00:00 - 00:05

can Photoshop pull through with the

00:01 - 00:09

Firefly model and create a wizard about

00:05 - 00:11

to cast a spell no it creates what looks

00:09 - 00:15

to be beggar asking me for a spell

00:11 - 00:19

instead of casting a spell 1.75 out of

00:15 - 00:20

five no but you nailed it okay good job

00:19 - 00:24

it's October

00:20 - 00:26

2024 and we can generate any image we

00:24 - 00:28

want at the stroke of our fingertips as

00:26 - 00:31

long as we can describe it we can create

00:28 - 00:33

it using artificial intelligence and

00:31 - 00:36

generative models that make images for

00:33 - 00:38

us this is a fantastic time to be alive

00:36 - 00:40

I know a lot of people and how they feel

00:38 - 00:42

about these generative models but the

00:40 - 00:44

fact of the matter is that these things

00:42 - 00:45

are here to stay you can throw a rock

00:44 - 00:47

anywhere you want on the internet and

00:45 - 00:49

it'll land on some type of generative AI

00:47 - 00:51

model so what I want to do today is

00:49 - 00:54

compare four of the generative AI models

00:51 - 00:55

that I have a lot of experience with of

00:54 - 00:58

which I think are probably the most

00:55 - 01:00

popular in this field the first one

00:58 - 01:03

being mid Journey 6.1 which uses some

01:00 - 01:04

type of diffusion model magnific doai

01:03 - 01:06

which many people don't know this is

01:04 - 01:08

pretty new for magnific they used to be

01:06 - 01:10

just an upscaler we'll talk about that

01:08 - 01:13

later but now they can actually create

01:10 - 01:15

images with prompts and chat GPT which

01:13 - 01:18

uses doll e as its base and Adobe

01:15 - 01:20

Photoshop 2025 Firefly for the

01:18 - 01:22

generation model when we look at these

01:20 - 01:24

chat gbt we generally are going to be

01:22 - 01:27

using more for administrative tasks like

01:24 - 01:30

writing and helping us analyze data but

01:27 - 01:32

it can also make images so it is is one

01:30 - 01:34

that we need to look at now I will be

01:32 - 01:36

judging these images on this criteria

01:34 - 01:39

and you are free to judge along with me

01:36 - 01:41

out of five so each category will get a

01:39 - 01:43

one through five marking we're going to

01:41 - 01:45

look at the creativity of the image that

01:43 - 01:47

was created we're going to look at the

01:45 - 01:49

quality of the result that was created

01:47 - 01:52

from The Prompt used the accuracy to the

01:49 - 01:54

prompt and the usability of the asset in

01:52 - 01:56

my workflow or documentation and then

01:54 - 01:59

the final verdict whether it's a thumbs

01:56 - 02:01

up or a thumbs down all of these images

01:59 - 02:03

will use the ex exact same prompt and we

02:01 - 02:05

will judge them based on the criteria

02:03 - 02:08

that you see here there is one rule and

02:05 - 02:11

the Only Rule and that rule is this I

02:08 - 02:14

had to use the very first image that was

02:11 - 02:17

rendered from The Prompt that I entered

02:14 - 02:19

say that 15 times fast and that's the

02:17 - 02:20

Only Rule the Only Rule that I had was

02:19 - 02:22

as soon as I typed that prompt whatever

02:20 - 02:23

image was the first one to come up

02:22 - 02:25

that's what I had to select the only

02:23 - 02:27

exception is mid Journey because you

02:25 - 02:28

technically don't get an image from mid

02:27 - 02:31

Journey until you pick from one of the

02:28 - 02:33

four versions so I picked the the best

02:31 - 02:35

version that worked for Mid Journey all

02:33 - 02:38

the others I went with the first image

02:35 - 02:40

that was created the first prompt this

02:38 - 02:42

is a landscape image a castle in the

02:40 - 02:45

mountains at Sunset with a moat around

02:42 - 02:49

it and a waterfall pouring into the moat

02:45 - 02:52

epic light at Sunrise oh my gosh this is

02:49 - 02:55

magnific doai I was blown away the first

02:52 - 02:57

time I typed a prompt into magnific with

02:55 - 03:00

the results that I received so the

02:57 - 03:02

accuracy of this prompt I'm going to

03:00 - 03:05

give it a five it's got a moat it's got

03:02 - 03:07

a castle it's got mountains it's got

03:05 - 03:10

what looks to be like a sunrise as far

03:07 - 03:12

as the quality of this I could very well

03:10 - 03:14

use this in one of my images and the

03:12 - 03:16

quality is pretty fantastic the

03:14 - 03:17

creativity I think it looks pretty darn

03:16 - 03:20

good I'd be excited about this and the

03:17 - 03:22

usability I'll give it a four because I

03:20 - 03:24

could definitely use this so this gets

03:22 - 03:26

about a four and a half out of five mid

03:24 - 03:28

Journey with the same prompt that is

03:26 - 03:31

some dramatic looking imagery right

03:28 - 03:33

there I would give that A5 for accuracy

03:31 - 03:35

we have the castle we have the mountains

03:33 - 03:37

we have the sunrise we have the moat we

03:35 - 03:40

have the waterfall everything that I

03:37 - 03:42

asked it created on that the quality I'd

03:40 - 03:45

give it a four it's not the best quality

03:42 - 03:47

when we zoom in on things but if I was

03:45 - 03:49

using this for you know just a thumbnail

03:47 - 03:52

or some type of graphic it could be

03:49 - 03:53

usable not the best but it's okay the

03:52 - 03:55

creativity I think it did a pretty darn

03:53 - 03:57

good job I like the composition it made

03:55 - 03:59

there and the usability if it was a

03:57 - 04:00

little bit more detailed I could

03:59 - 04:02

definitely get down with this one but

04:00 - 04:05

we'll give this one a four out of five

04:02 - 04:06

chat GPT accuracy of the prompt it's

04:05 - 04:09

pretty accurate I mean we have the

04:06 - 04:11

mountains we have the castle we have the

04:09 - 04:14

moat I guess but it looks more like it's

04:11 - 04:16

on a river than has a moat around it so

04:14 - 04:17

I don't know we'll give it a four on

04:16 - 04:19

that one creativity they did a pretty

04:17 - 04:22

darn good job making this pretty

04:19 - 04:24

creative and uh for the usability it

04:22 - 04:26

depends on what I'd be using this for

04:24 - 04:28

but because the quality is so low that

04:26 - 04:30

gets rendered from chat gbt I would have

04:28 - 04:32

to do quite a bit of work work to use

04:30 - 04:35

this one so I'm giving the uh usability

04:32 - 04:38

a two that would be a 3.5 out of five

04:35 - 04:40

not too bad for a really quick rendering

04:38 - 04:42

at a chat GPT which is primarily used

04:40 - 04:44

again if we think about it for

04:42 - 04:46

administrative tests and maybe some

04:44 - 04:51

image brainstorming let's see how

04:46 - 04:51

Photoshop 2025 handled this exact same

04:53 - 04:59

prompt oh Firefly you've got a way to go

04:57 - 05:03

well on the accuracy of the prompt there

04:59 - 05:06

is no Castle here there is no moat uh I

05:03 - 05:09

there is one mountain I guess it could

05:06 - 05:12

be sunrise but maybe sunet I don't know

05:09 - 05:14

who knows the quality is not quite there

05:12 - 05:17

it's very low scale not very uh usable

05:14 - 05:19

in my workflow and the

05:17 - 05:20

creativity it's about a three I the only

05:19 - 05:22

reason why I gave it a three is because

05:20 - 05:24

it it put a mountain in there it looks

05:22 - 05:26

like from Iceland instead of giving me a

05:24 - 05:31

castle so I'm going to give this a 1.75

05:26 - 05:34

out of five you nailed it Adobe good job

05:31 - 05:36

all right now the next one a portrait

05:34 - 05:38

The Prompt was a couple's engagement

05:36 - 05:42

photo looking into each other's eyes

05:38 - 05:44

smiling photorealistic happy muted color

05:42 - 05:47

palette exact same prompt used for all

05:44 - 05:49

four Images all right so you know as far

05:47 - 05:51

as the prompt is concerned I I give it a

05:49 - 05:53

five and the reason why I give it a five

05:51 - 05:55

is I know that the ladies kind of

05:53 - 05:57

missing an i in there but we'll get into

05:55 - 06:00

the quality on that one in a second here

05:57 - 06:02

but I give it a five because it's two

06:00 - 06:04

people that look genuinely happy I know

06:02 - 06:06

it's an engagement shoot because the

06:04 - 06:10

left hand is rested on the gentleman's

06:06 - 06:12

chest and she has a ring on her finger

06:10 - 06:14

that looks pretty close to the earring

06:12 - 06:16

that's in his ear but that's okay I'm

06:14 - 06:18

giving this a five for accuracy because

06:16 - 06:20

it has all the elements that I need and

06:18 - 06:22

I could use this in my workflow if I

06:20 - 06:25

needed to give it a five there the only

06:22 - 06:28

thing that I find not so good about this

06:25 - 06:30

is the eye I just can't see what her eye

06:28 - 06:33

looks like it's not the best

06:30 - 06:35

but 4.5 out of five good job magnific

06:33 - 06:38

you're killing it mid Journey how'd you

06:35 - 06:39

do well I gave them a four I gave them a

06:38 - 06:42

journey of four because they aren't

06:39 - 06:43

looking into each other's eyes per se

06:42 - 06:45

and I don't know if it's necessarily an

06:43 - 06:47

engagement shoot because I can't see the

06:45 - 06:50

ring finger however the quality here is

06:47 - 06:53

very good and it would be usable if I

06:50 - 06:55

needed this in something uh quick for my

06:53 - 06:57

whatever it is that I might be working

06:55 - 07:02

on this could work I would have to do

06:57 - 07:05

some work to it but it's usable 4.25 out

07:02 - 07:07

of five chat GPT where you at I give it

07:05 - 07:08

a for in accuracy because they are

07:07 - 07:11

looking at each other that's about the

07:08 - 07:12

only thing it could be an engagement

07:11 - 07:14

shoot because the left hand is on the

07:12 - 07:16

chest typically how we would see an

07:14 - 07:17

engagement shoot but there is no ring so

07:16 - 07:19

maybe they just got engaged and he

07:17 - 07:20

couldn't afford one and therefore

07:19 - 07:22

they're just happy that they're about to

07:20 - 07:24

get married and they'll get a ring later

07:22 - 07:26

uh I give it a two for the quality

07:24 - 07:28

though because I just can't do much with

07:26 - 07:31

this in anything in my workflow and

07:28 - 07:32

creativity wise I mean I like the the

07:31 - 07:34

muted color palette that it gave it but

07:32 - 07:37

that's really why it scored so high in

07:34 - 07:41

creativity 2.75 out of five and you

07:37 - 07:42

nailed it good job chat GPT I was

07:41 - 07:44

actually pretty surprised that photoshop

07:42 - 07:47

did better than chat GPT on this one but

07:44 - 07:49

not by much we've got a four for

07:47 - 07:51

accuracy we definitely see this couple

07:49 - 07:53

staring at each other the what would

07:51 - 07:55

have given it a five they definitely

07:53 - 07:57

look happy too if I saw a ring on a

07:55 - 07:59

finger we would have had a five at least

07:57 - 08:01

for the accuracy to The Prompt now the

07:59 - 08:03

quality it's pretty horrible man his

08:01 - 08:04

T-shirt is somewhere underneath that

08:03 - 08:06

necklace but it's not connected to the

08:04 - 08:08

other side you know at least they rolled

08:06 - 08:09

up the sleeve a little bit and I give

08:08 - 08:11

them a four for creativity because it's

08:09 - 08:14

not our traditional couple that we're

08:11 - 08:16

used to seeing I I like the Exquisite um

08:14 - 08:18

jewelry that they're wearing however I

08:16 - 08:22

can't use this in my workflow so you

08:18 - 08:24

beat chat GPT but not by much the next

08:22 - 08:26

one a still life so we're looking at a

08:24 - 08:29

still life of a camera on a desk

08:26 - 08:30

surrounded by various camera tools I

08:29 - 08:33

want this be photorealistic have a

08:30 - 08:35

vintage feel with warm light and a Kiros

08:33 - 08:36

skiro appeal which would be you know

08:35 - 08:39

kind of like your Da Vinci Style with

08:36 - 08:42

you know deep dark Rich darks so

08:39 - 08:43

magnific wonderful job here I could

08:42 - 08:46

definitely use this now I don't know

08:43 - 08:48

what a kuana or cavana camera is but I

08:46 - 08:50

could very easily carve that out in

08:48 - 08:52

Photoshop get rid of that and this would

08:50 - 08:55

kind of be difficult to tell that even

08:52 - 08:58

an artificial intelligence model Made It

08:55 - 08:59

by first glance I definitely give it a

08:58 - 09:02

five for Quality because most anything

08:59 - 09:05

that's coming out of of magnific these

09:02 - 09:06

days is magnificent it is wonderful and

09:05 - 09:08

four for creativity and five for

09:06 - 09:10

usability cuz I definitely could use

09:08 - 09:12

this 4.75 out of five very well done

09:10 - 09:14

magnific let's see how mid Journey does

09:12 - 09:18

mid Journey with your

09:14 - 09:21

accuracy not really I mean I wanted

09:18 - 09:23

various uh tools and and Camera objects

09:21 - 09:25

to be around it it put things around it

09:23 - 09:26

but I can't tell if they're batteries if

09:25 - 09:28

they're rolled up pieces of paper

09:26 - 09:30

possibly cigarette butt filters I have

09:28 - 09:32

no idea I don't even know what these

09:30 - 09:36

tools are that are around it so I can't

09:32 - 09:38

really give it um a good score for

09:36 - 09:41

accuracy because it also doesn't have

09:38 - 09:43

the warm light I'm looking for or that

09:41 - 09:46

KIRO skiro kind of feel and it isn't

09:43 - 09:48

very photorealistic so sorry let's see

09:46 - 09:51

here what do you got chat GPT I was

09:48 - 09:53

pleasantly surprised that chat GPT uh

09:51 - 09:55

did a pre pretty decent job on this I

09:53 - 09:57

give it a four for the accuracy because

09:55 - 09:59

it did Target all of the things that I

09:57 - 10:01

wanted it to Target and those things

09:59 - 10:04

could be objects that I could see going

10:01 - 10:06

onto that camera so that is well done

10:04 - 10:08

however the quality of it just isn't

10:06 - 10:10

quite there I'm not sure if I could use

10:08 - 10:12

this in my workflow at all and

10:10 - 10:14

photoshop's Firefly model yep failed

10:12 - 10:16

once again I'll give it a three for

10:14 - 10:18

accuracy because it did Mark some of the

10:16 - 10:20

things like the look that I was going

10:18 - 10:22

for but as far as the quality the

10:20 - 10:25

creativity and usability it's just not

10:22 - 10:26

there the fourth test is going to be a

10:25 - 10:28

humpback whale leaping out of the water

10:26 - 10:30

with Glacier mountains in the background

10:28 - 10:34

on a blue BL Sky day with white clouds

10:30 - 10:36

and photo realistic so magnific did a

10:34 - 10:38

magnificent job as it does you're seeing

10:36 - 10:41

that as a staple across the board

10:38 - 10:44

magnific does magnificent all the time

10:41 - 10:46

5444 4.25 out of five I could very

10:44 - 10:48

easily use this let's see what mid

10:46 - 10:50

Journey's got for us with this humpback

10:48 - 10:53

whale I'll give it a five for its

10:50 - 10:55

accuracy uh but as far as the quality I

10:53 - 10:56

wanted it to be photorealistic and and

10:55 - 10:58

the clouds in the background look like

10:56 - 11:00

they're painted yes I could do some

10:58 - 11:01

things to make it not looks so painted

11:00 - 11:03

but it doesn't really look

11:01 - 11:05

photorealistic it's more of a painting

11:03 - 11:07

and all of the renderings that I got in

11:05 - 11:09

that series of four were the same way

11:07 - 11:12

but I still think it looks pretty decent

11:09 - 11:15

and usable so 4.25 out of five and now

11:12 - 11:18

we got chat GPT H that's not bad I mean

11:15 - 11:20

i' give it a four for uh the accuracy

11:18 - 11:21

but the quality be again you can't

11:20 - 11:23

really use this very well because the

11:21 - 11:27

quality is so low it doesn't produce a

11:23 - 11:29

very uh large scale image for you um so

11:27 - 11:31

out of that I give a 2.75 out of 5

11:29 - 11:32

probably wouldn't use it in my workflow

11:31 - 11:36

but it's one of those things that if I

11:32 - 11:38

needed to uh have some type of um

11:36 - 11:40

brainstorming session I could very

11:38 - 11:41

easily use chat GPT and use this and

11:40 - 11:43

find some other elements that would work

11:41 - 11:47

for me elsewhere let's see how Photoshop

11:43 - 11:50

does not too bad Photoshop okay accuracy

11:47 - 11:52

will give you a four creativity and

11:50 - 11:55

quality usability not quite there again

11:52 - 11:57

because fireflies 1024 resolution that

11:55 - 11:59

we're stuck with I probably wouldn't use

11:57 - 12:01

it for anything but I mean it it it's

11:59 - 12:02

much better than it usually is so

12:01 - 12:04

Photoshop you did wonderful there now

12:02 - 12:06

let's go to our fifth prompt with this

12:04 - 12:08

one I wanted to do a prompt that would

12:06 - 12:11

be more for compositing so if you

12:08 - 12:13

develop compositing assets how would it

12:11 - 12:15

create something that would be on a

12:13 - 12:17

black background that would be easy to

12:15 - 12:19

extract so for this prompt I used a

12:17 - 12:22

photorealistic depiction of an old

12:19 - 12:25

wizard wearing a hood and long cloak

12:22 - 12:27

holding a staff with a crystal on top

12:25 - 12:31

about to cast a spell facing the camera

12:27 - 12:33

on a black background dang magnific did

12:31 - 12:34

a wonderful job and even to the point

12:33 - 12:36

where I feel like he's about to cast a

12:34 - 12:40

spell because the staff is on fire up

12:36 - 12:41

there around this beautiful Crystal man

12:40 - 12:44

the only thing that I would not give

12:41 - 12:46

this any points for uh is the fact that

12:44 - 12:47

it would be hard to even want to put

12:46 - 12:49

something behind it as far as a

12:47 - 12:51

composite is concerned because it looks

12:49 - 12:53

so darn good but if I need to put a

12:51 - 12:54

background behind this this would be a

12:53 - 12:56

wonderful image to have in the

12:54 - 12:58

foreground five out of five across the

12:56 - 13:00

board how did you do mid Journey not too

12:58 - 13:03

bad B this is good because this is

13:00 - 13:05

usable I could very easily use this

13:03 - 13:07

image a little bit even easier than the

13:05 - 13:09

image before because with the quality of

13:07 - 13:10

light that it's given me I could do a

13:09 - 13:11

lot more with this in my post-

13:10 - 13:14

production but I'm going to give it a

13:11 - 13:16

4.25 uh fours in the other categories

13:14 - 13:21

well done mid Journey how did you do

13:16 - 13:23

chat GPT okay okay well accuracy you've

13:21 - 13:25

got us an old wizard but there's a lot

13:23 - 13:28

of crystals everywhere he is about to

13:25 - 13:29

cast a spell however it's not on a pure

13:28 - 13:31

black background it would be harder to

13:29 - 13:33

extract this guy and I probably wouldn't

13:31 - 13:36

use it anyway because I'm not a big fan

13:33 - 13:38

of the look uh and the positioning of

13:36 - 13:40

the fingers it's like okay this staff is

13:38 - 13:42

just levitating because you decided to

13:40 - 13:44

cast a spell with your fingers okay so

13:42 - 13:47

that probably wouldn't be very usable

13:44 - 13:49

2.5 out of five sorry uh chat chpt this

13:47 - 13:51

one just didn't hit it can Photoshop

13:49 - 13:56

pull through with the Firefly model and

13:51 - 13:59

create a wizard about to cast a spell no

13:56 - 14:00

it creates what looks to be like a beg I

13:59 - 14:02

mean I guess it didn't specify on male

14:00 - 14:05

or female but it looks like a beggar

14:02 - 14:09

asking me for a spell instead of casting

14:05 - 14:12

a spell 1.75 out of five no but you

14:09 - 14:15

nailed it okay good job now with this

14:12 - 14:17

one I wanted to do uh renderings of an

14:15 - 14:19

illustration so this was a sticker on a

14:17 - 14:22

black background of a construction

14:19 - 14:24

Hammer striking the top of a metal nail

14:22 - 14:27

with the words nailed it underneath you

14:24 - 14:31

guessed it where did I get that sticker

14:27 - 14:33

from well I tried it in magnific and I

14:31 - 14:34

wasn't a huge fan I'd say that it it is

14:33 - 14:37


14:34 - 14:39

good strong Contender but I probably

14:37 - 14:40

wouldn't use it because I don't know

14:39 - 14:43

where the hammer begins and the nail

14:40 - 14:46

ends and if it's actually hit a nail or

14:43 - 14:49

if they're stuck together so 3.25 out of

14:46 - 14:52

five mid Journey how'd you do holy crap

14:49 - 14:54

you nailed it it looks awesome the only

14:52 - 14:55

reason why I gave this a four instead of

14:54 - 14:57

a five for the accuracy is because

14:55 - 15:00

there's no nail here so when I made this

14:57 - 15:01

sticker for this presentation I had to

15:00 - 15:04

make my own nail and I had to do some

15:01 - 15:07

fixing up so it couldn't be a 100% five

15:04 - 15:10

across the board but very well done

15:07 - 15:12

nailed it awesome let's see how chat GPT

15:10 - 15:15

did wow this is actually really good so

15:12 - 15:16

chat GPT did a great job the only reason

15:15 - 15:18

why I didn't give this a five even

15:16 - 15:19

though it has all of the criteria is

15:18 - 15:21

it's not on a black background it would

15:19 - 15:25

be a little bit harder for me to extract

15:21 - 15:27

this but I give it almost a five because

15:25 - 15:29

what chat PT is great at is helping you

15:27 - 15:30

brainstorm for these things rather than

15:29 - 15:32

actually creating the most accurate

15:30 - 15:34

thing but for it to create this instead

15:32 - 15:37

of just a brainstorming session for this

15:34 - 15:39

sticker well done chat GPT let's see how

15:37 - 15:41


15:39 - 15:44


15:41 - 15:49

did firefly come on

15:44 - 15:52

okay okay 2221 1.75 out of five but you

15:49 - 15:56

guessed it you nailed it good job there

15:52 - 15:57

photoshop with firefly man oh man here

15:56 - 16:00

they are across the board This Is How

15:57 - 16:02

They did all six categories tallied up

16:00 - 16:05

and totaled up we've got magnific coming

16:02 - 16:07

in with the blue ribbon at 4.38 across

16:05 - 16:09

all six categories mid Journey coming in

16:07 - 16:13

in second place with

16:09 - 16:15

4.04 here's a little aside I always used

16:13 - 16:17

mid Journey for my image rendering

16:15 - 16:18

before magnific came out with a prompt

16:17 - 16:20

renderer and what I would do is I would

16:18 - 16:22

use mid Journey images and then I would

16:20 - 16:24

bring them into magnific and upscale

16:22 - 16:26

them to get that quality of look that

16:24 - 16:28

magnific has you don't need to now but I

16:26 - 16:31

will show you that in a second here and

16:28 - 16:32

where that comes into play J gbt nice

16:31 - 16:35

try all right we know what you're good

16:32 - 16:37

at you're great at administrative tasks

16:35 - 16:39

coming up with written things but you're

16:37 - 16:41

better as a brainstormer for making

16:39 - 16:44

images rather than actually creating

16:41 - 16:46

decent images and Photoshop you just get

16:44 - 16:48

the nailed it award at 2.21 here's the

16:46 - 16:51

deal I hope somebody from Adobe is

16:48 - 16:53

watching this now they've been shoving

16:51 - 16:56

this generative AI stuff and what they

16:53 - 16:59

can do down our throat for so long and

16:56 - 17:02

the generative AI models inside of

16:59 - 17:04

Photoshop are absolutely atrocious I

17:02 - 17:07

don't use them for anything I don't even

17:04 - 17:09

use them to replace specific areas on my

17:07 - 17:10

image because I don't think it even does

17:09 - 17:12

a good job at that because it can't

17:10 - 17:15

match the noise patterns of everything

17:12 - 17:17

else that is around it they need to stop

17:15 - 17:21

forcing this down our throat until they

17:17 - 17:24

can get the Firefly model up to at least

17:21 - 17:25

chat gpt's level okay and that's even

17:24 - 17:27

saying something I think for the amount

17:25 - 17:29

that they're shoving it down our throat

17:27 - 17:32

they should be at least at the mid

17:29 - 17:34

journey level I digress however you see

17:32 - 17:36

this image that we took here I took this

17:34 - 17:39

image from chat GPT and I brought it

17:36 - 17:41

into magnific to upscale it to see if it

17:39 - 17:43

could make this crap version of these

17:41 - 17:45

people look somewhat decent and look

17:43 - 17:47

what it came out with so in my opinion

17:45 - 17:49

magnific really is the winner across the

17:47 - 17:52

board because it creates phenomenal

17:49 - 17:54

images from prompts it is on the

17:52 - 17:55

expensive side but if you into image

17:54 - 17:59

rendering and image

17:55 - 18:01

upscaling magnific is fantastic ftic

17:59 - 18:03

because not only can It upscale things

18:01 - 18:05

even your own photography not only can

18:03 - 18:07

It upscale things and add phenomenal

18:05 - 18:10

detail to them it can also create its

18:07 - 18:13

own images now from prompts and I think

18:10 - 18:16

it does the best job out of all of them

18:13 - 18:18

that I have seen to date now I know I'm

18:16 - 18:20

going to get some Litany of complaints

18:18 - 18:21

about generative AI models and why I'm

18:20 - 18:24

even showing this but here's the deal

18:21 - 18:26

folks these models are here to stay

18:24 - 18:28

they're going to be around they're only

18:26 - 18:29

going to get better and it's one of

18:28 - 18:31

those things where if you're going to

18:29 - 18:33

keep your friends close you definitely

18:31 - 18:35

want to keep your enemies closer while I

18:33 - 18:38

don't necessarily generate images and

18:35 - 18:40

call them my own I do use these images

18:38 - 18:43

in my education so that I can help

18:40 - 18:45

people learn the tools in Photoshop use

18:43 - 18:46

the comment section below to comment on

18:45 - 18:48

other generators that you use or maybe

18:46 - 18:51

some strategies that you found for

18:48 - 18:53

success with your prompts if you're here

18:51 - 18:56

to complain about generative AI images

18:53 - 18:57

these comments will be deleted I'm sorry

18:56 - 18:59

I'm just sick of hearing them thank you

18:57 - 19:00

very much for taking the time to watch I

18:59 - 19:01

do sincerely appreciate if you haven't

19:00 - 19:03

done so already please consider

19:01 - 19:04

subscribing because I take difficult

19:03 - 19:06

things in Photoshop and make them

19:04 - 19:09

seemingly simple so that you can use

19:06 - 19:09

them in your workflow today

Evaluating Generative AI Models: A Comparative Study

In October 2024, the realm of image generation has been revolutionized by artificial intelligence and generative models. With a mere prompt, one can create stunning visuals at will, ushering in a new era of creativity. While opinions on generative models may vary, their significance in the digital landscape cannot be ignored. Let's delve into a detailed comparison of four prominent generative AI models: Mid Journey 6.1, Magnific DoAI, Chat GPT, and Adobe Photoshop 2025 Firefly.

Understanding the Criteria

In our assessment, each model will be judged based on several key criteria:

  1. Accuracy to Prompt: How faithful is the output to the given prompt?
  2. Quality of Result: Assessing the visual quality and detail.
  3. Creativity: The innovation and artistic merit of the generated image.
  4. Usability: Practicality and application of the output.
  5. Final Verdict: A thumbs up or down based on the overall performance.

Magnific DoAI: The Crown Jewel

  • Accuracy (5/5): Remarkable depiction with detailed realism.
  • Quality (5/5): Exemplary quality suitable for various applications.
  • Creativity (4/5): Aesthetic composition with room for enhancement.
  • Usability (5/5): Highly usable in diverse workflows.
  • Overall Rating: 4.38/5

Mid Journey 6.1: The Reliable Contender

  • Accuracy (4/5): Misses on some intricate details.
  • Quality (4/5): Decent quality but room for improvement.
  • Creativity (4/5): Presents a visually appealing composition.
  • Usability (4/5): Suitable for certain applications.
  • Overall Rating: 4.04/5

Chat GPT: The Brainstorming Ally

  • Accuracy (4/5): Hits the mark with room for refinement.
  • Quality (2/5): Limited by lower image quality.
  • Creativity (2.75/5): Shows promise in idea generation.
  • Usability (3.5/5): Functional for basic tasks.
  • Overall Rating: Varies based on application

Adobe Photoshop 2025 Firefly: The Underdog

  • Accuracy (2/5): Struggles with fidelity to prompts.
  • Quality (1.75/5): Lacks in visual appeal and detail.
  • Creativity (3/5): Falls short in innovative output.
  • Usability (2.21/5): Limited practical use.
  • Overall Rating: Room for Improvement

The Winner Takes It All

In the race of generative AI models, Magnific DoAI emerges as the clear winner, offering unparalleled accuracy and quality in image generation. Mid Journey follows closely behind, showcasing reliability and potential for diverse applications. While Chat GPT proves to be a valuable brainstorming tool, Adobe Photoshop's Firefly model lags behind in meeting industry standards.

Generative AI models are becoming an integral part of the creative process, offering new possibilities and efficiencies. As technology advances, these tools will continue to shape the future of digital artistry. Embrace the evolution and explore the endless creative potential at your fingertips.

As we navigate this evolving landscape, let's appreciate the strides made in AI-driven creativity and stay at the forefront of innovation.

In a world where pixels meet possibilities, generative AI models redefine the canvas of creativity. Witness the artistry of intelligence unfold, painting a future where imagination knows no bounds.