00:00 - 00:05

one day the people that don't even

00:02 - 00:08

believe in you will tell everyone how

00:05 - 00:08

they meant you

00:09 - 00:17

when you build in silence

00:12 - 00:17

people don't know what to attack

00:19 - 00:25

loneliness is the price you pay when you

00:22 - 00:25

start to improve yourself

00:27 - 00:34

if someone is trying to bring you down

00:30 - 00:34

they are already below you

00:36 - 00:41

failure is a bruise not a tattoo

00:42 - 00:47

the truth is everyone is going to hurt

00:46 - 00:49


00:47 - 00:52

you just gotta find the ones worth

00:49 - 00:52

suffering for

00:54 - 00:59

turn your wounds into wisdom

01:00 - 01:05

if you look at the people in your circle

01:02 - 01:07

and you don't get inspired

01:05 - 01:11

you don't have a circle

01:07 - 01:11

you have a cage

01:12 - 01:17

a good life has some bad days too

01:19 - 01:26

don't cry because it's over

01:22 - 01:26

smile because it happened

01:28 - 01:35

when writing the story of your life

01:30 - 01:35

don't let anyone else hold the pen

01:37 - 01:42

smiling doesn't necessarily mean you're

01:40 - 01:46


01:42 - 01:46

sometimes it just means you're strong

01:48 - 01:54

for it is better to be alone

01:51 - 01:54

than in Bad Company

01:57 - 02:02

free yourself from society's advice most

02:00 - 02:05

of them have no idea

02:02 - 02:05

of what they're doing

02:06 - 02:13

the family you create is more important

02:09 - 02:13

than the family you come from

02:14 - 02:20

how many things would you attempt if you

02:17 - 02:20

knew Ed not fail

02:22 - 02:29

if you aren't willing to work for it

02:24 - 02:29

don't complain about not having it

02:30 - 02:37

one day all those late nights and early

02:34 - 02:37

mornings will pay off

02:39 - 02:44

be valuable

02:41 - 02:44

not available

02:45 - 02:49


02:55 - 03:00


03:12 - 03:17

things hardest to Bear our sweetest to

03:15 - 03:17


03:19 - 03:24

the best thing I ever did was stop

03:22 - 03:26

telling people what's going on in my

03:24 - 03:26


03:28 - 03:33

words are like keys

03:31 - 03:37

if you choose them right

03:33 - 03:39

they can open any heart and shut any

03:37 - 03:39


03:41 - 03:49

if you only walk on sunny days

03:45 - 03:49

you'll never reach your destination

03:50 - 03:54

people inspire you

03:52 - 03:58

or they drain you

03:54 - 03:58

pick them wisely

04:00 - 04:07

allow yourself to be a beginner

04:03 - 04:07

no one starts off being excellent

04:09 - 04:13

do it alone

04:11 - 04:14

do it broke

04:13 - 04:17

do it tired

04:14 - 04:20

do it scared

04:17 - 04:20

just do it

04:22 - 04:28

never make a permanent decision based on

04:25 - 04:28

temporary feelings

04:30 - 04:36

life has many different chapters for us

04:33 - 04:38

one bad chapter doesn't mean it's the

04:36 - 04:38

end of the book

04:40 - 04:46

normality is a paved Road

04:43 - 04:50

it's comfortable to walk

04:46 - 04:50

but no flowers grow there

04:51 - 04:55

be proud

04:53 - 04:58

you survived the days you thought you

04:55 - 04:58


04:59 - 05:06

you are at your strongest

05:02 - 05:06

when you are calm

05:07 - 05:13

judge no one

05:10 - 05:13

just improve yourself

05:15 - 05:20

train your mind to be stronger than your

05:17 - 05:20


05:22 - 05:28

don't over share

05:24 - 05:28

privacy is power

05:30 - 05:36

problems are not stop signs they are

05:33 - 05:36


05:38 - 05:43

life is like a book

05:40 - 05:48

some chapters are sad some are happy

05:43 - 05:48

but all are necessary for the full story

05:50 - 05:54

the strongest people are not those who

05:52 - 05:57

show strength in front of us

05:54 - 05:59

but those who fight battles we know

05:57 - 05:59

nothing about

06:01 - 06:08

the pain you feel today

06:03 - 06:08

will be the strength you feel tomorrow

06:09 - 06:13

sometimes we're tested not to show our

06:12 - 06:17


06:13 - 06:17

but to discover our strengths

06:19 - 06:25

never tolerate disrespect

06:22 - 06:25

not even from yourself

06:27 - 06:32

worrying is like a rocking chair

06:30 - 06:35

it gives you something to do but gets

06:32 - 06:35

you nowhere

06:37 - 06:43

a ship is safe in Harbor

06:39 - 06:45

but that's not what shifts are for

06:43 - 06:48


06:45 - 06:51

chasing the wrong things the right ones

06:48 - 06:51

catch up

06:53 - 06:59

there is no elevator to success

06:55 - 06:59

you have to take the stairs

07:01 - 07:07

focus on you

07:03 - 07:07

people come and go

07:08 - 07:16

sometimes the things that break your

07:11 - 07:16

heart end up fixing your vision

07:18 - 07:26

your deepest darkest moment may be the

07:21 - 07:26

best thing that ever happens to you

07:27 - 07:33

learn to heal without venting to

07:30 - 07:33


07:34 - 07:40

time always exposes what you truly mean

07:38 - 07:40

to someone

07:42 - 07:50

you're being judged no matter what

07:46 - 07:50

so be who you want to be

07:51 - 07:58

if you are not falling down occasionally

07:55 - 07:58

you are just coasting

08:00 - 08:06

first it hurts

08:02 - 08:06

then it makes you stronger

08:07 - 08:16

work at your job and make a living

08:11 - 08:16

work on yourself and make a fortune

08:18 - 08:24

striving for Success without hard work

08:21 - 08:27

is like trying to harvest where you

08:24 - 08:27

haven't planted

08:28 - 08:36

if you don't let go of the wrong people

08:32 - 08:36

you'll never meet the right people

08:37 - 08:43

if you don't control your mind

08:40 - 08:43

someone else will

08:45 - 08:50

there will always be someone who doesn't

08:47 - 08:53

see your worth

08:50 - 08:53

don't let it be you

08:55 - 09:00

do what no one else can do

08:57 - 09:02

and you will become what no one else can

09:00 - 09:02


09:03 - 09:09

make more moves and less announcements

09:11 - 09:15


09:12 - 09:17

five years ago you dreamed about being

09:15 - 09:20

where you are now

09:17 - 09:20

think about it

09:21 - 09:28

playing it safe is the most dangerous

09:24 - 09:28

thing you can do in life

09:29 - 09:35

never be embarrassed to struggle

09:33 - 09:40

there is absolutely no shame in working

09:35 - 09:40

hard to get to where you want to be

09:42 - 09:49

growing harder doesn't help if the boat

09:45 - 09:49

is headed in the wrong direction

09:51 - 09:56

you don't get paid for the hour

09:53 - 09:58

you get paid for the value you bring to

09:56 - 09:58

the hour

10:00 - 10:06

let the Improvement of yourself keep you

10:03 - 10:09

so busy that you have no time to

10:06 - 10:09

criticize others

10:11 - 10:18

guard well your thoughts when alone and

10:14 - 10:18

your words when accompanied

10:19 - 10:25

by failing to prepare

10:21 - 10:25

you are preparing to fail

10:27 - 10:33

talking without thinking is like

10:29 - 10:33

shooting without aiming

10:34 - 10:41

do not go where the path may lead

10:38 - 10:43

go instead where there is no path and

10:41 - 10:43

leave a trail

10:45 - 10:48

the fact that you aren't where you want

10:48 - 10:51

to be

10:48 - 10:54

should be enough motivation

10:51 - 10:57


10:54 - 11:01

discipline is choosing between what you

10:57 - 11:01

want now and what you want most

11:03 - 11:08

stop telling people everything

11:06 - 11:12

most people don't care

11:08 - 11:12

and some secretly want you to fail

11:14 - 11:19

it's a slow process but quitting won't

11:17 - 11:19

speed it up

11:21 - 11:29

what comes easy won't last

11:24 - 11:29

what lasts won't come easy

11:30 - 11:35

don't ruin a good today by thinking

11:33 - 11:38

about a bad yesterday

11:35 - 11:38

Let It Go

11:40 - 11:47

success is what happens after you've

11:43 - 11:47

survived all your mistakes

11:48 - 11:55

winners focus on winning

11:51 - 11:55

losers focus on winners

11:56 - 12:02

before something great happens

11:58 - 12:02

everything falls apart

12:03 - 12:09

if someone tells you you can't they're

12:07 - 12:12

showing you their limits

12:09 - 12:12

not yours

12:13 - 12:21

if you live for people's acceptance you

12:17 - 12:21

will die from their rejection

12:22 - 12:28

there are two types of pains

12:25 - 12:31

one that hurts you and the other that

12:28 - 12:31

changes you

12:32 - 12:37

one day you'll see why God made you wait

12:39 - 12:46

for your peace of mind

12:41 - 12:46

don't let people know too much about you

12:48 - 12:53

if you tell the truth

12:49 - 12:53

you don't have to remember anything

12:55 - 13:02

he's selfish with your time

12:57 - 13:02

a lot of people don't deserve it

13:03 - 13:11

silence is the best answer to someone

13:06 - 13:11

who doesn't value your words

13:12 - 13:19

fear is temporary

13:15 - 13:19

regret this forever

13:21 - 13:26

your future needs you

13:23 - 13:26

your past doesn't

13:28 - 13:33

don't get burned twice by the same Flame

13:34 - 13:40

worrying about losing is losing before

13:37 - 13:40

you begin

13:42 - 13:46

excuses make today easier but tomorrow

13:45 - 13:49


13:46 - 13:53

discipline makes today hard

13:49 - 13:53

but tomorrow easier

13:54 - 14:00

don't give up

13:56 - 14:00

you are closer than you think

14:01 - 14:07

sometimes being alone is the best

14:04 - 14:07

medicine to your soul

14:09 - 14:14

we fall we break

14:12 - 14:18

we fail

14:14 - 14:21

but then we rise we heal

14:18 - 14:21

we overcome

14:22 - 14:30

sacrifice a few years of comfort

14:26 - 14:30

for decades of freedom

14:31 - 14:36

have patience

14:33 - 14:39

all things are difficult before they

14:36 - 14:39

become easy

14:41 - 14:45

don't let yesterday take up too much of

14:43 - 14:45


14:47 - 14:51

if you get tired

14:49 - 14:54

learn to rest

14:51 - 14:54

not to quit

14:55 - 15:01

the two most important days in your life

14:59 - 15:05

are the day you are born

15:01 - 15:05

and the day you find out why

15:07 - 15:11

hardship often prepares an ordinary

15:10 - 15:15


15:11 - 15:15

for an extraordinary destiny

15:16 - 15:22

positive thinking will let you do

15:19 - 15:24

everything better than negative thinking

15:22 - 15:24


15:26 - 15:32

the only real mistake is the one from

15:29 - 15:32

which we learn nothing

15:34 - 15:41

your past is a place to learn and grow

15:37 - 15:41

not a place to live

15:43 - 15:47

don't rush the process

15:45 - 15:50

trust it

15:47 - 15:50

great things take time

15:52 - 15:58

Big Dreams require healthy habits

15:55 - 16:01

and healthy habits require

15:58 - 16:01


16:02 - 16:07

if you stay positive in a negative

16:05 - 16:10


16:07 - 16:10

you win

16:11 - 16:17

sometimes you win

16:13 - 16:17

sometimes you'll learn

16:18 - 16:25

take a deep breath

16:20 - 16:25

it's just a bad day not a bad life

16:27 - 16:33

fall seven times

16:30 - 16:33

stand up eight

16:35 - 16:41

if you believe it will work out

16:38 - 16:43

you'll see opportunities

16:41 - 16:47

if you believe it won't

16:43 - 16:47

you will see obstacles

16:49 - 16:54

if you don't try

16:51 - 16:54

nothing will ever happen

16:56 - 17:03

don't give up on yourself

16:58 - 17:03

there's a reason why you started

17:04 - 17:10

be obsessed with becoming the best

17:06 - 17:10

version of yourself

17:12 - 17:18

when in your mind

17:14 - 17:18

and you will win in your reality

17:19 - 17:26

making mistakes is better than faking

17:23 - 17:26


17:27 - 17:37

except what is let go of what was

17:32 - 17:37

have faith in what will be

17:38 - 17:44

the calmer you are

17:40 - 17:44

the clearer you think

17:46 - 17:51

the moment when you want to quit

17:49 - 17:53

it's the moment when you need to keep

17:51 - 17:53


17:55 - 18:02

control your thoughts or your thoughts

17:58 - 18:02

will control you

18:03 - 18:08

become a ghost

18:05 - 18:12

forget attention

18:08 - 18:12

just grow in private

18:13 - 18:22

push yourself to be your best

18:17 - 18:22

no one else is going to do it for you

18:23 - 18:29

focus on improving yourself

18:26 - 18:29

not proving yourself

18:31 - 18:37

two things Define you

18:34 - 18:39

your patience when you have nothing

18:37 - 18:41

and your attitude when you have

18:39 - 18:41


18:43 - 18:47

don't quit

18:45 - 18:51

nothing lasts forever

18:47 - 18:51

not even pain

18:52 - 18:57

keep it private

18:54 - 18:57

until it's permanent

18:59 - 19:03

you only fail when you stop trying

19:05 - 19:12

you don't need more time

19:08 - 19:12

you need less distractions

19:13 - 19:19

everyone leaves

19:15 - 19:19

learn how to survive alone

19:21 - 19:25

value your peace of mind

19:27 - 19:34

you can't reach what's in front of you

19:29 - 19:34

until you let go of what's behind you

19:36 - 19:41

to be the best you must be able to

19:38 - 19:41

handle the worst

19:43 - 19:49

a goal without a plan is just a wish

19:50 - 19:57

wanting to be someone else

19:53 - 19:57

is a waste of Who You Are

19:59 - 20:04

if life were predictable

20:01 - 20:08

it would cease to be life

20:04 - 20:08

and be without flavor

20:09 - 20:15

life is like a coin

20:12 - 20:19

you can spend it any way you wish

20:15 - 20:19

but you only spend it once

20:20 - 20:25

practice self-compassion

20:23 - 20:29

we are all human

20:25 - 20:29

and everyone makes mistakes

20:30 - 20:37

Time Heals almost everything

20:34 - 20:37

give it time

20:38 - 20:43

sometimes you have to let go of

20:40 - 20:45

something good to make room for

20:43 - 20:45

something better

20:47 - 20:52

what other people think of you is none

20:49 - 20:52

of your business

20:54 - 21:01

you can't start the next chapter of your

20:56 - 21:01

life if you keep re-reading the last one

21:03 - 21:08

the best view comes after the hardest

21:05 - 21:08


21:09 - 21:14

you'll never find a rainbow if you're

21:12 - 21:14

looking down

21:16 - 21:22

tough times don't last

21:18 - 21:22

but tough people do

21:24 - 21:29

you cannot change the direction of the

21:25 - 21:32

wind but you can adjust your sails to

21:29 - 21:32

reach your destination

21:33 - 21:38

there are no shortcuts to any place

21:36 - 21:38

worth going

21:40 - 21:44

a River cuts through Rock not because of

21:43 - 21:48

its power

21:44 - 21:48

but because of its persistence

21:50 - 21:55

you are confined only by the walls you

21:52 - 21:55

build yourself

21:57 - 22:03

focus on what you can control

22:00 - 22:03

and let go of what you cannot

22:05 - 22:11

the only time you should ever look back

22:07 - 22:11

is to see how far you've come

22:13 - 22:18

doubt kills more dreams than failure

22:15 - 22:18

ever will

22:19 - 22:26

in the face of adversity remember that

22:22 - 22:26

Diamonds Are Made under pressure

22:28 - 22:32

first step to getting anywhere is

22:30 - 22:35

deciding you're not willing to stay

22:32 - 22:35

where you are

22:36 - 22:42

the true test of a man's character is

22:38 - 22:42

what he does when no one is watching

22:44 - 22:49

don't go broke trying to impress broke

22:47 - 22:49


22:51 - 22:55

stay away from people who make you feel

22:54 - 23:00


22:55 - 23:00

no company is better than a Bad Company

23:02 - 23:07

don't compare your life to others

23:04 - 23:10

you have no idea what their journey is

23:07 - 23:10

all about

23:11 - 23:18

no one is going to figure out your life

23:15 - 23:18

it's your responsibility

23:20 - 23:25

life isn't fair

23:22 - 23:25

but it's still good

23:27 - 23:35

he who is not courageous enough to take

23:30 - 23:35

risks will accomplish Nothing in life

23:36 - 23:43

do yourself a favor

23:38 - 23:45

get rich life gets easier with money not

23:43 - 23:45


23:47 - 23:53

to avoid disappointment expect nothing

23:50 - 23:53

from nobody

23:55 - 24:02

stress is temporary but the lessons you

23:57 - 24:02

learn from it can last a lifetime

24:04 - 24:11

do your best and Trust the process

24:07 - 24:13

the harder you work the luckier you will

24:11 - 24:13


24:15 - 24:19

if you are a giver

24:17 - 24:23

remember to learn your limits because

24:19 - 24:23

the takers don't have any

24:25 - 24:30

you have three choices in life

24:27 - 24:31

you can watch things happen make things

24:30 - 24:35


24:31 - 24:35

or wonder what the hell happened

24:37 - 24:43

no regrets just lessons

24:40 - 24:46

no worries just acceptance

24:43 - 24:48

no expectations

24:46 - 24:51

just gratitude

24:48 - 24:51

life is too short

24:53 - 24:59

the more you are interested in others

24:55 - 25:00

the more interesting they find you

24:59 - 25:03

to be interesting

25:00 - 25:03

be interested

25:05 - 25:10

we suffer more in imagination than in

25:08 - 25:10


25:12 - 25:18

people change Love Hurts friends leave

25:16 - 25:23

things go wrong

25:18 - 25:23

but remember that life goes on

25:25 - 25:31

don't let anyone know what you're doing

25:27 - 25:31

until it's done

25:32 - 25:37

the only person that cares about your

25:35 - 25:39

hopes and dreams is you

25:37 - 25:40

the only person that is going to make

25:39 - 25:43

them happen

25:40 - 25:43

is you

25:45 - 25:51

forget what hurts you but never forget

25:48 - 25:51

what it taught you

25:53 - 26:00

mastering others is strength

25:55 - 26:00

mastering yourself is true power

26:02 - 26:08

your direction is more important

26:04 - 26:08

than your speed

26:09 - 26:16

never regret a day in your life

26:12 - 26:17

good days give happiness bad days give

26:16 - 26:20


26:17 - 26:25

worst days give lessons

26:20 - 26:25

and best days give memories

26:27 - 26:31

life is short

26:28 - 26:36

live it love is rare

26:31 - 26:38

grab it anger is bad dump it

26:36 - 26:40

fear is awful

26:38 - 26:42

face it

26:40 - 26:45

memories are sweet

26:42 - 26:45

cherish them

26:46 - 26:51

don't depend too much on anyone in this

26:49 - 26:53


26:51 - 26:57

because even your own shadow leaves you

26:53 - 26:57

when you are in darkness

26:58 - 27:06

remember some of the best times of your

27:02 - 27:06

life haven't even happened yet

27:07 - 27:16

bad habits are like a comfortable bed

27:11 - 27:16

easy to get into but hard to get out of

27:18 - 27:24

no one is too busy it's only a matter of

27:21 - 27:24


27:26 - 27:30

if it keeps you happy

27:28 - 27:30

keep it quiet

27:32 - 27:40

be careful who you trust

27:35 - 27:40

salt and sugar look the same

27:41 - 27:48

time always exposes what you truly mean

27:45 - 27:48

to someone

27:50 - 27:54

stay calm

27:51 - 27:57

you've been through this before you'll

27:54 - 27:57

get through it again

27:59 - 28:05

if people treat you like an option leave

28:02 - 28:05

them like a choice

28:07 - 28:12

value experience over possessions

28:09 - 28:15

because memories are the real Treasures

28:12 - 28:15

of life

28:17 - 28:24

so many people love you

28:20 - 28:24

don't focus on the people who don't

28:26 - 28:33

your vision will be blurry

28:28 - 28:33

but it will grow clear with time

28:34 - 28:40

take care of your body

28:36 - 28:42

remember health is another form of

28:40 - 28:42


28:44 - 28:49

your strongest muscle and worst enemy is

28:47 - 28:52

your mind

28:49 - 28:52

train it well

28:53 - 28:59

don't react

28:55 - 28:59

cut them off silently

29:01 - 29:07

someone else's progress doesn't make

29:04 - 29:07

yours any less

29:08 - 29:12

small circle

29:10 - 29:16

private life

29:12 - 29:16

and peaceful mind

29:17 - 29:23

sometimes we create our own heart breaks

29:20 - 29:23

through expectation

29:25 - 29:32

Embrace Solitude as a time for

29:28 - 29:32

reflection and self-discovery

29:33 - 29:40

we have four problems overthink over

29:37 - 29:43

trust over share

29:40 - 29:43

over love

29:44 - 29:51

don't let anyone ever make you feel like

29:48 - 29:51

you don't deserve what you want

29:53 - 29:59

you grow mentally weak when your life is

29:56 - 29:59

too comfortable

30:00 - 30:06

just let it be

30:02 - 30:06

if it's meant to be it will happen

30:08 - 30:13

just be real it saves everyone's time

30:15 - 30:19

don't share your personal life with

30:18 - 30:22


30:19 - 30:25

do not let anyone have anything that

30:22 - 30:25

could harm you

30:26 - 30:34

the moment you let go of your discipline

30:30 - 30:34

is the moment you give up on yourself

30:36 - 30:40


30:37 - 30:40

is better than perfect

30:41 - 30:47

your worst enemy might just be someone

30:45 - 30:52

you trust the most

30:47 - 30:52

Beware of the wolves in sheep's clothing

30:53 - 30:57

sharing your accomplishments is

30:56 - 31:00


30:57 - 31:04

but avoid the pitfall of over sharing

31:00 - 31:04

every Minor's success

31:06 - 31:11

life's most significant achievements

31:08 - 31:14

often emerge from the depths of

31:11 - 31:14


31:15 - 31:20

mistakes are Stepping Stones not

31:18 - 31:24

stumbling blocks

31:20 - 31:24

learn from them and move forward

31:26 - 31:31

self-care is not selfish

31:29 - 31:34

it's essential for a balanced and

31:31 - 31:34

fulfilling life

31:36 - 31:41

the value of time becomes evident when

31:39 - 31:44

it's gone

31:41 - 31:44

use it wisely

31:45 - 31:54

don't pretend to be better than you are

31:49 - 31:54

live life at your own pace

31:56 - 32:03

care about what other people think and

31:59 - 32:03

you will always be their prisoner

32:04 - 32:10

the possibilities are endless as long as

32:07 - 32:10

you don't limit yourself

32:12 - 32:19

set high standards for yourself and live

32:15 - 32:19

up to your own expectations

32:21 - 32:28

surround yourself with people who

32:24 - 32:31

inspire you to become even better

32:28 - 32:34


32:31 - 32:37

through life you'll miss all the good

32:34 - 32:37

stuff along the way

32:39 - 32:45

you choose to keep

32:41 - 32:45

says a lot about who you are

32:47 - 32:52

you are in charge of your own happiness

32:50 - 32:56

you don't need to wait for other

32:52 - 32:56

people's permission to be happy

32:57 - 33:04

stop doing what is easy or popular

33:01 - 33:06

start doing what is right

33:04 - 33:06


33:07 - 33:12

it is a shame for a man to grow old

33:09 - 33:16

without seeing the beauty and strength

33:12 - 33:16

of which his body is capable

33:17 - 33:25

life did not intend to make us perfect

33:21 - 33:25

whoever is perfect belongs in a museum

33:27 - 33:33

don't bite off more than you can chew

33:31 - 33:36

because nobody looks attractive spitting

33:33 - 33:36

it back out

33:38 - 33:43

prioritize your physical and mental

33:40 - 33:45

health they are your most valuable

33:43 - 33:45


33:47 - 33:55

don't be afraid to say I don't know

33:51 - 33:55

and seek knowledge from others

33:56 - 34:03

don't stop when you're tired stop when

34:00 - 34:03

you are done

34:04 - 34:10

do it now

34:06 - 34:10

sometimes later becomes never

34:12 - 34:16

when you are winning keep your mouth

34:14 - 34:16


34:18 - 34:24

trying to create a new you around the

34:22 - 34:24

same old people

34:26 - 34:32

everything you do doesn't have to be

34:29 - 34:32

seen or heard

34:33 - 34:39

your words start to lose value when your

34:36 - 34:39

actions don't match

34:41 - 34:46

if there is no struggle there is no

34:43 - 34:46


34:48 - 34:54

Falling Down is an accident

34:51 - 34:54

staying down is a choice

34:56 - 35:00

stop being okay with everything

35:02 - 35:07

only dead fish go with the flow

35:08 - 35:14

remove the clowns from your life before

35:11 - 35:14

you become one

35:15 - 35:21

stay quiet about your goals

35:19 - 35:23

soon your results will do all the

35:21 - 35:23


35:25 - 35:30

everything is going to be all right

35:28 - 35:33

Maybe not today

35:30 - 35:33

but eventually

35:35 - 35:38


35:36 - 35:43

but never expect

35:38 - 35:43

look forward but never wait

35:44 - 35:52

people who do not understand your

35:46 - 35:52

silence will never understand your words

35:53 - 36:00

sometimes you need to burn Bridges to

35:56 - 36:00

stop yourself from Crossing them again

36:02 - 36:08

you get what you focus on

36:04 - 36:08

so focus on what you want

36:10 - 36:15

where you are in a few months depends on

36:12 - 36:15

what you do today

36:17 - 36:22

never trust a person that has let you

36:20 - 36:27

down more than two times

36:22 - 36:30

once was a warning twice was a lesson

36:27 - 36:33

and anything more than that is simply

36:30 - 36:33

taking advantage

36:35 - 36:42

don't build your own dream someone will

36:38 - 36:42

hire you to build theirs

36:44 - 36:50


36:45 - 36:50

if you play small you stay small

36:52 - 36:57

everything is hard before it is easy

36:58 - 37:05

the cost of being wrong is less than the

37:01 - 37:05

cost of doing nothing

37:06 - 37:12

the more you face challenges the less

37:09 - 37:12

you fear them

37:14 - 37:20

you have the courage to begin

37:16 - 37:20

you have the courage to succeed

37:22 - 37:29

things don't happen for no reason

37:25 - 37:29

they happen to teach you something

37:30 - 37:35

old ways won't open new doors

37:37 - 37:43

be patient when becoming someone you

37:40 - 37:43

haven't been before

37:45 - 37:51

focus on the step in front of you

37:47 - 37:51

not the whole staircase

37:52 - 37:59

if you don't take risks you will always

37:55 - 37:59

work for someone who does

38:01 - 38:07

just because it's taking time doesn't

38:03 - 38:07

mean it's not happening

38:08 - 38:15

you have two choices

38:11 - 38:15

evolve or repeat

38:16 - 38:24

not all storms come to disrupt your life

38:19 - 38:24

some come to clear your path

38:25 - 38:31

staying positive does not mean that

38:28 - 38:32

things will turn out okay

38:31 - 38:35


38:32 - 38:39

it is knowing that you will be okay no

38:35 - 38:39

matter how things turn out

38:40 - 38:45

surround yourself with people who talk

38:43 - 38:48

about visions and ideas

38:45 - 38:48

not people

38:50 - 38:57

sometimes when things are falling apart

38:53 - 38:57

they may actually be falling into place

38:59 - 39:07

some people are like clouds

39:02 - 39:07

when they disappear it's a beautiful day

39:09 - 39:16

life is like an elevator on your way up

39:12 - 39:19

sometimes you have to stop and let some

39:16 - 39:19

people off

39:21 - 39:25

weak people Revenge strong people

39:23 - 39:29


39:25 - 39:29

intelligent people ignore

39:30 - 39:37

the master has failed more times than

39:33 - 39:37

the beginner has even tried

39:39 - 39:43

only trust someone who can see these

39:41 - 39:46

three things in you

39:43 - 39:49

the sorrow behind your smile

39:46 - 39:53

the love behind your anger

39:49 - 39:53

and the reason behind your silence

39:55 - 40:01

if your absence doesn't affect them your

39:58 - 40:01

presence never mattered

40:03 - 40:12

work for a cause not for Applause

40:07 - 40:12

live life to express not to impress

40:14 - 40:19

what consumes your mind controls your

40:16 - 40:19


40:20 - 40:26

if it doesn't challenge you it won't

40:23 - 40:26

change you

40:27 - 40:33

admit when you're wrong

40:30 - 40:33

shut up when you're right

40:35 - 40:40

once you realize you deserve better

40:38 - 40:43

Letting Go will be the best decision

40:40 - 40:43


40:45 - 40:51

always know the difference between what

40:47 - 40:51

you're getting and what you deserve

40:53 - 40:58

don't be afraid of being different

40:56 - 41:01

be afraid of being the same as everyone

40:58 - 41:01


41:02 - 41:09

respect is earned honesty is appreciated

41:07 - 41:13

trust is gained

41:09 - 41:13

loyalty is returned

41:14 - 41:21

you have to fight through some bad days

41:17 - 41:21

to earn the best days of your life

41:23 - 41:29

the expert in anything was once a

41:27 - 41:29


41:31 - 41:38

a truth doesn't cost anything

41:33 - 41:38

but a lie could cost you everything

41:39 - 41:47

sometimes your circle decreases in size

41:43 - 41:47

but increases in value

41:49 - 41:55

one day you will wake up and there won't

41:52 - 41:57

be any more time to do the things you've

41:55 - 42:00

always wanted

41:57 - 42:00

do it now

42:02 - 42:08

I think there is only one quality worse

42:05 - 42:10

than Hardness of Heart

42:08 - 42:13

and that is softness of head

42:10 - 42:13


42:13 - 42:19


42:16 - 42:19

pays the best interest

42:21 - 42:30

the longer we dwell on our misfortunes

42:25 - 42:30

the greater is their power to harm us

42:32 - 42:36

the only way to keep your health is to

42:34 - 42:39

eat what you don't want

42:36 - 42:43

drink what you don't like

42:39 - 42:43

and do what you'd rather not

42:45 - 42:50

never argue with stupid people

42:47 - 42:55

they will drag you down to their level

42:50 - 42:55

and then beat you with experience

42:56 - 43:01

better a broken promise than none at all

43:03 - 43:09

if you think you can do a thing or think

43:06 - 43:11

you can't do a thing

43:09 - 43:11

you're right

43:13 - 43:20

don't hit it at all if it is honorably

43:17 - 43:23

possible to avoid hitting

43:20 - 43:25

but never hit soft

43:23 - 43:29


43:25 - 43:32

do what you can with what you have

43:29 - 43:32

Where You Are

43:35 - 43:38

a gem cannot be polished without

43:37 - 43:43


43:38 - 43:43

nor a man perfected without trials

43:44 - 43:51

a man who suffers before it is necessary

43:47 - 43:51

suffers more than is necessary

43:53 - 43:59

we should not like sheep follow the herd

43:57 - 44:02

of creatures in front of us

43:59 - 44:05

making our way where others go not where

44:02 - 44:05

we ought to go

44:07 - 44:10

we all love ourselves more than other

44:09 - 44:12


44:10 - 44:15

but care more about their opinion than

44:12 - 44:15

our own

44:17 - 44:22

luck is what happens when preparation

44:19 - 44:22

meets opportunity

44:24 - 44:29

think of yourself as dead

44:26 - 44:33

you have lived your life now take what's

44:29 - 44:33

left and live it properly

44:35 - 44:40

we live only now

44:37 - 44:43

everything else is either passed or is

44:40 - 44:43


44:44 - 44:48

you are lonely not because no one needs

44:47 - 44:51


44:48 - 44:53

but because you care about who is next

44:51 - 44:53

to you

44:54 - 44:58

the things you think about determine the

44:56 - 45:01

quality of your mind

44:58 - 45:03

your soul takes on the color of your

45:01 - 45:03


45:05 - 45:10

learn from who you were

45:07 - 45:15

appreciate who you've become and

45:10 - 45:15

carefully invest into who you want to be

45:16 - 45:19


Finding Strength: Embracing Self-Improvement and Inner Growth

In a world where loneliness can be the toll for self-improvement, it's vital to understand that failure is just a bruise, not a tattoo. The journey to personal growth is a solitary path; one that requires you to turn wounds into wisdom and build in silence. As you strive to better yourself, remember, a good life has its share of bad days too. The key to success lies in valuing your own worth and surrounding yourself with those who inspire you.

Embracing Solitude for Growth

When faced with challenges, it's essential to remember that sometimes being alone is the best medicine for the soul. It is during these moments of solitude that we find the strength to rise, heal, and overcome. Sacrificing comfort for freedom, embracing patience over haste, and prioritizing self-discipline are fundamental steps towards personal empowerment.

Navigating Life's Challenges

Life, with its myriad of chapters, presents both joy and sorrow. Each experience, whether happy or sad, contributes to the fullness of our story. Understanding that normality is a paved road devoid of growth, we must learn to tackle problems as guidelines and not stop signs. Instead of dwelling on the past, we must focus on the present and strive to be stronger than our feelings.

Self-Reflection and Resilience

As we navigate the complexities of life, it is crucial to guard our thoughts and choose our words wisely. In the face of adversity, remember that the pain felt today can be the source of strength tomorrow. By focusing on self-improvement and avoiding over-sharing, we empower ourselves to grow in silence and resilience.

In conclusion, the journey of self-improvement is a transformative process that requires patience, perseverance, and self-discipline. By valuing our own worth, embracing solitude for growth, and learning from life's challenges, we can find the strength to overcome obstacles and thrive in a constantly changing world. Remember, success is not just about surviving mistakes; it's about learning from them and evolving into the best version of yourself.