we can you help me find

42:58 - 43:03

someone to park my tent and he said just

43:01 - 43:06

sleep in here if he's got a bunk bed

43:03 - 43:08

[ __ ] amazing I love this man wake up

43:06 - 43:12

I think you should come down and enjoy

43:08 - 43:12

the beauty of the mountains

43:15 - 43:19

okay I'm sorry that I'm so

43:19 - 43:24


43:21 - 43:26

oh Tai hang mountain is a very famous

43:24 - 43:27

mountain in China it is a whole mountain

43:26 - 43:31


43:27 - 43:37

there are probably from south to North

43:31 - 43:39

wow they are very very beautiful Mr CH

43:37 - 43:42

wow the Chinese people fought against

43:39 - 43:45

Japan and the Supreme General who died

43:42 - 43:51

in China comrad Zan died in

43:45 - 43:51

Zoran Zoran died here here

43:54 - 44:00

oh yeah

43:58 - 44:01

I've definitely woke up in worse places

44:00 - 44:04


44:01 - 44:06

man we're going to have some Brey we're

44:04 - 44:06

going to have some

44:12 - 44:17


44:13 - 44:17

oh delicious

44:19 - 44:22


44:32 - 44:37

I'm sweet I'm sweet man thank you I'm

44:39 - 44:45

happy So the plan is we're going to go

44:42 - 44:47

with Mr Chen to drop off his load and

44:45 - 44:49

then he's going to take me to a place

44:47 - 44:51

about 300 km from Beijing we're going to

44:49 - 44:54

hitri all the way hopefully be in

44:51 - 44:54

Beijing time for

44:54 - 44:58

dinner ah

44:58 - 45:02

look at the goat Junctions look at those

45:00 - 45:05

goat Junctions are those goats on the

45:02 - 45:08

top of the mountain yeah yeah yeah goats

45:05 - 45:08


45:09 - 45:12


45:14 - 45:19

cool ah the truck drivers have coming to

45:17 - 45:21

drop off

45:19 - 45:25


45:21 - 45:28

me life of a Chinese truck driver eh

45:25 - 45:30

never gets easier this job

45:28 - 45:34

so this

45:30 - 45:36

stuff is some kind of material that they

45:34 - 45:38

Ed to make

45:36 - 45:41

steel and that's what Mr Chen is doing

45:38 - 45:43

he picks this up one side of the country

45:41 - 45:45

drops it off in another side of the

45:43 - 45:47

country travels all this way for a you

45:45 - 45:49

know drops off a few tons of steel

45:47 - 45:51


45:49 - 45:54

stuff look at this place it's completely

45:51 - 45:54


46:03 - 46:07

this is very this is kind of interesting

46:05 - 46:09

because you know traveling around a a

46:07 - 46:12


46:09 - 46:16

country you see the things that all the

46:12 - 46:18

tourists see now what you don't see is

46:16 - 46:21

how a truck

46:18 - 46:25

driver unloads a truck full of steel

46:21 - 46:25

steel making materials

46:42 - 46:49

now this is the real china these are the

46:45 - 46:49

people that run this country

47:12 - 47:17

so I'm not actually going to go inside

47:14 - 47:19

the giant air hanger filled with steel

47:17 - 47:21

making materials because I've just

47:19 - 47:23

realized it's probably highly highly

47:21 - 47:28

toxic to

47:23 - 47:28

inhale you got it

47:28 - 47:34

nice so here's what's going to happen

47:30 - 47:36

now Mr Chen is going to take me very

47:34 - 47:38

close to Beijing and then I'm going to

47:36 - 47:43

get a train into Beijing and I'll tell

47:38 - 47:46

you why number one I feel like helping

47:43 - 47:48

Mr Chen on his journey has been a really

47:46 - 47:49

positive and climactic way for me to

47:48 - 47:52


47:49 - 47:53

mine I know I wanted to stop at the

47:52 - 47:55

start at the great wall and finish at

47:53 - 47:58

the Great Wall we will be doing that on

47:55 - 48:00

the next one

47:58 - 48:03

and the other reason is because I

48:00 - 48:06

absolutely stink I I have not shed I've

48:03 - 48:07

not washed my balls for 4 days um my

48:06 - 48:10

clothes think I haven't changed my

48:07 - 48:13

underwear it's I'm just gross and having

48:10 - 48:17

myself having this body having this body

48:13 - 48:20

in anyone's car would be a punishment to

48:17 - 48:22

them so I'm going to get a train in 1

48:20 - 48:24

hour it's going to be 1 hour training to

48:22 - 48:25

Beijing so I'll say goodbye to Mr Chen

48:24 - 48:27

when he drops me

48:25 - 48:31

off and then will be in

48:27 - 48:34

Beijing let's go Mr Chen let's go he's

48:31 - 48:37

picked up his paycheck I'm [ __ ] happy

48:34 - 48:37

for him let's do

48:44 - 48:50

it it's so hot Mr Chen is walking me to

48:48 - 48:54

the train station as we begin the last

48:50 - 48:57

hour of our journey into

48:54 - 48:59

Beijing it's so hot outside that it's

48:57 - 49:02

yeah it's very hot outside you're

48:59 - 49:05

correct Mr Chen Jesus and I'm telling

49:02 - 49:05

you man it's hot here in

49:07 - 49:16

Beijing wait wait wait wait wait wait

49:10 - 49:20

wait thank you thank you okay bye see

49:16 - 49:22

you I love you byebye

49:20 - 49:27

bye thank

49:22 - 49:30

you I just said goodbye to Mr Shen

49:27 - 49:30

Mr Chen his name is Mr

49:31 - 49:36

Chen as I ventured Into the Heart of the

49:33 - 49:38

world's most populated Capital City the

49:36 - 49:39

taste of dried beef on my tongue and the

49:38 - 49:42

weight of the journey lingering in the

49:39 - 49:44

air around me I reflected on the past 4

49:42 - 49:46

days I thought about the road I had

49:44 - 49:48

traveled and the people who made it

49:46 - 49:50

possible the friendly faces at toll

49:48 - 49:52

booths the police officers who not only

49:50 - 49:55

fed me but helped me find my way and of

49:52 - 49:57

course Mr Chen how fortunate I was to

49:55 - 50:00

have been granted a window into the

49:57 - 50:03

lives of these remarkable yet seemingly

50:00 - 50:06

ordinary individuals in the end it's

50:03 - 50:10

these wonderful everyday people who

50:06 - 50:10

restore our faith in humanity

Hitchhiking Across China: My Journey to Beijing with Remarkable People

Joining me on an extraordinary adventure, I set out to hitchhike over 2,000 km across China, facing the challenges of language barriers, cultural differences, and misconceptions about this vast country. Many perceive China as a restrictive state, but my experiences told a different story—one filled with kindness, generosity, and welcoming encounters. This journey is a testament to the real people who shape this country, revealing the beauty of human connection against a backdrop of a misunderstood culture.

Understanding the Journey Begins

Setting off from Jang Guan, my initial goal was straightforward: travel 500 km each day toward Beijing. Armed with a piece of paper detailing my intentions in Chinese, I found my first ride, a group of friendly locals who were willing to take me farther than planned. Despite their dangerously fast driving, we managed to bond over shared snacks and laughter—a scene that would define many of my encounters.

Unexpected Encounters: Friends Along the Way

As I journeyed further, moments of pure kindness unfolded. An unexpected flat on the highway saw me interacting with a police car. Instead of a stern reprimand, the officers offered lunch and assistance in flagging down more rides. These experiences highlighted how kindness transcends barriers, showcasing the warmth of the Chinese people who helped me navigate their land.

The Challenge of Communication

Navigating the complexities of language posed its challenges, often resulting in amusing misunderstandings. When seeking directions to a campsite, I ended up in an abandoned wind turbine factory! Although daunting, it encapsulated the unpredictable essence of traveling in a foreign country. This spontaneous detour turned into a humorous reflection on the adventure's quirks.

Hitchhiking: More than Just a Ride

Hitchhiking turned from a mere means of transport into a way of building connections. Local truck drivers like Mr. Chen became a highlight of my journey. By merely speaking and exchanging stories, I formed friendships that transcend cultural confines.

The Generosity of Strangers

Time and again, I encountered individuals who went out of their way to assist me. From sharing food and drinks to offering rides, their generosity illuminated the journey. Even in moments of frustration, these interactions restored my faith in humanity, reminding me that beneath the surface of any culture lies a shared spirit of kindness.

The Culmination: Beijing Awaits

After numerous adventures, I finally found myself on the edge of Beijing, thanks to Mr. Chen. The last stretch of my journey saw me reflecting on the endless support I received along the way. Every person I encountered—friendly passersby, helpful truck drivers, and even the police—played a crucial role in navigating my journey.

As I boarded the train to the heart of China’s capital, it dawned on me that my experiences were more than just a trek; they were a reminder of the richness found in giving and receiving help, forging connections through shared laughter and kindness. The view from the train, with the city skyline emerging in the distance, was breathtaking—a perfect end to a journey of a lifetime.

The Message: Humanity Unveiled

The trek across China, rather than just a geographical journey, showed me the true heart of this vast nation. It’s not just about the sights and sounds; it’s the people who define the experience. From the warmth of a simple meal shared with strangers to the joy of finding a friend in a truck driver, these moments highlighted the essence of human connection that often gets lost in translation.

As I stepped off the train into Beijing, I carried with me not only the memories of the landscape I traversed but the rich tapestry of stories from the people I met. China may be a land of different languages and customs, but the desire for connection knows no borders. This journey stands as an invitation for others to seek their own adventures and today, I leave you with this thought—it's the people we meet along our path that truly enrich our journey.