00:00 - 00:03
one of the most painful jobs in
00:01 - 00:05
Photoshop is removing lens flare like
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you see all over this image if you had
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to go into each of these magenta problem
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areas and clone them out by hand it
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would just take a ton of time which is
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why in this video we'll use the latest
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version of Adobe camera raw to almost
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automatically remove all of this in a
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few clicks let's start by reviewing the
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traditional approach here starting with
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my raw this is my unadjusted raw I open
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it up as a smart object in Photoshop and
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I just have it here for reference and
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then from it I edit it in camera Rod to
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get to this result to just bring out the
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color and Detail in this image but of
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course I have all these little lens
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flare issues some of these are just
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normal flare bubble cuz I'm pointing in
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the sun some of this is probably a water
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spot that the water in the foreground
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probably splashed in the lens a bit some
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of this is more subtle but it's probably
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like se- spray or things like that
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there's just problems all over this that
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I need to clone out so I did this
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cloning set of adjustments here and got
00:52 - 00:55
to a nice result that I'd be able to
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print but it took a lot of work and
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we'll look at that in a minute and I
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finished off the image using lenia Haze
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option where we kind of just softened up
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the sky a bit so we got to a great
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result but if we look into the Clone job
01:05 - 01:09
this is just a ton of work I created all
01:08 - 01:12
these additional exposures if we just
01:09 - 01:13
look at this one exposure where I
01:12 - 01:15
blocked the sun to get rid of the flare
01:13 - 01:17
bubble and I brushed it in but like the
01:15 - 01:19
color and the contrast are wrong so you
01:17 - 01:21
then have to make curves adjustments and
01:19 - 01:24
color adjustments and use other ones you
01:21 - 01:26
blend in and more color adjustments then
01:24 - 01:28
local cloning and there's just so many
01:26 - 01:31
steps here so this clone job probably
01:28 - 01:33
took me like a solid hour if you can do
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anything to cut that time down by half
01:33 - 01:37
or more that's a huge win and that's
01:35 - 01:39
exactly what we want to do in this video
01:37 - 01:41
using this hack with Adobe camera raw so
01:39 - 01:44
let's recreate the edit by deleting
01:41 - 01:46
these and just starting over from the
01:44 - 01:48
adjusted smart object so here's my raw
01:46 - 01:51
smart object and if I double click it
01:48 - 01:53
will open up into Adobe camera raw 17.1
01:51 - 01:55
which you'll need for this edit and when
01:53 - 01:58
I first edited this image I was an older
01:55 - 02:00
version of camera raw and it didn't have
01:58 - 02:03
the AI remove tools so my naturally go
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for the new generative AI remove for
02:03 - 02:06
these kinds of flare Bubbles and that is
02:04 - 02:08
a great solution which we'll use but
02:06 - 02:10
there's an even easier thing you can do
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now which is the new distraction removal
02:10 - 02:15
for Reflections when you turn this on
02:14 - 02:18
the AI is looking for things that are
02:15 - 02:20
reflecting in plate glass which is not
02:18 - 02:21
the case here but nevertheless it's a
02:20 - 02:24
very similar problem and it's going to
02:21 - 02:26
do a great job with problems like this
02:24 - 02:29
and down here to clean things up I mean
02:26 - 02:31
look at that result in one click we got
02:29 - 02:33
rid of of a bunch of spray and water
02:31 - 02:37
drops and stuff in the corner here with
02:33 - 02:39
just that one click now is it perfect no
02:37 - 02:41
I mean the color is a little bit off and
02:39 - 02:43
I'm sure as this continues to progress
02:41 - 02:45
or especially if it gets designed for
02:43 - 02:49
lens flare to get even better but take
02:45 - 02:51
the win this is a nasty thing to fix
02:49 - 02:53
this is not that hard to fix the color
02:51 - 02:55
and detail is much closer to where you
02:53 - 02:57
want to be so it's going to be a lot
02:55 - 02:59
easier to clone from this than before so
02:57 - 03:02
it's not a oneclick solution but with
02:59 - 03:04
one one click it's a much easier manual
03:02 - 03:05
job from this point forward and now we
03:04 - 03:07
can tackle these other little flare
03:05 - 03:08
bubbles so I'm going to work on the
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little ones first and we can come back
03:08 - 03:12
to the big one so that if we have to
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refine this we can so let's just zoom in
03:12 - 03:17
a little bit shrink my brush I'm using
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this generative AI remove tool and just
03:17 - 03:21
click and drag over any problem areas
03:19 - 03:22
like this little hexagon you know adjust
03:21 - 03:24
your brush eyeses with the left and
03:22 - 03:26
right bracket Keys as needed and just
03:24 - 03:30
Target these little problem areas I want
03:26 - 03:32
to fix these little guys here maybe a
03:30 - 03:35
brush here for things like these Rays if
03:32 - 03:37
you click and shift click you draw a
03:35 - 03:39
straight line so that's handy for the
03:37 - 03:40
rays which I like the Rays here I just
03:39 - 03:43
don't like them here they're kind of
03:40 - 03:45
distracting in this area so clean those
03:43 - 03:48
up there's a little bit of a rainbow
03:45 - 03:50
here a little bit of a flare bubble
03:48 - 03:53
here there's some stuff here in the
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background which is more ghosted so lots
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of problems to be fixed and I think with
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those just general fixes let's go click
03:58 - 04:03
on remove let the AI do its best work on
04:01 - 04:06
all these areas and again it might not
04:03 - 04:09
be perfect but the goal is less work so
04:06 - 04:10
if it gets us half the way there that's
04:10 - 04:15
win and I think that looks great it's
04:13 - 04:18
doing a really nice job so most of this
04:15 - 04:19
is kind of perfect here maybe I'd take a
04:18 - 04:20
second pass and see if I can do a little
04:19 - 04:23
bit better there's a little bit of a
04:20 - 04:25
residual green try this one more time
04:23 - 04:26
you know if it doesn't fix this you can
04:25 - 04:28
use the manual approach right we don't
04:26 - 04:30
have to fix everything automatically but
04:28 - 04:32
and maybe try the very viations here
04:30 - 04:34
we'll see yeah I think that's a little
04:32 - 04:36
bit better so you know that's at least
04:34 - 04:38
social media quality level and if I want
04:36 - 04:39
to go even further for print I can and
04:38 - 04:41
now I want to Target this big flare
04:39 - 04:45
bubble this one is probably not going to
04:41 - 04:47
be perfect but it's really nasty to do a
04:45 - 04:50
healing brush over color and so if I can
04:47 - 04:52
just get it close that's going to save a
04:50 - 04:54
lot of time and this ought to be fine
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for social media right out of the gates
04:54 - 04:57
that's a pretty good result let's go
04:57 - 05:02
variations um yeah I think yeah go kind
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with this third one does it match the
05:02 - 05:06
full detail outside there no so for
05:05 - 05:09
print I'd have to spend more time
05:06 - 05:11
cleaning this up but it's going to take
05:09 - 05:15
minutes to fix this as opposed to an
05:11 - 05:16
hour for everything so take the win this
05:15 - 05:18
has gotten us to a much better starting
05:16 - 05:19
point and you can use all the
05:18 - 05:23
traditional manual approaches to bring
05:19 - 05:24
it home from there so say okay I'm not
05:23 - 05:25
going to bother to show you all the
05:24 - 05:27
manual cloning I just want to show you
05:25 - 05:30
this quick job to get to this point from
05:27 - 05:31
before to after see how nice it helps I
05:30 - 05:33
want to show the other parts that are
05:31 - 05:35
unique to this edit though because we
05:33 - 05:37
did remove some of that ghosting the
05:35 - 05:39
flare from before I think there's a nice
05:37 - 05:41
warm quality here I'd like to
05:39 - 05:43
reintroduce that here because it is
05:41 - 05:45
cleaning up some real glare but I like
05:43 - 05:47
that glare I just don't want these
05:45 - 05:49
little bubble spots I just want this
05:47 - 05:51
overall soft glare well there's an easy
05:49 - 05:53
way to create that using the lumenia
05:51 - 05:56
Luminosity masking panel if you just go
05:53 - 05:59
to dodge under Dodge the solid fill will
05:56 - 06:01
create a warm glow if you set it to soft
05:59 - 06:03
light so we'll just say dodge burn with
06:01 - 06:05
these settings it lets us choose our
06:03 - 06:07
color but it's already set for kind of a
06:05 - 06:09
warm sun color so we'll say okay and you
06:07 - 06:10
see it creates that warm glow everywhere
06:09 - 06:12
and so that's kind of a preview of the
06:10 - 06:14
results what I want to do is click on
06:12 - 06:15
the mask to make it active and now we
06:14 - 06:17
can brush it in so I'm going to hit B
06:15 - 06:20
for my brush take my flow down to
06:17 - 06:22
something really low like 2% using white
06:20 - 06:24
paint in the foreground just brush over
06:22 - 06:26
these areas where I want to add in a
06:24 - 06:28
little bit of that glow just kind of
06:26 - 06:30
gently bring out the light in the image
06:30 - 06:34
after I'm reintroducing that flare just
06:31 - 06:35
feels a little bit more natural and then
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to complete the effect I want to add
06:35 - 06:39
some of that Haze in the sky and that's
06:37 - 06:41
another feature in lenia if we hover
06:39 - 06:43
over the depth button you see that shift
06:41 - 06:45
clicking will add a haze layer and
06:43 - 06:46
select by depth so I'm going to shift
06:45 - 06:48
click on depth it's going to
06:46 - 06:50
automatically create a haze layer and
06:48 - 06:53
create a selection which is biased for
06:50 - 06:54
things in the distance so we can paint
06:53 - 06:56
things in the distance much more than
06:54 - 06:59
things in the foreground so it be very
06:56 - 07:02
easy now to take a larger brush let's go
06:59 - 07:04
boost our flow up to closer to like 10%
07:02 - 07:05
and now just brush in these areas want
07:04 - 07:09
to add a little bit more of kind of a
07:05 - 07:10
hazy glowing effect in the sky and I
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think especially on this horizon line
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let's kind of soften that up a little
07:11 - 07:15
bit just really make the sun feel
07:13 - 07:18
powerful get rid of some of those
07:15 - 07:20
distractions in these areas and you can
07:18 - 07:22
see this haze from before to after just
07:20 - 07:24
kind of cleans up that image and if
07:22 - 07:25
you've painted more than you want you
07:24 - 07:26
can go and bring the opacity down a
07:25 - 07:29
little bit just dial it in the way you
07:26 - 07:30
want but I think that adds a really nice
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now notice that it's using a Luminosity
07:32 - 07:35
selection it's telling me there's a
07:33 - 07:37
depth selection active that was created
07:35 - 07:38
for me automatically if you want to see
07:37 - 07:40
it you can click on the check cell
07:38 - 07:43
button and you see that this is the
07:40 - 07:46
selection of depth so it's Infinity for
07:43 - 07:48
the sky is white the midr in Gray and
07:46 - 07:49
the foreground here is kind of selected
07:48 - 07:52
at different depth so it's just helping
07:49 - 07:54
you automatically select by depth that's
07:52 - 07:55
what I'd loaded up there for my brush I
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wasn't painting freehand I'm going to
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just get rid of that by Alt click on the
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mask you can see that it's built into
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the brush so it's automatically helping
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Target things by their distance to
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further enhance that Haze effect and
08:05 - 08:10
they just built right into the depth
08:07 - 08:12
button but just look at what we've done
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in just a few minutes here we've gone
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from this original raw which I had
08:15 - 08:20
already edited to this state to get some
08:16 - 08:22
nice color to it but then we removed all
08:20 - 08:24
those distractions by just using the
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reflection removal and a couple of quick
08:24 - 08:28
touch-ups then a little Dodge and burn
08:26 - 08:29
to reintroduce some of the flare and
08:28 - 08:31
that final Haze step to give us an
08:29 - 08:34
overall adjustment that just really
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transforms the image and looks gorgeous
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now to learn more about lenia click to
08:36 - 08:39
this next video