00:00 - 00:03

whever we've been told that the way to

00:01 - 00:06

sell your products and services is

00:03 - 00:09

through a sales funnel and these days

00:06 - 00:11

with online automation this process of

00:09 - 00:14

funnel hacking has made things

00:11 - 00:17

incredibly complicated now what if I

00:14 - 00:19

told you that sales funnels are out what

00:17 - 00:22

if I told you that the key to converting

00:19 - 00:25

a prospect into a customer these days is

00:22 - 00:26

much simpler well today I'm going to

00:25 - 00:29

share with you a better way to think

00:26 - 00:31

about selling and give you seven ways to

00:29 - 00:32

implement this Concept in your business

00:31 - 00:36

and be sure to stay to the end where I

00:32 - 00:38

give you my favorite hack for selling

00:36 - 00:42

without even trying so the idea of a

00:38 - 00:44

funnel has been around forever and this

00:42 - 00:46

doesn't begin with the online space the

00:44 - 00:49

last 20 25 years people think that of a

00:46 - 00:51

funnel if you were born in the 80s 90s

00:49 - 00:55

or 2000s you think that a funnel is

00:51 - 00:57

literally email marketing or a webinar

00:55 - 01:00

or landing pages no that's just a

00:57 - 01:04

digital version of what's been happening

01:00 - 01:06

for decades in the sales process right

01:04 - 01:09

and the idea being that you have this

01:06 - 01:12

wide top of a funnel shape where

01:09 - 01:14

potential prospects on mass are coming

01:12 - 01:16

into and it could be through an

01:14 - 01:21

advertising mechanism and an ad in a

01:16 - 01:24

newspaper or on on TV or on a billboard

01:21 - 01:26

or through going door too or people who

01:24 - 01:28

come to your dealership you know like

01:26 - 01:30

the wide net of potential prospects and

01:28 - 01:34

then you take them through a process of

01:30 - 01:35

narrowing down from wide to the bottom

01:34 - 01:37

of the funnel where you actually can

01:35 - 01:38

convert them into a customer and there's

01:37 - 01:40

generally a process and everyone's

01:38 - 01:44

process is different but you're trying

01:40 - 01:46

to figure out what their needs are sell

01:44 - 01:47

them on what you do you know build

01:46 - 01:49

rapport there's all these different

01:47 - 01:52

methods and so all we've done in the

01:49 - 01:54

last 20 30 years is take the physical

01:52 - 01:56

process of selling and putting people

01:54 - 01:58

through a sales pipeliner funnel into

01:56 - 02:01

the digital space and that has looked a

01:58 - 02:03

lot like meeting people they are online

02:01 - 02:06

getting them to opt into some kind of

02:03 - 02:09

email sequence uh or come to a live

02:06 - 02:12

webinar and what I want to talk about

02:09 - 02:15

specifically is what has gone wrong with

02:12 - 02:16

sales funnels and how focusing on

02:15 - 02:18

building out the right sales funnel is

02:16 - 02:20

leading you astray and also making it

02:18 - 02:22

harder on yourself and and then just

02:20 - 02:24

reduce it down to its absolute simplest

02:22 - 02:26

of what you need to be doing instead of

02:24 - 02:27

Building Sales funnels and show you that

02:26 - 02:29

actually you're probably already doing

02:27 - 02:31

this but you can toss out all the

02:29 - 02:33

exhaust in work and just do this simpler

02:31 - 02:36

way of thinking about it I think this is

02:33 - 02:38

just going to be a shift for you where

02:36 - 02:39

all of a sudden selling is going to

02:38 - 02:41

become so much more natural for you and

02:39 - 02:44

you're going to see H that like the

02:41 - 02:45

weights lifted if you don't love to sell

02:44 - 02:46

this is just going to be so much more

02:45 - 02:49

fun for you so here's the problem with

02:46 - 02:53

sales funnels the way we've turned them

02:49 - 02:56

into what they are in modern 2024 2025

02:53 - 03:00

online business world right is that they

02:56 - 03:01

are all about making the sale

03:00 - 03:03

which sounds obvious and don't you want

03:01 - 03:06

to make sales yes but the problem is

03:03 - 03:08

nuanced but it's a huge small difference

03:06 - 03:09

makes a huge difference if the sales

03:08 - 03:11

funnel is all about making a

03:09 - 03:13

sale well then you're going to use

03:11 - 03:16

whatever tactic is necessary to make the

03:13 - 03:18

sale which isn't always great because

03:16 - 03:19

two things might happen one you could

03:18 - 03:21

ruin your

03:19 - 03:23

reputation or two you could make the

03:21 - 03:26

sale and then eventually ruin your

03:23 - 03:28

reputation so you might get what you

03:26 - 03:30

want initially the sale shortterm but

03:28 - 03:31

longterm you ruin the brand image and

03:30 - 03:32

reputation it just makes it harder to

03:31 - 03:34

stay in business for the long term even

03:32 - 03:36

if you are making sales you have to keep

03:34 - 03:38

finding brand new people who've never

03:36 - 03:42

interacted with you before and and it

03:38 - 03:43

just feels icky right so there's that

03:42 - 03:44

you know maybe that doesn't bother you

03:43 - 03:46

and some people it doesn't bother them

03:44 - 03:47

and unfortunately the people that it

03:46 - 03:49

doesn't bother them can make a lot of

03:47 - 03:51

sales because they don't care it's just

03:49 - 03:53

working and they just their only problem

03:51 - 03:55

is they have to keep finding tons of new

03:53 - 03:58

people to sell to and just hope that

03:55 - 03:59

people don't mind the icky feeling right

03:58 - 04:01

so maybe that's not a problem for you

03:59 - 04:02

okay put that aside here's another

04:01 - 04:04

problem with sales funnels is they

04:02 - 04:06

create complex Hoops for your prospects

04:04 - 04:08

to jump

04:06 - 04:11

through unnecessary hoops and I think

04:08 - 04:13

there is some hold over from the dark

04:11 - 04:15

ages of the internet where uh people

04:13 - 04:17

weren't used to buying things on the

04:15 - 04:19

internet I mean you have to remember

04:17 - 04:21

this is crazy especially if you're young

04:19 - 04:26

that even though the internet has been

04:21 - 04:30

around for 30 40 years it took until the

04:26 - 04:34

early to mid 2000 2010s for for most

04:30 - 04:37

people to feel very comfortable buying

04:34 - 04:40

things online especially non-tangible

04:37 - 04:43

physical things so your coaching your

04:40 - 04:45

course your community your

04:43 - 04:49

templates your Mastermind whatever it is

04:45 - 04:51

like it was just weird um and people

04:49 - 04:53

were expecting a physical product and so

04:51 - 04:55

to sell online especially selling

04:53 - 04:58

something digital we had to create all

04:55 - 05:00

these hoops for people to jump to to to

04:58 - 05:02

get them to really believe that they

05:00 - 05:03

were buying something substantial which

05:02 - 05:05

they are and get them to feel

05:03 - 05:07

comfortable and so I think we've gotten

05:05 - 05:10

used to all these complex you know

05:07 - 05:12

segmentation automations click this then

05:10 - 05:13

do this if they do this then we'll do

05:12 - 05:16

this then we'll do that and it's like

05:13 - 05:18

this long complex Journey that I think

05:16 - 05:20

these days we don't need to bring people

05:18 - 05:23

through I think people know what they're

05:20 - 05:25

getting I think people are making buying

05:23 - 05:26

decisions faster than ever before I I

05:25 - 05:29

don't think we need to have the most

05:26 - 05:30

complicated sales funnel system ever so

05:29 - 05:31

I think actually making it harder for

05:30 - 05:33

people to say yes to you if you give

05:31 - 05:34

them all these hoops to jump through and

05:33 - 05:38

then the other final problem with sales

05:34 - 05:40

funnels is it takes normal people who

05:38 - 05:42

have a heart and have a desire to serve

05:40 - 05:44

and when now they're forced to create a

05:42 - 05:46

sales funnel they they just get weird

05:44 - 05:48

and and weird stuff starts coming out of

05:46 - 05:50

their mouth and really through their

05:48 - 05:54

fingers onto the page and it's a bunch

05:50 - 05:55

of marketing mumbo jumbo to quote Han

05:54 - 05:57

Solo right like it's a bunch of Mumbo

05:55 - 05:59

jump like we don't even know what we're

05:57 - 06:03

saying but we think we need to say

05:59 - 06:04

something smart and markety and salesy

06:03 - 06:07

and and maybe we just look at someone's

06:04 - 06:09

sales page and copy phrases and like

06:07 - 06:11

paste them onto our page and just swap

06:09 - 06:12

out some of the words and what you get

06:11 - 06:15

as a

06:12 - 06:18

Frankenstein page or script for your

06:15 - 06:20

video or whatever that has some Buzz

06:18 - 06:23

phrases or catch phrases but like it

06:20 - 06:25

doesn't sound like you you feel weird

06:23 - 06:28

saying it and it probably won't convert

06:25 - 06:29

anyway so if you have ever had that

06:28 - 06:31

experience and maybe that is your

06:29 - 06:37

experience that's what a sales funnel is

06:31 - 06:39

for 99% of us it's stressful it's icky

06:37 - 06:42

we don't even know if it's working and

06:39 - 06:43

it's complex and it's outdated we we

06:42 - 06:46

just don't need it anymore what I want

06:43 - 06:50

you to do is replace sales funnel with

06:46 - 06:52

trust funnel okay there's a difference

06:50 - 06:55

here you want to build a trust

06:52 - 06:58

funnel the big difference is a sales

06:55 - 07:00

funnel is optimized to make a sale but a

06:58 - 07:01

trust funnel is all about one thing

07:00 - 07:03


07:01 - 07:07

trust building

07:03 - 07:10

trust there's no

07:07 - 07:13

complexity there's no pressure for them

07:10 - 07:15

or for you to make the sale happen now

07:13 - 07:18

because it's not optimized for a sale to

07:15 - 07:20

happen now although ironically you'll

07:18 - 07:22

make more sales if you have a trust

07:20 - 07:24

funnel there's no pressure for them to

07:22 - 07:29

buy now it's not even about the sale as

07:24 - 07:31

much as it is about building Trust

07:29 - 07:34

and why is

07:31 - 07:38

that because trust is what

07:34 - 07:40

sells right trust is what sells so at

07:38 - 07:43

the end of the day we want to build

07:40 - 07:46

trust we don't need to make the sale if

07:43 - 07:50

we build the trust the sale will happen

07:46 - 07:53

so here's here's what I want to get at

07:50 - 07:55

today your job is simply to build trust

07:53 - 07:57

because people will do business with

07:55 - 07:59

anyone they know like and Trust so if

07:57 - 08:02

you and I sell the same thing but they

07:59 - 08:05

know you like you and trust you they're

08:02 - 08:06

more likely to buy from you than they

08:05 - 08:09

are from me doesn't really matter the

08:06 - 08:13

price doesn't really matter the sales

08:09 - 08:14

mechanism if they trust you more than

08:13 - 08:18

they trust me they're going to buy from

08:14 - 08:21

you and so trust is what sells at the

08:18 - 08:23

end of the day maybe you won't sell them

08:21 - 08:26

today maybe it won't sell them

08:23 - 08:29

tomorrow but eventually it will sell

08:26 - 08:30

them because you already have their

08:29 - 08:32


08:30 - 08:35

and when they're ready and when they're

08:32 - 08:37

at that point of yes I need this they're

08:35 - 08:40

going to come to you because you've done

08:37 - 08:41

the work of having a trust funnel

08:40 - 08:44

building out trust versus worrying about

08:41 - 08:47

the sale does this make sense okay so at

08:44 - 08:49

the end of the day your goal is simple

08:47 - 08:52

have a vehicle to build trust with your

08:49 - 08:55

prospect that's it whatever you sell a

08:52 - 08:57

course a community coaching a freelance

08:55 - 09:00

service physical product doesn't matter

08:57 - 09:02

what you sell

09:00 - 09:04

you need to have a vehicle to build

09:02 - 09:05

trust with your prospect so what I want

09:04 - 09:08

to cover really quickly is what I call

09:05 - 09:11

the Speed Of Trust Spectrum these are

09:08 - 09:14

seven vehicles or seven ways to build

09:11 - 09:17

trust with a prospect okay which will

09:14 - 09:19

eventually lead them to an offer which

09:17 - 09:21

is all you're doing and you're probably

09:19 - 09:23

already doing this but I'm just

09:21 - 09:24

reframing this maybe for you for the

09:23 - 09:26

first time where you see how simple this

09:24 - 09:28

is so I'm going to share with you the

09:26 - 09:29

seven vehicles or seven ways to build

09:28 - 09:31

trust with a prospect that eventually

09:29 - 09:35

leads to an offer and I'm going to share

09:31 - 09:38

them in order of slowest to convert to

09:35 - 09:41

fastest there's not one that's better or

09:38 - 09:42

right just the one that's right for you

09:41 - 09:44

just know

09:42 - 09:46

that there's I'm going to go from

09:44 - 09:48

slowest to building trust because this

09:46 - 09:50

is how they're ordered like all all

09:48 - 09:53

seven of these vehicles will build trust

09:50 - 09:55

can build trust not always will can

09:53 - 09:58

build trust with a prospect and lead to

09:55 - 10:01

an offer and all seven work okay and

09:58 - 10:02

I've done just about all seven of them

10:01 - 10:04

but one is going to be the slowest and

10:02 - 10:06

and one's going to be the fastest and

10:04 - 10:08

it's just important to know that you can

10:06 - 10:10

build trust slower or faster but as long

10:08 - 10:12

as your trust funnel is optimized to

10:10 - 10:13

build trust and leads to an offer it'll

10:12 - 10:17

work okay ready

10:13 - 10:20

so trust um vehicle number one is ADS

10:17 - 10:22

this is the slowest one so you can

10:20 - 10:24

simply run an ad obviously we're these

10:22 - 10:26

days doing ads online more often so this

10:24 - 10:28

might be a meta ad so Facebook Instagram

10:26 - 10:32

this might be a Google ad this might be

10:28 - 10:34

a YouTube ad okay this could be a banner

10:32 - 10:37

ad but

10:34 - 10:39

ads are a way to get in front of your

10:37 - 10:42

prospect but here's where ADS go wrong

10:39 - 10:47

when you try to sell don't try to sell

10:42 - 10:50

in an ad try to build trust in an

10:47 - 10:52

ad okay because they may only see your

10:50 - 10:54

ad for a second they might not they may

10:52 - 10:55

even see a lot of ads they may not be

10:54 - 10:57

ready to buy especially on these

10:55 - 10:59

platforms like Instagram like even

10:57 - 11:01

though you see a lot of ads Instagram

10:59 - 11:03

you probably bought stuff of Instagram

11:01 - 11:05

the way they probably got you to buy

11:03 - 11:08

when you weren't even in a buying mood

11:05 - 11:11

is by building trust so how can I build

11:08 - 11:14

trust with an ad is it credibility

11:11 - 11:17

markers is it like trust pilot reviews

11:14 - 11:20

is it an incredible case

11:17 - 11:23

study right is it a celebrity

11:20 - 11:25

endorsement I mean what is it that's

11:23 - 11:26

going to help you build trust in an ad

11:25 - 11:29

that's what you want to optimize your ad

11:26 - 11:30

for is trust building if you op your ad

11:29 - 11:32

for trust building you're you're going

11:30 - 11:35

to eventually create more offers and

11:32 - 11:37

more sales right so ads are a a vehicle

11:35 - 11:38

or a way to build trust with a prospect

11:37 - 11:40

leads to an offer it's just generally

11:38 - 11:42

the slowest way you people need to see

11:40 - 11:44

your ad a

11:42 - 11:47

bunch before they're ready to buy

11:44 - 11:50

generally speaking next slowest so a

11:47 - 11:53

little bit faster than ads is blogging

11:50 - 11:57

and by the way blogging is not dead a

11:53 - 11:59

blogging is even having new life in the

11:57 - 12:02

form of newsletters right news

11:59 - 12:04

newsletters which were so 30 years ago

12:02 - 12:07

like the mid to late 90s people were

12:04 - 12:10

getting you on their newsletter like my

12:07 - 12:12

stock pick you know stock picking Tip

12:10 - 12:15

Sheet newsletter whatever like

12:12 - 12:16

newsletters were so Antiquated and in a

12:15 - 12:17

world of video and all these different

12:16 - 12:19

things you think that they would be even

12:17 - 12:23

more dead they're having a Resurgence

12:19 - 12:26

AKA writing if you like to write well

12:23 - 12:29

then my friend blogging and newsletters

12:26 - 12:32

um like especially blogs even on

12:29 - 12:35

platforms like LinkedIn or which allow

12:32 - 12:37

for micro blogging basically is a great

12:35 - 12:39

way to build trust because it's it is a

12:37 - 12:41

few minutes of people's time way more

12:39 - 12:42

than an ad people will give an ad a few

12:41 - 12:45

seconds but they'll they'll read an

12:42 - 12:50

article or a newsletter or a blog post

12:45 - 12:52

for 60 seconds 130 seconds right like

12:50 - 12:54

they're they'll read for a couple of

12:52 - 12:56

minutes so if you're good at writing

12:54 - 12:59

well you can build trust day in out and

12:56 - 13:02

day out week in and week out with a Blog

12:59 - 13:06

or newsletter um Justin Welsh I just

13:02 - 13:07

spoke on a uh stage with him in LA and

13:06 - 13:09

then we got to connect a little bit

13:07 - 13:11

afterwards we were on a call recently a

13:09 - 13:12

couple weeks ago talking about what's

13:11 - 13:14

working for both of our businesses but

13:12 - 13:16

he's built his business with an

13:14 - 13:19

incredible newsletter he's functionally

13:16 - 13:21

writing and by writing he's building

13:19 - 13:24

trust he's also been writing on LinkedIn

13:21 - 13:27

so taking his brain and writing valuable

13:24 - 13:30

content that builds trust and then

13:27 - 13:32

people want to buy his course

13:30 - 13:36

so you can build trust with blogging or

13:32 - 13:40

newsletters number three trust vehicle

13:36 - 13:43

or uh way to build trust is social media

13:40 - 13:46

so social media is shorter versions of

13:43 - 13:48

blogging and newsletters you can

13:46 - 13:51

obviously do video as well

13:48 - 13:53

but you can stay in touch with people

13:51 - 13:54

but again here's where people get social

13:53 - 13:57

media wrong they they think social media

13:54 - 14:00

is the place to sell it's rarely the

13:57 - 14:04

place to sell it's the place to build

14:00 - 14:06

trust right again it's a giant funnel

14:04 - 14:08

but it's only got one one step which is

14:06 - 14:10

to go from everybody who hears about you

14:08 - 14:11

to getting them from the top of the

14:10 - 14:13

funnel which is everyone who hears about

14:11 - 14:16

you or lands on your page or profile or

14:13 - 14:18

whatever to people that now trust you

14:16 - 14:20

get them from Prospect to someone who's

14:18 - 14:23

got trust in you well then you can make

14:20 - 14:25

an offer later but you can totally build

14:23 - 14:27

trust with social media you can do this

14:25 - 14:30

by posting regularly you can do this by

14:27 - 14:32

going live you can do this through your

14:30 - 14:36

stories through reals through Tik Tok

14:32 - 14:38

through literally writing posts like

14:36 - 14:41

there's really no wrong everything works

14:38 - 14:44

it all works but just optimize your

14:41 - 14:46

posting and your content for trust

14:44 - 14:49

building think about your prospect what

14:46 - 14:52

would get them to trust you more this is

14:49 - 14:54

why you see me do a lot of educational

14:52 - 14:57

content for

14:54 - 14:59

free that gets people a leg up in their

14:57 - 15:01

business right and is countercultural

14:59 - 15:04

and counterintuitive to what all the

15:01 - 15:06

other business gurus are saying because

15:04 - 15:07

I want to differentiate differentiate

15:06 - 15:10

myself from everybody else and show them

15:07 - 15:12

that hey trust Graham if you want to

15:10 - 15:13

build a more effortless business if you

15:12 - 15:15

want to build a business that you're not

15:13 - 15:18

going to burn out from if you want to

15:15 - 15:20

build a business that's like low taxing

15:18 - 15:22

on your time and your health and your

15:20 - 15:25

sanity so that you can actually have a

15:22 - 15:28

family have a spouse have a Community

15:25 - 15:30

Serve in your church have a hobby have

15:28 - 15:33

sleep rhythms right so I'm going to

15:30 - 15:35

build trust by sharing this

15:33 - 15:36

counterintuitive stuff over and over

15:35 - 15:39

again on social media so social media is

15:36 - 15:41

a great platform it's faster for trust

15:39 - 15:43

building than blogging I think and it's

15:41 - 15:47

faster than trust building than

15:43 - 15:50

ads all right next would be a podcast

15:47 - 15:53

right so podcasting is it's funny people

15:50 - 15:55

say well I don't have a huge audience on

15:53 - 15:57

podcast or my podcast I don't get a ton

15:55 - 15:58

of downloads this is not the point the

15:57 - 15:59

point isn't have a huge audience the

15:58 - 16:02

point is to build trust trust fast so

15:59 - 16:04

like a fast way to build trust is to

16:02 - 16:08

speak in somebody's ear for 30 to 45

16:04 - 16:10

minutes heck some of the longer bigger

16:08 - 16:13

podcasts are two to three hours Joe

16:10 - 16:16

Rogan Tim Ferris right like if you have

16:13 - 16:17

someone's attention for an hour or two

16:16 - 16:20

hours and they're listening to you while

16:17 - 16:22

they're driving or doing their dishes or

16:20 - 16:24

and sitting in Carline picking up their

16:22 - 16:26

kids from school dude you build trust

16:24 - 16:27

Mega fast I don't care if you only have

16:26 - 16:29

100 people listening to that episode you

16:27 - 16:31

build trust with like 80 to 90 of those

16:29 - 16:32

100 people really fast then if you put

16:31 - 16:35

an offer in front of them they're going

16:32 - 16:37

to buy because they really have spent

16:35 - 16:39

time with you right so podcasting is

16:37 - 16:41

huge for trust building so that's why

16:39 - 16:43

you don't want to think about size you

16:41 - 16:45

want to think about trust like how can I

16:43 - 16:46

build trust the fastest and the deepest

16:45 - 16:49

so podcasting is a great

16:46 - 16:51

platform a step up from podcasting is

16:49 - 16:53

long form video and the only reason why

16:51 - 16:55

is because it's just the same as

16:53 - 16:57

podcasting in terms of length of time

16:55 - 16:59

people spent with you but now they get

16:57 - 17:01

to see your face

16:59 - 17:04

not just hear your voice when they see

17:01 - 17:06

your face they see your body language

17:04 - 17:09

they're reminded of you your visually

17:06 - 17:12

you've just got one extra layer of trust

17:09 - 17:14

building because they can see you're a

17:12 - 17:16

real person and and they can also see

17:14 - 17:17

like if you have a nice looking

17:16 - 17:20

background if you look in a professional

17:17 - 17:23

setting it can subtly add a layer of

17:20 - 17:24

trust there as well I would say it's

17:23 - 17:26

almost neck and- neck with audio

17:24 - 17:29

podcasting there's a reason why I'm

17:26 - 17:30

doing both right now like this is an

17:29 - 17:32

audio podcast this is also a long form

17:30 - 17:34

video podcast depending on how you

17:32 - 17:37

consume it because I really do feel like

17:34 - 17:40

video builds trust so it doesn't have to

17:37 - 17:42

be a podcast it can be long form video

17:40 - 17:44

that's why I love where YouTube has gone

17:42 - 17:46

over the years it used to optimize for

17:44 - 17:49

clicks and Views that was a l that's old

17:46 - 17:51

old YouTube for the last decade plus

17:49 - 17:54

it's been optimized for watch time which

17:51 - 17:56

is minutes watched so that's why long

17:54 - 17:58

form video rules because they know if

17:56 - 18:00

people spend a lot of minutes watching

17:58 - 18:02

your content they're going to keep

18:00 - 18:05

watching because you're building trust

18:02 - 18:07

so you don't have to do a video podcast

18:05 - 18:09

but do long videos like talk for 30

18:07 - 18:11

minutes to an hour on something like do

18:09 - 18:12

in-depth master classes on YouTube like

18:11 - 18:15

don't do these quick five minute videos

18:12 - 18:16

only like those are great for a quick

18:15 - 18:18

little dopamine hit but they're not

18:16 - 18:19

going to build trust nearly as much as

18:18 - 18:22

something long like this okay so just

18:19 - 18:25

kind of this is meta do what I'm doing

18:22 - 18:29

and and what I'm saying as well two more

18:25 - 18:33

to go A Step Above long form video is a

18:29 - 18:35

live virtual presentation okay live is

18:33 - 18:38

huge and live virtual is amazing so I'm

18:35 - 18:41

thinking a webinar or a live master

18:38 - 18:45

class or going live on Facebook or Live

18:41 - 18:47

on YouTube right like you can build so

18:45 - 18:50

much credibility and Trust when you are

18:47 - 18:53

live with people because it's raw it's

18:50 - 18:55

unedited people don't trust edits CU

18:53 - 18:57

anybody can edit their videos so if

18:55 - 18:59

you're live they know it's not edited

18:57 - 19:01

they know they're getting the real deal

18:59 - 19:03

so there's something powerful there and

19:01 - 19:05

also they can ask questions and you can

19:03 - 19:09

answer questions live there is nothing

19:05 - 19:11

like a live virtual presentation so this

19:09 - 19:14

is why webinars are so powerful and this

19:11 - 19:16

is why they convert a simple 60-minute

19:14 - 19:19

live presentation like a webinar could

19:16 - 19:21

be your entire trust funnel right I have

19:19 - 19:23

friends that are doing live webinars

19:21 - 19:27

every week for Their audience and then

19:23 - 19:29

selling their offer that's it like get

19:27 - 19:32

people to the live webinar give them a

19:29 - 19:34

powerful presentation make an offer

19:32 - 19:36

build a business okay that's one of the

19:34 - 19:37

best ways to build trust and fastest

19:36 - 19:40

ways to build trust if they spend 45

19:37 - 19:41

minutes to an hour with you online live

19:40 - 19:43

in a presentation they're going to

19:41 - 19:45

really really trust you and they're more

19:43 - 19:48

likely to buy and the number one fastest

19:45 - 19:52

way to build trust or the fastest trust

19:48 - 19:54

vehicle is a live inperson presentation

19:52 - 19:57

so think about a physical stage a

19:54 - 20:00

keynote speaking at a mastermind event

19:57 - 20:03

speaking at a weekend retreat right

20:00 - 20:07

speaking at a a networking event it

20:03 - 20:10

doesn't matter where just iners live so

20:07 - 20:14

this is all the benefits of a webinar

20:10 - 20:16

but with the added just power of being

20:14 - 20:18

imp person with you because they're

20:16 - 20:20

physically seeing you small or big it

20:18 - 20:22

doesn't matter but this is the fastest

20:20 - 20:25

way to build trust with somebody it

20:22 - 20:28

combines everything it's 60 minutes with

20:25 - 20:31

you or 45 minutes with you is amazing

20:28 - 20:33

it's unedited you're you're speaking

20:31 - 20:35

literally in front of people which takes

20:33 - 20:38

a lot of guts so there just an inherent

20:35 - 20:41

like respect that wow she stood up in

20:38 - 20:43

front of the room of 30 people and just

20:41 - 20:45

added value right and so then when you

20:43 - 20:49

make an offer at the back end that or

20:45 - 20:50

even if you don't make an offer hint H

20:49 - 20:51

I'm going to talk to you about that in

20:50 - 20:53

in a minute when you stick around for my

20:51 - 20:56

favorite sales hack that makes selling

20:53 - 20:57

easy you don't even have to sell um

20:56 - 21:00

people want to do business with you

20:57 - 21:02

right so so the fastest way to to build

21:00 - 21:04

trust is to just do a live inperson

21:02 - 21:08

presentation think about a

21:04 - 21:12

keynote so of those seven ads blogging

21:08 - 21:15

or newsletters social media audio

21:12 - 21:17

podcasts long form video or video

21:15 - 21:21

podcast live virtual presentation or

21:17 - 21:25

webinar or an in-person talk or keynote

21:21 - 21:27

you're probably doing one of those

21:25 - 21:30

right which of those seven do you like

21:27 - 21:32

to do they all

21:30 - 21:35

work and you can do multiples you don't

21:32 - 21:40

have to be limited to just one but all

21:35 - 21:43

you need to sell more in 2025 and Beyond

21:40 - 21:46

is one good trust funnel one of those

21:43 - 21:47

strategies optimized for trust building

21:46 - 21:50

not for making the sale optimized for

21:47 - 21:53

trust building will lead to more sales

21:50 - 21:54

of the offer does it making sense you

21:53 - 21:56

could literally this is what's what's

21:54 - 21:59

great about this this is the side

21:56 - 22:01

benefit of optimizing for trust is that

21:59 - 22:03

you don't have to optimize for likes or

22:01 - 22:05

follows or subscribes you don't have to

22:03 - 22:09

think about how can I get as many people

22:05 - 22:11

to see this ad or as many people to

22:09 - 22:13

watch my reals or as many people to

22:11 - 22:15

download my podcast or as many people to

22:13 - 22:17

come to my webinar or I don't have to

22:15 - 22:20

speak on the biggest stages it

22:17 - 22:22

eliminates this vanity metric side of

22:20 - 22:24

things that's hard to optimize for and

22:22 - 22:27

usually the people with the the most

22:24 - 22:30

connections or money can get the biggest

22:27 - 22:32

eyeballs or the the most

22:30 - 22:33

eyeballs it takes away all of that

22:32 - 22:36

because you realize

22:33 - 22:39

man if I can build

22:36 - 22:42

trust like I could physic I could go to

22:39 - 22:45

a room all the way across the country

22:42 - 22:47

and speak to only 50 people and think

22:45 - 22:50

man why did I

22:47 - 22:52

fly physically away from my family to a

22:50 - 22:55

room where only 50 people are going to

22:52 - 22:57

hear me when I could just post an

22:55 - 23:00

episode of my show and have thousands of

22:57 - 23:02

people hear it watch it engage with it

23:00 - 23:04

right and never have to leave my house

23:02 - 23:06

like it changes the the conversation

23:04 - 23:10

because I don't think that way anymore I

23:06 - 23:12

think well if it's the right 50 people

23:10 - 23:15

and I can view that as a live in-person

23:12 - 23:17

event trust funnel I can build trust

23:15 - 23:21

with those 50 people and probably get

23:17 - 23:24

five of them to buy my my coaching or

23:21 - 23:27

buy one of my high ticket

23:24 - 23:29

offers and that could be worth tens of

23:27 - 23:30

thousands of dollars if not hundreds of

23:29 - 23:33

thousands of

23:30 - 23:34

dollars because you realize I don't I

23:33 - 23:36

don't need a lot of people I just need

23:34 - 23:38

to build trust with the people in front

23:36 - 23:41

of me because I'm looking for customers

23:38 - 23:43

I'm not looking for fans right and you

23:41 - 23:45

don't need a ton of customers to make a

23:43 - 23:47


23:45 - 23:50

living fans you like that's an

23:47 - 23:51

insatiable need so you can kind of see

23:50 - 23:53

the beauty of this is you don't have to

23:51 - 23:54

have the biggest podcast audience but if

23:53 - 23:56

it's the right people and you're

23:54 - 23:58

building trust with them you can make an

23:56 - 24:00

offer in every single episode and people

23:58 - 24:03

are going to

24:00 - 24:04

buy is something shifting for you I hope

24:03 - 24:07

so you're probably doing one of these

24:04 - 24:10

seven but just optimize it for trust

24:07 - 24:12

building not for sales not for

24:10 - 24:13

complexity not for Hoops for them to

24:12 - 24:16

jump through so you can be like wow look

24:13 - 24:17

at my whole funnel where they they click

24:16 - 24:19

on this and then if they've watched five

24:17 - 24:21

minutes of this it sends them this you

24:19 - 24:23

know message and then if they do this

24:21 - 24:25

like that that's great if if if there's

24:23 - 24:27

a purpose which is ultimately for

24:25 - 24:29

building trust and if it helps you build

24:27 - 24:30

trust faster but it can so much simpler

24:29 - 24:32

than that now what I want to do to end

24:30 - 24:35

today briefly is just share with you my

24:32 - 24:37

favorite hack for selling without even

24:35 - 24:42

trying because I think this will apply

24:37 - 24:44

to any one of those trust Vehicles ads

24:42 - 24:47

blogging social media podcasting long

24:44 - 24:50

form video live virtual presentations

24:47 - 24:51

in-person presentations right you ready

24:50 - 24:56

for it it's so

24:51 - 24:59

simple embed stories of your client's

24:56 - 25:01

transformation everywhere you can embed

24:59 - 25:05

stories of your client's

25:01 - 25:07

transformation everywhere you

25:05 - 25:09

can it's funny let's think about a

25:07 - 25:11

webinar for example because that's a

25:09 - 25:12

vehicle that a lot of my people are

25:11 - 25:15


25:12 - 25:17

with I'll have a client or student or a

25:15 - 25:18

group of people say yes I I have a

25:17 - 25:21

webinar I want to do a webinar I believe

25:18 - 25:23

that webinars are powerful and I'm good

25:21 - 25:24

with the content side of the webinar but

25:23 - 25:27

when it gets to that moment where I have

25:24 - 25:29

to transition to the pitch oh I get so

25:27 - 25:30

so nervous

25:29 - 25:31

and the reason they get nervous is

25:30 - 25:33

because they don't feel like they're a

25:31 - 25:35

great salesperson they don't like to ask

25:33 - 25:37

for money they're afraid people are

25:35 - 25:38

going to get like frustrated like oh

25:37 - 25:40

this is a bait and switch I thought you

25:38 - 25:41

were going to add value whatever there's

25:40 - 25:44

a lot of fears and most of them are

25:41 - 25:46

unfounded but the big problem is is they

25:44 - 25:50

they have a misconception they believe

25:46 - 25:51

that the sale is happening in the pitch

25:50 - 25:54


25:51 - 25:59

quote if you're doing your job right the

25:54 - 26:01

sales happen long before the pitch

25:59 - 26:04

in fact I want you to get rid of the

26:01 - 26:06

pitch as part of your

26:04 - 26:08

vocabulary replace it with just the

26:06 - 26:11

point in your presentation where you

26:08 - 26:13

call them to take action give them the

26:11 - 26:14

next step and that next step might be

26:13 - 26:17


26:14 - 26:19

offer no the sale has probably happened

26:17 - 26:21

long before that if you've done your job

26:19 - 26:24

and by do your job I mean you've

26:21 - 26:26

embedded stories or at least one good

26:24 - 26:29

story of your client's

26:26 - 26:32

transformation in the present

26:29 - 26:34

somewhere so I'll do this by talking

26:32 - 26:36

about some of my favorite students and

26:34 - 26:39

I'll talk about their paino when they

26:36 - 26:41

came to me um and I'll talk about what

26:39 - 26:43

we worked on and I'll share their

26:41 - 26:46

success and what they're doing now and

26:43 - 26:48

I'll share it real casually and I might

26:46 - 26:50

mention the name of my program they went

26:48 - 26:53

through briefly or I might mention for

26:50 - 26:56

like three seconds that she hired me or

26:53 - 26:58

he hired me right but then I quickly

26:56 - 27:00

move on to what did we do together

26:58 - 27:01

together what were what was their pain

27:00 - 27:04

they were feeling when they came what

27:01 - 27:05

was their dream goal that they wanted

27:04 - 27:07

what process did I take them through to

27:05 - 27:09

eliminate their pain points to solve

27:07 - 27:11

their problem to give them their dream

27:09 - 27:13

outcome to give them all these different

27:11 - 27:15

payoffs what's happening when I'm

27:13 - 27:17

telling that story well one I'm telling

27:15 - 27:19

a story so it's it's very natural I'm

27:17 - 27:22

not selling you anything so your guard

27:19 - 27:24

goes down people's guard and rational

27:22 - 27:25

logical brain the brain that's like

27:24 - 27:27

judgment Zone goes down when they're

27:25 - 27:29

hearing a story cuz now they're just

27:27 - 27:30

willing to receive the story so now

27:29 - 27:34

you're you're receiving and hearing

27:30 - 27:35

better uh two they're imagining

27:34 - 27:39

themselves in your client's

27:35 - 27:40

transformation story so a case study

27:39 - 27:42

even if it's just a brief mention of one

27:40 - 27:43

of your clients how they went from this

27:42 - 27:46

to this or what their their complaint or

27:43 - 27:47

problem was but now where they're at

27:46 - 27:49

when we hear a story of someone's

27:47 - 27:50

transformation if it if it's one that

27:49 - 27:53

lines up with our own paino and problem

27:50 - 27:54

or season of life we want to project

27:53 - 27:57

ourselves naturally we do project

27:54 - 27:58

ourselves naturally into that story and

27:57 - 28:00

say wow I wonder if I could have that

27:58 - 28:02

transformation and this is happening

28:00 - 28:04

quickly at a subconscious level but it's

28:02 - 28:06

a beautiful thing because you're not

28:04 - 28:07

even asking them to work with you or buy

28:06 - 28:09

your product you're talking about

28:07 - 28:11

someone else but they they can't help

28:09 - 28:14

but put themselves in the the client's

28:11 - 28:15

shoes and if you don't have clients yet

28:14 - 28:17

that that transformation story could be

28:15 - 28:19

your own just share your own story and

28:17 - 28:21

this is why like even it's powerful in a

28:19 - 28:24

keynote presentation or a webinar at the

28:21 - 28:27

beginning to tell a story your own story

28:24 - 28:29

of transformation right that shows that

28:27 - 28:32

you are a normal person like them that

28:29 - 28:33

had the same problem that they had right

28:32 - 28:36

but that you found a solution to that

28:33 - 28:37

problem and wow people are already

28:36 - 28:39

trusting you they're already hooked

28:37 - 28:41

because they want to know what did you

28:39 - 28:46

do to get where you

28:41 - 28:48

are so by the time you get to the pitch

28:46 - 28:51

or the point in the presentation or the

28:48 - 28:54

ad or the blog post or social media or

28:51 - 28:57

the DM where you you make an offer you

28:54 - 28:59

call them to take an action man they're

28:57 - 29:00

ready to do business with you why why

28:59 - 29:02

because then they haven't heard about

29:00 - 29:04

your specific program or coaching or

29:02 - 29:05

offer or service yet why because they

29:04 - 29:08


29:05 - 29:09

you because that's what sells trust is

29:08 - 29:13

what sells and so that's all you need to

29:09 - 29:15

do is optimize for trust building you

29:13 - 29:18

optimize for trust building then you can

29:15 - 29:20

bumble your way through hey quickly my

29:18 - 29:22

best clients work with me in my whatever

29:20 - 29:24

whatever program or you heard me talk

29:22 - 29:26

about so and so she went through this

29:24 - 29:28

course of mine if you're interested

29:26 - 29:29

click the link below

29:28 - 29:31

then then you don't even have to be a

29:29 - 29:34

great salesperson because you've done

29:31 - 29:36

the hard lifting of embedding a story of

29:34 - 29:38

transformation earlier in your

29:36 - 29:40

presentation or earlier in your podcast

29:38 - 29:41

or earlier in your blog post or earlier

29:40 - 29:43

in your

29:41 - 29:45

email and you've built trust through

29:43 - 29:46

that story and you built trust by adding

29:45 - 29:49

tons of value and and teaching and

29:46 - 29:51

sharing and educating breaking limiting

29:49 - 29:53

beliefs so that when you make an offer

29:51 - 29:55

you're just holding it out saying hey

29:53 - 29:57

you want to go deeper with

29:55 - 30:00

me and they get to say yes or no and

29:57 - 30:03

this makes selling so effortless you

30:00 - 30:04

don't even have to sell you're just like

30:03 - 30:06

do you want more of this or not and

30:04 - 30:09

they're like yes I

30:06 - 30:11

do so that's my favorite hack for

30:09 - 30:14

selling without trying hopefully you can

30:11 - 30:16

use that in all or any of these seven

30:14 - 30:17

trust Vehicles so my friend sales

30:16 - 30:19

funnels are out don't think about making

30:17 - 30:21

a sale don't think about complexity

30:19 - 30:25

don't think about Hoops to jump through

30:21 - 30:28

don't don't think about uh marketing

30:25 - 30:30

language or tactics just build a trust

30:28 - 30:33

funnel have one good trust funnel in

30:30 - 30:35

your business minimum optimize for

30:33 - 30:37

building trust doesn't matter how big

30:35 - 30:39

the audience is is is you're going to

30:37 - 30:41

build trust with the right people and

30:39 - 30:42

you're going to make sales effortlessly

30:41 - 30:44

so let me know in a comment below if

30:42 - 30:45

you're watching on YouTube which of

30:44 - 30:47

those seven vehicles for building trust

30:45 - 30:49

in the Speed Of Trust Spectrum you are

30:47 - 30:51

already using or you want to press into

30:49 - 30:53

two more uh and if you're listening on

30:51 - 30:55

Apple podcast or Spotify just stop and

30:53 - 30:58

think what's the one that I'm going to

30:55 - 30:59

focus on going into 2025 and how am I

30:58 - 31:02

going to optimize for building trust

30:59 - 31:04

versus likes or follows or subscribes

31:02 - 31:06

thanks for hanging out with me today as

31:04 - 31:09

always I hope this built some trust with

31:06 - 31:11

you um so that you'll trust me and maybe

31:09 - 31:13

go deeper with me in some of my coaching

31:11 - 31:14

and Pursuits that are coming up in the

31:13 - 31:16

future which I'll be telling you more

31:14 - 31:17

about to as well so stay tuned for that

31:16 - 31:20

I have some really really cool things to

31:17 - 31:22

share with you in the near future very

31:20 - 31:24

very near future so if you're hopefully

31:22 - 31:26

you're on my email list and hopefully

31:24 - 31:27

you are ready for going deeper and

31:26 - 31:29

deeper with me in 2025 cuz I got some

31:27 - 31:30

cool opportunities for you coming up

31:29 - 31:33

I'll see you on another episode real

31:30 - 31:33


Building Trust Funnel: A New Approach to Selling

In today's digital age, the traditional concept of sales funnels has evolved with the rise of online automation. However, what if I told you that focusing solely on sales funnels could be holding you back? What if, instead, the key to converting prospects into customers lies in building trust rather than complex sales tactics? Today, I'll introduce you to a more effective approach to selling and share seven practical ways to implement this concept in your business. Stick around until the end, where I reveal my favorite hack for selling effortlessly. Let's dive in!

The Evolution of Sales Funnels

The idea of a sales funnel, though commonly associated with the online space these days, has been at the core of selling for decades. From attracting a wide pool of potential prospects to guiding them through a process of narrowing down to convert them into customers, the essence remains the same. However, the obsession with sales funnels in the modern business world has led to some critical issues that may hinder success.

The Pitfalls of Sales Funnels

The prevalent focus on sales funnels has led to a problematic approach centered solely on making a sale. Such a practice can compromise your reputation and long-term business sustainability. Moreover, the complexity of modern sales funnels often creates unnecessary obstacles for prospects, making it harder for them to engage with your offerings. Additionally, the pressure to conform to traditional sales tactics can often make individuals feel inauthentic and disconnected from their audience.

Enter the Trust Funnel

Instead of fixating on sales funnels, a paradigm shift towards trust funnels can revolutionize your selling strategy. A trust funnel prioritizes building trust with prospects over making an immediate sale. By focusing on nurturing trust, you create an environment where sales naturally follow as a byproduct of strong relationships.

Trust-Building Vehicles

To implement a trust funnel effectively, consider leveraging various trust-building vehicles, ranging from ads and blogging to social media, podcasts, live presentations, and more. Each of these avenues offers a unique opportunity to engage with your audience, share valuable content, and embed stories of client transformations. By weaving narratives of success throughout your interactions, you can create authentic connections and establish credibility with your audience.

The Power of Client Stories

One of the most potent strategies for selling without overt selling is embedding stories of client transformations in your content. By showcasing real-life examples of how your services or products have positively impacted clients, you invite prospects to envision themselves experiencing similar outcomes. These stories create an emotional connection, instill trust, and pre-sell your offerings before you even present them with an offer.

Embracing Effortless Selling

When trust becomes the foundation of your sales approach, the act of selling transforms into a natural progression of the trust-building journey. By authentically connecting with your audience, providing value, and sharing compelling success stories, you pave the way for seamless sales conversions. Remember, customers are more inclined to do business with someone they know, like, and trust.

Conclusion: Trust, Not Funnels, Sells

In conclusion, the future of successful selling lies in trust, not sales funnels. By reframing your mindset to focus on building trust through genuine connections and impactful storytelling, you can elevate your sales process and cultivate long-lasting customer relationships. So, as you navigate your business endeavors in 2025 and beyond, remember that trust is the ultimate currency in the world of sales. Start building your trust funnel today and watch your sales soar effortlessly.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Selling Approach?

As you reflect on the insights shared here, consider how you can incorporate trust-building strategies into your business model. Whether it's through ads, blogging, social media, podcasts, live presentations, or client stories, choose the trust vehicles that resonate with you and align with your brand's authenticity. Embrace the power of trust, and watch as selling becomes a natural, fulfilling journey. Trust in the process, trust in your story, and let trust be the guiding principle in all your future sales endeavors.

In a world where trust reigns supreme, building authentic connections is the cornerstone of successful selling. Dare to forge a new path, one paved with trust, empathy, and genuine human connection. Your customers are waiting to embark on this journey with you. Embrace the trust funnel, and witness the transformation it brings to your business. Happy selling!

Let Trust Lead the Way to Unprecedented Sales Success

In a landscape where relationships matter more than transactions, cultivating trust is the secret ingredient to sales success. As you embark on this trust-building journey, remember that every interaction is an opportunity to foster connections that transcend mere transactions. Trust in your story, trust in your process, and above all, trust in the power of genuine human connection to drive your sales to unparalleled heights. So, go forth, build trust, and watch your sales soar beyond your wildest imagination!