00:08 - 00:17
at the convenience
00:17 - 00:21
store hey there do you have any
00:21 - 00:27
snacks yes we do right over there in
00:24 - 00:30
aisle 3 we've got some gluten-free chips
00:27 - 00:31
and protein bars awesome I'll check
00:34 - 00:40
out oh I'll also grab a bottle of
00:37 - 00:42
sparkling water great choice we have a
00:40 - 00:43
few flavors in the fridge if you want to
00:43 - 00:49
look I'll go with the lemon
00:45 - 00:49
lime perfect that'll be
00:50 - 00:57
$88.50 here you go thanks enjoy your
00:57 - 01:02
snacks hey do you have any energy drinks
01:01 - 01:06
yep we have a whole section in the
01:02 - 01:09
cooler it's next to the
01:06 - 01:11
snacks cool I'll check it out oh and do
01:09 - 01:14
you have any sugar-free
01:11 - 01:17
options yes we do just look for the
01:14 - 01:17
labels they're
01:19 - 01:28
marked got one how much is it that'll be
01:24 - 01:30
$325 thanks by the way do you sell phone
01:28 - 01:33
chargers sure do
01:30 - 01:36
we have a few different types here they
01:33 - 01:40
are this one is
01:36 - 01:45
perfect okay is that everything yep
01:40 - 01:46
that's it all right your total is
01:50 - 01:57
thanks hi there do you have any fresh
01:53 - 02:01
fruit yes we do we've got apples bananas
01:57 - 02:03
and some oranges over by the front
02:01 - 02:07
great I'll take a couple of
02:03 - 02:10
bananas and I also need some avocados
02:07 - 02:11
too I'm afraid we ran out of avocados we
02:10 - 02:13
should have more in tomorrow if you want
02:13 - 02:19
back that sounds good I'll just grab
02:16 - 02:22
some bananas then and do you have any
02:19 - 02:23
yogurt we do it's in the dairy section
02:23 - 02:30
back what types of yogurt do you have we
02:27 - 02:35
have plain and flavored yogurt
02:30 - 02:39
I'll go take a look your total is
02:35 - 02:41
$10.75 I'll pay by card thank you here
02:39 - 02:44
you go have a great
02:45 - 02:53
day a visit to the
02:53 - 03:02
doctor good morning John how are you
02:57 - 03:04
today morning doc I'm okay okay I guess
03:02 - 03:07
just here for my regular
03:04 - 03:09
checkup great let's get started any
03:07 - 03:13
concerns or symptoms you want to
03:09 - 03:15
discuss actually yeah I've been having
03:13 - 03:19
some abdominal pain and cramping
03:15 - 03:22
lately I see how often does that
03:19 - 03:25
happen it varies but I've noticed it
03:22 - 03:25
happens more when I eat certain
03:25 - 03:34
foods plus I've been bloated gassy
03:30 - 03:36
and sometimes I either have diarrhea or
03:34 - 03:39
constipation it's
03:36 - 03:41
frustrating that does sound
03:39 - 03:43
uncomfortable have you noticed any
03:41 - 03:45
patterns with your
03:43 - 03:49
diet yeah I think certain things like
03:45 - 03:50
Dairy and spicy foods might trigger it
03:49 - 03:53
but I'm not
03:50 - 03:56
sure it sounds like you might be dealing
03:53 - 03:58
with irritable bowel syndrome or
03:56 - 04:01
IBS let's talk about some dietary
03:58 - 04:01
changes that could help
04:02 - 04:07
IBS what does that mean for
04:04 - 04:08
me it means we need to pay attention to
04:07 - 04:11
what you're
04:08 - 04:13
eating reducing high fat foods
04:11 - 04:17
increasing fiber gradually and keeping a
04:13 - 04:17
food diary can help identify
04:18 - 04:24
triggers sounds manageable what about
04:22 - 04:26
medication I'm going to prescribe you a
04:24 - 04:27
medication that can help with the cramps
04:27 - 04:33
discomfort it should ease your Sy
04:29 - 04:37
symptoms a bit thanks Doc I appreciate
04:33 - 04:39
it of course let's schedule a followup
04:37 - 04:40
in a month to see how you're doing with
04:40 - 04:47
changes sounds good I'll do my
04:44 - 04:51
best that's the spirit take care
04:47 - 04:51
John you too doc thanks
04:56 - 05:02
again at the dentist
05:02 - 05:06
let's take a look at your x-rays it
05:04 - 05:07
looks like you have some overcrowding
05:06 - 05:10
and a bit of
05:07 - 05:11
misalignment I recommend braces to help
05:10 - 05:15
straighten everything
05:11 - 05:18
out braces really I thought I was too
05:15 - 05:20
old for that not at all it's quite
05:18 - 05:23
common for adults to get
05:20 - 05:23
braces we have several options you can
05:23 - 05:30
from like what we have traditional metal
05:27 - 05:32
braces ceramic braces and and even clear
05:30 - 05:34
aligners like
05:32 - 05:36
invisaline hm what's the difference in
05:36 - 05:41
visibility well metal braces are the
05:38 - 05:44
most visible but they're very
05:41 - 05:46
effective ceramic braces blend in more
05:44 - 05:49
with your teeth so they're less
05:46 - 05:51
noticeable invisaline is completely
05:49 - 05:54
clear but it requires more discipline to
05:51 - 05:54
wear them for the recommended
05:54 - 06:01
hours gotcha what about the
05:57 - 06:04
price the metal brace cost
06:01 - 06:05
$3,000 the ceramic brace is a bit more
06:05 - 06:11
$4,000 invisaline is around
06:08 - 06:12
$4,500 but it varies based on your
06:12 - 06:17
plan okay I see I think I prefer the
06:16 - 06:18
ceramic braces since I want something
06:18 - 06:23
noticeable great choice they'll work
06:20 - 06:24
well for you let's get you started with
06:24 - 06:30
steps awesome I'm excited to see the
06:28 - 06:33
results you will be
06:30 - 06:35
amazed let's schedule your appointment
06:39 - 06:49
fitting at the pizza
06:50 - 06:54
place hi welcome to Tony's Pizza Place
06:53 - 06:57
are you ready to
06:54 - 07:00
order hi yes we're ready I'll have the
06:57 - 07:02
barbecue chicken pizza please
07:00 - 07:03
can I get extra chicken and red onions
07:03 - 07:07
that of course and what kind of crust
07:06 - 07:10
would you like with
07:07 - 07:14
that thin crust please and could it be a
07:10 - 07:16
small size got it and for you sir I'll
07:14 - 07:19
have the capry
07:16 - 07:21
pizza could I get extra basil and cherry
07:19 - 07:24
tomatoes but hold the balsamic
07:21 - 07:27
glaze absolutely what size and crust
07:24 - 07:30
would you like medium size and could I
07:27 - 07:32
get a stuffed crust please
07:30 - 07:35
stuffed crusted is would you like any
07:32 - 07:37
drinks to go with that what do you
07:35 - 07:40
recommend for a refreshing
07:37 - 07:42
drink our homemade lemonade is quite
07:40 - 07:44
popular it's sweet and tangy perfect for
07:42 - 07:47
pairing with
07:44 - 07:50
pizza sounds good I'll add the lemonade
07:47 - 07:53
then do you have any specialty
07:50 - 07:57
sodas yes we have a selection of craft
07:53 - 08:00
sodas do you have a preference for
07:57 - 08:03
flavor what do you recommend
08:00 - 08:05
the Cherry Cola is a customer favorite
08:03 - 08:09
it's rich and bubbly I'll go with the
08:05 - 08:11
Cherry Cola then thank you great choices
08:09 - 08:19
I'll be right back with your
08:19 - 08:23
drinks shelving for the perfect
08:25 - 08:30
tracksuit hi I'm looking for a tracksuit
08:28 - 08:31
for my sports class do you have any in
08:31 - 08:37
s of course we have a great selection
08:35 - 08:40
let me show you a few
08:40 - 08:45
options here's our first option this
08:43 - 08:47
one's a navy blue
08:45 - 08:50
tracksuit it's made from breathable
08:47 - 08:53
material and has a nice fitted look oh
08:50 - 08:56
that looks nice is it
08:53 - 09:01
stretchy yes it has a bit of spandex so
08:56 - 09:05
it's very flexible it's priced at $45
09:01 - 09:07
great what about this one good choice
09:05 - 09:11
this black one has a slightly looser fit
09:07 - 09:13
perfect for Comfort it's $50 but it's on
09:11 - 09:17
sale for $40
09:13 - 09:20
today and how about this red one the red
09:17 - 09:23
one is super popular it's lightweight
09:20 - 09:27
and moisture wicking it's
09:23 - 09:30
$35 that's the cheapest one is it
09:27 - 09:33
durable absolutely it's designed for
09:30 - 09:36
active wear so it holds up well in
09:33 - 09:40
sports I think I'll go with the red
09:36 - 09:41
one Perfect Choice let's get you set up
09:40 - 09:44
in the fitting
09:44 - 09:51
room it fits perfectly I'll take it
09:48 - 09:56
great let's check you out at the
09:57 - 10:06
register at The Barbers
10:06 - 10:11
hey there what can I do for you
10:08 - 10:14
today hey I need a haircut and a
10:11 - 10:15
shave but honestly I'm not sure what
10:14 - 10:19
style I should go
10:15 - 10:20
for no worries man let's figure it out
10:19 - 10:23
what's your usual
10:20 - 10:25
style I usually just go with
10:23 - 10:27
whatever I was thinking maybe something
10:25 - 10:29
different this
10:27 - 10:32
time all right how how about I show you
10:29 - 10:35
a few options you could go for a classic
10:32 - 10:37
crew cut a nice fade or even something
10:35 - 10:40
like a buzz cut where the length of hair
10:37 - 10:44
is the same on all parts of the
10:40 - 10:45
head H I've never tried a buzz cut
10:44 - 10:48
what's a crew cut
10:45 - 10:51
like a crew cut is short on the sides
10:48 - 10:54
and back with a bit more length on
10:51 - 10:57
top it's clean and easy to
10:54 - 11:00
manage sounds good and what about the
10:57 - 11:02
fade a fade Gra gradually shortens the
11:00 - 11:06
hair from top to bottom creating a nice
11:02 - 11:09
blend I like the sound of that but I
11:06 - 11:11
think I want something really low
11:09 - 11:14
maintenance then I'd recommend the buzz
11:11 - 11:17
cut super low maintenance and it looks
11:14 - 11:20
sharp plus it's a good look for a fresh
11:17 - 11:24
start you know what let's do the buzz
11:20 - 11:27
cut and I definitely need that shave too
11:24 - 11:28
you got it I'll make you look sharp
11:27 - 11:30
let's get
11:28 - 11:33
started than thanks man I've been
11:30 - 11:36
needing this no problem you're in good
11:33 - 11:36
hands let's make you look
11:41 - 11:45
fresh at the
11:45 - 11:50
hospital hey there what brings you in
11:48 - 11:54
today are you
11:50 - 11:55
okay uh well my hand feels like it's
11:54 - 11:58
been through a
11:55 - 12:00
blender but other than that I guess I'm
12:00 - 12:05
let's take a look at that hand of
12:05 - 12:09
happened so I was trying to fix this
12:07 - 12:13
leaky tap in my
12:09 - 12:18
kitchen you know the classic DIY
12:13 - 12:21
project uh the infamous DIY project gone
12:18 - 12:23
wrong exactly I thought I could save a
12:21 - 12:26
few bucks but apparently I'm no
12:23 - 12:30
plumber well let's see what we're
12:26 - 12:33
working with it's not pretty
12:30 - 12:33
I cut my hand badly on the
12:34 - 12:40
pipe yikes that sounds painful did you
12:39 - 12:44
at least turn off the water
12:40 - 12:46
first of course I'm not completely
12:44 - 12:47
Reckless I just didn't expect it to be
12:47 - 12:52
sharp all right it's a bit
12:50 - 12:54
deep I'm going to clean it up and we
12:52 - 12:58
might need to stitch
12:54 - 13:02
it Stitch it like actually sew it up
12:58 - 13:05
yeah yep just a few stitches but you'll
13:02 - 13:08
be back to your DIY adventures in no
13:05 - 13:10
time great just what I needed an excuse
13:08 - 13:13
to avoid fixing my sink
13:10 - 13:14
forever well at least you have a good
13:14 - 13:21
now true next time I'll call a
13:23 - 13:27
professional decorating the
13:27 - 13:31
house so Edward what do you envision for
13:31 - 13:36
space well I want something cozy where I
13:34 - 13:38
can relax and
13:36 - 13:40
entertain how about starting with a
13:38 - 13:43
large sectional sofa it'll be perfect
13:40 - 13:47
for lounging and hosting
13:43 - 13:50
friends yes a sectional sounds great
13:47 - 13:51
maybe in a light yellow love that choice
13:50 - 13:53
we could pair it with some white and
13:53 - 13:57
pillows that sounds perfect what about a
13:57 - 14:04
table yes a round one would be nice for
14:02 - 14:08
conversations and maybe a few plants
14:04 - 14:09
around great idea a couple of tall
14:08 - 14:11
potted plants behind the sofa would
14:09 - 14:14
really liven up the
14:11 - 14:18
space speaking of which how do you feel
14:14 - 14:20
about wall art yes some abstract pieces
14:18 - 14:23
would be great they could go between the
14:20 - 14:26
plants perfect abstract art would really
14:23 - 14:28
add some character do you have any
14:26 - 14:29
thoughts on what kind of rug you might
14:29 - 14:35
I was thinking something plush and
14:31 - 14:38
neutral like a cream or light
14:35 - 14:39
gray that's a great choice and what
14:39 - 14:43
lighting a nice floor lamp next to the
14:41 - 14:45
sectional could create a warm glow in
14:45 - 14:51
evenings I love that idea now what about
14:49 - 14:52
a TV set do you have a specific spot in
14:52 - 14:57
it I was thinking of putting it on that
14:55 - 15:00
wall opposite the sofa it would be
14:57 - 15:02
perfect for movie Nights
15:00 - 15:05
perfect we could even add some shelves
15:02 - 15:09
for books or decor items around
15:05 - 15:09
it I can't wait to see it all come
15:16 - 15:19
together renting an
15:22 - 15:27
apartment wow this place is amazing it
15:27 - 15:32
spacious right
15:30 - 15:34
the high ceilings and those big Windows
15:32 - 15:36
really make a
15:34 - 15:37
difference you get a ton of natural
15:37 - 15:42
here I love that how much is the rent
15:41 - 15:44
it's listed at
15:44 - 15:48
month that includes water and trash
15:46 - 15:51
removal by the
15:48 - 15:54
way okay that's within my
15:51 - 15:57
budget what about the security
15:54 - 15:59
deposit it's usually one month's rent so
15:59 - 16:04
it's standard for most
16:01 - 16:07
places got it and how about the
16:04 - 16:09
neighborhood what's it like around here
16:07 - 16:12
you're going to love
16:09 - 16:15
it it's a vibrant area with lots of
16:12 - 16:17
cafes parks and
16:15 - 16:21
shops the local farmers market is just a
16:17 - 16:21
couple of blocks away on
16:21 - 16:25
Sundays that sounds
16:23 - 16:30
perfect I've been looking for something
16:25 - 16:32
with a community Vibe absolutely
16:30 - 16:35
plus there's a great gym just around the
16:32 - 16:37
corner and a couple of co-working spaces
16:35 - 16:38
if you ever need to work outside of
16:38 - 16:45
home oh that's really
16:41 - 16:47
convenient how's the public transport
16:45 - 16:50
situation the subway station is a
16:47 - 16:53
5-minute walk you can get to downtown in
16:50 - 16:55
less than 15
16:53 - 16:58
minutes super
16:55 - 17:01
easy nice and how's the noise level I've
16:58 - 17:04
had some bad experiences with that this
17:01 - 17:06
building has excellent
17:04 - 17:07
soundproofing you'll hardly hear
17:06 - 17:12
anything from the
17:07 - 17:12
street the neighbors are pretty quiet
17:12 - 17:16
too that's a relief I can't deal with
17:16 - 17:21
neighbors ooh I love this kitchen are
17:19 - 17:24
the appliances
17:21 - 17:28
new yes they were installed just last
17:24 - 17:30
year stainless steel energy efficient
17:28 - 17:32
perfect for cooking
17:30 - 17:34
I can see myself hosting dinner parties
17:34 - 17:39
here this could really be my
17:36 - 17:42
home I think it would be a perfect fit
17:39 - 17:45
for you want to check out the bedroom
17:42 - 17:48
next absolutely let's
17:49 - 17:59
go at the bank
17:59 - 18:03
hey there I'm looking to take out a
18:01 - 18:07
personal loan for some Home
18:03 - 18:10
Improvements specifically a kitchen
18:07 - 18:11
remodel sounds exciting I'd love to help
18:11 - 18:14
that have you ever taken out a loan with
18:14 - 18:19
before nope this is my first time what
18:17 - 18:22
do I need to do to get
18:19 - 18:24
started first I'll need to gather some
18:22 - 18:25
information from you how much are you
18:25 - 18:32
borrow I was thinking around $155,000
18:30 - 18:34
okay and do you have a budget for your
18:32 - 18:37
monthly payments in
18:34 - 18:38
mind yeah I'd like to keep it under $300
18:38 - 18:42
possible that's a good
18:40 - 18:45
plan next I'll need to see some
18:42 - 18:46
documents like proof of income your
18:46 - 18:52
score and a list of your current
18:49 - 18:56
debts okay I can get that is there
18:52 - 18:59
anything else just a valid ID and maybe
18:56 - 19:01
some details about your home
18:59 - 19:02
once I have everything we can process
19:02 - 19:08
application sounds easy
19:04 - 19:10
enough how long does it usually take
19:08 - 19:14
typically you'll hear back within a few
19:10 - 19:15
days awesome I'll get those documents
19:14 - 19:20
together and come back
19:15 - 19:23
soon looking forward to it have a good
19:23 - 19:28
day thanks for watching and be sure to
19:26 - 19:32
subscribe to our YouTube channel for for
19:28 - 19:32
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