00:00 - 00:04
these are the people that run this
00:01 - 00:07
country China the final frontier or is
00:04 - 00:09
that space anyway so far my travels
00:07 - 00:11
across China have made International
00:09 - 00:13
headlines why because apparently if you
00:11 - 00:15
show this country in a positive light
00:13 - 00:17
you must be making communist propaganda
00:15 - 00:19
and I'm sick of it it's time to put
00:17 - 00:22
China to the real test join me as I
00:19 - 00:24
attempt to hitchhike over 2,000 km rough
00:22 - 00:26
camp in the strangest of places smoke up
00:24 - 00:28
with cops and travel with a man that may
00:26 - 00:30
or may not go on to become the most
00:28 - 00:32
famous Chinese truck driver on planet
00:30 - 00:34
Earth and since China is the freedom
00:32 - 00:36
denying social credit scoring Western
00:34 - 00:38
hating country that many believe it is
00:36 - 00:41
then none of this should be
00:38 - 00:41
possible should
00:42 - 00:49
it right then boys and
00:47 - 00:52
girls we have got a mission on our hands
00:49 - 00:55
today I've come to the edge of the city
00:52 - 00:58
jaag Guan and we're going to try to do
00:55 - 01:01
500 km today the plan generally is if I
00:58 - 01:03
can aim for 500 km hello brother how are
01:01 - 01:05
you nice to meet you nice to meet you
01:03 - 01:06
nice to meet you brother nice to meet
01:05 - 01:09
you nice to meet you where you from
01:06 - 01:14
England England England I like your car
01:09 - 01:18
bro nice car BMW German German car yeah
01:14 - 01:21
yeah so if we can do 500 km per day we
01:18 - 01:25
can get to Beijing in 4 days that's the
01:21 - 01:27
plan we might have a rest day we might
01:25 - 01:30
not be able to do it but let's give it a
01:31 - 01:36
I've got this piece of paper written in
01:34 - 01:38
Chinese that basically says who I am and
01:36 - 01:41
what I'm trying to do and it's really
01:54 - 02:01
okay you got
01:56 - 02:10
it one person yeah you got it
02:01 - 02:10
Z can I come with you as far as
02:14 - 02:19
okay yay we made some friends they're
02:17 - 02:22
going to take me to
02:26 - 02:31
okay no no no no i s the back I the back
02:28 - 02:31
I H the back
02:32 - 02:39
okay sh sh thank
02:36 - 02:42
you right so we've got a lift with these
02:39 - 02:46
guys they are driving dangerously fast
02:42 - 02:50
which is uh good and bad I've seen too
02:46 - 02:52
many videos recently of car crashes so
02:50 - 02:54
um but we'll get there we'll get there
03:02 - 03:06
okay okay okay right they might be
03:04 - 03:09
driving very dangerously but they have
03:06 - 03:11
got egg spoiled eggs to give me which is
03:09 - 03:13
very nice of them he said I'm sitting in
03:11 - 03:15
the front so then I'm I'm the waiter so
03:13 - 03:17
I need to give them the eggs which are
03:24 - 03:30
front Chinese Red Bull I think this is
03:27 - 03:33
actually illegal in the UK because of
03:30 - 03:33
how much caffeine it
03:36 - 03:42
contains so these guys have actually
03:40 - 03:44
they're actually going to change their
03:42 - 03:49
route so that they can take me further
03:44 - 03:50
than they were going to okay so wway so
03:50 - 03:56
wway Jang wway and I will travel to
03:54 - 04:00
Beijing this way and they will drop me
03:56 - 04:02
around here and they will go down to
04:02 - 04:09
Wu I will travel this way they're
04:05 - 04:12
actually taking me about twice as far as
04:09 - 04:14
they were originally going to take me so
04:18 - 04:26
right this is going to be a quick change
04:22 - 04:26
over here and a Dody one
04:39 - 04:45
hell this is the part where things get a
04:45 - 04:50
dangerous because you're walking on the
04:47 - 04:53
hard shoulder of aing Highway in China
04:50 - 04:54
but it has to be done
04:53 - 04:57
unfortunately I'm out here in the middle
04:54 - 04:59
of nowhere on the highway and I've just
04:59 - 05:02
I don't know if you can see
05:03 - 05:09
that looks like a cemetery of some kind
05:07 - 05:11
should we go and check it out so there
05:09 - 05:12
are just all these I'm literally out in
05:11 - 05:15
the middle of
05:12 - 05:15
nowhere all of these
05:16 - 05:21
Mounds looks like uh this looks like a
05:21 - 05:26
here and maybe these are
05:26 - 05:30
gravestones these are the kind of cool
05:28 - 05:32
things you find
05:30 - 05:36
when you don't take the trains or the
05:32 - 05:39
buses wow let me see if I can
05:36 - 05:41
translate beer and teeth it says here
05:39 - 05:44
but I'm sure
05:41 - 05:46
that's I'm sure that's not right Lu wuyu
05:44 - 05:48
M Shing Lang next to the character Wang
05:46 - 05:50
Yan and gave birth to a
05:48 - 05:53
child it's a family it looks like a
05:53 - 05:57
gravestone oh this would be a creepy
05:57 - 06:01
to camp at night time wouldn't it
06:04 - 06:10
right there's a police car here and I
06:07 - 06:13
think they're probably going to [ __ ]
06:10 - 06:13
I'm probably going to be in a bit of
06:31 - 06:41
uh yingan I'm heading east I am trying
06:36 - 06:44
to make it to Beijing in 4 days
06:41 - 06:48
beij if you could just drop me off at
06:44 - 06:54
the next service area that would be
06:48 - 06:54
amazing okay okay okay sh sh sh sh sh
07:23 - 07:31
okay sh sh sh sh okay bye okay bye-bye
07:28 - 07:34
bye-bye bye bye thank you
07:31 - 07:38
and that is how you get a free ride from
07:34 - 07:41
the Chinese police in China they were so
07:38 - 07:42
lovely he said to me um he said to me
07:41 - 07:45
look you're not allowed to be on the
07:42 - 07:47
highway cuz it's dangerous so just you
07:45 - 07:49
just flag down the next car but they
07:47 - 07:51
said look you this this is a service
07:49 - 07:54
area you can sleep here you can eat here
07:51 - 07:55
and whatever so I'll take a quick break
07:54 - 07:58
and then I'll try and get back on the
07:55 - 08:00
road what time is it it's
07:58 - 08:02
4:00 I'm trying to find somewhere nice
08:03 - 08:10
tonight nin ali
08:06 - 08:13
um I'm heading east this
08:10 - 08:16
way I'm eventually trying to go to
08:13 - 08:20
Beijing but tonight I will Camp
08:16 - 08:23
somewhere in a Scenic
08:20 - 08:30
area where are you
08:23 - 08:30
going yeah I mean could you drop me here
08:31 - 08:34
yeah it's
08:37 - 08:41
nice beautiful very
08:53 - 08:59
beautiful so again is the the major
08:57 - 09:02
downsides of um traveling in China CH
08:59 - 09:04
without speaking the language you um you
09:02 - 09:05
just get lost in translation over
09:04 - 09:07
everything I'm trying to say like I
09:05 - 09:09
looked at the map the route that they're
09:07 - 09:11
taking and the place there's a there's a
09:09 - 09:13
campsite that I can sleep at which is
09:11 - 09:15
directly on the road but they think I
09:13 - 09:16
want to go to the national park so
09:15 - 09:18
they're like we can't take you there
09:16 - 09:19
it's too far away and I'm like no no no
09:18 - 09:21
it's okay I'm going to where you're
09:21 - 09:25
basically fny
09:31 - 09:36
another great thing about China is that
09:33 - 09:38
everyone gives me cigarettes all the
09:38 - 09:43
sh okay okay by I will walk thank you
09:46 - 09:53
bye bye nice people it's the second time
09:50 - 09:55
today that we are on the
09:53 - 09:57
highway let's hope that the police don't
09:55 - 09:59
stop us again I haven't got a [ __ ]
09:57 - 10:00
clue where we are but I saw on Google
09:59 - 10:04
Map that there is
10:00 - 10:06
a campsite close to here and if there
10:04 - 10:11
isn't then we'll
10:06 - 10:11
just Camp here somewhere in that
10:24 - 10:31
Village right I think this is the place
10:29 - 10:34
am I going to get robbed and murdered
10:31 - 10:34
and have my organs
10:36 - 10:41
harvested uh camping hello
10:41 - 10:47
sir okay I can camp here okay
10:52 - 10:57
have uh that's okay I will
10:58 - 11:01
survive okay
11:09 - 11:14
uh okay where uh where is
11:18 - 11:24
that what I don't understand is the are
11:21 - 11:24
these places for sleeping
11:47 - 11:55
sh okay sh thank you
11:56 - 12:01
um I don't understand what's
12:05 - 12:12
happening I said can I sleep in
12:09 - 12:14
your campsite over
12:12 - 12:16
here and he was like you need to go and
12:14 - 12:19
register I was like okay cool where do I
12:16 - 12:20
register and then he just took me here
12:19 - 12:22
and said I can
12:26 - 12:32
um and I'm just thinking do I like do I
12:29 - 12:32
just sleep in
12:32 - 12:37
there there's no one here it's an
12:37 - 12:41
Chinese construction yard
12:50 - 12:54
accommodation he literally just said he
12:53 - 12:56
said oh I'll take you to the place where
12:54 - 12:57
you can register and then I translated
12:56 - 13:00
it and he said you can sleep here and
12:57 - 13:06
then he just [ __ ] off
13:00 - 13:06
ah it's the place where they make wind
13:12 - 13:18
turbines it's an abandoned wind turbine
13:29 - 13:36
okay this is officially the creepiest
13:51 - 13:56
ever what's the
13:53 - 14:00
actual where am I I don't want to sleep
13:56 - 14:00
here I do not want to sleep here
14:05 - 14:10
man hey um first foreign dude just
14:08 - 14:12
rocked up for the first time in ages
14:10 - 14:14
should we send him to the abandoned
14:12 - 14:17
Chinese wind turbine Factory across the
14:14 - 14:19
road for a laugh I don't want to sleep
14:17 - 14:25
here but I don't
14:19 - 14:25
think I've got much Choice really
14:33 - 14:40
now fortunately for us there is a petrol
14:36 - 14:43
station here with food and drinks so hey
14:40 - 14:46
it's not all that bad it's not all that
15:05 - 15:10
and we can't forget two cold
15:12 - 15:19
beers there's nothing left to
15:14 - 15:23
do in this abandoned Chinese wind
15:19 - 15:26
turbine Factory then crack
15:23 - 15:29
opener delicious ice cold
15:26 - 15:32
beer eat some crisps
15:29 - 15:37
and wait for the morning to come
15:32 - 15:37
around who knows what tomorrow will
15:48 - 15:55
bring fck it right then chaps we've left
15:52 - 15:57
the weird wind turbine yard and we're
15:55 - 15:59
heading east to Beijing we're making
15:57 - 16:02
very good progress I'd say we're bit
15:59 - 16:05
between a quarter and a third of the way
16:02 - 16:07
there in one day which is very very good
16:05 - 16:11
and I've got high hopes for today that
16:07 - 16:13
was theing worst day ever although we
16:11 - 16:15
have to go to this we the thing is that
16:13 - 16:17
the the closer you get to Beijing the
16:15 - 16:20
more directions there are for people to
16:17 - 16:21
be traveling it which makes it difficult
16:20 - 16:25
so we're going to head south to
16:21 - 16:25
bayin and we'll head E from
16:27 - 16:33
there the old old trusty laminated piece
16:44 - 16:51
byebye so I've come up with a
16:46 - 16:54
plan this guy's going to the next town
16:51 - 16:57
right I want to go way further than that
16:54 - 16:59
I want to go East to Beijing and this is
16:57 - 17:01
a toll station right
16:59 - 17:04
so I'm sure there'll be people that are
17:01 - 17:06
going further or I've just said goodbye
17:04 - 17:10
to the only ride I'm going to get
17:10 - 17:16
today I'm wearing this velvet shirt
17:14 - 17:19
right for some dumb reason which might
17:16 - 17:26
be the hottest material in the
17:27 - 17:31
world I've just learned it's only taking
17:29 - 17:35
me 3 weeks to
17:31 - 17:35
learn where are you going in
18:03 - 18:11
ah you used to pray for level mind okay
18:07 - 18:11
I don't understand I don't understand
18:16 - 18:20
unfortunately so this lovely T this
18:19 - 18:23
lovely truck driver he's stopping here
18:20 - 18:24
in the town number one thing you don't
18:23 - 18:26
want to be when you're hit triking is in
18:24 - 18:28
the middle of a town so difficult to get
18:26 - 18:31
out of you end up having to get a taxi
18:28 - 18:34
to the edge of town it's just a bummer
18:31 - 18:37
okay shes thank you so
19:04 - 19:09
so I ended up having to get a taxi to
19:06 - 19:11
the edge of town but Mike you said you
19:09 - 19:13
were going to hitchhike all the way to
19:11 - 19:16
Beijing yeah it's extremely difficult
19:13 - 19:19
when you're in the middle of a fraking
19:16 - 19:23
city um and she didn't even drop me off
19:19 - 19:23
where I wanted her to drop me off
19:38 - 19:47
I find yes I have already eaten thank
19:43 - 19:50
you that was so nice that guy on the
19:47 - 19:52
street was just
19:50 - 19:54
like come over here and then he gave me
19:54 - 19:59
water and then he said is your country
19:56 - 20:02
better or is my country better when I
19:59 - 20:02
said his country was
20:02 - 20:08
better I will
20:05 - 20:11
yeah I will just stand here and get some
20:13 - 20:19
people I'm at a toll station we love a
20:19 - 20:24
station this is the thing you get
20:22 - 20:26
stopped and they're like oh you know
20:24 - 20:28
I'll help you we come with me and I'm
20:26 - 20:30
like no it's okay I can do it I just
20:40 - 20:44
there hey brother where are you
20:45 - 20:53
from London exactly I'm from
20:49 - 20:53
London you speak
20:54 - 20:59
English in the afternoon I will sit ah
21:06 - 21:09
okay thank you so
21:11 - 21:18
much I will not walk on the highway I
21:15 - 21:21
will just stand here and ask cars if
21:18 - 21:26
they can give me a lift going
21:21 - 21:26
east oh yes yes okay
21:40 - 21:44
thank you so much thank
21:45 - 21:50
you you are welcome thank
21:52 - 21:58
you so I was trying to hit likeke on the
21:55 - 21:59
um to Road and there's a police station
21:59 - 22:05
so please put me into question me
22:02 - 22:09
and they went and bought me some
22:05 - 22:09
lunch which is just
22:09 - 22:15
incredible we absolutely love Chinese
22:12 - 22:17
pleas we love Chinese
22:17 - 22:22
sh no problem thank you so much so after
22:21 - 22:27
buying me a free
22:22 - 22:28
meal these guys are going to help me to
22:27 - 22:30
hit Chik they're going to try and stop
22:28 - 22:32
some cars for me that are heading in the
22:30 - 22:36
direction that I want to go
22:32 - 22:36
in it's just the
22:39 - 22:47
best right come on we've got a guy
22:42 - 22:50
that's going an hour up the highway
22:57 - 23:04
okay thank you you so much for your help
22:59 - 23:06
sh sh yese brother bye brother thank you
23:04 - 23:09
brother byebye
23:06 - 23:11
brother wow sha thank you so much this
23:09 - 23:12
guy I was driving with yesterday showed
23:11 - 23:16
me this really good Chinese song so I'm
23:12 - 23:16
playing it on his Bluetooth
23:51 - 23:57
absolutely d man this is the worst day
23:54 - 24:00
of hit TR I've ever had just been stood
23:57 - 24:02
here for for an hour I'm just going to
24:00 - 24:04
go and speak to truck drivers try and
24:09 - 24:18
friends okay
24:12 - 24:20
sh I have no idea bro thank you so much
24:18 - 24:23
thank you sh share thank you guys
24:20 - 24:27
goodbye goodbye see you
24:23 - 24:28
bye these guys just uh stopped they
24:27 - 24:31
couldn't give me a ride but they've
24:28 - 24:31
given me loads of
24:31 - 24:40
snacks juices and milks and strawberry
24:36 - 24:40
snacks thank you
24:49 - 24:54
you right whose fing idea was it to hit
24:51 - 24:58
hike to Beijing this is
24:54 - 24:58
absolutely ridiculous
25:00 - 25:07
like what if I just can't do you know
25:02 - 25:07
what I mean what if I just don't get
25:07 - 25:11
there okay these people are like we'll
25:10 - 25:16
take you somewhere and then you can get
25:11 - 25:17
a car and a train and it's a ride so I'm
25:16 - 25:19
going to take it I have no idea where
25:17 - 25:21
they're going but it's away from this
25:22 - 25:32
station sh thank you sh sh
25:29 - 25:35
sorry my bag is very
25:46 - 25:53
oops amazing thank you guys thank you so
25:50 - 25:56
much thank you so much yeah welcome
25:53 - 26:00
thank you okay see you you helped me so
25:56 - 26:00
much thank you bye-bye
26:01 - 26:08
goodbye people keep giving me drinks and
26:04 - 26:08
I have quite literally nowhere to put
26:12 - 26:17
them except inside me so that was a
26:15 - 26:19
really wicked couple I met really cool
26:17 - 26:21
Chinese couple they said why don't you
26:19 - 26:24
come with us and you can take a bus to
26:21 - 26:28
Beijing and I was like oh that sounds so
26:24 - 26:31
nice that sounds so nice
26:28 - 26:33
but I haven't made the most of this tent
26:31 - 26:35
yet and I said we were going to hit
26:33 - 26:38
trike we're going to hit trike it might
26:35 - 26:39
take us a week it can't take me a week I
26:38 - 26:42
have to be back in hanai in less than a
26:39 - 26:45
week also I'm coming up with a new hitch
26:42 - 26:47
hiking strategy instead of being like
26:45 - 26:49
hey translate I'm trying to hit I'm from
26:47 - 26:52
the UK I'm just going to walk up to
26:49 - 26:55
people and I'm going to say
26:56 - 27:06
hey um uh Nali where I from England oh
27:02 - 27:10
England Nali Nali uh I'm
27:06 - 27:15
China I know but Nali now you're going
27:10 - 27:18
uh where are you going um I'm working at
27:15 - 27:20
here working here very cool very cool
27:18 - 27:22
okay I need to go I'll see you later so
27:20 - 27:24
as I was saying for I was rudely
27:22 - 27:26
interrupted by that rude Chinese man I'm
27:24 - 27:28
joking he was
27:26 - 27:31
lovely I'm just going to walk up to
27:28 - 27:33
people and I'm just going to say can I
27:33 - 27:38
lift can I have a lift please that's all
27:36 - 27:38
I'm going to
27:45 - 27:51
good the plan is if I can just hang
27:48 - 27:53
around the service area for a while make
27:53 - 27:58
friends and then head east with them
27:55 - 27:58
that's the new plan
28:06 - 28:13
jangu jangu jangu jangu jangu jangu
28:10 - 28:15
jangu jangu jangu here is going to try
28:13 - 28:18
to help me I don't know how the problem
28:15 - 28:20
is I can't get to promise yes he
28:18 - 28:23
promises to help
28:20 - 28:25
me no one can drop me off at the
28:23 - 28:27
junction because it's on the highway and
28:25 - 28:29
very few people are turning left it's
28:27 - 28:31
complicated I'll show you on a map but I
28:29 - 28:34
found another road a secret Road where
28:31 - 28:36
there might be cars on let's check it
28:36 - 28:41
aha the secret road that goes underneath
28:39 - 28:43
the highway and heads kind of in the
28:41 - 28:45
direction I want to be going in we are
28:43 - 28:47
friend yes we are
28:47 - 28:53
friends tell you on a journey in here
28:51 - 28:56
now rush rush rush R
28:53 - 28:58
okay I put my bags here okay he's saying
28:56 - 29:01
he's going to take me on a journey
28:58 - 29:04
and as long as if it's off this
29:01 - 29:07
highway then let's do
29:09 - 29:14
uh no idea no idea what's going on no
29:12 - 29:14
idea what's going
29:15 - 29:23
on Shanghai Shanghai yes ah you're very
29:20 - 29:26
very far from home right right why are
29:23 - 29:28
you so far from home my wife is here
29:26 - 29:31
your wife is here
29:28 - 29:34
okay so this trap's helping me out big
29:31 - 29:39
style he's just picked up his two uh
29:34 - 29:45
Road building mates my home Yang Yang y
29:39 - 29:47
uh Chang Chang okay ch ch well next time
29:45 - 29:49
I am in Chang okay I'll give you a call
29:47 - 29:52
okay okay okay okay thank you brother
29:49 - 29:55
yeah yes thank you brother nice to meet
29:52 - 29:57
you nice to meet you take care thank you
29:55 - 29:58
bro thank you thank you thank you okay
29:58 - 30:04
okay okay see you do I have everything
30:01 - 30:06
yes okay byebye bye bye bye right this
30:04 - 30:08
is um see you later see you later would
30:06 - 30:11
you bloody believe
30:08 - 30:14
it there's a toll station
30:11 - 30:18
here oh we've started another big
30:14 - 30:21
commotion at the [ __ ] toll booth
30:18 - 30:21
station again
30:21 - 30:25
ni everybody
30:28 - 30:32
I just want to head West it doesn't
30:31 - 30:36
really matter
30:32 - 30:39
where sorry East it is legal because
30:36 - 30:39
I've done it many
30:46 - 30:52
times you're so sweet thank you so much
30:49 - 30:54
no these are good these are good
30:52 - 30:56
dangerous no no no these are the these
30:54 - 30:59
are good because they travel very far
31:00 - 31:08
what say dangerous
31:04 - 31:11
dangerous no very
31:08 - 31:13
safe very safe this all of this
31:11 - 31:16
attention is detering all of this
31:13 - 31:16
attention is detering my
31:19 - 31:25
how everyone's laughing at
31:25 - 31:32
okay ah one two 3 four five six people
31:29 - 31:34
here not doing their jobs where it's
31:36 - 31:40
England I appreciate it but they're just
31:38 - 31:44
stopping me from working okay I take
31:40 - 31:46
everything back I love I do love toll
31:44 - 31:50
booths because we get a whole team of
31:46 - 31:51
people stopping their own work to help
31:50 - 31:54
me this man's just said wait a minute I
31:56 - 32:06
you I have I have I have sh sh sh hi
32:03 - 32:06
he's asking for me
32:10 - 32:17
hi nice to meet you lovely people here
32:13 - 32:18
at the old uh polling polling place
32:17 - 32:20
thing that's really beautiful about
32:18 - 32:23
China and one thing
32:20 - 32:25
that's foreigners like me from Western
32:23 - 32:27
countries are extremely privileged when
32:25 - 32:30
they come to places like this is how
32:27 - 32:33
friend and supportive everybody is to me
32:30 - 32:34
and and how everyone wants to help me
32:33 - 32:37
there are so many foreigners in the
32:34 - 32:40
world that go to certain countries and
32:37 - 32:42
they are completely alone no one's
32:40 - 32:45
[ __ ] helping them people even go out
32:42 - 32:47
of their way to not help them you know
32:45 - 32:49
so I can't imagine what it would what
32:47 - 32:52
how it would feel right now to be in a
32:49 - 32:55
position where I was just completely on
32:52 - 32:58
my own and these people weren't helping
33:05 - 33:12
now sidan ah okay go to
33:12 - 33:20
Beijing that was the worst day ever for
33:20 - 33:25
um just I'm I've just been in the worst
33:23 - 33:27
positions they been the worst places
33:25 - 33:28
everyone's been going the other way the
33:27 - 33:30
people that have that have stopped are
33:28 - 33:32
going the other way people that are
33:30 - 33:34
going the right way haven't stopped or
33:32 - 33:35
have stopped and then said no and also
33:34 - 33:37
the language barrier is just getting
33:35 - 33:41
really difficult the language barrier is
33:37 - 33:44
getting really really difficult
33:41 - 33:46
um if tomorrow is the same I might just
33:44 - 33:48
pack it in and get a bus I might just
33:46 - 33:48
have to get a
33:53 - 33:58
bus so I won't lie yesterday wasn't a
33:56 - 33:59
very good day
33:58 - 34:00
and I felt very defeated by the end of
34:00 - 34:10
day however I did find the most stunning
34:07 - 34:13
beautiful place to camp and it all made
34:10 - 34:13
up for it have a look at
34:17 - 34:24
this it's the inside of the tolling
34:20 - 34:24
Booth office
34:41 - 34:45
yes so the toall booth people let me I
34:43 - 34:48
was like can I like can I camp my tent
34:45 - 34:51
around here somewhere and uh they were
34:48 - 34:53
like just Camp it inside of
34:53 - 34:57
playroom which was very very love and
34:55 - 34:59
they bought me a peach she bought me a
34:57 - 35:01
peach which was
34:59 - 35:03
lovely and I'm feeling a lot better
35:01 - 35:05
about today and we can give it another
35:03 - 35:07
go although they did say they said if
35:05 - 35:09
the shuttle bus comes past we're going
35:07 - 35:13
to put you on a shuttle bus that goes to
35:09 - 35:13
about halfway to Beijing
35:28 - 35:33
right we're back to it onwards and
35:30 - 35:36
upwards I uh you know what it's
35:33 - 35:39
difficult after a day like that just to
35:36 - 35:42
keep faith and not to lose hope and not
35:39 - 35:43
to want to run to the nearest bus
35:42 - 35:47
station I mean I don't even know if
35:43 - 35:49
there is a in my opinion it is easier to
35:47 - 35:52
hit Chik almost anywhere in the world
35:49 - 35:54
I've that I've been to than it is to go
35:52 - 35:56
and find some bus station in the middle
35:54 - 35:57
of nowhere and then find the right bus
35:56 - 35:59
at the right time that's going to the
35:59 - 36:03
hello pavement on the side of the road
36:02 - 36:08
in the middle of nowhere China that I
36:03 - 36:08
[ __ ] love okay okay thank you
36:09 - 36:17
sir wow beautiful picture
36:17 - 36:24
m the lovely men at the tol Booth place
36:21 - 36:24
are helping me
36:25 - 36:30
now thank you
36:28 - 36:33
we've had the best start of the day ever
36:30 - 36:33
is he going to
36:36 - 36:42
Ulin okay okay ah thank
36:42 - 36:50
you thank you so
36:45 - 36:53
much okay okay sh sh thank you so much
37:02 - 37:08
I go to Beijing
37:05 - 37:10
okay this is Mr Chen I didn't know it at
37:08 - 37:13
the time but Mr Chen and I would go on
37:10 - 37:14
to form a strong meaningful Bond and a
37:13 - 37:16
friendship that would lead to him
37:14 - 37:21
becoming the world's most famous Chinese
37:16 - 37:25
truck driver thank you so much ming m
37:21 - 37:29
Hanz M nice to meet you nice to meet you
37:25 - 37:34
nice to meet you nice to meet you to yay
37:29 - 37:38
I Chinese you English yes yes yes yes
37:34 - 37:42
English English English English English
37:38 - 37:46
English you Chinese I am English
37:42 - 37:46
okay what goods are you
37:49 - 37:57
transporting okay
38:03 - 38:11
okay okay so this guy used to be a guard
38:07 - 38:13
at the British Embassy in China and now
38:11 - 38:16
he's transporting steel making materials
38:21 - 38:28
oh thank you thank you you're
38:24 - 38:30
welcome cool man as is now naal
38:28 - 38:32
regulation us truckers you wouldn't
38:30 - 38:36
understand if you're not a trucker we
38:32 - 38:39
need to stop every 4 hours for a uh 20
38:36 - 38:43
minute break there a trucker thing thank
38:54 - 38:58
melon so there was a big
38:56 - 39:00
misunderstanding about where I want to
38:58 - 39:02
go because I'm traveling to Beijing I've
39:00 - 39:03
just been saying that I'm going to kind
39:02 - 39:04
of the next place and then the next
39:03 - 39:07
place so he said I'll take you to the
39:04 - 39:10
next place I've just found out he's
39:07 - 39:14
going basically to Beijing he's going to
39:10 - 39:16
he Bay or he he Bay which is like 300 km
39:14 - 39:19
from Beijing so he said just can come
39:16 - 39:23
with me all the way yes
39:19 - 39:24
bro we're doing it that's amazing thank
39:24 - 39:28
sh ah we got a long day in this truck
39:27 - 39:31
now boys we got a long day in this truck
39:28 - 39:33
now and we're having a very very good
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this is the power of Science and
40:07 - 40:12
Technology human beings will be more and
40:10 - 40:17
more progress we were born in an era of
40:12 - 40:17
enjoyment of Science and Technology
40:58 - 41:05
9 hours and for the first time in what
41:01 - 41:08
feels like months I'm seeing like just
41:05 - 41:11
Greenery and trees and forests I was in
41:08 - 41:13
Shing Jang which was a desert I was up
41:11 - 41:15
in the mountains north of that was just
41:13 - 41:19
desert everything from there to here has
41:15 - 41:19
just been desert and now look at
41:25 - 41:32
this so when you pay for things in China
41:28 - 41:34
everything sh everything is done on an
41:34 - 41:39
now everything is done on an app so it's
41:37 - 41:43
pretty convenient cuz you just have one
41:39 - 41:46
app for everything is it a completely
41:43 - 41:48
centralized way of doing everything yes
41:46 - 41:50
does it have all of your data and
41:48 - 41:54
payments and history in everywhere
41:50 - 41:57
you've been ever and one app yes it does
41:54 - 41:59
yeah however it is incredibly convenient
41:57 - 42:04
oh yeah by the way
41:59 - 42:06
um my driver's name isn't hungo I
42:04 - 42:10
thought his name was hungo I've been
42:06 - 42:12
calling him hungo all day his name's Mr
42:10 - 42:14
Chen um which I feel bad about cuz he
42:12 - 42:18
was like my name's after a [ __ ] 10
42:14 - 42:20
hours of us traveling together he's like
42:18 - 42:23
by the way my name is Mr
42:20 - 42:25
Chen and I'm like I asked you 8 hours
42:23 - 42:27
ago what your name was and you said
42:27 - 42:30
must have got lost in translation so
42:29 - 42:34
anyway his name is Mr Chen and he's one
42:30 - 42:34
of my favorite people in the
42:47 - 42:54
world so last night I slept in Mr Chen's
42:50 - 42:56
truck with him good night Mr Chen
42:54 - 42:58
hi I'm sleeping in Mr Chen's truck with
42:56 - 43:01
him I said we can you help me find
42:58 - 43:03
someone to park my tent and he said just
43:01 - 43:06
sleep in here if he's got a bunk bed
43:03 - 43:08
[ __ ] amazing I love this man wake up
43:06 - 43:12
I think you should come down and enjoy
43:08 - 43:12
the beauty of the mountains
43:15 - 43:19
okay I'm sorry that I'm so
43:21 - 43:26
oh Tai hang mountain is a very famous
43:24 - 43:27
mountain in China it is a whole mountain
43:27 - 43:37
there are probably from south to North
43:31 - 43:39
wow they are very very beautiful Mr CH
43:37 - 43:42
wow the Chinese people fought against
43:39 - 43:45
Japan and the Supreme General who died
43:42 - 43:51
in China comrad Zan died in
43:45 - 43:51
Zoran Zoran died here here
43:58 - 44:01
I've definitely woke up in worse places
44:01 - 44:06
man we're going to have some Brey we're
44:04 - 44:06
going to have some
44:13 - 44:17
oh delicious
44:32 - 44:37
I'm sweet I'm sweet man thank you I'm
44:39 - 44:45
happy So the plan is we're going to go
44:42 - 44:47
with Mr Chen to drop off his load and
44:45 - 44:49
then he's going to take me to a place
44:47 - 44:51
about 300 km from Beijing we're going to
44:49 - 44:54
hitri all the way hopefully be in
44:51 - 44:54
Beijing time for
44:58 - 45:02
look at the goat Junctions look at those
45:00 - 45:05
goat Junctions are those goats on the
45:02 - 45:08
top of the mountain yeah yeah yeah goats
45:14 - 45:19
cool ah the truck drivers have coming to
45:21 - 45:28
me life of a Chinese truck driver eh
45:25 - 45:30
never gets easier this job
45:30 - 45:36
stuff is some kind of material that they
45:36 - 45:41
steel and that's what Mr Chen is doing
45:38 - 45:43
he picks this up one side of the country
45:41 - 45:45
drops it off in another side of the
45:43 - 45:47
country travels all this way for a you
45:45 - 45:49
know drops off a few tons of steel
45:49 - 45:54
stuff look at this place it's completely
46:03 - 46:07
this is very this is kind of interesting
46:05 - 46:09
because you know traveling around a a
46:09 - 46:16
country you see the things that all the
46:12 - 46:18
tourists see now what you don't see is
46:18 - 46:25
driver unloads a truck full of steel
46:21 - 46:25
steel making materials
46:42 - 46:49
now this is the real china these are the
46:45 - 46:49
people that run this country
47:12 - 47:17
so I'm not actually going to go inside
47:14 - 47:19
the giant air hanger filled with steel
47:17 - 47:21
making materials because I've just
47:19 - 47:23
realized it's probably highly highly
47:23 - 47:28
inhale you got it
47:28 - 47:34
nice so here's what's going to happen
47:30 - 47:36
now Mr Chen is going to take me very
47:34 - 47:38
close to Beijing and then I'm going to
47:36 - 47:43
get a train into Beijing and I'll tell
47:38 - 47:46
you why number one I feel like helping
47:43 - 47:48
Mr Chen on his journey has been a really
47:46 - 47:49
positive and climactic way for me to
47:49 - 47:53
mine I know I wanted to stop at the
47:52 - 47:55
start at the great wall and finish at
47:53 - 47:58
the Great Wall we will be doing that on
47:55 - 48:00
the next one
47:58 - 48:03
and the other reason is because I
48:00 - 48:06
absolutely stink I I have not shed I've
48:03 - 48:07
not washed my balls for 4 days um my
48:06 - 48:10
clothes think I haven't changed my
48:07 - 48:13
underwear it's I'm just gross and having
48:10 - 48:17
myself having this body having this body
48:13 - 48:20
in anyone's car would be a punishment to
48:17 - 48:22
them so I'm going to get a train in 1
48:20 - 48:24
hour it's going to be 1 hour training to
48:22 - 48:25
Beijing so I'll say goodbye to Mr Chen
48:24 - 48:27
when he drops me
48:25 - 48:31
off and then will be in
48:27 - 48:34
Beijing let's go Mr Chen let's go he's
48:31 - 48:37
picked up his paycheck I'm [ __ ] happy
48:34 - 48:37
for him let's do
48:44 - 48:50
it it's so hot Mr Chen is walking me to
48:48 - 48:54
the train station as we begin the last
48:50 - 48:57
hour of our journey into
48:54 - 48:59
Beijing it's so hot outside that it's
48:57 - 49:02
yeah it's very hot outside you're
48:59 - 49:05
correct Mr Chen Jesus and I'm telling
49:02 - 49:05
you man it's hot here in
49:07 - 49:16
Beijing wait wait wait wait wait wait
49:10 - 49:20
wait thank you thank you okay bye see
49:16 - 49:22
you I love you byebye
49:22 - 49:30
you I just said goodbye to Mr Shen
49:27 - 49:30
Mr Chen his name is Mr
49:31 - 49:36
Chen as I ventured Into the Heart of the
49:33 - 49:38
world's most populated Capital City the
49:36 - 49:39
taste of dried beef on my tongue and the
49:38 - 49:42
weight of the journey lingering in the
49:39 - 49:44
air around me I reflected on the past 4
49:42 - 49:46
days I thought about the road I had
49:44 - 49:48
traveled and the people who made it
49:46 - 49:50
possible the friendly faces at toll
49:48 - 49:52
booths the police officers who not only
49:50 - 49:55
fed me but helped me find my way and of
49:52 - 49:57
course Mr Chen how fortunate I was to
49:55 - 50:00
have been granted a window into the
49:57 - 50:03
lives of these remarkable yet seemingly
50:00 - 50:06
ordinary individuals in the end it's
50:03 - 50:10
these wonderful everyday people who
50:06 - 50:10
restore our faith in humanity