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what are American beauty standards
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really like and how are they different
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from Chinese beauty standards something
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that I think makes America a little bit
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more unique in this aspect is that we
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don't really have one standard of beauty
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America is a mix of different cultures
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and backgrounds which means not everyone
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has the same physical features and not
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everyone has the same idea of what
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beauty is there are literally so many
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different types of Beauty in America but
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I think maybe the more stereotypical
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type would be someone like Margot Robbie
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I mean she has blonde hair really tan
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skin she's curvy but still skinny she
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has a perfect smile and a symmetrical
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face so she's one type of beauty that
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many Americans would agree on but then
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there are girls like Ann hathway with
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more pale skin and and dark hair brown
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eyes and there's even more like Beyonce
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Lucy Li Simone Ashley from Bridgerton
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and Sophia Vergara from Modern Family so
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all of these girls look very different
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but they're all considered some of the
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most beautiful people in America right
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now for men the general Beauty standard
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has basically always been the same it's
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hyper masculinity so tall strong bodies
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with lots of muscle and facial hair like
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a beard or something so this could be
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someone like Brian Gosling for example
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and some people are also into chest hair
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but I don't know personally for me
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that's never been something I was
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attracted to and honestly I don't feel
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like this beauty standard is as strict
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for men because a lot of different women
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have different tastes in what they find
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attractive and men might feel the need
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to live up to this expectation but I
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honestly feel like it's a bit less
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intense for them because men can get by
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being pretty low maintenance but for
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girls who are trying to fit into any
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kind of beauty standard here they have
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to spend a lot of time and effort to get
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there but I feel like there's a huge
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contrast with Chinese beauty standards
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so I did live in China for a very brief
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period of time and I was able to
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understand a little bit about the
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Chinese Aesthetics just based off of
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what my friends shared with me and what
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I saw on TV and stuff so based on what
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I've seen I think the biggest difference
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between American and Chinese beauty
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standards is that most Americans like to
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Tan tanning here is almost considered
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like a hobby to some people and they'll
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go to the beach and sit out in the sun
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for hours getting a tan or they'll even
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pay money to get a fake spray on tan at
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a salon but when I was in China I
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noticed that even in the summer when it
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was super hot everyone was pretty
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covered up and some people would even
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wear that face mask to cover every inch
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of their skin and protect them from the
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Sun so when I was in China and I would
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wear like a tank top and shorts I felt
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really exposed because nobody else was
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wearing any anything like that but in
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America it's also not like if you're not
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tan then you're considered ugly or
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something it's just a bit more desirable
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to have tanned skin especially in the
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summer some other differences in our
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beauty standards can be seen by what
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plastic surgeries Americans get so a lot
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of people will get lip filler to make
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their lips bigger or they'll do a lip
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flip which is getting more and more
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popular these days so basically what a
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lip flip is is they take the top of your
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lip and they flip it up and glue it to
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your skin to make your lips look bigger
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people also get lots of filler in their
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cheeks to make their cheekbones higher
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and some men will change the shape of
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their jaw to make it wider and seem more
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manly I guess and of course there's
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always a lot of Botox to stop wrinkles
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as for hair color I think it's it's
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pretty debatable on which hair color is
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more desirable here but I would say that
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girls with blonde hair definitely do get
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more attention and I get a lot of
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comments asking if all Americans have
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blonde hair or why my hair is so dark
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and the truth is most girls with that
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hair color are coloring their hair it's
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not their natural color and even when I
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was in Middle School and High School a
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lot of my classmates would be dying
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their hair blonde so they could fit in
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and another interesting thing is that
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for us women are expected to have smooth
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hairless legs all the time like we
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literally won't even go out of the house
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if we haven't shaved our legs and if we
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haven't shaved our legs and we go out
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our friends are definitely going to
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point it out and kind of make fun of us
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so I found it really interesting when I
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was in China and saw that there were a
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few girls who didn't shave their legs
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and they literally didn't care what
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anyone thought about them and it was
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just kind of refreshing because shaving
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your legs is so annoying but most of our
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beauty standards also change with time
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so when I was a kid all the girls wanted
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a really small pointy nose and they also
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wanted really thin eyebrows but nowadays
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people want thicker eyebrows and bigger
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noses are becoming more desirable and
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this also applies to body shapes as well
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for women being skinny has always been
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the beauty standard and it's always been
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the thing that was pushed on us but it
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was super popular in the '90s and the
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early 2000s when we had this trend of
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super model skinny then in the 2010s
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everyone wanted a very extreme hourglass
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figure and the BBL surgery was one of
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the most popular things to get done
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everyone basically wanted to look like a
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Kardashian at this time but now it's
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kind of falling out of trend and people
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are going back to this really thin
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figure from the 9s so there are some
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specific Trends and features that make
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up America's different beauty standards
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but I honestly feel like anyone can be
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considered beautiful in America as long
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as you have confidence and like good
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hygiene and I think that trying to live
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up to any kind of beauty standard can
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have a really negative impact on
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someone's mental health or self-esteem
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especially for young kids from my own
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experience when I was growing up I was
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very self-conscious and I had very low
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self-esteem because I started to realize
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that I didn't look like those pretty
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girls in my class and people would start
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to point out the things about me that
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didn't match everyone else but at this
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time my mom would start telling me that
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I look like the actresses from all of
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her favorite movies like Elizabeth
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Taylor and Audrey hebburn and I don't
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think I look like those girls but I
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think it was just my mom's way of trying
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to tell me that there's more than one
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way to be pretty we have this saying
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beauty is in the eye of the beholder and
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basically what this means is that
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everyone has their own opinions on what
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they find attractive and what one person
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doesn't find attractive there's 10 more
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people out there who do find it
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attractive so I think the most important
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thing is that we're confident and proud
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of who we are I know that these beauty
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standards might be really different from
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Chinese beauty standards so let me know
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in the comments if there was anything
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that really shocked you or if there was
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something that you do or don't find
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attractive or maybe even some other
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celebrity that you really like and I'll
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see you guys in the next video bye-bye