00:00 - 00:07

dear functional Bros I see you I hear

00:04 - 00:09

you and I love you functional

00:07 - 00:12

programming is awesome but functional

00:09 - 00:15

programmers are bad marketers talking

00:12 - 00:18

about currying your monads binding

00:15 - 00:20

functors so many words I'm not sure

00:18 - 00:23

anyone truly understands what all these

00:20 - 00:24

things mean because they really lie on

00:23 - 00:27

some spectrum between the math of

00:24 - 00:29

category Theory Lambda calculus and

00:27 - 00:31

their specific mapping to different

00:29 - 00:31

language implementation

00:32 - 00:38

but still I do understand the beauty of

00:34 - 00:40

it the concept of a function is so pure

00:38 - 00:42

you have this elegant thing that takes

00:40 - 00:44

an input and gives you an

00:42 - 00:47


00:44 - 00:50

output and no matter what the same input

00:47 - 00:50

always gives you the same

00:51 - 00:55

output the key thing that ensures that

00:53 - 00:58

it gives you the same answer always for

00:55 - 01:01

Infinity is that there's no side effects

00:58 - 01:01

there's no state

01:02 - 01:07


01:05 - 01:10

no thing inside of the function that

01:07 - 01:10

isn't directly derived by the

01:13 - 01:17

input once you introduce State the

01:16 - 01:18

outcome of the function can vary based

01:17 - 01:27

upon that

01:18 - 01:27


01:28 - 01:32

state on honly most programming

01:30 - 01:35

paradigms are really just different

01:32 - 01:37

takes on how you manage State it's all

01:35 - 01:40

about state so let's talk about what

01:37 - 01:42

functional programming is why it kind of

01:40 - 01:43

sucks but why adding a little bit to

01:42 - 01:49

your code is

01:43 - 01:49


01:50 - 01:55

awesome functional programming takes one

01:52 - 01:57

extreme side of this state opinion it's

01:55 - 02:01

about writing programs based upon One

01:57 - 02:04

Core concept there shall be no State you

02:01 - 02:07

have inputs which are transformed into

02:04 - 02:09

outputs in order to get stuff done you

02:07 - 02:11

compose and connect functions to other

02:09 - 02:13

functions hooking up their inputs and

02:11 - 02:16

outputs together into one big long chain

02:13 - 02:18

that achieves the goal of the

02:16 - 02:20

program but you don't have objects or

02:18 - 02:21

structures in memory that you mutate to

02:20 - 02:24

track what's going

02:21 - 02:27

on in this absolute Pier world where you

02:24 - 02:28

want to write functions with no State

02:27 - 02:30

this also means that you're not allowed

02:28 - 02:32

to mutate variables

02:30 - 02:34

so this means if you were to set a value

02:32 - 02:36

you canot change it again this means

02:34 - 02:39

conventional iteration Loops like for

02:36 - 02:41

and while are impossible if you think

02:39 - 02:43

about a for Loop or while loop it

02:41 - 02:45

requires you to mutate some State at

02:43 - 02:47

least some variable that's tracking how

02:45 - 02:49

many times you've

02:47 - 02:51

iterated so how do you do a loop in a

02:49 - 02:53

pure functional

02:51 - 02:56

way the answer with functional

02:53 - 02:59

programming is usually well more

02:56 - 03:00

functions when all you have is a hammer

02:59 - 03:02

this is the part that that we want to

03:00 - 03:05

repeat over and over again so we'll just

03:02 - 03:06

pull that part out to a function so now

03:05 - 03:09

we need to replicate the three parts of

03:06 - 03:11

the for Loop the key thing that the for

03:09 - 03:13

Loop does is increment the index

03:11 - 03:16

variable so that the body gets rerun

03:13 - 03:18

with each index so we need an equivalent

03:16 - 03:21

of incrementing index and rerunning our

03:18 - 03:23

body inside of process receipt since we

03:21 - 03:26

can't mutate index you can imagine us

03:23 - 03:28

creating a new variable next index which

03:26 - 03:31

contains the next index we want to

03:28 - 03:33

process but now we want to repeat this

03:31 - 03:36

section again so we'll need to call

03:33 - 03:38

Process receipt again so now if you were

03:36 - 03:40

to call Process receipt let's say with

03:38 - 03:42

an index of

03:40 - 03:45

two it would print the merchant from

03:42 - 03:51

index 2 then recall process receipt with

03:45 - 03:53

index 3 then four Etc but as it is now

03:51 - 03:55

it'll keep calling the process receipt

03:53 - 03:58

forever until it goes beyond the size of

03:55 - 04:00

the receipt array causing an error to be

03:58 - 04:03

thrown and then this is where the second

04:00 - 04:05

part of the for Loop comes into play the

04:03 - 04:08

condition we only want to execute the

04:05 - 04:11

body if the condition is met otherwise

04:08 - 04:12

we do nothing and move on so we'll move

04:11 - 04:15

that condition down into our function

04:12 - 04:17

where we only do anything if our index

04:15 - 04:19

is still in range you can see when we

04:17 - 04:21

run the program it works like before it

04:19 - 04:24

increases the index beyond the size of

04:21 - 04:26

the array and we still call our

04:24 - 04:29

function but in this case it fails our

04:26 - 04:31

condition and we do nothing this breaks

04:29 - 04:34

the recursive Loop and all our functions

04:31 - 04:36

return recursion is just a fancier form

04:34 - 04:38


04:36 - 04:40

iteration and finally we have our last

04:38 - 04:42

part of the for Loop which is where we

04:40 - 04:44

set our starting point this just

04:42 - 04:46

represents our first call into our

04:44 - 04:48

recursive Loop so now we've completely

04:46 - 04:50

converted our Loop to be done in the

04:48 - 04:52

more functional way we can also remove

04:50 - 04:54

any unneeded variables to make our code

04:52 - 04:56

more concise if we

04:54 - 04:59

wanted okay this is pretty simple and

04:56 - 05:01

just logs each item in the loop but what

04:59 - 05:03

if we wanted to do something useful like

05:01 - 05:05

finding all the receipts that belong to

05:03 - 05:08

a particular user and return them so

05:05 - 05:09

they can be displayed elsewhere well we

05:08 - 05:12

can take the user ID as a third

05:09 - 05:14

parameter and then check if the user

05:12 - 05:17

matches this now only prints the receipt

05:14 - 05:19

of the merchant if the user ID

05:17 - 05:20

matches but instead we want this

05:19 - 05:22

function to return the list of matching

05:20 - 05:25

receipts so that it can be displayed on

05:22 - 05:27

the web app we need to somehow return

05:25 - 05:29

the results of the matching at each

05:27 - 05:32

recursive call we want to make an array

05:29 - 05:33

with the current receipt at the front

05:32 - 05:36

and the results from the deep recalls

05:33 - 05:38

attached to the end this way we can get

05:36 - 05:40

back everything in order but we only

05:38 - 05:43

want to append the current item if it

05:40 - 05:47

has the right user ID otherwise we just

05:43 - 05:49

want to pass through the previous

05:47 - 05:51

result so in order to do this we'll

05:49 - 05:54

actually get the results of the deeper

05:51 - 05:56

calls first and then if the user ID

05:54 - 05:58

matches will return the current results

05:56 - 06:02

appended to the later results otherwise

05:58 - 06:04

just forward on the later results as is

06:02 - 06:06

and lastly if we've processed the entire

06:04 - 06:08

list we'll just return empty results

06:06 - 06:11

since there's no more results to be had

06:08 - 06:13

so now this function just returns all

06:11 - 06:15

the receipts for a given user ID and

06:13 - 06:17

we'll give it a better

06:15 - 06:19

name thing is you could imagine this

06:17 - 06:21

pattern happening over and over again

06:19 - 06:23

whenever you wanted to find stuff in an

06:21 - 06:26

array the only difference between these

06:23 - 06:28

functions is the condition in the if

06:26 - 06:30

statement we could replace all three

06:28 - 06:32

functions with just one if we instead

06:30 - 06:34

passed in a function that returned

06:32 - 06:36

whether or not an item should be

06:34 - 06:39

included let's pull out the condition

06:36 - 06:40

and move it to its own function and

06:39 - 06:43

instead of taking the user ID as a

06:40 - 06:46

parameter we'll pass in that function

06:43 - 06:47

instead we can call it condition or if

06:46 - 06:48

you want to be a classy fellow you can

06:47 - 06:50

call it

06:48 - 06:52

predicate then we just call that

06:50 - 06:54

function where the condition used to be

06:52 - 06:57

and that function tells us whether or

06:54 - 06:58

not to include the item then we can pass

06:57 - 07:01

our condition the user ID equals

06:58 - 07:03

function into our filter and of course

07:01 - 07:06

we can now rename our function to be a

07:03 - 07:06


07:07 - 07:11

filter now we can run our beautiful

07:09 - 07:14

program with our filter and user ID

07:11 - 07:16

equals function and wait we have a

07:14 - 07:19

problem our user ID equals function

07:16 - 07:21

takes two parameters the receipt and the

07:19 - 07:23

user ID to check against but our filter

07:21 - 07:26

function only checks against the receipt

07:23 - 07:28

itself we don't know the user ID to

07:26 - 07:30

check against we could try passing in

07:28 - 07:33

another value that we could relay into

07:30 - 07:35

the function but what if we need more

07:33 - 07:37

than one like in the case we needed to

07:35 - 07:40

check if the total was between a range

07:37 - 07:42

it gets a bit awkward so instead we're

07:40 - 07:45

going to get a bit fancy here instead of

07:42 - 07:47

having our user ID equals function take

07:45 - 07:50

both a receipt and a user ID we're going

07:47 - 07:52

to have it take only the user ID that we

07:50 - 07:54

want to compare against and it will

07:52 - 07:56

construct and return a new function that

07:54 - 07:59

takes a receipt and returns whether it's

07:56 - 08:02

from the user ID we then pass in that

07:59 - 08:02

new function that's been created into

08:02 - 08:05


08:02 - 08:07

filter this is a little weird but what's

08:05 - 08:10

happening is that the user ID is like a

08:07 - 08:10

secret extra parameter which is bound to

08:10 - 08:13


08:10 - 08:16

function and this function remembers

08:13 - 08:17

that value and can use it the name for

08:16 - 08:20

this pattern is called

08:17 - 08:22

currying instead of handling the entire

08:20 - 08:24

operation at once it returns a function

08:22 - 08:26

that handles the next part of the

08:24 - 08:29

operation the later part has the

08:26 - 08:32

previous state bound to it the that new

08:29 - 08:36

on the-fly created function is what gets

08:32 - 08:36

called when filter needs to check a

08:43 - 08:47

condition this is what's a bit funny to

08:45 - 08:48

me because functional programming is

08:47 - 08:50

supposed to be so different than

08:48 - 08:52


08:50 - 08:54

programming but by binding data like

08:52 - 08:57

this we're creating an instance of a

08:54 - 08:59

function with some bound data to work

08:57 - 09:03

with instead of creating an instance of

08:59 - 09:03

a data object with its bound

09:03 - 09:09

functions currying like this is a bit of

09:06 - 09:10

an older way of doing this you can

09:09 - 09:12

automate this in JavaScript and many

09:10 - 09:15

other languages by using

09:12 - 09:17

bind I won't go into bind fully here

09:15 - 09:19

because really the way we want to do

09:17 - 09:21

this today is to use Lambda functions

09:19 - 09:24

this is where we'll move our equals

09:21 - 09:26

check right into an inline

09:24 - 09:29

function now this is finally where

09:26 - 09:31

things start to get kind of nice I'm

09:29 - 09:33

filtering by user now or I can filter by

09:31 - 09:36

Merchant just like this or do a more

09:33 - 09:38

complex check on the total here we might

09:36 - 09:41

want to get just the filtered Merchant

09:38 - 09:43

names instead of the entire object if we

09:41 - 09:46

devise a new function based upon our

09:43 - 09:48

Loop that doesn't filter based upon a

09:46 - 09:50

condition but instead takes a function

09:48 - 09:52

that gives you the desired result for

09:50 - 09:54

each element we insert that new

09:52 - 09:57

transformed element into the array

09:54 - 09:59

instead we'll call this function map

09:57 - 10:01

because it Maps each element to a

09:59 - 10:04


10:01 - 10:07

thing then we can chain these together

10:04 - 10:09

so first we get our list of receipts

10:07 - 10:12

find the ones with a total between 14

10:09 - 10:14

and 20 and then just say for each give

10:12 - 10:14

us the merchant

10:15 - 10:19

name so now we get an array of the

10:18 - 10:21

merchant strings instead of the full

10:19 - 10:24

receipt objects at the

10:21 - 10:25

end and if we only wanted to take the

10:24 - 10:28

first five items we could write a

10:25 - 10:31

function called take take would give us

10:28 - 10:34

up to the count elements from the array

10:31 - 10:36

we can chain that on as well so now you

10:34 - 10:38

can see that we basically created a data

10:36 - 10:41

pipeline here where we have an input

10:38 - 10:43

State we filter it down to what we want

10:41 - 10:46

map the types of the values to what we

10:43 - 10:49

want and then take the first five to

10:46 - 10:51

display our code clearly declares what

10:49 - 10:53

we want to happen and all the complexity

10:51 - 10:54

of how this is done is behind the scenes

10:53 - 10:57

in our fundamental

10:54 - 11:00

functions so we've just derived these

10:57 - 11:02

functional style fundamentals ourselves

11:00 - 11:05

but these are also built directly into

11:02 - 11:07

JavaScript so let's take a look on how

11:05 - 11:10

to use those to create data

11:07 - 11:11

pipelines but first what's our goal with

11:10 - 11:13


11:11 - 11:15

receipts we have this amazing new

11:13 - 11:18

startup idea that solves a uniquely

11:15 - 11:20

American problem in an American Way in

11:18 - 11:23

the US when you're in a restaurant you

11:20 - 11:24

need to fill a tip manually by writing

11:23 - 11:26

the tip in

11:24 - 11:29

total this is effectively a mandatory

11:26 - 11:31

fee on your meal enforced by social

11:29 - 11:33

shaming your card is initially charged

11:31 - 11:35

for the total without the tip but

11:33 - 11:37

several days later the updated total

11:35 - 11:38

with your hand scribble tip will show up

11:37 - 11:40

on your credit

11:38 - 11:42

card the problem here is that no one is

11:40 - 11:44

really going to check whether their tip

11:42 - 11:47

was accurately reported when their

11:44 - 11:49

transaction was settled so in theory a

11:47 - 11:50

company or disgruntled service staff

11:49 - 11:52

could simply enter a bigger number

11:50 - 11:54

taking more of your money are you

11:52 - 11:56

worried about losing your hard-earned

11:54 - 11:58

money to restaurant credit card fraud

11:56 - 12:00

black Sky Financial finds these small

11:58 - 12:03

family-owned mom and popop restaurants

12:00 - 12:05

and Su them for everything they

12:03 - 12:07

have the proceeds from the destruction

12:05 - 12:09

of people's dreams are then equitably

12:07 - 12:12

distributed to you the user of the app

12:09 - 12:14

based upon how many receipts you've

12:12 - 12:15

submitted sign up today and start

12:14 - 12:17

submitting receipts and know that you're

12:15 - 12:20

helping prevent credit card fraud in

12:17 - 12:23

your community one lawsuit at a

12:20 - 12:25

time so yeah to pull this off we

12:23 - 12:26

basically need to grab each receipt look

12:25 - 12:29

up the transaction in the user's

12:26 - 12:30

connected credit card accounts filter

12:29 - 12:33

the transactions that haven't yet

12:30 - 12:35

settled or whose totals match correctly

12:33 - 12:38

sort them by the most egregious

12:35 - 12:39

discrepancy and then take the top 10

12:38 - 12:41

then we display them in a dashboard so

12:39 - 12:43

our army of lawyers can get to work

12:41 - 12:45

fighting the good

12:43 - 12:48

fight here's that code written in a

12:45 - 12:51

procedural way let's change this to the

12:48 - 12:52

functional approach in modern JavaScript

12:51 - 12:55

all the methods that we need are already

12:52 - 12:58

built in and are also methods directly

12:55 - 13:00

on arrays for each resit we eventually

12:58 - 13:02

want want this result object that

13:00 - 13:04

contains all of the relevant information

13:02 - 13:05

the receipt the final transaction and

13:04 - 13:07


13:05 - 13:10

discrepancy so we can just map our

13:07 - 13:12

receipts to that we can use the built-in

13:10 - 13:15

map method on our array to transform the

13:12 - 13:17

array into our list of objects the map

13:15 - 13:19

method takes a Lambda function for

13:17 - 13:21

Transforming Our receipts into those

13:19 - 13:21


13:22 - 13:27

objects this condition is skipping over

13:25 - 13:28

the transactions that aren't yet settled

13:27 - 13:30

or don't have a difference between the

13:28 - 13:32

re seip total and the final total on the

13:30 - 13:33

transaction so we can just change this

13:32 - 13:35

to a

13:33 - 13:37

filter we'll need to inverse the

13:35 - 13:40

conditions since it now describes what

13:37 - 13:43

to keep instead of what to

13:40 - 13:45

ignore this code basically just ensures

13:43 - 13:47

that the list is sorted from bigest to

13:45 - 13:49

smallest so we can replace this with a

13:47 - 13:51

sort on our filtered list the sort takes

13:49 - 13:54

a function that tells the sort function

13:51 - 13:55

how two elements should be order it

13:54 - 13:58

gives you two items and asks for a

13:55 - 14:00

negative number if a is less than b and

13:58 - 14:02

a positive if a is greater than b you

14:00 - 14:05

typically get this by subtracting B from

14:02 - 14:07

a but since we want things ordered big

14:05 - 14:10

first we'll flip this and subtract a

14:07 - 14:12

from B and then we only want Count

14:10 - 14:14

number of elements which we can get with

14:12 - 14:17

the slice method which we were already

14:14 - 14:19

doing here so we'll just add that into

14:17 - 14:22

our Pipeline and

14:19 - 14:24

voila after we make the formatting a bit

14:22 - 14:27

more pretty all of that is written only

14:24 - 14:28

in 12 lines functional programming lets

14:27 - 14:31

you rewrite things into a beautiful

14:28 - 14:33

pipeline for your data and honestly most

14:31 - 14:35

of programming jobs are really just

14:33 - 14:38

taking data from Source a doing some

14:35 - 14:40

transformation filtering and sorting and

14:38 - 14:42

then putting it in place B A lot of the

14:40 - 14:44

time we're just sophisticated

14:42 - 14:46

plumbers if you'd like to try out some

14:44 - 14:48

functional programming like this I put

14:46 - 14:50

some experiments on my website

14:48 - 14:51

accessible through my patreon I give you

14:50 - 14:53

some procedural code and ask you to

14:51 - 14:55

change it so it doesn't use any for

14:53 - 14:57

Loops or while Loops if you're curious

14:55 - 15:00

check them out at COD athetic

14:57 - 15:01


15:00 - 15:04

dear functional

15:01 - 15:06

Bros sometimes I feel like you focus on

15:04 - 15:08

the complexity and mathematical Elegance

15:06 - 15:10

of functional programming instead of

15:08 - 15:13

explaining why it's awesome and help

15:10 - 15:15

others see how useful parts of it can be

15:13 - 15:17

maybe we need a special fpr signal to

15:15 - 15:18

let others know that you're also a

15:17 - 15:20


15:18 - 15:22

fpro then you could talk about fpro

15:20 - 15:24

things like

15:22 - 15:26

monads but if you don't get the signal

15:24 - 15:30

we can play a chill and talk about how

15:26 - 15:32

nice it is to delete for loops

15:30 - 15:34

pure functional programming where you

15:32 - 15:37

cannot mutate any state or have any side

15:34 - 15:39

effects is kind of awful the issue is

15:37 - 15:41

it's fake computers fundamentally have

15:39 - 15:43

state I mean literally the whole Von

15:41 - 15:46

noyman architecture is where you have

15:43 - 15:48

one giant state in memory and then

15:46 - 15:50

little instructions which mutate that

15:48 - 15:52

state to get stuff done input is

15:50 - 15:55

non-deterministic and any output is

15:52 - 15:58

forcing some side effect pure functional

15:55 - 15:59

programming is still mostly academic but

15:58 - 16:01

when what has been happening is the best

15:59 - 16:03

parts of functional programming have

16:01 - 16:04

been extracted and injected into our

16:03 - 16:07

most popular

16:04 - 16:09

languages like always balance is key and

16:07 - 16:11

adopting some of the principles like

16:09 - 16:12

reducing State and formulating data

16:11 - 16:14

pipelines in your programs where it

16:12 - 16:17

makes sense can bring huge benefit but

16:14 - 16:18

without all the crazy restrictiveness

16:17 - 16:21

and I'd expect more of these patterns to

16:18 - 16:23

become more common massively parallel

16:21 - 16:26

systems don't rely on using one big

16:23 - 16:27

state of memory the more cores you throw

16:26 - 16:30

at something the more tracking your

16:27 - 16:33

state of memory and elsewhere becomes a

16:30 - 16:36

bottleneck so who knows maybe pure

16:33 - 16:45

functional programming will have a new

16:36 - 16:45


16:48 - 16:51


Exploring Functional Programming: Transforming Data with JavaScript

Functional programming, while often associated with complex concepts like currying and monads, offers a unique approach to writing code that focuses on eliminating state and side effects. In a world where most programming paradigms revolve around managing state efficiently, functional programming stands out by emphasizing the transformation of inputs to outputs through pure functions. These functions ensure that the same input always yields the same output, without any side effects disrupting the process.

The Essence of Functional Programming

Functional programming, at its core, rejects the idea of state manipulation and mutable variables. Instead, it encourages composing functions and connecting them to form a cohesive chain that achieves the desired program goals. By avoiding structures that store mutable data, functional programming forces developers to think in terms of data flow and transformation, rather than iterative state manipulation.

Embracing Immutability

In a functional programming paradigm, conventional constructs like for and while loops become impractical due to the requirement of mutable state. Instead, developers turn to recursion as a means of repetitive processing. By breaking down loop functionalities into separate functions, the essence of iteration is maintained without compromising immutability.

Creating Data Pipelines

One of the key strengths of functional programming lies in its ability to create data pipelines for efficient data processing. Functions like filter, map, and reduce allow developers to streamline the transformation, filtering, and aggregation of data in a clear and concise manner. By chaining these functions together, developers can construct elegant pipelines that handle data processing seamlessly.

Practical Application in JavaScript

Modern JavaScript provides built-in methods that align perfectly with the principles of functional programming. By leveraging methods like map, filter, and sort directly on arrays, developers can construct data pipelines that manipulate and transform data efficiently. These methods, when used in conjunction, enable the creation of streamlined and expressive code that focuses on data transformation rather than state manipulation.

Data Transformation Example

Let's consider a practical scenario where functional programming techniques can be applied. Imagine a task where you need to filter and sort a list of transactions to identify discrepancies in amounts. By utilizing methods like map, filter, sort, and slice in a pipeline, this task can be accomplished with elegance and clarity in just a few lines of code.

const filteredResults = receipts
  .filter(receipt => /* condition for filtering */)
  .sort((a, b) => /* sorting logic */)
  .slice(0, count);

Embracing Functional Programming Principles

While the purist form of functional programming, with its emphasis on immutable state, may not always align with practical programming needs, adopting its core principles can bring significant benefits. By reducing reliance on mutable state and embracing data pipeline architectures, developers can enhance code readability, maintainability, and scalability.

The Future of Functional Programming

As technology evolves and the demand for highly parallel systems grows, functional programming concepts are likely to become more prevalent. The shift towards reducing state dependencies and focusing on data transformation may lead to a wider adoption of functional programming patterns in mainstream languages.

In conclusion, while pure functional programming may seem academically rigorous, extracting its most useful concepts and integrating them into everyday programming practices can lead to more robust and efficient code. By striking a balance between functional purity and practicality, developers can leverage the benefits of functional programming to streamline data processing and enhance overall code quality.

Remember, in the world of programming, balance is key. So, whether you choose to embrace the purity of functional programming or incorporate its principles pragmatically, the essence lies in transforming data efficiently, effectively, and elegantly.

If you're curious to explore more about functional programming principles and their practical applications, feel free to dive into some hands-on experiments available on CODathetic.io. Join the journey towards mastering the art of functional programming and discover a world of elegant data transformation possibilities.

In a world where function meets elegance and efficiency, the art of data transformation through functional programming continues to evolve and inspire. Embrace the beauty of code that flows seamlessly from input to output, driven by the principles of immutability and clarity. As we navigate the realms of programming, may the fusion of pure functional concepts with pragmatic application pave the way for a new renaissance in software development.