00:00 - 00:03

carrie hopkins

00:04 - 00:09

get close to the mic harry you want the

00:06 - 00:11

mic up or down

00:09 - 00:14

it's good it's good i think so can can

00:11 - 00:14

you hear me i think i can hear me

00:15 - 00:18

uh you're charged with parking during an

00:17 - 00:19

emergency what do you want to tell me

00:18 - 00:21

about this

00:19 - 00:22

well your honor i heard we were going to

00:21 - 00:23

get snow

00:22 - 00:26

i parked in my friend's house would you

00:23 - 00:28

would you hear that who told you

00:26 - 00:30

there was worse who's informing

00:28 - 00:31

inspector quinn

00:30 - 00:33

i heard i heard my parents said we're

00:31 - 00:34

going to get snow later is my story

00:33 - 00:36

your parents it was it wasn't the

00:34 - 00:40

meteorologist was it was your parents

00:36 - 00:41

correct okay right um so i wasn't aware

00:40 - 00:44

of how much snow

00:41 - 00:46

and my only option for parking was on

00:44 - 00:48

the street i was at a friend's house

00:46 - 00:50

you know and i do go to school at rick i

00:48 - 00:51

am i don't believe i'm a full-time

00:50 - 00:53

student anymore to be honest with you i

00:51 - 00:55

did have three classes and i recently

00:53 - 00:57

withdrew from a class so i'm not

00:55 - 00:58

full-time student at rick but i am a

00:57 - 01:01

student at rick

00:58 - 01:01

and i was told when i got my car back

01:01 - 01:04


01:01 - 01:04

the towing company that if i went to

01:04 - 01:06


01:04 - 01:08

presented myself and said hey i'm a

01:06 - 01:11

student and i'm poor

01:08 - 01:12

and i'm sorry wait a minute wait a

01:11 - 01:15

minute all right

01:12 - 01:16

respect to quinn right this is wait wait

01:15 - 01:18

wait wait wait wait

01:16 - 01:19

wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

01:18 - 01:21

what's the name of the tow company there

01:19 - 01:23

you go

01:21 - 01:25

they were on thurbers all right it's

01:23 - 01:26

derby's avenue total company whatever

01:25 - 01:28

the name is right

01:26 - 01:29

yes they charged you the full amount for

01:28 - 01:31

the tow right

01:29 - 01:32

yes sir they didn't give you a penny off

01:31 - 01:34

not one penny right

01:32 - 01:36

no you're on it you paid the whole thing

01:34 - 01:37

yes sir and then the big shot the big

01:36 - 01:39

shot of the tow company says

01:37 - 01:41

listen you're paying us to fill them out

01:39 - 01:42

but go to the court talk to the judge

01:41 - 01:44

he'll give you a break

01:42 - 01:45

to be honest so carrie did you think of

01:44 - 01:46

this did you think of saying what do you

01:45 - 01:47

mean go

01:46 - 01:49

ask the judge for a break why don't you

01:47 - 01:50

give me a break not that i'm asking for

01:49 - 01:51

a break

01:50 - 01:54

but i figured i'd take my chances

01:51 - 01:54

because i can't honestly run i can pay

01:54 - 01:56


01:54 - 01:58

um this is twice you mentioned honesty

01:56 - 02:00

now the more you mention it honestly the

01:58 - 02:02

more suspicious i am oh yeah it doesn't

02:00 - 02:02

look good does it

02:05 - 02:09

all right carrie what else you want to

02:06 - 02:10

tell me you got to keep thinking of

02:09 - 02:13

stuff that's going to help you

02:10 - 02:14

can you think of anything else no

02:13 - 02:17

honestly i can't

02:14 - 02:18

you didn't get a lot of snow your honor

02:17 - 02:20

it was the clear scene

02:18 - 02:22

before we got snow i figured now that

02:20 - 02:23

you dropped that one course that rely on

02:22 - 02:24

college you must have a lot of extra

02:23 - 02:27

money to pay for the ticket

02:24 - 02:29

exactly right actually i can't get

02:27 - 02:30

refunded for the course because i

02:29 - 02:31


02:30 - 02:33

paid tuition all right carrie let me

02:31 - 02:35

tell you how i feel about it you paid

02:33 - 02:36

enough money up for the tow

02:35 - 02:38

i'm not going to charge anything for the

02:36 - 02:38

ticket thank you so much i appreciate it

02:38 - 02:42

i could

02:38 - 02:45

honestly honestly now

02:42 - 02:48

good luck thank you sir all right

02:45 - 02:49

after presiding over tens of thousands

02:48 - 02:51

of cases

02:49 - 02:53

i've become pretty good at picking up

02:51 - 02:56

the tells of ohio

02:53 - 02:57

this young lady had most of them shaky

02:56 - 03:00

eye contact

02:57 - 03:02

the story lacked details my car was

03:00 - 03:05

towed around four am

03:02 - 03:06

there was an um yeah she used qualifying

03:05 - 03:10

language such as

03:06 - 03:11

honestly way too much despite all of

03:10 - 03:14


03:11 - 03:19

i believed her one thing you can't fake

03:14 - 03:19

is a smile and she had a genuine one

03:22 - 03:29


03:26 - 03:29


Dealing with Parking Tickets: Carrie Hopkins' Honest Appeal

Carrie Hopkins, a student at Ricky University, found herself in hot water after her car was towed during an emergency snow situation. In a courtroom exchange with Judge Harry, she appealed her case. The tow company, Thurbers Avenue Towing, charged her the full amount and instructed her to seek leniency from the court. Despite some skepticism from the judge due to her overuse of the word "honestly," Carrie's genuine demeanor and smile won him over. Judge Harry decided to waive the parking ticket fine, acknowledging Carrie's financial burden.

Parking Dispute: A Student's Dilemma

Carrie Hopkins, a part-time student at Ricky University, faced a predicament when she parked on the street due to an unexpected snowfall. Her car was towed by the Thurbers Avenue Towing company, which charged her the full amount. In court, she made an earnest appeal for leniency, citing her student and financial status.

During the courtroom exchange, Judge Harry highlighted the lack of details and qualifying language in Carrie's story but ultimately found her genuine smile and demeanor convincing. Despite initial skepticism, he chose to waive the parking ticket fine, understanding Carrie's financial strain.

Carrie's case serves as a reminder of the importance of honesty and authenticity, even in challenging situations. Her sincere approach ultimately led to a positive outcome, showcasing the power of genuine communication.

In a legal setting where details matter, Carrie's story teaches us that a smile and honesty can sometimes speak louder than words. Judge Harry's decision to forgo the parking ticket fine reflects a compassionate understanding of Carrie's circumstances, emphasizing the value of integrity and sincerity in navigating legal challenges.

When faced with adversity, honesty and genuine expression can make a lasting impact. Carrie's experience reminds us that, no matter the circumstance, staying true to oneself can lead to unexpected moments of compassion and understanding.