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as we look forward to 2025 the anime
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World buzzes with fresh stories bold
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ideas and brand new adventures while
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sequels often steal the spotlight the
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non-sequel shows bring something truly
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unexpected to the table these upcoming
00:12 - 00:16
titles are already turning heads with
00:13 - 00:17
unique Concepts to jawdropping visuals
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if you're ready for a glimpse into the
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future of anime then this list is for
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you because today we're counting down
00:21 - 00:25
the top 10 most anticipated non-sequel
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to start we've got a guy who's a try
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hard villain Liam despite his very best
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efforts to ruin the Empire he ends up
00:50 - 00:54
making it more peaceful than ever every
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time Liam tries to misuse his power to
00:54 - 00:57
act like a ruthless leader his people
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only end up loving him more with his
00:57 - 01:01
popularity On The Rise Liam questions
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how he went from being the Tyrant to the
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most beloved ruler without even trying
01:03 - 01:08
the evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire
01:05 - 01:10
is a fun anime that mixes sci-fi and
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fantasy it's nothing like your typical
01:10 - 01:14
isaki story where the hero has to save
01:12 - 01:16
everyone this one is Twisted the hero
01:14 - 01:17
doesn't try to save anyone rather he
01:16 - 01:19
tries to be a villain and accidentally
01:17 - 01:21
creates peace and Harmony what makes
01:19 - 01:22
this anime exceptionally good is the
01:21 - 01:24
balance it holds with over-the-top
01:22 - 01:26
action and slight comedic Moments One
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Moment Liam's the bad guy another moment
01:26 - 01:30
he's the savior of mankind the anime
01:28 - 01:32
also portrays sat satisfying character
01:30 - 01:34
development and unexpected results from
01:32 - 01:36
Our Hero's actions which are really fun
01:34 - 01:38
to watch actually fans of isaki who love
01:36 - 01:39
complex World building with beautiful
01:38 - 01:43
landscapes strong characters and good
01:39 - 01:43
story lines will enjoy this
01:47 - 01:52
anime up next the brilliant healer's New
01:50 - 01:54
Life In the Shadows tells us the story
01:52 - 01:56
of a healing genius zenos who gets
01:54 - 01:57
kicked out of his team for being too
01:56 - 02:04
good at his job
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since he's not the one to give up zenos
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opened his own clinic in the city and
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became the go to healer for the city
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folks as he tries to start his new
02:10 - 02:14
Venture he secretly becomes a hero that
02:12 - 02:16
everyone needs staying lowkey because
02:14 - 02:18
apparently being too good at your job is
02:16 - 02:20
a crime if you're fond of characters who
02:18 - 02:21
get badly treated at first but start
02:20 - 02:23
fresh and become strong over time the
02:21 - 02:25
brilliant healer's New Life In the
02:23 - 02:26
Shadows is a great one for you from
02:25 - 02:28
being a simple healer to becoming the
02:26 - 02:31
superhero of the city the story becomes
02:28 - 02:32
both exciting and to watch the anime
02:31 - 02:34
also has themes of Haram with many
02:32 - 02:35
interesting characters that further
02:34 - 02:37
enter the fun and when it comes to
02:35 - 02:39
Fantastical stories it's a given that
02:37 - 02:42
their animation and other worldly
02:39 - 02:42
Landscapes aren't to be
02:47 - 02:54
underestimated next is the much
02:49 - 02:54
anticipated debut of doen Ani
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this thrilling shown and tail transports
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us to a world on the brink of chaos
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where humanity is caught in the
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crossfire between the motaro and the Oni
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the motaro an elite group sworn to
03:09 - 03:13
protect Humanity quickly reveal their
03:11 - 03:16
darker side when they target Shiki an
03:13 - 03:18
unsuspecting human teen but Shiki isn't
03:16 - 03:20
just any Ordinary Boy he Harbors dormant
03:18 - 03:23
on Powers that awake in a tragic moment
03:20 - 03:25
costing him his foster father fueled by
03:23 - 03:26
Vengeance Shiki sets out to confront
03:25 - 03:28
these so-called protectors his journey
03:26 - 03:30
begins at Rak shasa Academy where he
03:28 - 03:32
must Master his new found abilities
03:30 - 03:34
before taking on his enemies with this
03:32 - 03:36
gripping premise in a genre that's
03:34 - 03:38
consistently delivered hits the buzz
03:36 - 03:40
around Doan Anki is electric will it
03:38 - 03:42
live up to the hype and carve its place
03:40 - 03:45
amongst the greats only time will tell
03:42 - 03:45
but the anticipation is
03:52 - 03:57
real moving on we've got ubu the Bounty
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Hunter and a young woman who's trying to
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survive in a chaotic world full of
03:59 - 04:01
powerful people
04:04 - 04:08
people as ubu takes down these powerful
04:06 - 04:10
criminals she also has to deal with her
04:08 - 04:11
own demons who are honestly more of a
04:10 - 04:13
headache than her own targets it's more
04:11 - 04:15
like a game of cat and mouse with lots
04:13 - 04:17
of explosions the strangest villains and
04:15 - 04:19
ubu trying to stay sane amidst it all
04:17 - 04:20
well good luck with that virgin Punk
04:19 - 04:22
stands out for a lot of reasons
04:20 - 04:24
especially because of the exceptionally
04:22 - 04:27
talented team behind the scenes director
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of kiten meso Forte yasuomi umetsu has
04:27 - 04:31
promised to bring gritty action with
04:29 - 04:32
dark themes to to life the unique art
04:31 - 04:34
visual style and fluent animation with
04:32 - 04:36
smooth transitions between the scenes
04:34 - 04:38
are set to grab everyone's attention
04:36 - 04:40
however the standout feature of Virgin
04:38 - 04:42
Punk is its classic cyber Punk theme
04:40 - 04:44
it's set to capture neon lit cityscapes
04:42 - 04:46
and Aesthetics along with Kick-Ass
04:44 - 04:47
action that will immerse everyone into
04:46 - 04:49
the virtual world of Virgin Punk
04:47 - 04:51
although it may present a bit of mature
04:49 - 04:53
content the anime doesn't shy away from
04:51 - 04:56
exploring the darker sides of human
05:01 - 05:04
next we're talking about Barrel Garden
05:02 - 05:06
an a humble old man who's given up on
05:04 - 05:08
his lifelong dream of becoming a
05:18 - 05:21
swordsman well that escalated quickly
05:20 - 05:23
didn't it Barrel's life completely
05:21 - 05:25
changes when a hot shot night asks barl
05:23 - 05:27
to teach a whole new gen of Warriors and
05:25 - 05:28
wizards in the capital now barl can't
05:27 - 05:30
figure out whether he can teach a bunch
05:28 - 05:32
of overachieving students and handle the
05:30 - 05:34
pressure or even get a nap again based
05:32 - 05:36
on a light novel the art style of from
05:34 - 05:38
Old Country Bumpkin to a Master
05:36 - 05:40
swordsman promises us a delightful art
05:38 - 05:42
the story is set to be slow paced and
05:40 - 05:44
very calm this Serene atmosphere is
05:42 - 05:45
further enhanced by the soothing sounds
05:44 - 05:47
that make you feel like you're part of
05:45 - 05:49
the Fantastical tale what makes the
05:47 - 05:50
story interesting is how an old Bumpkin
05:49 - 05:53
gets to fulfill his lifelong dream of
05:56 - 06:00
swordsman you all know how much anime is
05:59 - 06:02
a part of my life right and let's be
06:00 - 06:04
real nothing beats showing that love by
06:02 - 06:06
collecting some awesome merch I was just
06:04 - 06:08
scrolling thinking about which figurine
06:06 - 06:11
to add to my collection next and boom
06:08 - 06:13
today's sponsor came through like fate
06:11 - 06:14
let me tell you about the anime merch
06:13 - 06:16
these guys are a treasure Trove for
06:14 - 06:19
anime fans they've got everything from
06:16 - 06:21
detailed figurines to gorgeous LED lamps
06:19 - 06:23
and light boxes that will make your
06:21 - 06:25
setup shine I couldn't resist grabbing a
06:23 - 06:26
Luffy figurine for myself he looks so
06:25 - 06:29
good with the rest of my collection they
06:26 - 06:31
have it all if you're into Naruto bleach
06:29 - 06:34
demon SL my hero Academia or chainsaw
06:31 - 06:36
man and guess what what even the latest
06:34 - 06:38
anime like Dandan and solo leveling and
06:36 - 06:40
here's the best part they've hooked us
06:38 - 06:42
up with a special deal use my code
06:40 - 06:45
Vinnie at checkout and you'll get 10%
06:42 - 06:46
off your first order how cool is that so
06:45 - 06:51
what are you waiting for go check out
06:46 - 06:51
the anime merch.com right now
07:00 - 07:04
Jinta a skilled swordsman dedicates his
07:02 - 07:07
life to protecting a shrine Priestess by
07:04 - 07:08
slaying demons that threaten her safety
07:07 - 07:10
but his mission takes an unexpected
07:08 - 07:12
twist when he encounters a demon with
07:10 - 07:14
knowledge of a distant future a demon
07:12 - 07:15
that speaks of events over a century
07:14 - 07:18
ahead to uncover the truth and fulfill
07:15 - 07:20
his duty Jinta embarks on a Time hopping
07:18 - 07:22
Adventure navigating multiple eras to
07:20 - 07:24
face the demon and uncover the deeper
07:22 - 07:25
meaning of his blade this series was
07:24 - 07:27
initially slated to premere with a 1-h
07:25 - 07:29
hour special this year but has been
07:27 - 07:31
pushed to 2025 while the delay May test
07:29 - 07:32
our patients it only adds to the
07:31 - 07:34
excitement of seeing what a little extra
07:32 - 07:36
time in development will bring he is
07:34 - 07:40
hoping sword of the Demon Hunter exceeds
07:36 - 07:40
all expectations and makes the weight
07:41 - 07:45
worthwhile if you're into jawdropping
07:43 - 07:47
battles Larger than Life characters and
07:45 - 07:50
ATT Touch of strategy this one's already
07:47 - 07:50
screaming must
07:57 - 08:02
watch the story centers around clees a
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terrifying Demon King who's so
08:02 - 08:05
overpowered that even the gods are
08:03 - 08:07
sweating but here's the twist he's not
08:05 - 08:09
just brwn this guy's a master tactician
08:07 - 08:10
with a sharp mind to match his
08:09 - 08:12
devastating Powers when Humanity
08:10 - 08:14
declares war on him instead of stomping
08:12 - 08:17
everyone outright cleas decides to play
08:14 - 08:18
the long game he wages an allout battle
08:17 - 08:20
against the world's greatest heroes
08:18 - 08:21
crafting intricate strategies and
08:20 - 08:23
pulling off moves you wouldn't expect
08:21 - 08:25
from your typical Demon King what really
08:23 - 08:27
makes this series exciting is its mix of
08:25 - 08:28
high octane action and Mind Games
08:27 - 08:31
imagine watching an Unstoppable force
08:28 - 08:32
that doesn't just fight it calculates
08:31 - 08:33
plus the animation is said to be
08:32 - 08:35
stunning with fight scenes that leave us
08:33 - 08:37
on the edge of our seats with a unique
08:35 - 08:39
protagonist clever twists and the
08:37 - 08:42
promise of Epic visuals cleas is shaping
08:39 - 08:44
up to be the anime to watch in 2025 mark
08:42 - 08:48
your calendars and prepare for the hype
08:44 - 08:48
it's going to be wild
09:03 - 09:08
gaka is a tale about a slum kid rudo who
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gets blamed for his own father's death
09:08 - 09:12
and literally gets trash to the dumpster
09:10 - 09:13
it's not a regular dumpster full of junk
09:12 - 09:15
but it's a place where trash bags come
09:13 - 09:17
to life rud's Revenge just got tough as
09:15 - 09:19
he was about to fight trash bags with
09:17 - 09:21
his teeth along the way he joins a force
09:19 - 09:22
of cleaners who well clean up the trash
09:21 - 09:25
I suppose in the most violent way gaji
09:22 - 09:26
auta is a visual Feast with some of the
09:25 - 09:28
coolest art and character designs that
09:26 - 09:30
you'll ever find the art style might
09:28 - 09:32
remind you of solely and fire Force
09:30 - 09:33
action in a comical way it's also a
09:32 - 09:36
Revenge story where the main character
09:33 - 09:38
goes from Zero to Hero as rudo fights
09:36 - 09:40
desperately to get Vengeance which will
09:38 - 09:42
result in a lot of badass battles
09:40 - 09:44
initially G auta didn't make viral waves
09:42 - 09:46
like big anime including chainsaw man or
09:44 - 09:48
kagura Bachi but now that it's getting
09:46 - 09:50
adapted properly into an anime fans have
09:48 - 09:52
high expectations for it making it one
09:50 - 09:54
of the most anticipated non-sequel
09:52 - 09:56
animes of 2025 so if you like anime with
09:54 - 10:01
funky artart and unrealistic Concepts
09:56 - 10:01
you might want to give g auta a try
10:14 - 10:18
lord of the Mysteries follows zo mingrui
10:16 - 10:20
who wakes up to the Victorian era world
10:18 - 10:22
as someone else kleene Moretti he was
10:20 - 10:23
stuck in a brand new world with no way
10:22 - 10:25
out except for defeating monsters with
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magic completing quests and avoiding
10:25 - 10:28
losing his mind none of which he's
10:27 - 10:30
actually signed up for this new world is
10:28 - 10:32
full of Mag magic and mysterious people
10:30 - 10:33
called beyonders who are forc to be
10:32 - 10:35
reckoned with the story moves forward
10:33 - 10:37
really well with a detailed World
10:35 - 10:38
building that seems real characters are
10:37 - 10:40
portrayed realistically meaning that
10:38 - 10:42
they're relatable with deeply embedded
10:40 - 10:43
emotions that make them feel real the
10:42 - 10:45
best part though is that Lord of
10:43 - 10:46
mysteries has lots of hidden quests that
10:45 - 10:48
you can solve on the way while the story
10:46 - 10:50
progresses and who doesn't like a main
10:48 - 10:52
character who becomes a baddy of the
10:50 - 10:54
other world the thrill of uncovering and
10:52 - 10:58
hopping from one mystery to another is
10:54 - 10:58
an interesting element of this anime
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lastly the beginning after the end based
11:18 - 11:22
on a Manoa is a story of The
11:19 - 11:24
Reincarnation of gray he suddenly dies
11:22 - 11:26
in an extremely mysterious way and wakes
11:24 - 11:28
up as a boy named Arthur Lewin in the
11:26 - 11:30
magical world of dickan which is full of
11:28 - 11:31
creatures and man magic given a second
11:30 - 11:33
chance Arthur wants to make the best of
11:31 - 11:35
this life by fixing the mistakes of his
11:33 - 11:37
past life the beginning after the end is
11:35 - 11:40
literally the most anticipated
11:37 - 11:42
non-sequel anime of 2025 whether it's
11:40 - 11:44
strong character development op
11:42 - 11:45
characters fans can expect a lot from
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the beginning after the end if the show
11:45 - 11:48
successfully delivers the promised
11:47 - 11:50
quality the beginning after the end will
11:48 - 11:53
easily become one of the standout
11:50 - 11:53
non-sequel anime of
11:55 - 11:58
2025 so which anime are you looking
11:57 - 12:00
forward to the most let me know your
11:58 - 12:01
thoughts in the comments if you want to
12:00 - 12:03
watch something more why not check out
12:01 - 12:05
the top 10 underrated visually stunning
12:03 - 12:08
action anime I'll see you in the next