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what are American beauty standards

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really like and how are they different

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from Chinese beauty standards something

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that I think makes America a little bit

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more unique in this aspect is that we

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don't really have one standard of beauty

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America is a mix of different cultures

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and backgrounds which means not everyone

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has the same physical features and not

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everyone has the same idea of what

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beauty is there are literally so many

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different types of Beauty in America but

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I think maybe the more stereotypical

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type would be someone like Margot Robbie

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I mean she has blonde hair really tan

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skin she's curvy but still skinny she

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has a perfect smile and a symmetrical

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face so she's one type of beauty that

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many Americans would agree on but then

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there are girls like Ann hathway with

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more pale skin and and dark hair brown

01:01 - 01:09

eyes and there's even more like Beyonce

01:05 - 01:12

Lucy Li Simone Ashley from Bridgerton

01:09 - 01:15

and Sophia Vergara from Modern Family so

01:12 - 01:17

all of these girls look very different

01:15 - 01:19

but they're all considered some of the

01:17 - 01:22

most beautiful people in America right

01:19 - 01:25

now for men the general Beauty standard

01:22 - 01:29

has basically always been the same it's

01:25 - 01:32

hyper masculinity so tall strong bodies

01:29 - 01:35

with lots of muscle and facial hair like

01:32 - 01:38

a beard or something so this could be

01:35 - 01:42

someone like Brian Gosling for example

01:38 - 01:44

and some people are also into chest hair

01:42 - 01:47

but I don't know personally for me

01:44 - 01:49

that's never been something I was

01:47 - 01:52

attracted to and honestly I don't feel

01:49 - 01:55

like this beauty standard is as strict

01:52 - 01:58

for men because a lot of different women

01:55 - 02:01

have different tastes in what they find

01:58 - 02:04

attractive and men might feel the need

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to live up to this expectation but I

02:04 - 02:10

honestly feel like it's a bit less

02:06 - 02:12

intense for them because men can get by

02:10 - 02:14

being pretty low maintenance but for

02:12 - 02:16

girls who are trying to fit into any

02:14 - 02:19

kind of beauty standard here they have

02:16 - 02:21

to spend a lot of time and effort to get

02:19 - 02:24

there but I feel like there's a huge

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contrast with Chinese beauty standards

02:24 - 02:31

so I did live in China for a very brief

02:27 - 02:32

period of time and I was able to

02:31 - 02:35

understand a little bit about the

02:32 - 02:38

Chinese Aesthetics just based off of

02:35 - 02:41

what my friends shared with me and what

02:38 - 02:43

I saw on TV and stuff so based on what

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I've seen I think the biggest difference

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between American and Chinese beauty

02:46 - 02:53

standards is that most Americans like to

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Tan tanning here is almost considered

02:53 - 02:58

like a hobby to some people and they'll

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go to the beach and sit out in the sun

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for hours getting a tan or they'll even

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pay money to get a fake spray on tan at

03:04 - 03:08

a salon but when I was in China I

03:06 - 03:11

noticed that even in the summer when it

03:08 - 03:14

was super hot everyone was pretty

03:11 - 03:17

covered up and some people would even

03:14 - 03:19

wear that face mask to cover every inch

03:17 - 03:22

of their skin and protect them from the

03:19 - 03:25

Sun so when I was in China and I would

03:22 - 03:29

wear like a tank top and shorts I felt

03:25 - 03:31

really exposed because nobody else was

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wearing any anything like that but in

03:31 - 03:37

America it's also not like if you're not

03:34 - 03:40

tan then you're considered ugly or

03:37 - 03:43

something it's just a bit more desirable

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to have tanned skin especially in the

03:43 - 03:48

summer some other differences in our

03:45 - 03:51

beauty standards can be seen by what

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plastic surgeries Americans get so a lot

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of people will get lip filler to make

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their lips bigger or they'll do a lip

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flip which is getting more and more

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popular these days so basically what a

04:02 - 04:07

lip flip is is they take the top of your

04:05 - 04:10

lip and they flip it up and glue it to

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your skin to make your lips look bigger

04:10 - 04:16

people also get lots of filler in their

04:13 - 04:18

cheeks to make their cheekbones higher

04:16 - 04:21

and some men will change the shape of

04:18 - 04:24

their jaw to make it wider and seem more

04:21 - 04:27

manly I guess and of course there's

04:24 - 04:29

always a lot of Botox to stop wrinkles

04:27 - 04:32

as for hair color I think it's it's

04:29 - 04:36

pretty debatable on which hair color is

04:32 - 04:38

more desirable here but I would say that

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girls with blonde hair definitely do get

04:38 - 04:44

more attention and I get a lot of

04:41 - 04:47

comments asking if all Americans have

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blonde hair or why my hair is so dark

04:47 - 04:52

and the truth is most girls with that

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hair color are coloring their hair it's

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not their natural color and even when I

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was in Middle School and High School a

04:58 - 05:03

lot of my classmates would be dying

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their hair blonde so they could fit in

05:03 - 05:09

and another interesting thing is that

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for us women are expected to have smooth

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hairless legs all the time like we

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literally won't even go out of the house

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if we haven't shaved our legs and if we

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haven't shaved our legs and we go out

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our friends are definitely going to

05:21 - 05:26

point it out and kind of make fun of us

05:24 - 05:28

so I found it really interesting when I

05:26 - 05:31

was in China and saw that there were a

05:28 - 05:33

few girls who didn't shave their legs

05:31 - 05:35

and they literally didn't care what

05:33 - 05:38

anyone thought about them and it was

05:35 - 05:40

just kind of refreshing because shaving

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your legs is so annoying but most of our

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beauty standards also change with time

05:43 - 05:49

so when I was a kid all the girls wanted

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a really small pointy nose and they also

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wanted really thin eyebrows but nowadays

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people want thicker eyebrows and bigger

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noses are becoming more desirable and

06:00 - 06:06

this also applies to body shapes as well

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for women being skinny has always been

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the beauty standard and it's always been

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the thing that was pushed on us but it

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was super popular in the '90s and the

06:14 - 06:21

early 2000s when we had this trend of

06:18 - 06:24

super model skinny then in the 2010s

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everyone wanted a very extreme hourglass

06:24 - 06:30

figure and the BBL surgery was one of

06:28 - 06:32

the most popular things to get done

06:30 - 06:35

everyone basically wanted to look like a

06:32 - 06:37

Kardashian at this time but now it's

06:35 - 06:40

kind of falling out of trend and people

06:37 - 06:42

are going back to this really thin

06:40 - 06:45

figure from the 9s so there are some

06:42 - 06:48

specific Trends and features that make

06:45 - 06:50

up America's different beauty standards

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but I honestly feel like anyone can be

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considered beautiful in America as long

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as you have confidence and like good

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hygiene and I think that trying to live

06:58 - 07:03

up to any kind of beauty standard can

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have a really negative impact on

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someone's mental health or self-esteem

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especially for young kids from my own

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experience when I was growing up I was

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very self-conscious and I had very low

07:15 - 07:20

self-esteem because I started to realize

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that I didn't look like those pretty

07:20 - 07:26

girls in my class and people would start

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to point out the things about me that

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didn't match everyone else but at this

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time my mom would start telling me that

07:32 - 07:37

I look like the actresses from all of

07:34 - 07:40

her favorite movies like Elizabeth

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Taylor and Audrey hebburn and I don't

07:40 - 07:45

think I look like those girls but I

07:43 - 07:48

think it was just my mom's way of trying

07:45 - 07:50

to tell me that there's more than one

07:48 - 07:53

way to be pretty we have this saying

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beauty is in the eye of the beholder and

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basically what this means is that

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everyone has their own opinions on what

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they find attractive and what one person

08:00 - 08:05

doesn't find attractive there's 10 more

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people out there who do find it

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attractive so I think the most important

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thing is that we're confident and proud

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of who we are I know that these beauty

08:13 - 08:19

standards might be really different from

08:16 - 08:21

Chinese beauty standards so let me know

08:19 - 08:23

in the comments if there was anything

08:21 - 08:26

that really shocked you or if there was

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something that you do or don't find

08:26 - 08:31

attractive or maybe even some other

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celebrity that you really like and I'll

08:31 - 08:36

see you guys in the next video bye-bye

Exploring American and Chinese Beauty Standards

In America, beauty standards are as diverse as the country itself. Unlike in China, where a more uniform ideal of beauty prevails, America embraces a mix of cultures and backgrounds, leading to a wide variety of physical features considered attractive. From the quintessential blonde bombshell like Margot Robbie to the elegant brunette charm of Anne Hathaway, beauty in America knows no bounds.

Beauty Standards in America

For women, the spectrum of beauty ranges from Margot Robbie's sun-kissed radiance to Beyoncé's captivating allure. Men like Ryan Gosling embody the hyper-masculine ideal with tall, muscular frames and rugged facial hair. However, American beauty standards are ever-evolving, with trends shifting from supermodel skinny in the '90s to the curvier figure popularized by the Kardashians in the 2010s.

Americans also embrace cosmetic enhancements to meet these standards, with lip fillers, cheekbone enhancements, and Botox being common. Blonde hair may garner attention, but the variety in hair colors reflects the diversity celebrated in American beauty. However, the societal pressure for women to maintain smooth, hairless legs at all times remains a notable expectation.

Contrasting Chinese Beauty Standards

In stark contrast, Chinese beauty standards often prioritize fair, porcelain skin and modesty. Tanning, a popular American pastime, is less common in China, where protecting one's skin from the sun is a prevalent cultural norm. Furthermore, while American beauty ideals may seek fuller lips and prominent cheekbones, Chinese aesthetics traditionally emphasize subtlety and natural beauty.

Embracing Individual Beauty

While both countries have their beauty standards, what truly matters in America is confidence and self-care. As the saying goes, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," highlighting the subjective nature of attractiveness. It's essential to celebrate diversity and uniqueness, as there is beauty in every individual beyond societal norms.

As we navigate the complexities of beauty standards, let's remember that confidence and self-love are universal languages of beauty. By embracing our individuality and respecting diverse definitions of beauty, we can cultivate a more inclusive and empowering perception of attractiveness.

In a world where beauty knows no boundaries, let us celebrate the mosaic of beauty that makes each of us uniquely stunning. Beauty standards may differ across cultures, but true beauty lies in the essence of who we are.

Closing Thoughts

The journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance is a beautiful one, where we learn to appreciate our uniqueness and value beyond superficial standards. Let us continue to redefine beauty on our terms, embracing what makes us feel confident and happy. Beauty is a tapestry of diverse elements, woven together by the threads of individuality and self-assurance. Let's celebrate our differences and find beauty in every corner of our being.

Beauty is not a mold to fit into; it is a canvas to paint our stories upon, each stroke adding to the masterpiece of our existence. Embrace your beauty, for it is as vast and varied as the stars in the sky, each shining with its own radiant light.

As you reflect on the diverse beauty standards of different cultures, remember to cherish your unique beauty, for it is a gift that only you can unwrap and share with the world. Beauty is not a destination; it is a journey of self-discovery and self-love. So, shine brightly, for your beauty knows no bounds.

In a world where beauty knows no boundaries, let us celebrate the mosaic of beauty that makes each of us uniquely stunning. Stay true to yourself, for that is where the most radiant beauty resides.

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

In the tapestry of beauty, may we find the courage to embrace our uniqueness and celebrate the diverse beauty that surrounds us. Let us redefine beauty on our terms and paint a portrait of confidence and self-love. For in the end, true beauty transcends borders and standards, shining brightly in the authenticity of each individual. Embrace your beauty, for it is a masterpiece unlike any other.