00:00 - 00:05
China in 2024 the defense spending is
00:02 - 00:08
going up by 7% the most for five years
00:05 - 00:10
you've had 29 consecutive years of
00:08 - 00:12
military expenditure growth the most of
00:10 - 00:13
any country in the world since 2022
00:12 - 00:16
China has increased military drills
00:13 - 00:17
around Taiwan it's escalated since the
00:16 - 00:20
new Taiwanese president was inaugurated
00:17 - 00:21
in May China is not a fan of him since
00:20 - 00:24
then there's been almost daily activity
00:21 - 00:26
involving China's warships drones cyber
00:24 - 00:29
attacks against Taiwan China is getting
00:26 - 00:32
ready to invade Taiwan isn't it there is
00:29 - 00:33
only one China Taiwan is part of China
00:32 - 00:36
and the government of the People's
00:33 - 00:40
Republic of China is the sole legitimate
00:36 - 00:42
government for the totality of China the
00:40 - 00:45
exact status between the two sides of
00:42 - 00:47
the Taiwan state is The Unfinished Civil
00:47 - 00:51
1949 so ever since the beginning of the
00:49 - 00:54
1980s China does not want to use a war
00:51 - 00:55
to solve this unification problem don't
00:54 - 00:57
want to use a war but you're surrounding
00:55 - 01:00
it with ships drones cyber attacks and
00:57 - 01:02
making lots of threats each time when
01:00 - 01:05
the separatists in Taiwan want to push
01:02 - 01:08
the edge of the envelope they will come
01:05 - 01:11
across more and more demonstration of
01:08 - 01:12
the commitment of the Chinese Nation to
01:11 - 01:15
eventually achieve peaceful
01:12 - 01:17
reunification or otherwise your defense
01:15 - 01:19
minister said anyone who dares to pursue
01:17 - 01:22
independence for Taiwan will be crushed
01:19 - 01:25
into pieces and face destruction sounds
01:22 - 01:28
like a truly peaceful guy that's a real
01:25 - 01:30
statement because if the separatists if
01:28 - 01:33
the separatists really want to push the
01:30 - 01:35
edge of the envelope with the aid of
01:33 - 01:38
some big country for example which wants
01:35 - 01:41
to use Taiwan as a proxy in its own
01:38 - 01:44
geopolitical rivalry against China then
01:41 - 01:46
wait until you see what will happen
01:44 - 01:49
reunification will be achieved and China
01:46 - 01:51
is the only permanent member of the
01:49 - 01:53
United Nations security Council which
01:51 - 01:56
has not yet achieved a complete
01:53 - 01:57
reunification well I'm why I I'm always
01:56 - 01:59
amused with this phrase reunification
01:57 - 02:01
because if it's one China that clearly
01:59 - 02:02
it's not one China clearly you're
02:01 - 02:04
accepting by definition if you need to
02:02 - 02:07
reunify it they are doing their own
02:04 - 02:09
thing and why this obsession with Taiwan
02:07 - 02:11
you are a country of 3.7 million square
02:09 - 02:14
miles a population 60 times that of
02:11 - 02:16
Taiwan economy 20 times the size of
02:14 - 02:19
Taiwan why are you obsessed with Taiwan
02:16 - 02:22
why not just leave them be in terms of
02:19 - 02:25
Defending China's sovereignty and
02:22 - 02:28
territorial Integrity any inch of land
02:25 - 02:32
is not one inch too much any one single
02:28 - 02:34
person is not one person too many so we
02:32 - 02:35
need to achieve reunification as even
02:34 - 02:38
though they don't want to be part of
02:35 - 02:41
your country 12% of the people of Taiwan
02:38 - 02:43
say they want to reunify with China
02:41 - 02:45
12% you can't get more unpopular than
02:43 - 02:48
that in that medy it's not up to the
02:45 - 02:50
people in Taiwan to decide about the one
02:48 - 02:52
China policy you're very blunt in your
02:50 - 02:54
disregard for people's views freedoms
02:52 - 02:55
dignity you say that you don't care
02:54 - 02:57
about what they think you also said in
02:55 - 03:00
an interview with the French newspaper
02:57 - 03:02
lemond once we get the island back we'll
03:00 - 03:04
have to ask everyone's Origins those who
03:02 - 03:06
have Japanese ancestry who you basicly
03:04 - 03:08
say cons constitute 10% of the
03:06 - 03:11
population will have to pledge loyalty
03:08 - 03:13
to reunification and writing otherwise
03:11 - 03:15
we'll have to help them leave you're
03:13 - 03:17
basically calling for the ethnic
03:15 - 03:20
cleansing of 2.3 million people in
03:17 - 03:22
Taiwan no you remember back in
03:20 - 03:25
1945 when Japan unconditionally
03:22 - 03:28
surrendered a lot of people in Taiwan
03:25 - 03:31
who originally came from Japan they were
03:28 - 03:34
the rulers of uh Taiwan at the time they
03:31 - 03:37
stay behind because of the magnanimity
03:34 - 03:41
of the Chinese Nation now several
03:37 - 03:44
decades later they account for about 10%
03:41 - 03:46
of the local population in Taiwan now if
03:44 - 03:49
you really do your homework you will
03:46 - 03:53
realize that those Die Hard Taiwanese
03:49 - 03:55
separatists include many of these
03:53 - 03:56
japanesee but okay but you would get rid
03:55 - 03:58
of them you would get rid of 2.3 million
03:56 - 04:01
people no after the reunification
03:58 - 04:03
everyone in Taiwan need to make a pledge
04:01 - 04:05
whether they acknowledge there is only
04:03 - 04:06
one China and Taiwan is part of China
04:05 - 04:09
and if they don't make that pledge
04:06 - 04:12
they're else those who pledge wow for
04:09 - 04:13
the one China policy they are local you
04:12 - 04:14
didn't by the way you didn't say
04:13 - 04:16
everyone you said of Japanese descent
04:14 - 04:17
that is literally ethnic you're picking
04:16 - 04:19
people by their ethnic Heritage making
04:17 - 04:20
them do a loyalty test otherwise they
04:19 - 04:23
have to get out of the country they is
04:20 - 04:25
not a loyalty test here for example in
04:23 - 04:27
Britain if you are a British citizen you
04:25 - 04:29
need to support the monarchy you cannot
04:27 - 04:31
say I no I'm standing in Britain I don't
04:29 - 04:33
support the monarchy I don't like King
04:31 - 04:35
Charles no you cannot say no I just said
04:33 - 04:37
it m I literally just said it you cannot
04:35 - 04:39
take any action to oppose the monarchy
04:37 - 04:41
system but I don't have to sign a pledge
04:39 - 04:42
saying I support King Charles well each
04:41 - 04:44
country is different we are talking
04:42 - 04:45
about China China is very different
04:44 - 04:48
let's talk human rights Victor you've
04:45 - 04:50
called Wagers in China's shinjang
04:48 - 04:52
Province your brothers and sisters how
04:50 - 04:54
do you feel about the fact that at least
04:52 - 04:57
half a million some say more of your
04:54 - 04:58
brothers and sisters are being detained
04:57 - 05:01
in camps by the Chinese government
04:58 - 05:03
that's 5% of the adult weer population
05:01 - 05:06
one of the highest imprisonment
05:03 - 05:09
detention rates in the world M the
05:06 - 05:09
weagles are proud ethnic group one of
05:09 - 05:16
56 ethnic nationalities in China The
05:13 - 05:18
Wiggles as far as I'm concerned are my
05:16 - 05:20
true brothers and sisters I know many of
05:18 - 05:24
them I travel to shinjang regularly and
05:20 - 05:27
I talk to many other Wiggles now if
05:24 - 05:30
anyone is serious about accusing China
05:27 - 05:33
of practicing Mass Injustice to the
05:30 - 05:35
weagles give me the evidence I think
05:33 - 05:36
just did human rights what say half a
05:35 - 05:38
million people detained over the years
05:36 - 05:40
in recent years you keep cot Human
05:38 - 05:42
Rights Watch and I tell you do you know
05:40 - 05:44
where they got those numbers from I
05:42 - 05:45
don't know can I tell you I don't know I
05:44 - 05:47
thought you were the expert on she
05:45 - 05:49
shinjang you've spoken to wegers you
05:47 - 05:51
never heard these numbers I do not know
05:49 - 05:53
where did they get the source so their
05:51 - 05:55
source is the shinjang high peoples
05:53 - 05:57
procurator uh which has published its
05:55 - 06:00
own statistics shinjang official body
05:57 - 06:01
which says it's convicted 540,000 826
06:00 - 06:04
people prosecuted in the region since
06:01 - 06:06
2017 the United Nations office for human
06:04 - 06:09
rights looked at satellite footage they
06:06 - 06:11
say 10 to 20% of the population amnesty
06:09 - 06:13
estimates a million people in camps half
06:11 - 06:16
a million is a conservative number many
06:13 - 06:18
if you called that organization please
06:16 - 06:21
be assured that that organization has
06:18 - 06:24
been completely discredited for the
06:21 - 06:25
false information they came with so this
06:24 - 06:27
I love this game we're playing you give
06:25 - 06:28
give me a source I give you a source
06:27 - 06:30
they're discredited they've said
06:28 - 06:31
falsehoods many
06:30 - 06:32
let me ask you a question how many
06:31 - 06:35
people are in detention in shinjang you
06:32 - 06:37
give me a number listen if you look at
06:35 - 06:39
sh you give me a number if you look at I
06:37 - 06:41
do not have the number why not yeah hold
06:39 - 06:42
on you can't say it's not half a million
06:41 - 06:44
and then say you don't have a number I
06:42 - 06:46
have a number I have sources how many
06:44 - 06:49
people do you think a det let me give
06:46 - 06:51
you my reason I go to shinjang a lot I
06:49 - 06:53
travel so your brothers and sisters you
06:51 - 06:55
go there a lot but you can't tell me how
06:53 - 06:57
many people are in detention listen they
06:55 - 07:00
are happier they enjoy their life they
06:57 - 07:01
enjoy their Muslim practices and Trad I
07:00 - 07:04
listen how many people are in detention
07:01 - 07:06
Victor many let me be philosophical no
07:04 - 07:08
don't be philosophical be numerical how
07:06 - 07:10
many people are in detention you said
07:08 - 07:12
not to no to half a million how about
07:10 - 07:14
okay let's quarter of a million let me
07:12 - 07:16
let me let me finish my point nope if
07:14 - 07:19
you answer the question you can't Fuster
07:16 - 07:22
Victor on the show anyone many do
07:19 - 07:24
Independence they will be dwelt with in
07:22 - 07:26
how many of them are in cor how many
07:24 - 07:27
detention the very small minority so you
07:26 - 07:29
don't have a number you say they're all
07:27 - 07:31
happy but you won't let in independent
07:29 - 07:34
invest you won't letting journalists go
07:31 - 07:36
there why not I will be happy to escort
07:34 - 07:38
you to Jing Jang really I can make that
07:36 - 07:40
promise I will speak to the Chinese
07:38 - 07:41
government here's the problem Chinese I
07:40 - 07:44
don't want escort I don't want minders I
07:41 - 07:47
want to go freely will you allow that I
07:44 - 07:48
do not make that decision oh a moment
07:47 - 07:50
ago you were going to make all sorts of
07:48 - 07:52
interruptions suddenly I said let me go
07:50 - 07:54
freely and speak to weas freely can I do
07:52 - 07:57
that with no minders Chinese government
07:54 - 07:59
escort I will be happy to make your case
07:57 - 08:00
oh just now you said you'd organize it
07:59 - 08:03
now we're about make a case you can't
08:00 - 08:04
guarantee here you have Rishi sunak the
08:03 - 08:07
former prime minister was called a
08:04 - 08:10
pint-sized loser by a labor
08:07 - 08:12
politician um no one in China has that
08:10 - 08:14
kind of f Freedom just talk about their
08:12 - 08:16
government to talk about President Xi
08:14 - 08:18
Jinping in that way you can't say
08:16 - 08:19
anything like you wouldn't dare say
08:18 - 08:20
anything like that because you know what
08:19 - 08:21
will happen to you when you go home you
08:20 - 08:24
know what will happen to your family
08:21 - 08:27
that's what China is M if you do
08:24 - 08:29
anything write anything email or chat to
08:27 - 08:32
your friends about taking anything
08:29 - 08:34
action against let's say prime minister
08:32 - 08:37
of Britain president of the United
08:34 - 08:39
States you'll be dwelt with very swiftly
08:37 - 08:41
Victor you're a master of not what I
08:39 - 08:43
said I said Rishi sunet was called a
08:41 - 08:45
pint-sized loser would you call XI Jin
08:43 - 08:48
ping a pint-sized loser Med each country
08:45 - 08:49
has different sensitivities in UK so
08:48 - 08:51
you're admitting you can't criticize the
08:49 - 08:53
Chinese government no no no you can
08:51 - 08:56
criticize the government if you are
08:53 - 08:58
positive in you can criticize the
08:56 - 09:00
government if you're positive is that
08:58 - 09:02
the new philosophy no if you can come up
09:00 - 09:05
with your you got to come up with nice
09:02 - 09:07
insults no what then constructive advice
09:05 - 09:09
constructive advice for example oh i'
09:07 - 09:10
love in dealing with the Aging
09:09 - 09:12
population what should be the government
09:10 - 09:14
do what should this governor should do
09:12 - 09:17
but you can't say the president's lied
09:14 - 09:19
he's a liar nothing you will be dealt
09:17 - 09:20
with very swiftly in China you cannot
09:19 - 09:22
say that that is the most honest thing
09:20 - 09:26
you've said tonight I'll ask again
09:22 - 09:28
tonight is he now president for Life a
09:26 - 09:31
true dictator for the record first of
09:28 - 09:33
all Chinese president XI Jin ping will
09:31 - 09:36
never be president for Life there will
09:33 - 09:39
be a time limit when it will be will be
09:36 - 09:41
handled according to the Chinese legal
09:39 - 09:44
system and Constitution secondly there
09:41 - 09:47
is no dictator in China why because
09:44 - 09:50
dictatorship simply doesn't work
09:47 - 09:53
democracy means modernization and how
09:50 - 09:56
can you explain profound transformation
09:53 - 09:58
of China over the past 45 years in China
09:56 - 10:01
if you have dictatorship or
09:58 - 10:04
authoritarian rule no every leader in
10:01 - 10:06
China will be put into a team and
10:04 - 10:09
teamwork will be much more important
10:06 - 10:12
than individualism maybe previous
10:09 - 10:14
presidents did maybe Jang zamin or huin
10:12 - 10:16
everyone knows xiin ping has centralized
10:14 - 10:18
power Consolidated power got rid of term
10:16 - 10:19
limits you say there's a way to get rid
10:18 - 10:21
of him but there isn't actually a legal
10:19 - 10:23
way to get rid of him he's in power for
10:21 - 10:26
life and he likes being a dictator why
10:23 - 10:27
are we pretending M allow me to remind
10:26 - 10:29
you the Communist Party of China which
10:27 - 10:33
is the ruling party of China has a
10:29 - 10:35
membership of up to 100 million people
10:33 - 10:38
it's well structured every Province
10:35 - 10:41
every state owned Enterprise Etc will
10:38 - 10:42
have sell there's no division or debate
10:41 - 10:46
within the Chinese Communist Party
10:42 - 10:49
listen to me no single person in China
10:46 - 10:52
can dictate to a population of 1.4
10:49 - 10:54
billion people and 100 million
10:52 - 10:55
membership of the Communist Party of
10:54 - 10:57
China okay let's test that that's a
10:55 - 10:58
mission impossible let's test that
10:57 - 11:01
proposition the president won a vote
10:58 - 11:04
last year one a vote I'll put that in
11:01 - 11:05
air quotes do you know the tally of last
11:04 - 11:07
year's presidential vote in favor of Xi
11:05 - 11:09
Jinping by the national people's
11:07 - 11:12
Congress part of that structure you just
11:09 - 11:14
advertised to us what was the vote can
11:12 - 11:19
you tell our audience here I think it's
11:14 - 11:22
up up to about 100% that doesn't
11:19 - 11:25
2,952 to zero yes that's exactly what I
11:22 - 11:27
said could you not find a few people
11:25 - 11:30
just to make it look a little even one
11:27 - 11:32
or two many it's surprising it's not
11:30 - 11:35
surprising 2952 to
11:32 - 11:38
zero one R the Chinese system everyone
11:35 - 11:40
supports the Chinese president that's
11:38 - 11:42
you just told us 10 seconds ago there's
11:40 - 11:43
this huge system a big party one guy and
11:42 - 11:46
then you're like oh no but everyone
11:43 - 11:49
supports him zero votes against him one
11:46 - 11:53
person out of 3,000 couldn't say XI Jim
11:49 - 11:56
being not my guy one what if he is the
11:53 - 11:58
guy for all the Communist Party of China
11:56 - 12:00
you never know never know if that's the
11:58 - 12:02
case then your entire first answer is
12:00 - 12:03
redundant because it doesn't matter if
12:02 - 12:06
there's 100 million people they all have
12:03 - 12:08
to follow the leader no he does command
12:06 - 12:11
huge respect among the Chinese people as
12:08 - 12:12
well as you say respect I say fear do
12:11 - 12:15
you know how many names were on the
12:12 - 12:16
ballot papers that were given in 2013
12:15 - 12:17
how many names were on the ballot paper
12:16 - 12:19
when they went to chose the president
12:17 - 12:22
can you tell our audience I think there
12:19 - 12:23
was only one candidate yeah there were
12:22 - 12:26
no no no other
12:23 - 12:28
names that's a real that's a real secure
12:26 - 12:30
leader a guy who knows he has the
12:28 - 12:31
confidence of his people you get to vote
12:30 - 12:33
but only for me and none of you can
12:31 - 12:35
actually vote against me many we do not
12:33 - 12:39
want to end up in a situation with six
12:35 - 12:42
prime ministers in 8 years yeah so you
12:39 - 12:44
prefer a dictatorship no we prefer a
12:42 - 12:46
system that works for the benefit of the
12:44 - 12:48
Chinese I have not said a word about
12:46 - 12:50
what works or not you got great economic
12:48 - 12:52
growth at but you're a
12:50 - 12:55
dictatorship there is no dictatorship
12:52 - 12:56
Med you just admitted that there's no
12:55 - 12:59
name on the ballot paper no votes
12:56 - 13:00
against him and they all just follow him
12:59 - 13:03
that's the dictatorship when the king
13:00 - 13:05
succeeds the queen how many candidates
13:03 - 13:07
are there on the ballot paper how many
13:05 - 13:09
how many does that make Britain not a
13:07 - 13:10
democracy well you're asking the wrong
13:09 - 13:12
guy I'm a republican so I think we
13:10 - 13:14
should be a full democracy and get rid
13:12 - 13:15
of the monchy and I can say that here
13:14 - 13:17
you can't say that in China you cannot
13:15 - 13:18
take any action against that yes I can
13:17 - 13:20
actually I can go out on the street I
13:18 - 13:21
can hold up a plard and say let's get
13:20 - 13:23
rid of King Charles I can create a whole
13:21 - 13:25
protest outside Buckingham Palace you
13:23 - 13:27
can't do that in China you can't even
13:25 - 13:29
put one other person's name on a ballot
13:27 - 13:32
paper that's how insecure Your Leader is
13:29 - 13:34
I'm a lawyer in my capacity as a lawyer
13:32 - 13:36
I can give you a long list of things
13:34 - 13:38
that you cannot do regarding the
13:36 - 13:39
monarchy here in I'm not debating that
13:38 - 13:41
I'm saying that we have an elected
13:39 - 13:45
government we get to choose we get to
13:41 - 13:47
swap six Prime Ministers God help us but
13:45 - 13:50
we get to pick everyone in this room
13:47 - 13:52
who's a citizen gets to pick listen you
13:50 - 13:53
end up with your mini budget which
13:52 - 13:56
bankrupt the whole that's an honest
13:53 - 13:57
answer Victor but Victor I admire that
13:56 - 14:00
because that's an honest answer your
13:57 - 14:02
answer is it's a dictatorship that works
14:00 - 14:04
at least say that no no no you can't you
14:02 - 14:06
keep dodging one minute you say it's not
14:04 - 14:08
a dictatorship then I show you it is you
14:06 - 14:11
say but it's working we've got growth my
14:08 - 14:13
pick one my if that is your point I will
14:11 - 14:15
seriously urge you to do more homework
14:13 - 14:16
about how the Chinese system works okay
14:15 - 14:18
let's talk about the Chinese system
14:16 - 14:19
because I did a little bit of homework a
14:18 - 14:22
little bit of homework it's it's it's
14:19 - 14:23
did you know that Xi Jinping put his
14:23 - 14:28
Constitution that's weird well the
14:26 - 14:29
leader of the country put his own name
14:28 - 14:31
in the Constitution while he's president
14:29 - 14:33
no one's done that since Ma none of the
14:31 - 14:35
other Chinese presidents not huin taau
14:33 - 14:37
not your old boss Deng xia ping none of
14:35 - 14:40
them did it did they or am I wrong it's
14:37 - 14:43
wrong uh the Chinese Constitution has
14:40 - 14:45
been most frequently amended compared
14:43 - 14:46
with any other country am I wrong about
14:45 - 14:49
what I just said with my littleit of
14:46 - 14:51
name was put into the Constitution I D's
14:49 - 14:54
name was put into the while he was
14:51 - 14:55
president and J was put into the con not
14:54 - 14:57
while they were sitting presidents and
14:55 - 14:58
you know that tell our crowd here not
14:57 - 14:59
while they were president they didn't do
14:58 - 15:02
it themselves according to my
14:59 - 15:04
recollection each of were put into the
15:02 - 15:07
cons while they were while the leaders
15:04 - 15:08
were still alive okay so I'm right not
15:07 - 15:11
while they were president I love the
15:08 - 15:12
little slip even Donald Trump one of the
15:11 - 15:15
great narcissists of our time has not
15:12 - 15:17
proposed yet putting his name into the
15:15 - 15:19
US Constitution if you are the president
15:17 - 15:21
of China you're elected without any
15:19 - 15:23
opponents no names on the ballot paper
15:21 - 15:26
zero votes against you you put your name
15:23 - 15:28
in the Constitution six-year-olds are
15:26 - 15:29
taught about Xi Jinping thought in
15:28 - 15:31
Primary School that is not just a
15:29 - 15:33
dictatorship that is a cult of
15:31 - 15:35
personality I don't think China believes
15:33 - 15:37
in personal uh so why are six-year-olds
15:35 - 15:39
learning about Xi Jinping thought I'm
15:37 - 15:41
pretty sure no six-year-olds learned
15:39 - 15:43
about Liz truss's mini budget the
15:41 - 15:46
Chinese system is such that once you
15:43 - 15:48
Orient the country in One Direction
15:46 - 15:50
everyone follows the suit do they follow
15:48 - 15:52
or they ordered to follow they don't
15:50 - 15:54
follow out a choice no it's like a
15:52 - 15:56
vehicle with four wheels here you have
15:54 - 15:59
four wheels aligned in different
15:56 - 16:02
directions opposite directions in China
15:59 - 16:04
the four wheels of a car all lined up in
16:02 - 16:05
One Direction They Don't going forward
16:04 - 16:08
they don't Victor let me give you an
16:05 - 16:10
example former Chinese way former
16:08 - 16:12
foreign minister chin gang was removed
16:10 - 16:14
from his post and has not been seen in
16:12 - 16:16
public since June 2023 a few months
16:14 - 16:18
later China's defense minister General
16:16 - 16:19
Lee Shang Fu disappeared from public
16:18 - 16:21
view for months has now been expelled
16:19 - 16:22
from the party accused of corruption
16:21 - 16:25
that's at least two ministers that
16:22 - 16:27
disappeared just in the last year this
16:25 - 16:29
means China is really merciless in
16:27 - 16:31
dealing with Corruption of of all kinds
16:29 - 16:33
even among the high foreign minister and
16:31 - 16:35
defense Min imagine Anthony blinkin and
16:33 - 16:36
Lloyd Austin just disappeared tomorrow
16:35 - 16:39
we don't know where they are we've never
16:36 - 16:41
seen them again that's not normal Victor
16:39 - 16:42
listen corruption is rampant how do we
16:41 - 16:44
know they're corrupt they just
16:42 - 16:47
disappeared where's the
16:44 - 16:50
trial Tri finish my point Corruption of
16:47 - 16:52
all kinds in China need to be dwelt with
16:50 - 16:53
so where's the trial mercilessness so
16:52 - 16:54
where's the trial where's the trial of
16:53 - 16:57
the former for we don't even know where
16:54 - 16:59
he is M those things you don't know
16:57 - 17:01
doesn't mean doesn't have where is the
16:59 - 17:03
trial for this man you're just accusing
17:01 - 17:06
of corruption chingan was my good friend
17:03 - 17:08
for more than 20 years where is he then
17:06 - 17:10
he is involved in corruption where is he
17:08 - 17:13
and he has dwelt with very swiftly where
17:10 - 17:14
is he Victor regardless of he's your
17:13 - 17:16
good friend you don't know where he is
17:14 - 17:18
regardless of where is the former
17:16 - 17:19
foreign minister of China this is not a
17:18 - 17:21
hard question we're not asking where
17:19 - 17:22
Ran's brother in the middle of shinjang
17:21 - 17:24
is that you can dodge where is the
17:22 - 17:26
former foreign minister of China who
17:24 - 17:27
disappeared and by the way he wasn't
17:26 - 17:29
accused of corruption the spokesman came
17:27 - 17:30
out and said he has health reasons then
17:29 - 17:32
corruption came later by the way where
17:30 - 17:34
did he go your friend that means there
17:32 - 17:36
is a process and the process the process
17:34 - 17:38
starts with one lie that he's ill and
17:36 - 17:40
then the next lie is he's corrupt he may
17:38 - 17:41
be ill you never know I mean he's
17:40 - 17:43
probably ill after he's been in a
17:41 - 17:46
Chinese prison he may be ill now you
17:43 - 17:48
never know but at least Kong lost his
17:46 - 17:50
job because of his corruption last
17:48 - 17:53
question the point where is he he's
17:50 - 17:56
somewhere in China you will never see
17:53 - 17:57
him he is among the 1.4 billion people
17:56 - 17:59
no it's not just him there's many other
17:57 - 18:00
people who have disappeared the previous
17:59 - 18:02
defense minister disappeared the
18:00 - 18:03
ministry of industry and Technology
18:02 - 18:05
disappeared the former Interpol
18:03 - 18:06
president disappeared in China you just
18:05 - 18:08
disappear if they don't like you that's
18:06 - 18:10
the rule of law in China I'm so happy
18:08 - 18:12
they disappear because if they keep
18:10 - 18:14
doing their job they will bring greater
18:12 - 18:15
disaster be careful what you wish for
18:14 - 18:16
because everyone's watching this show
18:15 - 18:17
and if you get something wrong tonight
18:17 - 18:21
disappear if I disappear I hope you will
18:21 - 18:26
out I'd have to find you first and China
18:23 - 18:29
is apparently a big country my question
18:26 - 18:31
is as a dissident from Hong Kong knowing
18:29 - 18:34
that I cannot express freely in Hong
18:31 - 18:36
Kong or in the UK without risking other
18:34 - 18:38
people in trouble I also know that you
18:36 - 18:40
just now made claims about there's free
18:38 - 18:42
speech in China and it's possible to
18:40 - 18:44
criticize the Chinese government just
18:42 - 18:46
now again can you please demonstrate
18:44 - 18:48
that free speech and tell us what are XI
18:46 - 18:50
jinping's two worst mistakes in the past
18:48 - 18:51
five years great question if you can
18:50 - 18:53
demonstrate to us that it's okay to
18:51 - 18:55
criticize Xi Jinping the Chinese
18:53 - 18:57
government and China or even just say sh
18:55 - 18:59
kind of resembles winning the Poo would
18:57 - 19:01
be good enough for me thank you Victor
18:59 - 19:04
do you want to take that question well
19:01 - 19:07
thank you I would say uh China need to
19:04 - 19:11
make more prompt uh take more prompt
19:07 - 19:12
actions in dealing with the dramatic uh
19:11 - 19:15
aging population in China and the
19:12 - 19:16
dramatic uh demographic decline do you
19:15 - 19:19
think XI Jin Ping's to blame for not
19:16 - 19:21
being fast enough on Aging no I think uh
19:19 - 19:24
the whole Chinese government including
19:21 - 19:26
the Central Committee State council
19:24 - 19:29
local government need to take actions
19:26 - 19:32
quickly to reverse that dramatic
19:29 - 19:33
uh aging population problem and
19:32 - 19:35
demographic we're not going to get a
19:33 - 19:36
criticism out of VI let's go back to the
19:35 - 19:40
audience I would like to ask you a
19:36 - 19:44
question on Tibet Tibet after 74 years
19:40 - 19:48
of Chinese rule is still under lockdown
19:44 - 19:50
no journalists no individual tourists
19:48 - 19:54
even Tibetans are not allowed to see
19:50 - 19:57
their families what is China afraid of
19:54 - 20:00
to keep keep Tibet in such a tight
19:57 - 20:03
control and Tibet is such a inhuman
20:00 - 20:06
existence in our own country sir ever
20:03 - 20:09
since the UN Dynasty if not even earlier
20:06 - 20:11
Tibet has been part of China through
20:09 - 20:14
different dynasties different historical
20:11 - 20:18
periods I can assure you during your
20:14 - 20:21
lifetime and mine Tibet will always be
20:18 - 20:22
part of China why are you so insistent
20:21 - 20:24
on ruling places that don't want to be
20:22 - 20:26
ruled by China no Tibet we've been
20:24 - 20:28
through Tibet Taiwan they're not happy
20:28 - 20:32
Tibet being part of China doesn't depend
20:30 - 20:35
on whether you like it or not it's a
20:32 - 20:37
mega trend of our time a mega Trend and
20:35 - 20:41
you need to accept that before you will
20:37 - 20:43
feel free to go back to China visit
20:41 - 20:46
Tibet you sound like you're threatening
20:43 - 20:48
the man no I'm not you said you have to
20:46 - 20:50
accept that before you can go back he's
20:48 - 20:52
from that place you live in peace in
20:50 - 20:54
Britain that's good but he's a refugee
20:52 - 20:56
but if you want to go back to Tibet
20:54 - 20:58
acknowledge Tibet is part of China
20:56 - 21:01
period And what if he doesn't he can't
20:58 - 21:04
go back to his home you cannot go
21:01 - 21:07
back because China doesn't want to see
21:04 - 21:10
anyone advocating for the independence
21:07 - 21:13
of Tibet why can't CH no way there will
21:10 - 21:16
that will never happen Victor why can't
21:13 - 21:19
China rest on its own merits why the
21:16 - 21:21
bullying and the threats we're going to
21:19 - 21:23
break you to pieces Taiwan you can't go
21:21 - 21:26
back until you sign this document or
21:23 - 21:28
that declar why the insecurity second
21:26 - 21:31
biggest economy in the world major power
21:28 - 21:33
you sound so insecure China security
21:31 - 21:36
rests on the principle that there is
21:33 - 21:38
only one China and Taiwan is part of
21:36 - 21:41
China Tibet is part of China and Shing
21:38 - 21:42
Jang is part of China period And even if
21:41 - 21:43
the people there don't want to be part
21:42 - 21:45
of it you don't give a damn the majority
21:43 - 21:49
of the people live happily as chines did
21:45 - 21:50
you do a vote I will go with you we're
21:49 - 21:52
going to go to Tibet and we're going to
21:50 - 21:54
talk to all the Tibet I can go Tob but
21:52 - 21:55
the guy who's from there can't go there
21:54 - 21:57
you sound ludicrous when you say this
21:55 - 22:00
stuff I'm sorry to say let us go back to
21:57 - 22:04
audience from many in the U
22:00 - 22:07
diaspora we have not been allowed
22:04 - 22:10
contact with our families at home Vis in
22:07 - 22:14
the ug autonomous region since
22:10 - 22:19
2017 when Chinese government started
22:14 - 22:21
detaining more than 3 million plus ERS
22:19 - 22:25
into their Hightech surveillance
22:21 - 22:28
concentration camps my question to you
22:25 - 22:30
sir what's the Chinese government trying
22:28 - 22:35
to hide from
22:30 - 22:38
us second okay why can't we why can't we
22:35 - 22:41
not talk freely with our families
22:38 - 22:43
okay another yet another weager so many
22:41 - 22:45
Wagers the same story the same questions
22:43 - 22:48
I'm always very happy to see Wherever I
22:45 - 22:50
Go a wigle person because I do consider
22:48 - 22:52
The Wiggles as my brothers and sisters
22:50 - 22:53
on one condition part me starting to
22:52 - 22:56
feel sorry for your actual brothers and
22:53 - 22:58
sisters I'll be hon on one on one on one
22:56 - 23:00
condition though Wiggles need to
22:58 - 23:03
acknowledge that Shin Jang is part of
23:00 - 23:05
China that's a big precondition if you
23:03 - 23:08
do not accept that precondition you are
23:05 - 23:09
not my brother or sister hold on say he
23:08 - 23:11
that's fine you don't have to be
23:09 - 23:13
brothers and sisters but can he not talk
23:11 - 23:16
to his family it depends on where your
23:13 - 23:19
family is there are indeed wigle
23:16 - 23:22
separatists who want to promote
23:19 - 23:24
separatism of wigle turn about the
23:22 - 23:27
people who are not separ just disappear
23:24 - 23:30
turn Shin Jang into East turkistan this
23:27 - 23:33
will never happen listen to this call
23:30 - 23:34
your friends to stick to the one China
23:33 - 23:37
policy he just wants to talk on the
23:34 - 23:39
phone to a family member years old s
23:37 - 23:42
years I didn't speak to my mother I want
23:39 - 23:44
to speak to my mother I am British I
23:42 - 23:47
want to speak to my mother you
23:44 - 23:51
understand literally support One China
23:47 - 23:53
policy support being part of China
23:51 - 23:55
Victor period do you have no heart to
23:53 - 23:57
see this man who can't speak to his 82y
23:55 - 24:00
old mother a separ I wish your mother is
23:57 - 24:01
here in this all talking to you and why
24:00 - 24:05
you let her go so then she maybe she
24:01 - 24:08
could but then on one condition in China
24:05 - 24:10
Zero Tolerance of any separatist
24:08 - 24:12
movement an 82y old woman is a threat to
24:10 - 24:14
China what does that say about China I
24:12 - 24:17
hope she's not a separatist but if she's
24:14 - 24:20
a separatist she will be dwelt with by
24:17 - 24:22
law period Victor before we finish I
24:20 - 24:24
have one question for you we're in the
24:22 - 24:27
UK we're in Conway all historic Free
24:24 - 24:29
Speech Society could we do a show like
24:27 - 24:31
this could I interview you like this
24:29 - 24:33
could rahan come be on a panel like this
24:31 - 24:35
in Beijing in say the Beijing
24:33 - 24:36
International Convention Center can we
24:35 - 24:38
do a show like this audience members
24:36 - 24:41
freely ask questions you take questions
24:38 - 24:43
from everyone no one's vetted no one's
24:41 - 24:45
threatened could we do this in Beijing
24:43 - 24:48
medy if you ask me to line up all the
24:45 - 24:50
support you will do that really I can
24:48 - 24:51
assure you that a show where every
24:50 - 24:53
audience member gets to speak freely No
24:51 - 24:54
One turns up at their house afterwards
24:53 - 24:57
for many European countries you do not
24:54 - 24:58
need a visa to go to China pick up your
24:58 - 25:02
I'm not asking foreigners Victor I'm not
25:01 - 25:04
asking foreigners to come I'm saying
25:02 - 25:06
could a Chinese audience turn up and ask
25:04 - 25:08
whatever they want criticize Xi Jinping
25:06 - 25:10
criticize the government ask you
25:08 - 25:13
questions talk about Wagers could you do
25:10 - 25:14
it in Beijing m in China don't criticize
25:13 - 25:17
our president so we couldn't do this
25:14 - 25:19
unless you have glad very positive
25:17 - 25:22
constructive proposal to
25:19 - 25:25
make criticism from the horse's mouth
25:22 - 25:27
don't criticize unless it's is not the
25:25 - 25:29
only goal criticism with constructive
25:27 - 25:32
purposes a goal will be a better free
25:29 - 25:33
speech free speech is a goal we cherish
25:32 - 25:35
on this show I'm glad to have offered
25:33 - 25:37
you a platform for free speech I wish
25:35 - 25:39
you could offer me one back Victor gal
25:37 - 25:41
thank you for your time thank you to the
25:39 - 25:43
audience in Conway Hall and thank you to
25:41 - 25:45
everyone at home for watching this
25:43 - 25:50
episode of head