00:38 - 00:44
the connection between uh off-road
00:41 - 00:48
touring and off-road racing the the
00:44 - 00:50
synergies between those two experiences
00:48 - 00:53
to me have they've always kind of come
00:50 - 00:55
hand in hand my love of the outdoors
00:53 - 00:57
came from off-road racing my love of
00:55 - 01:00
off-road racing came from the outdoors
00:57 - 01:03
the ability to to visit the remotest
01:00 - 01:05
locations in the country and there's one
01:03 - 01:07
that just stands out that it's an
01:05 - 01:09
adventure every time to get there and
01:07 - 01:11
whether I'm traveling in a patriot
01:09 - 01:13
camper on my way out to the geographical
01:11 - 01:16
center of Australia or I'm I'm racing my
01:13 - 01:19
800 horsepower Trophy Truck uh through
01:16 - 01:21
that desert it's we we get the the the
01:19 - 01:23
same feeling we get the same challenges
01:21 - 01:25
we get the same feeling of of remoteness
01:23 - 01:29
when we're out there and um there's just
01:25 - 01:32
nothing quite like it
01:32 - 01:37
and uh I I fell in love firstly with the
01:35 - 01:40
scenery and the remoteness and the
01:37 - 01:44
vastness of the desert uh in Australia
01:40 - 01:45
and you couple that with you know trophy
01:44 - 01:46
trucks and off-road race cars coming
01:45 - 01:49
through that desert when the think
01:46 - 01:51
desert race is on and the passion just
01:49 - 01:54
it it grew immediately and I'm not sure
01:51 - 01:55
which one really came first whether it
01:54 - 01:58
was the passion for touring you know the
01:55 - 02:00
trip getting there and getting back or
01:58 - 02:02
you know the the the pass for off-road
02:00 - 02:05
racing but that's where the two of the
02:02 - 02:07
those two things collided for me and
02:05 - 02:10
everything Patriot campers has revolved
02:07 - 02:14
around those two things as as personal
02:10 - 02:14
targets and and hobbies for me
02:46 - 02:51
the ironic thing is the off-road racing
02:49 - 02:54
might not have made a lot of sense to a
02:51 - 02:57
lot of people um you know when Patriot
02:54 - 02:59
campers first put the race team together
02:57 - 03:01
uh I don't think that the connection was
02:59 - 03:03
really seen from the outside but what we
03:01 - 03:05
were learning at that time as as
03:03 - 03:08
manufacturers of offer equipment that
03:05 - 03:10
sure are not subject to to what a a
03:08 - 03:13
trophy truck goes through but what we
03:10 - 03:16
learned from the ability of putting
03:13 - 03:19
something mechanical so intricate
03:16 - 03:21
together and make it last on a journey
03:19 - 03:23
like blasting down the desert heading
03:21 - 03:26
down into Fink um there's not a lot of
03:23 - 03:28
mechanical gear that can sustain uh that
03:26 - 03:30
sort of punishment for that period of
03:28 - 03:32
time and you know we have the same
03:30 - 03:33
issues with the race car that we have
03:32 - 03:35
with the camper trailer how do we keep
03:33 - 03:37
dust out of the thing how do we stop uh
03:35 - 03:39
the chassis from cracking how do we get
03:37 - 03:42
the maximum out of the suspension travel
03:39 - 03:44
and the valving to ensure that the ride
03:42 - 03:47
doesn't punish everything that the uh
03:44 - 03:49
camper trailer is riding on so those two
03:47 - 03:52
products they align and they mesh so
03:49 - 03:53
well that we learn so much from the race
03:52 - 03:55
team that we apply to the camper
03:53 - 03:59
trailers and so much from the camper
03:55 - 03:59
trailers that we applied RC
04:16 - 04:22
the opportunity came up with Toyota USA
04:19 - 04:24
once again to join forces with them in
04:22 - 04:27
the United States after we launch the
04:24 - 04:31
st5 we got invited back over to Seer and
04:27 - 04:33
I think that's where the the green light
04:31 - 04:35
hit really really hard this project that
04:33 - 04:37
I had running around in my head that I
04:35 - 04:39
wanted to build so bad all all I needed
04:37 - 04:42
I needed a spark I needed a catalyst to
04:39 - 04:44
get this thing going and that invite
04:42 - 04:47
that conversation there with Toyota USA
04:44 - 04:50
it was just um all hands on deck to to
04:47 - 04:52
make this creation happen and launch it
04:50 - 04:55
at Sea and once again the the pride in
04:52 - 04:58
the business uh to be put on a worldwide
04:55 - 05:01
stage you know Back at Sea um with a
04:58 - 05:04
brand like Toyota USA has just been you
05:01 - 05:07
know I said in 2022 that that we'll
05:04 - 05:09
never top this and I think we just have
05:07 - 05:12
we've just done it again and once again
05:09 - 05:14
to get that recognition from from the
05:12 - 05:16
global industry you know for them to
05:14 - 05:17
want to partner with us and have the
05:16 - 05:20
ability to launch a product like the
05:17 - 05:24
think Edition uh on the Toyota Bo at
05:20 - 05:26
seos just I I think that sums up um what
05:24 - 05:29
this design is really all
05:26 - 05:32
about the collaborations um that we've
05:29 - 05:34
done on the st5 think Edition project uh
05:32 - 05:37
and particularly uh with with companies
05:34 - 05:40
like uh Fox Racing and uh and Method
05:37 - 05:42
Wheels have just been a big feather in
05:40 - 05:44
our cap I think that we're we we're
05:42 - 05:46
making uh we've been making a statement
05:44 - 05:47
for a very long time by pushing the
05:46 - 05:50
boundaries of innovation you know
05:47 - 05:51
through Australian manufacturing and now
05:50 - 05:54
we're getting Global recognition for it
05:51 - 05:56
you know when we reached out to to the
05:54 - 05:58
partners that have collaborated on this
05:56 - 06:00
build with us you know we had nothing
05:58 - 06:03
but you know full horsepower of their
06:00 - 06:06
teams uh to develop products and and
06:03 - 06:09
utilize uh well-known products um to
06:06 - 06:12
really take the the think addition um to
06:14 - 06:19
level we're matured you know we've come
06:17 - 06:23
a very very long way the entire team's
06:19 - 06:25
come a very long way and now we we dream
06:23 - 06:27
up these Concepts in these wish lists
06:25 - 06:29
that that you know they keep you up late
06:27 - 06:32
at night but when we present the ideas
06:29 - 06:34
is back into the team and and we figure
06:32 - 06:36
out the solutions you know the wins win
06:34 - 06:40
after win after win that you'll see
06:36 - 06:42
particularly on the st5 think Edition um
06:40 - 06:44
are just huge achievements and I don't I
06:42 - 06:45
don't think huge achievements just for
06:44 - 06:47
Patriot campers I think they're huge
06:45 - 06:49
achievements for the industry and
06:47 - 06:53
they're huge achievements for our
06:49 - 06:55
company as a as a whole so um yeah I
06:53 - 06:57
think everything everything the full
06:55 - 07:00
wish list that's been put into uh the
06:57 - 07:01
think Edition is uh everything that I
07:00 - 07:04
could have ever dreamt of and and
07:01 - 07:06
probably more way back when I I was even
07:04 - 07:11
dreaming about starting Patriot
07:11 - 07:16
campers when we talk about the materials
07:14 - 07:19
uh in the interior the black Al coner is
07:16 - 07:21
obviously a throwback to very very high
07:19 - 07:23
in sports cars that's a material that's
07:21 - 07:24
been used for a long period of time and
07:23 - 07:26
it's a material that I actually put into
07:24 - 07:28
the mega6 it's a material that again it
07:26 - 07:31
was on my wish list when I was you know
07:28 - 07:32
in the inspired for the design of
07:31 - 07:36
keeping this thing light and keeping it
07:32 - 07:38
very race high-end orientated I don't
07:36 - 07:40
think there was really another selection
07:38 - 07:42
the green patterns that you see on the
07:40 - 07:44
inside um really complement the exterior
07:42 - 07:46
when we talk about the uh the exterior
07:44 - 07:49
wrap we've gone back to the original
07:46 - 07:51
Patriot green the original color that
07:49 - 07:53
that launched the brand which is the the
07:51 - 07:55
scheme of my uh of my race team you know
07:53 - 07:58
the White and the green uh with the new
07:55 - 08:00
decals uh flows and really accentuates
07:58 - 08:03
we put a lot of work into ating the body
08:00 - 08:06
lines of the st5 and really showing off
08:03 - 08:08
um those Contours carbon fiber has been
08:06 - 08:11
chosen for the interior and this is this
08:08 - 08:13
is real solid carbon fiber that we've
08:11 - 08:16
installed here this is not a a laminate
08:13 - 08:18
or a layer um it's six Coates of of two
08:16 - 08:20
pack clear resin on top uh to try and
08:18 - 08:23
protect the carbon fiber but the aim has
08:20 - 08:25
been really to keep the weight down and
08:23 - 08:28
all of the details the engineering team
08:25 - 08:30
here are consistently chasing kilos out
08:28 - 08:33
of the St five and the think addition
08:30 - 08:35
we've we've really taken it down to uh
08:33 - 08:37
to Bare Bones as far as ensuring we're
08:35 - 08:39
keeping the structural Integrity but
08:37 - 08:40
when it came to the interior um there
08:39 - 08:43
was no other choice than material this
08:40 - 08:44
trailer deserved carbon fiber and when
08:43 - 08:47
you see the flow through of the carbon
08:44 - 08:49
fiber bench Toops uh into the brass
08:47 - 08:51
tapware you know the brass tapware and
08:49 - 08:53
uh is another design queue that really
08:51 - 08:55
incorporates the the wheels from the
08:53 - 08:57
outside the bronze and the wheels but
08:55 - 08:59
it's really representative of the the
08:57 - 09:01
gold anodizing and plating that you see
08:59 - 09:02
right throughout um the products uh that
09:01 - 09:05
we use on the race team and even the
09:02 - 09:07
very very small details the limited
09:05 - 09:10
edition uh think badging that's really
09:07 - 09:12
neatly embossed into that into the table
09:10 - 09:14
into the solid carbon fiber 5 mil thick
09:12 - 09:18
carbon fiber uh table you know it's
09:14 - 09:20
these real these small details that you
09:18 - 09:22
know people people do pick up they do
09:20 - 09:25
Sense on these things and it gives that
09:22 - 09:27
that inspiration that that feel to to
09:25 - 09:29
something that's exclusive and something
09:27 - 09:32
a little bit Elite but
09:29 - 09:35
with the fundamental core of
09:32 - 09:38
functionality of keeping really driving
09:35 - 09:41
that weight down on the st5 F Ed
09:38 - 09:42
condition even to the details of
09:41 - 09:46
replacing the heavy vinyl floor that's
09:42 - 09:48
in the standard st5 uh into carpet you
09:46 - 09:51
know the carpet in the sd5 weighs about
09:48 - 09:53
3 kilos versus the vinyl floor that's
09:51 - 09:56
about 20 OD kilos so we we've really
09:53 - 09:59
chased every detail everything that we
09:56 - 10:03
can do to reduce that weight um has been
09:59 - 10:05
a the Primal focus of the F
10:03 - 10:07
condition uh the canvas has been swapped
10:05 - 10:09
out uh to Black from our standard
10:07 - 10:12
Patriot gray color again to complement
10:09 - 10:15
those outside decals and the interior
10:12 - 10:17
materials the biggest engineering feat
10:15 - 10:19
of the st5 of the entire design you know
10:17 - 10:20
there's a lot of complexities in that
10:19 - 10:22
design it's got to be the new trinamic
10:20 - 10:25
suspension project we've been working on
10:22 - 10:27
for a very long time on really
10:25 - 10:31
modernizing uh suspension systems on on
10:27 - 10:35
tollable items now we've achieved 250 mm
10:31 - 10:37
of uh of travel uh and a very very very
10:35 - 10:39
light wheel weight uh when it comes to
10:37 - 10:40
the trinamic suspension so we've gone
10:39 - 10:42
even a little bit further with the F
10:40 - 10:44
condition we've complemented the
10:42 - 10:46
trinamic suspension uh first of all with
10:44 - 10:49
a 35in tire is standard for a bigger
10:46 - 10:51
rolling diameter to another enable the
10:49 - 10:54
trailer um to get over the big potholes
10:51 - 10:57
and the ruts uh and that's mounted to a
10:54 - 10:58
method bead grip uh wheel which is
10:57 - 11:00
methods tried and proven in the off-road
10:58 - 11:04
racing saying it's it's the wheel that I
11:00 - 11:06
run on on my race cars and uh and most
11:04 - 11:07
of the big players in uh in the US are
11:06 - 11:10
running the method wheels for that
11:07 - 11:12
reason they're very very reliable but
11:10 - 11:14
really importantly we've worked heavily
11:12 - 11:17
with box racing in the United States and
11:14 - 11:20
that's that's been amazing so far uh
11:17 - 11:22
we're offering a 2.0 shock uh with a
11:20 - 11:24
remote resi with adjust adjustable
11:22 - 11:27
compression so again you can kind of
11:24 - 11:28
fine-tune the trailer into the terrain
11:27 - 11:30
that you're traveling on if you're
11:28 - 11:32
traveling on the Highway you can stiffen
11:30 - 11:33
the valving up a little bit and stop
11:32 - 11:35
that body roll a little bit more and
11:33 - 11:37
then when you get to Offroad a couple of
11:35 - 11:39
clickers you can lighten that valving
11:37 - 11:42
right off and give the trailer a little
11:39 - 11:44
bit more flex and a little bit more uh
11:42 - 11:47
articulation which gives a much much
11:44 - 11:48
softer ride puts less load uh on the
11:47 - 11:49
suspension but it ensures that
11:48 - 11:52
everything that you're pack to the
11:49 - 11:54
trailer um isn't going to bounce around
11:52 - 11:58
and everything's going to ride much much
11:54 - 11:58
uh cleaner on on the new Fox shocks
12:04 - 12:09
stopping power is also uh been upgraded
12:07 - 12:11
from our standard disc Brak we've
12:09 - 12:14
partnered with willwood another really
12:11 - 12:16
well-renowned uh brand to give uh a lot
12:14 - 12:18
more stopping power to the F Ed
12:16 - 12:21
condition the the the stopping power
12:18 - 12:22
when it comes to a trailer is is very
12:21 - 12:24
very important you know at the end of
12:22 - 12:26
the day you're you're increasing the
12:24 - 12:29
load on your car and when it comes to
12:26 - 12:30
stopping quick the uh sd5 think Edition
12:29 - 12:32
is is going to do that better than
12:30 - 12:36
anything else on the market well
12:32 - 12:38
Navigator's main priority outside of of
12:36 - 12:40
navigating the truck is uh is repairs
12:38 - 12:42
you know when something goes wrong on WE
12:40 - 12:44
truck side uh he has to know that
12:42 - 12:48
vehicle inside out back to front he
12:44 - 12:49
needs to be able to rectify the issue as
12:48 - 12:50
quickly as possible and that's been the
12:49 - 12:53
inspiration for the design of the
12:50 - 12:55
service module uh in the st5 we wanted
12:53 - 12:58
to enable customers to have the ability
12:55 - 13:01
to troubleshoot uh make repairs and just
12:58 - 13:03
as important L uh we wanted the ability
13:01 - 13:05
that you didn't have to have a highly
13:03 - 13:07
trained technician you know we wanted it
13:05 - 13:10
to be able to be serviced by any
13:07 - 13:12
Automotive uh mechanic anywhere around
13:10 - 13:15
the world globally um and the the
13:12 - 13:18
inspiration uh from again what we
13:15 - 13:21
continue to learn through the race team
13:18 - 13:24
is being engineered directly uh into the
13:25 - 13:31
Edition the st5 think Edition is a pure
13:29 - 13:34
representation on where the Patriot
13:31 - 13:37
Camp's brand is at we've learned so much
13:34 - 13:40
over the past 10 years and all of the
13:37 - 13:41
desires of of what we wanted to apply
13:40 - 13:44
from what we've leared from our
13:41 - 13:47
Motorsports program is now being put
13:44 - 13:49
into a to uh tollable item which is it's
13:47 - 13:51
never been done before you know this is
13:49 - 13:55
another first globally for the whole
13:51 - 13:58
tobbles industry to take the inspiration
13:55 - 14:01
from vehicles that are subject to more
13:58 - 14:03
punish M than any other mechanical bit
14:01 - 14:05
of gear that exists on the planet and
14:03 - 14:07
put that into a tollable item I think is
14:05 - 14:09
going to give our customers first and
14:07 - 14:12
foremost the confidence to push a little
14:09 - 14:14
bit uh further and maybe even do it a
14:12 - 14:17
little bit faster than than you normally
14:14 - 14:19
would um it proves what's possible in in
14:17 - 14:21
a towable but I think more importantly
14:19 - 14:24
it takes the best that the automotive
14:21 - 14:26
industry currently offers and wraps it
14:24 - 14:29
up into a package um that sits behind
14:26 - 14:31
your tow vehicle like like nothing else
14:29 - 14:39
that the world's ever seen
14:39 - 14:46
before when I get into my trophy truck
14:42 - 14:49
uh the feeling is Indescribable it is
14:46 - 14:50
you feel indestructible you know when
14:49 - 14:51
you're when you're sitting on that thing
14:50 - 14:54
and you're strapping in and you're on
14:51 - 14:56
the start line and you're about to start
14:54 - 14:58
a journey uh and every single race is a
14:56 - 14:59
journey and in the truck you don't know
14:58 - 15:00
whether whether you're going to get
14:59 - 15:03
there and you don't know whether you're
15:00 - 15:06
going to get home but one thing that we
15:03 - 15:08
always learn when we don't get home is
15:06 - 15:10
is is we we always investigate the
15:08 - 15:13
reason why and we always learn something
15:10 - 15:15
as a race team and we apply all of that
15:13 - 15:17
knowledge back into the engineering team
15:15 - 15:18
the engineering team that are
15:17 - 15:20
responsible for for taking care of my
15:18 - 15:22
truck of the same team that are
15:20 - 15:24
responsible for Designing the Patriot
15:22 - 15:27
campers product and that's where the
15:24 - 15:29
alignment of the two is been so valuable
15:27 - 15:31
behind the scenes you know we learned so
15:29 - 15:33
much from off-road racing that we apply
15:31 - 15:37
into the products that that our
15:33 - 15:39
customers you know entrust in us um that
15:37 - 15:41
their products will always make it back
15:39 - 15:43
home and the eyy of the think Edition is
15:41 - 15:45
when I dreamed up the
15:43 - 15:48
st5 this is what I dreamed of this
15:45 - 15:50
product the think Edition this is this
15:48 - 15:52
was everything this was everything that
15:50 - 15:54
I had everything that I've learned
15:52 - 15:56
wrapped up in 10 years over Patriot
15:54 - 16:00
campers all the experiences all of the
15:56 - 16:02
wins all of the losses was this was the
16:00 - 16:05
level of camper trailer that I wanted to
16:02 - 16:07
produce from day one of patriot campers
16:05 - 16:09
this trailer might not be for everyone
16:07 - 16:13
you know the the stand the st5 in it
16:09 - 16:15
standard form has in some respects been
16:13 - 16:17
designed to to cater to a more wider
16:15 - 16:21
Market this is a very very specific
16:17 - 16:25
product and if people were to ask me
16:21 - 16:27
what is the Pinnacle of tolles what is
16:25 - 16:29
the Pinnacle of what Patriot campers can
16:27 - 16:31
produce uh I don't don't have any more
16:29 - 16:34
in me than this to me this product is
16:38 - 16:44
perfect from sea the st5 think Edition
16:42 - 16:46
build number one which is actually mine
16:44 - 16:48
it'll be living in the United States for
16:46 - 16:51
for 12 months uh I will be bringing that
16:48 - 16:52
one uh back to Australia that is that's
16:51 - 16:54
that's number one and and that one will
16:52 - 16:56
be living in my garage rning will be
16:54 - 16:58
building a limited uh number of these
16:56 - 17:00
but they're obviously available to order
16:58 - 17:03
out of Las Vegas and and of course I
17:00 - 17:20
Patriot HQ on the goast