00:00 - 00:05

all right we're on day four of the 12

00:02 - 00:09

days of open Ai and they've already

00:05 - 00:10

released 01 Pro and Sora for everybody

00:09 - 00:13

and I've been playing around with that

00:10 - 00:15

but now we're on day four and we have

00:13 - 00:17

some new announcements some new features

00:15 - 00:19

for canvas and if you're not familiar

00:17 - 00:22

with canvas it's the feature that allows

00:19 - 00:24

you to have a separate tab in chat GPT

00:22 - 00:27

where you can actually collaborate with

00:24 - 00:29

chat PT in line so let's watch the live

00:27 - 00:30

stream together and I'll give you my

00:29 - 00:32

thoughts thanks to code buff for

00:30 - 00:35

sponsoring this video they are

00:32 - 00:37

incredible code generation powered by AI

00:35 - 00:39

straight from your command line and I'll

00:37 - 00:41

tell you more about them in a little bit

00:39 - 00:44

hey everybody and welcome to day four

00:41 - 00:46

I'm Kevin I lead product at open AI so

00:44 - 00:48

yesterday we launched Sora and the

00:46 - 00:50

demand has been off the charts uh the

00:48 - 00:52

team has been was working late last

00:50 - 00:53

night they are in already this morning

00:52 - 00:55

we are doing everything we can to get

00:53 - 00:57

you access to Sora as soon as possible

00:55 - 00:59

and we can't wait to see what you create

00:57 - 01:01

yeah so obviously they did not expect

00:59 - 01:04

the amount of demand that they got for

01:01 - 01:06

Sora so hopefully they get it working

01:04 - 01:07

better than it was yesterday even last

01:06 - 01:09

night it was working a lot better you

01:07 - 01:11

can actually see the progress in a video

01:09 - 01:12

you create so definitely excited to

01:11 - 01:15

continue to try that out I'm going to

01:12 - 01:16

keep posting my Sora videos to twitter

01:15 - 01:18

so if you're not following me please do

01:16 - 01:21

at Matthew Burman let's keep watching

01:18 - 01:22

today though we're talking about canvas

01:21 - 01:24

which is a product that we've had in

01:22 - 01:26

beta for plus users for the last couple

01:24 - 01:28

months canvas allows you to collaborate

01:26 - 01:31

with chat GPT on writing and coding that

01:28 - 01:33

goes beyond simple chat so we're

01:31 - 01:35

launching three things today first we're

01:33 - 01:37

bringing canvas to everybody and

01:35 - 01:40

integrating it into our main model so it

01:37 - 01:43

just works second we're enabling you to

01:40 - 01:47

run python code inside your canvases

01:43 - 01:49

okay that is huge I have not seen that

01:47 - 01:51

anywhere else being able to actually

01:49 - 01:54

create python code using chat GPT and

01:51 - 01:56

then execute it within the chat GPT

01:54 - 01:59

environment and then allowing it to

01:56 - 02:02

essentially iterate on the output that

01:59 - 02:04

has a ton of potential I'm very excited

02:02 - 02:06

to hear that and it's cool that they're

02:04 - 02:09

releasing canvas to everybody as well

02:06 - 02:11

whether it's text or graphics and third

02:09 - 02:14

we're bringing canvas to custom gpts so

02:11 - 02:16

you can imbue all of your custom gpts

02:14 - 02:19

with the power of canvas so with that

02:16 - 02:21

let's dive in all right thanks Kevin Hey

02:19 - 02:22

everybody my name is Lee and I'm an

02:21 - 02:25

engineer helping you collaborate with

02:22 - 02:26

chbt hey everyone my name is Alexi and

02:25 - 02:29

I'm also a product engineer working on

02:26 - 02:31

chat GPT so Le are your kids excited

02:29 - 02:33

about Christmas coming up oh boy yes um

02:31 - 02:34

you know I thought it'd be fun if we

02:33 - 02:36

could maybe make a story for them

02:34 - 02:39

Christmas Story and use canvas try it

02:36 - 02:41

out yeah let's check it out okay so if I

02:39 - 02:42

go to Chachi BT you'll notice starting

02:41 - 02:44

today there's a new button in the

02:42 - 02:46

composer that lets us see all the tools

02:44 - 02:48

available one of which is canvas so I'm

02:46 - 02:50

going to click that all right so that's

02:48 - 02:54

new being able to actually select the

02:50 - 02:56

tools that chat GPT uses now I think one

02:54 - 02:57

thing that they might do and this is

02:56 - 03:00

just a guess I don't have any

02:57 - 03:03

information is open up that little drop

03:00 - 03:06

down the tools to developers to actually

03:03 - 03:08

build tooling for chat GPT directly so

03:06 - 03:12

you can essentially create custom tools

03:08 - 03:14

for chat PT to use just like this thank

03:12 - 03:16

you to the sponsor of this video code

03:14 - 03:18

buff I'm really excited to tell you

03:16 - 03:20

about this they are a YC company and are

03:18 - 03:23

really changing the way that you use AI

03:20 - 03:25

for code generation think of it as a

03:23 - 03:28

better code generation experience than

03:25 - 03:30

cursor but straight from your command

03:28 - 03:31

line and it couldn't be easier to

03:30 - 03:35

install either I've played around with

03:31 - 03:37

it and it is as simple as npm install

03:35 - 03:39

and you're Off to the Races and once you

03:37 - 03:41

do that you open up any of your code

03:39 - 03:43

repositories that has git already set up

03:41 - 03:45

so here it is and you simply type code

03:43 - 03:47

buff and hit enter Then it opens up a

03:45 - 03:48

command line interface and you literally

03:47 - 03:50

just type any changes that you want to

03:48 - 03:52

make you can do it across your entire

03:50 - 03:54

code base it has the context for your

03:52 - 03:56

entire code base super easy super nice

03:54 - 03:58

to use and here are a few things that

03:56 - 04:00

you need to know about it you can build

03:58 - 04:02

real products with code buff this is not

04:00 - 04:04

something where you're building just toy

04:02 - 04:06

projects these are full stack

04:04 - 04:08

applications they use more llm calls

04:06 - 04:10

which means higher quality code they're

04:08 - 04:12

using the most Cutting Edge models from

04:10 - 04:14

both anthropic and open Ai and code buff

04:12 - 04:17

can automatically document your codes

04:14 - 04:19

unique quirks and nuances and code buff

04:17 - 04:22

does not store your code base they just

04:19 - 04:24

pass individual files along relevant to

04:22 - 04:27

whatever your prompt is to open Ai and

04:24 - 04:28

anthropic as needed to generate the code

04:27 - 04:31

they were even able to create a

04:28 - 04:33

Minecraft clone easily look at this so

04:31 - 04:35

build your project using natural

04:33 - 04:37

language with code buff and if you use

04:35 - 04:38

my code you get an additional 500

04:37 - 04:40

credits and once again I want to say

04:38 - 04:42

thank you to code buff for sponsoring

04:40 - 04:46

this video really proud to be working

04:42 - 04:46

with them check them out

04:47 - 04:57

codb.us so let's write that story um

04:52 - 05:00

help me write a Christmas story about

04:57 - 05:02

silly elves for my

05:00 - 05:04

kids and I'm going to send that off to

05:02 - 05:08

Chachi BT and it's going to get started

05:04 - 05:09

right away on making a canus for us so

05:08 - 05:11

um there's a handful of things that we

05:09 - 05:14

should explain what's going on here the

05:11 - 05:16

most significant thing that's different

05:14 - 05:17

is you have the side-by-side view where

05:16 - 05:20

on the left is the chat as you're used

05:17 - 05:22

to it and on the right is canvas and in

05:20 - 05:24

canvas right now chat gbt is busy

05:22 - 05:25

writing the story for us this is pretty

05:24 - 05:27

different from what would happen if you

05:25 - 05:28

wrote this kind of prompt before you

05:27 - 05:30

know chpt is good at doing this sort of

05:28 - 05:32

creative writing work but we would write

05:30 - 05:33

it directly in line in chat and

05:32 - 05:35

sometimes it's hard to piece out what's

05:33 - 05:38

the document and like what's the

05:35 - 05:39

Preamble or the what comes after um or

05:38 - 05:41

especially if you wanted to make any

05:39 - 05:43

changes along the way things tend to get

05:41 - 05:46

lost but now you have this side by side

05:43 - 05:49

so um let's take a look at what chpt

05:46 - 05:50

made for us the silly elves and all

05:49 - 05:52

right so again if you're not familiar

05:50 - 05:54

with canvas which you probably are

05:52 - 05:57

already but on the left side is the chat

05:54 - 05:59

with chat GPT this is the conversation

05:57 - 06:02

you're having with the AI and then on on

05:59 - 06:05

the right is the output of what you have

06:02 - 06:08

requested so in this instance he asked

06:05 - 06:10

for a Christmas story about silly elves

06:08 - 06:13

so you could see on the left side here's

06:10 - 06:16

the original prompt here's the response

06:13 - 06:17

from chat GPT and then this little box

06:16 - 06:20

is what is appearing on the right side

06:17 - 06:22

and this is the actual story so again

06:20 - 06:25

like he said you can either do creative

06:22 - 06:27

writing you can also do coding and it's

06:25 - 06:29

nice to have these separate Windows cuz

06:27 - 06:31

it definitely cleans up the interface

06:29 - 06:33

and just makes it easier to interact

06:31 - 06:36

with chat GPT directly and then to

06:33 - 06:38

actually edit and adjust what you want

06:36 - 06:40

in line so let's keep watching in the

06:38 - 06:41

Christmas catastrophe no not a

06:40 - 06:43

catastrophe in the snowy Village of

06:41 - 06:45

tinsel toown nestled at the edge of the

06:43 - 06:47

North Pole Liv the silliest group of

06:45 - 06:49

elves you ever could imagine all right

06:47 - 06:50

this is looking pretty good um I could

06:49 - 06:53

make some changes I think this title is

06:50 - 06:56

a little long so I'm going to you know

06:53 - 06:57

maybe take this part out um actually

06:56 - 07:00

otherwise this pretty good so you can so

06:57 - 07:03

cat GPT can edit and you can edit sort

07:00 - 07:04

of side by side yeah so I can type in

07:03 - 07:06

here you know I've been editing the

07:04 - 07:08

title I'm kind of making it for my kids

07:06 - 07:11

so this is really interesting and kind

07:08 - 07:14

of gives a peek at how open AI is

07:11 - 07:17

thinking about their tooling and it's

07:14 - 07:19

not just a model provider and I think

07:17 - 07:22

that's a really interesting way to view

07:19 - 07:24

open AI just like Sora they're not just

07:22 - 07:25

giving you this text to video model

07:24 - 07:29

they're actually giving you the tooling

07:25 - 07:31

to be creative as well so as these tools

07:29 - 07:32

evolve evolve they are not only going to

07:31 - 07:35

be a model provider but they're going to

07:32 - 07:37

be an AI tooling company as well so

07:35 - 07:40

giving you all these creative tools to

07:37 - 07:42

create different types of media and

07:40 - 07:43

different types of code and whatever you

07:42 - 07:46

need but the point is and something that

07:43 - 07:48

I've been saying for a while open aai

07:46 - 07:50

can't just be a model provider models

07:48 - 07:52

are becoming commoditized so they have

07:50 - 07:54

to have the hardware which they do they

07:52 - 07:57

have to provide the models because they

07:54 - 07:58

do but now they're also providing the

07:57 - 08:01

tooling which I think is a really good

07:58 - 08:04

decision on their but as a developer

08:01 - 08:06

building on top of open AI you should

08:04 - 08:09

probably be considering the platform

08:06 - 08:12

risk as well of building on top of open

08:09 - 08:13

Ai and so if you're considering hey

08:12 - 08:16

should I use an open AI model or should

08:13 - 08:18

I use an open source model like llama

08:16 - 08:21

that should be one of the many factors

08:18 - 08:23

that you consider which is platform risk

08:21 - 08:25

meaning is open AI going to build what

08:23 - 08:27

you're building on top of them this is a

08:25 - 08:29

collaborative document and just like you

08:27 - 08:31

might be used to in other document

08:29 - 08:33

editor you can come in here you can add

08:31 - 08:34

text you can bold text you can do lots

08:33 - 08:37

of things you can do in other document

08:34 - 08:38

editors you can edit chat GPT can edit

08:37 - 08:40

um I could go over back to chat and just

08:38 - 08:43

similar like I would do in any other um

08:40 - 08:45

chat GPT workflow I could give it

08:43 - 08:46

feedback I could ask for changes and

08:45 - 08:48

it's going to come in and make those

08:46 - 08:49

changes directly into the canvas um but

08:48 - 08:52

rather than show you that I thought it

08:49 - 08:54

would be interesting to show this button

08:52 - 08:56

in the bottom corner which has a handful

08:54 - 08:57

of commonly used shortcuts that's based

08:56 - 09:01

on things that we know people do in chat

08:57 - 09:03

TBT suggest edit ask chbt for feedback

09:01 - 09:05

about what we might want to change about

09:03 - 09:07

so all of these features have been

09:05 - 09:09

available these are not new features and

09:07 - 09:10

I've covered them in previous videos so

09:09 - 09:11

I'm going to skip over this part a

09:10 - 09:14

little bit so in addition to

09:11 - 09:16

storytelling a lot of people use Chachi

09:14 - 09:18

PT to help with their own writing

09:16 - 09:19

learning how to be a good writer is hard

09:18 - 09:20

and today we're really excited to

09:19 - 09:22

Showcase some new features in canvas to

09:20 - 09:25

make it easier to get feedback on your

09:22 - 09:27

work so in my spare time I'm a bit of a

09:25 - 09:28

physics Enthusiast and so I have an

09:27 - 09:31

essay here that I've been working on

09:28 - 09:33

titled Santa SLE exploring the role of

09:31 - 09:36

dark energy in reindeer propulsion I'm

09:33 - 09:38

going to copy this from my from my text

09:36 - 09:40

editor and paste it into the prompt area

09:38 - 09:42

and chat gbt because I put in a

09:40 - 09:44

substantial amount of text we now have a

09:42 - 09:46

new button in the upper right that says

09:44 - 09:48

open in canvas if I click this okay

09:46 - 09:51

that's really cool so rather than having

09:48 - 09:53

to explicitly say hey I'm going to do

09:51 - 09:55

this thing in canvas or can you pop open

09:53 - 09:57

canvas and then pasting it in just by

09:55 - 09:59

pasting it in there's the button that's

09:57 - 10:01

going to appear and you can open up

09:59 - 10:04

canvas and start collaborating directly

10:01 - 10:06

on that large piece of text content from

10:04 - 10:08

The Prompt is put into the canvas and

10:06 - 10:10

this is the same editable surface that

10:08 - 10:11

Lee was demonstrating so could you like

10:10 - 10:14

bold that title maybe yeah so I can go

10:11 - 10:17

in here and make a change if I wanted to

10:14 - 10:19

um before I send it off to chat and by

10:17 - 10:22

the way that simple thing that he did

10:19 - 10:24

the Bolding of the title that's not AI

10:22 - 10:27

that is a simple feature in a word

10:24 - 10:29

editor which again that's where it seems

10:27 - 10:30

chaty BT is heading so this hasn't been

10:29 - 10:32

say yet so when you made that bold

10:30 - 10:36

change what just happened correct yeah

10:32 - 10:38

this is all still a draft document so

10:36 - 10:41

until I send a message I can edit it as

10:38 - 10:43

much as I want um and chpd hasn't seen

10:41 - 10:45

it yet and it's attached to the composer

10:43 - 10:48

exactly so I'm going to go in here and

10:45 - 10:52

I'm going to ask uh chat

10:48 - 10:58

PT can you leave some comments on my

10:52 - 10:59

essay from the perspective of my physics

10:58 - 11:01

Professor nice

10:59 - 11:04

okay so um maybe it's going to give you

11:01 - 11:06

some like technical tips yeah hopefully

11:04 - 11:08

we'll see what it comes back with but

11:06 - 11:10

previously you know it would be hard to

11:08 - 11:12

connect what the feedback chat chbt is

11:10 - 11:14

giving you to your own work because it

11:12 - 11:16

would all be in line in the chat but not

11:14 - 11:18

with canvas chat chbt is able to select

11:16 - 11:20

specific portions of your work and leave

11:18 - 11:22

comments in line which makes it all

11:20 - 11:24

right that's really cool I think this

11:22 - 11:25

isn't a new feature correct me in the

11:24 - 11:27

comments if I'm wrong but I remember

11:25 - 11:29

this feature already being there at

11:27 - 11:31

least being able to have comments in

11:29 - 11:34

line but this is really cool you're

11:31 - 11:36

collaborating with AI on this document

11:34 - 11:38

and it's like Google Docs where it just

11:36 - 11:39

leaves a comment and obviously you can

11:38 - 11:41

click apply or reject all right I'm

11:39 - 11:43

going to skip ahead just a little bit

11:41 - 11:44

cuz this is too much in the weeds let's

11:43 - 11:45

get to the next feature all right next

11:44 - 11:47

they're going to show off some new

11:45 - 11:49

features with code editing and that's

11:47 - 11:51

more what I'm interested in so let's

11:49 - 11:54

check it out but in addition to writing

11:51 - 11:56

in chat PT we know a lot of people also

11:54 - 11:58

use it for programming and we've made

11:56 - 11:59

some really exciting improvements to

11:58 - 12:00

programming in canvas as well let's

11:59 - 12:03

check it

12:00 - 12:06

out so I've also been helping Santa with

12:03 - 12:07

some logistics for toy manufacturing and

12:06 - 12:10

I've been learning some data science

12:07 - 12:12

tools in Python so you're an open AI

12:10 - 12:14

engineer you're also a dark energy

12:12 - 12:16

researcher and you're helping Santa with

12:14 - 12:18

Logistics yeah I mean Santa could be

12:16 - 12:20

everywhere as once we really try to as

12:18 - 12:21

well here at open AI got it so I have

12:20 - 12:23

some example code that I've been working

12:21 - 12:25

on locally this is my local IDE but

12:23 - 12:28

something's not working and I want some

12:25 - 12:30

help debugging it I'm going to copy that

12:28 - 12:33

and then paste it into chat gbt I see

12:30 - 12:35

the same open and canvas button I click

12:33 - 12:37

that and now I have a canvas open but

12:35 - 12:39

this time it's actually a code editor so

12:37 - 12:42

chat gbt has recognized that this is

12:39 - 12:43

python code I get python syntax

12:42 - 12:46

highlighting and even some basic

12:43 - 12:49

autocomplete all right so already you

12:46 - 12:53

can see again where open AI is going

12:49 - 12:54

with their features now if I were cursor

12:53 - 12:56

I'd be a little bit nervous and even vs

12:54 - 12:58

code I'd be a little bit nervous because

12:56 - 13:01

it seems like they're bringing all of

12:58 - 13:03

this functionality into natively chat

13:01 - 13:05

GPT and if we look up in the right

13:03 - 13:06

corner we can see run so we talked about

13:05 - 13:08

that at the beginning of the video

13:06 - 13:12

you're going to be able to actually

13:08 - 13:15

execute python code right from chat PT

13:12 - 13:17

this is a huge unlock for developers and

13:15 - 13:19

so now you have this native code editor

13:17 - 13:22

obviously it's not the most

13:19 - 13:25

sophisticated yet but you have this

13:22 - 13:27

native code editor directly in chat GPT

13:25 - 13:29

and you can work with chat GPT on the

13:27 - 13:31

left side to edit your code AS necessary

13:29 - 13:32

let's keep watching I know this code

13:31 - 13:37

isn't working so I'm going to ask chat

13:32 - 13:39

gbt can you help me debug this code what

13:37 - 13:42

might be going

13:39 - 13:45

wrong chbt sees the code looks like it

13:42 - 13:47

identifies that plot. Lael does not

13:45 - 13:51

exist in map plot lib um it provides an

13:47 - 13:53

example corrected code um we could trust

13:51 - 13:54

this and and take it back locally but

13:53 - 13:56

one of the new features we want to

13:54 - 13:58

demonstrate today is the ability to

13:56 - 14:01

actually run your python code within

13:58 - 14:04

canvas so in the upper right we have

14:01 - 14:07

this button titled

14:04 - 14:10

run let see if chat BT

14:07 - 14:12

finishes we'll click run and see what

14:10 - 14:14

happens click run and it looks like

14:12 - 14:16

right away actually we see that all

14:14 - 14:19

right that's so cool a little console

14:16 - 14:22

pops up from the bottom feels very

14:19 - 14:24

familiar and although all of this looks

14:22 - 14:27

very basic there's a lot going on in the

14:24 - 14:30

background let's keep watching that uh

14:27 - 14:33

label is not defined so chbt was correct

14:30 - 14:35

about that we see the exception and

14:33 - 14:37

right away anything in the console is

14:35 - 14:39

shown to chat BT so chat BT sees this

14:37 - 14:41

exception and it actually leaves a

14:39 - 14:43

comment on it and it looks like this

14:41 - 14:45


14:43 - 14:48

what label is not a valid function and

14:45 - 14:50

mat plot lib you might likely use title

14:48 - 14:52

instead this is great I feel like I'm

14:50 - 14:54

always trying to learn new libraries and

14:52 - 14:56

uh this is exactly the kind of error I

14:54 - 14:58

get all the time um just like forgetting

14:56 - 15:00

the API for something and um it's pretty

14:58 - 15:02

amazing that just picked that out right

15:00 - 15:04

away yeah and just like comments in the

15:02 - 15:06

document there's a fix bug button to let

15:04 - 15:08

chat PT fix it for you so when I click

15:06 - 15:10

fix bug we show chat PT the exception

15:08 - 15:12

and your code and it's able to edit the

15:10 - 15:15

canvas to make that correction that's

15:12 - 15:17

amazing again this feels just like

15:15 - 15:19

cursor this is essentially cursor but

15:17 - 15:22

directly in chat

15:19 - 15:24

GPT and eventually I'm going to guess

15:22 - 15:27

they're going to allow for entire

15:24 - 15:29

directories of code to be uploaded and

15:27 - 15:31

then what's the difference between that

15:29 - 15:33

and VSS code or cursor whatever you're

15:31 - 15:35

using and so it really becomes clear the

15:33 - 15:38

direction that open AI is headed they

15:35 - 15:41

are becoming a tooling company a

15:38 - 15:44

software tooling company but AI native

15:41 - 15:46

that was pretty fast so maybe we want to

15:44 - 15:48

see like exactly what chat PT changed

15:46 - 15:50

yeah and there's this great show changes

15:48 - 15:51

button in the canvas header clicking

15:50 - 15:54

that will give you an inline diff that

15:51 - 15:55

should be familiar to people who use git

15:54 - 15:58

to show you exactly what changes were

15:55 - 15:59

made that's cool um and show changes

15:58 - 16:02

works not just for good but for

15:59 - 16:04

documents as well exactly yeah Works

16:02 - 16:06

across both of the document both of the

16:04 - 16:07

editors um so now that we have this fix

16:06 - 16:11

in place we can try clicking run to see

16:07 - 16:12

if it works now and wow that was fast we

16:11 - 16:14

really fast have our line chart now

16:12 - 16:15

rendering in the console so can you

16:14 - 16:19

explain a little bit about exactly what

16:15 - 16:22

happened because uh so so cool I think

16:19 - 16:24

right now it only supports python but

16:22 - 16:26

there's no reason it can't support other

16:24 - 16:29

languages in a containerized environment

16:26 - 16:32

so very safe for open AI python

16:29 - 16:34

execution happen very quickly yeah so

16:32 - 16:36

within canvas we actually load a web

16:34 - 16:38

assembly python emulator which allows us

16:36 - 16:40

to load almost any python library and

16:38 - 16:42

run your code almost instantly so you

16:40 - 16:44

get immediate feedback you can

16:42 - 16:46

collaborate with chat gbt effortlessly

16:44 - 16:48

and really have a tight feedback cycle

16:46 - 16:50

all within chat gbt including generating

16:48 - 16:53

Graphics including generating Graphics

16:50 - 16:55

so Santa particularly is interested in

16:53 - 16:57

some sanki flow diagrams to kind of

16:55 - 16:58

track how toys are flowing through his s

16:57 - 17:00

those are the ones where there's like

16:58 - 17:02

arrows in and arrows out honestly I'm

17:00 - 17:03

not even sure Santa asked me for this

17:02 - 17:07

yeah I'm trying to learn so he's always

17:03 - 17:11

challenging us I'm going to ask chbt to

17:07 - 17:15

add a sanki flow diagram for

17:11 - 17:18

Santa's toys please use appropriate

17:15 - 17:21

colors see if we get something uh Santa

17:18 - 17:23

themed interesting so chat jpt is going

17:21 - 17:25

to go through and edit our code again um

17:23 - 17:28

and now it's adding example two a sanki

17:25 - 17:30

diagram cool so we got total toys

17:28 - 17:32

delivered to children distributed to

17:30 - 17:35

stores defective okay so it's added a

17:32 - 17:38

handful of lines of code creating a s um

17:35 - 17:40

adding data finishing it and then saying

17:38 - 17:44

show yeah let's uh try running

17:40 - 17:48

this oh no uh looks like there's been a

17:44 - 17:52

problem with the colors um but chat PT

17:48 - 17:55

has an idea of how to fix that um I like

17:52 - 17:57

that chpt wrote the code with an error

17:55 - 18:00

and then already fixed it and that's

17:57 - 18:02

also the power of of Agents being able

18:00 - 18:05

to have multiple versions of AI work

18:02 - 18:07

with each other fix each other's issues

18:05 - 18:10

and it's all doing that in real time so

18:07 - 18:12

very cool use a single color per flow

18:10 - 18:14

let's try it let's try

18:12 - 18:16

it this is kind of awesome because this

18:14 - 18:18

is exactly what happens when I'm trying

18:16 - 18:20

to learn something new is I will go

18:18 - 18:23

search for example code I'll run it

18:20 - 18:25

inevitably won't quite work uh and then

18:23 - 18:27

I will try again and then uh go through

18:25 - 18:29

this Loop and try to read the

18:27 - 18:30

inscrutable python errors figur it out

18:29 - 18:33


18:30 - 18:35

myself oh there we go all right looks

18:33 - 18:37

like maybe mat plot lip has some bugs in

18:35 - 18:38

its sanky layout but we got a graphic so

18:37 - 18:40

there there we go we got a graphic and

18:38 - 18:42

we can keep refining this with chat PT

18:40 - 18:44

even dragging this image into the prompt

18:42 - 18:46

air if you want to show chat PT exactly

18:44 - 18:48

what this image looks like to help

18:46 - 18:50

refine so those are some of the new

18:48 - 18:52

programming features in canvas all right

18:50 - 18:55

there's one last thing that I want to

18:52 - 18:58

show and that is bringing canvas into

18:55 - 19:01

custom gpts so gpts in case you're not

18:58 - 19:03

familiar are way to give chat GPT custom

19:01 - 19:06

instruction by the way do you use custom

19:03 - 19:09

gpts I have a handful that I use pretty

19:06 - 19:11

frequently but not much beyond that and

19:09 - 19:13

if you have cool custom gpts drop them

19:11 - 19:15

in the comments below or just describe

19:13 - 19:18

what they do cuz I'd love to learn more

19:15 - 19:20

about how to use custom gpts custom

19:18 - 19:22

context and a lot of really distinct and

19:20 - 19:24

specific behavior to whatever particular

19:22 - 19:25

task that you have at hand and then you

19:24 - 19:27

can share them with other people so they

19:25 - 19:28

can benefit as well there's a GPT store

19:27 - 19:31

full of these things they're really

19:28 - 19:32

interesting and uh I decided to make one

19:31 - 19:34

for Santa you know Santa gets all these

19:32 - 19:36

letters and he has to respond to all of

19:34 - 19:38

them and I figure that's got to be a lot

19:36 - 19:40

of work and it might be helpful if he

19:38 - 19:42

just had you know just like a first

19:40 - 19:43

draft something to start with he could

19:42 - 19:45

decide if he likes it or didn't like it

19:43 - 19:47

he could edit he could go from there and

19:45 - 19:49

then send on his uh so you're also a

19:47 - 19:51

part of North Pole operations uh I can

19:49 - 19:53

neither I can neither confirm nor deny

19:51 - 19:55

this all right if Santa comes out with a

19:53 - 19:58

Frontier Model I'm going to be very

19:55 - 19:59

suspicious so um Alexi I happen to

19:58 - 20:01

notice that you wrote your letter to

19:59 - 20:03

Santa and left it out on your desk oh I

20:01 - 20:05

meant to mail that already I can't

20:03 - 20:07

believe you found it yeah um well I

20:05 - 20:09

snapped a picture of that and I figure

20:07 - 20:12

um maybe we could use that as a a bit of

20:09 - 20:14

an example here so we've got our picture

20:12 - 20:17

into Chachi BT let's open it up real

20:14 - 20:20

quick just to get a look a bike a GPU

20:17 - 20:21

and some dark matter that tracks yeah

20:20 - 20:24

that's Lexy there that looks like my

20:21 - 20:26

letter okay um you know I also figure

20:24 - 20:28

Santa has some context on you know

20:26 - 20:29

whether you've been naughty or nice

20:28 - 20:32

that's you know one of the things he

20:29 - 20:33

keeps track of and in addition to taking

20:32 - 20:35

a picture of the letter we probably want

20:33 - 20:37

to add that in so I'm GNA let Santa

20:35 - 20:41

drafter know that Alexi's been nice this

20:37 - 20:43

year really appreciate that Lee

20:41 - 20:46

yeah okay Alexi has been nice this year

20:43 - 20:51

so let's send this off to our custom

20:46 - 20:54

GPT and um hopefully we'll get back a

20:51 - 20:56

canvas all right here's our custom GPT

20:54 - 20:59

starting to write out our letter nice it

20:56 - 21:00

says Dear Alexi ho ho ho thank you for

20:59 - 21:02

your letter it put a big smile on my

21:00 - 21:04

rosy cheek face let's see what do we

21:02 - 21:05

have here first off a new bike excellent

21:04 - 21:08

choice all right looks like you're

21:05 - 21:10

getting that bike great h100 GPU Mrs

21:08 - 21:12

Claus tells me it's quite the PowerHouse

21:10 - 21:14

running AI models the elves in the tech

21:12 - 21:16

Workshop are tinkering away on that one

21:14 - 21:19

for you as well so that's promising and

21:16 - 21:21

dark matter he's Sansa is admitting that

21:19 - 21:25

might even Beyond his capabilities in

21:21 - 21:26

the Toy Factory so sounds like maybe you

21:25 - 21:27

shouldn't get your hops up for that one

21:26 - 21:29

yeah I don't know how you put that one

21:27 - 21:31

on Stocking either so

21:29 - 21:33

um but this is a pretty great first

21:31 - 21:34

draft and you know Santa could come in

21:33 - 21:37

here and you know change this up as much

21:34 - 21:40

as he wants make edits um all right so

21:37 - 21:42

that's it in custom gpts you can now use

21:40 - 21:44

canvas very cool so those are the

21:42 - 21:47

announcements for day four of open ai's

21:44 - 21:49

12 days of open AI very cool updates for

21:47 - 21:52

canvas obviously not as big of an

21:49 - 21:55

announcement as an 01 or a SORA but

21:52 - 21:58

still very cool quality of life updates

21:55 - 21:59

from open Ai and once again I want to

21:58 - 22:01

say thank you thank you to code buff for

21:59 - 22:06

sponsoring this video really proud to be

22:01 - 22:06

working with them check them out cbu.edu

Collaborative Coding: Enhancements in Chat GPT Canvas

In this video recap, we delve into the latest updates on Open AI's Canvas feature announced on Day Four of the 12 Days of Open AI. Canvas, a groundbreaking feature enabling collaboration between users and Chat GPT, has now seen significant improvements. One notable addition is the integration of Python code execution directly within Canvas, empowering users to run Python code snippets seamlessly. This move marks a major milestone in enhancing the interactive and coding capabilities within the Chat GPT platform.

Exploring Canvas Features

Open AI's Canvas is now accessible to all users, allowing for versatile collaboration in a dedicated tab within Chat GPT. The introduction of Python code execution within Canvas opens up new possibilities for coding enthusiasts. Developers now have the flexibility to create and run Python code seamlessly within the Chat GPT environment. Furthermore, the ability to iterate on the code output directly within Canvas streamlines the development process and fosters creativity.

Real-time Collaboration in Canvas

The video showcases a live demonstration of collaborative content creation using Canvas. Users can leverage the side-by-side view in Canvas, with Chat GPT crafting the content on one side while the user reviews and edits it on the other. This feature simplifies the editing process, providing a clear distinction between the chat dialogue and the generated output. The interactive nature of Canvas enhances the user experience, offering a conducive environment for creative writing and code editing.

Python Code Editing and Execution

A significant highlight of the updated Canvas feature is the seamless integration of Python code editing and execution. With Python syntax highlighting and basic autocomplete capabilities, users can write, edit, and execute Python code within Canvas. The addition of a 'Run' button enables users to execute the code instantly and receive real-time feedback on any errors or exceptions. This native code editing functionality within Chat GPT signals a shift towards a more integrated and efficient coding environment.

Custom GPT Integration

Open AI has extended Canvas functionality to custom GPT models, allowing users to incorporate Canvas features into their custom instructions. By leveraging custom GPT models, users can enhance their writing and coding tasks with tailored behavior and context-specific responses. The video showcases how a custom GPT model can be used to generate responses, such as drafting personalized letters from Santa based on predefined inputs.

In conclusion, the latest enhancements in Open AI's Canvas feature showcase a significant step towards fostering collaboration and creativity within the Chat GPT platform. By integrating Python code execution, real-time collaboration tools, and custom GPT integration, Open AI continues to redefine the boundaries of AI-powered content creation and collaboration. The future looks promising for developers and users alike as they explore the endless possibilities offered by Open AI's evolving toolset.

Whether you are a coding enthusiast, a creative writer, or simply curious about AI advancements, the enhancements in Chat GPT Canvas offer a glimpse into the future of collaborative AI-driven innovation.

In a world where AI is not just a tool but a partner in creativity, Open AI's Canvas feature empowers users to unlock their full potential in coding and content creation. As we witness the evolution of AI-driven tools, the possibilities for collaborative innovation are limitless.