00:00 - 00:04

hello everyone so recently I noticed

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that some of the trees outside have

00:04 - 00:09

already started to change colors and

00:07 - 00:12

that can only mean one thing which is

00:09 - 00:15

that fall is coming and fall is my

00:12 - 00:17

absolute favorite season so I'm pretty

00:15 - 00:20

excited fall is honestly such a great

00:17 - 00:22

season like the weather is perfect

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there's so many holidays there's so much

00:22 - 00:27

great food and The Vibes are just

00:24 - 00:29

perfect so today I wanted to share some

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of my favorite movies that kind of

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00:30 - 00:35

this feeling and Vibe of fall and you

00:33 - 00:38

guys could also use these movies as a

00:35 - 00:40

way to practice some English and at the

00:38 - 00:42

end of this video I'll be sharing some

00:40 - 00:45

really good tips for how to efficiently

00:42 - 00:47

learn a language by watching a movie or

00:45 - 00:49

anything like that and I'll be sharing

00:47 - 00:51

some of the methods that I used when I

00:49 - 00:53

was learning Chinese a long time ago so

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make sure to stick around to the end

00:53 - 00:57

okay so the first one is called Knives

00:56 - 01:00

Out in English we would probably call

00:57 - 01:03

this kind of movie who done it or a

01:00 - 01:06

murder mystery kind of movie so someone

01:03 - 01:08

dies in the very beginning of the movie

01:06 - 01:11

and then you're trying to figure out who

01:08 - 01:13

is the person responsible for his death

01:11 - 01:15

so it's really really good the story is

01:13 - 01:17

really good there's so many twists and

01:15 - 01:19

turns and it's really really interesting

01:17 - 01:21

to watch but also I just feel like this

01:19 - 01:24

movie is so beautiful there's so many

01:21 - 01:27

fall colors throughout the movie and I

01:24 - 01:29

just can feel that like crispness in the

01:27 - 01:31

air when I watch this movie I don't know

01:29 - 01:33

how but I I do most people in this movie

01:31 - 01:36

speak very clearly it's very easy to

01:33 - 01:38

follow along except there is one

01:36 - 01:41

detective he speaks English with a very

01:38 - 01:43

strong Creole accent so that might be

01:41 - 01:45

kind of hard to understand but other

01:43 - 01:48

than that it should be fine so the next

01:45 - 01:50

movie is Goodwill Hunting and this is

01:48 - 01:53

one of my favorite movies of all time

01:50 - 01:56

and it also takes place in Boston it's

01:53 - 01:59

shot in Boston which to me just feels

01:56 - 02:01

like the most Fall City ever like it

01:59 - 02:04

just has that kind of fall vibe in

02:01 - 02:05

Boston I don't know why maybe because

02:04 - 02:07

the first time I went to Boston was

02:05 - 02:10

during the fall so maybe it's just a me

02:07 - 02:12

thing but it's such a beautiful movie

02:10 - 02:15

the story is also very touching and very

02:12 - 02:19

moving and very interesting it's about a

02:15 - 02:21

guy who's a janitor at the school and

02:19 - 02:23

the professors realized that he's

02:21 - 02:26

actually some kind of Genius but he

02:23 - 02:29

doesn't really have this drive to study

02:26 - 02:31

and work hard so throughout the movie

02:29 - 02:34

he's kind of working with this therapist

02:31 - 02:36

and trying to get past these personal

02:34 - 02:38

problems that they have and it's really

02:36 - 02:40

really touching the kinds of

02:38 - 02:42

conversations that they have so I would

02:40 - 02:44

definitely definitely recommend this

02:42 - 02:47

movie one more thing about this movie is

02:44 - 02:50

that in the movie the actors are kind of

02:47 - 02:53

trying to have a Boston accent and the

02:50 - 02:56

Boston accent isn't really that

02:53 - 02:58

different from Standard English but some

02:56 - 03:00

of the vowels they'll kind of make them

02:58 - 03:03

a little bit longer or a little bit like

03:00 - 03:05

rounder somehow so just pay attention to

03:03 - 03:07

that but really it's not that big of a

03:05 - 03:09

deal there's not a huge difference if

03:07 - 03:13

you're just listening to this movie so

03:09 - 03:14

the next movie is Fantastic Mr Fox and

03:13 - 03:17

this one might be a little bit different

03:14 - 03:19

for some people it's a stop motion

03:17 - 03:22

animation movie but it's really really

03:19 - 03:24

good the story is so captivating and

03:22 - 03:26

there's a lot of different themes going

03:24 - 03:28

on at once and the characters are really

03:26 - 03:31

complex and you really start to care

03:28 - 03:33

about them and also the English in this

03:31 - 03:35

movie is very very clear it's very easy

03:33 - 03:38

to follow along with so I definitely

03:35 - 03:41

recommend this one also the color scheme

03:38 - 03:44

in this movie is very very orange and it

03:41 - 03:46

just gives me that like warm fall Vibe

03:44 - 03:48

so this is something I definitely

03:46 - 03:51

rewatch like every fall to get me into

03:48 - 03:53

the mood so these are some movies that I

03:51 - 03:55

would recommend if you want to get into

03:53 - 03:58

the fall Vibe but also learn some

03:55 - 04:01

English at the same time and I know some

03:58 - 04:03

people are probably thinking like oh I

04:01 - 04:05

watch English movies all the time I

04:03 - 04:08

watch English shows all the time but I

04:05 - 04:10

still can't learn anything so how is

04:08 - 04:13

this going to help me I understand like

04:10 - 04:16

if you just purely watch English content

04:13 - 04:18

while focusing on the translation

04:16 - 04:21

focusing on subtitles then you're

04:18 - 04:23

obviously not going to learn anything

04:21 - 04:25

and it's not going to be that helpful so

04:23 - 04:28

here are some tips that I personally

04:25 - 04:31

used when I learned Chinese that'll help

04:28 - 04:33

you to efficiently learn a language

04:31 - 04:35

while watching a movie okay and first I

04:33 - 04:38

do have to say that you're going to want

04:35 - 04:41

to pick a movie that you actually really

04:38 - 04:42

enjoy watching because for this method

04:41 - 04:45

to work you're going to have to

04:42 - 04:47

repeatedly watch the same thing over and

04:45 - 04:49

over a few times so if you think one of

04:47 - 04:52

the movies I recommended sounds

04:49 - 04:54

interesting you can give it a try or you

04:52 - 04:56

can also do this with a movie that you

04:54 - 04:58

already know that you love for the first

04:56 - 05:00

time watching something new you can go

04:58 - 05:04

ahead and use the translation use the

05:00 - 05:06

subtitles and just enjoy the movie so

05:04 - 05:08

understand the story understand the

05:06 - 05:10

characters and just have fun but it

05:08 - 05:12

doesn't just end here there's a lot of

05:10 - 05:15

work to do afterwards and this doesn't

05:12 - 05:18

have to be all in the same day but maybe

05:15 - 05:21

a few days later go back and watch the

05:18 - 05:23

same movie only with English subtitles

05:21 - 05:25

and no translation and the purpose of

05:23 - 05:28

doing this is to try and create this

05:25 - 05:30

English environment for yourself because

05:28 - 05:32

you already know the story already know

05:30 - 05:35

what's going to happen and what the

05:32 - 05:38

movie is about so this time just really

05:35 - 05:41

focus on English focus on the sounds

05:38 - 05:44

focus on the sentences focus on how they

05:41 - 05:46

speak and also just try to really get

05:44 - 05:48

the feel of the language even if there

05:46 - 05:50

are things that you don't really

05:48 - 05:53

understand just keep going and try to

05:50 - 05:55

immerse yourself in the language and the

05:53 - 05:58

third time watching is when the real

05:55 - 06:00

work really comes in so for this you can

05:58 - 06:02

choose some of your favorite scenes from

06:00 - 06:05

the movie and try to watch it without

06:02 - 06:08

any subtitles at all and just pick up on

06:05 - 06:10

as much as you possibly can and try to

06:08 - 06:12

understand what's going on and what's

06:10 - 06:15

they're saying after watching a scene

06:12 - 06:18

without subtitles you can go back and

06:15 - 06:20

watch it with subtitles but this time

06:18 - 06:22

you're going to want to pause after

06:20 - 06:25

every single sentence that they say so

06:22 - 06:27

when you pause after each sentence you

06:25 - 06:31

want to try to understand what is being

06:27 - 06:33

said and also you want to repeat after

06:31 - 06:35

whoever is talking in the movie and try

06:33 - 06:37

to copy the way that they're saying the

06:35 - 06:40

sentence the feeling that they have and

06:37 - 06:43

also the pronunciation of course and if

06:40 - 06:46

you're a visual learner like me it also

06:43 - 06:49

helps if you write down this sentence so

06:46 - 06:51

it really gets engraved in your mind and

06:49 - 06:53

later on in real life you might use the

06:51 - 06:55

same sentence or you might have

06:53 - 06:57

something from the sentence that you

06:55 - 07:00

learned and can apply it to other things

06:57 - 07:02

in the future and another big tip I have

07:00 - 07:04

for pronunciation is when you're

07:02 - 07:06

watching these movies when you're

07:04 - 07:08

repeating what this person is saying in

07:06 - 07:11

the movies pay attention to their mouth

07:08 - 07:13

and how their mouth is moving when they

07:11 - 07:15

talk because honestly English and

07:13 - 07:18

Chinese there's a lot of pronunciation

07:15 - 07:20

differences but if you can understand

07:18 - 07:22

what's going on in their mouth and copy

07:20 - 07:24

that then you're going to be able to get

07:22 - 07:27

a more authentic pronunciation this is

07:24 - 07:30

also how I learn Chinese okay I really

07:27 - 07:32

paid attention to how people talk talked

07:30 - 07:35

and copied the way that they talked you

07:32 - 07:37

whether that be my teacher or someone in

07:35 - 07:40

a movie or anything like that this is

07:37 - 07:42

really really really important so for me

07:40 - 07:44

I've always felt like language is a kind

07:42 - 07:47

of puzzle and there may be different

07:44 - 07:49

methods of putting the same puzzle

07:47 - 07:52

together but we all have to do it piece

07:49 - 07:54

by piece and each word that you learn

07:52 - 07:57

each phrase each sentence that you

07:54 - 07:59

understand is just one step closer to

07:57 - 08:01

putting the whole puzzle together any

07:59 - 08:03

anyway I hope these tips were helpful

08:01 - 08:05

they were definitely really helpful for

08:03 - 08:07

me when I was learning Chinese

08:05 - 08:09

especially in the beginning and I hope

08:07 - 08:12

that if you watch some of the movies I

08:09 - 08:13

recommended today that you'll enjoy them

08:12 - 08:16

and be able to learn some English from

08:13 - 08:19

them as well and to be honest I just

08:16 - 08:21

really love a good story I've always

08:19 - 08:24

been like this I have so many movies and

08:21 - 08:27

TV shows books and even games to

08:24 - 08:28

recommend if you guys would like more of

08:27 - 08:30

these kinds of videos just let me know

08:28 - 08:34

in the comments and I'll see you guys

08:30 - 08:34

next time okay bye-bye

Embracing Fall: Enhancing Language Skills Through Fall-themed Movies

As the leaves outside start changing colors, it's a sign that fall is approaching. Fall, with its perfect weather, festive holidays, delicious food, and cozy vibes, is truly a wonderful season to enjoy. In the spirit of fall, let's explore some fall-themed movies that not only capture the essence of the season but also provide an excellent opportunity to practice and enhance your English language skills.

Movies that Capture the Fall Vibe


"Knives Out" is a captivating murder mystery that keeps you on the edge of your seat as you try to unravel the mystery behind a death. The movie not only boasts a gripping storyline with twists and turns but also features stunning fall colors that evoke a sense of crispness in the air. Most characters speak clearly, making it easy to follow along and enhance your English listening skills.


Set in the picturesque city of Boston during fall, "Good Will Hunting" tells the touching story of a janitor with unrecognized genius. The film's emotional depth and portrayal of personal struggles make it a must-watch. While some actors attempt a Boston accent, it's a great opportunity to tune your ear to subtle linguistic nuances in English speech.


For a unique animated treat, "Fantastic Mr. Fox" offers a visually enchanting experience with a rich color palette dominated by warm orange hues. The film's complex characters and engaging storyline make it a delightful choice to immerse yourself in both the fall ambiance and English dialogue.

Tips for Efficient Language Learning Through Movies

Learning a language through movies requires dedication and a structured approach. Here are some effective tips to maximize your learning potential:

  1. Choose a Movie You Love: To effectively learn from a movie, pick one that you genuinely enjoy watching as you'll be rewatching it multiple times.

  2. Immerse Yourself Gradually: Start by watching with translations/subtitles, then gradually switch to English subtitles to create an English immersive environment.

  3. Active Watching: Repeat favorite scenes without subtitles, trying to grasp the dialogue. Pause after each sentence, repeat, and mimic the actors' pronunciation to refine your language skills.

  4. Focus on Pronunciation: Observe the actors' mouth movements while speaking to improve pronunciation accuracy. Pay attention to nuances in sound production to emulate natural speech patterns.

  5. Practice and Repeat: Writing down sentences, practicing dialogue, and actively engaging with the movie dialogues help internalize language structures and improve retention.

By incorporating these strategies, you can transform movie-watching into a valuable language learning tool, enhancing your English proficiency while enjoying captivating stories.

Language learning, akin to solving a puzzle, requires diligence and consistent effort to piece together words and phrases. Each linguistic discovery brings you closer to mastering the language puzzle. So, grab your favorite fall-themed movie, embark on a language-learning journey, and enjoy the process of leveling up your English skills!

If you find these tips helpful, dive into the recommended movies to both entertain yourself and enrich your language learning experience. Language learning is a rewarding journey, and embracing it through engaging stories can make the process enjoyable and effective. Share your language learning experiences and favorite movies in the comments below. Happy fall movie watching, and see you next time!

In conclusion, fall not only brings vibrant colors and cool breezes but also presents an excellent opportunity to hone your language skills through immersive movie experiences. Dive into fall-themed movies, embrace the language learning process, and unlock a world of stories and linguistic nuances awaiting discovery. Language learning is an adventure; enjoy the ride!