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for the past few weeks Randall White has

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been dealing with a persistent and

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annoying problem right outside his San

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condo so I was like where's that coming

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from I looked down and I was like I

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think it's coming from the wayo Cars

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this parking lot full of driverless whmo

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cars has had multiple incidents where

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suddenly the vehicles become confused

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and start honking all at each other

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white says he heard it for the first

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time about 2 weeks ago after he was

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woken up around 4:00 a.m. then it

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happened again

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again and again and I started thinking

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well this is an issue white isn't the

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only one who's had issues with the

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noises either several people who live in

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the buildings nearby the parking lot

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have also had similar complaints over

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the past two weeks I've been woken up

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more times overnight than I have

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combined over 20 years Russell psky

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lives in a building adjacent to White he

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says the honking incidents have happened

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at random times during both the day and

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night and have started to take a toll on

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him I could not be more cranky today for

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a Monday after these past two weeks it's

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really at a high level it's just really

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really it's tough it affects the way you

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uh you feel white says he and others

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have reached out to wh about the issue

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in a statement sent to ABC7 News weo

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says quote we are aware that in some

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scenarios our vehicles May briefly honk

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while navigating our parking lots we

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have identified the cause and are in the

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process of implementing a fix white says

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Monday afternoon was the first time the

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honking seems to have gotten better

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despite the convenience he tells me he's

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still a fan of the autonomous vehicle

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company and uses the cars on a regular

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basis and so I was all about it until

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the honking started and all I really

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want is resolution in San Francisco Jim

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Johns ABC7 News

Dealing with Annoying Noise: Driverless Cars Honking in San Francisco

In San Francisco, residents like Randall White have been facing a persistent issue with honking noises coming from a parking lot filled with driverless cars. These honking incidents have been a source of frustration for White and others living nearby, disrupting their sleep and affecting their daily routine.

White first noticed the honking around 4:00 a.m. about two weeks ago and since then, the problem has persisted, with the vehicles honking at random times during the day and night. The constant noise has not only disrupted White's sleep but has also affected his neighbor, Russell Pszy, who describes himself as becoming increasingly cranky due to the ongoing disturbance.

Several residents living in the surrounding buildings have also voiced their concerns about the honking problem, with some stating that they have been woken up more times in the past two weeks than in the previous 20 years combined. The issue has led to a collective effort by affected individuals to reach out to the company responsible for the driverless cars, seeking a resolution to the disruptive noise.

In response to the complaints, the company, Wayo, acknowledged the issue and stated that they are working to identify and implement a fix for the problem. While the honking incidents have reduced on Monday afternoon, White emphasizes the need for a permanent solution to ensure a peaceful coexistence with the driverless cars in the neighborhood.

Despite the inconvenience caused by the honking, White remains a supporter of the autonomous vehicle company and continues to use their services regularly. The honking problem highlights the challenges and adjustments that come with integrating new technologies into urban environments, reminding us that innovation, while exciting, may also bring unexpected disruptions that need to be addressed promptly.

Overall, the situation in San Francisco serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing community concerns and ensuring that technological advancements enhance the quality of life for all residents. As we navigate the complexities of a modern city, collaboration between companies and residents is essential to create a harmonious environment where innovation can thrive without compromising the peace and well-being of the community.