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Deep Seek AI which is going viral right now but is it useful for AI Shorts or AI

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video creator or is it limited to coding only because

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no one is talking about whether you can take a perfect image prompt from Deep Seek AI

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or make a perfect story video or say can we make our work easier by using Deep Seek AI in daily life

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and should we

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shift to Deep Seek AI instead of ChatGPT as an AI content creator so let's compare

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Seek and ChatGPT from the perspective of an AI content creator and

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compare both AI together in all these points and see whose result

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is the best also in this video you are going to get an idea of ​​many prompts so as

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always let's start the video without any nonsense

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so first of all we will put ChatGPT and Deep Seek AI side by side and will

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start from the first point of comparison which is pricing in this if we talk about free and paid

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plan then you will only have to upgrade to ChatGPT You will get the option of plan

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where you have to pay 20 to $200 for plus and pro plan

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to use advanced features but there is no such option on Deep Seek AI, it is 100% free right now, so

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on the first option Deep Seek AI is the best now the second most important comparison is

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YouTube's, so for this I have a prompt from which you

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can get step by step guide to make videos, so now copy it and paste it on Chat GPT first

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and here on insert topic we will give video topic like Chat GPT vs Deep

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Seek AI and from here I will copy the prompt and add it on Deep Seek AI as well, now here

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Chat GPT started giving result in 5 seconds only but the same Deep Seek is still

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thinking, so finally after one to two minutes we got the result on Deep Seek AI, here you can

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see how an AI thinks which is not seen on Chat GPT

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and you can also hide the thinking, so now let's compare the results of both,

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in the beginning both have Video title is suggested and if we come down then both have

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video hook but Deep Seek has extra visual details and Chat GPT has

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only script, similarly in the end introduction and other points are also same in both

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but Deep Seek is also adding details with ideas like Deep

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Seek AI has exact comparison and Chat GPT has only ideas, so

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on the second point Deep Seek AI again comes out best but this was for a tutorial and tech video,

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so now we will take script for Hindi story video from Simple Prompt which is

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our third point script generation for which we will use Simple Prompt in which there is

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I need to

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both feeling and suspense and it is the story of an old king Maharaja or a brave warrior,

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then paste it on Deep Seek AI and generate it and like always

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even now where Deep Seek AI is thinking, Chat GPT has started giving result, so

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in the final result you can see that there is a story of some legend of Rajasthan but it

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is in English and for voice over in it Different scripts have been given, so we will add some more points in the prompts,

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this is a voice over video and the same will be pasted on deep seek and

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added further, this is for the Hindi channel so that whatever result comes in Hindi, here

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you can see that chat GPT has started giving results, so let's check it till deep see thinks,

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here a story has been generated on Prithviraj Chauhan, that means it is a real life

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based story and along with that how to use background music and sound effects is

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also given, rest here you can read the voice over by pausing the video,

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according to this story there is a perfect script, but now if we move on to deep seek, then you

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can see its result, the script is there but in this script which scene, camera angle

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and visuals will be used, all the details are there, along with how the transitions will happen, it has

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already given everything, so here also deep seek AI is giving us detailed results, the rest of the

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script is also quite correct, you can read it by looking at it, now after generating the story, the

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next important point is image generation, that means whose best image is promoted, so

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its So we take the script of this story generated earlier and paste it on the new chat and

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add a prompt. An image prompt is required for each line of the story script.

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Then copy it and generate it on Deep Seek as well. Now

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after the complete result comes, you can see that both the AIs have given image prompts for the same lines.

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So first we create an image from the prompt of Chat GPT. Then copy it and come

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to your favorite image generator RDO AI. Here you can try the model Flux Snail on the settings.

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Its image quality is quite good. So add a simple prompt and

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generate it. Now the image quality is quite good

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and if we talk about history, the image of the book is also correct. But now copy the prompt of Deep Seek AI and

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generate the image here.

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[Music] And this result is quite shocking. It means that

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you read this script, Deep Seek has created a prompt by keeping in mind each and every word of the story.

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Like this Rajput for the brave, this weeping eye for sorrow and the crown for valor.

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All things were kept in mind. So its clear winner is Deep Seek AI.

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For this details prompt, I also tried some other prompts and the images of Deep Seek were

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more details match. According to the story, now let's move on to our fifth point

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script correction which is very important for AI voice creator.

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So now I will use this script here which I have written by voice typing

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and all the words in it are in Hindi plus there are many mistakes. So I will copy it and

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come back and paste it here and add prompt in the beginning.

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Correct the letters of the script and write the English words in English. There is no need to add points by yourself.

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Then I will send it in both.

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Now here both AI is giving result in points which we do not need. So I

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will add one more line in the prompt. Write as it is written

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and after regenerating it, you can see that the script correction has been done and

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all the English words have also changed. Now there was not much difference between these two. It was almost a

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perfect result. But at the bottom this one line is on chat gpt. But Deep Seek has made it

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disappear. Which is also in the script, so for this mistake, we select Chat GPT in it

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and I have been using it for a long time to correct the script,

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so it is much better now the sixth point is a very important point for all kinds of content creators, the

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latest update means which AI remains more updated with time, for

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this, first of all, if we ask it about s25 aa, then

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Chat GPT turned out to be quite updated and is giving accurate updates about s25 aa,

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but the same Deep Seek AI is still telling the release date, maybe it is

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not in the updates of 2025 yet, let's check them with other prompts, ask both of them

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once about the recent tech of February, any recent tech update in

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February, you can still see Chat GPT is

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completely updated and is telling about the latest Deep Seek AI, but Deep Seek

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AI is probably left behind a bit because it is giving the update of February 2024

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So here it is clear that in the latest update Chat GPT is more updated, now let's

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move on to the last comparison in which we will check how useful it is in daily life,

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that is, writing emails, identifying fake and real sponsor mails, general knowledge

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questions and small things that are needed in daily life, which one is the

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best in that, so first of all, let's check scam and real sponsor mail, for this,

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I copy a scam promotion offer here and first paste it on Chat GPT and

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add promote to it, check this mail is it real or scam and send the same to Deep

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Seek as well, so here after the result of Chat GPT comes, you can see that it

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identified at once that this promotion is fake and scam, but Deep Seek

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started thinking too much and could not tell clearly here, so now in daily life, direct answer is needed,

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that's why Chat GPT is the best, now next, generate a reply of promotional or real sponsor mail from it,

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so after copying this email, first add promote right

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Reply for this mail and paste it inside inverted commas and send it, then

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till the result of deep seek comes, you can see the reply of Chat GPT, it seems complete and on

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but there is no price mention in it, so it asks to mention the video price

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and then you can see that the promotion price of dedicated video and integrated video has

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come in one line, now if we see the result of Deep Seek AI, then its first

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reply is also the same as Chat GPT, that is why it asks to mention the price further

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and perhaps here Deep Seek has given a better result than Chat GPT, it has

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mentioned the price by making a separate point, which looks better than the reply of Chat GPT,

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so this point goes to Deep C, now Deep Seek was abused a lot for the most controversial question or promise

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and that is how many states are there in India

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because these replies of Deep Seek were coming on this question, but what is the matter, here

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we are again seeing loading [music],

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leave it Here see the result of Chat GPT which came in a few seconds and is

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100% correct and on the other side, after trying three to four times, the result of Deep Seek AI

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came and probably now it has updated itself because here it is

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showing the names of all the states and territories. So this was the complete comparison from the perspective of a content creator, the

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work which I myself keep doing with Chat GPT and if we talk about the conclusion

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that which is the best AI, then currently Chat GPT is the best because

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due to heavy traffic on Deep Seek, the error of server busy is coming again and again. Rest my suggestion is to use Chat GPT in

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day to day life like email writing, translation, basic conversation

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and use Deep Seek AI in deep work like image promotion script generation,

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such Deep Seek is free right now, so it is a plus point, so use both

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and enjoy automation, rest do tell in the comment how you liked the video and if you have

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not subscribed to the channel, then do it soon because Very soon a very special video

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is going to come and you will understand which video it is by watching this video. So see you

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on this video. Thanks for watching.

Exploring Deep Seek AI vs ChatGPT: A Comprehensive Comparison for Content Creators

In the realm of AI content creation, the debate between Deep Seek AI and ChatGPT has been a hot topic. Both tools offer unique features that cater to the needs of content creators, from scripting video content to generating image prompts. But which one is more suitable for tasks like AI Shorts creation, video scripting, or everyday content creation needs? Let's delve into a detailed comparison to help you choose the right tool for your content creation endeavors.

Comparing Pricing: Deep Seek AI Comes Out on Top

When it comes to pricing, Deep Seek AI takes the lead by offering a 100% free platform. On the other hand, ChatGPT requires users to upgrade to a paid plan ranging from $20 to $200 for advanced features.

Looking at Script Generation: Deep Seek AI Shines in Detail

For tutorial and tech videos, Deep Seek AI proves its worth by providing detailed scripts with visual cues, transitions, and scene descriptions. While ChatGPT delivers scripts promptly, it lacks the intricate visual details that Deep Seek AI offers.

Image Prompt Generation: Deep Seek AI Excels in Creativity

Comparing the image prompts generated by both AI tools, Deep Seek AI stands out by creating detailed images that capture the essence of the script. Its ability to interpret words into vivid visuals sets it apart from ChatGPT.

Script Correction: ChatGPT Shows Accuracy

In the realm of script correction, ChatGPT demonstrates accuracy in correcting errors and language nuances. While both tools perform well, ChatGPT edges out by providing a seamless correction process.

Staying Updated: ChatGPT Leads in Latest Updates

When it comes to staying updated with the latest information, ChatGPT surpasses Deep Seek AI by delivering accurate and current updates on various topics. Its ability to provide up-to-date information caters to the needs of content creators.

Usability in Daily Life: ChatGPT for Quick Answers, Deep Seek AI for Detailed Responses

For tasks like identifying fake emails or responding to sponsor offers, ChatGPT proves efficient in providing quick answers. However, Deep Seek AI shines in offering detailed responses, especially in scenarios that require nuanced replies.

In conclusion, while ChatGPT excels in tasks that require quick responses and accuracy, Deep Seek AI emerges as the go-to tool for in-depth creative work like image promotion and detailed script generation. Your choice between the two AI tools should align with your specific content creation needs and workflow preferences.

By leveraging the strengths of both Deep Seek AI and ChatGPT, content creators can enhance their creativity and streamline their content creation processes. As you navigate the vast landscape of AI tools, exploring the unique features of each platform will empower you to create engaging and impactful content effortlessly.

So, whether you're scripting a tech tutorial or crafting a compelling story video, choosing the right AI tool can elevate your content creation journey. Embrace the power of AI in your creative endeavors, and let innovation fuel your storytelling.

In the dynamic realm of AI content creation, the possibilities are endless. Let your imagination soar, and let AI be your creative companion in the digital landscape.

Remember, the key to mastering AI content creation lies in understanding the unique strengths and capabilities of each tool. So, experiment, innovate, and let your creativity shine with AI by your side.