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hello everyone so recently I noticed
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that some of the trees outside have
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already started to change colors and
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that can only mean one thing which is
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that fall is coming and fall is my
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absolute favorite season so I'm pretty
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excited fall is honestly such a great
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season like the weather is perfect
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there's so many holidays there's so much
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great food and The Vibes are just
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perfect so today I wanted to share some
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of my favorite movies that kind of
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this feeling and Vibe of fall and you
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guys could also use these movies as a
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way to practice some English and at the
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end of this video I'll be sharing some
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really good tips for how to efficiently
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learn a language by watching a movie or
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anything like that and I'll be sharing
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some of the methods that I used when I
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was learning Chinese a long time ago so
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make sure to stick around to the end
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okay so the first one is called Knives
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Out in English we would probably call
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this kind of movie who done it or a
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murder mystery kind of movie so someone
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dies in the very beginning of the movie
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and then you're trying to figure out who
01:08 - 01:13
is the person responsible for his death
01:11 - 01:15
so it's really really good the story is
01:13 - 01:17
really good there's so many twists and
01:15 - 01:19
turns and it's really really interesting
01:17 - 01:21
to watch but also I just feel like this
01:19 - 01:24
movie is so beautiful there's so many
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fall colors throughout the movie and I
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just can feel that like crispness in the
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air when I watch this movie I don't know
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how but I I do most people in this movie
01:31 - 01:36
speak very clearly it's very easy to
01:33 - 01:38
follow along except there is one
01:36 - 01:41
detective he speaks English with a very
01:38 - 01:43
strong Creole accent so that might be
01:41 - 01:45
kind of hard to understand but other
01:43 - 01:48
than that it should be fine so the next
01:45 - 01:50
movie is Goodwill Hunting and this is
01:48 - 01:53
one of my favorite movies of all time
01:50 - 01:56
and it also takes place in Boston it's
01:53 - 01:59
shot in Boston which to me just feels
01:56 - 02:01
like the most Fall City ever like it
01:59 - 02:04
just has that kind of fall vibe in
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Boston I don't know why maybe because
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the first time I went to Boston was
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during the fall so maybe it's just a me
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thing but it's such a beautiful movie
02:10 - 02:15
the story is also very touching and very
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moving and very interesting it's about a
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guy who's a janitor at the school and
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the professors realized that he's
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actually some kind of Genius but he
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doesn't really have this drive to study
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and work hard so throughout the movie
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he's kind of working with this therapist
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and trying to get past these personal
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problems that they have and it's really
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really touching the kinds of
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conversations that they have so I would
02:40 - 02:44
definitely definitely recommend this
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movie one more thing about this movie is
02:44 - 02:50
that in the movie the actors are kind of
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trying to have a Boston accent and the
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Boston accent isn't really that
02:53 - 02:58
different from Standard English but some
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of the vowels they'll kind of make them
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a little bit longer or a little bit like
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rounder somehow so just pay attention to
03:03 - 03:07
that but really it's not that big of a
03:05 - 03:09
deal there's not a huge difference if
03:07 - 03:13
you're just listening to this movie so
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the next movie is Fantastic Mr Fox and
03:13 - 03:17
this one might be a little bit different
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for some people it's a stop motion
03:17 - 03:22
animation movie but it's really really
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good the story is so captivating and
03:22 - 03:26
there's a lot of different themes going
03:24 - 03:28
on at once and the characters are really
03:26 - 03:31
complex and you really start to care
03:28 - 03:33
about them and also the English in this
03:31 - 03:35
movie is very very clear it's very easy
03:33 - 03:38
to follow along with so I definitely
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recommend this one also the color scheme
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in this movie is very very orange and it
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just gives me that like warm fall Vibe
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so this is something I definitely
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rewatch like every fall to get me into
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the mood so these are some movies that I
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would recommend if you want to get into
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the fall Vibe but also learn some
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English at the same time and I know some
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people are probably thinking like oh I
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watch English movies all the time I
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watch English shows all the time but I
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still can't learn anything so how is
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this going to help me I understand like
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if you just purely watch English content
04:13 - 04:18
while focusing on the translation
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focusing on subtitles then you're
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obviously not going to learn anything
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and it's not going to be that helpful so
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here are some tips that I personally
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used when I learned Chinese that'll help
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you to efficiently learn a language
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while watching a movie okay and first I
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do have to say that you're going to want
04:35 - 04:41
to pick a movie that you actually really
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enjoy watching because for this method
04:41 - 04:45
to work you're going to have to
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repeatedly watch the same thing over and
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over a few times so if you think one of
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the movies I recommended sounds
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interesting you can give it a try or you
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can also do this with a movie that you
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already know that you love for the first
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time watching something new you can go
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ahead and use the translation use the
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subtitles and just enjoy the movie so
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understand the story understand the
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characters and just have fun but it
05:08 - 05:12
doesn't just end here there's a lot of
05:10 - 05:15
work to do afterwards and this doesn't
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have to be all in the same day but maybe
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a few days later go back and watch the
05:18 - 05:23
same movie only with English subtitles
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and no translation and the purpose of
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doing this is to try and create this
05:25 - 05:30
English environment for yourself because
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you already know the story already know
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what's going to happen and what the
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movie is about so this time just really
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focus on English focus on the sounds
05:38 - 05:44
focus on the sentences focus on how they
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speak and also just try to really get
05:44 - 05:48
the feel of the language even if there
05:46 - 05:50
are things that you don't really
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understand just keep going and try to
05:50 - 05:55
immerse yourself in the language and the
05:53 - 05:58
third time watching is when the real
05:55 - 06:00
work really comes in so for this you can
05:58 - 06:02
choose some of your favorite scenes from
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the movie and try to watch it without
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any subtitles at all and just pick up on
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as much as you possibly can and try to
06:08 - 06:12
understand what's going on and what's
06:10 - 06:15
they're saying after watching a scene
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without subtitles you can go back and
06:15 - 06:20
watch it with subtitles but this time
06:18 - 06:22
you're going to want to pause after
06:20 - 06:25
every single sentence that they say so
06:22 - 06:27
when you pause after each sentence you
06:25 - 06:31
want to try to understand what is being
06:27 - 06:33
said and also you want to repeat after
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whoever is talking in the movie and try
06:33 - 06:37
to copy the way that they're saying the
06:35 - 06:40
sentence the feeling that they have and
06:37 - 06:43
also the pronunciation of course and if
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you're a visual learner like me it also
06:43 - 06:49
helps if you write down this sentence so
06:46 - 06:51
it really gets engraved in your mind and
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later on in real life you might use the
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same sentence or you might have
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something from the sentence that you
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learned and can apply it to other things
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in the future and another big tip I have
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for pronunciation is when you're
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watching these movies when you're
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repeating what this person is saying in
07:06 - 07:11
the movies pay attention to their mouth
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and how their mouth is moving when they
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talk because honestly English and
07:13 - 07:18
Chinese there's a lot of pronunciation
07:15 - 07:20
differences but if you can understand
07:18 - 07:22
what's going on in their mouth and copy
07:20 - 07:24
that then you're going to be able to get
07:22 - 07:27
a more authentic pronunciation this is
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also how I learn Chinese okay I really
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paid attention to how people talk talked
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and copied the way that they talked you
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whether that be my teacher or someone in
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a movie or anything like that this is
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really really really important so for me
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I've always felt like language is a kind
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of puzzle and there may be different
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methods of putting the same puzzle
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together but we all have to do it piece
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by piece and each word that you learn
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each phrase each sentence that you
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understand is just one step closer to
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putting the whole puzzle together any
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anyway I hope these tips were helpful
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they were definitely really helpful for
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me when I was learning Chinese
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especially in the beginning and I hope
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that if you watch some of the movies I
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recommended today that you'll enjoy them
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and be able to learn some English from
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them as well and to be honest I just
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really love a good story I've always
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been like this I have so many movies and
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TV shows books and even games to
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recommend if you guys would like more of
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these kinds of videos just let me know
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in the comments and I'll see you guys
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next time okay bye-bye