00:01 - 00:05


00:03 - 00:09

it's been a while since we've had one of

00:05 - 00:12

these videos nuclear drama and the topic

00:09 - 00:15

of today's video that's right I was

00:12 - 00:19

pinged on Twitter by Mr Jordan 52 a

00:15 - 00:24

fellow reaction Channel and do you see a

00:19 - 00:27

certain Creator here fraud lad of

00:24 - 00:29

scams remember this video all right all

00:27 - 00:30

right I'll give you a breakdown before

00:29 - 00:32

we start

00:30 - 00:34

we better put on the classroom of the

00:32 - 00:38

elite soundtrack shout outs to enre for

00:34 - 00:42

this goed copyright free soundtrack

00:38 - 00:47

let's play this let's cook him

00:42 - 00:51

so this guy is a person who literally

00:47 - 00:52

buys subs and views on YouTube and the

00:51 - 00:57

reason that I made this video first of

00:52 - 01:01

all I don't start drama I stay in my own

00:57 - 01:02

lane and I grind so that I can make

01:01 - 01:10

content and create a community that I'm

01:02 - 01:12

proud of but he shot at me on December

01:10 - 01:15

23rd okay let me give you a little

01:12 - 01:18

context breakdown this is a 20 I I I

01:15 - 01:21

made a [ __ ] PhD thesis breaking down

01:18 - 01:24

all these different points of why he

01:21 - 01:27

actually buys subs and Views but how did

01:24 - 01:30

this all start this all started because

01:27 - 01:32

of a tweet he made on December M

01:30 - 01:36

23rd right over

01:32 - 01:37

here wait for it where is it come on not

01:36 - 01:39

this one come on let me sorry sorry let

01:37 - 01:41

me find this let me find this where is

01:39 - 01:45

it where is it where is it he literally

01:41 - 01:48

tweeted at me [ __ ] I'm sorry guys right

01:45 - 01:51

over here come on the

01:48 - 01:54

[ __ ] I still can't believe and by the

01:51 - 01:57

way this is an edited tweet he called me

01:54 - 01:59

an idiot I still can't believe some

01:57 - 02:01

idiots called it the greatest Revenge

01:59 - 02:03

anime every four clicks this anime has

02:01 - 02:05

been sh and it's it's it's a really

02:03 - 02:07

pointless drama right but like here's

02:05 - 02:09

the thing this dude way bigger than me

02:07 - 02:12

on YouTube which is also actually false

02:09 - 02:16

cuz he just buys subs and Views just

02:12 - 02:18

tweets just at me calling me out calling

02:16 - 02:21

me a fake reactor calling me

02:18 - 02:24

disingenuous that I called Kingdom of

02:21 - 02:27

ruins the best revenge anime potentially

02:24 - 02:30

and you know what I stand by what I said

02:27 - 02:32

because I truly do believe that if if

02:30 - 02:34

you watch that video that first episode

02:32 - 02:36

of kingdom of ruins let's see where it

02:34 - 02:37

is I'll show you the exact same thing

02:36 - 02:41

and here's the

02:37 - 02:43

thing Kingdom of ruins where is

02:41 - 02:46


02:43 - 02:50

Revenge bring me

02:46 - 02:54

it here it is the best revenge story of

02:50 - 02:57

this year question mark question mark

02:54 - 02:59

which means that it could be but this

02:57 - 03:02

[ __ ] immediately takes what I

02:59 - 03:04

said without even giving a thumbnail and

03:02 - 03:07

then says that my entire like opinion of

03:04 - 03:09

the series is that no by the time I got

03:07 - 03:11

to the finale of it I call this dog [ __ ]

03:09 - 03:14

but this is how it all started on

03:11 - 03:16

December Eve Eve brother the day before

03:14 - 03:18

Christmas Eve when you should be

03:16 - 03:21

spending time with your family and

03:18 - 03:23

friends you're literally arguing trying

03:21 - 03:26

to call other smaller creators out for

03:23 - 03:29

what this is the type of person he is so

03:26 - 03:31

when he did this I was like bet you know

03:29 - 03:34

what [ __ ] you let's see what you're made

03:31 - 03:37

of and in this video in this entire

03:34 - 03:39

video I go over so many different points

03:37 - 03:42

I don't bring up just one single point I

03:39 - 03:45

do an entire case study about how

03:42 - 03:48

fraudulent this [ __ ] is because

03:45 - 03:51

of his fraudulent ass statistics there's

03:48 - 03:53

a social website called social blade by

03:51 - 03:56

the way social blade where you can go

03:53 - 03:58

check people's data on how well they're

03:56 - 04:01

doing on YouTube and for the most part

03:58 - 04:03

it's pretty good pretty good as in this

04:01 - 04:07

is wrong because they don't know how to

04:03 - 04:09

gauge the actual RPM the dollar amount

04:07 - 04:11

per every 1,000 views on a channel but

04:09 - 04:13

you know what they do good at pulling

04:11 - 04:17

the monthly viewership and we are peing

04:13 - 04:20

right now we are absolutely peing guess

04:17 - 04:20

what fraud lad's

04:20 - 04:30

at this dude with supposedly how many

04:25 - 04:30

Subs how many Subs

04:31 - 04:38

56.9k Subs this is his viewership

04:35 - 04:40

344,000 views and by the way this isn't

04:38 - 04:42

even based on long form content do you

04:40 - 04:44

know where the bulk of his viewership

04:42 - 04:48

comes from it's not these videos that he

04:44 - 04:51

buys views for he spams shorts which is

04:48 - 04:54

so easy to get views anyone can upload

04:51 - 04:56

shorts and start relatively popping off

04:54 - 05:00

but just to show how fraudulent his ass

04:56 - 05:04

is now what about this seems awes to me

05:00 - 05:08

if you look at the monthly gain video

05:04 - 05:11

views on YouTube versus the subscriber

05:08 - 05:14

count what the [ __ ] is this notice how

05:11 - 05:18

his views stay stagnant all the way out

05:14 - 05:20

from May 2022 to January 25th you see

05:18 - 05:22

there's no change at all and then

05:20 - 05:24

suddenly are you telling me that

05:22 - 05:27

something changed here and suddenly he's

05:24 - 05:28

getting so many Subs out of nowhere even

05:27 - 05:32

though the viewership stays the same

05:28 - 05:34

does that make sense to you no you know

05:32 - 05:38

how it should look like it should look

05:34 - 05:41

like this every channel that is

05:38 - 05:44

legitimate will have an increase in Subs

05:41 - 05:47

that correlates with the increase in

05:44 - 05:49

views literally this is how it works

05:47 - 05:51

doesn't not make sense to you that if

05:49 - 05:54

you get more views that you're going to

05:51 - 05:56

get more subs that just makes sense

05:54 - 05:59

right people that are enjoying your

05:56 - 06:01

content will most likely sub to your

05:59 - 06:03

content and the more exposure you get

06:01 - 06:05

the greater you grow yet his channel

06:03 - 06:08

looks like this and when I saw this I

06:05 - 06:11

was like no it's time to do some [ __ ]

06:08 - 06:14

fraud lad of scams auditing and here are

06:11 - 06:16

some condemning evidence this dude I and

06:14 - 06:18

I go over in full in- depth in this

06:16 - 06:22

channel in in this video by the way I go

06:18 - 06:24

over full in depth basically this is how

06:22 - 06:26

every one of his videos look like the

06:24 - 06:28

green graph is how the performance of

06:26 - 06:30

every video is like where it gradually

06:28 - 06:32

grows and tapers off fraud lad literally

06:30 - 06:35

gets no views for a while then he buys

06:32 - 06:37

the views then boom it skyrockets and

06:35 - 06:41

the most condemning thing is the fact

06:37 - 06:43

that like he has no engagement at all

06:41 - 06:44

let me bring you the most recent solo

06:43 - 06:48

leveling reaction

06:44 - 06:53

Channel reaction video two days ago bro

06:48 - 06:56

hit for 99.7k views wow big Channel huh

06:53 - 07:00

10K views amazing

06:56 - 07:03

huh I got 14k which is L the same but I

07:00 - 07:06

want you to look at this number

07:03 - 07:08

252 likes and to you this may may not

07:06 - 07:10

like any sense to you right you look at

07:08 - 07:12

the number it doesn't it doesn't matter

07:10 - 07:17

it should be

07:12 - 07:21

10% likes to view ratio it should be 10%

07:17 - 07:23

for every th000 views you get on average

07:21 - 07:27

5 to 10%

07:23 - 07:28

ratio I got 14k views these are mostly

07:27 - 07:30

community members watching me therefore

07:28 - 07:32

it's going to be closer to that 10%

07:30 - 07:34

figure if there's more tourists watching

07:32 - 07:38

me it's going to be closer to that 5%

07:34 - 07:41

figure this dude got 252 likes which is

07:38 - 07:45

so so fraudulent and then look at the

07:41 - 07:47

engagement 28 comments bro got 10K views

07:45 - 07:50

and got 28 comments how many comments

07:47 - 07:53

did I get 200 comments and here's the

07:50 - 07:55

best part I don't bother replying to any

07:53 - 07:56

these comments because [ __ ] are

07:55 - 08:00

just spoiling and saying bunch of

07:56 - 08:05

Pointless Stuff This dude replies to

08:00 - 08:08

every single comment himself meaning

08:05 - 08:12

that the comment is actually

08:08 - 08:14

14 he is so stupid that he doesn't even

08:12 - 08:16

realize that after I crucified him

08:14 - 08:19

telling him hey if you want to scam on

08:16 - 08:21

YouTube better you need to be better I

08:19 - 08:24

literally had a section how to cheat

08:21 - 08:26

better so it doesn't look suspicious buy

08:24 - 08:29

likes so that the viewership to like

08:26 - 08:31

ratio is 10% don't let the Bots by the

08:29 - 08:35

views immediately let it slow drip and

08:31 - 08:37

build up like he is so stupid that he

08:35 - 08:40

doesn't even realize that this is public

08:37 - 08:43

data everyone can see you're buying Subs

08:40 - 08:44

everyone can see that every video you

08:43 - 08:47

are buying you don't even have the

08:44 - 08:49

engagement here's another one Apothecary

08:47 - 08:53

diary's opening

08:49 - 09:00

reaction 5.4k views amazing huh but if

08:53 - 09:02

you Rao that 5 to 10% views to likes 58

09:00 - 09:04


09:02 - 09:07

comments what are you talking about I

09:04 - 09:11

got half his views right

09:07 - 09:12

2.7k yet I'm hitting 235 you know why

09:11 - 09:14

cuz that's a 10%

09:12 - 09:18

ratio what is he

09:14 - 09:21

doing nothing he's so stupid that he

09:18 - 09:26

thinks that people think this is normal

09:21 - 09:29

this is the guy that is bullying

09:26 - 09:29

others literally everyone's staying in

09:29 - 09:32

their own

09:29 - 09:37

Jordan had to [ __ ] tag me to call out

09:32 - 09:41

this [ __ ] boring reaction comma no

09:37 - 09:44

passion whatsoever imagine being such a

09:41 - 09:47

[ __ ] loser that you feel the need to

09:44 - 09:48

go to smaller creators and you know what

09:47 - 09:50

I don't even think that Jordan is

09:48 - 09:52

necessarily a smaller Creator than fraud

09:50 - 09:54

lad because I think Jordan gets more

09:52 - 09:58

authentic viewership and and you know

09:54 - 10:00

[ __ ] like this is 5% 42 likes for a

09:58 - 10:01

1.2k video for 100 your girlfriends

10:00 - 10:05

which mostly a lot of tourists are

10:01 - 10:08

watching that is 5% range he has

10:05 - 10:11

authentic people that watch him but he

10:08 - 10:15

had to go there and say this [ __ ] who

10:11 - 10:18

does this who does this bro people doing

10:15 - 10:21

better than you will never go out and

10:18 - 10:24

put other people down genuinely people

10:21 - 10:27

that are doing better than others are

10:24 - 10:29

too busy living a fulfilling life

10:27 - 10:30

chasing their dreams and working towards

10:29 - 10:32

something greater they don't have time

10:30 - 10:36

to do this [ __ ] you know why he does

10:32 - 10:39

this because he's a small little boy

10:36 - 10:43

he's a small little boy who wants to

10:39 - 10:46

feel important on YouTube by buying Subs

10:43 - 10:48

by buying views without even realizing

10:46 - 10:49

that he has his pants [ __ ] down

10:48 - 10:52

without even realizing that everyone can

10:49 - 10:54

see public data to see how fraudulent he

10:52 - 10:56

is but here's the thing if a guy like me

10:54 - 10:57

doesn't go out and say this [ __ ]

10:56 - 10:59

everyone probably thinks that this is

10:57 - 11:02

normal right you know what the sad thing

10:59 - 11:05

is too here let's see the video where he

11:02 - 11:07

literally made a community post

11:05 - 11:12

celebrating his channel this is so

11:07 - 11:15

[ __ ] sad this is so sad bro had the

11:12 - 11:19

audacity to make a [ __ ] Community

11:15 - 11:22

post today we hit another

11:19 - 11:25

Milestone thank you for all your amazing

11:22 - 11:27

support for the past 6 years and I

11:25 - 11:31

wouldn't be here without you guys

11:27 - 11:33

continuing support for my videos let's

11:31 - 11:36

all aim for

11:33 - 11:41

50k two

11:36 - 11:44

comments two comments 22 likes do you

11:41 - 11:47

think a Channel with 40,000 Subs

11:44 - 11:50

authentic Community would do that bro I

11:47 - 11:54

can go and literally just post the

11:50 - 11:57

dumbest [ __ ] I can just post a [ __ ]

11:54 - 12:00

meme this is what an actual Community is

11:57 - 12:02

look at this [ __ ] one .2k likes here me

12:00 - 12:06

just Spang a Moya emo with the super and

12:02 - 12:09

Rudy [ __ ] Community polls updates right

12:06 - 12:13

this is what happens when you have a

12:09 - 12:17

real [ __ ] Community bro but like this

12:13 - 12:20

guy he buys views he buys Subs he

12:17 - 12:22

bothers other reaction channels when

12:20 - 12:24

they are just doing their own thing

12:22 - 12:25

trying to grow trying to make content

12:24 - 12:28

trying to create the community and he

12:25 - 12:33

goes out and puts others down what kind

12:28 - 12:36

of lose behavior is this man so so

12:33 - 12:38

beyond pathetic bro and I thought we

12:36 - 12:41

were done bro I thought we were

12:38 - 12:44

genuinely done with the fraud L scams

12:41 - 12:47

drama I cooked this ass gave you a

12:44 - 12:50

[ __ ] analysis of how fraudulent this

12:47 - 12:54

channel is but he's going out putting

12:50 - 12:58

this [ __ ] out bro like it it it just

12:54 - 12:59

blows my mind like and and why do this

12:58 - 13:02


12:59 - 13:05

everyone can see this what is the logic

13:02 - 13:07

of a person who does this [ __ ] like

13:05 - 13:09

don't you think that you're going to get

13:07 - 13:12

screencapped don't you think that other

13:09 - 13:13

people will see that someone bigger is

13:12 - 13:15

trying to bully other creators in the

13:13 - 13:19

same space don't you realize that this

13:15 - 13:21

makes you look bad like what is the

13:19 - 13:24

logic here but then I remember that this

13:21 - 13:26

is the guy that literally buys like subs

13:24 - 13:28

and Views this is a guy that doesn't

13:26 - 13:31

even realize that this is all public

13:28 - 13:33

data that everyone can see and that's

13:31 - 13:34

when I realized that I think he's

13:33 - 13:38


13:34 - 13:41

[ __ ] like no offense but all offense

13:38 - 13:44

I think he's genuinely so slow that he

13:41 - 13:47

thinks that this is like fine behavior

13:44 - 13:49

and here's another thing let's put some

13:47 - 13:52

two two extra losers on blast right now

13:49 - 13:53

yep I'mma put these two losers on blast

13:52 - 13:56


13:53 - 13:58

now yep I've been waiting to do

13:56 - 14:00

this these two losers that I'm about to

13:58 - 14:03

bring up uh-huh yep you know what I just

14:00 - 14:05

said about how successful people bigger

14:03 - 14:08

creators never go and put other creators

14:05 - 14:10

down this this is true but these

14:08 - 14:13

[ __ ] shot the gun first so this

14:10 - 14:14

is an open range right now I don't go

14:13 - 14:16

out and Bully others for their

14:14 - 14:18

viewership or their lack of you know

14:16 - 14:20

let's let's say content I don't do that

14:18 - 14:25

but if you're going to come at me first

14:20 - 14:30

oh it's a [ __ ] open range this loser

14:25 - 14:33

is part of the podcast yep weaves of the

14:30 - 14:36

Round Table they make these podcasts for

14:33 - 14:39

[ __ ] nobody literally nobody is

14:36 - 14:43

watching and he had the audacity the

14:39 - 14:46

[ __ ] audacity to make a response to

14:43 - 14:48

my video calling out fraud L of scams

14:46 - 14:51

because that's his boy right that's his

14:48 - 14:52

boy right where's the [ __ ] video

14:51 - 14:55

where where where's the video

14:52 - 14:58

bro right over here one of the most

14:55 - 15:00

viewed videos on his channel Kaka TV is

14:58 - 15:03

a squawking CL clown my response to K

15:00 - 15:06

T's terrible video he is so [ __ ]

15:03 - 15:09

stupid that for 47 minutes you know what

15:06 - 15:12

his defense was on my video that social

15:09 - 15:15

blade is a broken website and Kaka TV

15:12 - 15:17

himself said that it's a broken website

15:15 - 15:21

and doesn't give good figures hey [ __ ]

15:17 - 15:24

I told you that the viewership is

15:21 - 15:25

accurate but the money isn't because

15:24 - 15:27

YouTube doesn't know how to gauge the

15:25 - 15:29

RPM of a channel cuz the RPM is

15:27 - 15:31

determined by the demographic of the

15:29 - 15:32

audience and the niche that you're in if

15:31 - 15:35

you're making anime reaction content for

15:32 - 15:36

a bunch of children in Southeast Asia do

15:35 - 15:38

you think they're going to make more

15:36 - 15:41

money than a finance Channel that's

15:38 - 15:42

predated on North America what do you

15:41 - 15:44

think the advertisers are going to serve

15:42 - 15:46

more money to a place where the currency

15:44 - 15:48

is low or the place where the currency

15:46 - 15:50

is high which also aligns with

15:48 - 15:52

professional business suits that gets

15:50 - 15:54

more money that's how RPM is determined

15:52 - 15:57

that's why this is such a wide range

15:54 - 15:59

this is true though this idiot spent his

15:57 - 16:01

entire time defending his little friend

15:59 - 16:04

and that's the funniest part too fraud

16:01 - 16:08

lad was so [ __ ] scared because he

16:04 - 16:10

knew that he is absolutely wrong so he

16:08 - 16:14

got his little bro oh little bro can you

16:10 - 16:16

go out and defend me 47 minute video bro

16:14 - 16:18

and an entire [ __ ] and and here's the

16:16 - 16:22

other [ __ ] too here's the other [ __ ]

16:18 - 16:26

too yep these two clowns Rus and Kawai

16:22 - 16:28

crew these two oh [ __ ] both of them mhm

16:26 - 16:30

mhm you know what I said again big

16:28 - 16:33

reaction channels bigger creators never

16:30 - 16:36

go out to [ __ ] on others that's true but

16:33 - 16:39

you shot the gun first so it's a [ __ ]

16:36 - 16:40

open range on both these [ __ ] clowns

16:39 - 16:42

the funny thing is that the sudden

16:40 - 16:45

jumping views case once happened in my

16:42 - 16:47

old SXF videos specifically pertaining

16:45 - 16:49

to the episode where Anya punch Damian I

16:47 - 16:52

guess I got that significant raise on

16:49 - 16:55

YouTube algorthm finally video to you're

16:52 - 16:57

so stupid you literally have an about

16:55 - 17:00

section that says dying anime reaction

16:57 - 17:01

Channel cuz YouTube changes of to

17:00 - 17:05

policies [ __ ] up the algorithm

17:01 - 17:08

together what a loser bro imagine being

17:05 - 17:09

such a loser that you blame the

17:08 - 17:11

algorithm and everything else but

17:09 - 17:14

yourself you don't know how to [ __ ]

17:11 - 17:16

make content you have no strategy that's

17:14 - 17:18

why your Channel's [ __ ] dead it's not

17:16 - 17:20

cuz the algorithm dropped you the

17:18 - 17:22

algorithm is the audience you don't know

17:20 - 17:24

how to differentiate between tourists

17:22 - 17:26

that's walking watching these videos for

17:24 - 17:29

the fan service and an actual community

17:26 - 17:31

that you created you losers are so

17:29 - 17:34

[ __ ] bad at this game let's not even

17:31 - 17:36

compare okay first of all let's do this

17:34 - 17:40

I've been waiting to [ __ ] do this bro

17:36 - 17:43

look at this idiot 1,000 videos for the

17:40 - 17:45

last [ __ ] month bro 1,000 views 1.5

17:43 - 17:47

mil here but that's not fair right so

17:45 - 17:49

you know what let me bring you my second

17:47 - 17:51

channel it's a little bit more fair if I

17:49 - 17:55

compare two channels that has kind of

17:51 - 17:57

equally Subs right 273k [ __ ]

17:55 - 18:00

want to do the other idiot too get his

17:57 - 18:01

ass up too holy [ __ ] I'm popping out

18:00 - 18:03

I've been waiting to [ __ ] do this

18:01 - 18:07


18:03 - 18:11

6.56k you are all [ __ ] ants and you

18:07 - 18:13

think that you know how the algorithm

18:11 - 18:16

works you think that a person that's

18:13 - 18:17

been doing this [ __ ] for how long how

18:16 - 18:21

long has these retards been doing this

18:17 - 18:24

[ __ ] for six [ __ ] years six years

18:21 - 18:26

doing reactions and this is all you can

18:24 - 18:29

do genuinely do you think that I'm going

18:26 - 18:31

to take your [ __ ] video you don't even

18:29 - 18:33

know how to read your own analytics and

18:31 - 18:35

you're going to make a 47 minute video

18:33 - 18:37

saying like oh the social blade is wrong

18:35 - 18:40

so therefore Kaka TV is wrong and you

18:37 - 18:44

know what the most pathetic part

18:40 - 18:46

is do you think madlad would actually be

18:44 - 18:49

friends with you if you were doing

18:46 - 18:53

better than him do you know why this

18:49 - 18:57

balding ugly [ __ ] keeps you to

18:53 - 18:59

around because you're small because

18:57 - 19:02

you're nothing you're there are a bunch

18:59 - 19:04

of yes men that glaze this idiot who

19:02 - 19:07

does nothing but buys likes and subs and

19:04 - 19:08

Views who goes on to bully other

19:07 - 19:12

channels that's doing a little bit

19:08 - 19:14

better madad has a history of blocking

19:12 - 19:15

reaction channels that's doing better at

19:14 - 19:18

him on Twitter before even engaging

19:15 - 19:19

freshest anime shout outs to freshest

19:18 - 19:23

anime by the

19:19 - 19:27

way shout out to freshest anime Joe told

19:23 - 19:29

me that madlad literally blocked Joe

19:27 - 19:33

when he hit like 10K Subs on

19:29 - 19:35

YouTube they've never interacted yet he

19:33 - 19:37

went and blocked him on Twitter this is

19:35 - 19:40

the type of small person he is he is

19:37 - 19:43

such a loser that he needs to make

19:40 - 19:45

himself look big without even realizing

19:43 - 19:47

that everything is public data and you

19:45 - 19:50

look like you're so fraudulent and then

19:47 - 19:52

he keeps these little clowns around

19:50 - 19:54

little gestures in the core and these

19:52 - 19:57

two idiots probably think that like he's

19:54 - 19:58

your friend I guarantee you if you two

19:57 - 20:01

were doing a little bit better like

19:58 - 20:03

Jordan he would not keep your dumb asses

20:01 - 20:06

around but you can't even recognize that

20:03 - 20:09

you know why cuz all three of you are

20:06 - 20:11

part of the same [ __ ] circus if you

20:09 - 20:15

actually want to learn how to be better

20:11 - 20:15

on YouTube

20:16 - 20:20

literally watch the

20:18 - 20:23

playlist I have an entire [ __ ]

20:20 - 20:25

playlist where I explain to you retards

20:23 - 20:27

how to make a reaction Channel I

20:25 - 20:29

guarantee you if you set your Eagles

20:27 - 20:31

aside and actually watch these videos

20:29 - 20:34

and learn how to create a community on

20:31 - 20:36

YouTube you wouldn't be averaging 6.56k

20:34 - 20:40

views per month after doing this [ __ ]

20:36 - 20:43

for six [ __ ] Years bro my second

20:40 - 20:45

Channel that I created not even a year

20:43 - 20:48

ago is going to do better than both of

20:45 - 20:50

these dumb asses combined but that's

20:48 - 20:52

besides the point I just wanted to pop

20:50 - 20:54

off on these idiots because these two

20:52 - 20:55

literally made a response video to my

20:54 - 20:59

[ __ ] you know uh the calling out Mad

20:55 - 21:01

Lab video and I I held off I held off

20:59 - 21:03

for a year but like oh man I've been

21:01 - 21:06

wanting to pop off on these [ __ ]

21:03 - 21:08

idiots imagine thinking anyone's going

21:06 - 21:10

to take your opinion seriously when you

21:08 - 21:13

don't even know how to [ __ ] read your

21:10 - 21:16

own analytics imagine thinking anyone is

21:13 - 21:18

going to actually believe your dumb

21:16 - 21:21

asses when you can't even grow a [ __ ]

21:18 - 21:23

Channel despite a decade on YouTube such

21:21 - 21:25

loser pathetic Behavior but you know

21:23 - 21:30

what why don't

21:25 - 21:32

we pivot these negative situations why

21:30 - 21:35

don't we put the spotlight not on these

21:32 - 21:38

[ __ ] clowns but on Jordan

21:35 - 21:40

instead let's put the spotlight on

21:38 - 21:43

creators that's actually going out

21:40 - 21:45

trying to make [ __ ] work here's a link

21:43 - 21:48

to Jordan's Channel please go check out

21:45 - 21:50

Jordan 52 check out his anime reactions

21:48 - 21:53

go support him go give him a couple

21:50 - 21:56

likes don't just sub to him cuz you pity

21:53 - 21:58

him because remember pity Subs are dead

21:56 - 22:00

Subs you need authentic viewers but

21:58 - 22:03

please go check out Jordan's Channel and

22:00 - 22:07

that's it from me man absolute loser

22:03 - 22:10

Behavior cancer of the reaction space on

22:07 - 22:10

YouTube what a loser

Exposing Fraudulent Activities in YouTube Reaction Channels

This article sheds light on the prevalent issue of fraudulent activities within YouTube reaction channels. The video creator addresses the buying of subs and views as well as bullying smaller creators in the community. The video recounts a personal encounter with a larger channel that engaged in such deceitful practices. The offender, referred to as Fraud Lad, was revealed to have manipulated his channel's performance data to falsely inflate his image while targeting genuine creators with baseless accusations. The discussion delves into the dynamics of genuine audience engagement versus fraudulent tactics, illustrating the stark differences in viewer interactions and channel growth patterns. The narrative ultimately calls for a shift in focus towards supporting authentic creators who are striving to build a positive, engaging community on YouTube.

The video author's impassioned critique of these dishonest practices highlights the damaging effects of fraudulent behavior on the platform's integrity. By uncovering the manipulative strategies employed by certain channels to boost their perceived success, the video aims to raise awareness and promote accountability within the YouTube reaction community. This exposé serves as a cautionary tale against misleading practices and emphasizes the importance of fostering genuine connections with viewers to cultivate a thriving content ecosystem on the platform.