00:02 - 00:22


00:24 - 00:26


00:25 - 00:30

today i'm going to show you how i drill

00:26 - 00:33

danger from see

00:30 - 00:35

as you see on the screen i have a couple

00:33 - 00:40

of six parts

00:35 - 00:40

the young one smaller and the big one

00:40 - 00:44

when it's drawing big it turns to the

00:43 - 00:47

brown color

00:44 - 00:47

and getting dryer

00:47 - 00:51

and this time we need to use made a wire

00:50 - 00:54

or something to wrap it up

00:51 - 00:55

around the seat part otherwise the seat

00:54 - 00:58

part will dry

00:55 - 01:00

open and the wind will blow all the sea

00:58 - 01:00


01:06 - 01:12

about a week after the passes crack and

01:09 - 01:14

open this is the time to harvest and

01:12 - 01:27

bring it inside to avoid from

01:14 - 01:27

drain water wind and others

01:28 - 01:33


01:38 - 01:41


01:46 - 01:50

you can save it for a few years or you

01:49 - 01:52

can draw it

01:50 - 01:55

right away after taking down from the

01:52 - 01:55


02:05 - 02:08


02:21 - 02:25

before blending you need to remove all

02:24 - 02:37

the hairs

02:25 - 02:40

from both ends of the seat

02:37 - 02:40


02:43 - 02:49

i use one hand to hold the seat and the

02:46 - 02:51

other hand to remove all the hands

02:49 - 02:52

when holding it i tried not to use too

02:51 - 03:05

much pressure

02:52 - 03:05

to avoid farm damage

03:09 - 03:13


03:19 - 03:22


03:30 - 03:36


03:33 - 03:36


03:42 - 03:48

the 181 seat for a pair of seed puffs

03:46 - 03:50

some people they put them in the water

03:48 - 03:51

over the night before blending

03:50 - 03:53


03:51 - 03:54

and someone just put in the water over

03:53 - 03:58

an eye

03:54 - 04:00

and peel up the skin for easy drawing

03:58 - 04:02

but i don't think it's the necessary to

04:00 - 04:04

do that

04:02 - 04:06

the key is keep them in the moisture

04:04 - 04:09


04:06 - 04:12

i just put them directly into the soil

04:09 - 04:13

i give the plastic and i drill a hole on

04:12 - 04:16

the bottom

04:13 - 04:19

of all of them and i fill them all with

04:16 - 04:19

potting soil

04:20 - 04:23

i glue all the plastic cup together so

04:22 - 04:26

it's hard to fall

04:23 - 04:43

by the strong wind or using the handling

04:26 - 04:43

but you don't have to do that

04:51 - 04:57

i water it too well and miss you on the

04:53 - 04:57

saucy completely wet

05:58 - 06:04

and i use my finger to make a hole on

06:01 - 06:04

its cup

06:04 - 06:21

i put one seed into that hole

06:07 - 06:21

and fill up with the story

06:22 - 06:36


06:39 - 06:43


06:46 - 06:50


07:13 - 07:17


07:22 - 07:25


07:28 - 07:31


07:36 - 07:39


07:42 - 07:49


07:44 - 07:49


07:53 - 07:56


07:56 - 07:59


08:03 - 08:06


08:15 - 08:36


08:45 - 08:50

after finish them all i leave it in the

08:48 - 08:53

straight area for a few days

08:50 - 08:55

where the perfect temperature is about

08:53 - 08:59

80 fat and high degree

08:55 - 08:59

or 30 celsius degrees

09:00 - 09:05

i made through the soil them all the

09:02 - 09:08


09:05 - 09:22

if the soil is about to dry out i gently

09:08 - 09:25

spray with water and keep its moisture

09:22 - 09:26

after a few days a hundred percent of

09:25 - 09:29


09:26 - 09:29

is germinating

09:31 - 09:35

i keep leaving it in the shade area for

09:34 - 09:51

three weeks

09:35 - 09:51

and keep the soy moisture not wet

09:57 - 10:00


10:11 - 10:14


10:18 - 10:22

and here is an update after four weeks

10:23 - 10:33

as you see 100 percent of the seed

10:27 - 10:33

is germinated

10:36 - 10:39


10:41 - 10:45


10:43 - 10:46

and now i can move it to the other place

10:45 - 10:50

where there's four

10:46 - 10:53

or five hours of the sunlight in the

10:50 - 10:53


10:58 - 11:01


11:09 - 11:13

over here is a good place for baby laser

11:11 - 11:15


11:13 - 11:18

there's about four or five hours of the

11:15 - 11:21

sunlight every day

11:18 - 11:25

i will water it every other day

11:21 - 11:26

and i keep the soil moisture i will

11:25 - 11:28

leave it like that for

11:26 - 11:32

maybe about four months after four

11:28 - 11:32

months i will do the first reporting

11:33 - 11:36

thank you so much for your watching i

11:34 - 11:39

hope you enjoy

11:36 - 11:42

if you like this video please subscribe

11:39 - 11:43

share and like it i hope to see you in

11:42 - 11:56

the next video

11:43 - 11:59

thank you bye

11:56 - 11:59


12:06 - 12:11


12:08 - 12:11


12:18 - 12:24


12:22 - 12:39


12:24 - 12:39


12:47 - 12:49


Cultivating Seashore Vegetation: A Step-by-Step Guide

In the video, the process of cultivating seashore vegetation, specifically seeds, is demonstrated. The key to successful cultivation lies in understanding the unique characteristics of these seeds. Seashore vegetation seeds are comprised of six parts, with varying sizes indicating maturity. When the seeds grow large and turn brown, it is time to harvest them to prevent them from opening up and dispersing.

Preparing the Seeds

To prepare the seeds for planting, it is crucial to remove all hairs from both ends of the seed. Carefully handle the seeds to avoid damage while cleaning. Some opt to soak the seeds overnight before planting, but maintaining a moist environment is vital.

Planting Process

The planting process involves placing the seeds directly into the soil, ensuring a well-drained environment. By creating holes in plastic cups filled with potting soil, the seeds are set up for growth. Regular watering and misting help to keep the soil moist.

Germination and Growth

After thorough care and monitoring, seed germination occurs within days. Once the seeds have sprouted, it is essential to keep the soil moist but not wet. Gradually, as the seedlings grow, they can be moved to a sunlit area for optimal growth. Regular watering and monitoring are crucial during this stage.


Four weeks post-planting, the seeds have germinated successfully, showcasing a nurturing environment's effectiveness on growth. The progress demonstrates the rewards of patience and dedicated care in cultivating seashore vegetation.

By understanding the unique needs of seashore vegetation seeds and providing the necessary care, a lush and thriving garden can emerge. The journey from seed to sprout is a rewarding experience that highlights the beauty and resilience of nature. In the gardening world, each seed planted is a promise of new life and growth, waiting to unfurl.

As you embark on your own gardening endeavors, remember the delicate balance of care and patience required to nurture life from a tiny seed. Happy planting!