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hello and welcome back to Media B Color
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Lab today we are diving into how to
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create this contrasty cinematic film
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look in theeng resol we'll be working
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with theeng resols built-in tools along
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with two of my favorite plugins the
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huner pro for film emulation and contour
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for fine-tuned contrast control and
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split toning so let's jump in and bring
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this cinematic look to life
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let's begin by reviewing the project
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settings uh starting with the master
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settings given that the footage is in 4k
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I have configured the resolution uh
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accordingly in my color management I've
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set my color science to d yrgb as I for
01:00 - 01:04
a CSD workflow for my timeline color
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space I'm using WG white gamut
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intermediate and my output color space
01:06 - 01:12
is set to Reg 709 comma 2.4 these
01:10 - 01:14
settings ensure a flexible and accurate
01:12 - 01:17
grading workflow so let's move on to the
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next step first off let's add our input
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and output CSD nodes to accurately
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interpret the camera data to do this
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we'll go to the effect panel and apply a
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color space transform to our first note
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since it's red camera footage we'll
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select red white gamut RGB as our input
01:31 - 01:37
color space and red log 3 G10 is our
01:35 - 01:40
input gamma for our output color space
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we want a large color space to perform
01:40 - 01:44
our color grading most effectively so
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we'll select dingi white gamut
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intermediate in the input CSD note we
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can skip the tone mapping uh to avoid
01:48 - 01:54
initial compression of highlights and
01:50 - 01:56
shadows next we'll create our output CSD
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uh because we need to convert the white
01:56 - 02:00
gamut intermediate to R 79 uh the
01:58 - 02:02
standard for Broad
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and online media to do this let's add
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another serial note and apply Color
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space transform our input color space
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this time is ding white gamut and input
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gamma is WG intermediate our output
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color space will be R 79 and the output
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gamma will be gamma 2.4 for the output
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CSD note we now want to enable tone
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mapping to ensure our highlights and
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shadows are correctly compressed and
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fall naturally into place for a more
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filmic look here you can select your
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choice of to mapping uh but I usually go
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with wg's own to mapping algorithm and
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set the maximum output to 10,000 nits so
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at this point we should have a neutral
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looking image RH for grading it's
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between these two notes within the ding
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white gamut intermediate color space
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where all the color grading will happen
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now let's start by adding two nodes for
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primary grading one will be for contrast
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and another for balance remember these
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two notes typically account for about
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80% of the grading process and making
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them essential for achieving a
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professional look if you want a more
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in-depth uh tutorial on contrast and
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balance adjustments check out my
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detailed guide by clicking the link in
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the top right corner okay back to
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grading we'll start with contrast
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adjustment let me switch to the waveform
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Scopes to ensure we don't crush the
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Shadows or clip highlights for this
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adjustment I'll use the curve
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tool by the way I'm working with my mini
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panel but you can achieve the same
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results using a
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mouse good for the balance adjustment
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I'll switch to the vector scope to
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ensure accurate color balance this time
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I'll be using the global wheel in the
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HDR panel to fine-tune the overall color
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balance of the
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image let's see the
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difference looking good now let's move
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on to the look development and film
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emulation for this I'll add three
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parallel notes at the end of our note
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Tre I'll use all three for dehancer Pro
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by separating them I can apply different
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effects separately and control them
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individually first let's add the hster
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pro to the first note I'll set the color
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space to ding intermediate to ensure
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accurate processing by default this
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plugin includes several built-in effects
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but I prefer to start with a clear slate
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so to quickly disable all effects we can
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simply scroll down and click the disable
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all tools button I also set the quality
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to high since we always want the best
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possible output now to keep things
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simple I'll copy these settings and I'll
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paste them into the other two parallel
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notes okay in the first note I want to
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apply the CCT 2383 film print emulation
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look at how it instantly transforms the
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image this tells us why so many films
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are color graded using this iconic print
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profile to refine the look let's adjust
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the target white Point slightly to get
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the best balance here you can also
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experiment with the analog range limiter
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to see if it suits your taste now moving
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on to the second dehancer note I'll
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apply a film negative profile this time
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I'm going with the legendary CTIC Vision
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3 250d one of the most widely used film
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stocks in cinematography as you can see
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it has a beautiful natural contrast
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color rendition and a slightly softer
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rollof in highlights compared to digital
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footage here to fine tune the look you
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can play with the push and pull slider
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to match the mood you are going after by
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the way a quick reminder if you are
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interested in purchasing deaner Pro you
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can use the code media B10 for a 10%
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discount I think while ding results
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latus tools like film look crator is an
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excellent tool for film emulation the
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hanser pro remains a key part of my
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workflow uh because of its authentic
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film characteristics and also deeper
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control over various effects like film
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green halation and Bloom all right back
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to grading in the last dehancer note
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I'll add halation and Bloom to enhance
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the Cinematic feel these effects help
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replicate the way light interacts with
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film creating a softer and more organic
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look next I want to make use of Dinger
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resoles film look Creator as well to
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improve our look even further
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for these contrast looks especially I
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like the settings that come with the
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default 65 mm preset so I'll stick with
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it now before we move on let's take a
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moment to address the Shadows shown in
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the waveform they seem a bit too close
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to zero which might be crushing some
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details so uh let's lift them slightly
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for a more balanced look one of my
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favorite tools for this is the expand
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tool in deaner Pro I'll tweak the Black
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Point here to gently raise the Shadows
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let's take a look at the
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difference as you can see in the
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waveform the black point is now lifted
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slightly giving us a bit more detail in
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the darker areas alternatively if you
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prefer you can also go back to your
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contrast note and lift the Shadows there
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instead both methods work well uh so
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it's really up to your workflow and
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personal preference next I'll add
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another note for the soften and sharpen
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effect as you know I love using this
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tool because it helps refine the image
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in a subtle yet powerful way let's lower
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its output strength uh to our taste
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perfect okay now as a bonus I want to
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use Colin C's Contour plug-in today to
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enhance the look with some more split
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tning let's add it right before our
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output CSD for maximum control over the
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final color balance one of the great
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things about Contour is its ability to
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shape contrast in a more nuanced way
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just like we did with the hander Pros
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expand tool you can also use the
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contrast sliders here to lift the
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Shadows uh if you want and the split
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toning section let's fine-tune our
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shadows and highlights to bring out the
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look see how these small adjustments
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instantly add more depth and M to the
08:21 - 08:27
image looking perfect I love this tool
08:25 - 08:30
here we can also tweak the Hue density
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and saturation to dial the perfect
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balance and achieve the Cinematic tone
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we are going
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after and there it is another cinematic
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film look crafted in W resolve using a
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combination of built-in tools and
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Powerful plugins if you found this
08:42 - 08:47
tutorial helpful please don't forget to
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like subscribe and hit the notification
08:47 - 08:51
Bell so you don't miss any future
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content let me know in the comments what
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you like to see next and as always keep
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creating I'll see you in the next one