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hey everyone here's a recap of the mid
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Journey office hours from December 11th
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I'll go through David's recap and then
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I'll get to the New World building tool
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after so the main things they're working
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on are one the World building tool but
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also they're planning to release
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multiple personalization profiles
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tomorrow as well as mood boards so that
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should be exciting David said that
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General personalization is better if you
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don't have like a bucket of images to
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reference and mood board should be
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better if you've already collected the
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look that you want as far as what's
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coming after after that David said the
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next biggest releasee is either the
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version 7 model or the version 6 video
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model or the batch 8 image mode but he
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did say that the new models won't
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release before Christmas and the batch
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18 team needs the web team to help them
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finish so they know what's coming they
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just don't know what will happen first
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David mentioned that version 7 is going
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to have a much more advanced character
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reference feature but also object
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reference and he said there is a small
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chance that they could make the model a
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lot faster as well basically it might
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start slow or average and then they can
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make it faster as they move on there
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will probably be a rating party to help
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calibrate the version 7 model as well
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right now there's a new round of
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feedback going on on the mid Journey
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website you can assign values to what
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you think their team should prioritize
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David said they have more secret
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projects they're working on three to
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four are hardware and two to three of
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them are software he said they're trying
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to Branch out into a full research lab
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but they haven't announced anything yet
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so it seems like they've been quiet but
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it sounds like there is lots going on
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behind the scenes
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okay now the New World building tool I
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believe it's called Patchwork that's
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what it's called right now at least
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David brought up one of the members of
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the team his name is Max and he was
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telling us about how they're trying to
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build the next generation of
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Storytelling tools what we saw today was
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a research preview and I'm pretty sure
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they're going to let us try it but as of
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recording I don't have a link to it yet
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basically it looks like a giant canvas
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an infinite canvas and you can use this
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large whiteboard space to create
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different settings and characters with
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other people I think that's my main
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takeaway is that it is a collaborative
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tool rather than generating in your mid
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Journey Gallery by yourself you and
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other people can generate on this big
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space together one of the really cool
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features is that there are some text
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models built into the canvas so you can
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write a rough synopsis of a character
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and then have the AI fill out the rest
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of that description you can prompt the
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AI to generate events based on the world
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You' created and all it's doing is
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creating pictures but the Hope in the
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future is that you'd be able to sort of
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connect these different scenes together
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in some sort of like chronological order
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you can also create what are called
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portals to navigate from one world to
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the next and you can travel to public
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worlds that other people have created
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and just to touch on what it looks like
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to create a new world you can basically
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attach different style codes including
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your own personalization code that will
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then generate each subsequent image in
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that style I think it all sounds pretty
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cool I think the future of the tool
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should be amazing but as of right now I
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don't know it's it is what it is I'm
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sure for collaborative projects it will
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really help people a lot if you like the
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art in this video here is the prompt a
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crudely drawn simple drawing with
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markers your subject white background
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texture D- no marker pen markers hands I
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used Chaos 2 and 4 as well as stylize 60
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special thanks to begy ow I found this
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prompt over on the mid Journey website I
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just released a free prompt pack for
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everyone in my community the future Tech
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Academy 27 prompts that are all in the
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style of my personal Vibe I'll have it
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available to purchase soon but like I
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said if you sign up for the community
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you can download it at no extra cost
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there's your recap of the mid Journey
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office hours I hope you're doing well
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take care and I'll see you next time